All Nonfiction Freebies found in the past 24 hours

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How to Double Your Reading Speed in One Evening: Speed Reading Course by Jose Vergara 3.9 Stars (48 Reviews)    Price verified 10 minutes ago

Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed by the sheer volume of reading you need to tackle daily? Whether you're a dedicated student, a driven professional, or a voracious lifelong learner, you know all too well the frustration of slow reading speeds and cumbersome comprehension rates that just don't keep up with your aspirations. Imagine doubling your reading speed in just one evening, transforming the way you learn and work. With the expertly crafted guide, "Double Your Reading Speed in One Evening," this isn't just a promise -- it's your new reality. Authored by a productivity expert who has conquered thousands of books, this manual is designed to unleash the full potential of your reading abilities through proven, actionable techniques. This book is not just another theoretical discourse on speed reading; it's a practical toolkit packed with real exercises focused on enhancing your cognitive processing and eye movement. Here's what you will achieve: • Double your reading speed on the very first night with simple, effective techniques. • Overcome psychological barriers that have been slowing you down. • Apply practical strategies for immediate and noticeable improvements. • Train your mind and eyes for long-term success in every reading endeavor. You'll gain invaluable skills that will not only save you hours but also allow you to absorb more information than ever before, boosting both your career and personal knowledge base. Are you ready to elevate your reading skills and conquer your informational goals with unprecedented efficiency? Click the Buy button to grab your copy of "Double Your Reading Speed in One Evening" and start a journey that promises to revolutionize your reading habits. Order now and begin the path to becoming the most efficient reader you've ever been! To your success, Jose Vergara P.S. Don't let another day of slow reading hold you back. Make the decision to accelerate your learning and career growth today with a guide that ...

Genre: Self-Help [f] [x]
Length: 68 Pages (768 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

40 is the New 80: A Semi-Practical Guide to the Halftime of Life by P.J. Staz 4.2 Stars (3 Reviews)    Price verified 10 minutes ago

Welcome to the halftime of life! 40 is the New 80 is a short motivational book for 40 year olds to understand the significance of this opportunity-filled yet overlooked age. Written in a practical and direct approach with easy to understand language, it showcases unique perspectives to make this next period of life matter more to you. Taking into account the many obstacles that could arise at this age, this bespoke guide invites you to start on a new journey, answering these questions along the way: • What does it mean to be 40 years old and why is this age so significant? • What are the best ways to measure and assess where your life is at, so that you can make the remainder of your life better? • Why does imagining our 80 year old self, help us today? • What actions can you take right now so that you can become your best self? These thought-provoking insights will inspire you to take action at this midpoint of your life, and pivot onto a new path where you can become your best self, in whatever way you define that. You could improve your life in ways you did not think were possible, so that you do not miss out on everything you are capable of achieving.

Genre: Health, Fitness & Dieting [f] [x]
Length: 219 Pages (1,275 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

High Protein Slow Cooker Cookbook Quick & Delicious Ideas for Healthy Meals: Explore New Recipes with Original Photos by Gary Gainz 4.8 Stars (7 Reviews)    Price verified 15 minutes ago

Do you need help to balance a busy lifestyle with the need for nutritious, protein-rich meals? Look no further! Gary Gainz's "High Protein Slow Cooker Cookbook" is here to revolutionize your cooking experience. Craving nutritious, protein-packed meals but short on time? Discover the game-changing "High Protein Slow Cooker Cookbook" by Gary Gainz, where convenience and health meet culinary delight! Unlock a treasure trove of over 60 high-protein recipes, each designed for the ease and simplicity of your slow cooker. From succulent meats to hearty vegetarian dishes, this cookbook offers various delicious options that cater to every palate. Each recipe is complemented by a stunning, original photograph, making meal preparation an enticing visual journey. Nutritionally Balanced: Each dish is protein-rich, perfect for fitness enthusiasts, busy professionals, or anyone looking to boost their health. Diverse Flavors: Explore a variety of cuisines, ensuring mealtime is always an exciting adventure. Family-Friendly: Delight everyone at the table with recipes designed to please all ages. Expert Tips: Gary Gainz shares his invaluable insights, making healthy cooking accessible and enjoyable. Original Photography: Visualize your culinary creations with beautiful, full-color photos. Adaptable Recipes: Find options for different dietary needs, ensuring everyone can enjoy these delicious meals. Exclusive Online Content: Access additional recipes, cooking tips, and community support with a simple scan of QR codes in the book

Genre: Cookbooks, Food & Wine [f] [x]
Size: 46,828 KB
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Encounters from Beyond: Tales of the World's Most Astonishing UFO Sightings by Samuel Buckiewicz 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 15 minutes ago

"Encounters from Beyond" by Samuel Buckiewicz is a comprehensive exploration into the mysterious and captivating world of UFO sightings and extraterrestrial encounters. This meticulously researched book delves into some of the most significant and well-documented incidents in UFO history, providing a detailed analysis of each event. From the legendary Roswell Incident and the baffling Rendlesham Forest Encounter to modern-day sightings like the Phoenix Lights and the Nimitz Encounters, Buckiewicz presents eyewitness testimonies, government documents, and scientific investigations to shed light on these unexplained phenomena. Each chapter meticulously reconstructs the events, examines the evidence, and explores the possible explanations, blending a narrative style with investigative rigor. Key features of the book include: • Detailed Case Studies: Each major UFO sighting is explored in-depth, with detailed recounting of the events, analysis of eyewitness accounts, and examination of physical and circumstantial evidence. • Technological and Scientific Analysis: The book discusses the role of advanced technologies in detecting and analyzing UAPs, and how these technologies are pushing the boundaries of our understanding. • Government and Military Involvement: Insight into how different governments and military organizations have responded to UFO sightings, including efforts at transparency and ongoing investigations. • Whistleblower Revelations: Coverage of key whistleblowers, such as David Grusch, who have come forward with claims about government knowledge and cover-ups regarding UFOs. • Impact and Implications: Analysis of the societal, scientific, and psychological impacts of UFO sightings, and what these phenomena could mean for humanity's future. "Encounters from Beyond" is essential reading for anyone fascinated by the mysteries of the universe and the ongoing quest to understand the unexplained. Samuel Buckiewicz combines thorough research ...

Genre: History [f] [x]
Length: 140 Pages
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Investing in Real Estate Rentals: A Comprehensive Guide To Investments That Will Change Your Life by Denille Morris 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 15 minutes ago

Unlock the secrets of successful real estate investing and gain financial freedom! In this book, we're going to peel back the curtain on the secrets of successful real estate investing, whether you're starting from scratch or looking to expand your portfolio. Consider this your ultimate guidebook to navigate the twists and turns of the investor market. This book includes: - Practical advice and real-life stories to make complex concepts easy to understand - Strategies for creative financing when you don't have deep pockets - Learn how to spot lucrative opportunities and negotiate killer deals - Insider tips on how to dodge pitfalls and what to do if you end up with a money pit - Gain the confidence to manage a portfolio yourself or build a team and outsource - And much more! Get ready to unlock the keys to financial freedom and create a life where your money works harder than you do!

Genre: Business & Money [f] [x]
Length: 145 Pages (643 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Brief history of Palestine (The Nakba) by Rahmeh Sameh 3.5 Stars (2 Reviews)    Price verified 17 minutes ago

"Brief history of Palestine" is a captivating exploration of the Palestinian Nakba, offering a nuanced perspective on one of the most defining moments in modern history. Through meticulous research and compelling narratives, this book sheds light on the untold stories of survival, resilience, and hope amidst the tumultuous events of 1948. Dive into the rich historical context of pre-1948 Palestine, examining the diverse demographics and complex political landscape that set the stage for the Nakba. From the British Mandate to the Zionist movement and the United Nations Partition Plan, uncover the factors leading to the catastrophic displacement and expulsion of Palestinians from their homeland.

Genre: Politics & Social Sciences [f] [x]
Length: 50 Pages (173 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Pepper Companion Plants & Growing Sweet Peppers: Boxed Sets (Growing Spices) by Kingston Publishing 4.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 22 minutes ago

Here are beneficial things you'll learn from these two books about companion planting for peppers and growing sweet peppers. Pepper Companion Plants Beneficial Companions: Learn which plants, like basil, carrots, and onions, can help improve pepper growth by repelling pests or providing essential nutrients. Deterrent Plants: Discover which plants, such as marigolds and nasturtiums, can deter common pests like aphids and nematodes, protecting your pepper plants. Growth Enhancers: Understand how companion plants can enhance pepper growth through mutual benefits like improved soil quality and shade provision. Space Utilization: Learn techniques for intercropping peppers with other plants to maximize garden space and increase overall yield. Soil Health: Explore how certain companion plants can improve soil health by fixing nitrogen or adding organic matter, benefiting pepper plants. Pest Control: Gain knowledge on natural pest control methods using companion plants, reducing the need for chemical pesticides. Attracting Pollinators: Find out which flowers or herbs attract pollinators to your garden, boosting pepper fruit set and yield. Avoiding Bad Neighbors: Learn which plants to avoid planting near peppers, such as fennel and kohlrabi, which can stunt their growth. Crop Rotation: Discover the importance of crop rotation and which plants to follow peppers in succession planting to maintain soil fertility. Microclimate Management: Learn how to use companion plants to create a favorable microclimate for peppers, protecting them from extreme weather conditions. Growing Sweet Peppers Variety Selection: Understand the different varieties of sweet peppers and how to choose the best ones for your climate and garden conditions. Soil Preparation: Learn about the ideal soil conditions for growing sweet peppers, including pH levels, nutrient requirements, and drainage. Planting Techniques: Discover the best planting techniques, including spacing, depth, and timing, to ensure ...

Genre: Crafts, Hobbies & Home [f] [x]
Length: 110 Pages
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

ADHD Explained: Natural, Effective, Drug-Free Treatment For Your Child by C.K. Murray 4.4 Stars (32 Reviews)    Price verified 27 minutes ago

ADHD diagnoses are exploding Do you know why? Worldwide, the disorder affects roughly 5-7% of kids under the age of 18. In the United States, that number is north of 11%. As the disorder continues to plague children at every level, the questions grow louder. What is causing this? Are the diagnoses too prevalent? Is there a significant upswing in misdiagnoses and dual diagnoses? Are modern societies over-medicating learning disabilities? And most importantly, with our incredible advances in neuropsychology and naturopathy, what are we going to do about it? Natural Treatment. Effective Treatment. Drug-Free Treatment. If your child suffers from ADHD, it's time to get informed. Learn the signs and symptoms, understand the causes, and dispel the myths. It is more than possible to have ADHD treatment that is natural, that targets ADHD without drugs. There are many highly effective coping mechanisms, natural remedies, and preventative measures and they are all natural--and safer--solutions. Before stimulants and amphetamines are prescribed, know the facts. ADHD EXPLAINED If you're seeking natural help with ADHD, you have to take charge of the disorder. Understand the assessment criteria, make the lifestyle changes, master the nutrition and diet, and save yourself the heartache, and headache, of a life of wasted potential. Don't be fooled by the myths; don't allow false information about symptoms, causes, and ADHD treatment to prevent you from an effective understanding! Neuropsychology is here to help. You owe it to yourself and to your child to stay ahead of the curve! As of now, the long-term drug effects on children with attention deficit disorder are largely unknown. In many cases, their negative effects actually outweigh the neurobehavioral symptoms. This is why natural ADHD treatment options are so crucial. All sufferers deserve treatment for ADHD without drugs. ADHD Explained: Natural, Effective, Drug-Free Treatment For Your Child Concise, easy-to-read, ...

Genre: Education & Teaching [f] [x]
Length: 70 Pages (503 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Nancy Wake: A Life from Beginning to End (World War 2 Biographies) by Hourly History Price verified 35 minutes ago

Discover the remarkable life of Nancy Wake... Free BONUS Inside! Nancy Wake was a brave woman. She risked her life behind enemy lines during the Nazi occupation of France in the Second World War. The Gestapo dubbed her "The White Mouse" for her uncanny ability to evade their traps. When it became too dangerous, she left France -- not to flee -- but to join the resistance. Before the war, Nancy lived a life of luxury with her husband, a wealthy French industrialist. The war disrupted this idyllic life and brought out a new side to Nancy's personality. Suddenly, she hid downed Allied servicemen in her home and guided them over the Pyrenees to the safety of neutral Spain. Later, she helped organize the French resistance fighters known as the Maquis. Nancy parachuted back into France just in time for the D-Day invasion, joining other brave partisans and saboteurs to boost the chances of an Allied victory. After the war, Nancy Wake lived several more happy and eventful decades. This is her life -- this is her story. Discover a plethora of topics such as • Troubled Childhood • The World at War • Becoming the White Mouse • Preparing for D-Day • Working with the Maquis • Postwar Life and Death • And much more! So if you want a concise and informative book on Nancy Wake, simply scroll up and click the "Buy now" button for instant access!

Genre: Biographies & Memoirs [f] [x]
Length: 43 Pages (881 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

10 Minutes to Reduced Stress: Quick Mental Resets for a Less Anxious Life by Haven Finn 4.5 Stars (2 Reviews)    Price verified 35 minutes ago

In today's fast-paced world, stress and anxiety have become pervasive challenges that affect our daily lives and overall well-being. "10 Minutes to Reduced Stress: Quick Mental Resets for a Less Anxious Life" is designed for busy professionals, overwhelmed parents, and anyone struggling to manage the pressures of modern living. This book offers practical, actionable strategies that can be implemented in just ten minutes a day, making it an invaluable resource for those seeking immediate relief from stress and anxiety. Drawing on a wealth of research and expert insights, this guide addresses the most pressing issues related to stress and anxiety management. From understanding the underlying causes and physiological responses to developing effective self-care routines, cognitive strategies, and mindfulness practices, each chapter provides clear, step-by-step techniques to help you regain control over your mental well-being. Whether you are dealing with chronic stress, occasional anxiety, or simply looking to enhance your emotional resilience, this book offers solutions tailored to fit your lifestyle. Packed with practical ideas and easy-to-follow exercises, "10 Minutes to Reduced Stress" empowers you to take charge of your mental health today. The concise, straightforward approach ensures that you can start implementing these techniques immediately, transforming moments of stress into opportunities for calm and clarity. Embrace a more balanced and less anxious life with this essential guide to stress management.

Genre: Self-Help [f] [x]
Length: 136 Pages (1,488 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Kundalini Yoga Meditation Awakening Guide for Beginners by Alyson Rodgers 3.8 Stars (18 Reviews)    Price verified one hour ago

Interested in getting started with Kundalini Yoga but do not know where or how to begin? Then your search is finally over! Within "Kundalini Yoga: A Meditation Awakening Guide for Beginners" you will discover... • The basics of kundalini and how it came about • Increase your health and longevity with the balancing of chakras • How to get started with kundalini and applying to daily life • And much more for an absolute beginner to experienced yogi! Download today for instant access to beginning your kundalini journey.

Genre: Health, Fitness & Dieting [f] [x]
Length: 36 Pages (1,880 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Organize Your Meal Planning: The Busy Person’s Guide to Healthy Meal Prep (Organize Your Life) by Kevin Wagonfoot 4.5 Stars (2 Reviews)    Price verified 36 minutes ago

"Organize Your Meal Planning" is a dynamic guide designed to transform your approach to daily meals, making healthy eating more straightforward and budget-friendly. Whether you're looking to streamline your grocery shopping or ensure your family enjoys balanced meals without last-minute stress, this book provides practical strategies and insights that promise to enrich your culinary routine. • Dietary Needs and Preferences: Learn to assess and accommodate your household's nutritional requirements and food preferences. • Meal Planning Basics: Explore efficient planning techniques, including tips on choosing recipes and organizing your shopping list to align with store layouts. • Advanced Techniques: Dive into batch cooking, creative uses for leftovers, and seasonally adjusted meal plans that save money. • Overcoming Challenges: Tackle common issues like managing time, adapting meals for dietary restrictions, and keeping meal plans exciting. • Lifestyle Integration: Establish meal planning as a regular habit, engage family members in the process, and use technology to enhance efficiency. "Organize Your Meal Planning" is more than a manual; it's a pathway to transforming your daily routine into an enjoyable, health-focused, and cost-effective practice. Suitable for anyone from single professionals to busy parents, this book empowers you to take control of your kitchen and your time. Start mastering the art of meal planning today. Click the BUY NOW button and begin your journey to a more organized, stress-free mealtime experience!

Genre: Science & Math [f] [x]
Length: 58 Pages (1,529 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

The 1940s - How Was It for You? Hundreds of Personal Memories of the 1940s (20th Century Memories Book 7) by Rob Horlock 3.8 Stars (10 Reviews)    Price verified 2 hours ago

'How Was It for You?' is an extensive collection of hundreds of people's personal memories from the unforgettable decade of the 1940s. Whilst many of these memories are of experiences in World War Two, a host of other events in the decade are also recalled. Serious, sad, emotional and humorous stories and anecdotes are all recounted in a variety of styles. A great gift for anyone who lived through these times or who has an interest in this era. If you lived through the 1940s, 'How Was It for You?' will certainly bring back many memories. If you can't recall the decade yourself, the book will give you an interesting snapshot of the life and times endured and enjoyed by your older friends and relatives. Researchers into the 1940s will find a host of 'personal views', the memories of real people recalling their lives at that time. The decade was, of course, dominated by World War Two, the world's bloodiest conflict. During the course of the war, 300,000 British servicemen and women were killed. Four million returned to 'civvy street' to pick up their lives. Many peoples' outlooks were changed forever and women, in particular, looked at the world through different eyes after the war. Rationing was in force throughout the 1940s. In spite of (or perhaps, because of) this, the general health of the average person was better after the war than it had been at the start of the decade. Princess Elizabeth married Philip Mountbatten in 1947; the wedding was a welcome break from post-war austerity and amongst the wedding presents was a gift from the Cabinet - all of their combined food coupons. After the war, the electorate chose a socialist government and Churchill was defeated in the election of 1945. People looked forward to a better life. The National Health Service was launched and Social Security was introduced. Working class children with ability were given the chance to improve themselves with the introduction of the 11+ exam, the gateway to a ...

Genre: History [f] [x]
Length: 223 Pages (3,886 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Stories for kid’s classic edition: Short stories set for curious kids Collection of 6 Stories by Dr. Azmat 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 2 hours ago

Stories for Kids Classic Edition is a collection of classic children's stories and fairy tales, likely in the form of a book or an e-book. It may include well-known tales such as "Cinderella," "Snow White," and "Red Riding Hood," among others, with the aim of providing a fun and engaging reading experience for young children.

Genre: Crafts, Hobbies & Home [f] [x]
Length: 21 Pages (2,337 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Are We Insane Yet?: US Political History Events by Sandy Ingram 2.7 Stars (8 Reviews)    Price verified 2 hours ago

UPDATED - February - 2024. A chronology look at current events beginning in 1945 to mid-2017. A question of, "If we're not insane, why not?" Sequencing events in one read can give you insights into the bigger picture. Interesting to say the least, but most importantly, powerful knowledge which can not be denied based on true events. There are no conspiracy theories, only true events with unquestionable dates and times of occurrence. More than anything else, our election of presidents is great for self-exploration as a country. All Americans may not be happy with the Presidential elections, but one thing is certain: each US President is a reflection of ourselves. So let's take a look at ourselves and ask, are we insane yet?

Genre: Biographies & Memoirs [f] [x]
Length: 33 Pages (312 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

THE KEYS OF A WEALTHY MAN: The Secrets to Achieving Financial Freedom Through Strategic Investing by Prof Kevin M. Olmo Price verified 3 hours ago

What Makes Your Life Rich? An interactive journal from the best-selling author of The Keys of a Rich Man. Would you know the answer to that question? The majority of us have never given much thought to the concept of a "rich life" beyond "doing what I want, when I want." Or, we are told to save our entire lives, but then what? How do we appreciate the outcomes? You can finally give yourself time to design your Rich Life by using this book. Learn how to: Complete eye-opening exercises and powerful prompts. • -- Rewire your beliefs about money so that you can move on to the next phase of your life. • -- Instead of asking $3 questions, ask $30,000 ones. • -- Create a strategy to spend more on the things that matter most to you by determining your Money Dials -- the things you enjoy spending money on, such as travel, eating out, health, and convenience. You can begin living your Rich Life once you know what it looks like. No more hazy objectives. No more putting things off. merely a stunning, intricate vision and the self-assurance to bring it to life. So grab a cup of coffee, go to a quiet room, and let's get started.

Genre: Business & Money [f] [x]
Length: 37 Pages (404 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Beyond Intent: Crossing the Threshold to Your Dreams by Gary Spinell 4.4 Stars (24 Reviews)    Price verified 3 hours ago

We often take our first few steps in a new direction with a new thought process and have some partial success. But soon our momentum crawls to a stop until eventually we are stuck. How did we get stuck and more important, how do we get un-stuck? This is the first book that helps explain why you got stuck and shows in both practical and spiritual nuances, how to get un-stuck. Gary writes about the numerous nuances of our behavior, beliefs, thoughts and actions that create our experiences. We have been taught the fundamentals of manifesting, but often these powerful nuances of our everyday thoughts, beliefs and actions are overlooked. You will discover how to finally break through the barriers in your mindset preventing you from reaching success and finally cross the threshold of your dreams. He has truly mastered the nuances to a depth beyond your imagination. This is a must read especially when all other quick-fix modalities have left you without your goal of desire. Gary, keeps his message in down to earth terms that all can understand. Truly this is a must read for all genres!! ~ Janyelle Huff, Intuitive NLP Practitioner. Finally, a book to show the importance of the nuances beyond intention into the art of fulfillment and living your dreams. At last, the author gives the reader true tools that go beyond the simplicity of the law of attraction. ~ Christine Marie Peters MA Radio Co-Host of Life with The Girlfriends Beyond Intent is not only a book, but a COMPASS for you when you feel stuck in life. It will pick you up and show the way to a smart and beautiful solution to different setbacks you may experience. Real life is a journey and with a compass like this, you will never feel stuck and lost again. ~ Solvita Bennett, Founder of This book gives you no excuses and nowhere to hide but instead every reason to have that which you desire in your life. It goes beyond surface manifestation and teaches you how to create the life you ...

Genre: Self-Help [f] [x]
Length: 238 Pages (433 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

ProNature Fitness: Unlocking Radiant Health Through Smart Exercise by Sergio Gonzalez (Smashwords) 4.2 Stars (6 Reviews)    Price verified 3 hours ago

We all know exercise and movement are important for optimum health. What we don't all know however is how to go about it correctly. Just like the laws of aerodynamics govern what a plane must do to fly, so are there laws of health governing how we must move to be healthy. ProNature Fitness (PNF) is a fun, easy-to-read guide explaining the fitness aspect of these laws of health, and how to properly move to unlock amazing health. This guide is meant for people of all ages and fitness capacities. No matter what your background or current condition is, you have enormous potential within that can be realized with PNF. And in case you were wondering, no extra money or time is required. What is required is a commitment to your health, desire to improve, and willingness to use some of your effort in new, smarter ways. Starting with the story of Maximus the caveman and how his story relates to the laws of health, the guide progresses through the do's and don'ts of exercise, and introduces a major key central to unlocking radiant health: the golden hormone. The seemingly magical benefits of this golden hormone are then listed and described, all of which are completely yours for the taking, starting today! The guide tells you exactly how you obtain them; how you must 'fly your plane' to stay in the air. Of course, correct exercise and movement alone are not the whole story, diet and lifestyle are equally important. Some basic yet powerful recommendations in these areas are provided so you may enhance your golden hormone's benefits. An optional supplementation guideline is included for those who wish to take their benefits to the max. For those of you who enjoy weightlifting and stretching, there are additional sections detailing how to go about them in a PNF-way. The guide concludes with a few practical suggestions and sample workouts to help you as you embark on a beautiful, world changing journey. I invite you to join me in my pursuit to create a better world, full of ...

Genre: Health, Fitness & Dieting [f] [x]
Length: 103 Pages (987 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

The Ice Storm: Nonfiction Short Story by Sara Niles 4.0 Stars (5 Reviews)    Price verified 3 hours ago

We Live in a Time Collectively, in which we are experiencing the most instability in our weather patterns in recorded history; We live in a time in which the Earth has shifted on its axis, and the polar ice caps are melting. WEATHER is the biggest threat to civilization we will ever face. We can fight everything else, but we can't fight nature. This Narrative Recreates the 2000 Ice Storm: Only once in a lifetime do we see storms of such power and significance that we know we have seen Nature's Rage up close. I heard my great uncle speak of the notorious Blizzard of 1949, which was so severe that people froze before they could return home from work or school;. He told it with passion because he remembered it, relating how quickly it paralyzed travel and communication, how quickly it killed. I was a child, so as children do, I didn't really get it. You must see some things for yourself. In the year 2000, I got that chance, when the greatest Ice Storm of my Lifetime struck. Nonfiction Narrative Short Story of an Unforgettable Storm told by Sara Niles The deadly forces of nature unleashed an unseasonable severe onslaught of ice and freezing temperatures upon a small town during the Christmas holidays in Southern Oklahoma in the year 2000. Sara Niles was working for a domestic violence agency, and the domestic violence shelter was full.

Genre: Biographies & Memoirs [f] [x]
Length: 26 Pages (1,394 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Closing With the Enemy by Aaron Elson 3.8 Stars (21 Reviews)    Price verified 3 hours ago

Ed Hays of Paramus, N.J., was a 19-year-old tail gunner on a B-17 named Just Elmer's Tune. His pilot was Lt. Elmer Costales, and the plane's name was taken from a popular Glenn Miller song. On its 12 1/2th mission -- did we say anyone was superstitious? -- Just Elmer's Tune was shot down over Denmark. As it was the only American bomber shot down over Denmark that day, Fritz Ulrich, the son of the farmer in whose field Hays landed, was able through rigorous research to locate the German fighter pilot who claimed credit for the kill, and who in turn was shot down by gunners from Hays' plane. Hays and the German pilot, Gunther Sinnecker, met in Berlin in 1998. Hays was active in the American ex-POWs and was a popular speaker in New Jersey schools until his death in 2007. Aaron Elson, who interviewed Hays in 1998, is the son of a tank battalion veteran and has recorded more than 600 hours of oral history interviews with World War II veterans. In addition to a creating popular blog and web site, he has seen his work used as source material in more than two dozen popular books and a dozen documentaries, including some, such as "The Color of War" and "Patton 360," that have been shown on the History Channel.

Genre: History [f] [x]
Length: 35 Pages (600 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Taste of Tamil Nadu : Authentic South Indian Recipes by Aadhya Price verified 3 hours ago

Taste of Tamil Nadu : Authentic South Indian Recipes With "Taste of Tamil Nadu: Authentic South Indian Recipes," indulge in the enticing tastes and culinary customs of South India. This enthralling cookbook takes you on a delicious tour of Tamil Nadu's countryside while exhibiting a treasure trove of traditional foods. This collection perfectly encapsulates South Indian cuisine, from flavorful curries and crispy dosas to spicy chutneys and divine desserts. Learn the secrets of spice blending, the craft of tempering, and the methods that give these dishes their genuine authenticity. This cookbook invites both seasoned cooks and beginners to embark on a savory trip, bringing the soul of Tamil Nadu to your kitchen, with simple-to-follow instructions and gorgeous graphics.

Genre: Cookbooks, Food & Wine [f] [x]
Length: 80 Pages (5,521 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

BEYOND BEEF: Exploring the World of Classic Beef to Exotic Game & 75 Unique Jerky Recipes to Try by Jerky Plug Price verified 2 hours ago

Get ready for a wild culinary adventure with "BEYOND BEEF: Exploring the World of Classic Beef to Exotic Game & 75 Unique Jerky Recipes to Try." This exciting cookbook takes you on a journey through the rich and diverse world of jerky, featuring everything from classic beef to more exotic game meats like venison, elk, and bison. But this isn't just any ordinary cookbook - "BEYOND BEEF" offers a unique and innovative take on jerky, showcasing 75 one-of-a-kind recipes that are sure to tantalize your taste buds. From savory and smoky to sweet and spicy, these jerky recipes are the perfect snack for any occasion. But that's not all - "BEYOND BEEF" also offers a wealth of information on the history of jerky, as well as expert tips and techniques for making your own delicious jerky at home. Whether you're a seasoned jerky connoisseur or just getting started, this cookbook is the ultimate guide to exploring the wonderful world of jerky. So what are you waiting for? Get your copy of "BEYOND BEEF" and discover a whole new world of jerky possibilities!

Genre: Cookbooks, Food & Wine [f] [x]
Length: 175 Pages (2,284 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

5-Ingredient Cooking for Two: Simple Recipes to Make Healthy Lunch, Dinner, and Main Course Eating by APRIL KELSEY Price verified 3 hours ago

5-Ingredient Cooking for Two: Simple Recipes to Make Healthy Lunch, Dinner, and Main Course Eating "5-Ingredient Cooking for Two " is your compass, guiding couples through the delightful journey of small-batch cooking. With just five ingredients, this cookbook offers a treasure trove of mouthwatering meals tailored for two. Imagine waving goodbye to complex recipes and wasted ingredients. Thanks to this guide, cooking becomes a breeze, allowing the authentic flavors of each dish to shine through. Discover 60 recipes explicitly crafted for couples to enjoy at lunch, dinner, and main courses. From the simplicity of Instant Pot Frozen Rib Magic to the savory goodness of Slow Cooker Stuffed Chicken Delight, each recipe promises satisfaction. Here's why you'll love this cookbook: • Total 60 Healthy Simple Recipes • Tasty Variations: Elevate your meals with elegant garnishes and pairing tips, transforming simple recipes into culinary masterpieces. • Simplified Cooking: Each recipe requires just five ingredients, making cooking for two more accessible. Say goodbye to complexity and hello to delicious meals crafted for couples. • Wholesome Choices: Whether you're craving the comfort of Cottage Cheese Egg Scramble or the indulgence of Mushroom Soup Pork Chops Bake, this cookbook offers a variety of options to satisfy your cravings. • Time-Saving Solutions: Say goodbye to hectic evenings with quick and straightforward recipes that minimize time spent in the kitchen. • Versatile Options: You can customize each recipe with tasty variations and easy cooking techniques to suit your taste preferences and dietary needs. Whether enjoying a cozy dinner or a leisurely lunch, "5-Ingredient Cooking for Two" promises simplicity, flavor, and success in every bite. So why wait? Dive into the world of delightful cooking tailored for two, and savor every meal with your partner.

Genre: Cookbooks, Food & Wine [f] [x]
Length: 200 Pages (1,908 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Towers of Acalia: The Reincarnated Core Volume I by Atlas Kane 4.6 Stars (2,066 Reviews)    Price verified 4 hours ago

I've been reborn as a cultivator with a broken core. Time to Save the World. Thankfully, the spirit who reincarnated me modified my core with a rune of power. Now, each time I ascend to a higher level, I can add a new rune, enhancing my strength. But this gift was given with a condition: If I don't climb and conquer the Towers of Acalia, this new world will fall into ruin. Plenty of obstacles stand in my way. Raging Spirit Beasts. Tower summoned monsters. Rival cultivators. But by bonding myself to gorgeous women warriors, I can ascend and grow strong enough to take on the seven towers. Gods help anyone who stands in my way. This Light Novel includes: Isekai / Portal Fantasy Cultivation Gamelit / Lite LitRPG Spell Crafting Interior Art Progression Fantasy Leveling System and Skills Spells and Magic Slow Burn Harem

Genre: Humor & Entertainment [f] [x]
Length: 402 Pages (4,459 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Quilling : Rolled Paper Crafts (Decorative Crafts) by Montego Bay Publishing Price verified 4 hours ago

Traditionally, quilling was used to decorate religious items and books. It gained popularity during the Renaissance and was practiced by nuns and monks in Europe. In this book you'll learn about different techniques that you can use to make your own cards and crafts.

Genre: Crafts, Hobbies & Home [f] [x]
Length: 20 Pages
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

The Adventurer's Guide to Living a Happy Life: 63 Simple Tips to Add Happiness to Your Life Each and Every Day by Matt Mosteller (Open Road Media) 3.9 Stars (24 Reviews)    Price verified 4 hours ago

The Adventurer's Guide to Living a Happy Life is a no-nonsense, straightforward collection of tips that will guide you forward on your journey to a happy life. Leave it to Powder Matt, coach, executive, family man, lover of life, and outdoor adventurer to provide simple tips that you can easily use to enhance your own life. Distilled from his own vast knowledge and experience, from heart-pounding adventures to walking in his local park to preparing and training for one of the world's toughest adventure races, or his harrowing, life-changing experience of surviving a grizzly attack, he boils down what has worked for him into this easy-to-read guide consisting of sixty-three simple tips to add happiness to your life each and every day. This book will help you to: • Stick to adding happiness to your life each and every day • Take stock daily and become aware of your actions • Focus on positive action that creates a ripple effect • Stay motivated, focused, and refreshed • Celebrate the small successes daily • Believe that you will feel happier every day!

Genre: Health, Fitness & Dieting [f] [x]
Length: 57 Pages (2,594 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

A DAY IN THE LIFE OF A STOCK MARKET DAY TRADER by Tristan Jenevieve 3.4 Stars (8 Reviews)    Price verified 4 hours ago

The author returns with a riveting look at his experience day trading the stock and futures market full-time in 2008. The significance being that the sub-prime market crash of that year proved to be the start to one of the worst bear markets in history! Follow Tristan as he carves a slice of time out of that period and some of the tough lessons learned in the process. This essay will prove especially valuable to those who are embarking on their trading journey and unsure of how to answer the question: To day trade or not to day trade? The answer, my dear fellow trader, lies within you...

Genre: Business & Money [f] [x]
Length: 24 Pages (3,653 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

LOW CARB MEDITERRANEAN DIET COOKBOOK FOR SENIORS : The Ultimate Guide to Easy and Delicious Low Carbohydrate Recipes for Weight Loss and Healthy ... by MARIE BROADWELL 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 4 hours ago

The Low Carb Mediterranean Diet Cookbook for Seniors Embark on a transformative culinary journey with "Low Carb Mediterranean Diet Cookbook for Seniors," your passport to the invigorating world of the Low Carb Mediterranean Diet. As a seasoned dietitian, I've witnessed the incredible impact of this lifestyle on the health and vibrancy of seniors. Are you ready to revitalize your well-being, savor mouthwatering meals, and embrace a healthier you? ?? Ever Wondered: • What if you could relish delicious meals while shedding unwanted pounds effortlessly? • How can a Low Carb Mediterranean Diet elevate your energy levels and enhance mental clarity? • Are you prepared to invest in your longevity and enjoy the golden years with renewed vitality? Meet Maria, a vibrant 70-year-old who discovered the transformative power of this cookbook. Struggling with weight and health issues, Maria took charge of her life. With these recipes, she not only lost pounds but radiated newfound energy, leaving her doctor astonished at her rejuvenation. The Guilt of Ignorance: Every day without "Low Carb Mediterranean Diet Cookbook for Seniors" is a missed opportunity for a healthier, happier you. Ignoring the dangers of a sedentary, carb-laden lifestyle can have dire consequences. Don't let guilt linger; take control now. Inside the Pages: ? Understanding the Low Carb Mediterranean Diet: Unveil the secrets and science behind this life-changing regimen. ? Low Carb Mediterranean Breakfasts: Kickstart your day with energy-boosting, guilt-free delights. ? Lunches and Light Bites: Satisfy your midday cravings with nourishing, flavorful options. ? Satisfying Dinners: Indulge in delectable evening feasts without the guilt. ? Vegetarian and Vegan Options: A plant-powered paradise for all dietary preferences. ? Snacks and Appetizers: Tempt your taste buds with guilt-free pleasures. ? Beverages for Seniors: Hydrate with revitalizing, age-friendly drinks. ? Bonus: 21-Day Meal Plan: Your ...

Genre: Cookbooks, Food & Wine [f] [x]
Size: 3,487 KB
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Grill It!: Barbecue Cookbook, BBQ Cookbook, 125 Easy Barbecue Recipes by Bonnie Scott 4.4 Stars (133 Reviews)    Price verified 5 hours ago

Do you love the taste of grilled food? Are you a barbecue junkie when summer comes around? There is nothing better than the smell of food cooking on a grill and it's food that so many of us love. Inside Grill It! 125 Easy Recipes grilling cookbook, you'll find exciting recipes for every type of meat and vegetable and loads of great ideas to make your grilling fun, fast and enjoyable. Complete with dozens of recipes, you will soon be making tasty dishes like: • Chicken Breasts with Ginger Garlic Marinade • Flaming Chicken Satay • Teriyaki Halibut • Korean Barbecue Ribs • Bourbon Baby Back Ribs • Hobo Turkey • Grilled Marinated Pheasant • And more... Grill It! also has useful recipes for tasty sauces and marinades that really bring out the flavor of meat, as well as grilling recipes for breads, vegetables and even desserts. Whatever foods you like grilling, Grill It! will make them better and tastier than ever before. Buy Grill It! 125 Easy Recipes grilling cookbook today and get ready for the grilling season now!

Genre: Cookbooks, Food & Wine [f] [x]
Length: 154 Pages (10,934 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Good Apples Don't Fall Far from the Tree: The Ultimate Apple Cookbook to Get Over Apple Pie by Layla Tacy Price verified 2 hours ago

We've been keeping a close eye on you because we know you love apple pie just as much as we do. It doesn't have to be fall, any sweet craving or dessert calls for a good slice of apple pie! The thing is, apples are good for tons of other desserts that are just as delicious! "Good Apples Don't Fall Far from the Tree" is our collection of the best apple recipes to help you get over apple pie. Not eternally (because why would you), but just enough to get you excited about all kinds of apple desserts! Let's get started!

Genre: Cookbooks, Food & Wine [f] [x]
Length: 57 Pages (12,859 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Chemistry in Industry & Academia by DR. HEBAH ABDEL-WAHAB 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 5 hours ago

Natural medicine focuses on treating diseases, healing, and promoting health using nontoxic and natural means and treatments. This book also provides information on natural treatments for some joint diseases. Physical chemistry is the study of the amount of energy, physical structure of chemical compounds and the way they react with other chemical compounds. It also involves the study of motion, energy, thermodynamics, force, time, quantum chemistry, statistical mechanics, chemical equilibria, and analytical dynamics. This book provides information on the methods used to calculate thermodynamic parameters and the methods used to identify favored products of oxidation using thermodynamic laws. Industrial chemistry involves the development of chemical products. It uses the academic principles of chemistry and environmental science to develop the products for the chemical and pharmaceutical industry. The objective of this book is to give chemical and industrial solutions to industrial quality control problems. It represents advancements in the field of industrial chemistry with inputs by experts in this field. This book will be a guide for both researchers and academicians.

Genre: Science & Math [f] [x]
Length: 244 Pages (10,601 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Leadership at the Edge of Innovation: Navigating the 4th Industrial Revolution in Manufacturing by Dennis Kuzmenko 5.0 Stars (30 Reviews)    Price verified 15 minutes ago

Unlock the Secrets to Thriving in Manufacturing's Technological Frontier. From historical milestones to cutting-edge innovations, explore the dynamic landscape of manufacturing with expert guidance. In Leadership at the Edge of Innovation, Dennis Kuzmenko, a veteran with over two decades of hands-on experience in manufacturing across North America, offers a comprehensive guide for navigating the tumultuous waters of technological transformation. This book isn't just for industry insiders -- it is for anyone striving to understand and harness the power of innovation in today's business landscape. Kuzmenko's insights cut through the noise, providing actionable strategies and unique perspectives that challenge conventional wisdom. Drawing from historical milestones in industrial revolutions to the latest breakthroughs in emerging technologies, he crafts a compelling narrative that illuminates the path forward for manufacturing leaders. Far from a mere compilation of best practices, Leadership at the Edge of Innovation offers a roadmap for shaping the future of manufacturing. Through meticulous analysis and forward-thinking vision, Kuzmenko equips readers with the tools they need to not only survive but thrive amidst rapid technological change. Inside Leadership at the Edge of Innovation readers will: • Gain profound insights into the forces shaping the technological landscape of manufacturing. • Access actionable strategies and perspectives honed by Dennis Kuzmenko's two decades of industry experience. • Explore historical milestones and emerging technologies to understand the past, present, and future of manufacturing. • Receive a comprehensive roadmap for thriving amidst rapid technological change. • Discover thought-provoking ideas that challenge conventional wisdom and inspire innovative leadership. • Equip themselves with the tools and mindset necessary to lead the charge in transforming the manufacturing landscape. • Explore the ...

Genre: Computers & Technology [f] [x]
Length: 269 Pages (590 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Healthy Pressure Cooker Cookbook: Delicious Soup and Stew Recipes by Connor Henderson 3.5 Stars (9 Reviews)    Price verified 5 hours ago

This book contains the most popular soup recipes for pressure cooker you can easily make at home. Different from slow cooker, pressure cooker cooks food faster and also saves energy. Pressure is created by boiling a liquid, such as water or broth, inside the closed pressure cooker. Almost any food which can be cooked in steam or water-based liquids can be cooked in a pressure cooker.

Genre: Cookbooks, Food & Wine [f] [x]
Length: 48 Pages (1,688 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

LOW CHOLESTEROL SLOW COOKER COOKBOOK: The Ultimate Guide to Easy and Nutritious Recipes to Manage Blood Cholesterol Levels, Improve Heart Health and ... by MARIE BROADWELL Price verified 5 hours ago

The Low-Cholesterol Slow Cooker cookbook Are you ready to embark on a culinary journey that tantalizes your taste buds, boosts your health, and leaves you guilt-free? Introducing " The Low-Cholesterol Slow Cooker cookbook" - your passport to a world of delectable dishes that not only satisfy your cravings but also prioritize your heart health. Feel the Sizzle, Taste the Wellness: Wondering how a low-cholesterol slow cooker cookbook can transform your life? Mrs. Anderson struggling with cholesterol levels embraced these recipes, and within weeks, witnessed a remarkable change - lower cholesterol, renewed energy, and a zest for life. The Hidden Perils of Ignoring Your Heart: Have you ever considered the silent dangers of neglecting your cholesterol? This book unravels the consequences with a wake-up call. Ignoring your heart's well-being isn't just a choice; it's a gamble with your future. Don't let guilt linger - take control with every flavorful recipe. Inside the Culinary Treasure Chest: • What is Cholesterol: Demystify the cholesterol conundrum. • Essential Ingredients and Substitutions: Elevate your pantry game. • Slow Cooker Tips and Tricks: Master the art of slow-cooking magic. • Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner Recipes: Fuel your day with heart-healthy goodness. • Vegetarian and Vegan Options: A feast for plant-based enthusiasts. • Seafood Specials: Dive into the ocean of flavor. • Side Dishes, Snacks, and Appetizers: Complement your meals with a twist. • Desserts: Satisfy your sweet tooth guilt-free. • Bonus: 21-Day Meal Plan: A roadmap to a healthier you. Your Step-by-Step Guide to Wellness: Each recipe comes with step-by-step instructions, nutritional information, and a 21-day meal plan. It's not just a cookbook; it's your guide to a vibrant, heart-healthy lifestyle. Take the Leap - Click "Buy" Now! Your heart deserves the best, and this cookbook is your ticket to flavor-packed, guilt-free living. Scroll up, click "Buy," and ...

Genre: Cookbooks, Food & Wine [f] [x]
Size: 3,098 KB
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Sleep Manual: Home Remedies And Foods For A Good Night's Sleep by Cheryl Leonard 2.0 Stars (3 Reviews)    Price verified 5 hours ago

Do you have trouble getting to sleep or staying asleep during the night? Are you tossing and turning with a sense of restlessness? Are you overly tired during the day? Do you feel you may be experiencing sleep deprivation, the condition of not acquiring enough sleep? All of us have experienced trouble sleeping at some time or another, it is normal due to other stressful factors. However, if sleep problems occur frequently and regularly interfere, with you functioning properly in your daily life, you may have a sleeping disorder problem. There are approximately 80 various types of sleep disorders, and around 70 million Americans suffer from them. Approximately one third of our lives is spent sleeping. Sleep calms and restores us after a long day. Even minimal sleep loss will take a demand on our emotions, energy, and the ability to cope with stress. This book examines the stages or cycles of sleep and details sleeping disorders and treatments for them. It contains home remedies for better sleep, as well as 10 Super Foods that promote sleep. Also, there are tips and ideas for bedtime snacks that prepare you for a good night's rest.

Genre: Health, Fitness & Dieting [f] [x]
Length: 27 Pages (1,038 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Discerning Movements of Social Atheism Box Set by Erik Angus MacRae 4.2 Stars (4 Reviews)    Price verified 5 hours ago

This is the complete box set containing the four preliminary works of the author Erik Angus MacRae. Contained within are the four titles: Observational Commentaries on Social Atheism: Volume 1: How Social Atheism Dethroned Christianity and Seized Power in the West, and the Caustic Effects of Darwinian Theory in the World, Volume 2: Scientific Arguments Against Darwin and Documentation of the Bigotry of Atheist Scientists Against Creationists and Christian Scientists, Volume 3: Alarming History and Alarming Predictions: the Communist Manifesto and its Revolutions, and finally, a separate Quote-and-Reply critique of the Communist Manifesto that also contains a copy of the Manifesto itself for cross-reference titled Observational Critique and a Copy of the Communist Manifesto: Drastically Increase your Understanding of The Communist Literature A Few Hours of Reading. The totality of the combined documents spans the whole recent history of Social Atheism represented for the most part in two distinct sects, Darwinism and Marxism which the author argues have been operating together as one Unified Atheism.

Genre: History [f] [x]
Length: 827 Pages (18,585 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Mastered by Minotaurs by Carrie Hines 3.2 Stars (33 Reviews)    Price verified 5 hours ago

Lily can no longer stay in the place she's called home. After so many years of merely being a servant, the man who gave her a roof over her head and food in her belly, has decided to sell her to a duo of traveling minotaurs.

Genre: Reference [f] [x]
Length: 26 Pages (1,725 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

The Meditation Kit: A Beginner's Guide to Items for a Safe Space by Talwinder Sidhu (Terry's Meditation Studio) 4.1 Stars (8 Reviews)    Price verified 5 hours ago

• Do you struggle to sit comfortably in meditation? • Did you know there are a number of support items that can help you meditate? • Want to build your own personal meditation kit? Let's get started... Putting together a meditation kit or setting up a room to meditate is like setting up a classroom, every item inside your safe space should have an intention; a use for being there. The options are plenty, from posture support pieces such as cushions, benches, and mats to meditation aids such as singing bowls, incense, and symbolic artwork. But where do you begin? How do you identify what you need inside your meditation kit? How can you be sure your items in your meditation space are intentional and not simply decorative or appropriative? The Meditation Kit: A Beginner's Guide to Items for a Safe Space will help you identify the needs of your meditation practice and determine what items will help you and/or your class to meditate. You will learnhow to identify common support items and understand how to occupy your meditation space with intentional pieces that serve a purpose and not just to look good. The Meditation Kit also included tips on the best practices and advice for supporting students of all ages, including neurodivergent children such as those living with autism and ADHD. By the end of this book you will become an informed and culturally aware meditation practitioner. You'll be able to shop consciously and confidently knowing how each item you buy will support you and your practice. Whether you're preparing a personalised meditation kit for yourself or a loved one, or maybe you're decorating a dedicated space to practise or teach in, you will understand exactly what it is you need to help you meditate and to reach those coveted deeper states of awareness within.

Genre: Crafts, Hobbies & Home [f] [x]
Length: 57 Pages (4,377 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

The Drawing And Learning Book For Kids by Tejasvi Vashishtha 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 5 hours ago

In this book kids can draw and learn. This book will help their drawing and learning alphabet and many more.

Genre: Education & Teaching [f] [x]
Length: 30 Pages (3,045 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

The Biblical Case for Private Gun Ownership (God and Government) by Gordan Runyan 4.5 Stars (22 Reviews)    Price verified 5 hours ago

10 page article. American culture is buzzing with heated debates on the Second Amendment, gun control, and the rights of individual citizens to use firearms to defend themselves. As Christian citizens hear those arguments and participate in them, it ought to be our priority to follow the principles of Scripture, rather than the opinions of man. This article from pastor Gordan Runyan is meant to arm you with the principles of the Word of God. If your right to defend yourself and your family is a right that comes from God, then no man and no government has the right to take that from you. What does the Scripture say? Is there a Bible verse that teaches a Second Amendment-style right to arms? Should believers even own guns, given all the current heat in the culture over them? Does the Bible teach a right to self-defense? This short study on the right of free people to fight for themselves and their homes will answer your questions.

Genre: Politics & Social Sciences [f] [x]
Length: 12 Pages (1,168 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Start an Online Business: How to Work from Home Generating Passive Income with Amazon FBA by T Whitmore 4.0 Stars (21 Reviews)    Price verified 5 hours ago

Start a Business How to Work from Home Generating Passive Income with Amazon FBA Would you like to sell your own products on Amazon that generate income for you even while you sleep?? Do you have a dream of launching a startup and becoming a successful entrepreneur? Amazon FBA is the program that makes it possible for you to participate in this success and make lots of money in the process! After reading this book you'll have a clear understanding of what the business model of selling physical products on Amazon includes and how a business that sells physical products on Amazon really works from A to Z. Here Is A Preview Of What's Included Inside This Book... • Why Selling Physical Things is a Lucrative Business • How to Come Up With Ideas For Great Products To Sell • How To Turn Ideas Into Products That Will Sell For Massive Profits • How to Find Reliable Suppliers And Source Great Quality Products • Foolproof Tactics to Sell More Products and Make Money • and Much, Much More! Get Your Copy Today! This Amazon FBA for beginner's guide is jam packed with useful information for those interested in entrepreneurship! If you're ready to get started with Amazon FBA, scroll up and hit the 'Buy' button now, or download through Kindle Unlimited. You really have nothing to lose!

Genre: Business & Money [f] [x]
Length: 53 Pages (1,365 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Harnessing the Power of Mindfulness for Self-Discovery: Everyday Enlightenment, Volume 1 by K.G. Blackwell 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 5 hours ago

Description Format Do you ever find yourself going through the motions of life, feeling like something is missing? You wake up, go to work, come home, repeat. But what if I told you that within you lies the key to unlocking your true potential and finding lasting happiness? Imagine a life where every moment is filled with purpose and clarity, where self-discovery is not a distant dream but a daily reality. From the first chapter of Harnessing the Power of Mindfulness for Self-Discovery, you'll discover the tools for uncovering your unique qualities and talents. By the time you get to the final chapter, you'll be able to be so mindful that your everyday experiences will lead you to a deeper understanding of yourself! K.G. Blackwell is an awakened African American spiritual teacher, motivational speaker, and counselor. Driven by his passion for spiritual enlightenment, he now brings you this thought-provoking book that is designed to guide you in connecting with your higher self and living a more conscious life. Are you ready to learn how? Inside Harnessing the Power of Mindfulness for Self-Discovery, you'll discover: • Practical strategies to help you sleep better, interpret your dreams effectively, and enhance your spiritual sight. • Breathing techniques and movement exercises such as Yoga, Tai Chi, and Qigong to enhance your mindfulness and release your emotions constructively. • How to understand your cravings, be mindful of your spiritual hunger, and restore balance in your energy centers. • The best ways to recognize your feelings and manage them effectively. • Effective ways to use creativity as a catalyst for change, enlightenment, and spiritual awakening. • The difference between hearing and listening, along with meditation tools you can incorporate into your life to improve your listening, no matter how challenging this has been for you before. • A step-by-step guide to make you a mindful communicator, express your authentic self, and ...

Genre: Self-Help [f] [x]
Length: 141 Pages (1,060 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Pregnancy A-Z English-French Dictionary Grossesse A-Z Dictionnaire Francais-Anglais by Edita Ciglenecki 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 5 hours ago

Consisting of over 2200 terms concerning a pregnancy, this English-French and French-English dictionary is practical time-saving and easy-to-understand tool for both medical professionals and future parents. All topics, including the parts of human body, different types of injuries, symptoms and diseases, pharmacy, medical facilities, medical procedures, diagnostics, pregnancy and obstetrics, are organized alphabetically in A to Z order. Pratique et facile a consulter, ce dictionnaire anglais- francais et francais-anglais propose plus de 2200 termes medicaux, couvrant l'essentiel de la pratique obstetricale: parties du corps humain; les symptomes et maladies; pharmacie; etablissements medicaux, procedures et soins; examens medicaux, grossesse et obstetrique.

Genre: Health, Fitness & Dieting [f] [x]
Length: 9 Pages (911 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Most Valuable Use of My Time (Permission Granted Today Book 39) by Virginia Reeves 4.0 Stars (3 Reviews)    Price verified 6 hours ago

This book has few typical time management tips. It focuses on personal values. Strive to organize your life to achieve the most balance, harmony, and inner peace you can attain. Ask "What is really important to me?" to clearly examine what you spend your minutes and hours on, why, and how well. A good way to affirm what you want and need to feel happier and more successful is to know the importance of investing time in yourself, family and friends, interests, career, and personal growth. Valuable events in life are Blessings, Accomplishments, and Goals. When imagining anything you want, be sure to add this insurance phrase: "Do this or something better in ways that are for the highest good for me and everyone involved." While there are resources and connections you are unaware of because you have not yet been introduced to them, you have most of the needed tools. What you do with them is a choice. What you make of your life is up to you. What value is placed on your days? What are your assets in knowledge, expertise, beliefs, and value system? What else do you do well - specifically? How and with who are you sharing these attributes? What are the projects, tasks, and fun things you enjoy doing? How have these benefited you and others? Anything else you want to accomplish in your life? Life is filled with continuing challenges. Increase your spirit daily with activities to reinforce your resolve and bring joy to your soul. Every challenge becomes an opportunity for advancement rather than a trap door into unpleasant thoughts and expectations. Once you make a choice and your direction and commitment is firm, trust it! A chapter on habits includes: - be careful what you choose - initiating and following through - releasing limits - facts and opinions - stay in control - leveraging resources - sharing credit and celebrating Clarity of vision is important to identify your goals and define the core reason why something you want to achieve is ...

Genre: Business & Money [f] [x]
Length: 53 Pages (439 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Atkins Diet Cookbook For Beginners 2024: A Comprehensive Atkins Diet Cookbook Unveiling Delectable Recipes and Atkins 20 Diet Meal Plans for Optimal ... by Debra Turney Price verified 6 hours ago

Embark on a life-changing odyssey with "ATKINS DIET COOKBOOOK FOR BEGINNERS 2024," a compelling and irresistible guide to the Atkins Diet. Unveil the secrets of sustained weight loss, boundless energy, and deliciously vibrant living through an expertly curated blend of knowledge, recipes, and a 7-day meal plan. Unlock the Power of the Atkins Diet: Dive deep into the core of the Atkins Diet as this book unveils its transformative principles and phases. Witness the magic that millions have experienced -- a lifestyle that not only reshapes bodies but redefines what it means to truly thrive. Your Blueprint for Success: Navigate the intricate path of the Atkins Diet with confidence. Whether you're a curious beginner or a seasoned aficionado, this book provides the ultimate roadmap, ensuring your journey is smooth, empowering, and, above all, successful. Indulge in a Culinary Feast: Feast your senses on a tantalizing array of recipes crafted to perfection. With 10 breakfast, 10 lunch, and 10 dinner options, each dish is a masterpiece, promising to satisfy your cravings while keeping you steadfast on your path to a healthier, more vibrant you. Decadence Meets Nutrition: Delve into a world where decadence and nutrition coexist harmoniously. Each recipe comes complete with nutritional information, empowering you to make choices that align with your health and wellness goals. A Haven for Beginners: Don't let the unknown intimidate you. This cookbook is your ally, providing a welcoming haven for beginners. With clear instructions, accessible ingredients, and an abundance of flavors, the Atkins Diet is not just a choice -- it's a joy. "ATKINS DIET COOKBOOK FOR BEGINNERS 2024" isn't just a book; it's your ticket to a life of flavor, vitality, and undeniable success on the Atkins Diet. Whether you're seeking weight loss, radiant health, or simply a delicious adventure, this cookbook beckons you to savor the extraordinary possibilities that await. Your journey to a ...

Genre: Health, Fitness & Dieting [f] [x]
Length: 69 Pages (1,923 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Tales of the 1930s by Beatrice Godick Feder 3.5 Stars (6 Reviews)    Price verified 6 hours ago

This book is a collection of short stories written over the years by Beatrice "Grandmom Bea" Godick Feder about her memories of being a child in Philadelphia during the 1930's.

Genre: Humor & Entertainment [f] [x]
Length: 55 Pages (634 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

THE LOST BOOK OF FERMENTATION: The Ultimate Guide To Fermentation (Maynard's Evergreen books 5) by Robert P. Maynard 3.5 Stars (4 Reviews)    Price verified 6 hours ago

Introducing "The Lost Book of Fermentation" by Robert P. Maynard - a comprehensive and in-depth guide to the ancient art of fermentation. Dive into the fascinating world of fermentation and unlock its secrets to transform raw ingredients into a rich array of flavorful and nutritious foods and beverages.In this book, you will embark on a journey through the history and culture of fermentation, exploring its origins, historical uses, cultural significance in different regions, anecdotes, stories, and traditions from around the world. You will learn about the practical applications of fermentation, from homemade favorites like sauerkraut, kimchi, pickles, and yogurt, to artisanal creations such as cheeses, bread, beer, wine, and more. With step-by-step instructions, tips, and troubleshooting guides, this book provides everything you need to confidently ferment your own foods and beverages at home, from beginner-friendly recipes to advanced and experimental creations. Each recipe includes detailed instructions, ingredient lists, and helpful tips to ensure success in your fermentation adventures. Discover the potential health benefits of fermented foods, including probiotics, enzymes, vitamins, and other bioactive compounds that can support gut health, immune function, and overall well-being. Learn about the latest research and scientific findings on the health and nutrition aspects of fermentation, providing evidence-based information to guide your fermentation journey. Unlock the magic of fermentation with "The Lost Book of Fermentation" and embark on a culinary adventure that will captivate your taste buds and nourish your body. Get your copy today and start your journey into the world of fermentation!

Genre: Health, Fitness & Dieting [f] [x]
Length: 83 Pages (578 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Mexico Tourist Spanish: Calendar Cartoon Book (Learn Spanish 8) by Elliot Carruthers Price verified 6 hours ago

¡Bienvenidos a México! Are you looking for the perfect souvenir to remember your trip? Look no further than our Spanish Cartoon Calendar Book! This fun and colorful calendar features whimsical illustrations of Mexico's most famous landmarks, festivals, and traditions, all with a touch of humor that will make you smile every time you flip the page. Whether you're a first-time visitor or a seasoned traveler, this calendar is the perfect way to celebrate your love of Mexico and its vibrant culture. Our calendar book is not just a fun way to stay organized, it's also a great way to learn more about Mexico. Each page includes interesting facts and information about the featured illustration, giving you a deeper understanding of the country's history and culture. Made with high-quality materials, this calendar book is built to last and makes a great addition to any home or office. Plus, it's the perfect size to take with you on the go, so you can always have a little piece of Mexico with you wherever you go. So why wait? Get your Spanish Cartoon Calendar Book today and start celebrating the magic of Mexico all year round! ¡Gracias por su visita!

Genre: Reference [f] [x]
Length: 367 Pages (14,953 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

The Worldwide Cookbook of Popular Recipes: Well-Known Dishes from Countries Around the World by Pierre Gardner Price verified 6 hours ago

Tired of culinary disappointments? Look no further than this ultimate collection of tried-and-true recipes. Designed to deliver flawless results every time, this cookbook is your ticket to hassle-free cooking. Embrace a world of diverse flavors and effortless preparation with our meticulously curated selection of dishes. From appetizing starters to sumptuous mains and decadent desserts, we've got you covered. Elevate your cooking game with easy-to-follow instructions that ensure success, even for the most novice of cooks. Unlock the joy of creating mouthwatering meals without the frustration. Get ready to impress your loved ones and savour the satisfaction of perfectly executed dishes, time after time.

Genre: Cookbooks, Food & Wine [f] [x]
Length: 106 Pages (15,770 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

30 EASY SALAD RECIPES BOOK: Delicious and healthy homemade salad dishes by Lara Daren 4.0 Stars (4 Reviews)    Price verified 7 hours ago

Are you wondering if making salad dishes at home was easy? Then buy this book and discover the secrets. This book will open up a world of flavorful and healthy salad dishes that are easy to make and easy to love. With this book, you'll benefit from: • Easily crafting delightful salads and dressings that will make mealtime exciting and nutritious • Discovering recipes that are bursting with flavor and will keep you feeling energized and satisfied • Unlocking the keys to creating salads using a variety of ingredients that will transform your life Also, This book includes: • 30 delicious and nutritious salad recipes • Easy-to-follow instructions and helpful tips for selecting and storing the freshest ingredients • Innovative combinations like Watermelon and Feta Salad and Mexican Quinoa Salad • Classic favorites like Caesar Salad and Greek Salad • Some useful tips and tricks Make mealtime exciting and nutritious with the '30 Easy Salad Recipes' book. Buy now and thank me later!

Genre: Health, Fitness & Dieting [f] [x]
Length: 48 Pages (499 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

50 One-Minute Meditations for the Modern Soul: Everyday Enlightenment in 60 Seconds by Balance Spiritual 4.3 Stars (7 Reviews)    Price verified 7 hours ago

Life moves fast. Between work, family, and endless to-dos, finding a moment of calm can feel impossible. Enter "50 One-Minute Meditations for the Modern Soul" - your pocket-sized guide to peace in the digital age. Why This Book is a Game-Changer: Instant Calm: Dive into quick meditations designed for real-life moments -- waiting in line, before a meeting, or right before bed. Diverse Experiences: From age-old wisdom to contemporary practices, these meditations cater to every mood and need. For Everyone: New to meditation? A seasoned practitioner? These practices are tailored for all. Inside, You'll Discover: • Stress-busters that help you unwind, even on the busiest days. • Powerful reflections to start and end your day with clarity. • A sense of balance, no matter what life throws at you. In our always-connected world, this book is your reminder to pause. To breathe. To reconnect with yourself. Take back your peace, one minute at a time.

Genre: Self-Help [f] [x]
Length: 34 Pages (145 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Magnetism: A Force Shaping the Universe by Alan Hall 4.3 Stars (7 Reviews)    Price verified 7 hours ago

This essay is a slight revamp of my original magnetism discourse. It contains some new information and is illustrated. The essay also contains a list of pertinent references and further reading material.

Genre: Engineering & Transportation [f] [x]
Length: 43 Pages (2,844 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

The All American BBQ Cookbook: Iconic Barbecue Recipes from Across the USA by Alex K. Aton 4.0 Stars (2 Reviews)    Price verified 36 minutes ago

Get ready to fire up your grill and taste the best barbecue America has to offer! This cookbook is your ticket to a mouthwatering journey through the heart and soul of American BBQ. From the smoky pits of Texas to the saucy ribs of Memphis, we've gathered the most loved and flavorful recipes from across the country. Inside, you'll find easy-to-follow instructions for making classic dishes like tender brisket, juicy pulled pork, and sticky-sweet barbecue chicken. But that's not all - we've also included some lesser-known regional specialties and new twists on old favorites that will surprise and delight your taste buds. Whether you're a backyard griller or a seasoned pitmaster, this cookbook has something for everyone. With helpful tips on techniques, tools, and ingredients, plus beautiful photos of every dish, you'll be inspired to cook up some legendary barbecue in no time. So grab your tongs, put on your apron, and get ready to wow your friends and family with the best barbecue they've ever tasted. This cookbook is your secret weapon for creating unforgettable meals that will have everyone coming back for seconds. Don't wait - order your copy now and start grilling like a pro!

Genre: Cookbooks, Food & Wine [f] [x]
Length: 96 Pages (13,727 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Deliberately Happy: The Simple Proven Happiness Hack by Marina Collins 5.0 Stars (2 Reviews)    Price verified 4 hours ago

About the Book In Deliberately Happy, author and mental health accredited social worker Marina Collins, explains a fail-proof method for improving mental health that can be applied at any time by anyone. The method revealed allows you to take control of your mental health and become Deliberately Happy in under 10 minutes a day. Also provided are tips and tricks on habits and time management written for those who are time-poor and need a mental health boost. The strategies in this book are evidence-based and straightforward. Marina has written this book for individuals but also with GPs, teachers, social workers, and psychologists in mind, making worksheets available to teach the method to patients, students and clients alike as a great tool to allow everyone the opportunity to have a solid foundational baseline of positive mental health and to become Deliberately Happy. About the Author Marina Collins, MSW is a mental health accredited social worker with specialties in trauma, anxiety and depression. Marina has spent decades working in the mental health field and spends her time researching the fundamentals of happiness. Her passion is simplifying concepts and creating methods that can be realistically implemented in real life, even with the busiest schedules. Marina has spent over a decade working at various psychiatric hospitals, teaching mental health skills to patients and has written nationally accredited programs. @deliberatelyhappy_hack

Genre: Self-Help [f] [x]
Length: 88 Pages (1,315 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Money Management for Smart Teenage Boys: A Practical Guide to Strategic Budgeting, Saving, Investing, and Personal Finance for a Secure Future (Skill ... by Joss Reed 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 4 hours ago

If You Want Your Teen to Excel at Money Management Without Struggling Through Boring Financial Texts, Then Keep Reading... This easy-to-follow guide is the perfect gift for helping your teenager understand the ins and outs of money, from saving their first dollar to making smart spending choices. Designed specifically for teenagers, it breaks down complex financial concepts into bite-sized, easily digestible pieces. ? Here's what your teenager will uncover inside: ? • ? The Power of Saving: Encourage them to grow their savings for big dreams like college, a car, or even their very own business. • ? Banking Basics: Help them understand how banks work and how they can use them to their advantage. • ? Earn It Your Way: Inspire with exciting ways to make money doing what they love, from part-time jobs to starting their first side hustle. • ?? Wise Spending: Teach them the art of spending wisely with secrets on getting the most out of their money. • ? Investing 101: A beginner's guide to investing their money to watch it grow over time. • ? Debt Dangers: Inform them about avoiding debt and staying clear of financial pitfalls. • ? Setting Goals: Show them how to set and achieve financial goals with practical, step-by-step strategies. • ? Tools of the Trade: Explore apps and tools that make managing their money fun and easy. • ? And much, much more! Imagine if... ? The Downside: Without these skills, your child may struggle with debt, impulsive spending, and financial insecurity as they grow older, potentially facing challenges like inability to afford college, missed investment opportunities, and constant money stress. ? The Ideal Scenario: With a solid foundation in financial management, they excel at saving and investing wisely, afford their dream college, start their own successful ventures early, and enjoy a stable, prosperous future, free from the anxieties of financial uncertainty. Empower your teenager to take charge of their money ...

Genre: Parenting & Relationships [f] [x]
Length: 107 Pages (2,598 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Eldritch Mind: You are smarter than you know, more powerful than you think! by Paras Sachan (Warlock Digital Press) 4.7 Stars (8 Reviews)    Price verified 8 hours ago

An easy going book for self transformation and smart existence bringing to the reader the knowledge from various sciences and philosophies of the mind. From mind hacking and NLP techniques to Lucid dreaming and their applications in the real life will help you be what you desire. Various tricks, techniques and methods listed here in the text will help the reader realize his/her own explosive potential. Why are we limited when we can be infinite? The chapters weave this information for you. How powerful is an ordinary seeming mind? You never would have imagined. Also, containing a dedicated chapter on higher powers of the mind, this book is a food for thought for anyone. Upgrade yourself to the new superpowers.

Genre: Science & Math [f] [x]
Length: 83 Pages (650 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Chair Yoga for Seniors Made Easy: How Anyone Can Lose-Weight, and Gain Flexibility, Strength, and Wellness, Without Leaving Your Chair in 28 Days by Eleanor Peak 4.8 Stars (28 Reviews)    Price verified 7 hours ago

Unleash the transformative power of Chair Yoga in just 28 days, even if you've spent a lifetime feeling trapped by your own body - You can reclaim vitality, flexibility, and balance... all from the comfort of your chair! Are you struggling with the physical limitations brought about by aging? Is arthritis, osteoporosis, or an injury stopping you from partaking in the activities you once loved? Perhaps your mind is set on wellness and mobility, but your body seems to hang back, struggling to keep pace? The reality is, you're not alone. Countless seniors face the same struggles, trapped in a body that no more resonates with their vibrant spirit. But what if I told you that there is a way to regain your agility, strength, and flexibility, without jeopardizing your safety or requiring expensive equipment or personal trainers? Enter - Chair Yoga for Seniors. An incredible, life-enhancing practice uniquely tailored to cater to your physical circumstances and designed to unleash a new lease on life- a life where you have the power to not just survive- but thrive! Here's just a sneak peek into the treasures that await you: • A comprehensive 28-day Chair Yoga program to kickstart your wellness journey from the comfort of your chair. • Step-by-step illustrations of each pose to ensure you perform them safely, maximizing the benefits. • Essential Chair Yoga poses designed to build strength, increase flexibility, and enhance balance. • Practical insights to modifying poses to suit your level of mobility and accommodate specific health issues like arthritis. • Nutrition advice and an easy-to-follow 7 day diet plan to complement your Chair Yoga practice, promoting weight-loss and overall wellness. • Meditation and mindfulness practices included in the program to minimize stress and enhance mental clarity. • Practical advice to set up your yoga space at home, including the best chairs for Chair Yoga. • Learning to read your body's signals and ...

Genre: Parenting & Relationships [f] [x]
Size: 1,431 KB
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Authentic Mexican Cookbook: Easy Traditional and Modern Recipes for Anyone to Make Mexican Cuisine at Home by Carlie Gerhard 5.0 Stars (3 Reviews)    Price verified 4 hours ago

Authentic Mexican Cookbook: Easy Traditional and Modern Recipes for Anyone to Make Mexican Cuisine at Home Are you ready to bring the vibrant flavors of Mexico into your own kitchen? Look no further than Authentic Mexican Cookbook. This culinary treasure is your guide to creating delicious and authentic Mexican dishes right in the comfort of your home. With over 100 traditional recipes, this cookbook is a celebration of the rich and diverse Mexican cuisine. From sizzling fajitas and tangy salsa to mouthwatering tacos and flavorful enchiladas, you'll find all your favorite dishes along with some delightful surprises. Each recipe is expertly crafted using simple yet authentic ingredients, ensuring that every bite bursts with the true essence of Mexico. Whether you're a seasoned cook or just starting out, Authentic Mexican Cookbook provides easy-to-follow instructions and helpful tips for mastering each recipe. Discover the secrets behind perfect guacamole, learn how to make homemade tortillas from scratch, and explore regional specialties that will transport your taste buds south of the border. Features: • Over 100 authentic Mexican recipes • Clear and easy-to-follow instructions • Helpful tips and techniques • The section on essential Mexican ingredients and cooking methods Don't miss out on this culinary journey through Mexican cuisine. This cookbook is perfect for anyone who wants to learn how to make authentic Mexican food, from beginner to experienced cooks. It is also a great resource for anyone who loves Mexican cuisine and wants to expand their culinary repertoire.

Genre: Cookbooks, Food & Wine [f] [x]
Length: 132 Pages (4,327 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Anti-Inflammatory Cookbook for Beginners: Simple Dietary Guidelines to Boost Your Immune System, Reduce Inflammation, and Achieve Ideal Health by ... by Duncan Hammond 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 15 minutes ago

ARE YOU WAKING UP TO STIFFNESS AND ACHES THAT LAST ALL DAY? DOES THE THOUGHT OF CHRONIC INFLAMMATION BRING A SENSE OF DREAD ABOUT YOUR LONG-TERM HEALTH? WHAT IF THE ENERGY AND VITALITY YOU THOUGHT WAS LOST COULD BE RECLAIMED? It's time to break free from the cycle of persistent inflammation and restore your well-being with a life-changing guide that's more than just a nutrition guide -- it's your roadmap to a rejuvenated self. Inside you'll discover: ? Complete Overview of Inflammation: Uncover the truth about inflammation -- the root cause of many illnesses, including chronic and persistent inflammation. ?Delicious easy-to-follow recipes Savoury, delicious, whole-food recipes that make healthy eating a joy, not a chore. ??10 proven secrets These 10 proven secrets are your guide to battling and overcoming inflammation. ?Lifestyle transformation Our guide isn't just about what to eat; it's about reshaping your lifestyle with smart, stress-free choices. ?75-day easy meal plan Enjoy savoring meals with our detailed meal plan, designed to reduce inflammation and promote healing. ?Health Journal Keep track of your progress and celebrate every milestone with our included health journal. Say goodbye to the days of battling inflammation and hello to a vibrant, energy-filled life! Take the first step towards the health transformation you deserve. Begin your journey to a life full of wellness and energy!

Genre: Health, Fitness & Dieting [f] [x]
Length: 185 Pages (3,297 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

7 Steps to Overcoming a Battle: Seven Essential Steps to Navigate Life's Storms and Emerge Fortified by Ron Brangman 5.0 Stars (7 Reviews)    Price verified 15 minutes ago

Welcome to a life-changing journey! This book will teach you how to overcome the challenges that come your way and transform yourself from within. I don't make this promise lightly. After years of studying and personal experiences, I've discovered seven practical steps to help you navigate life's storms and emerge stronger. I understand that you may be skeptical. In a world of uncertainty, it's natural to question whether a book can make a difference. But I assure you, this is not about empty promises or quick fixes. I'm here to guide you through a transformative process that will challenge and inspire you. Together, we'll build the strength and courage you need to face any battle. Imagine a life where every challenge is an opportunity for growth, fear is replaced by faith, and hindrances are seen as stepping stones to success. Imagine being part of a community of supportive individuals who uplift you and have a deep connection to your inner wisdom.

Genre: Self-Help [f] [x]
Length: 184 Pages (551 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Recipes of The Roaring Twenties: A Vintage Cookbook Taking You Back in Time to the 1920s (Vintage & Retro Recipes) by Steven Masters 3.9 Stars (21 Reviews)    Price verified 15 minutes ago

Enjoy the Opulence of the Roaring 20s Introducing a cookbook that will transport your taste buds back to the enchanting era of the Roaring Twenties! This unique collection of 55 vintage recipes will whisk you away to a time of unparalleled glamour and indulgence. Inspired by the sophistication of the 1920s, our cookbook captures the essence of this golden age, offering you a delightful culinary experience steeped in history. Discover sumptuous dishes and exquisite cocktails that once graced the tables of grand dinner parties and speakeasies, and let your senses revel in the flavors of a bygone era. Our expertly curated cookbook showcases an array of mouthwatering appetizers, delectable entrees, and decadent desserts that will impress even the most discerning palates. Evoke the elegance of Gatsby-style soirées with the luxurious Lobster Newburg, the indulgent Beef Wellington, and the opulent Baked Alaska. Each recipe has been meticulously researched and adapted for the modern kitchen, ensuring that you can recreate these timeless dishes with ease and authenticity. No Roaring Twenties celebration would be complete without the era's iconic cocktails. Our cookbook features 10 classic concoctions, from the sophisticated Martini to the effervescent French 75. Rediscover the art of cocktail-making and master the techniques that will transport you and your guests to the glamourous world of speakeasies and Prohibition-era parties. With these legendary libations, you'll be sure to impress at your next gathering. Not only does this cookbook provide an extraordinary culinary journey, but it also offers a fascinating glimpse into the history and culture of the 1920s. With each recipe, you'll learn about the origins of the dish, its popularity during the era, and how it has evolved over time. Delve into the stories behind these iconic recipes and gain a deeper appreciation for the culinary traditions that have shaped our modern tastes. Bring the Roaring Twenties back to ...

Genre: Cookbooks, Food & Wine [f] [x]
Length: 111 Pages (1,036 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Brownie Baking Cookbook: Delicious Brownie And Baking Recipes You Can Easily Make! (Easy Baking Recipes Book 3) by Jacob King 3.4 Stars (7 Reviews)    Price verified 8 hours ago

This brownie baking cookbook features a variety of delicious brownies anyone can make! If you are a beginner at baking then these recipes are perfect for learning how to get started baking brownies. Novice bakers will also enjoy these tasty brownie recipes. Good luck and we hope you enjoy these easy brownie recipes! This book is on SALE now!

Genre: Cookbooks, Food & Wine [f] [x]
Length: 50 Pages (1,639 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Dictionary of Cooking Terms: For the Beginner Cook Includes abbreviations, terms, and techniques by Paula C. Henderson 3.9 Stars (13 Reviews)    Price verified 6 minutes ago

Are you new to cooking? A beginner cook? From Nutritionist, Weight Loss Counselor and Author Paula C. Henderson, Originally published in 2016, this is a 2018 Revised and Expanded edition you will find: 131 cooking terms and definitions. I have also added the following special chapters: Alphabetic List of 131 Cooking Terms, Abbreviations, and Techniques, Apples Apples and Apples!, Cheese Varieties, Herbs and Seasonings, Lettuce Varieties, Mushrooms, and Vinegar.

Genre: Cookbooks, Food & Wine [f] [x]
Length: 47 Pages (601 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

New Grit: Startups in America's Comeback Cities by Andy Gordon 4.8 Stars (11 Reviews)    Price verified 2 hours ago

Detroit, St. Louis, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Buffalo, and Baltimore -- at one time these were among the 20 most populous and important cities in the U.S. They helped build our national economy through much of the 20th century but have since struggled due to deindustrialization. As a result of their shared past, this group of former industrial powerhouse cities shares unique structural and cultural traits that make them fertile ground upon which to build a startup-driven resurgence; an outcome that would yield nationwide economic, social, and well-being benefits. A story of optimism and expectation, New Grit is a look inside the unique entrepreneurial fabric of these once-great rust belt cities. With stories and insights from AOL co-founder Steve Case, Startup Communities author Brad Feld, and 2020 presidential candidate Andrew Yang, you will discover a sense of hope for comeback cities and gain an understanding of the importance of entrepreneurship in achieving this goal. You will love New Grit if you are: 1. A rust belt enthusiast looking for optimism for the future of this area 2. A politician or community leader looking for long-term considerations for your city's sustained well-being 3. Interested in economic development and looking for an often-forgotten group of cities with considerable untapped potential 4. Interested in cities, startups, or startup community development 5. A millennial who can't fathom the possibility of owning a home in your current city, looking for promise in places you hadn't considered 6. Wondering how a community can dig itself out of a hole If you are a fan of comebacks and underdogs, look no further. These cities are not just hoping for a resurgence. They know it's coming, and you should too.

Genre: Politics & Social Sciences [f] [x]
Length: 278 Pages (1,753 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Chicken Cookbook: Healthy Chicken Soup, Salad, Casserole, Slow Cooker and Skillet Recipes Inspired by The Mediterranean Diet (Free Gift): ... by Vesela Tabakova (Best Seller 2023 Download for Kindle Unlimited) 4.0 Stars (135 Reviews)    Price verified 2 hours ago

Simple and Easy Chicken Recipes Inspired by the Mediterranean Diet From the author of several bestselling cookbooks, Vesela Tabakova, comes a delicious new collection of healthy, mouth-watering Mediterranean diet recipes. This time she offers us some of the best comforting and enjoyable chicken recipes full of your favorite superfood vegetables and legumes that are simple and easy to cook whether you need a quick weeknight supper or a delicious weekend dinner. Chicken Cookbook: Healthy Chicken Soup, Salad, Casserole, Slow Cooker and Skillet Recipes Inspired by The Mediterranean Diet is an invaluable and delicious collection of healthy chicken recipes that will please everyone at the table and become all time favorites. If you're looking for delicious everyday chicken meals to help satisfy your family and your budget, this cookbook is for you. ***FREE BONUS RECIPES at the end of the book - 20 Easy Paleo, Gluten-Free, Fat Burning Smoothies for Better Health and Natural Weight Loss*** Table Of Contents • Fast and Easy Chicken Recipes Inspired by The Mediterranean Diet • Salads • Greek Chicken Salad • Mediterranean Chicken Pasta Salad • Chicken, Broccoli and Cashew Salad • Italian Chicken Salad • Chicken and Green Pea Salad • Chicken and Avocado Salad • Chicken and Egg Salad • Soups • Mediterranean Chicken Soup • Turkish Chicken Soup • Greek Lemon Chicken Soup • Bean, Chicken and Sausage Soup • Moroccan Chicken and Butternut Squash Soup • Chicken Soup with Vermicelli • Balkan Chicken Soup • Slow Cooker French-style Farmhouse Chicken Soup • Chicken Vegetable Soup • Slow Cooker Chicken Noodle Soup • Main Dishes • Mediterranean Chicken Stew • Chicken Potato Casserole • Chicken and Onion Stew • Chicken and Mushrooms • Mediterranean Chicken Drumstick Casserole • Greek Chicken Casserole • Hunter Style Chicken • Chicken Kofta • Grilled Chicken with Sumac • Chicken with Almonds ...

Genre: Cookbooks, Food & Wine [f] [x]
Length: 81 Pages (2,127 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

The Redemption of Mattie Silks by Kimberly Burns 4.7 Stars (44 Reviews)    Price verified 15 minutes ago

"Mattie is an admirable hero, and watching her carve out a life for herself in the most rugged terrain is a thrill ride." -- BookLife Reviews SEEKING REDEMPTION, SHE FINDS RETRIBUTION In 1892, running one of the West's fanciest brothels is a rough game. In a town filled with brazen criminals, corrupt police, zealous politicians, and morality committees, Madam Mattie Silks makes her fortune catering to Colorado's gold and silver millionaires. Notorious crime boss "Soapy" Smith is at the top of the Denver underworld. There are no rules for Smith's gang. They solve problems with bribes and bullets. Mattie's husband stumbles into Soapy's dealings, and she struggles to protect him. When gold is discovered in the Yukon, Mattie seizes the opportunity for adventure and profit. But Skagway, Alaska, is even more lawless than Denver. Mattie must use all her business sense and street smarts to safeguard those she cares about. Will it be enough? Or will Lady Justice again turn a blind eye? Based on a true story, The Redemption of Mattie Silks is an action-packed tale of a woman succeeding in a man's world even when the cards are stacked against her. "The research on the era shines through, as do the grit and spirit of the characters... A colorful and enthralling journey." -- K.T. Blakemore, award-winning author of The Good Time Girls series "A nice, nuanced portrait of the complex underworld with fine and witty turns of phrase. A great Western romp!" -- Randi Samuelson-Brown, award-winning author of The Bad Old Days series

Genre: History [f] [x]
Length: 330 Pages (3,579 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Adulting: A Young Adult's Guide to Financial Security to Help Set Goals, Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck, Avoid Burnout, and Find Fulfillment in ... by Marie Jimenez 4.9 Stars (22 Reviews)    Price verified 4 hours ago

Your guide to a fulfilling and balanced life is just a click away: ?? GREAT HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION OR COLLEGE GIFT ?? FREE FINANCIAL WORKBOOK ?? Master adulting today - discover secrets to navigating life's twists and turns with confidence and grace! ?? Do you feel like adulthood came with no instruction manual? ?? Wondering if you're the only one struggling to balance work, relationships, and personal goals? ?????? Adulthood, or "adulting," can be overwhelming and confusing at times. It's a period of life where you are expected to have your act together and take on full responsibility for yourself. ?? You will explore how to navigate this journey like a pro. From developing time management skills to building healthy relationships and finding your purpose, this guide has got you covered. ???? Reading this book, you'll discover: Skills you need to master to take on the adult world - how to acquire them and continuously develop them for lifelong success! ?? The secrets to building confidence and self-esteem while handling adult responsibilities without feeling overwhelmed - and yes, even how to handle intimidating things like legal issues ??? How to manage and ace your personal finances, including budgeting, savings, and investments - be debt-free and secure your retirement in ways that work for you ??? Life skills to be efficient and productive - from time management and setting goals to balancing work and play and more! ????? The secrets to managing stress like a pro and achieving emotional wellness... even when dealing with difficult things like loss... with simple yet effective strategies ????? And much more. ?? Your guide to a fulfilling and balanced life is just a click away: Scroll up and click "Add to Cart" right now! ???

Genre: Business & Money [f] [x]
Length: 180 Pages (2,173 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

USE AI TO WRITE YOUR NOVEL: Complete Course in a Book (Novel Writing) (Artificial Intelligence Writing Collaborator Series) by Dante Chapman 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 6 hours ago

Embark on a groundbreaking journey at the intersection of technology and creativity with "Write Your Novel with AI." In this innovative book, acclaimed author Dante Chapman invites you to explore the limitless possibilities that Artificial Intelligence (AI) offers to aspiring novelists and seasoned writers alike. This isn't just a book; it's your comprehensive writing course in a single volume. Chapman, known for his mastery of storytelling, guides you through the fascinating landscape of AI-augmented writing. You'll discover how AI can be seamlessly integrated into your creative process to enhance your writing, boost your productivity, and take your storytelling to new heights. "Write Your Novel with AI" is your creative compass in the digital age. As you delve into the pages of this book, you'll uncover the secrets of crafting compelling narratives with the assistance of AI models like GPT-3. Chapman's expert insights and hands-on exercises will empower you to communicate effectively with AI, unlocking a treasure trove of ideas, suggestions, and feedback. It's like having a tireless co-author by your side, ready to inspire you at every turn. Beyond the practical applications, this book is a celebration of the beautiful fusion of art and technology. Chapman's prose is as evocative as his storytelling, and he paints a vivid picture of a future where AI and human creativity intertwine harmoniously. Whether you're an author seeking to streamline your writing process, a newcomer yearning to unleash your creative potential, or a visionary eager to explore the possibilities of AI, "Write Your Novel with AI" is your guide to embracing the future of storytelling. Join Dante Chapman in this literary revolution, and let your writing soar to unprecedented levels of imagination and innovation. Prepare to be inspired, educated, and captivated. Secure your copy of "Write Your Novel with AI" today and embark on a journey where technology and art seamlessly converge to ...

Genre: Reference [f] [x]
Length: 348 Pages (13,357 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Time Management Tips: 2 Manuscripts - "How to Find the Time and Motivation to be Productive and Get Things Done" and "The Fastest Way to Create a ... by Russell Davis 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 4 hours ago

Time Management Many people hide behind the theory of creative chaos and how it leads to great achievements. But if you care enough to research the theory, you will find out that it doesn't apply to your everyday life. It applies to a universal structure of a pattern much greater than what your mind can perceive and imagine, so what seems like a disorganized and chaotic pattern now, is actually a great plan that will unfold sometime in the future. This book "Time Management" will provide you with advice, tools and methods to utilize your time best and thereby live your life to the fullest extent! It will provide you valuable information on: ? Time Management Techniques ? The Power of Time Blocking ? Spending Time with Friends ? Learning How to Prioritize ? Achieving a Flexible Work Schedule Don't let your life pass you by only to catch you regretting the lost time in your winter years. Be the master of your time. This book will help you increase productivity, save time, and organize your life so that you can do the things that YOU want to do instead of what other people want you to do!! Time Management is an informative book that will give wings to the imagination and help reach your goals!! Expert Enough Many people wander through life without knowing their real purpose. They skip from job to job hoping to stumble into something they like, or can at least handle. There's no need to continue living like this. This book is here to help you learn how to do just that. You will learn: ? How to pick your niche ? How to grow your knowledge ? The importance of social media ? Developing products and services ? And much more Get this book today and discover how you can change your life for the better. There's no reason why you have to survive working 9 to 5 in a job you hate. Everybody deserves to have a career that they love, instead of a job they have to have.

Genre: Business & Money [f] [x]
Length: 95 Pages (2,594 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

ZERO POINT WEIGHT LOSS COOKBOOK: Delicious and Easy Recipes to Transform Your Health and Shed Pounds Effortlessly | Color Pictures, Health Benefits, ... by Tracy R. Johnstone Price verified 36 minutes ago

???Zero Point Weight Loss Cookbook: Deliciously Simple Recipes for a Healthier You.??? Are you ready to transform your health and shed pounds effortlessly? Do you want to enjoy delicious meals without the guilt? Welcome to the Zero Point Weight Loss Cookbook, your ultimate guide to shedding pounds effortlessly while indulging in mouthwatering, zero-point recipes. This cookbook is designed to make healthy eating enjoyable and sustainable, offering scrumptious recipes that are both satisfying and nutritious. ?Achieve Your Weight Loss Goals Without Sacrificing Taste -- One Zero Point Recipe at a Time.? Benefits of the Zero Point Weight Loss Cookbook: ??Delicious and Guilt-Free Recipes: Enjoy a variety of meals that are flavorful and free from guilt. ?Effortless Weight Loss: Follow simple, zero-point recipes that help you shed pounds without feeling deprived. ?Quick and Easy Meals: Perfect for busy lifestyles, these recipes are easy to prepare and cook. ?Balanced Nutrition: Each recipe is designed to provide the essential nutrients your body needs. ?Sustainable Healthy Eating: Develop long-term healthy eating habits with meals you'll love. ?Comprehensive Guide: Gain valuable insights and tips for successful weight loss and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Key Bonuses Included: ?Full Color Pictures: Visualize each recipe with beautiful, full-color photos. ?Nutritional Values: Detailed nutritional information for every dish. ?Health Benefits: Understand the health benefits of each recipe to maximize your wellness. ?Grocery Shopping List: Simplify your shopping with a comprehensive list of ingredients. ?50-Day Meal Plan: Kickstart your journey with a structured meal plan to keep you on track. ?Take the first step towards a healthier, happier you. Click BUY NOW or ADD TO CART to transform your eating habits and achieve your weight loss goals with ease and satisfaction. ?

Genre: Health, Fitness & Dieting [f] [x]
Length: 123 Pages (16,688 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Scotland: A Journey through Scottish History, Battles, Clans, Highlanders, Myths, Legends & More by History Brought Alive 3.5 Stars (2 Reviews)    Price verified 36 minutes ago

Discover The Epic Legends & Untold Stories of Scotland's Past Step back in time and explore the captivating battles, clans, highlanders, myths, and legends that have shaped Scotland from ancient times to the present day. Through vivid storytelling, you'll be transported to the heart of Scotland's past to discover the customs and traditions of its clans. From the fierce Highland warriors to the cunning Lowland politicians, and how their actions shaped Scotland's identity. This book has been meticulously researched and is packed with historical facts. Plus, you'll discover the intriguing myths and legends that continue to captivate Scots and visitors alike, such as the "Loch Ness Monster" and the "Ghost of Glamis Castle". All of this and much more including: • The Ancient Origins of Scotland, including The Arrival of the Celts • Thrilling Tales of the Roman Invasion + it's Lasting Impact • Chaos, Conquest, & Kings - Exploring The Mediaeval Period of Anglo-Saxons, Viking Invasions & more • The Heroic Story of Robert the Bruce and His Quest to Unite Scotland • William Wallace - The Real Braveheart Behind the "Hollywood Legend" • Exploring the Renaissance Period of Scotland's Politics, Religion & Culture • Lives & Legacies of Scotland's Kings & Queens - Featuring Margaret Tudor, Mary Queen of Scots and many more • The Bloody Chronicles of Scotland's Major Battles & Wars - from Braveheart to the Jacobites and Beyond • Modern Scotland - A Tale of Industry, Heartbreak, and Nationalism And much, much more... Whether you're an avid history buff or simply interested in exploring the land of kilts, bagpipes, and whisky, this book is an essential read. Unlock the secrets of Scotland's past and order your copy of "History of Scotland" now!

Genre: History [f] [x]
Length: 151 Pages (9,326 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Air Fryer Veggie Cookbook : Tips and Tricks for Successful Air Frying, Immune-Boosting Starters, Nutritious Recipes for Healthy Food and More by Teresa N. Carter Price verified 36 minutes ago

Are you tired of bland, unhealthy meals and looking for a way to make nutritious, delicious vegetable dishes effortlessly? Do you struggle with incorporating more vegetables into your diet or finding kid-friendly veggie recipes that your little ones will love? Are you searching for heart-healthy main courses that don't skimp on flavor? If any of these questions resonate with you, then the "Air Fryer Veggie Cookbook" by Teresa N. Carter is your ultimate solution. Addressing Your Culinary Challenges: 1. Bland and Unhealthy Meals: Say goodbye to uninspiring meals and hello to crispy, flavorful dishes that make eating vegetables a delight. 2. Incorporating More Vegetables: Discover innovative ways to include a variety of veggies in your daily diet without compromising on taste. 3. Kid-Friendly Recipes: Find fun and delicious recipes that will turn even the pickiest eaters into veggie lovers. Why This Book is Your Best Solution: 1. Comprehensive Guide: Getting Started with Your Air Fryer provides a complete overview of how to make the most of this versatile kitchen appliance, even if you're a beginner. 2. Expert Tips and Tricks: With sections like "Tips and Tricks for Successful Air Frying" and "Best Practices for Perfect Air Frying," you'll master the art of air frying in no time. 3. Health-Focused Recipes: From "Immune-Boosting Starters" to "Heart-Healthy Main Courses," every recipe is crafted to enhance your well-being while tantalizing your taste buds. What to Expect Inside: 1. Getting Started with Your Air Fryer: Learn how to set up, maintain, and utilize your air fryer to its fullest potential. Whether you're new to air frying or looking to refine your skills, this chapter will provide you with all the necessary basics and more. 2. Tips and Tricks for Successful Air Frying: Discover insider secrets that will help you achieve the perfect texture and flavor every time. From proper temperature settings to optimal cooking times, these tips will elevate your air ...

Genre: Health, Fitness & Dieting [f] [x]
Length: 60 Pages (4,793 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

300+ Teacher Vs Student Jokes: Funny Jokes for kids Children: Knock Knock funny jokes for kids by Tariq Hussain Chandio (Tariq Hussain Chandio) Price verified 36 minutes ago

"Teacher vs. Student Jokes" is a hilarious collection of witty exchanges and humorous anecdotes that capture the essence of the dynamic relationship between educators and learners. From clever comebacks to playful banter, this book offers a delightful exploration of the lighter side of education. Through a series of chapters, readers will journey through the comical landscape of the classroom, encountering memorable moments and insightful reflections on the art of teaching and learning. Whether you're a teacher, a student, or simply someone who appreciates a good laugh, this book is sure to entertain and inspire. So, grab a seat and prepare to be amused as we dive into the world of teacher vs. student jokes!

Genre: Humor & Entertainment [f] [x]
Length: 38 Pages (555 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Growing Oregano & Tomato Companion Plants: Boxed Sets (Growing Spices) by Kingston Publishing Price verified 36 minutes ago

Here's what you'll learn from these two books about Growing Oregano & Tomato Companion Plants. Benefits of Companion Planting: Learn how oregano can deter pests and attract beneficial insects when grown alongside tomatoes, improving overall plant health and yield. Soil Requirements: Understand the optimal soil conditions for both oregano and tomatoes, such as pH levels, nutrient needs, and drainage, ensuring both plants thrive. Planting Techniques: Discover the best planting techniques, including spacing and depth, to maximize growth and minimize competition for resources between oregano and tomatoes. Watering Practices: Learn the watering needs of oregano and tomatoes, including frequency and quantity, to maintain soil moisture without causing root rot or water stress. Pruning and Maintenance: Find out how to prune and maintain both plants to encourage healthy growth, improve air circulation, and prevent diseases. Companion Plant Benefits: Explore the mutual benefits of growing oregano and tomatoes together, such as improved flavor of tomatoes and enhanced growth due to the aromatic nature of oregano. Pest and Disease Management: Gain knowledge on common pests and diseases that affect oregano and tomatoes, and how companion planting can help manage or prevent these issues naturally. Harvesting Tips: Learn the best times and methods for harvesting oregano and tomatoes to ensure peak flavor and maximum yield. Culinary Uses: Discover various culinary uses for both oregano and tomatoes, including preservation techniques to make the most of your harvest. Seasonal Care: Understand the seasonal care required for both plants, including preparation for winter and tips for extending the growing season through various gardening techniques.

Genre: Crafts, Hobbies & Home [f] [x]
Length: 147 Pages (4,766 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

HIGH PROTEIN COOKBOOK FOR WOMEN OVER 50: The Ultimate Guide to Easy and Delicious Low-carb Recipes For Weight Management and Optimal Health by MARIE BROADWELL Price verified 4 hours ago

The high protein cookbook for women over 50 Are you ready to unleash the power of protein and embrace a vibrant, healthy lifestyle? "The high protein cookbook" is not just a cookbook; it's your secret weapon to redefine the way you eat, feel, and live. Imagine indulging in delicious, nutrient-packed meals tailored to meet the unique needs of women over 50. Can you picture yourself feeling energized, confident, and revitalized every day? What if this book could be the game-changer you've been searching for? Let me share a brief story that encapsulates the transformative impact of the recipes within these pages. Meet Margaret, a 52-year-old client of mine who struggled with low energy levels and a sense of aging that left her feeling defeated. With the recipes from this book, she not only rediscovered her zest for life but also experienced a remarkable improvement in her overall well-being. Now, picture yourself in Margaret's shoes. How would it feel to break free from the limitations of age and embrace a radiant, protein-powered existence? Consider this: the dangers of neglecting your protein intake are real, leading to muscle loss, decreased metabolism, and a compromised immune system. "the high Protein cookbook" is not just a cookbook; it's your shield against these consequences. Don't let the guilt of neglecting your health weigh you down. Seize the opportunity to invest in yourself and transform your future. In "The high protein cookbook for women over 50," you'll discover: • Understanding High-Protein Foods: Uncover the secrets of protein-rich ingredients and their transformative impact on your health. • Breakfast Delights: Start your day with energy-boosting, protein-packed breakfasts that will keep you fueled and satisfied. • Lunchtime Favorites: Exciting recipes that make lunch the highlight of your day, packed with flavors and essential nutrients. • Dinner Creations: Explore delicious, wholesome dinners that not only satisfy your taste buds ...

Genre: Health, Fitness & Dieting [f] [x]
Size: 3,316 KB
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Maya Civilization: A History from Beginning to End (Mesoamerican History) by Hourly History 4.3 Stars (360 Reviews)    Price verified 8 hours ago

Discover the remarkable history of the Maya Civilization... Free BONUS Inside! For more than one thousand years, the Maya people dominated areas of Central America and modern-day Mexico and made important advances in architecture, astronomy, mathematics, and medicine. Then, after the Spanish occupation in the sixteenth century, Maya culture and thinking were deliberately suppressed. Only in the twentieth century did scientists appreciate just how advanced these people had been and how important they were in the history of Mesoamerica. The excavation and investigation of several large Maya cities in the second half of the twentieth century completely changed how we view these people. We now know that the Maya were capable of building vary large stone structures that were precisely aligned with astronomical features, though we do not know how this was done. We are still learning about Maya cities -- as recently as 2018, the use of new technology uncovered more than 60,000 previously undiscovered Maya ruins in the jungles of Guatemala. Many scholars now believe that the Maya were one of the most important of all the ancient Mesoamerican cultures. There are still many mysteries about the Maya. At one point in their history, several major Maya cities were abandoned and left to the encroaching jungle while their people relocated to more inhospitable areas in the Yucatán. There are many theories, but no one is entirely certain why this happened. We also don't know why the Maya made important advances in the fields of mathematics and medicine and yet failed to develop, for example, the wheel or metalworking. What we do know is that these people created a sophisticated culture which they recorded via one of the first complex writing systems. Unlike other contemporary Mesoamerican peoples, the Maya survived the Spanish occupation, and Maya language, religion, and culture continue to survive today in parts of Central America and Mexico. This is the story of ...

Genre: History [f] [x]
Length: 50 Pages (4,071 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

An American Reich: Exposing The Nazi Cult In The CIA by Rich Marin 3.8 Stars (5 Reviews)    Price verified 15 minutes ago

An expose of a cult deep within the Central Intelligence Agency, with allegiance to the Fourth Reich, who have long used CIA assets and resources towards their own ends. With years of personal testimony, this book exposes secrets, names names, and sheds light on actions that were made in the name of a criminal group that claims to represent the interests of the "True America". The group has a long history stretching back to the very creation of the CIA in 1947 and plans for a future that would see the end of America. It has worked behind the scenes to destabilize the United States and other nations with the express intent of remaking the world in it's image. Covering decades of its history and recent criminal efforts, this book explains who the group is, where it came from, and many of the crimes they are culpable of, including the sponsorship of a human trafficking, election interference, biological terrorism, and much worse. The group is one of the most dangerous threats to democracy and a free world, without exaggeration. Their cult of worship around the ideals of Nazis like Adolf Hitler have shaped an ideology deeply incompatible with life as we know it. Ending their reign of terror is a necessity, and this book is a roadmap to doing so.

Genre: Biographies & Memoirs [f] [x]
Length: 129 Pages (1,812 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Make a Bigger Play in Life (Permission Granted Today) by Virginia Reeves 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 15 minutes ago

Have you heard the term: stop playing small ? Many of us let our fears or perceived limitations hold us back from trying different methods of taking action. A good suggestion is to acknowledge all that you have accomplished thus far in life. When you begin making a list, you will be pleasantly surprised. Below are a few of the ideas you will find in this short, easy-to-read book. By risking and stretching more, your achievement may be greater than you could ever imagine. That's what making a big play in life is about. You don't have to doing something grand or really scary. Little steps count just as much, if not more, because you are actually taking them rather than 'waiting for the right time' to come along. Celebrate life's complexities and complications. They really do build character. Ask "why not?" more often. Be curious and creative - it's fun and inspiring. Challenge yourself to charge ahead with courage. In life, you get what you settle for. How important are you to yourself and others? You know that the concern of a lack in knowledge, skills, or talents decreases as you gain experience. Select what you do want - be specific and use all your sensory powers (add color too). Focus to create more leverage and action. Ask creative and open-ended questions. Listen to the answers. Recognize your sense of power and the wisdom which is at the center of your being; act from this place of strength. Who are you at your best? Your personal star is that place in you which holds all your brilliant qualities, traits, and talents. Feel what it would be like to have, do, or be what you want. Create a trigger memory or anchor words to help you access this whenever you want to "wish upon a star and make your dreams come true". How you view your value, personality traits, and contributions holds much meaning into how you accept responsibility and accountability for your actions. Getting over the IF is the biggest leap: the how, when, and where ...

Genre: Business & Money [f] [x]
Length: 39 Pages (481 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Miss Pigg's Spring and Summer Cookbook: From Grandmama's Recipe Box (Miss Pigg's Old Fashioned Recipes Cookbook Series 3) by Charlene Pigg 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 15 minutes ago

I hope you will enjoy all the original recipes found in Miss Pigg's recipe box for spring and summer cooking. It includes beverages, breakfast, sandwiches, soups, salads, vegetables, seafood, meats, fruits, and desserts. Miss Pigg loved collecting recipes from the newspapers during her lifetime and so these recipes span the years of the late 1800s to 1923.

Genre: Cookbooks, Food & Wine [f] [x]
Length: 77 Pages (615 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

A Trip to the Hospital : Randall’s Lesson on Sepsis by Rochester Bio-Spire and OhioState iGEM 2021 5.0 Stars (3 Reviews)    Price verified 15 minutes ago

What is sepsis and how can it be treated? When Perri's brother Randall gets sick, she follows him on his trip to the hospital to learn more about the disease. Filled with colorful illustrations and interesting scientific facts, this book will provide you and your child with important knowledge to help raise awareness of an often fatal condition.

Genre: Education & Teaching [f] [x]
Size: 3,924 KB
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024