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Create Your Own Magic in Life (Permission Granted Today) by Virginia Reeves 4.2 Stars (2 Reviews)    Price verified 2 hours ago

From the time we are young we are taught that the magic is in believing. You are encouraged to be eager and excited to start a new adventure. Perseverance and determination provide the push. What you want is waiting for you to come. Are you a person who enjoys being stimulated by continually wanting to learn? Ask yourself: how good could life be one year from now or five years from today. Pretend that all of your dragons have been slain, all your demons have been banished. Lift yourself about your current life and ride on the wings of imagination into the future. These ideas and many more are discussed in this easy-to-read, short book. Here's additional samples: Circumstances change all the time. You can choose to wait 'for the right time' (which is elusive) or you can decide to 'go for it' and create your own magical times now. Remember, you can't do much about the length of your life, but you can do a lot about its depth and width. Do you want to enjoy more joyful vibrations in your life? Practice these 3 R's: Reflect, Rejoice, and Rejuvenate. Gratitude for what you already have. Have a caring attitude towards yourself and others. Reprogram beliefs and habits that don't energize you with a positive outlook. Feel empowered. Kind words and good deeds are eternal. You never know where their influence will end. Inject enthusiasm into your days. Smile. Be alert and aware to what is going on around you. Even mundane or boring tasks can be treated to a fun attitude. Live your life as a game that you are compelled to play ingeniously and completely. Look for the 'spice of life' moments you can create. However, you don't have to be upbeat, happy all the time. Contentment is a delightful place to live; you are the one who arranges it. Magic is found in satisfaction, quiet contemplation, sharing, and serving. You are comfortable with who you are, in this moment. You seek and find a feeling of well-being. We can't ignore the power of laughter and ...

Genre: Self-Help [x]
Length: 36 Pages (478 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 13th, 2024

The Self-Love Workbook for Women: The Empowering Guide to Cultivate Genuine Self-Compassion, Release Self-Doubt, and Embrace the Real You for a ... by Sharon Dove 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 2 hours ago

**Bonus: FREE journal with 100 self-love journal prompts now included with your purchase! Enhance your experience by journaling alongside this workbook to reinforce self-love** Are you ready to discover everlasting self-love and silence your inner critic? You've been told all your life you're supposed to meet certain standards: • You're supposed to look like a model • You're supposed to behave obediently • You're supposed to be a caretaker and have an amazing career What's the result? A deep sense of inadequacy if these standards aren't met. And they often aren't met because they're totally unrealistic! By the time you're an adult, you end up with body image issues, lack of self-esteem, struggles with self-care from burnout. The list goes on. These notions of "perfection" certainly don't come from your authentic self. Likely, you deeply internalized these unrealistic standards from social conditioning or learned behaviors during childhood. But how do you go about dismantling these views? With The Self-Love Workbook for Women, you'll go through a deep process of breaking free from these pressures and finally embrace your authentic self. Take action to reclaim your life today! In this book, you'll discover many useful concepts and tools like: • What self-love actually is (many people get this wrong) - hint: it's not just about self-love affirmations • The simple mindset shift to cultivate everlasting self-compassion • How to break free from social standards that have taken over you subconsciously! • The little-known secret to stopping self-doubt and limiting beliefs • What embracing true authenticity really means - Cultivating this mindset is essential to living a fulfilling life • How to do self-care properly - it's different for everyone and you'll learn what's right for you personally! • The correct way to evaluate if your relationships are sabotaging your self-love journey - and what to do about it • 21 powerful exercises ...

Genre: Self-Help [x]
Length: 123 Pages (2,111 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 13th, 2024

Two Hands: A Guide for Inner Healing Prayer by Ann Muller (Access Press) 4.4 Stars (15 Reviews)    Price verified 6 hours ago

Has someone close to you ever said, "You are overreacting," when you are upset about a problem at home or at work? Do you find yourself thinking, "I should be over this by now - time is supposed to heal." These experiences could be signs that healing is needed. Often our reaction to current situations involves not only the immediate pain, but also stored pain from similar occurrences earlier in life. This old hurt can rob us of our peace and joy. It seems resistant to healing, even when loving people show kindness to us. It persists, although we pray and make every effort to be close to God. We may conclude that what ails us, such as rejection, anger, anxiety, shame, or fear, is part of us and always will be, though we may not be able to explain when or how it began. At the same time, we would love to dare to hope that we could be healed. This guide describes a model of prayer for healing and freedom of the heart. The model comes out of the author's own healing journey and her experiences in praying with others in multiple cultural milieus. God does not prevent every hurtful event we experience in this imperfect world, yet God can heal us from the effects. The guide contains scriptural reflections on prayer, including accounts of the prayers prayed by Moses, Daniel, David and others. The model especially emphasizes the role God has given to Jesus, not as a figure owned by a particular religious group, but as the healer and deliverer sent by God for the benefit of all.

Genre: Self-Help [x]
Length: 197 Pages (2,395 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 13th, 2024

Shivers and Shadows: Unmasking Human Fear by Samson Penkar Price verified 10 hours ago

"Shivers and Shadows: Unmasking Human Fear" is an insightful exploration of fear's origins, manifestations, and impact on the human experience. Throughout the book, the author delves deep into the evolutionary roots of fear, tracing its survival-driven instincts that once ensured our ancestors' safety. The reader gains a comprehensive understanding of how the fight-or-flight response operates, making fear a universal and essential human emotion. With a focus on the neurobiology of fear, the book uncovers the brain's intricate mechanisms behind fear processing. The amygdala's pivotal role in triggering fear responses and the influence of neurotransmitters and hormones on our fear levels are explained in detail, providing readers with a scientific basis for understanding their emotional reactions. The exploration continues into the diverse types of fear that humans encounter. Biological fears, such as heights and darkness, social fears related to judgment and rejection, and psychological fears of failure and uncertainty, are discussed, revealing the multifaceted nature of fear's influence on our lives. A significant portion of the book revolves around the psychology of fear, shedding light on fear acquisition through conditioning and the influence of culture and society on our anxieties. Individual differences in fear responses are explored, offering readers a more personalized perspective on their unique fears. The book delves into the three primary fear responses -- fight, flight, and freeze -- elaborating on how they manifest in various situations. Additionally, readers gain insights into how fear intersects with other emotions like anxiety, panic and learn effective coping mechanisms to manage their emotional responses. Phobias, as extreme expressions of fear, receive dedicated attention in the book. Readers gain an understanding of their classification, common origins, and the various therapeutic approaches to address and overcome these debilitating ...

Genre: Self-Help [x]
Length: 125 Pages (226 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 13th, 2024

The 6 Month Rush: A Journey Into Martial Arts and Combat Sports by Christian Bailey 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 8 hours ago

Embark on an exhilarating six-month adventure that will transform your body, mind, and spirit. In "The 6 Month Rush: A Journey into Martial Arts and Combat Sports," we invites you to step away from the digital world and dive into the dynamic realm of physical activity, discipline, and personal growth. Discover the thrilling world of martial arts and combat sports, exploring various disciplines such as Jiu Jitsu, Judo, Boxing, Kickboxing, and Muay Thai. This book goes beyond the physical aspects, delving into the philosophies and principles that underpin these ancient arts, offering holistic benefits for your body and mind. In this comprehensive guide, you'll learn how to: • Break Free from the Digital Age: Find balance and embrace physical activity in a world dominated by screens. • Discover the Thrill of Martial Arts and Combat Sports: Understand the benefits and wisdom these practices bring to your life. • Explore Different Disciplines: Gain insights into the origins, philosophies, and unique benefits of various martial arts and combat sports. • Cultivate Strength through Discipline: Develop resilience, determination, and unleash your inner power both on and off the mat. • Foster Connections through Shared Experiences: Build friendships, create a supportive community, and find your tribe. • Overcome Adversity: Use martial arts to nurture your mind, body, and spirit, enhancing your mental health and overall well-being. • Embrace a Transformation Journey: Celebrate personal growth, embrace challenges, and discover your true potential through a structured six-month adventure. Filled with inspiring stories of triumph, practical advice, and motivational insights, "The 6 Month Rush" is your ultimate guide to achieving wellness, happiness, and fulfilment through martial arts and combat sports. Whether you're a seasoned athlete or a complete beginner, this book will empower you to embark on a transformative journey and find joy through movement.

Genre: Self-Help [x]
Length: 62 Pages (352 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 13th, 2024

TIME MASTERY FOR EMPLOYEES: WHERE YOU DON'T OWN YOUR TIME by SUNIL KUMAR SAHOO 5.0 Stars (5 Reviews)    Price verified 2 hours ago

Start your journey to success with "Time Mastery for Employees". This book will equip you with the tools to increase your productivity, reduce stress, and improve overall job satisfaction. Through insightful case studies, real-life examples, and the author's decade-long experience on this subject in an industrial setting, you will learn how to take control of your time and unlock your potential towards productivity and growth. The benefits of reading this book are immense - you will learn how to make effective to-do lists and calendars that prioritize tasks, use triage techniques to resolve crises, manage interruptions, overcome chronic procrastination and create a successful work-life balance. What's Inside: • Maximize efficiency and productivity with time management techniques • Create effective to-do lists and calendars to prioritize tasks • Resolve workplace crises with triage techniques • Continuous improvement on your core skills and tasks at work • Overcome interruptions and manage emotions and energy • Balance work and life for increased productivity • Develop your own time mastery plan with useful tools, templates, and checklists and much more... Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity to unlock your potential and master time. Grab your copy today and take the first step towards achieving lasting success at your work through time mastery.

Genre: Self-Help [x]
Length: 164 Pages (1,415 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 13th, 2024

Mental Spring Cleaning: Conquer Negative Thoughts and Embrace Positivity and Laughter by Soul Inspire Publishing 5.0 Stars (4 Reviews)    Price verified 7 hours ago

Mental Spring Cleaning: Embracing Positivity and Laughter In a world where stress and negativity can easily overwhelm us, it's vital to refresh and rejuvenate not just our living spaces but our mental landscapes as well. "Mental Spring Cleaning: Embracing Positivity and Laughter" is your essential guide to reviving your mental health through the transformative powers of laughter and a positive outlook. Laughter isn't just a momentary escape -- it's a potent therapeutic tool that cuts across cultures and languages, scientifically proven to: • Reduce stress: Laughing lowers cortisol levels and enhances your mood, offering a natural antidote to daily pressures. • Strengthen immunity: Regular laughter boosts the immune system by increasing the production of antibodies. • Enhance connectivity: Shared moments of laughter forge stronger bonds with others, enhancing both personal and professional relationships. In this insightful book, Caroline Grey taps into the science behind laughter's healing powers, illustrating how this simple yet powerful act can foster long-lasting resilience. From relieving stress to strengthening connections, laughter's benefits are wide -ranging and deeply impactful. "Mental Spring Cleaning" provides you with: • Actionable strategies to weave laughter into the fabric of your daily life. • Personal anecdotes and scientific research that highlight the transformative effects of laughter. • Practical advice for cultivating a positive mindset that can significantly improve your quality of life. You'll discover: • Why laughter is your greatest ally in managing stress and overcoming life's hurdles. • How to integrate humor into your everyday interactions, enhancing your relationships and personal well-being. • Tips for maintaining a positive outlook through challenging times, turning potential stressors into opportunities for growth and laughter. Every chapter offers a blend of theory, real-life applications, and ...

Genre: Self-Help [x]
Length: 42 Pages (2,628 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 13th, 2024

Unleashing the Power Within: Mastering Your Mind and Defying All Odds on Your Journey Through Life (Self Help Books For Men and Women, Relationships, ... by Megan Logan 3.3 Stars (3 Reviews)    Price verified 2 hours ago

How to unleash the power within oneself for personal development? What are the Strategies for defying the odds and achieving success in life? How to Overcome obstacles and achieving goals with a positive mindset? What are the Mindset mastery techniques for overcoming life's challenges? If You Are Looking For the Answers to the Questions Above, Get This Book Now!!! Embark on a life-altering odyssey with Unleashing the Power Within: Mastering Your Mind and Defying All Odds on Your Journey Through Life. Recognized among the top self-development books, this captivating guide transcends conventional self-help, delving into the art of personal development and offering profound insights for unlocking the full potential of your mind. Discover a treasure trove of proven techniques, making it a go-to resource for self-improvement and mastery of self. Navigate life's challenges with strategies outlined in this resilience book, fostering a positive mindset that propels you toward unprecedented success. Immerse yourself in inspiring narratives of resilience and determination, where individuals triumph over adversity, providing a roadmap for your own journey. Whether you're a seasoned self-help enthusiast or just starting your exploration of personal growth, 'Unleashing the Power Within' caters to all levels, solidifying its place among the best positive mindset books and books on mindset. This book offers: • Harnessing Inner Strength: Explore methods to unlock the untapped potential within your mind, empowering you to overcome challenges and achieve unprecedented success. • Mind Mastery Techniques: Learn practical strategies and mental exercises to take control of your thoughts, emotions, and beliefs, enabling you to navigate life's journey with resilience and determination. • Defying Limits: Discover inspirational stories and real-life examples of individuals who have defied the odds, proving that with the right mindset, any obstacle can be transformed into an ...

Genre: Self-Help [x]
Length: 132 Pages (1,429 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 13th, 2024

Digital Serenity: Personalized Path to Screen Time Wellness and Unplugging: Tailored Solutions for Digital Wellness, Unplugging, and Detoxification: ... by Pauline Vincent 4.7 Stars (10 Reviews)    Price verified 2 hours ago

Do you need a digital detox? Do you find it challenging to disconnect from screens? Do you think you could improve your digital well-being? If you're looking for practical strategies to regain control of your digital serenity and find balance in a digitally interconnected society, this book is for you! In Digital Serenity: Personalized Path to Screen Time Wellness and Unplugging, author Pauline Vincent, a dedicated biohacker and fitness enthusiast, dives deep into the complexities of our digital dependence and offers actionable solutions to reclaim your time, focus, and serenity. Inside Digital Serenity, you'll discover: • Techniques to evaluate your digital habits. • Practical methods to create screen-free zones and tech-free activities for enhanced mental well-being. • Strategies for leveraging delegation and automation tools, allowing you to focus on deep work. • The impact of digital consumption on mental health. • The power of face-to-face communication and cultivating deeper interpersonal connections. Packed with practical advice, scientific insights, and personal anecdotes, this book is a roadmap to reclaiming your life from the digital whirlwind and cultivating a sense of balance, purpose, and serenity in an increasingly digital world. Get your copy of Digital Serenity: Personalized Path to Screen Time Wellness and Unplugging today and unveil valuable healthy lifestyle must-haves!

Genre: Self-Help [x]
Length: 181 Pages (2,460 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 13th, 2024

Alchemy of Emotions: Turning Negativity into Radiance - Emotion Metamorphosis (Merlin Adventure Stories) by Robert Anderson Love Wins 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 7 hours ago

Turning Negativity into Radiance - Emotion Metamorphosis Embark on a mystical journey with Robert and Merlin as they traverse enchanted realms, unraveling the secrets of emotional alchemy. Guided by ancient wisdom and modern techniques, Robert learns to transform negativity into radiant positivity. In "Alchemy of Emotions," discover tools to reframe perspectives, practice gratitude, and embrace self-compassion. Uncover the art of emotional transformation, illuminated by captivating stories and practical exercises. Join this transformative quest where shadows evolve into light, offering readers a path to inner brilliance and resilience. **Alchemy of Emotions: Turning Negativity into Radiance - Emotion Metamorphosis** Embrace the transformative power of emotions with "Alchemy of Emotions: Turning Negativity into Radiance." This captivating journey delves deep into the art of emotional alchemy, guiding you through the process of transmuting negativity into radiant positivity. Within these pages, you'll uncover ancient wisdom and modern insights that illuminate the path to emotional resilience and personal growth. Through the guidance of time-tested teachings, you'll learn to wield the tools of awareness, mindfulness, and self-compassion, empowering you to shape your emotional landscape with intention and grace. Step into the realm of "Emotion Metamorphosis" as you navigate the complexities of your inner world. Explore the alchemical journey of turning shadows into light, forging an unbreakable connection between your emotional experiences and your authentic self. Discover how to: - **Recognize and Acknowledge:** Learn to acknowledge your emotions without judgment, creating a foundation for profound transformation. - **Shift Perspective:** Uncover the power of viewing situations from new angles, reframing challenges into opportunities. - **Practice Gratitude:** Cultivate an attitude of gratitude to infuse positivity into every aspect of your life. - ...

Genre: Self-Help [x]
Length: 63 Pages (1,716 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 13th, 2024

Grief: Understanding and Overcoming it (Navigating Mental Health Book 3) by Josh Graham 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 2 hours ago

"Grief: Understanding and Overcoming It" is a compassionate and comprehensive guide that explores the multifaceted nature of grief, offering practical strategies and real-life stories to help individuals navigate their grief journey. This book delves into the emotional, physical, and mental impacts of loss, the stages of grief, and effective coping mechanisms, including professional therapy, self-help strategies, and support systems. Whether you're experiencing grief personally or supporting a loved one, this essential resource provides insights, encouragement, and hope for healing and finding a new normal.

Genre: Self-Help [x]
Length: 16 Pages (831 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 13th, 2024

AIR: The Philosophy of Harmony by Roman Vartanov 4.8 Stars (19 Reviews)    Price verified 9 hours ago

We live in complicated times. To overcome the challenges that surround us, we need a new philosophy. Modern, fundamental, and simple. This book offers exactly that. When it rains outside, you take an umbrella with no hesitation, procrastination, stress, or anxiety. With AIR you will be able to deal with most life problems almost as easily. Getting acquainted with AIR is the first step to taking control over your life.

Genre: Self-Help [x]
Length: 157 Pages (874 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 13th, 2024

Thrifty Living: The Comprehensive Guide to Frugal Freedom by Elias Sterling 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 9 hours ago

Introducing "Thrifty Living: The Comprehensive Guide to Frugal Freedom" "Thrifty Living" is your ultimate companion on the journey to financial stability and a fulfilling life without compromising quality. This comprehensive guide is designed to equip you with the essential skills and strategies needed to embrace a frugal lifestyle while achieving personal satisfaction. **Unlocking Financial Wisdom** Discover the rewards of thriftiness in Part I, as the book unveils the philosophy and perks of financial wisdom. Cultivate a thrifty mentality and set meaningful goals for your frugal journey. Master the art of budgeting, conquer debt, and develop a healthy money relationship. Learn to navigate unexpected expenses and plan for a secure retirement. **Smart Living Strategies** Part II delves into frugal home management, guiding you through cost-cutting strategies, DIY home solutions, and energy-conscious habits. Discover the art of upcycling and repurposing, and learn how to leverage technology for energy and money savings. Achieve clutter-free living with budget-friendly organization solutions. **Savvy Food and Meal Planning** Frugal food and meal planning take center stage in Part III. Master grocery shopping tactics, meal planning, and budget cooking techniques. Minimize food waste, adopt healthy eating habits, and learn to nourish your loved ones without breaking the bank. Explore economical snacking and mindful consumption for an enhanced culinary experience. **Travel and Transportation on a Budget** Part IV guides you through economical travel and transportation strategies. From smart car ownership to budget-friendly vacations, road trips, and even solo travel, discover how to explore the world without overspending. Maximize savings while staying connected with affordable digital solutions in Part V. **Economical Fashion and Style** Part VI is your gateway to economical fashion and personal style. Build a cost-effective wardrobe, uncover treasures in thrift ...

Genre: Self-Help [x]
Length: 355 Pages (1,117 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 13th, 2024

Stoicism Today: Selected Writings (Volume Two) by Patrick Ussher (Stoicism Today) 4.3 Stars (53 Reviews)    Price verified 7 hours ago

Stoicism, the classical philosophy as a way of life practised by the Greeks and Romans, continues to resonate in the modern world. With over forty essays and reflections, this book is simultaneously a guide to practising Stoicism in your own life and to all the different aspects of the modern Stoic revival. You will learn about Stoic practical wisdom, virtue, how to relate wisely to others and the nature of Stoic joy. You will read of life-stories by those who practise Stoicism today, coping with illness and other adversities, and of how Stoicism can be helpful in many areas of modern life, from cultivating calm in the online world to contributing new solutions to the environmental crisis. And, just like the ancient Stoics did, key questions modern Stoics often ask are debated such as: Do you need God to be a Stoic? Is the Stoic an ascetic? Containing both practical wisdom and philosophical reflection, this book - the second in the Stoicism Today series - is for anyone interested in practising the Stoic life in the modern world.

Genre: Self-Help [x]
Length: 272 Pages (5,525 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 13th, 2024

The Comprehensive Guide to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety Addressing Physical, Lifestyle, and Cognitive Triggers.: Learn CBT, EFT, ... by Janette Brian 4.5 Stars (21 Reviews)    Price verified 2 hours ago

If you can't seem to shut off your inner critic, then The Comprehensive Guide to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety is for you. Listen closely: your anxiety is not your fault! Did you know that unmanaged stress can cause anxiety to become hardwired in your brain? Everything from difficult experiences to lifestyle choices can create negative thinking loops. The great news is, you can reprogram your brain and heal from anxiety! You can take control of your anxiety by finding the CBT practices that work for you, as described in this book. Once you learn to accept your anxiety, you can start kicking it to the curb. Inside The Comprehensive Guide to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety, you will discover: • How (and why) anxiety can show up in your brain, body, and life • The major links between your brain, nervous system, and everyday emotions • Simple lifestyle changes that can help you feel better and improve your mood • Key self-care practices to be more mindful and confident, so you can overcome anxiety Your anxiety doesn't have to run your life -- and it shouldn't! Tap into your power and quiet your inner critic with this complete cognitive behavioral therapy program!

Genre: Self-Help [x]
Length: 174 Pages (8,521 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 13th, 2024

How to Create Positive Emotions: Eliminate Negative Thinking, Banish Stress, Boost Emotional Intelligence and Unveil Your Full Potential (Personal ... by Dr. Sapna Deb 5.0 Stars (3 Reviews)    Price verified 3 hours ago

How to Create Positive Emotions Do you want to eliminate negative thinking? Are you feeling anxious and stressed? Do you want to boost your emotional intelligence? Then this book How to Create Positive Emotions is for you. By reading this book and incorporating its teachings, you will be able to reach your highest potential and lead a happy and fulfilling life. You will learn about the following: -The gamut of emotions -Genesis of emotions -Understand your emotions -How to create positive emotions -Ways to sustain positive emotions -Heal your energy field -To naturally have positive emotions -To traverse this journey on earth with least possible friction -To live a happy and successful life In How to Create Positive Emotions, you will learn about the rise of ego, power of gratitude, the light of hope and the healing power of forgiveness. You will learn about time tested ancient ways of healing the energy field and thereby keeping negative thoughts at bay. You will be free of anxiety and stress, become emotionally resilient and gain mental and physical well -being. You will be able to banish anger, fear, sadness, anxiety, loneliness, depression, jealousy, and envy. The mind is a wild garden waiting to be tamed. Plant flowers and fruits so that you find shade, respite, and solace in it. Tend to it regularly for weeds and poisonous plants grow uninvited and spread like a forest fire. There is nothing more dangerous than that for it leaves you burning too. Ancient ways mentioned in the book, if practiced, will heal your energy field. Once your aura is glowing, all negative emotions will make a silent exit. You will be filled with love, compassion, empathy, and perennial happiness naturally. You will be in connect with all that is around and then watch in awe as the trees wave, the clouds gesture and the bird's whisper.

Genre: Self-Help [x]
Length: 119 Pages (709 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 13th, 2024

The Happiness Guide: Tried and Tested Methods for a Happy Life by Dunja Berger 5.0 Stars (20 Reviews)    Price verified 3 hours ago

We live in an age where happiness has become both a science and an art. "The Happiness Guide: Tried and Tested Methods for a Happy Life," is an exploration of happiness that transcends fleeting moments and delves into the realm of lasting transformation. This book isn't just a manual; it's your companion on the path to embracing joy in its truest form. This book is designed to give you tools and habits over a 16 week period to help you create more happiness and joy in a simple and easy to follow way. The self improvement methods each week includes: + A New Habit + Why it Matters + The Science Behind It + A Journaling Prompt + An Affirmation + Exercises to incorporate the habit it into your life. It's a structured approach to creating Happiness into your world, with concepts that you've heard before, but that are now accessible to you through one simple guide book. These weekly changes are based on various principles from popular authors in the fields of neuroscience, positive psychology, and life coaching, aimed at enhancing your overall happiness and joy. In addition these are happiness tools that helped me move from rock bottom to joyful within a couple of months. If it worked for me, it will work for you too :)

Genre: Self-Help [x]
Length: 86 Pages (2,174 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 13th, 2024

Healing Through Nature: Mindful Practices for Emotional Healing by Edward Chalk 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 2 hours ago

In a modern world that often feels disconnected and fast-paced, Healing Through Nature offers a journey back to the tranquility and wisdom of the natural world. This book is your guide to rediscovering the peace and emotional clarity that nature so generously provides. Through mindful practices and meditative exercises, this book reveals how to: • Embrace the calming presence of nature to soothe stress. • Develop a meaningful connection with the environment. • Use the natural world to foster emotional healing. Whether you're navigating the challenges of modern life or simply seeking a deeper connection with the natural world, Healing Through Nature offers the insights and tools to create a more harmonious and balanced life.

Genre: Self-Help [x]
Length: 185 Pages (14,115 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 13th, 2024

The Subtle Art of Letting Go Your Pain And Not Caring About Other People's Judgement: How To Heal From Your Ugly Emotional Past And Move Into The ... by Clara Finnie 3.6 Stars (4 Reviews)    Price verified 8 hours ago

Ever felt trapped by your own thoughts and worried about what others might think? Imagine breaking free from these chains and living a life unfiltered by past pains and societal judgments. "The Subtle Art of Letting Go Your Pain And Not Caring About Other People's Judgement" opens the door to a world where your feelings, thoughts, and actions are entirely your own. Dive into the heart of what it means to live authentically. Each chapter peels back the layers of myths we've been sold -- about positivity, pain, and the pursuit of perfection. From the practical wisdom of choosing your battles wisely to the profound peace found in accepting life's hard realities, this book is a step-by-step guide to reclaiming your mental space and emotional energy. Feel the relief of unburdening your soul as you turn each page. Learn how to dismantle the barriers to your happiness, one truth at a time. You'll explore strategies for releasing past trauma, silencing your inner critic, and living in the present -- an invaluable toolkit for anyone ready to confront their fears and transform their life. Are you ready to stop living at the mercy of past regrets and future fears? "The Subtle Art of Letting Go Your Pain And Not Caring About Other People's Judgement" offers not just insights but a clear path to action -- a series of choices that lead to a richer, more fulfilling life. This isn't just a book; it's a movement towards freedom. Don't wait another day. Embrace the opportunity to shed the weight of expectation and embrace the joy of uninhibited self-expression. Order your copy today, and start living the life you've always deserved. Step into your power. Let go. Let live. Let thrive.

Genre: Self-Help [x]
Length: 118 Pages (868 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 12th, 2024

The Do-It-Yourself Guide to Conscious Living: Unraveling Your Mindsets in 21 Days by Lorie Givens (Buck Stop Publishing) 4.7 Stars (23 Reviews)    Price verified 8 hours ago

Chosen by National Indie Excellence Awards as the 2019 Winner for Books on Relationships and by Next Generation Indie Book Awards as a silver medalist for Inspirational Non-Fiction, this powerful Do-It-Yourself resource brings you face-to-face with the one relationship in your life that dictates all the others - the one you have with yourself. It is a book about mindsets that will move you from trying to make sense of all kinds of things in your life that have already taken place to instead, making sense of the states of mind which keep you thinking about them. It is self-help with a warm conversational feel that will slow you down long enough to focus on what's really happening inside your thoughts that, like most people, you're probably unaware of. Simply put, this book will wake you up to the life we all live in our heads. It is one of this year's most down-to-earth yet thought-provoking reads, and what it will provoke you to think about is you: how you think, how you approach fear, anger, praise, criticism, judgment, worry, control, blame, trust, rules, listening, and even that one mindset we all share but seldom notice- our need to be right. It is respectful, non-critical, at times, unapologetic but, because it steps away from conventional norms, it will make you think and, more importantly, rethink lots of things about yourself while leaving you with a sense of calm at the end of each chapter. If you want to go from mindful to meaningful with a 'keepin' it real' authenticity, this book will help you do that and more and stay with you long after you've read it.

Genre: Self-Help [x]
Length: 192 Pages (2,855 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 12th, 2024

Everyone is not going to see your vision.. by Roger Washington II 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 10 hours ago

What vision do you have for your life? Are you seeing it through your own eyes?

Genre: Self-Help [x]
Length: 2 Pages (2,330 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 12th, 2024

Make A Difference (Permission Granted Today) by Virginia Reeves Price verified 22 minutes ago

There are many imaginative and inexpensive ways to demonstrate you care. A greeting card. Offer to do an errand. A plant or flowers. Sharing items you no longer need. Baking goodies. Playing with neighborhood children. Something offbeat or silly. A phone call or note. A kindness enriches the giver and the receiver. Feel the experience of gratitude when contributing from your heart. This short, easy-to-read book offers a variety of suggestions on how you can make an impact. Several ideas are noted below. When you practice 'random acts of kindness and senseless beauty' you are, in effect, also making sure you don't postpone providing joy and pleasure. What can you give that costs nothing? A smile. A kind word. Credit and praise for a job done. Hope. Sharing. Encouragement. Good cheer. A pleasant response. Positive thoughts. Looking for the good in people and compliment them sincerely. Saying thank you. Appreciation. Loyalty. Courtesy. Integrity. Honesty. Compassion. Respect. Generosity. Tolerance. Listening. A good example. Play time. Quiet time. Let others know you believe in their abilities, trust them to make good choices, and support them. Positive reinforcement stimulates small, healthy behaviors into larger ones. Helping others invariably offers its own set of rewards. Recognize that people who make the biggest impact are willing to do the extra bit that was not required or expected. Their spirit of service is summed up in these little words... and then some. Thousands of people do simple or significant things every day to help and be nice. The joy and satisfaction of doing with no need of recognition, reward, or return are the pay these unsung heroes want. The impact can be great, even if the gesture or act was small. Your contributions express your talents, expose your beliefs, and establishes connections and trust. Practice the skills of work, ambition, and common sense. Make sure your character traits are strong and harmonious. ...

Genre: Self-Help [x]
Length: 37 Pages (511 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 12th, 2024

The Bandit Bachelor: Finding Happiness, Success, and Freedom as a Maverick by Harry Holland 4.7 Stars (27 Reviews)    Price verified 9 hours ago

Are you ready to embark on a transformational journey that will redefine your life's path? In "The Bandit Bachelor," seasoned author and self-development expert, Harry Holland, guides you through an extraordinary odyssey of self-discovery and empowerment. Unleash Your Inner Maverick and Rediscover True Happiness! Tired of living life on someone else's terms? Eager to break free from the shackles of conformity? This book is your ultimate roadmap to finding genuine happiness, unparalleled success, and the freedom to live life on your own terms. What You'll Discover Inside: Embrace the Maverick Mindset: Learn how to challenge the status quo, reject herd mentality, and chart your own unique course toward an extraordinary life. Master the Art of Minimalism: Uncover the power of simplicity and the profound impact it can have on your pursuit of happiness. Navigate Life's Uncertainties: Embrace the unknown, find beauty in life's mysteries, and transform every challenge into an opportunity for growth. Unlock Your Full Potential: Harness the Maverick's Guide to Risk-Taking, Conviction, and Charisma to become the magnetic leader you were born to be. Build Authentic Relationships: Discover the true meaning of connection and the art of giving back while staying true to your individuality. Create Passive Income Streams: Forge your path to financial independence, achieving the freedom to live life on your terms. Master Your Emotions: Gain unparalleled self-control and resilience, essential tools for your Maverick's journey. Harness the Law of Attraction: Shift your energy and attract positivity, success, and abundance into your life. Are you ready to join the ranks of those who have dared to be different? Embark on your journey today, and rediscover happiness, success, and freedom in ways you never thought possible. Welcome to your Maverick transformation.

Genre: Self-Help [x]
Length: 73 Pages (182 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 12th, 2024

How To Make A Good Reed Home And Office Diffuser (Super-preneur Series) by Dr Victoria Lincoln Price verified 8 hours ago

In her new ebook series, titled "Super-preneur: How to Make A Good Home and Office Diffuser," Dr. Victoria Lincoln delves into the world of aromatherapy and its potential in enhancing our daily lives. Drawing upon her background in entrepreneurship, she expertly guides readers in creating their own home and office diffusers, offering both practical advice and a deep understanding of the benefits these devices can bring. This comprehensive series takes readers on a journey of exploration, providing step-by-step instructions, insightful tips, and innovative ideas to ensure the creation of effective diffusers that cater to individual needs and preferences. Dr. Lincoln's expertise in business and relationships shines through, as she addresses the importance of creating a pleasant and inviting environment to boost productivity and overall well-being.

Genre: Self-Help [x]
Length: 63 Pages
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 12th, 2024

When God Calls A Writer: Moving Past Insecurity to Write with Confidence (Writing with God Book 1) by Deanne Welsh 4.7 Stars (239 Reviews)    Price verified 10 hours ago

Is God calling you to write? Do you have a burning desire to write books and use words to inspire people and change the world? When God Calls A Writer is a book about knowing that your desire to write is both a gift and a calling from God. In When God Calls A Writer Deanne Welsh weaves the story of Moses with the story of a writer. Do you wonder if God is calling you to write, but you feel unqualified? What are the signs that God is calling you? Do you struggle to hear God's voice and guidance about your writing career? Are you eager for a powerful transformation in your faith and your writing? Learn simple and strategic ways to allow God to connect with God, hear Him and allow Him to direct your writing journey. Author Deanne Welsh shares her own story of insecurity and self-doubt and what it took for her to walk, first with doubt and then with confidence, into God's call for her to write. She gives you practical steps for listening to God and hearing His guidance, as well as the most important questions to ask as you begin your ministry-career of ideas, words, and stories. By the end of this book you will have practical strategies to keep you focused, the specific questions to catapult your writing career forward, and the traits to develop and pay attention to for unstoppable writing success. Your "yes" changes everything.

Genre: Self-Help [x]
Length: 89 Pages (336 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 12th, 2024

Empowered Choices: A Guide for Women Contemplating Divorce by Danielle A Calise 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 2 hours ago

In "Empowered Choices," author Danielle A Calise invites women on a transformative journey of self-discovery and empowerment as they navigate the complex terrain of contemplating divorce. This comprehensive guide is a beacon of support, providing the tools and insights for women to make informed decisions that align with their authentic selves. As the echoes of uncertainty and self-doubt surround the contemplation of divorce, this book serves as a trusted companion, offering a roadmap to clarity and confidence. With sensitivity and expertise, the author addresses the unique challenges women face during this pivotal moment in their lives, encouraging them to embrace their inner strength and embark on a journey of self-empowerment. "Empowered Choices" begins by fostering a deep understanding of personal needs, desires, and fears, guiding readers through a thoughtful self-assessment process. The author explores the various facets of divorce, from legal considerations and financial implications to emotional well-being, ensuring a holistic approach to decision-making. Women will find inspiration to confront their fears, challenge societal expectations, and embrace the potential for a more fulfilling future. The guide provides a compassionate exploration of the emotional rollercoaster often accompanying divorce contemplation, offering solace and encouragement for those navigating this challenging chapter of life. Central to the book is the idea that divorce can be an empowering choice, allowing women to redefine their lives on their terms. By demystifying the legal aspects of divorce and encouraging women to prioritize their well-being, "Empowered Choices" catalyzes positive change, fostering a sense of agency and resilience. Whether readers are at the inception of their contemplative journey or seeking clarity amidst the process, "Empowered Choices" is a valuable resource, providing the tools and wisdom needed to make decisions aligned with one's true self. This ...

Genre: Self-Help [x]
Length: 64 Pages (2,877 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 12th, 2024

Yes Girl, Yes You Can: Affirmations to Elevate Your Self-Talk by Lorena Belcher 5.0 Stars (5 Reviews)    Price verified 8 hours ago

Yes Girl, Yes You Can Affirmations to Elevate Your Self-Talk is a 30-Day journey of daily affirmations that focuses on 5 key zones: Identity, Self-Awareness, Wellness, Finances and Relationships. The book explains the importance of intentionally speaking what you want and to change the chatter in your mind for better results. It provides an opportunity for you to take notes, reflect and create your own personal affirmations in each of these areas.

Genre: Self-Help [x]
Length: 34 Pages (734 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 12th, 2024

and Breathe: 12 Affirmations - Living for Today by Beth E Gilmore 5.0 Stars (6 Reviews)    Price verified 7 hours ago

How we talk to ourselves matters. If we can find a way to be kind in our words then there will be no limits to what we can achieve. A series of 12 affirmations and mantras on the theme of living in the present and taming the mind. Use the affirmation and then practice the mantra. The mantra is a meditative process to still the mind and listen to the body, whereas the affirmation is a more conscious way of altering our thought patterns.

Genre: Self-Help [x]
Size: 717 KB
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 12th, 2024

Fruits of life: A key to live a purposeful and fulfilling life by A. Haris 4.6 Stars (7 Reviews)    Price verified 2 hours ago

Unlock the secrets to a fulfilling life with "Fruits of Life" and experience a transformation like no other. This enlightening guide will empower you to plant the seeds of positivity, cultivate resilience, and harness your inner potential to blossom into the best version of yourself. - Create meaningful relationships and enrich the lives of those around you. - Overcome challenges and thrive in every aspect of life. - Unleash your inner potential and achieve professional fulfillment. - Discover the art of personal growth and how to cultivate a life that nourishes itself. - Learn insightful wisdom and practical advice for a fulfilling life. - Harness the power within you to become the best version of yourself. - Cultivate resilience and overcome any challenge that comes your way. - Plant the seeds of positivity and watch your life flourish. Don't miss out on the opportunity to transform your life into a fruitful tree, ready to bear the sweet fruits of success, fulfillment, and happiness. Buy "Fruits of Life" now before the price changes and embark on a transformative journey towards an abundant harvest.

Genre: Self-Help [x]
Length: 44 Pages (1,411 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 12th, 2024

Re-Create Your Destiny: Create the life you Desire with magic of writing by Nutan Khurana 5.0 Stars (4 Reviews)    Price verified 7 hours ago

Do you feel you have little control over what goes on in your life? That everything is predestined. Or do you believe that we create our own destiny? Do you wish that there was something you could do to turn around your life the way you want? Do you sometimes wish that you possessed a magic wand to bring your dreams and desires to reality? Guess what, All is true and All is Possible !! Future/Destiny has been a fascinating quest and the idea of not having control over what life may bring has forever plagued us. Underneath that percolates a desire to be able to write our own destiny as we want; create whatever we want in life. The book explores some such possibilities with the help of practical ideas and techniques based on the laws of the universe, to help us write the story of our life all over again. The most important of them all is accessing the superpowers our mind possesses and harnessing them through the Magic of Writing. As we go through this magical journey, we realize that... "It's just not about getting the things you want and creating the life you desire. It is about discovering who you are and can be. It's all about Transformation and Growth".

Genre: Self-Help [x]
Length: 149 Pages (3,013 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 12th, 2024

The Path to Yourself: Life in Joy by Olga Varela 5.0 Stars (3 Reviews)    Price verified 6 hours ago

How to find yourself, discover one's purpose, and follow one's own Path? The author of this book is an academic and practical psychologist. Experience based on many years of work, as well as theoretical knowledge in the field of psychology, made it possible to create a practical guide to finding and discovering yourself for a joyful, harmonious and happy life. Explained in an accessible format, the book details how to uncover one's uniqueness, reprogram the subconscious, and realize potential by building a dream life. Primarily intended for readers in search of self and those who value questions of finding their Path and self-realization, the book is also suitable for anyone interested in the theme of self-development.

Genre: Self-Help [x]
Length: 149 Pages (2,384 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 12th, 2024

The Peanut Butter Secret: Heal your inner child and restore relationships by Ela Araujo 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 3 hours ago

Prepare for a journey into the often unexplored parts of the child still alive within us, seeking healing and freedom. Follow Lane, a brave soul whose story is more than overcoming challenges -- it celebrates humanity in its truest and most vulnerable state. Using the surprising metaphor of peanut butter, we delve into the deepest parts of our mind, where long-hidden memories and unresolved emotions linger. Here, Lane confronts her darkest truths on a path toward enlightenment, self-understanding, and renewal. Her battles and victories echo throughout the book, providing a guide for anyone looking to mend broken relationships and find peace with their past. "THE PEANUT BUTTER Secret " is more than a story: it's a call to accept our flaws, reconnect with our inner child, and realize that a full, healthy life comes from embracing every part of ourselves. Embark on this tale of love, forgiveness, and redemption, and discover the extraordinary in the everyday. This is your opportunity to relight the spark of life within you.

Genre: Self-Help [x]
Length: 136 Pages (4,878 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 12th, 2024

Crisis!: How to Cope with a Personal Crisis by Phoenix Ford 5.0 Stars (2 Reviews)    Price verified 7 hours ago

Out of the blue you have just received some unexpected bad news. You've lost your job, you got some bad medical test results, your longtime relationship has called it quits, or you received some other bad news. You find yourself face-to-face with a crisis. Phoenix Ford shares a lifetime of experience concerning how to cope.

Genre: Self-Help [x]
Length: 28 Pages (3,057 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 12th, 2024

Essential Strategies for Social Anxiety: CBT Techniques to Conquer Self Doubt, Eliminate Fear and Build Bulletproof Confidence. by Raine Moore 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 2 hours ago

Feeling like social situations are an obstacle course? This book is your empowering guide, packed with evidence-based strategies and real-world application to help you navigate them with ease and confidence. Forget dry research papers. This engaging guide offers: • Actionable CBT Techniques: Learn practical, follow-along exercises to manage anxiety and build confidence in any situation. • Expert Insights & Unconventional Wisdom: Gain honest, thorough guidance that tackles the root of social anxiety, drawing from leading thinkers and personal experiences. • Relatable Stories & Shared Journeys: Find strength and inspiration through relatable stories and anecdotes. See yourself reflected in the experiences of others who have overcome social anxiety. • Interactive CBT Workbook Prompts: Identify negative thought patterns, replace limiting beliefs, and develop effective coping strategies with interactive exercises. Track your progress and celebrate your victories! Essential Strategies for Social Anxiety is your supportive companion, combining the power of research, real-world application, and a touch of unconventional wisdom. It's the perfect, portable guide to take control and build the unshakable confidence you deserve. Here's why you'll love this book: • Clear and engaging writing style makes complex topics easy to understand and implement. • Evidence-based CBT techniques backed by science and proven to work. • Actionable exercises that help you apply what you learn to real-life situations. • A supportive and encouraging tone that motivates you on your journey. • A sense of community through relatable stories and shared experiences. Don't let social anxiety hold you back any longer. Take control and build the confidence you deserve. Get your copy of Essential Strategies for Social Anxiety today!

Genre: Self-Help [x]
Length: 269 Pages (8,368 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 12th, 2024

The Art of Healing Your Wounded Inner Child: An Empowering CBT Skills & EMDR Therapy Workbook (Personal Growth Series 1) by Nora Grace 5.0 Stars (2 Reviews)    Price verified 6 hours ago

Have you ever felt haunted by the past, with emotions and memories you thought were long buried? If so, "The Art of Healing Your Wounded Inner Child" is crafted just for you. This amazing workbook serves as a deeply personal guide for anyone seeking to confront and overcome the lingering effects of childhood trauma. Within its pages, you'll discover not only the 'why' of your ongoing struggles but also the 'how' to move beyond them. By engaging with your wounded inner child, you'll discover how to release old wounds and step confidently into a life of healing and self-empowerment. This transformative journey offers a chance to reshape your narrative and embrace a future filled with hope and newfound freedom. By combining Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) with targeted journal prompts, this person growth workbook is your guide to profound and lasting healing. Many of us carry the burden of unresolved traumas from childhood, manifesting as persistent anxiety, insecurity, and stress. This informative and compassionate guide directly addresses these deep-seated issues, equips you with the precise tools to fundamentally resolve and transform the emotional turmoil that lingers into adulthood. The Art of Healing Your Wounded Inner Child is workbook created to help you understand your past experiences, how they've impacted your life currently, and how to effectively move towards find peace. With this empowering guide by your side , you'll discover... • Life changing answers to why you have been struggling with the past. • Essential tools to unravel the complex web of childhood trauma. • Insightful Strategies to combat persistent negative self-talk and self-destructive behaviors. • Transformative Techniques to develop and enforce healthy boundaries in all aspects of life. • Wildly effective methods to manage and alleviate anxiety and stress responses. • Over 50+ thought-provoking and amazingly ...

Genre: Self-Help [x]
Length: 142 Pages (2,935 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 12th, 2024

Looking Inwards for a Better Life by dalton dean blankinship 4.6 Stars (62 Reviews)    Price verified 2 hours ago

Often, in the pursuit of finding your purpose, you grapple and struggle to digest what reality is and lose yourself in the process. We give in to external influences, react, and let inconveniences take over our entire being, making it difficult to function. The aftermath? A negative effect on our personal and professional lives. What may seem like minor inconveniences transform into points of conflict, distorting your perception of reality. If you are looking for a breakthrough, instead of seeking help from external sources, you must look inward with self-awareness. There, right there, lies the potential and inner strength just waiting to explode to transform into the new you. Author Dalton Dean Blankinship presents his book, Looking Inwards for a Better Life, which is the ideal guidebook to embark on a journey of self-improvement. The read is an intricate commentary, delving into life's complexities, facilitating you to navigate through illusions and learn how to live a goal-oriented life rather than giving into your feelings and embracing the wolf within. The structure of the book follows through a logical narrative that originates with society and culminates with the reader. It is an impactful attempt at reconnecting the world with the fundamental principles it has been devoid of, delving into the deeper truths of human condition. Blankinship champions a philosophy that promotes self-improvement, finding your way through life without shortcuts, and becoming the best version of yourself. Those who look up to personalities such as Mike Tyson or Miyamoto Musashi are highly recommended to pick this book up. Looking Inwards for a Better Life is a pioneer of the self-help genre, radiating authenticity, personal growth, determination, the secrets of honest living, and self-reflection. Elevate your standard of excellence and achieve your true potential.

Genre: Self-Help [x]
Length: 111 Pages (815 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 12th, 2024

Test Success: Strategies for Calming Test Anxiety by Beth Sack-Rogers 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 2 hours ago

Do you feel overwhelmed anytime you have a test coming up? Do you struggle to perform your best even after putting in the work? You're not alone! Test Success offers a guide to managing anxiety and performing better on tests, exams, and evaluations. Drawing from over twenty years' experience working with adult learners, Beth shares proven techniques for calming nerves, building confidence, and improving performance. From basic breathing exercises and meditation to simple wellness tips, and psychological research, Test Success offers you the tools to ease your test anxiety and achieve! Test anxiety book, anxiety relief, anxiety relief book for teens, test anxiety relief for kids, test anxiety book for kids, test anxiety book for teens, test anxiety for adults, test anxiety relief, test taking anxiety, test anxiety tools

Genre: Self-Help [x]
Length: 91 Pages (5,839 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 11th, 2024

Breaking the Chains: Healing Strategies for Adult Children of Narcissistic Mothers and Mothers-In-Law by Maisie Winslow 4.7 Stars (4 Reviews)    Price verified 7 hours ago

Uncover the transformative guide that resonates with countless individuals navigating the challenges of narcissistic relationships. "Breaking the Chains" dives deep into the complexities of adult children dealing with narcissistic mothers, offering a beacon of understanding and hope. Through the lens of relatable stories like Jenna's, readers explore the impact of narcissistic parenting on self-worth, relationships, and personal fulfillment. This book goes beyond mere insights, providing practical tools and strategies to break free from the chains of manipulation and control. Imagine a life where self-validation replaces the constant need for external approval. "Breaking the Chains" guides you through exercises that dismantle self-doubt, fostering a sense of empowerment. Gain clarity on establishing healthy relationships and discover the courage to set boundaries for your well-being with your narcissistic mother or mother-in-law. Turn the page and take the pivotal step toward a future defined by resilience and independence. Whether you're seeking healing, empowerment, or a roadmap to reclaim your life, this book provides a transformative journey that starts with a single decision - the decision to act. Embrace your power and embark on the path to a better, more empowered life with "Breaking the Chains."

Genre: Self-Help [x]
Length: 167 Pages (2,548 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 11th, 2024

Success Mantras from Ramayana by Kamal R Upadhyay 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 12 minutes ago

• This material emphasizes the importance of developing productivity-friendly habits to lead a rewarding and fulfilling life. • By focusing on one habit at a time and mastering it, individuals can avoid becoming overwhelmed and discouraged. • The benefits of increased productivity extend beyond work, allowing for more quality time with family and friends, pursuing passions and hobbies, and experiencing lower stress levels. • Improved concentration, effectiveness, and potential for higher income are additional advantages of adopting productivity habits. • The report concludes by urging readers to enjoy the journey of increasing productivity and remaining committed to prioritizing activities that are meaningful to them. • It suggests that productivity is a foundation for a more rewarding life overall. • The material draws inspiration from the Ramayana, an epic Hindu scripture, to illustrate the significance of productivity and focus.

Genre: Self-Help [x]
Length: 83 Pages (500 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 11th, 2024

Let's Get This Money: Daily Affirmations to Help You Manifest Wealth Into Your Life by Daniel Stephenson 5.0 Stars (2 Reviews)    Price verified 7 hours ago

Looking for something to help you bring massive amounts of wealth into your life? Well, look no further. This book contains 365 days of advice to help you reach your goals. With knowledge from the world's most brilliant minds, come and get motivated to get this money!

Genre: Self-Help [x]
Length: 123 Pages (3,164 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 11th, 2024

Simple ways to remain healthy: Some Practical Tips by Oum Jibril 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 8 hours ago

Every person has the right to be happy. Most of the time we are so focused on helping others that we forget about ourselves. We need to find the time to care and love ourselves first. Only then, when we are feeling good and strong within ourselves, that we can share our love and happiness with others, and face the challenges of life courageously.

Genre: Self-Help [x]
Length: 20 Pages (751 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 10th, 2024

Wealth Acceleration: Learn How to Develop a Wealth Mindset and Become Rich by Benny Zhang 3.4 Stars (5 Reviews)    Price verified 3 hours ago

Many people love the tale of Robin Hood because of his heroic story that rob from the rich and give it to the poor. The high popularity of Robin Hood shows that many people feel unfair with the fact that most of money in this world is dominated by a small part of society. Now, let's imagine that Robin Hood succeeded to collect all money in this world and then distribute it evenly to every person, what would happen? If it really happened, then there would be no poor and no rich. All people would live equally. The world would look beautiful, at least for a while. Based on the research, if we divided all the money in the world equally, in just 5 years, the cash flow of money would be back to the beginning: the rich would be rich again and the poor would be poor. Why? Because of mindset. Mindset can make you rich or make you poor. Mindset is everything. Most poor people believe that they are poor because of external factors, such as government, lack of education, economic factors, lack of luck, and even God. You become rich or poor is because of your mind, not because of your boss, government, luck, or even God. You know, God will not change your life, if you are not willing to change your life. Becoming rich or poor is a matter of choice. If you decide to become rich, then stop blaming other for your situation and change your mindset now. Your mindset can make you rich or make you poor. To achieve a good result, you must first develop a right mindset. You will never be rich if you don't develop a wealth mindset. You can only become rich after you have developed a wealth mindset. You can only live in abundance after you have developed an abundance mindset. You can see that there are many people still struggle and live poor even though they have worked hard. What's wrong? That's because they haven't changed their mindsets. Even though they have worked hard, it won't change anything if they haven't changed their mindset. What moves or drives your actions is your ...

Genre: Self-Help [x]
Length: 49 Pages (219 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 10th, 2024

The Silent Architect: How Your Subconscious Builds Your Dreams,Power of Your Conscious and Subconscious Mind ,Break Bad Habits, Positive Thinking, ... by Sara Sylvestri 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 9 hours ago

Introducing "The Silent Architect: How Your Subconscious Builds Your Dreams" -- a groundbreaking exploration into the hidden forces that shape our lives and the transformative power of the subconscious mind. In this captivating journey of self-discovery, you'll uncover the profound influence that your subconscious wields over your thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors. From the moment you open these pages, you'll embark on a voyage of exploration into the depths of your mind, unlocking the secrets to harnessing the silent architect within. Discover the dynamic interplay between your conscious and subconscious minds and learn how to align them for unparalleled success. Dive deep into the realm of positive thinking and break free from the shackles of negativity and self-doubt. Explore powerful techniques for rewiring your brain, breaking bad habits, and overcoming emotional blocks that have held you back from living your best life. But that's not all -- this book is packed with practical tools and strategies for unleashing the full potential of your subconscious mind. From the transformative power of affirmations to the science of neuroplasticity, you'll learn how to reprogram your subconscious for lifelong success and fulfillment. Written with clarity, insight, and passion, "The Silent Architect" is not just a book -- it's a roadmap to a brighter, more empowered future. Whether you're seeking to manifest your deepest desires, break free from negative patterns, or simply unleash your inner potential, this book will guide you every step of the way. So, are you ready to unlock the secrets of your subconscious mind and build the life of your dreams? Join the millions of readers who have already experienced the life-changing wisdom of "The Silent Architect" and take the first step towards a future filled with abundance, joy, and limitless possibility.

Genre: Self-Help [x]
Length: 29 Pages (384 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 10th, 2024

The Jellyfish Philosophy: Embracing Tranquility for a Stress-Free Life by Jon Sanchez 4.8 Stars (15 Reviews)    Price verified 2 hours ago

Discover the life-changing wisdom of "The Jellyfish Philosophy: Embracing Tranquility for a Stress-Free Life" (2nd Edition), a transformative guide that empowers individuals from all backgrounds to navigate life's challenges with grace and resilience. Whether you're a busy professional seeking work-life balance, an artist looking to unleash your creative potential, or a student striving for academic success, this book offers a fresh perspective on personal growth and well-being. Inspired by the fluid and adaptable nature of jellyfish, author Jon Sanchez presents a unique framework rooted in three core principles: acceptance, adaptability, and mindfulness. By embracing these principles, you'll learn how to let go of the need for control, adapt to change with ease, and find joy in the present moment. "The Jellyfish Philosophy" offers a wealth of practical exercises, real-life anecdotes, and profound wisdom that are accessible and applicable to a wide range of individuals. The lessons within these pages are designed to be easily digested and incorporated into your daily routines. Structured so that you can pick up the book and go directly to the chapter that benefits your current needs the most and quickly gain valuable, immediately actionable insights, this book functions more like a toolbox than your traditional book. Business leaders and entrepreneurs will discover how to cultivate resilience and make decisions with clarity and purpose. Therapists and coaches will gain valuable techniques to help their clients achieve emotional balance and inner harmony. Parents and caregivers will find guidance on how to foster mindfulness and emotional intelligence in both themselves and the children they nurture. Creatives can gain immense value in learning how to find inspiration in nature and to embrace the imperfect. This is actionable wisdom for all. Through engaging storytelling and thought-provoking insights, "The Jellyfish Philosophy" invites you to join a supportive ...

Genre: Self-Help [x]
Length: 227 Pages
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 10th, 2024

Women of Steel: A guide towards self-discovery and empowerment by Seven Fierce 5.0 Stars (4 Reviews)    Price verified 2 hours ago

Words of inspiration written as a reminder that you are in complete control of your life. Curated to help lift your spirits up when you feel down, alone, or lost. For women all around the world looking to discover the power within themselves.

Genre: Self-Help [x]
Length: 124 Pages (770 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 10th, 2024

How to be a man | A self help book for men | Young Adult - Adult: Dating, self esteem, self love, testosterone, self growth, motivation, inspiration ... by Auke de Haan 5.0 Stars (7 Reviews)    Price verified 3 hours ago

? Ready to Change Your Life? Are you searching for a self-help guide to help change your life? This book isn't just another self-help book for men; it's a step-by-step guide to becoming the best version of yourself. It's packed with practical advice based on science about personal growth and being a better man. Here's why you need this self help book: ? Learn About Testosterone: Find out how this important hormone affects your energy, mood, and health. ? Eat Better: Learn why some foods help you succeed. ? Importance of Friends: Understand how having friends makes your life better. ? Benefits of Exercise: Science says working out helps your mind and body. ? Handle Social Media: Learn to use social media without it taking over. ? Stay Busy: Find out why keeping busy is good for your mind. ? Face Your Fears: Learn how to beat your fears and get stronger. ? Get More Confident: Increase your confidence with tips that work. ? Understand Being a Man: Learn what it means to be a man today. ? Learn Loyalty & Toughness: These are key for getting better. ? Find Your Purpose: Discover how to care for yourself and be happy. ? Value of Quiet Time & Challenges: Learn from tough times. ? Learn to Say No: It's important to know when to say no and take risks. ? Smart Money Choices: Make smarter decisions with your money. ? Experience Is Important: Real experiences teach more than books. ? Build Good Habits: Develop habits that will make you keep going. ? Lead & Make Decisions: Learn to be a leader in your own life and for others. ? Be Independent & Negotiate: Learn to manage your own life. Why Buy This Book? ? It's Simple: No complicated words. Direct and easy to understand. ? It's Science-Based: All advice is supported by research. ? It's Complete: Covers everything from hormones to how to act. ? It's Useful: Focused on what you can really do. ? It's Motivating: Stories and tips that push you to take action. ? For Every Man: No matter your age, this book has something for you. ? ...

Genre: Self-Help [x]
Length: 165 Pages (1,705 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 10th, 2024

Anger: Understanding and Overcoming it (Navigating Mental Health Book 4) by Josh Graham 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 3 hours ago

ANGER: Understanding and Overcoming It is a comprehensive guide designed to help readers navigate the complex emotion of anger. Through insightful explanations, practical strategies, and real-life success stories, this book provides the tools necessary to understand the root causes of anger, manage it effectively, and transform it into a positive force. Whether you struggle with anger yourself or support someone who does, this compassionate and empowering book offers a step-by-step approach to finding peace and improving overall well-being.

Genre: Self-Help [x]
Length: 17 Pages (322 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 10th, 2024

Setting That Goal!: Goal Setting and Financial Planning Wisdom to Help You Achieve Your Dreams (Goal Setting Series Book 1) by Linda Nelson 4.3 Stars (24 Reviews)    Price verified 7 hours ago

We all have dreams, and we would LOVE to see those dreams come true. But they always feel so far away, so unattainable. Setting that Goal shows you how to make those dreams come true. Through goal setting, hard work, and determination, you could be living your dreams! Get real life goal setting tips, as well as financial planning tips to help you save more and earn more money to put towards your dreams. Don't wait to start moving towards the life you want!

Genre: Self-Help [x]
Length: 47 Pages (207 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 9th, 2024

The 7 Keys to Success: Awakening to Your Life Purpose by Will Edwards 4.4 Stars (2,281 Reviews)    Price verified 12 minutes ago

Best Seller: Over 2 Million People Have Now Enjoyed This Life-Changing, Inspirational Book An inspirational book that will change your life, The 7 Keys to Success contains an important message - it is time for you to wake-up and start living the life you were born to live. Once you acquire these seven important keys, you will not only go on to be astonishingly successful in life, you will also know that inner peace that comes from living a life that truly matters; one that actually makes a difference. A truly motivational, self help book that will challenge you to rethink your life and what is really important to you. Start believing in yourself, develop your confidence and go on to achieve your dreams. About White Dove Books Founded in the year 2000, White Dove Books has become synonymous with inspirational books, both fiction and non-fiction. We are passionate about personal development and we believe that life holds a specific purpose for you. Our mission is to help people to develop their own unique talents, abilities and passion in order that they may lead more meaningful, joyful and fulfilled lives.

Genre: Self-Help [x]
Length: 92 Pages (1,308 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 9th, 2024

Ask Koren: 101 Responses to Your Most Important Questions by Koren A. Norton 5.0 Stars (6 Reviews)    Price verified 2 hours ago

Ask Koren is a book that will make you feel deeply, think mindfully and help you make better choices. If you want to walk a little taller and face whatever life throws your way, with someone holding your hand and answering your toughest questions, then this book is for you. Inside this book are more than 100 articles picked from an advice column written over a 10-year period. They all have one thing in common... they were written for people just like you. The responses will have you rethinking your struggles, they will rejuvenate your spirit and cause you to look at the world in a whole new way. Whatever you need help with, here's a book for you, just waiting to be added to your shelf -- and change your life.

Genre: Self-Help [x]
Length: 272 Pages (2,834 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 9th, 2024

7 Essential Qualities That One Should Strive For: Attracting Better People in One's Life and Gaining a Positive Perspective by A. K. G. 3.8 Stars (4 Reviews)    Price verified 3 hours ago

Unlock your potential and create a life of meaning and prosperity with this e-book! By reading this e-book, you will discover the ''seven essential qualities'' to help you find satisfaction, accomplishment, and direction in life. What's Included in this e-book: Techniques to help you lighten your load of anxiety Transform your life and unlock your potential Create a meaningful and prosperous life This e-book will provide you with tools and techniques to lighten your load of anxiety and live a more constructive life. With the knowledge you gain from this ''Kindle e-book'', you can achieve a better life and have a passion for improvement. Don't wait, order now.

Genre: Self-Help [x]
Length: 31 Pages (2,449 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 9th, 2024

Creating Journals (Book 9) - My Soul Journal by Viv Rosser 5.0 Stars (2 Reviews)    Price verified 2 hours ago

We are all on a journey of the soul, born for a purpose, with our own unique meaning to life. Yet in a busily doing world have we got time to find out what that is? Have we not got time, when our greatest sense of fulfilment comes from doing soul work, from being in touch with our soul and understanding our life purpose. This books takes you down the root to creating a journal to explore and find out for yourself. It includes colourful illustrations and examples of how to do this and discover something unique and indestructible about yourself Designed for kindle fire and all devices with a kindle-fire app.

Genre: Self-Help [x]
Size: 8,196 KB
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 9th, 2024

Awakening of the Warrior: Strengthening the Warrior Archetype in Personal and Professional Life (Archetypes in everyday life) by Reginaldo Osnildo 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 3 hours ago

Welcome to the beginning of a transformative journey, where old meets new, and the power and wisdom of the warrior archetype are channeled to strengthen both your personal and professional life. The book "Awakening of the Warrior: Strengthening the Warrior Archetype in Personal and Professional Life" is more than a guide; It is an invitation to transformation, overcoming and discovering the inner strength that resides in each of us. In these pages, you will find not only a treasure trove of deep insights and practical strategies, but also a source of inspiration for facing life's challenges with bravery, leading with integrity, and living with unwavering purpose. The warrior's journey is universal, crossing eras and cultures, symbolizing the relentless search for growth, excellence and meaning. This book was meticulously prepared for you, who seek not only to understand the warrior archetype, but also to incorporate it into its essence, updating its concepts for today. With a modern approach, we bring the warrior's ancient knowledge to your daily life, facilitating its application in contemporary challenges, both personally and professionally. Throughout each chapter, we'll explore the essential qualities of a warrior: courage, discipline, commitment, resilience, leadership, strategy, and more. But not just that; This book is an invitation for you to awaken the warrior that already exists within you, recognizing and valuing your own struggles, victories and learnings. Each chapter was carefully designed to complete itself, leading you through a journey of self-knowledge and empowerment. At the end of each exploration, an invitation to the next step on this journey ensures a fluid and inspiring transition, keeping you engaged and motivated to move forward. "Awakening of the Warrior: Strengthening the Warrior Archetype in Personal and Professional Life" is not just about reading; And survive. It's about turning reading into action, insights into habits, and ...

Genre: Self-Help [x]
Length: 101 Pages (1,860 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 9th, 2024

Goal Happiness : Revealing The Secrets Of A Happy Mind (Goals Book 1) by Saumya R 4.7 Stars (4 Reviews)    Price verified 8 hours ago

HAPPINESS IS NOT LUCK, IT'S A SKILL. Some people always seem happy. Is it because they have no problems in life? Absolutely not! They have developed happiness habits. Literature books draw beautiful imagery of the word Happiness, but still fail to explain it somehow. Happiness is not two-hundred pages of lovely words of philosophy, nor is it living without desires. It's a skill. Goal Happiness discusses the practical solutions in achieving your desires and creating your own happiness. Develop the habits of happiness and achieve real joy. This isn't a step-by-step guide, or paragraphs filled with complicated philosophical terms. Instead, Goal Happiness is a guide to lead you on the path of finding your own destiny, and discovering your own ways to get there. No more overthinking, overstressing, or negative self-talk, this book will show you how to redesign your life, rewire your mind, and develop the skills for happiness. Find out what life really has to offer you!

Genre: Self-Help [x]
Length: 71 Pages (18,958 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 7th, 2024

Honesty Within: A Guide on how to be truthful to yourself in order to succeed in life (Self Help Books For Men and Women, Relationships, Anger ... by Megan Logan 3.5 Stars (2 Reviews)    Price verified one hour ago

How to be honest with yourself for personal growth? What are the benefits of embracing honesty within oneself? How to overcome challenges in being truthful to oneself? What are the importance of self-honesty in success? If You Are Looking For the Answers to the Questions Above, Get This Book Now!!! Embark on a transformative journey with Honesty Within: A Guide on How to Be Truthful to Yourself in Order to succeed in Life. This insightful guide unveils the profound impact of self-truthfulness on personal success. Dive into practical strategies that illuminate the path to success through honesty and authenticity. Explore the importance of self-awareness, discover the benefits of embracing honesty within oneself, and learn how this key virtue can significantly enhance decision-making and goal achievement. This book is a must read for those seeking self-discipline and self-development, goes beyond the conventional narrative. It delves into the realm of self-acceptance, providing a holistic approach to personal growth. Embark on this enriching adventure, and let Honesty Within be your guide to unlocking your true potential and achieving lasting success in every facet of your life. This book offers: • Self-Reflection: Engage in regular self-reflection to identify your true values, aspirations, and beliefs. Acknowledge both strengths and weaknesses, paving the way for authentic personal growth. • Embrace Vulnerability: Cultivate a willingness to be vulnerable with yourself. Acknowledge your mistakes and challenges, allowing room for self-compassion and learning, ultimately leading to a more genuine and resilient self. • Set Authentic Goals: Define goals that align with your true passions and values rather than succumbing to external expectations. Honesty within ensures that your ambitions are driven by genuine desires, fostering a sense of purpose and fulfillment. • Face Uncomfortable Truths: Confront uncomfortable truths about yourself and your ...

Genre: Self-Help [x]
Length: 89 Pages (1,235 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 7th, 2024

Stop It!: 4 Steps in 4 Weeks to Quit Smoking Now by Brad Lamm 3.8 Stars (19 Reviews)    Price verified 42 minutes ago

The leading evidence-based smoking cessation program that has helped so many quit smoking for good. Make this the year, you quit smoking for good.

Genre: Self-Help [x]
Length: 211 Pages (8,099 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 6th, 2024
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