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Mediterranean Diet Cookbook for Beginners 2024: Unlock 2000 Days of Simple and Delectable Mediterranean Recipes for a Healthier, Happier You by Aishah Madelina 4.9 Stars (15 Reviews)    Price verified 10 minutes ago

Embark on a culinary adventure with "Mediterranean Mastery," the ultimate guide to adopting a wholesome and delicious lifestyle. Authored by Aishah Madelina, this cookbook is a treasure trove of 2000 days' worth of easy and tasty Mediterranean recipes designed to elevate your well-being and transform your daily dining experience. Dive into the essence of the Mediterranean diet, renowned for its health benefits and exquisite flavors. Aishah Madelina, a passionate advocate for nutritious living, presents a diverse array of recipes suitable for both beginners and seasoned food enthusiasts. From refreshing salads and comforting soups to mouthwatering seafood and delightful desserts, each recipe is a celebration of the Mediterranean culinary heritage. Experience the joy of cooking with fresh, seasonal ingredients and discover the art of simple, yet flavorful, meals. "Mediterranean Mastery" empowers beginners to seamlessly incorporate these nourishing dishes into their daily routines, fostering a lasting commitment to a healthier lifestyle. Aishah Madelina invites you to savor the richness of the Mediterranean diet, offering not just recipes but a holistic approach to wellness. This cookbook is more than a collection of dishes; it's a roadmap to living and eating well every day. Immerse yourself in the world of Mediterranean flavors, and let "Mediterranean Mastery" be your guide to a healthier, happier you.

Genre: Health, Fitness & Dieting [x]
Length: 97 Pages (4,455 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 9th, 2024

Raising an Oppositional Child with ADHD: Successful Keys for an Explosive Child with Oppositional Defiant Disorder and ADHD by Eunice Churchill 4.2 Stars (52 Reviews)    Price verified 10 minutes ago

If you have a child who has been diagnosed with Oppositional Defiance Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder and are struggling to raise them, then keep reading... Have you tried to find a detailed and comprehensive guide on how to raise a child with ADHD and ODD and have come up short? Are you tired of parenting guides on raising children with ODD/ADHD that do not account for the different scenarios that you will encounter? If so, then this is the right place for you. Raising children is already a tough ask to begin with and raising a child with behavior disorders like ODD and ADHD makes the process of parenting even harder. However, with increasing awareness around the two conditions, raising a child with ODD and ADHD no longer needs to be as difficult as it was previously. In fact, raising a child with the two conditions can help you learn afresh what it means to be a parent and lead to you becoming an even better parent, not only to the child or children with the disorder, but also to the neurotypical child or children. I know you are wondering: How is a child with ODD/ADHD different from the neurotypical child? How can I begin to let my child know of their conditions? How do I get my ODD/ADHD child to follow instructions and pay attention? How do I help my child with ODD/ADHD socialize with others? How do I deal with a teenager with ODD/ADHD? If you have these and other related questions, then this book is for you. In this book, you will learn: • How ODD and ADHD develop • The link between ODD and ADHD and why the commonly co-occur • How to work on yourself to become a better parent to the child with ODD/ADHD • How to discipline a child with ODD/ADHD, including the difference between disciplining and punishment and why disciplining is the better course of action • How to raise a child with ODD/ADHD with neurotypical siblings • How to help the child improve socially, including teaching them how to communicate ...

Genre: Health, Fitness & Dieting [x]
Length: 220 Pages (3,188 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 9th, 2024

Happy & Healthy with Diabetes by Michael Hofer 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 10 minutes ago

Discover the transformative power of holistic living in "Happy & Healthy with Diabetes." Diabetes warrior and expert Michael Hofer shares his personal journey and practical strategies for thriving with diabetes through a powerful combination of low-carb nutrition, mindful living, joyful movement, and empowering medical care. With a blend of science-backed insights and real-world examples, Michael guides you on a step-by-step journey to optimizing diabetes management and unlocking your full potential for boundless health, happiness, and vitality. But this book is about so much more than managing a chronic condition. It's a rallying cry for a diabetes revolution -- a paradigm shift from merely surviving to truly thriving. Whether you're newly diagnosed or have been navigating diabetes for years, this book is your go-to guide for embracing a life of wholeness, balance, and limitless possibility. Get ready to transform your life as you embark on this journey with Michael as your trusted guide, cheerleader, and friend. The happy, healthy life you deserve is waiting for you -- and it all starts with turning the first page.

Genre: Health, Fitness & Dieting [x]
Length: 199 Pages (3,085 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 9th, 2024

Confidence Explained - A Quick Guide to the Powerful Effects of the Confident and Open Mind: (Self Esteem, Success, Body Language, Charisma, ... by C.K. Murray 4.3 Stars (31 Reviews)    Price verified 13 minutes ago

Supercharge Your Self-Confidence This quick guide to self-confidence will prepare you for anything life throws your way. It's time to apply the powerful effects of self-esteem... If you know nothing, know this: confidence building is the key to success. When we enjoy a confident and open mind, we enjoy a new life. An untouchable self-esteem will expand communication skills, empower body language, and project an important image of success. With the right self-confidence and the right charisma, the world is ours! Research shows that merely thinking differently and standing differently can trigger hormonal changes throughout the mind. These changes, however subtle, have been linked to significant improvements in attitude, behavior, and lifestyle choices. The right mindset literally changes the chemicals of your brain! So let's get right down to it. Do you want to know how to be successful in life? Are you a part-time worker, careerist or entrepreneur? Do you strive for more confident business self-management? Are you finally ready to unlock your alpha male? Or are you merely another person among many seeking everyday confidence? Seeking general confidence strategies? Confidence Explained: A Quick Guide to the Powerful Effects of the Confident and Open Mind will show you how to get there. This quick guide is jam-packed with strategies and principles of confident success, all backed by the latest research. These proven self-esteem strategies will finally teach you how to project success and achieve success, one step at a time. Achieving a level of ultimate self-confidence does not have to be hard. If you want to radically alter your life and boost your self-esteem to sky-high levels, you can! Self esteem in men has never been easier... So stop wasting your life wallowing in low self-esteem! This Quick Guide includes: • What is self-confidence? • Why do we need self-confidence? • How is self-confidence improved? • How do we erase fear and ...

Genre: Health, Fitness & Dieting [x]
Length: 68 Pages (1,091 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 9th, 2024

Diabetic Diet After 50: 2500+ Days of Beginners Friendly Secret Type-2 Low-Carb Delicious Diet recipes with 30 Days Meal Plan (People with Diabetics ... by Master Kenri Price verified 2 hours ago

Discover Diabetic Diet Tricks & Exclusive Bonuses ?"Have you ever held a food item, wondering if it's suitable for your diabetic diet without compromising taste or health?" ?"Have you opened the fridge, feeling lost and uninspired, unsure what to prepare that's both healthy and satisfying?" ?"Have you been frustrated by the high costs of diet-recommended foods, wishing for more affordable solutions?" Navigating a diet after a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes or prediabetes can seem overwhelming. ? ? As a chef who has tailored my culinary passion to be diabetic-friendly, I've created this guide as your ally. It's more than just a cookbook -- it's a companion for joyfully eating well, emphasizing simplicity, speed, and flavor. This guide focuses on managing type 2 diabetes and prediabetes, showcasing the impact of dietary choices on blood sugar levels. ?? ? Inside, you'll discover recipes, science-backed insights, and practical advice for dining in any situation. Each recipe includes nutritional information and tips for creating effortless, nutritious meals that fit seamlessly into your lifestyle. As your guide, I'm here to show you that a diabetes-compatible diet doesn't mean giving up your favorite foods. ? ? With quick, easy, and delicious dishes, my goal is to empower you to manage your diet and thrive confidently. Let's embark on this culinary journey together, turning dietary challenges into opportunities for wellness. Why "Diabetic Diet After 50" is the Right Choice for You: ? Simple Ingredients: Easy-to-find, diabetic-friendly ingredients. ? Straightforward Recipes: Enjoyable cooking for any skill level. ?? Health-Conscious Dining: Nutritious and delicious meals without compromise. ? 2500+ Days of Recipes: Over six years of flavorful, diabetic-friendly meals. ? 30-Day Meal Plan: A structured start to balanced diabetic eating. Exclusive Bonuses for Your Journey: ? "Dine with Ease": Navigate restaurant menus confidently. ? "Decoding the Aisles": ...

Genre: Health, Fitness & Dieting [x]
Length: 214 Pages (5,107 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 8th, 2024

Married With Cancer: One Couple's Journey by Eileen Newell 4.2 Stars (47 Reviews)    Price verified 3 hours ago

Jimmy and Eileen Newell had been married 24 years when Jimmy was diagnosed with Chronic Lymphocytic Cancer (CLL) during a routine physical exam. From the moment he called Eileen to deliver the news, she went from wife to wife/caregiver, a challenging role even with her training as a nurse. After several rounds of chemo over the course of seven years, Jimmy's cancer was declared as in remission, and things were looking up. Life was good -- until Eileen was diagnosed with breast cancer ten years later, and suddenly, everything was turned on its head. Jimmy had to step into the role of caregiver, a role that life and a career in higher education had not prepared him for. In their book Married With Cancer, Eileen and Jimmy share how they coped as a couple through their cancer diagnoses and treatments, as patient and as caregiver. It hasn't been an easy journey, but they've had boundless love and laughter, some tears, and a few life lessons, which they share in this book to give hope and encouragement to their readers as they make their own journey toward survival.

Genre: Health, Fitness & Dieting [x]
Length: 171 Pages (2,455 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 8th, 2024

Happy with Your Dream! a journey to make Your Dream come True… by Fitrajaya 3.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 3 hours ago

"This Happy with Your Dream! a journey to make Your dream come True... shares my dream and their various steps of the process. I have already the dream and finally come true. And steps of this process I will try to repeat again for my next dream.There are several major steps that must be taken in order to realize a dream that can make you proud and comfortable. If you want, You can follow my major steps too. Also include the previous chapter outlines the essence can be taken, so you will remember what should you do. Hopefully you can get spirit, motivation and an inspiration... "

Genre: Health, Fitness & Dieting [x]
Length: 20 Pages (122 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 8th, 2024

COMPREHENSIVE RENAL DIET COOKBOOK: The Complete Low Sodium, Low Potassium And Low Phosphorus Recipe Book To Avoid Dialysis And To Manage Kidney ... by Bella Stardom (Aquila Publishing Limited) 4.0 Stars (7 Reviews)    Price verified 5 hours ago

Being diagnosed with Chronic Kidney Disorder (CKD) is not the end of life and not worth getting depressed on. Even though deep and scary thoughts might be running through your mind based on survival chances. Just don't worry, be happy, there is hope. The good news is this; Chronic Kidney Disorder can be managed effectively with the right nutrition (Renal Diet) as vividly explained in this cookbook. This book contains a comprehensive four-week meal plan with renal diet recipes, these are delicious meal plans with low potassium, low sodium and low phosphorus for renal patients while maintaining your health at the same time. In this cookbook, some of the topics covered are: • What Is A Renal Diet? • What is A kidney disease? • What is Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)? • Symptoms of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) • Different Stages Of Kidney Disease • Causes Of Kidney Disease And The Risk Factors • Frequently Asked Questions • Understanding What Sodium Is, And Its Role In The Body • Reasons Why You Should Monitor Your Sodium Intake • How To Monitor Your Sodium Intake • Understanding What Potassium Is, And It's Role In The Body • Reasons Why You Should Monitor Your Potassium Intake • How To Monitor Your Potassium Intake • Understanding What Phosphorus Is, And It's Role In The Body • Reasons Why You Should Monitor Your Phosphorus Intake • How To Monitor Your Phosphorus Intake • What You Need To Know About Protein • What You Need To Know About Fluids • Grocery Lists Suggestions • Safe Fast Food Eating For Renal Patients • Different Renal Diet Recipes For Managing Kidney Disease • Chicken Dishes Recipe • Fish Dishes Recipe • Meat Dishes Recipe • Vegetarian Dishes Recipe • Side Dishes Recipe • Salad Dishes Recipe And a whole lot of other information you need regarding your kidney health. Importantly, the ...

Genre: Health, Fitness & Dieting [x]
Length: 83 Pages (21,456 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 8th, 2024

Butt On A Pillow: A Personal Diary of My Struggle to Get Pregnant by Sienna Vilette 4.1 Stars (28 Reviews)    Price verified 5 hours ago

A personal story meant to encourage those struggling to conceive, with some humor thrown in. Not meant to be a tip or trick book. Isn't it ironic how we spend a big portion of our young lives trying to NOT get pregnant, only to find out later that we might not even be able to get pregnant in the first place? As a woman in my early twenties I never expected that getting pregnant would have been an issue for me, but it was. Spoiler alert: I eventually got pregnant, but it wasn't easy. It took three years of negative pregnancy tests and multiple fertility products before I found what made our little miracle happen. I hope my story can give someone hope who is trying so hard to get a little miracle of their own.

Genre: Health, Fitness & Dieting [x]
Length: 82 Pages (353 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 8th, 2024

Dash Diet Weight Loss Solution 2023: Naturally Lower Blood Pressure with Easy and Delicious Low-Sodium Recipes With the included detailed 30-Day meal ... by Melissa G. Giles Price verified 6 hours ago

Are you tired of fad diets that promise quick weight loss but fail to deliver long-term results? Look no further! Introducing the "Dash Diet Weight Loss Solution 2023," the ultimate guide to achieving sustainable weight loss and improving your overall health. The Dash (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) Diet has been ranked as one of the best diets for weight loss and overall health by experts year after year. Building upon the success of its previous editions, the "Dash Diet Weight Loss Solution 2023" offers the latest insights and practical strategies to help you shed those unwanted pounds and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Inside this comprehensive guide, you'll discover: • The Science Behind the Dash Diet: Learn about the evidence-based principles of the Dash Diet and how it promotes weight loss, reduces blood pressure, and improves heart health. Understand the nutritional components and the powerful benefits they offer. • Customized Meal Plans: Follow step-by-step meal plans designed to suit your individual needs, whether you're a beginner or have experience with the Dash Diet. Discover delicious, easy-to-prepare recipes that are both nutritious and satisfying, helping you stay on track and achieve your weight loss goals. • Effective Strategies for Weight Loss: Uncover practical tips and strategies to overcome common challenges and establish healthy habits. From grocery shopping and meal prepping to mindful eating and portion control, you'll have all the tools you need to succeed on your weight loss journey. • Exercise and Fitness Guidelines: Explore the importance of physical activity in conjunction with the Dash Diet for optimal weight loss results. Discover a variety of exercises and fitness routines suitable for all fitness levels, helping you boost your metabolism and accelerate your weight loss progress. • Long-Term Maintenance and Lifestyle Integration: Gain insights into how to make the Dash Diet a sustainable part of your ...

Genre: Health, Fitness & Dieting [x]
Length: 256 Pages (2,998 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 8th, 2024

Low Saturated Fat Cookbook: Wholesome Recipes to Fuel Your Body, Delight Your Taste Buds and Elevate Your Well-Being (HEALTH) by Brenda White Price verified 3 hours ago

Low Saturated Fat Cookbook: Wholesome Recipes to Fuel Your Body, Delight Your Taste Buds, and Elevate Your Well-Being Are you ready to transform your diet and embrace a healthier lifestyle without sacrificing flavor? The "Low Saturated Fat Cookbook" is your ultimate guide to delicious, heart-healthy eating. Packed with wholesome recipes designed to fuel your body and elevate your well-being, this cookbook offers a fresh approach to enjoying meals while reducing your saturated fat intake. Benefits of this book: • Comprehensive Introduction: Understand the importance of a low-saturated fat diet and learn the differences between saturated and unsaturated fats. • Diverse Recipe Collection: Explore a variety of categories including breakfasts, smoothies, appetizers, salads, soups, main courses, sides, desserts, and sauces, ensuring there's something for every meal and occasion. • Nutritional Information: Each recipe includes detailed nutritional values to help you make informed choices about your dietary intake. • 30-Day Meal Plan: Kickstart your healthy eating journey with a structured meal plan that takes the guesswork out of meal prep. • Categorized Grocery List: Simplify your shopping experience with a well-organized list of ingredients, making it easier to stay on track. Whether you're aiming to lower your cholesterol, manage your weight, or simply enjoy nutritious and tasty meals, the "Low Saturated Fat Cookbook" provides the inspiration and guidance you need. Ready to delight your taste buds while nourishing your body? Grab your copy now and start your journey to a healthier, happier you!

Genre: Health, Fitness & Dieting [x]
Size: 2,713 KB
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 8th, 2024

10 KEYS TO UNLOCKING KNEE PAIN: Increase blood flow to ease pain & regain your strength, power & flexibility in 5 minutes a day (10 Keys to Unlocking ... by Catherine Holland 3.2 Stars (6 Reviews)    Price verified 7 hours ago

Does your knee hurt? Do you worry that it will give way? What if I could show you how to reduce the pain you are feeling so that you can get back to your normal life? What if you no longer need to take numbing drugs just to get you through the day? How would it be if you could move freely again, bending and lifting as you used to? Would you like some simple expert help for knee pain sufferers from an experienced Old Injury Specialist? You can increase blood flow to reduce joint and muscle pain immediately. Here are techniques to reduce knee pain through blood flow increase from Catherine Holland who founded the Oxford Pain Clinic. "These techniques are the bare bones of the vast fund of knowledge that I have gained during 13 years of treating patients with old injuries, they are also the techniques I use myself when I have an injury that needs to be healed. I have produced them because I want as many people as possible to have the power to make themselves well, wherever they are in the world. Use them and your knee will ease, use them frequently to manage your knee, pain free!" Simple, powerful, life-changing, essentials to move you away from constant pain and towards greater mobility. Here are the focussed techniques to increase the blood flow through an injured area, removing damaged tissue and encouraging healing. Buy 10 Keys to Unlocking Knee Pain now to discover: ? How to increase the blood supply to heal your injury ? The 2 ways you can enable that to happen ? The 10 steps to gaining control of pain and freedom of movement ? How to improve your knee in 5 minutes a day using 2 valuable techniques... ? Which 2 things you may have been doing that will not make it better... Welcome to 10 Keys to Unlocking Knee Pain, the tried and tested formula for knee pain sufferers who wish to return to normal fitness. This guide is for you if you wish to take action to improve your knee after years of gradual dysfunction. This guide tells you why you have a ...

Genre: Health, Fitness & Dieting [x]
Length: 9 Pages (6,672 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 8th, 2024

Alkaline Diet: The Best Alkaline Meal Plan To Reduce Body Acid [alkaline diet for weight loss, alkaline diet foods] (alkaline diet cookbook,alkaline ... by Barbara Williams 3.7 Stars (59 Reviews)    Price verified 9 hours ago

Alkaline Diet The Best Alkaline Meal Plan To Reduce Body Acid The Alkaline Diet helps you to eat healthy, stay healthy and live your life the way you should. It consists of useful information about the best alkaline meal plan to help you reduce body acids that cause illnesses and diseases. The Alkaline Diet is both a preventative and curative diet, because it prevents many illnesses and diseases while reversing any health conditions that arise when acid-forming foods are consumed in excess. An acidic body creates an environment which encourages many illnesses and diseases to develop. The body communicates when things go wrong and in case of excess acidity, there is pain, discomfort, acid influx and other signs and symptoms. Waiting until you fall sick to correct your diet is not the way to go. You need to be proactive and take charge of your life by consuming a well-balanced Alkaline Diet that will ensure that you are healthy at all times. Many people consume a high quantity of acid-forming foods everyday instead of alkaline forming foods because that is what they are used to. Eating more of what the body needs and less of what it does not need is the only way to become healthy. The Alkaline Diet is made up of a wide variety of nutritious foods that you will enjoy. The foods are tasty whether they are consumed raw or cooked. You will find these foods everywhere you go. You can mix different flavors and colors to create your own recipes that you enjoy. You can also search for recipes that use more alkaline-forming foods than acid-forming foods. There are many things you will notice, when you start consuming the Alkaline Diet. You will be more energetic to handle the things that you are passionate about. You will regain your health and vitality as the body starts healing and you will live a happy life. We have seen how excessive acid-forming foods can cause havoc in our bodies. When we consume too much of these foods and we fail to keep the acid alkaline ...

Genre: Health, Fitness & Dieting [x]
Length: 62 Pages (336 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 8th, 2024

Anxiety Relief Tools for Kids and Teens with ADHD: A Practical Guide For Parents: Mindfulness Strategy for Kids and Teens with ADHD and Anxiety by Eunice Churchill 4.7 Stars (32 Reviews)    Price verified 10 hours ago

All children and teens stress out at times, but if they also have ADHD, their anxiety can skyrocket. Anxiety Relief Tools for Kids and Teens with ADHD: A Practical Guide for Parents has smart strategies that equip parents to equip their children to deal with anxiety. In this book, parents gain insight into how ADHD affects their children and why it causes so much anxiety. This guide is filled with exercises and activities that teach children and teens how to recognize their own ADHD symptoms, counteract them, and start reducing the anxiety caused by ADHD. It offers suggestions for how to help them master critical study skills so that they can accurately recall what they have learned. Since anxiety can also be triggered by certain medical conditions, there is a quick overview so that parents can see if some of their child's anxiety might be caused by one of them. An awesome strategy, Role Playing, has been proven to effectively reduce anxiety by helping kids and teens experience anxiety-producing scenarios and practice how to handle them. Two chapters in this book contain ready-to-use role-playing skits as well as ideas for creating new scenarios. In the Appendix, parents can access additional resources that have more tried-and-true solutions. Here's a glimpse of the topics covered in this book: • What Causes Anxiety in ADHD Kids and Teens? • How ADHD Affects Children • Other Conditions That Can Cause Anxiety • Simple Steps Parents Can Take to Reduce Their Child's Anxiety • Non-Medical Therapies • How Children and Teens Can Control Their Own Anxiety • Exercises & Activities That Reinforce Anxiety Control • Role-Playing Scenarios for Kids, Pre-Teens, and Teenagers

Genre: Health, Fitness & Dieting [x]
Length: 198 Pages (6,227 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 8th, 2024

The Groovy Green Kitchen: Weeknight Veggie Slow Cooker by Geraldine Helen Hartman 3.8 Stars (62 Reviews)    Price verified 11 hours ago

Welcome to: The Groovy Green Kitchen (Volume 1) Weeknight Veggie Slow Cooker, Comfort Main Dishes with Quick and Easy Sides Featuring fast and fabulous vegetarian dinners from the slow-cooker, each with quick and easy side dishes providing the perfect accompaniment. Includes complete recipes with variations, menu and serving suggestions. And easy but essential slow cooker tips you won't find anywhere else. Meal combos that are sure to please, including... • Mediterranean Lasagne with Quickie Vegan Caesar Salad • Cream of Rutabaga and Nutmeg Soup with Sausage, Cheese and Thyme Muffins • Moroccan Vegetable Stew with Fragrant Orange Basmati Rice • Old-Fashioned "Meaty" Stew with Parsley Dumplings • Sweet Red Pepper and Salsa Soup with Toaster Oven Focaccia... and many more! ??? Weeknights are busy enough without having the hassle of time-consuming, stressful dinner preparations. The Groovy Green Kitchen: Weeknight Veggie Slow Cooker, Comfort Main Dishes with Quick and Easy Sides provides you with hearty, kid-approved recipes that will simplify dinner, without compromising taste or nutrition. Recipes that will please everyone at your table, even the meat-eaters! Great for family dinners and special enough when company is coming too. Let's get started! Download a copy today! Weeknight dinners just got a whole lot easier. Yummier too. ;-) Geraldine Helen Hartman is an award-winning cookbook author, vegetarian cooking instructor and all-around avid foodie. Her recipes and food articles have been featured in numerous publications and at websites including: The Meatless Monday Campaign, The Veggie Table, The Cooking News, The Pennsylvania Mercury, Carolina Woman Magazine, The Indiana Gazette, The City Hippie, Savvy Vegetarian and many more.

Genre: Health, Fitness & Dieting [x]
Length: 119 Pages (1,780 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 8th, 2024

How to Lose Fat and Gain Muscle: An Essential Guide to Getting Rid of Body Fat While Developing Muscle Tissue by Nick Gillespie 3.4 Stars (13 Reviews)    Price verified 15 hours ago

If you're ready to get rid of unwanted fat while simultaneously developing muscle tissue to stay fit and healthy, then this book is for you! Read on your PC, Mac, smart phone, tablet, or Kindle device. From flabulous to fabulous is a common goal of a lot of folks, and those who are motivated, disciplined, and knowledgeable enough usually end up achieving this objective. Sadly, it remains just that, "a goal," for many more who continue to store excess fats in their bodies, unable to burn it off no matter how much they seemingly try. Burning excess body fat, however, is just one side of the fit-and-healthy coin. The flip side is developing strong sinewy muscles that will help you stay fit, trim, and healthy. Keep in mind, also, that the elimination of excess fat from your body is not only a matter of aesthetics, but also is of psychological value as well: let's be honest, a whistle-bait figure that is attractive to onlookers can tremendously boost your self-confidence. This could very well translate into better chances of success in your career and personal life. Not to mention the wealth of cardiac diseases and other health problems that can be avoided by getting in shape. With all the advantages that becoming fit and lean has to offer, it's easy to see how they outweigh the disadvantages, namely that losing fat and gaining muscle isn't exactly a walk in the park. If you really want to achieve your goal, you must be ready to make sacrifices, modify your lifestyle, and work hard. But don't worry too much about the big picture right now; this book is designed to help arm you with all the information you need to make this transformation as easy as possible, one step at a time. If you follow the guidance in this book and integrate the information provided into your lifestyle as you revise your daily routines and choices, combining the proper diet with the right exercises, you'll get there in no time. And even better, you'll continually be impressed with and ...

Genre: Health, Fitness & Dieting [x]
Length: 50 Pages (1,053 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 8th, 2024

ANTI-INFLAMMATORY DIET AND RECIPE BOOK : A definitive guide and simple meal plan to enhance immunity and reduce chronic pain at any age by GOLDEN PARK Price verified 9 hours ago

Chronic inflammation is a silent contributor to numerous health issues, from heart disease and diabetes to arthritis and certain cancers. An anti-inflammatory diet emerges as a powerful tool in combating this pervasive problem, offering a holistic approach to health and well-being. By emphasizing whole, nutrient-dense foods while minimizing processed foods and unhealthy fats, this diet not only helps reduce inflammation but also supports overall vitality. The core principles of an anti-inflammatory diet focus on consuming a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats. Incorporating herbs and spices like turmeric and ginger further boosts the diet's anti-inflammatory potential. Conversely, avoiding foods high in added sugars, refined carbohydrates, trans fats, and excessive alcohol is crucial for keeping inflammation at bay. However, an anti-inflammatory lifestyle extends beyond diet alone. Regular physical activity, adequate sleep, stress management, and maintaining a healthy weight play pivotal roles in reducing inflammation. Hydration, strong social connections, and limiting exposure to environmental pollutants also contribute to overall health. Meal planning and preparation are vital strategies for sustaining an anti-inflammatory diet. By dedicating time to plan meals, balance food groups, and prepare ingredients in advance, individuals can create a sustainable and enjoyable eating routine. Sample recipes such as berry and nut oatmeal, quinoa salad with lemon-tahini dressing, baked salmon with roasted vegetables, and dark chocolate and nut bark demonstrate that an anti-inflammatory diet can be both delicious and satisfying. Adopting an anti-inflammatory diet is a proactive step toward reducing chronic inflammation and improving long-term health. By making thoughtful food choices and incorporating supportive lifestyle factors, individuals can significantly lower their risk of chronic diseases and enhance their quality ...

Genre: Health, Fitness & Dieting [x]
Length: 29 Pages (688 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 8th, 2024

Fear of Crowds: A Guide to Overcoming the Fear of Crowds in 6 Easy Steps by Anila Sepp 4.3 Stars (6 Reviews)    Price verified 43 minutes ago

If you're ready to finally overcome your fear of crowds, then this book is for you! Read on your PC, Mac, smart phone, tablet, or Kindle device. Fear, in many cases, is actually good for you. It can be healthy to be wary or afraid of certain things. When you are afraid of something (say, for example, a new environment or a stranger) you tread carefully to keep yourself safe. Paying attention to the warnings brought on by your own fears is a basic survival instinct. Only, when a fear prevents you from participating in an otherwise safe, normal, everyday activity, it ceases to be healthy. The fear is not just a fear anymore; it's a phobia. Phobias are the excessive fear of something, and by definition, a phobia is irrational and illogical. Enochlophobia is the excessive fear of crowds, and it can limit a person tremendously. Someone with enochlophobia may lose opportunities and a chance at some of life's great pleasures, only because of imagined scenarios that are unlikely to happen. This condition is far from enjoyable, and those who suffer from it often know it's irrational, yet they are unable to beat it. So is it even possible to get rid of? The short answer is yes, it can be overcome, and that's exactly what this book is going to help you with. Since nobody is born with enochlophobia, it's usually the result of an unfortunate experience. This means that since it was 'learned', it can also be 'unlearned', and this book will show you the steps. Continue reading now to start the process of regaining control over your life. Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn... • Why and How to Evaluate Logically When the Phobia Attacks • Relaxation Techniques to Stay Calm • Cultivating Important Social Skills • Gaining Confidence Through Scripting • The Importance of Journaling • When to Seek Professional Assistance • Much, much more! Download your copy today!

Genre: Health, Fitness & Dieting [x]
Length: 40 Pages (2,073 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 8th, 2024

Trauma Recovery Pathways: A Mindfulness Roadmap to Healing and Resilience - Your Guide to Overcoming PTSD with Personal Insights and Practical ... by Gretchen Carlson 5.0 Stars (5 Reviews)    Price verified one hour ago

***Doctor Recommended*** "A glimmer of hope at your fingertips... " Dr. Ocha Onazi MD What if you could live a life where, each day, you are excited to wake up in the morning? Can you imagine having the ability to lift yourself from despair and feel relief from the grip of PTSD? For those struggling with PTSD, these might seem like impossibilities. But as a survivor myself, I'm here to tell you it is possible to pull yourself from rock bottom and find happiness in your life! I'm Gretchen Carlson, and while I'm not a medical doctor, I am someone who has suffered from PTSD and has been able to overcome the debilitating symptoms by using the strategies I've provided in this book. This book is a product of passion, driven by my desire to share insights and extend support to others! Inside, you'll find: • Therapeutic approaches to PTSD management alongside strategies for seeking professional assistance to help initiate the healing process. • Diverse solutions that instill hope and help you make better sense of why you're feeling the way you're feeling. • Mindfulness-based methods for dealing with triggers and other PTSD symptoms. • Ways to develop a sense of gratitude that will help you discover the potential for healing and growth. • Personal success stories of people overcoming PTSD to inspire a new excitement for life within you. Experiencing trauma and struggling with PTSD is something many don't understand until they're the ones navigating this complex psychiatric disorder. For that reason, I've also provided common questions I was asked about my PTSD diagnosis, with answers that open a healthy dialogue for talking about PTSD, trauma, and other mental illnesses. Though it might feel like it now, this is not the end of the world! Let me act as your friendly guide on your personal journey. Find empowerment through growth, and add this book to your healing toolbox today!

Genre: Health, Fitness & Dieting [x]
Length: 152 Pages (2,054 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 8th, 2024

Shift Happens: A Woman’s Guide to Embracing Life’s Changes (Wellness With A Goodwin) by A Goodwin 5.0 Stars (4 Reviews)    Price verified 10 minutes ago

Shift Happens is a heartfelt guide for women navigating life's inevitable changes with resilience and grace. This empowering book offers practical insights and wisdom to embrace transformation, providing tools for navigating transitions with confidence. Whether facing career shifts, relationship changes, or personal growth, this guide inspires women to embrace life's evolving journey and find strength in every shift.

Genre: Health, Fitness & Dieting [x]
Length: 119 Pages (1,277 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 8th, 2024

Simple and Easy Keto Air Fryer Cookbook for Beginners: Delicious, Low Fat, Low Carb Recipes. Also ideal for Weight Loss And Proper Ketogenic Diet by Linda Rosette Price verified 15 hours ago

Say goodbye to boring foods and say hello to Keto perfection with our Keto Air Fryer Cookbook for Beginners, the ultimate guide to crispy, healthy recipes to fit your low-carb lifestyle! ? Do you have limited time for cooking? ? Do you have Weight management struggles? ? Do you Desire for healthier eating? ? Do you have Confusion about diets? ? Do you have Need for convenient solutions? If you answered yes to any of those questions, " Keto Air Fryer Cookbook for Beginners" has the solutions. How can this book help you? It contains simple, time-saving recipes tailored to the Keto diet. It contains Solutions for weight management through Keto-friendly meals. It contains Step-by-step guidance on transitioning to a healthier eating lifestyle. There is In-depth explanations and clarity on the principles of the Keto diet. It recommends convenient cooking methods with the use of an air fryer for effortless meal preparation. As the author, I combine my knowledge in ketogenic cooking and air frying to create this beginner-friendly guide for you. With a focus on simplicity and health, I'm here to help you go through the world of Keto and air frying without stress. This book stands out for several reasons: ? In this book you will discover creative Keto cooking techniques unique to this book. ? In this book you will Get a thorough intro to Keto and air frying for confident cooking. ? In this book you will enjoy a variety of Keto-friendly dishes, from classics to global favorites. ? This book will help you Streamline meal prep with efficient strategies for busy beginners. ? The book will help you stay on track with detailed nutrition facts for every recipe. Here's a sneak peek of what this life-altering guide offers: Understand the fundamentals of the ketogenic diet, how it works and its benefits for weight loss and overall health. Learn about the functionality and advantages of air fryers, how they cook food with minimal oil and produce crispy ...

Genre: Health, Fitness & Dieting [x]
Size: 8,283 KB
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 8th, 2024

ATKINS DIET COOKBOOK FOR BEGINNERS 2024: 100 Easy Recipes for Weight Loss and Burning Fat & 28-Days Meal Plan to Kickstart Your Low-Carb Journey by Stella E. Lackey Price verified 9 hours ago

?? Unleash Lasting Weight Loss: The Atkins Diet Cookbook for Beginners 2024!?? Struggling to shed pounds? Discover the power of low-carb with the Atkins Diet Cookbook for Beginners 2024! This comprehensive guide unlocks lasting weight loss with: • 100 Easy & Delicious Low-Carb Recipes: Savor flavorful breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and even desserts that satisfy cravings. ??? • Unlock the Atkins Approach: Master the science behind low-carb and understand the 4 phases for sustainable success. • Effortless 28-Day Meal Plan: Ditch the meal-planning stress with a month's worth of delicious low-carb options. • Celebrate Beyond the Scale: Learn to recognize improvements in energy, sleep, and overall well-being. • Expert Q&A: Get clear answers to your most pressing questions about the Atkins diet. ?? With Essential tips, meal-prep hacks, and delicious low-carb breakfasts, lunches, dinners, snacks, smoothies & more!??? Ready to ditch the yo-yo diets and transform your health? Click "Buy Now" and unlock the Atkins Diet Cookbook for Beginners 2024!

Genre: Health, Fitness & Dieting [x]
Length: 407 Pages (27,484 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 8th, 2024

Subtle Sabotage by Lisa Hakes 4.1 Stars (49 Reviews)    Price verified 7 hours ago

A raw and honest page-turning memoir of addiction, family dynamics, resilience and redemption, Subtle Sabotagespans Lisa Hakes' life as a suicidal alcoholic, her eventual recovery, and her current experience as the caretaker of an adult child with autism and celiac disease. With candid honesty, Hakes takes you inside the grips of addiction, binge-eating and weight loss, and the violent episodes and treatment of her autistic son. ; Join Hakes on this twisty and surprisingly humorous adventure as she overcomes obstacle after obstacle. From stabbing herself in the stomach, to losing over 80 pounds with simple methods, there's never a boring moment in this unique and wonderful life story. Subtle Sabotageis a candid portrait of alcoholism and autism for readers who appreciate down-to-earth authors who aren't afraid to tell the whole story.

Genre: Health, Fitness & Dieting [x]
Length: 208 Pages (3,184 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 8th, 2024

The Five:Two Plan - Feel Great, Look Great, & Lose Weight by Tony Green (Warrand Publishing) 3.5 Stars (6 Reviews)    Price verified 3 hours ago

Here's what readers are saying about 'The Five:Two Plan: Look Great, Feel Great & Lose Weight' : "I lost 6lbs in two weeks after reading this book. Highly recommended." Quicksilver "A really good source of information that gives you all the details about I.F and will save you hours of research." H.J. "Got me motivated to get started. Fascinating. Thank you!" Sally Mays AMAZON BESTSELLER Intermittent Fasting (I.F) is the breakaway diet success. If you want to achieve levels of health and fitness that excite you, the insights and suggestions in this book will transform you into your own weightloss success story. What You'll Get From This book - read it in an evening, but be inspired for life So What IS Intermittent Fasting? - the low down (in brief) Benefits Of Intermittent Fasting - "smell the sizzle, not the steak." 6 Golden Nuggets - how to start I.F Intermittent Fasting And Me - why I got hooked My First Fasts - I'm being honest A Menu Of IF Fasting Strategies - no 'one size' fits all Preliminaries - do not pass "Go" until.. OK, Lets Get Started - bring it on Tips And Tricks - What I learned to make I.F work for me The "Five:Two" Diet - bite sized update Possible Menus You Can Try - be prepared for five surprises The Science Behind I.F - the heavy stuff I.F And Evolution - from cavemen to rats Hunger Games - quotes for the rest of us Personal Summary - go for it Ready to discover the weight loss diet that works? Great! Simply scroll to the top of the page, click on the yellow "buy now" button, and you can access Intermittent Fasting: Look Great, Feel Great & Lose Weight in just 5 seconds!

Genre: Health, Fitness & Dieting [x]
Length: 60 Pages (185 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 8th, 2024

Herbal Remedies Made Simple: Harness the Power of Medicinal Plants for Natural Treatments and Holistic Wellness by Julia Jennings (Happy Feet Publishing) 4.8 Stars (18 Reviews)    Price verified 16 hours ago

If you're looking to naturally enhance your health using time-tested herbal solutions, then keep reading... Are you searching for a natural way to enhance your health, but feel lost with conflicting advice and complicated remedies? You're certainly not alone. Many people are looking for straightforward, safe, and effective natural health solutions, but often find themselves overwhelmed by the options and jargon. But what if there was a resource that not only simplified the world of herbal remedies but also tailored them to your unique health needs? This book offers the missing piece - natural remedies that have stood the test of centuries. From your home garden to the wild corners of nature, this guide reveals how to harness home-grown herbs and turn them into powerful natural remedies. With an emphasis on safety and simplicity, you'll learn to create your own cabinet of holistic solutions, each rooted in the latest scientific research as well as traditional knowledge. No more second-guessing or confusion; just pure, straightforward herbal wisdom at your fingertips. In this guide, you'll discover: • The secrets to boosting your immune system with everyday herbs... right from your own backyard • The top 10 must-have tools for every herbal enthusiast - make sure you're well-equipped for any remedy preparation • Simple yet powerful herbal remedies for managing stress and anxiety - bring balance to your hectic life • How to harness the anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving powers of plants for joint and muscle comfort • 8 herbs renowned for their ability to naturally lower blood sugar levels (essential for anyone managing diabetes or prediabetes) • Nature's answer to cancer - explore herbs and spices that are allies in the fight against cancer, offering natural support alongside conventional care • The overlooked traditional wisdom of herbalism in various cultures - find out the global heritage of natural remedies • Personalized ...

Genre: Health, Fitness & Dieting [x]
Length: 215 Pages (7,239 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 8th, 2024

Low-FODMAP Mediterranean Diet Cookbook: A New Approach to Neutralizing Gut Distress Scientifically Through Savory & IBS-Friendly juicy Recipes With ... by Miller Naya 4.1 Stars (10 Reviews)    Price verified 17 hours ago

Are you tired of battling gut discomfort, bloating, and unpredictable digestive woes? Look no further! The Low-FODMAP Mediterranean Diet Cookbook is your passport to a harmonious gut and a flavorful culinary journey. Why Choose Our Cookbook? • Scientifically Backed: Our approach is rooted in evidence-based research. We've combined the best of two worlds: the renowned Mediterranean diet and the low-FODMAP principles. Say goodbye to guesswork and hello to results! • Gut-Friendly Goodness: Each recipe is meticulously crafted to be gentle on your digestive system. We've curated a collection of mouthwatering dishes that won't trigger those pesky FODMAPs. Your gut will thank you! • Savory Delights: From zesty Greek salads to aromatic Moroccan tagines, our cookbook celebrates the rich flavors of the Mediterranean. Imagine savoring a juicy lamb kebab or a refreshing citrus-infused quinoa salad -- all while keeping your gut in check. • IBS Warriors Unite: This cookbook is your secret weapon if you're navigating the labyrinth of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). We've got your back with recipes that won't leave you feeling like a balloon. • Photography That Pops: Our pages burst with vibrant, colorful photography. You'll practically taste the sun-kissed tomatoes, fragrant herbs, and perfectly grilled seafood. It's a feast for your eyes and your appetite. Picture yourself on a sun-drenched terrace overlooking the azure Mediterranean Sea. The aroma of fresh basil and olive oil fills the air. Now, imagine that same blissful feeling after a meal -- no bloating, no discomfort. That's what our cookbook promises. • Dive into our chapters, where each recipe unfolds like a captivating story. Learn the secrets of balancing flavors, choosing the right spices, and creating memorable meals. • Craving a hearty moussaka or a tangy tzatziki? Our cookbook ignites your culinary desires. These recipes aren't just food; they're an invitation to nourish your body and ...

Genre: Health, Fitness & Dieting [x]
Size: 24,769 KB
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 8th, 2024

Carnivore Diet Cookbook For Beginners 2024: Easy and Delicious Recipes for Modern Carnivore to Maximise the Benefits of the Animal Based Diets by Brady Hibbert 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 41 minutes ago

Are you ready to experience the transformative power of the carnivore diet? This comprehensive cookbook is your beginner-friendly guide to a healthier, more energized you. • Discover the science behind the carnivore diet: Gain a deeper understanding of how this ancestral way of eating can benefit your body and mind. • Get started easily: Practical chapters cover breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, and even organ meats to keep your meals exciting. • Master carnivore cooking: Learn essential techniques, tips for dining out, and how to create flavorful sauces and seasonings. • 14-Day Meal Plan: Take the guesswork out of the first two weeks with a delicious and easy-to-follow plan. • Beyond the basics: Troubleshooting guides and FAQs address common concerns and challenges, ensuring your success. • Health Benefits: Understand the Health Benefits of every recipe within the book and also cooking Tips • Insights: Know how Carnivore diets have helped in Chronic conditions, how it has positively affected medication use • Book Interior: Full Color with Pictures This cookbook is ideal for anyone who wants to: • Lose weight and improve body composition • Boost energy levels and mental clarity • Potentially manage chronic health conditions Start your carnivore journey today and experience the difference a meat-based diet can make!

Genre: Health, Fitness & Dieting [x]
Length: 160 Pages (10,898 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 8th, 2024

Trilogy - Fasting, Cancer & God: 3 Short Guides to Fasting & Obesity, Cancer & Treatment and God & Belief by Paul Pisces 5.0 Stars (2 Reviews)    Price verified 41 minutes ago

A compilation of 3 Short Guides by Paul Pisces: "How I Lost 30 Kilos (66 lbs) by Fasting", "My Journey with Prostate Cancer" and "Is there a God or Not?"

Genre: Health, Fitness & Dieting [x]
Length: 75 Pages (2,505 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 8th, 2024

30 Years, 80 Coaches. Fighters, Hools, Sensei and Lessons (Not) Learned: Psychology of Fighting, Self-improvement through Martial Arts and Meditation by Bart Martin 3.8 Stars (10 Reviews)    Price verified 10 minutes ago

*The audiobook version is available on other platforms This book is about fighting, learning and studying people It's sports psychology applied. It's about personal growth through sports, based on my training in different striking and grappling disciplines for 30 years. Some say you can learn more life lessons from martial arts than from documentaries and journalists' reports. • Why fight and what can I get from it? How much effort is it worth? • Can I become better and fulfilled through fighting? • How to learn combat efficiently? Which martial arts are currently martial and which have become just an art? • How can my insecurities be related to my need to fight? How being an adrenaline junkie and my ego can harm me and others? • Why are there so many weird guys in the gyms? Where are the true sensei? • What can meditation techniques have to do with all this? It's for people looking in martial arts for something more than the primitive pounding, who feel that they should be about something other than "ripping the opponent's head off". This book should serve as a shortcut for not wasting your time and health on some people. Instead, I hope you will take care of sensible self-improvement, both physically and mentally - for yourself and for others. It's about mindfulness plus willpower. I don't like to fight. But I dislike aggressors and abusers even more. I've been doing it all these years cause I wanted to learn all dimensions of combat and self-defense. I haven't become enlightened thanks to this, and I still can't levitate. And I don't think just fighting people makes you much wiser. But I have seen and felt things supposedly worth writing about. I've gathered lots of info on techniques and experiences. • I've seen abuse of power, I've seen ideals and values misinterpreted and misused by instructors whose mouths were full of beautiful words of wisdom. • No one can aptly describe extremely hard training, fights with pros, hools and ...

Genre: Health, Fitness & Dieting [x]
Length: 239 Pages (10,599 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 8th, 2024

The Incredible Power of Comparisons: How Better Comparisons can Make You Healthier, Wealthier & Happier by Robert Prior-Wandesforde 4.8 Stars (6 Reviews)    Price verified 10 minutes ago

The comparisons we make are crucial to the decisions we take as well as the judgements we reach in everyday life. For the sake of our well-being and wallets, they deserve far more attention than we give them. Lacking the time, inclination and insight to make the best possible comparisons, we are inclined to take shortcuts, ensuring that our 'comparison set' is often determined more by convenience than relevance. Then, when choosing between these options, a number of psychological biases come into play: it's no wonder that costly errors and regret occur all too frequently. It needn't be this way, however. By gaining a better understanding of the potential pitfalls of our comparisons and tinkering with them occasionally, we can dramatically reduce mistakes. Brimming with valuable suggestions and fascinating observations, the book will give you a comparative advantage in many important aspects of your life. Dieting, dating, investing, shopping, persuading, betting, hiring and competing are just some of the areas where we can learn to use comparisons far better than we do. The same is also true of the judgements we reach about ourselves: judgements critical to our self-esteem and happiness.

Genre: Health, Fitness & Dieting [x]
Length: 98 Pages (4,034 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 8th, 2024

High Heels & Hormones: A Stylish Survival Guide by Ana Wengo 5.0 Stars (13 Reviews)    Price verified 10 minutes ago

Dive into a world where hormones meet humor, wisdom, and a dash of sass. 'High Heels & Hormones' is your enlightening companion, akin to a heart-to-heart with a wise, witty friend who always knows just what to say, sparking laughter, insights, and nods of agreement. Have you ever been caught off guard by mood swings, wrestled with inexplicable cravings, or been overtaken by unexplainable fatigue? You're in good company. This guide navigates through these experiences with relatable stories and practical tips, unraveling complex medical terminology with ease, debunking myths, and steering you towards healthier choices with a friendly nudge. Brimming with anecdotes and straightforward advice, this book empowers you to tackle hormonal challenges directly. It's a voyage of self-discovery, decoding body signals and mastering the art of thriving through life's ups and downs. With a blend of humor and practical wisdom, this guide illuminates the path to understanding your body's rhythms, championing a life in harmony with your hormones. It celebrates embracing change, finding balance, and infusing every day with a little grace. Ready to transform your hormonal rollercoaster into a journey of empowerment, laughter, and health? Embrace the ride with confidence and joy, discovering that thriving in tune with your body's natural rhythms is not just an aspiration -- it's a reality waiting for you. Start your journey now. Dive into the first chapter and enjoy!

Genre: Health, Fitness & Dieting [x]
Length: 47 Pages (1,011 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 8th, 2024
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