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1990s - A Decade of Serial Killers: The Most Evil Serial Killers of the 1990s (American Serial Killer Antology by Decade) by Jack Smith (Maplewood Publishing) 4.1 Stars (109 Reviews)    Price verified 3 hours ago

Discover the most wicked serial killers of the 1990s, one of the worst decades of true crime and heinous serial murderers America has ever known. Download FREE with Kindle Unlimited The nineties were a time when big changes were happening across the world. Unfortunately, with big changes also comes instability and crime, resulting in many heinous individuals that got a chance to commit them and cases that many are terrified to just hear about. In this book, find 12 such cases from all over the world. The 1990s had some of the most prolific and horrific serial killers on record. This book takes you through some of the decade's worst cases of mass murder and serial killing, from well-known villains such as Robert Yates and Aileen Wuornos to the more obscure but equally awful cases of Colin Ireland and Anatoly Onoprienko. Here you will relive some of the most sanguinary stories you ever saw on the nightly news with Tom Brokaw, Peter Jennings or Dan Rather, stories that kept you up at night then and will still chill your blood today! After reading this book, you will never look back at the 1990s in quite the same way again! Read on your favorite devices such as Kindle, iPhone, iPad, Android cellular phone, tablet, laptop, or computer with Amazon's free reading Kindle App. Scroll back up and click the BUY NOW button at the top right side of this page for an immediate download!

Genre: Biographies & Memoirs [x]
Length: 64 Pages (4,139 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 13th, 2024

Ower Dawning. (Ower Kid Book 2) by Atlas D'four 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 3 hours ago

'1950's' Atlas D'four's reminiscent catalog of mishap's mis-understandings and sometimes painful interludes, coupled with a desire to 'live', once again bring the reader into a state of bemusement and anticipation. Some might even say - Oh yes. I was there - . I too survived. A good read. Not for the faint- hearted. Sometimes rude. Always very funny.

Genre: Biographies & Memoirs [x]
Length: 232 Pages
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 13th, 2024

The Sacramento Vampire: Life of Serial Killer Richard Trenton Chase (Serial Killer True Crime Books Book 21) by Jack Smith 4.0 Stars (74 Reviews)    Price verified 3 hours ago

Vampires aren't real. But at one point in the 70s, in California, a man who had a penchant for drinking human blood and killing his victims terrorized the city of Sacramento. Here is his story. Download FREE with Kindle Unlimited! Richard Trenton Chase Jr., otherwise known as the Sacramento Vampire, terrorized California during the 1970s. He brutalized, killed, and even ate his victims. But what stood out most in the public's imagination was his penchant for drinking their blood, like a modern-day vampire. The truth is, Chase was a severely disturbed individual. Some killers are cold-blooded monsters, some simply have terrible impulse control -- but others are completely deranged. Chase fits into that category. Since he was diagnosed with severe mental illness, it remains debatable how cognizant -- and how culpable -- Chase was of what he was doing. Prosecutors later highlighted several aspects of Chase's assaults which they believed showed that he was aware of the gravity of his actions, and should therefore be held accountable. His defense attorneys, on the other hand, tried to demonstrate that Chase was a man so removed from reality that he should be considered not guilty by reason of insanity. At any rate, whatever might have been going on in the mind of Richard Chase Jr., his victims were real, and the horrors he inflicted on them were very real as well. The deeds of Richard Chase Jr. most certainly make for a frightening, sad, and twisted tale. This book documents this disturbed man's troubled life, his horrific rampage, and his subsequent demise in full. Read on your favorite devices such as Kindle, iPhone, iPad, Android cellular phone, tablet, laptop, or computer with Amazon's free reading Kindle App. Scroll back up and click the BUY NOW button at the top right side of this page for an immediate download!

Genre: Biographies & Memoirs [x]
Length: 98 Pages (3,329 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 13th, 2024

Ferdinand Magellan: A Complete Biography by John Inkford Price verified 4 hours ago

Hold onto your compass! Ferdinand Magellan: A Complete Biography isn't just another dusty history book. It's a heart-pounding adventure that thrusts you into the tempestuous world of the Age of Exploration. Feel the icy spray of the unknown as you navigate uncharted waters alongside Magellan, a man consumed by an audacious dream: to circumnavigate the globe. Witness the clash of empires as he forges alliances and defies expectations. Brace yourself for mutiny and dwindling supplies as you experience the harsh realities of a life at sea. This captivating biography is more than just dates and places. It's a thrilling saga that gets into: * Triumph and Tragedy: Experience the exhilarating highs of discovery alongside the crushing lows of loss. * A World Unveiled: Chart a course through uncharted territories, encountering breathtaking landscapes and diverse cultures. * A Legacy Unfolded: Discover the lasting impact of Magellan's voyage, from shaping global trade routes to revolutionizing our understanding of the Earth. This book is for you if: * You crave adventure and yearn to walk in the footsteps of history's greatest explorers. * You're fascinated by the Age of Exploration and the daring individuals who dared to defy the impossible. * You seek to understand the complexities of leadership, ambition, and the human cost of discovery. Don't just read history, experience it. Ferdinand Magellan: A Complete Biography is your chance to set sail on an epic voyage of discovery. Buy now and embark on this unforgettable adventure!

Genre: Biographies & Memoirs [x]
Length: 55 Pages (427 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 13th, 2024

Solving Cold Cases Vol. 5: True Crime Stories that Took Years to Crack (True Crime Cold Cases Solved) by Andrew J. Clark 4.1 Stars (141 Reviews)    Price verified 6 hours ago

Chilling. One of the best words to describe the cases presented in this book. These gruesome crimes seemed to hit a dead end... That is until the cases were reopened for investigation and then solved thanks to modern technologies and new investigation techniques. This is Volume 5 of the popular Solving Cold Cases series. Download FREE with Kindle Unlimited They are the nameless faces that cry out to us from old newspaper headlines and canned footage from local TV news stations. They are the stories of injustice so striking we can't quite forget, yet whose circumstances are so mysterious and perpetrators so elusive that we have no choice but to put them to the back of our minds. These cold cases scream for our attention, yet by their very nature remain on the back burner until some new lead comes forward. But as the books in this series demonstrate, although a case may be cold, it's never frozen. There is always the potential that a new clue, a new witness -- or in some cases, a perpetrator with a guilty conscience -- could break the case wide open. This book documents some of the more recent cold cases that have been cracked with just such late-breaking news information. To be sure, catching the criminals responsible for cold case murders does not bring the victim back to us, but it at least lets their families attain some measure of closure. This Fifth volume in the series Solving Cold Cases includes fourteen cases which will get your gears turning. Some of the cases included inside: ? Marlene Warren ? Robert Peterson, and John and Anton Schuessler ? Deana Bowdoin ? The victims of the Bathtub Killer ? and many more And if that's indeed what brought you to this book, you can rest assured that it contains some of the most spine-chilling, eyebrow-raising, and head shaking cold cases you could ever imagine. And remember -- these aren't fictitious figments of some rabid writer's imagination. This is real life, and real people who spent years ...

Genre: Biographies & Memoirs [x]
Length: 74 Pages (6,508 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 13th, 2024

Both Barrels: Going Southern by Charlie B Harry 4.6 Stars (3 Reviews)    Price verified 7 hours ago

-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. Big girls' blouses had best jog on! -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.

Genre: Biographies & Memoirs [x]
Length: 286 Pages (1,725 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 13th, 2024

The Bayou Killer: Life of Serial Killer Ronald J. Dominique (Serial Killer True Crime Books Book 18) by Jack Smith (Maplewood Publishing) 3.7 Stars (99 Reviews)    Price verified 7 hours ago

We could swear some people are incapable of murdering another human being. Serial killer Ronald Dominique was also known as the Bayou killer was such a man. With an exterior that seems almost normal and some would say pitiful, this serial murderer was on a mission, not one anyone could have ever imagined... Some killers are truly surprising to find. Ronald J. Dominique is one such killer. Read this book to find out about how he came to be one of the most terrible people to walk on this planet. They say that the perpetrators of the very worst of deeds are often the people you'd least suspect. This was certainly true of Ted Bundy; he was a handsome, charming man whom many liked and respected. It was also true of accused Canadian serial killer Bruce McArthur, who had many friends and was well connected. No one expected that he might be capable of such violence. But then, what about Ronald Dominique? Nobody expected such things from him, either -- but for slightly different reasons. It wasn't because Dominique was charming; he was generally considered ugly and uncouth. Nor was it because he had a good job and was well connected -- he delivered pizza and worked as a meter reader. So why is it that no one suspected this man of doing such horrible things? Simply because he seemed too pathetic to pull them off. To those who knew him, he was just a simpleton eking out a meager existence -- but Ronald Dominique proved to be much smarter than anyone imagined. Ending the lives of 23 men and evading detection for over a decade, he became one of the most prolific serial killers on record. In this book, we'll explore the startlingly complex machinations of that warped mind. Dominique was a misfit who never quite fit into normal society. For the most part, he was ignored and sidelined. As this slovenly character delivered your pizza and read your meter, he didn't merit a second glance. But as this book details, there was much more to this crazed killer than met ...

Genre: Biographies & Memoirs [x]
Length: 66 Pages (4,963 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 13th, 2024

Canada’s Most Notorious Serial Killers (Worst Serial Killers by Country True Crime Books) by Jack Smith 4.2 Stars (95 Reviews)    Price verified 8 hours ago

Canada might not be the first place one thinks of when serial killers are mentioned, but the country has had quite a number of such terrifying cases in its past, and this book attempts to give you an overview of the most significant cases. Download FREE with Kindle Unlimited Canada, the Northern neighbor of the United States, is best known for its friendly sensibility, cold winters, and hockey games. When people think about Canada, they don't generally think about serial killings. But the U.S. and Mexico aren't the only North American countries that serial killers have called home: All throughout its centuries-long history, Canada has had its own fair share of murderous maniacs. This book presents accounts of eight of the worst serial killers to tread Canadian soil in recent memory: 1. Robert Pickton, the Pigheaded Killer The story of Robert Pickton, who terrorized the streets and back alleys of Vancouver, is so unbelievably grotesque you would think it was the work of some blood-and-gore Hollywood screenwriter. 2. Russell Williams: Trouble in Trenton Colonel Russell Williams was once a highly decorated and respected soldier in the Canadian Armed Forces. Then he decided to begin breaking into women's houses on the side, and from there, things kept getting worse and worse. 3. Bruce McArthur: Stalking Toronto's Village Perhaps no serial killer, however, has ever been quite as prolific as suspected murderer Bruce McArthur. As of right now his crimes are merely alleged, but with a projected body count that is estimated to rival Pickton's, McArthur seems destined to assume a prominent place among the most notorious murderers of the maple leaf. 4. Paul Bernardo: the Scarborough Rapist Paul Bernardo was unable to learn how to properly incorporate himself into the society and it turned out a disaster for countless women that had the misfortune of encountering him. 5. Clifford Olson: The Beast of British Columbia Clifford Olson was ...

Genre: Biographies & Memoirs [x]
Length: 121 Pages (3,786 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 13th, 2024

DOUBLE CROSSED AND UNRAVELED by KELSEY CARLEE 4.8 Stars (152 Reviews)    Price verified 8 hours ago

This memoir recounts the relationships that a young Kelsey experienced, such as how her whole world got turned upside down when she met Howie. It touches on her complicated relationship with her mother, and how the love she developed for Cole nearly cost her life. The plot makes a full circle from when the author was younger to the adult version of herself, as she grieved the loss of her mother and had to look back at the past to be able to call things what they really were. This book chronicles the author's unraveling through poetry, letters, and recollection as an outlet to heal her past traumas. Double Crossed and Unraveled is for every survivor of neglect and abuse. It touches on domestic violence, PTSD, sexual assault, complicated grief, addiction, and recovery. It's easy to get lost in this "riveting" story that's difficult to set down once you begin reading.

Genre: Biographies & Memoirs [x]
Length: 488 Pages (931 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 13th, 2024

Bad Guys: Personal Accounts of Military Service in the South African Defence Force 1969 to 1990 (Sentinel SADF Monographs) by Barry Fowler 3.6 Stars (43 Reviews)    Price verified 3 hours ago

Bad Guys Personal Accounts of Military Service in the South African Defence Force 1969 to 1990 Most people today, when presented with the more recently accepted picture of the Apartheid regime that ruled in South Africa until the mid-1990s, can be excused for believing that all personnel who served in the Armed Forces of the South African Defence Force during that time were "Bad Guys", who personally suppressed the black population. With new and representative governments in power in both Namibia and South Africa today, not much evidence is likely to be produced to counter such an opinion. In this, and other books, we hope to present a human face of those involved in the SADF, most of whom were not remotely evil, and were just trying to make the best they could of a difficult and uncomfortable situation, without considering themselves to have been holding up the Apartheid regime. The 18 personal accounts in this book are by men who served part of their service in South-West Africa, during the border war. These are the thoughts, feelings and experiences of the men who were there.

Genre: Biographies & Memoirs [x]
Length: 401 Pages (8,120 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 13th, 2024

THE ART OF BALANCE : Emma Watson's Successful Navigation of Fame, Education, and Activism. (Abo's publishing guide) by STEVEN M. WAGNER 1.5 Stars (2 Reviews)    Price verified 9 hours ago

This engrossing historical narrative "The Art of Balance: Emma Watson's Successful Navigation of Fame, Education, and Activism" explores the life and accomplishments of the remarkable Emma Watson. This book gives you a fresh look at the complicated life of an actress who has made a big difference in the world while juggling her personal and professional obligations. From her breakthrough performance in the Harry Potter series as Hermione Granger to her developing career in Hollywood, Watson's narrative embodies tenacity, resolve, and unshakable devotion. But what really makes her stand out from the crowd is her capacity to balance a successful acting profession with her personal development and education. This book examines Watson's journey through the difficulties of celebrity, her pursuit of academic goals, and her development as a prominent figure in the fields of social justice and gender equality. In addition to chronicling Watson's incredible journey, "The Art of Balance" offers readers insightful analysis and insightful lessons for juggling their personal and professional lives. The author carefully studies Watson's strategies for managing her time, taking care of herself, and preserving her identity in the face of continuous public scrutiny. This book also emphasizes Watson's transforming work as a UN Women Goodwill Ambassador and her steadfast dedication to helping women and girls everywhere. Watson's advocacy has made her a symbol of hope for millions of people, and this book is proof of her commitment and influence. This insightful and motivational book "The Art of Balance: Emma Watson's Successful Navigation of Fame, Education, and Activism" will speak to Emma Watson devotees as well as everyone attempting to live a meaningful and purposeful life. For people who value tenacity, empathy, and the search for a purpose in life, this book is essential reading. Buy yours now!

Genre: Biographies & Memoirs [x]
Length: 102 Pages (4,258 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 13th, 2024

STEADFAST WE DID STAND (Sentinel SADF Monographs) by Barry Fowler 4.0 Stars (22 Reviews)    Price verified 9 hours ago

STEADFAST WE DID STAND "Ahead of us was an Olifant with UNITA soldiers riding on top. The next moment there was a huge bang and the tank came out backwards towards us. It had been hit by a FAPLA tank... " 2008 marks the 20th anniversary of a series of battles fought in southern Angola, during a long and bitter war that had wracked that region of Africa for over 21 years. The South African offensive in late 1987 and early 1988, collectively known as Operation Hooper, consisted of a number of battles fought around the town of Cuito Cuanavale wherein a numerically inferior force of South African tanks, armoured cars and artillery, supported by UNITA forces, decimated three FAPLA Army Brigades and drove them back to Cuito Cuanavale itself. This is a series of recollections by six former South African soldiers about their experiences in Angola, during Operation Hooper. These personal accounts cover not only their involvement in Angola but the broader aspects of their service in the South African Army.

Genre: Biographies & Memoirs [x]
Length: 191 Pages (4,109 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 13th, 2024

My Father's Son: A Memoir by John Davis 4.1 Stars (546 Reviews)    Price verified 10 hours ago

A compelling memoir of fathers, sons, and the Brooklyn streets. Every family has secrets. Ours were just bigger than others. "My earliest memory is of a gun." That gun was in his father's hand - and it was pointed at his mother's head. John Davis grew up in the 1970s and '80s on the rough streets of Brooklyn, a place where no one thought twice when parents smacked around their kids -- or each other. At the center of the tumultuous neighborhood, and John's world, was his larger-than-life father, Roberto. The Argentinean butcher and kingpin drug dealer was a sadistic bully whose mercurial temper left a trail of tears and chaos across his family. John, in particular, seemed to bear the brunt of Roberto's wildly swinging moods. Any wrong word could cause an explosion. Every knock on the door might be one of Roberto's enemies, or the police. In his publishing debut, Davis recounts how he spent his childhood in constant terror and his teen years learning to fight back. But it was much later, as an adult, that he learned the most shocking thing of all about his father, his past, and himself. Told with raw honesty and deep emotion, My Father's Son is a memoir of fear, abuse, survival, and identity.

Genre: Biographies & Memoirs [x]
Length: 158 Pages (262 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 13th, 2024

1 Mil: Psychology 1986-87 (Sentinel SADF Monographs) by Barry Fowler (Sentinel Projects) 4.6 Stars (3 Reviews)    Price verified 46 minutes ago

A personal account of the experiences of a clinical psychologist who worked in the psychology and psychiatry departments at 1 Military Hospital, Voortrekkerhoogte in 1986 and 1987. He describes the structure of the service and some of the characters who were staff. There are also descriptions of some of the patients who were assessed and treated but from an anecdotal rather than clinical perspective. Complications of a medical service working within a military environment are described, as well as after-hours socialising in the SAMS Officers club, of young medical personnel, many of whom were national servicemen.

Genre: Biographies & Memoirs [x]
Length: 304 Pages (1,277 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 13th, 2024

A GI Machine Gunner: From the Seminary to Korea’s Front Line 1951 – 1952 by James Walsh 3.6 Stars (5 Reviews)    Price verified 8 hours ago

This memoir is a recollection of events drawn from personal knowledge and experiences of the author while in the 1st gun squad, 3rd section of heavy 30 machine guns, Dog Company, 1st Battalion, 35th Regimental Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division in Korea from August 1951 through May, 1952. He writes about those tough days. He dedicates the memoir to all who served with him, in Dog and Charley Companies, and the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Battalions of the 35th RCT, 25th Infantry Division. Especially in memory of those Killed in Action while serving with him.

Genre: Biographies & Memoirs [x]
Length: 158 Pages (926 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 13th, 2024

ST. ANDREW CHRISTMAS DIVINE PRAYER BOOK: A Powerful Catholic Novena Prayers And Biography Of St. Andrew Christmas (Divine Novena Prayer Books) by Albert Thomas 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 3 hours ago

Delve into the deep realms of faith and miracles with " ST. ANDREW CHRISTMAS DIVINE PRAYER BOOK.' This thoughtfully crafted book unfolds the compelling story of St. Andrew, whose steadfast devotion and miraculous encounters transcend the boundaries of time. Embark on a spiritual odyssey from November 30th to Christmas Eve, exploring the transformative influence of the St. Andrew Christmas Novena. As you peruse each page, witness the enchantment of miracles, the core of devotion, and the lasting impact of a saint whose life continues to captivate hearts. This book isn't just a narrative; it's an invitation to immerse yourself in the sacred traditions, prayers, and reflections that have left an indelible mark on lives for centuries. Sense the rhythm of faith pulsating through every word as you uncover the profound influence of St. Andrew's life on the world. For those seeking spiritual enrichment, believers in miracles, and individuals yearning for a deeper connection to the true meaning of Christmas, this book is a treasure trove. The Nine Days Novena Prayers presented in these pages offer a timeless tradition to enhance your festive season. Reveal the extraordinary possibilities within the divine, and let the radiant spirit of St. Andrew accompany you throughout the sacred season. A potent blend of history, devotion, and inspiration awaits -- making this book an indispensable addition to your holiday reading list. Open your heart to the magic of faith. Order 'ST. ANDREW CHRISTMAS DIVINE PRAYER BOOK' now and encounter the profound joy and blessings that this transformative journey brings.

Genre: Biographies & Memoirs [x]
Length: 40 Pages (341 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 13th, 2024

Navigating Life: 7 Essential Lessons Learned Onboard a Cruise Ship by Tiffany Budert-Waltz 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 3 hours ago

Navigating Life: 7 Essential Lessons Learned Onboard a Cruise Ship Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey? In "Navigating Life," Tiffany Budert-Waltz shares seven profound lessons learned from her unique experiences onboard a cruise ship. This book offers a fresh perspective on personal growth, resilience, and the power of change. Discover how the open seas can teach you: • The art of resilience in the face of adversity • The importance of community and connection • Strategies for embracing change and uncertainty • Practical tips for personal development and self-discovery • Ways to cultivate gratitude and find joy in everyday moments Tiffany Budert-Waltz combines insightful anecdotes with actionable advice, making this book a must-read for anyone looking to navigate life's challenges with grace and confidence. Embark on this journey of personal growth and find your own path to resilience and empowerment. Set sail today!

Genre: Biographies & Memoirs [x]
Length: 33 Pages (1,689 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 13th, 2024

SADF Border Base Layouts (Sentinel SADF Monographs) by Barry Fowler 3.8 Stars (4 Reviews)    Price verified 3 hours ago

This is a work in progress. I'm publishing at this time hoping that this draft will be found by people interested and willing to contribute to improving this book, and making it more comprehensive. The original remit was to identify each SADF base on the South West African - Angolan border, state its location, and provide a sketch map of the base layout, and maybe a photo or two to illustrate the layout of the base. Then `mission creep' became involved. Bases were developed over the years, some moved, and some were closed. There are thousands of photos of the border bases on the Internet, and it is not feasible to include many of them in such a book - even where copyright and permission can be established. Links and references are provided to related material elsewhere. Some border bases are described in detail, with there being little information about others. I publish what I have been given, and have been able to collect. There is much more out there that needs to be collected and preserved, before memories fade.

Genre: Biographies & Memoirs [x]
Length: 493 Pages (129,103 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 13th, 2024

PW and Sons: Personal Accounts of Military Service in the South African Defence Force 1976 to 1993 (Sentinel SADF Monographs) by Barry Fowler 3.9 Stars (13 Reviews)    Price verified 3 hours ago

"PW and Sons" was inspired by a somewhat cynical nickname that many conscript soldiers knew the South African army by. The name alluded to the then Prime Minister, Pieter Willem Botha, who was often regarded as the architect of their national service. The personal accounts contained in this books are by men who completed their national service within South Africa, primarily and who did not go to South West Africa or Angola during the border war, either because they serve too late to be posted there, or because the service was considered to be essential elsewhere.

Genre: Biographies & Memoirs [x]
Length: 170 Pages (6,369 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 13th, 2024

Bloomsbury Women: Distinct Figures in Art and Life by Jan Marsh 3.9 Stars (73 Reviews)    Price verified 6 hours ago

With their wild Bohemian exploits and exceptional artistic talent, the lives of the infamous Bloomsbury Set have long captured the imagination of the public. Equally as legendary for their scandalous affairs and progressive attitudes as they were for their groundbreaking contributions to art, literature, and philosophy, it is perhaps Bloomsbury's female members that are the most revered. From Virginia Woolf and her artist sister Vanessa Bell to the poets Vita Sackville-West and Katherine Mansfield, the Bloomsbury women left extensive letters, diaries and memoirs providing vivid accounts of friendship, love, art, gossip, jealousy and death that occupied their fascinating lives. This captivating book traces the Bloomsbury Group from its beginning in the early years of the 20th Century to the old age of its founders and their undying legacy. Shining a new light on the group and its female protagonists, Jan Marsh presents the true story of an extraordinary group of women. Praise for Bloomsbury Women "An excellent addition to Bloomsbury studies that will be of interest to both devotees and newcomers." Publishers Weekly "Like listening to a friend telling the story of the lives and loves of an extraordinary bunch of people" Books and Freckles Jan Marsh (b.1942) is the author of several biographies, including Pre Raphaelite Sisterhood and Christina Rossetti: A Literary Biography. An expert in the Victorian period, she is president of the William Morris Society, a trustee of the William Morris Gallery and a fellow of the Royal Historical Society. ?

Genre: Biographies & Memoirs [x]
Length: 97 Pages (2,128 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 13th, 2024

A Soccer Life in Shorts by Mark Vincent Lincir (Leftback Publishing LLC) 3.8 Stars (82 Reviews)    Price verified 2 hours ago

Getting a yellow card at age eight... snubbing an internationally reknown goalkeeper and having the only bicycle kick he's ever scored called back are just a few of the many hilarious and inspirational true stories in this collection of short stories, poems and pictures from a lifetime in soccer by Mark Vincent Lincir.

Genre: Biographies & Memoirs [x]
Length: 71 Pages (609 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 13th, 2024

Operation Mikado: What if the 1982 raid in Argentina had been carried out by Joey Hogan 3.7 Stars (6 Reviews)    Price verified 3 hours ago

In 1982 an intelligence mission onto the Argentine mainland failed before it had started. Operation plum Duff was the daring reconnaissance mission to gain vital intelligence of aircraft and Exocet missiles as well as troop deployment at the Rio Grande airbase, but the mission failed and no information had been obtained, and with a short time frame the Mikado mission for a raid on Rio Grande had to be abandoned. The Special Air Service were then under considerable pressure to launch a mission to attack the airbase at Rio Grande. At the time, no intelligence was available on the base, no one knew what troops were based there or even what aircraft were using the base. The mission was finally scrapped, but what would have happened if they had found a way to carry out the mission. This story using information gained would give some idea of how the raid could have been carried out in 1982.

Genre: Biographies & Memoirs [x]
Length: 168 Pages (1,543 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 13th, 2024

The Spotsylvania Killer: Life of Serial Killer Richard Evonitz (Serial Killer True Crime Books Book 28) by Jack Smith (Maplewood Publishing) 3.6 Stars (75 Reviews)    Price verified 3 hours ago

Meet Richard Marc Edward Evonitz, a serial killer who once terrorized Spotsylvania, Virginia. A cold-blooded killer that, under the persona of a good family man and neighbor, had a secret life where he satisfied all his vile pulsions. Download FREE with Kindle Unlimited! This world has seen some terrible killers in its history. Some are proud of their deeds, while others are not. Those with any semblance of conscience will eventually be wracked by guilt. But only a few are so absolutely cold-blooded as to live an entire double life. Serial killer Richard Marc Evonitz was of the latter variety. Somehow he could kill people and then present himself to the world as an upstanding citizen. He not only hid his crimes from his neighbors, but he conducted them right under their noses. He pulled into his garage with bound and gagged victims squirming in his back seat, even as he waved to neighbors. Richard Evonitz seems to rank in his very own particular category of a sick and twisted individual. This book delves deep into the shock and horror and examines the life and crimes of this very depraved man -- Richard Evonitz. Read on your favorite devices such as Kindle, iPhone, iPad, Android cellular phone, tablet, laptop, or computer with Amazon's free reading Kindle App. Scroll back up and click the BUY NOW button at the top right side of this page for an immediate download!

Genre: Biographies & Memoirs [x]
Length: 79 Pages (3,572 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 13th, 2024

Russia’s Most Notorious Serial Killers (Worst Serial Killers by Country True Crime Books) by Jack Smith 3.6 Stars (46 Reviews)    Price verified 3 hours ago

Russia, the largest country in the world, was the home of many known figures like Lenin, Tchaikovsky, Rasputin, and more. But this country also had many terrifying serial murder cases in its colorful past, and this book gives you an overview of the most infamous of them. Download FREE with Kindle Unlimited! Beware the serial killers of Russia! They are as brazen as they are infamous, and many were at least partially nurtured by the systemic corruption present in the Russian legal system. And this book not only documents the terrible crimes perpetrated by these monsters but also how their own government repeatedly failed Russian citizens as it pertained to their capture. These notorious killers, such as Andrei Chikatilo, were notorious for practically flouting their sociopathic rampages while Russian authorities seemed to downplay -- and at times -- perhaps even look the other way. If so, then many involved in the Russian legal system are culpable in the horrendous crimes committed by monsters such as Andrei Chikatilo, Vasily Bolgarov, Sergey Cherny, and the like. This comprehensive book brings some of the most terrifying cases to light! Read on your favorite devices such as Kindle, iPhone, iPad, Android cellular phone, tablet, laptop, or computer with Amazon's free reading Kindle App. To start reading now, scroll back up and click the BUY NOW button at the top right side of this page for an immediate download!

Genre: Biographies & Memoirs [x]
Length: 64 Pages (2,336 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 13th, 2024

Boys Don't Tell: What Happens if they Do? by Barry Fowler 3.8 Stars (6 Reviews)    Price verified 3 hours ago

[Warning: Contains material that some readers might find triggering.] `People tell me things.' Boys experience abuse or sexual bullying away from home, by boys their age or older, or adult authority figures. Why do many go again knowing what could happen? Are they groomed, manipulated, exploited or threatened? Few raise concerns or ask for help. Some boys raise the alarm, at the time or years afterwards. Too many are let down by the very safeguarding systems put in place to protect them. This book is a personal exploration through youth organisations, schools and sports tours, the South African military and the British National Health Service by a psychologist using clinical histories, case studies, vignettes and experiences reported to him. The focus is on first-hand accounts and original documents, as well as finds in other publications, films and television. Sadly, the prevailing culture is too often to dismiss a boy asking for help, suggesting 'Man up!', 'Grow a pair!' and 'Big boys don't cry!'

Genre: Biographies & Memoirs [x]
Length: 288 Pages (587 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 13th, 2024

Growing Up as Master of the Universe: The Sasolburg Years by Gary Packer (Sentinel Projects) 3.9 Stars (7 Reviews)    Price verified 3 hours ago

The autobiography of a boy growing up in the 70s and 80s in small-town South Africa. As adolescence kicks in, he moves on from leading a camping group with his best friend. He develops a love of golf which will become his profession. He discovers... girls... lots of girls. (So little time!) He sets his sights on becoming a school prefect; part of his campaign for which leads to him becoming significantly lost in the Magoebaskloof Forests. We leave him as he starts his next adventure in the South African Navy. Anton R van Pletsen 19 August 2022[0]=AZVyoO27y6ga-eXGLh6eUMVr2A6rXKNy4VwXgsgyH7nb2xedZVp9GPmvuCIOG3XG7FhFjFbfQu_JgI8YAbNCflCtiLnsPW9iQm_TsVKGxNpVERce-5A2OH82YmS7AkoTRys&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R So I finished reading your book ("Growing up as Master of the Universe: The Sasolburg Years" written by Gary Packer). Suffice to say I loved it! Jolly well done, Gary. From start to finish I could not put it down - I read it in one go. I do hate being interrupted when I am steamrolling through a good read. When I find that I need to eat or even that I need to take a leak it irritates me beyond measure. Also I definitely do not want to speak to anybody or have anyone speak to me. When I start with a good book I am quite unable to put it down until I am finished, whether it is 200 pages or a thousand plus. Above that I pass out whilst still reading, but when I wake up I just continue right where I had left off. For the snobs out there who are a saying that it is no Dostoevsky (sometimes transliterated as Dostoyevsky) or a Tolstoy, my answer to you is that not even a Dostoevsky or a Tolstoy, knew that it was a Dostoevsky or a Tolstoy until after it was not just written, but read and enjoyed by people... and I thoroughly enjoyed reading your book. When you started the story of the snake I already knew the ending, but the anticipation hooked me again and I ...

Genre: Biographies & Memoirs [x]
Length: 222 Pages (2,293 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 13th, 2024

The Last Princess of Constantinople Maria Caradja by Galen Poll 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 7 hours ago

The first full new study of the House of Caradja in France and the links to the royal families of Sweden, Romania, Turkey, Greece and Egypt. A journey from the Byzantine Empire to WWII and the vineyards of Bordeaux. Here are just some of the topics covered in this book: - Genealogy of the House of Caradja - Caradja coat of arms - The Principalities of Wallachia and Moldavia - Nicholas II, Prince of Wallachia - John I, Prince of Wallachia - Prince Constantine Caradja - Princess Catherine Caradja (born Tabacopoulo) - The Tabacopoulo family - Ibrahim Pasha of Egypt and Soliman Pasha al-Faransawi - Maria Caradja, Princess of Constantinople - Kathleen Johnston - Jean Karadja Pasha - Prince Constantin Karadja - Prince Aristide Caradja This book is a must-read for anyone interested in history, genealogy, or the royal families of Southern Europe.

Genre: Biographies & Memoirs [x]
Length: 46 Pages (1,582 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 13th, 2024

MATTHEW PERRY BIOGRAPHY : 1969 - 2023 by Gabriel J. Halvorsen 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 3 hours ago

MATTHEW PERRY BIOGRAPHY Matthew Perry, the beloved actor who brought to life the iconic character of Chandler Bing on the groundbreaking sitcom Friends, led a remarkable life filled with triumphs, challenges, and an enduring impact on the world of comedy. This unauthorized biography delves into Perry's journey from his early days in Ottawa, Canada, to his meteoric rise to stardom on Friends, and his subsequent career in film, theater, and television. Along the way, the book candidly explores Perry's personal struggles with substance abuse and his path to recovery, as well as his philanthropic endeavors and advocacy work. As we remember Matthew Perry, we celebrate a life well-lived and a legacy of laughter that continues to touch countless lives. His comedic genius, relatable personality, and the undeniable chemistry he shared with his Friends co-stars cemented his place as a cultural icon. Perry's unwavering spirit in overcoming personal adversity serves as an inspiration to all, reminding us of the resilience of the human spirit. Book Features: • Provides a comprehensive overview of Perry's life and career • Explores the impact of Perry's work on popular culture • Examines Perry's personal struggles and triumphs • Offers insights into Perry's character and motivations Remembrance of Matthew Perry: Matthew Perry will forever be remembered as the witty and sarcastic Chandler Bing, but his legacy extends far beyond the beloved sitcom. He was a talented actor, writer, producer, and philanthropist who touched the lives of millions with his humor, compassion, and resilience. While his passing leaves a void in the world of entertainment, his impact on comedy and his unwavering spirit will continue to inspire for generations to come.

Genre: Biographies & Memoirs [x]
Length: 42 Pages (149 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 13th, 2024

Manic: Episode 15 by Amy Perez MS Psychology 3.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 8 hours ago

3 Times Best Selling Author in NEW Release books, Amy Perez MS Psychology # 1 Best Seller in Forensic Psychology "My new favorite author! She tackles a tough often stigmatized topic with grace, understanding and experience." "Very good read. Some suspense and a look into the mind of mental illness." "Great book. Couldn't put it down and wait for the next chapter." Books by Amy Perez MS Psychology: Manic Episode Series Schizophrenic Episode Series Narcissistic Episode Series Dark Angel Episode Series 21 Keys Bipolar Disorder: Thriving, Triggers, Love & Relationships The Psychology of Love, Finances & Nutrition Come get locked away in a low budget mental hospital in Miami. Take this ride with the newest psych patient and see everything from her perspective. The shots, the pills, the mania. The FBI gets involved. A deadly virus takes over the facility. People are shuffling in. Who can be trusted? The world is coming to an end. All the while the love of her life is doing everything to save her. You will have to take the ups with the downs during this psychological thriller. This series is based on a true story. About the Author: Amy Perez has a Master's Degree in General Psychology. She has worked in Miami, Florida with people living with various mental illnesses. She has spent many hours inside mental health facilities with a first-hand patient perspective. Amy lives in Florida with her family and orange tabby. She enjoys reading, writing, cooking and spending time in nature. Instagram: avidauthor Twitter: @Psychologyamy Facebook Groups: Mental Health Encouragement I Love Books Psychology Facts

Genre: Biographies & Memoirs [x]
Length: 8 Pages (1,793 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 13th, 2024

Perfect Times: Memoirs by Jason R. Hemmings 4.0 Stars (7 Reviews)    Price verified 9 hours ago

#1 in Memoirs 2023. Prepare to set sail on adventures around the world. This special edition offers you the chance to share some of the greatest moments, days and times in my life. From The Orient, Far East, Indian Ocean, Europe, Caribbean, The Bahamas and the USA, the stories fly across the globe. With city life, countryside, desert scenery or stunning coastlines, there is a place and a time for everyone to enjoy. Now, in my mid 40s, I have been travelling the world for over 16 years. It has been wonderful. I am so lucky to have had the opportunity to do this in my life. I have met interesting people and visited the most diverse scenery. I have a carousel of memories from places and moments enjoyed. Life should be something to enjoy, as often as possible. Having adventures, discovering new places, finding new friends and making treasured memories, is what the world should be about. The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page. With twenty five chapters across this special edition of Perfect Times, the choice is yours where to start and which place to go. Climb aboard and enjoy them.

Genre: Biographies & Memoirs [x]
Length: 89 Pages (4,815 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 12th, 2024

Christopher Columbus: A Complete Biography by John Inkford Price verified 46 minutes ago

Beyond "discovery" lies a story shrouded in myth and consequence. Christopher Columbus: A Complete Biography peels back the layers to reveal the man who sparked a new era, for better or worse. This isn't just a chronicle of voyages. It's a captivating journey into: * The daring explorer and his ambition that ignited a global revolution. * The complexities of colonization and its lasting impact on indigenous civilizations. * The fierce debate surrounding Columbus's legacy - a chance to form your own informed opinion. This book is for you if: * You crave historical truth beyond the sugar-coated myths. * You're fascinated by the ripple effects of exploration and discovery. * You believe a nuanced understanding of the past is key to shaping a better future. Don't wait to embark on this journey of exploration. Purchase Christopher Columbus: A Complete Biography today !!

Genre: Biographies & Memoirs [x]
Length: 74 Pages (474 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 12th, 2024
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