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Bloody Ground: Black Rifles in Korea by John Holway 4.2 Stars (24 Reviews)    Price verified 2 hours ago

Korea is "the forgotten war." But to those who fought in it, it was the "unforgettable war." If the names of all those killed were put on a wall, it would be larger than the Vietnam Wall. And Korea lasted only three years, Vietnam about ten. The agony of the winter of 1950-51 is an epic to compare with Valley Forge and the Bulge. Korea was also our last segregated war. This is the story of the black 24th Infantry Regiment, told in the words of the men themselves. Like all black troops since the Civil War, they were reviled by whites and their own commander for "bugging out" - running before the enemy. The charge can still be read in the Army's own official histories. Yet the 24th left more blood on the field than their white comrades - if they did bug out, they must have been running the wrong way. It's a good thing we weren't with Custer," one black GI muttered - "they'd have blamed the whole thing on us." The 24th won the first battle of the war, won its division's first Medal of Honor, and guarded the shortest and most vulnerable road to Pusan. If the port had fallen, the war would have been lost, leaving a red dagger pointed at Japan. It did not fall. That winter, after the Chinese attacked, the entire American army bugged out in perhaps the worst military disaster in American history. "That," said another black veteran, "was when I learned that whites could run as fast as blacks." This is the story of those unsung heroes, who helped turn the Communist tide for the first time. The men bring that forgotten war and their own unsung bravery to life in their own sometimes funny, often heart-breaking, and always exciting words.

Genre: History [x]
Length: 439 Pages (5,787 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

Stryker: The Siege of Sadr City by Konrad R.K. Ludwig (Roland-Kjos Publishing) 4.5 Stars (852 Reviews)    Price verified 3 hours ago

In the spring of 2008, Coalition troops responded in-force to what quickly became one of the largest, bloodiest and most influential battles of the Iraq War. For nearly three months, American and Iraqi forces fought a vicious battle over the most densely populated district of Baghdad, against a ruthless and well-organized insurgent militia known as the Jaish al-Mahdi. Sgt. Ludwig's gripping narrative offers an unfiltered view of the Final Battle of Sadr City through the unforgiving sights of his machine gun. Eager to test his mettle and make a difference in the world, he enlists with the United States Army as an infantryman and gets assigned to a tight-knit unit of hardened veterans known as "Bull Company." Having already fought in the battles of Fallujah and Mosul, Bull Company embarks on a 15-month combat deployment to the front lines of Sadr City -- which culminates in a brutal mission to push deep behind enemy lines, capture a well-guarded militia stronghold, and hold their ground "for as long as it takes."

Genre: History [x]
Length: 517 Pages (63,869 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 23rd, 2024

Destiny - La casa De Luca: NOVELA WESTERN, ROMANCE, CARGADA DE EMOCIÓN E INTRIGA, DESCUBRE LOS OSCUROS SECRETOS DE UNA FAMILIA ADINERADA DE ... by A.J. García 4.2 Stars (11 Reviews)    Price verified one minute ago

***EL VIEJO OESTE ERA MÁS VIOLENTO DE COMO NOS LO HICIERON CREER. LA LEY ERA ESTABLECIDA POR EL ÚLTIMO QUE QUEDARA EN PIE Y CADA FAMILIA MANTENÍA SUS SECRETOS AL COBIJO DE SU PROPIO TECHO*** En medio de este escenario complicado era difícil mantener una relación o proteger a los tuyos, y la ley, muchas veces, se manipulaba a conveniencia Sinopsis: California, 1882. Durante una de las épocas más prósperas para el estado, el encuentro accidental entre Elena y Aleksander se convierte en amor a primera vista. Sin embargo, poder estar juntos no será tan sencillo para ellos. Destiny es un pueblo en el que rige la ley del más fuerte, y a veces, la ética y las buenas costumbres deben ser trasgredidas para sobrevivir. Los duelos, los desquites y la aplicación de la ley por propia mano, son situaciones usuales en la región. Todo esto se mezcla en una historia donde, los enemigos, dentro y fuera de la familia, harán salir a la luz secretos que cambiarán la percepción de los personajes. Descubrirás que, para ganar, a veces hay que doblar la verdad. A.J. García. Novelista y guionista de cine destaca con obras como: Al borde del Círculo I y II; El don de Rachel; Reto 48; La deuda; Trastorno-Las cenizas de Joel, entre otras. Ahora nos trae su novela, inicio de una saga: Destiny-La casa De Luca NO OLVIDES COMENTAR

Genre: History [x]
Length: 499 Pages (1,599 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 23rd, 2024

Exploring the West: The History and Legacy of the Explorers Who Led the Way for America’s Westward Expansion by Charles River Editors 4.0 Stars (7 Reviews)    Price verified 37 minutes ago

The Louisiana Purchase encompassed all or part of 15 current U.S. states and two Canadian provinces, including Arkansas, Missouri, Iowa, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, parts of Minnesota that were west of the Mississippi River, most of North Dakota, nearly all of South Dakota, northeastern New Mexico, Northern Texas, the portions of Montana, Wyoming, and Colorado east of the Continental Divide, and Louisiana west of the Mississippi River, including the city of New Orleans (parts of this area were still claimed by Spain at the time of the Purchase.) In addition, the Louisiana Purchase contained small portions of land that would eventually become part of the Canadian provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan. The purchase, which doubled the size of the young nation, comprises around 23% of current American territory. The purchase allowed Jefferson to plan something he had talked about since taking office: an expedition deep into the unmapped and largely unknown continent with the final destination being the Pacific Ocean. This could prove the most significant of the goals that Jefferson - a person who thought of himself as a scientifically-minded thinker - wanted to accomplish as president. Though he knew he had bought a huge amount of land, Jefferson wasn't entirely sure of what he had bought, so he asked a team led by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark to traverse the continent until they reached the Pacific, studying everything from the ecology to geography along the way to get an understanding of the country's new region. Lewis and Clark would find far more than they anticipated. The 33 men who made the trip came into contact with about two dozen Native American tribes, many of whom helped the men survive the journey, and along the way they met and were assisted by the famous Sacagawea, who would become one of the expedition's most famous participants. Though they suffered deaths on their way west, the group ultimately reached the Pacific coast and got back to St. ...

Genre: History [x]
Length: 358 Pages (36,270 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 23rd, 2024

The Experience of Alien Royal Servants in Thirteenth-Century England by Michael Ray 5.0 Stars (3 Reviews)    Price verified 2 hours ago

At the beginning of the thirteenth century, King John lost his Norman and Angevin lands to the King of France. The Anglo-Norman nobility had to choose which King to support and accept the loss of their lands under the rule of the King they had disowned. However, John continued to rely on his trusted Normans as soldiers and officials, many of whom were instrumental in preventing the son of the King of France from seizing the throne, first from John, and after his death in 1216 from his son Henry III. Despite their service to the crown, many of these aliens were disenfranchised during Henry's minority as the English baronage and clergy whipped up hostility against them. Henry later encouraged the arrival of two further groups of aliens into England, the Savoyards and Poitevins, who were relatives of his mother and wife. He lavished patronage on them as a way to consolidate his power both at home and abroad. In 1263 Simon de Montfort revived hostility against aliens in his war against the King. This whole period marks a pronounced awareness of the Englishness of those born in England. Henry's successors continued to employ and foster the careers of aliens but the Montfortian wars taught them to tread carefully. The chapters in this book cover the reigns of John, Henry III and the first three Edwards. They show how some families accumulated considerable rewards. Some weathered prejudice and became fully assimilated. Some did not and never established firm roots in England. What stands out is that all of the aliens studied repaid the Kings with loyalty and efficiency.

Genre: History [x]
Length: 571 Pages (1,165 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 23rd, 2024

ROOSEVELT AND CHURCHILL men of secrets (David Stafford World War II History) by David Stafford 4.4 Stars (84 Reviews)    Price verified one minute ago

A THOROUGH EXAMINATION OF THE VITAL RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN TWO OF THE MOST SIGNIFICANT STATESMEN DURING WORLD WAR TWO. 'However much they valued their special relationship, neither man allowed it to trump national goals. David Stafford's fascinating book is a useful reminder of how complicated the Grand Alliance actually was.' New York Times 'An intriguing book which makes a very good read.' Irish Independent 'A swift, well-documented assessment of the relationship's "volatile mix of friendship, rivalry and resentment".' Kirkus Reviews 'Much of this book upsets accepted views... Stafford has the precious gift of making technical subjects easy to follow; he writes clearly, and maintains a strong narrative flow. This is most readable history.' The Sunday Times Roosevelt and Churchill were titans of the twentieth century with a unique relationship. It was based on interlinked national histories, partially shared nationality (Churchill was half-American), love for the navy and a common belief in the superiority of Anglo-Saxon institutions. Above all, it was cemented by shared enemies: Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. On these foundations, Churchill and Roosevelt constructed a fighting alliance unlike any other in history. A Combined Chiefs of Staff, Anglo-American war-making boards, and an atomic alliance helped to deliver victory in 1945. The two men also developed an extraordinary personal relationship, communicating almost daily. Their camaraderie ended abruptly with Roosevelt's death on 12 April 1945, just hours before American and British troops liberated Buchenwald and Belsen. At the heart of this special relationship, hidden by layers of secrecy, was a far-reaching sharing of intelligence which would endure well beyond their own premierships. In this fascinating account, David Stafford draws on declassified information and his own specialist understanding of intelligence to illuminate the relationship between two men who, as leaders and allies, were ...

Genre: History [x]
Length: 448 Pages (1,811 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 23rd, 2024

The Staircase of Life: The Story of the Origin and Evolution of Life and Humankind by Gerard Alexander Willighagen 4.8 Stars (9 Reviews)    Price verified 2 hours ago

Even though we are all different in our own ways, we all have an underlying thread in common: our evolution, our history. However, only roughly 0.0001% of the Earth's whole history has been occupied by human beings with behaviorally contemporary traits. We are, in fact, right at the start of everything. Yet, in order to survive even for such a short period of time, a seemingly unending line of fortunate events was necessary. But what were these fortunate events? How did Homo sapiens get here after many billion years and virtually infinite evolutionary crossroads? How did humankind ultimately conquer the world? And how did life emerge in the first place? In this epic and compelling story, Gerard Alexander Willighagen strives to answer these and many more intriguing questions by taking you through space and time to explore the origins of life, the evolution and rise of Homo sapiens, the dawn and development of civilization, and the emergence and formation of the modern world we know today. In the process of meandering through this multi-billion-year story, we'll come to appreciate the incredible good fortune that all living organisms, including our own highly evolved yet essentially Stone Age-wired species, have of just simply existing. So, let's take a huge step back in time -- right at the initial steps of life -- to ponder how exceptional our story truly is. However, as a short sneak peek in advance: our story is indeed exceptional, notable, and utterly captivating.

Genre: History [x]
Length: 473 Pages (19,303 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 23rd, 2024

Historia antigua Vol. 1: Una guía apasionante de Mesopotamia, Egipto y Roma (Explorando el pasado) (Spanish Edition) by Billy Wellman Price verified 2 hours ago

3 manuscritos completos en 1 libro: • Antigua Mesopotamia: Una apasionante visión de la historia de Mesopotamia, desde Eridu, pasando por los sumerios, acadios, asirios, hititas y persas, hasta Alejandro Magno • El antiguo Egipto: Un apasionante recorrido por la historia de Egipto, desde la colonización del valle del Nilo hasta la muerte de Cleopatra VII, pasando por los reinos Antiguo, Medio y Nuevo • La Antigua Roma: Un apasionante repaso a la historia de Roma, desde el mito de Rómulo y Remo, pasando por la República, hasta la caída del Imperio romano La tierra situada entre los ríos Tigris y Éufrates se denomina «cuna de la civilización», ¡y con razón! Aunque la primera civilización de Mesopotamia, la sumeria, se desarrolló en paralelo a las de Egipto y la cercana Elam, fue un lugar de muchas primicias para la humanidad. Algunas de ellas son muy conocidas, como la rueda y la escritura. Pero fueron los antiguos mesopotámicos los primeros en idear el concepto de tiempo, el sistema matemático sexagesimal y un calendario con doce meses. Todos estos inventos e ideas son los que diferencian a Mesopotamia de otras civilizaciones que se desarrollaron aproximadamente en la misma época. En la primera parte de este libro, descubrirá: • Cómo la agricultura y la domesticación de animales condujeron al desarrollo de la primera civilización del mundo. • Quiénes fueron los pueblos que ocuparon la región de Mesopotamia y que dieron lugar a epopeyas como la de Gilgamesh. • Cómo desarrollaron estos pueblos su religión y su realeza y cómo formaron ciudades-estado independientes como entidades políticas. • Quién fue Sargón de Acad y cómo llegó al poder para unir las ciudades y formar uno de los primeros imperios del mundo. • Por qué Babilonia fue oscurecida por Asiria. • Qué papel desempeñaron los caldeos en el Imperio asirio. Con este parte totalmente nuevo y apasionante, podrá explorar fácilmente el interesante ...

Genre: History [x]
Length: 697 Pages (50,855 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 21st, 2024

English History: An Enthralling Story of England, from Ancient Times through the Medieval Period and the Tudors to the Dawn of the Modern Age ... by Billy Wellman 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 37 minutes ago

Embark on the Grand Voyage Through English History: From Stone Circles to Royal Courts Four manuscripts in one book: • The History of England: An Enthralling Overview of English History • Medieval England: An Enthralling Overview of the English Middle Ages • The House of Tudor: An Enthralling Overview of the History of the Tudors • Early Modern England: An Enthralling Overview of the Tudors, Stuarts, Renaissance, Reformation, and Other Events That Shaped Early Modern England Unlock the epic saga of England through this extensive four-part series. Immerse yourself in the storied epochs that have defined a nation: Ancient Foundations: • Trace the mysteries of prehistoric England and its ancient stone circles. • Walk the paths of the Celts and Romans, whose influences are etched across the countryside. • Medieval Chronicles: • Stand beside the Anglo-Saxons as they defend against Viking raiders. • Witness the transformative Norman Conquest and the introduction of feudalism. • Navigate through the strife of Medieval conflicts and the darkness of the Black Death. • Marvel at the chivalric tales from the age of knights and their fortified castles. The Tudor Dynasty: • Explore the age of intrigue under the Tudors, where royal drama shapes the course of history. • Delve into the religious shifts and royal politics that spark the Reformation. • Uncover the personal and political complexities in the lives of Henry VIII's six wives. • Encounter the cultural Renaissance that flourished with Elizabeth I's patronage. Stuart and Early Modern Challenges: • Experience the tension of the English Civil War and the trial of a king. • Analyze the effects of the Glorious Revolution and the establishment of a constitutional monarchy. • Study the impact of the Renaissance and Reformation on English society. • Explore the beginnings of the British Empire and its colonial ambitions. Continuing Legacy: • Reflect on the ...

Genre: History [x]
Length: 791 Pages (36,635 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 20th, 2024

The Twentieth Century American Being a Comparative Study of the Peoples of the Two Great Anglo-Saxon Nations by Harry Perry Robinson 2.5 Stars (2 Reviews)    Price verified 9 hours ago

This book was converted from its physical edition to the digital format by a community of volunteers. You may find it for free on the web. Purchase of the Kindle edition includes wireless delivery.

Genre: History [x]
Length: 490 Pages (986 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 18th, 2024

El despertar de las águilas (Spanish Edition) by Francisco Tarazona Torán (Self published Ink) 3.9 Stars (74 Reviews)    Price verified one minute ago

"Para el lector que no tomó parte en el nacimiento de ASPA, el relato del capitán Francisco Tarazona le hará sentir las emociones, angustias y alegrías que vivieron los pilotos que conjugaron sus esfuerzos para lograr el sindicato del cual disfruta hoy. Para el lector que no tomó parte en el nacimiento de ASPA, el relato del capitán Francisco Tarazona le hará sentir las emociones, angustias y alegrías que vivieron los pilotos que conjugaron sus esfuerzos para lograr el sindicato del cual disfruta hoy. No se trata de una relación cronlógica de hechos que resultaría tediosa. Como todo historiador, el autor seleccionó los acontecimientos más relevantes; de acuerdo con su personalidad y los iluminó de una luz que refleja con fuerza el verdadero sentido de la lucha sindical. "

Genre: History [x]
Length: 304 Pages (106,765 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 17th, 2024
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