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Baseball's Starry Night by Paul Kocak (Kocak Wordsmiths Ink) 3.9 Stars (38 Reviews)    Price verified 2 hours ago

Experience a unique fan's-eye view of a night that many have called the most exciting night in the history of Major League Baseball. Going beyond a standard retelling of the balls and strikes and homers and webgems, the book hears from 20 fans in their own words. Loyal fans of the St. Louis Cardinals, Atlanta Braves, Boston Red Sox, and Tampa Bay Rays provide exciting and deeply personal eyewitness accounts -- either from the stadiums or their living rooms. This critically acclaimed book is for casual and serious fans alike. "This is a magical book about a magical night. This beautifully told story captures baseball at its very best." - Doris Kearns Goodwin

Genre: History [x]
Length: 230 Pages (421 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 27th, 2024

A Brief History of Watnall (Brief Histories, North Nottingham Book 2) by J M Lee (Amazon) 3.8 Stars (7 Reviews)    Price verified 6 hours ago

Watnall today is a pleasant, leafy dormitory area for a number of nearby conurbations, including the City of Nottingham itself. It blends into similar residential areas which stretch away seamlessly towards Kimberley, Nuthall and beyond. It is a desirable place to live, with a great pressure for modem housing. Had you been here two centuries ago, however, you would have been in the midst of a small and remote hamlet, surrounded on all sides by the fields and activities of a completely agricultural way of life. The history of Watnall goes back at least to Saxon times. After the Norman invasion of 1066, the village came under the stewardship of William Peverel and first enters the official records as an entry in the Domesday survey of 1087. As medieval times progressed, Watnall evolved in a very complex manner as two distinct parcels of land: the later Watnall Chaworth and Watnall Cantelupe. Some notable people and institutions were Lords at one time or another - Beauvale Priory, the Lords of Ilkeston, the Earls of Essex, the Byngham family and others. Watnall was unusual too, locally, in that it entered modern times sporting a resident aristocratic family, the Rollestons, with a seat to boot, namely Watnall Hall, which unfortunately they could only afford to live in themselves periodically, and also unfortunately now gone. Watnall is also unusual in that other places within the area, notably Kimberley, were moulded and completely transformed by the searing changes of the Industrial Revolution. Watnall was actively involved in the mining industry, but seems to have remained aloof from change and has managed to retain a village-like atmosphere to this day. This booklet covers all these things in some detail, as well as the local rail network - spawned by the needs of the local mines- together with education and religion. It also covers Watnall's important contribution to the war effort with its fighter command centre and associated weather station, which later ...

Genre: History [x]
Length: 50 Pages (5,148 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 27th, 2024

A Brief History of Kimberley (Brief Histories, North Nottingham Book 1) by J M Lee 4.5 Stars (15 Reviews)    Price verified 7 hours ago

Kimberley is a small suburban town on the fringes of Nottingham. It arose, probably, as a Saxon settlement, many years before the Norman Conquest and first saw the light of day in records as an entry in the Domesday survey of 1087. For centuries it remained a remote and obscure agricultural hamlet. As the medieval period progressed, it acquired and lost great landowners, some of them in dramatic circumstances. William Peverel was probably the mightiest, but there were others, including the Duke of Rutland, Lord Melbourne, and the Earls of Essex. By about 1800, the system of large, open fields, cultivated communally in 'strips', had all but disappeared; the turnpike road of 1763 occupied the valley bottom and transport had started to improve. The age of railways was yet to dawn, but the Nottingham Canal had reached the fringes of the area, and mining had taken its first steps towards operations on an industrial scale. Kimberley had arrived at the beginning of a broad industrial awakening which would change its face forever - the Industrial Revolution. Mining, canals, lace, brick making, religion, beer and railways, all made heavy inroads into the landscape, and all left their social footprints on its history. The population mushroomed, poverty and early death were rife, fortunes were made and lost. Kimberley, despite its small size, acquired two competing railways, two competing railway stations, a famously dangerous tramway, a legendary number of beerhouses, many vociferous churches and two large breweries. This is the digital version of a booklet which was considerably updated and revised in 2013. It contains a good deal of recent research and additional material. It also includes material previously not covered, notably a brief consideration of Babbington.

Genre: History [x]
Length: 56 Pages (2,112 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 27th, 2024

Jewish Palestine/Arab Palestine: A History of Conflict by Debra Cohen (Mars&Bella MUSIC) 4.0 Stars (14 Reviews)    Price verified 5 hours ago

Inspired by the documentary, "Birth of a Conflict", this eBook is a summary of events that led up to the Jewish Palestinians regaining their land, and why the Arab Palestinians did not achieve statehood at the time of The British Mandates. Through a series of testimonies made available through audio recordings from the Palestinian police, and by interviews recorded in a secret British document that was discovered in the UK, we can finally understand how this conflict began in the Middle East. A must-read for every person engaged in discussions today about the Muslim-Jewish conflict.

Genre: History [x]
Length: 89 Pages (1,587 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 27th, 2024

Cocina Criolla del Caribe: 150 recetas tradicionales de Puerto Rico, Cuba y República Dominicana (Crudo y Sin Filtro) (Spanish Edition) by Camilo Cesarino Price verified 5 hours ago

Este no es otro aburrido libro de recetas. Aquí no encontrarás ensaladas César con pollo seco ni postres insípidos. Esto es un viaje por la vibrante y rica gastronomía del Caribe, una cocina llena de historia, sabor y, sí, un poco de irreverencia. Objetivo del libro: Que te ensucies las manos, te llenes de grasa y, sobre todo, que disfrutes. La cocina criolla es una celebración de la vida, una fiesta que no conoce moderación ni dietas insípidas. Queremos que cada receta te haga sentir como si estuvieras en una playa caribeña, con el sol calentándote la piel y el sonido del mar de fondo. Aquí vas a encontrar de todo: desde los platos principales que tus abuelos cocinaban con amor y un toque de magia, hasta los postres que cierran las comidas familiares con broche de oro. Las bebidas que proponemos te harán olvidar los mojitos aguados que sirven en los bares turísticos. Este libro está diseñado para que puedas replicar, con autenticidad y sin pretensiones, los sabores que han definido la cultura caribeña durante siglos. ¿Cómo usar este libro? Si alguna vez te atreviste a echarle ketchup a un mofongo, este libro es tu redención. Cada receta viene con instrucciones claras, una lista de ingredientes que puedes encontrar en cualquier buen mercado y sugerencias para presentar cada plato como un verdadero profesional. No vamos a mentirte: algunas de estas recetas requieren tiempo y paciencia. Pero te prometo que valen cada segundo invertido. Y no te preocupes, aquí también hay espacio para improvisar y adaptar según tus propios gustos y disponibilidad de ingredientes. Así que ponte el delantal, agarra tus cuchillos y prepárate para sumergirte en una experiencia culinaria que te llevará al corazón del Caribe. Aquí no hay espacio para la timidez: se trata de cocinar con pasión, de experimentar, de arriesgarse. Y si algún día dudas, recuerda las sabias palabras de Anthony Bourdain: "Tu cuerpo no es un templo, es un parque de atracciones. ...

Genre: History [x]
Size: 4,742 KB
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 27th, 2024

La conquista española de América: Un apasionante repaso a los conquistadores y sus conquistas de los imperios azteca e incaico (Mesoamérica) ... by Billy Wellman Price verified 2 hours ago

La conquista española de las Américas es una parte fundamental de la historia de la colonización. El descubrimiento hecho por Cristóbal Colón, aunque accidental, de una nueva masa de tierra puso el mundo patas arriba. A partir de finales del siglo XV, el reino de España encabezó el esfuerzo de colonización, enviando una expedición tras otra a las islas del Caribe y, posteriormente, a América del Norte y del Sur. Mediante la violencia, el derramamiento de sangre y la conquista, los conquistadores españoles lograron hacerse con el control de las ricas y prósperas tierras de las civilizaciones indígenas americanas, arrasando magníficas entidades políticas y sociales como los imperios azteca e inca. Este libro narra la historia de cómo España consiguió conquistar las Américas en medio siglo, desde finales del 1400 hasta mediados del 1500. Aunque la explotación y la guerra continuaron entre colonizadores y colonizados después de este periodo, las mayores campañas contra los pueblos indígenas se llevaron a cabo en este breve lapso de tiempo, que es el tema central de este libro. Esta completa guía abarcará los siguientes aspectos: • Colón y sus expediciones, las cuales animaron a otros europeos a iniciar la colonización. • La composición de las sociedades indígenas americanas, desde sus jerarquías sociales y complejas culturas hasta las diversas estructuras políticas. • La colonización de las islas del Caribe y el establecimiento de las Indias Occidentales españolas. • La llegada de Hernán Cortés y su innovadora expedición al Imperio azteca en el actual México. • La conquista de la civilización maya en la península de Yucatán y las dinámicas de poder entre los distintos grupos de conquistadores ávidos de poder. • El magnífico Imperio incaico en los Andes sudamericanos y su conquista por Francisco Pizarro. • Historias de infames expediciones y los problemas con los que se encontraron los ...

Genre: History [x]
Length: 158 Pages (4,879 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 27th, 2024

The Day America Died by Will Clark 3.3 Stars (6 Reviews)    Price verified 11 hours ago

America's beginning wasn't easy or predestined. It took citizens of courage and wisdom not only to create that vision, but also to take those first bold steps. They sacrificed everything to give those who would come after them un-imagined freedom and opportunity. They saw only a future of prosperity, caring, decency, and fellowship for those later citizens. The people's decision on November 6, 2012 changed that American dream their ancestors had fought so hard to fulfill. They elected Barack Hussein Obama as president of the United States of America. That was the day the bullet was intentionally and prophetically fired directly through America's heart. That's the day America died. The election for his first term, 2008-2012, was a new American experiment, a risky experiment. A virtually unknown, untested, and inexperienced person was elected as president of the most powerful country on earth. His known background and experience was only that of a community organizer. In that role his main goal was to teach people of low income and low aspirations how to get more things and benefits from the government without producing anything of worth in return. While hard-working and conscientious citizens were tasking themselves to benefit themselves, their families, and their great country, Barack Hussein Obama was teaching others how to take from their dedicated efforts without contributing anything in return. His first election was the day the hammer was cocked to fire that fatal bullet to destroy America. Immediately, as president, his first actions were to divide Americans by class, income, race, ethnicity, and social status. He used a sharp carving knife to sever the nation, to exclude the successful with high aspirations from those who just wanted more free stuff; more of what he promised them, their 'fair share.' His economic and social ideologies are directly opposite from President Kennedy's. Kennedy said, "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you ...

Genre: History [x]
Length: 160 Pages (433 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 27th, 2024

A Brief History of Awsworth (Brief Histories, North Nottingham Book 4) by J M Lee 4.3 Stars (3 Reviews)    Price verified 13 hours ago

Awsworth today is a dormitory area for a collection of nearby conurbations, including the City of Nottingham itself. But walking along "The Lane" in modern times, it's not hard to transport yourself back a couple of hundred years to the tiny hamlet of the past, surrounded as it was, on all sides, by rural England. And through the mists of time it's possible to glimpse a fascinating story. The origins of Awsworth go back at least to Saxon times. After that, as the centuries progressed, it came under some dramatic influences: Lenton Priory, whose Prior was executed during the Dissolution, the Lords Cromwell, the Babbington family which met disaster after plotting against Elizabeth, the Sheffields of Butterwick, the Willoughby family of Risley, the Earl of Stamford and more. Awsworth had some interesting early industry too with its 17th century glasshouse, and as the influence of the great families slowly faded it progressed rapidly towards a more industrial future. The English canal system reached the area, and mining, for centuries an isolated and local activity, took its first steps towards operations on an industrial scale. The Industrial Revolution was on the march. Mining became Awsworth's mainstay, employing both its men and its children, and life for the common people was gruelling. As time wore on, small and hard won improvements became a broader front as a Victorian public conscience began to develop; education improved dramatically and technical improvements, then as now, completely revolutionized the way of life. This booklet draws on considerable original research and in many cases Awsworth's immediate surroundings have been included for the sake of clarity. Nearby Babbington for example shares a linked association with the Babbington family, and the area's complex railway system only makes sense if looked at as a whole.

Genre: History [x]
Length: 49 Pages (5,597 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 27th, 2024

New Zealand: People, Places and Events that Shaped the History of New Zealand by James Boyle 3.8 Stars (60 Reviews)    Price verified 13 hours ago

History of New Zealand New Zealand is a country that has forever been admired for its beautiful landscapes - a wilderness that barely seems to be touched by humans. The populated areas are surrounded by forests, plains, rocky mountains - even beaches. All of this gives New Zealand that heavenly vibe. However, the place we admire today has been heavily affected by its history. People who wanted to farm the land versus people who wanted to keep the land the way it is. A land that, despite the wars it had been through, has managed to hang on to its beauty. Packed with colonization, war and expansion, the history of New Zealand is something everyone should know and study in this day and age. Buy this book today!

Genre: History [x]
Length: 45 Pages (459 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 27th, 2024

A Brief History of Newthorpe (Brief Histories, North Nottingham Book 3) by J M Lee 4.6 Stars (7 Reviews)    Price verified 5 hours ago

Newthorpe arose some time before the Norman Conquest, its name suggestive of a Danish origin. Like its neighbours, it first appears in public records as an entry in the Domesday Book and for centuries afterwards existed as a large and relatively important agricultural hamlet. It was probably idyllic: a small village centre of thatched cottages, surrounded by hundreds of acres of fields and commons. In medieval times it became part of the huge estates belonging to two important, local monasteries - Lenton and Beauvale - and after the Dissolution became the property of a series of important land-owning families including the Earls of Essex, the Willoughby family of Risley and the Lords Stamford, Melbourne and Cowper. Earl Cowper was the last of the major landowners; his estates lasted until the early part of the 20th century before being broken up and sold off in small, private lots. The landed gentry went into decline, basically, as the tide of industrialisation advanced. Framework knitting was an early cottage industry and coal had been extracted in the locality since the earliest times, possibly even by the Romans but certainly by the monasteries. As time went on and technology slowly improved, industry became vastly more important and agriculture less so. With the progressive arrival of modern transport systems - turnpike roads and canals in the 18th century and then railways in the 19th century - mining, particularly, became hugely important. The culture of the miners, their families and their way of life dominated the area for many years. It is now all but gone, but an important and fascinating industrial heritage remains. Victorian infill started to alter Newthorpe's rural character in the 19th century and eventually more modern housing filled its vast areas of common land. Today the area is a modern part of Nottingham's conurbation with its supermarkets, retail parks and modern suburban lifestyle. But it's still possible to glimpse echoes of the past ...

Genre: History [x]
Length: 56 Pages (5,987 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 27th, 2024

Helga Gisladottir Borgford: Biography of an Icelandic Woman by Brian Borgford Price verified 7 hours ago

A convoluted childhood and a tragic death are the bookends for Helga's winding path through an intriguing and challenging life. Sent away from her large family as a baby, Helga traversed her early years as an orphan might. She was an adopted child, a servant, a maid, and a farmworker in the unforgiving environment of west-central Iceland. After meeting and marrying her husband, Saeumundur, while working on a farm, the couple moved to southwestern Iceland where they completed their family. Looking for a better life for their four children, She and Saemundur emigrated from Iceland for a new life in Canada. Helga's life ended abruptly at sixty years of age from a typhus epidemic in Manitoba. However, her legacy and memory live on through her surviving offspring and their descendants.

Genre: History [x]
Length: 95 Pages (11,061 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 27th, 2024

The Alexiad by Anna Komnene 4.6 Stars (86 Reviews)    Price verified 13 hours ago

Anna Komnene's 'The Alexiad' is a remarkable historical and biographical account that chronicles the life and reign of her father, Emperor Alexios I Komnenos, in 12th century Byzantium. Written in a classical literary style, Komnene's work offers valuable insights into the political intrigue, military campaigns, and cultural developments of the time. The Alexiad stands out as one of the few surviving works authored by a woman from this period, showcasing Komnene's intelligence and literary prowess. Through detailed descriptions and engaging narratives, Komnene paints a vivid picture of the Byzantine court and society, making the book a significant contribution to medieval literature. As the daughter of Emperor Alexios I Komnenos, Anna Komnene had a unique perspective on the events of her time, which inspired her to write The Alexiad. Her intimate knowledge of court politics and military affairs enabled her to craft a nuanced and insightful portrayal of her father's reign. Komnene's scholarly background and literary talent shine through in the meticulous research and eloquent prose found in her work. I highly recommend 'The Alexiad' to readers interested in Byzantine history, medieval literature, and women's contributions to the historical record. Anna Komnene's masterpiece offers a captivating and informative glimpse into a fascinating period of history, making it a must-read for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the Byzantine Empire and the Komnenos dynasty.

Genre: History [x]
Length: 578 Pages (1,247 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 27th, 2024

Liverpool to Kirkby Fields: A glimpse at life in a 1950-60s overspill town. by Kate Higgins 3.7 Stars (36 Reviews)    Price verified 8 hours ago

A tale of a personal account of a childhood spent in Kirkby, the first of the Liverpool overspill towns to develop - the story takes me back over 35 years to when my dad was employed during the second world war as a civil servant at the Royal Ordnance factory. With a population of around 3,000 made up mainly of farming people, the pretty little town was just a few years later to be developed into the new town with population figures reaching 50,000 at its peak. As I walk through Kirkby Park estate, 35 years since I left Kirkby, I recall the people, the events, Liverpool's working life and social life, and the humour which together made me and my seven brothers and sisters who we are today. I note the changes we lived through, the days when our telephone was the one in the red box on the corner of the road; our first television set; to today's technological world; scenes through the years of family life, school days where the remnants of Victoriana ran parallel with Beatlemania in the "Swinging Sixties", and of how mum and dad, quite amazingly, managed to take all ten of us on holiday each year.I recall local ghost stories told to me over the years and although my lifelong interest in the supernatural never produced any ghosts, I do relate what happened the moment I was told my mum had died, fifteen years after dad had also died, which led me to believe that he was there for her that day. We were inspired by mum and dad, with their legacy of love, selflessness, work ethics and honesty, and last but never to be forgotten, the ability to see the funny side.

Genre: History [x]
Length: 319 Pages (406 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 27th, 2024

Are You Still Alive?: A Novel of Redemption by Zev Cohen 5.0 Stars (2 Reviews)    Price verified 9 hours ago

June 1941. Nazi-occupied Poland as the Holocaust begins. Emil Grossman is forced to leave his home and finds himself at the mercy of a cruel and murderous invading power seeking to eradicate everyone and everything he holds dear. Saved from certain death in a slave labor camp, he is offered a second chance when he meets a young mother, Ella, and her daughter Sophie in the ghetto. Love gives him the motivation to fight for their survival against all odds, but will it be enough to sustain them as they embark on a journey from the Nazi killing fields of Europe to the founding struggle of the new State of Israel. Are You Still Alive? is a story of love, courage, and hope in the face of despair and, above all, a testament to the indomitable power of the human spirit.

Genre: History [x]
Length: 252 Pages (2,499 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 27th, 2024

India: History of India: From Prehistoric Settlements to the Modern Republic of India by Edward Pannell 3.6 Stars (35 Reviews)    Price verified 9 hours ago

NEW AND UPDATED 2ND EDITION RELEASED IN JULY 2017 READ FOR FREE ON KINDLE UNLIMITED India is the home of ancient religions and practices. It is a nation whose fascinating history teaches us about tolerance, diversity, and unity. This far-reaching subcontinent has been the place where great empires have developed, the place of monumental battles, the place of foreign invaders and the place of birth of cultures and religions. This book represents a compelling illustration of one of the world's oldest civilizations: the road it followed to reach the place where it is today, and the primary elements that shaped its culture. It is a narrative that takes you from the ancient beginnings of the nation to modern-day India. Here is a brief insight into the content of the book: * Ancient India: its most significant empires and the coming of Islam * Medieval India: the primary events that shaped its culture * British Colonization: how did it settle in India and what impact did it have on its culture? * India from 1949 until today: the primary changes that shaped the largest democracy in the world * Indian culture and religion: the main elements that distinguish the Hindu way of life from other philosophies and ethics * Things to see in India: a few guidelines for eager tourists who want to discover India and its majestic beauty If you want to discover the uniqueness of India, then you must definitely read this book. Learning more about its history will make you convey it from a different point of view. There is something about India that makes it unique. It is the combination of cultures and its impressive history that makes one feel attracted to this ancient country, which is often referred to as Mother India. Start your journey today and get your own copy of this book!

Genre: History [x]
Length: 78 Pages (2,699 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 27th, 2024

Historia incaica: 500 datos interesantes sobre los incas (Colección de Historias Curiosas) (Spanish Edition) by Ahoy Publications Price verified 2 hours ago

¡Descubra los misterios de la historia incaica con estos 500 datos fascinantes! Acompáñenos a explorar la historia incaica, desde el surgimiento de su civilización en el siglo XII hasta su declive en el siglo XVI. Descubra el funcionamiento interno de sus estructuras políticas y sociales, sus creencias espirituales y sus costumbres funerarias. Conozca sus vestimentas y las artes que adornaban su tierra, junto a las leyes y la justicia que gobernaban su sociedad. Aprenda sobre sus prácticas médicas, agricultura y acuicultura, arquitectura, tecnología, idioma, comercio y mucho más. 500 datos interesantes sobre la historia incaica es una mirada global a una civilización fascinante. Dentro de este libro encontrará información sobre: • El surgimiento de la civilización incaica • Su gobierno y estructura política • Su religión y espiritualidad • Las costumbres incaicas sobre muerte y entierro • Las fiestas incaicas • Su comida y gastronomía • La vestimenta de los incas • ¡Y mucho más! ¿Listo para abrir una cápsula del tiempo y entrar en una de las culturas más influyentes de Sudamérica? ¡Desplácese hacia arriba y haga clic en el botón "añadir al carrito" para comenzar su viaje al pasado!

Genre: History [x]
Length: 115 Pages (33,299 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 27th, 2024

Syros. The noble heart of the Cyclades: A different Greece travel guide (Greek Islands) (Travel to culture and landscape) by Denis Roubien 3.8 Stars (15 Reviews)    Price verified 9 hours ago

You want to discover the natural and cultural treasures of one of the most extraordinary Greek islands from an expert? This is the book for you! (Look also for the other books in the series) You will see this is not just another Greek islands travel guide. In this book, you will discover, through a travel story and a large number of photos with concise historical and architectural explanations, the known and unknown treasures of one of the most extraordinary islands of Greece. Syros, the heart of the Cyclades, includes two very different settlements: Ano Syros A shelter from pirates, a cultural centre with some of the first schools in Greece, and today a rare medieval fortified town Hermoupolis The former residential, cultural, commercial, and industrial centre of Greece. The world's largest neoclassical ensemble. A feast of images The author of this book holds a Ph.D. in Architectural History from the National Technical University of Athens and a master's in heritage preservation from the Ecole de Chaillot of Paris. He is a professor at the University of the Peloponnese, where he teaches these subjects. He is also a fervent cultural hiker. His travel books (mostly about Greece) are addressed to you, the reader with a special interest in cultural sites. In order to help you better understand and remember these sites, they are written as a guided tour. They include encounters with interesting people and other personal travel experiences that will help you organize your own trip beyond the tourist clichés. Pick up your copy today by clicking the BUY NOW button at the top of this page!

Genre: History [x]
Length: 93 Pages (6,465 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 27th, 2024

Pirates of the Wild West: A Time Travel Sea Adventure with a Western Twist by Bryan Cantrell (Dark Gravity Studios) 4.5 Stars (111 Reviews)    Price verified 2 minutes ago

1718 the infamous pirates of the Caribbean meet secretly in Nassau harbor on Blackbeard's prized ship the Queen Anne's Revenge. Caught in the clutches of a tempestuous storm, their lives take an unimaginable turn when a time vortex whisks them away to the year 1873, casting their ship into the depths of San Francisco Bay. Prepare to set sail on a thrilling fusion of history and fantasy as the Golden Age of Piracy collides with the untamed spirit of the Wild West! In Pirates of the Wild West, the most notorious swashbucklers to ever roam the Caribbean find themselves shipwrecked and stranded amidst cowboys, gunfights, train heists, and the relentless power of steam engines, Blackbeard, Anne Bonny, Calico Jack Rackham, and others must adapt to this alien world in their pursuit of treasure and freedom from the hangman's noose. Join these legendary pirates as they chart a treacherous path through the uncharted territories of the Wild West. In a saga that seamlessly weaves together high-stakes action, pulse-pounding gunfights, and unexpected alliances, "Pirates of the Wild West" immerses readers in a daring tale of survival and redemption. Buckle up for an exhilarating journey that will leave you clinging to the edge of your seat. This rollicking adventure is an absolute must-read for enthusiasts of swashbuckling tales, time travel escapades, and the untamed allure of the Wild West. Get ready to trade in your flintlock pistol for a Colt .45 and embark on an unforgettable quest alongside these iconic pirates as they navigate a time-bending clash of two legendary eras.

Genre: History [x]
Length: 382 Pages (4,783 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 27th, 2024

Ancient History, Bundle 1: History of Empires, Ancient History (Ancient History Series) by Robert Dean 4.2 Stars (27 Reviews)    Price verified 12 hours ago

A captivating study of the beginnings of art, engineering, architecture, and more. An overview of some of the most powerful empires throughout history that helped make humankind the versatile and complicated species we are today. ========================================================== History of Empires: Rise and Fall of the Greatest "Empires" in History! Understanding The: Roman Empire, American Empire, British Empire, & Much More... Mesopotamia, Byzantine Empire Book 1) A thrilling study of empires whose leaders lost sight of their civic obligations, leading to revolts, social disruption, and inescapable destruction. Journey through war, famine, conquest, and death. ========================================================== Ancient History: History of the Ancient World: Ancient Civilizations, and Ancient Empires. History that Defined our World (Ancient Roman History, Human... Greek Mythology, Ancient Empires Book 1) 3rd edition with added content Discover how ancient civilizations molded us into what we are today. A tantalizing glimpse into our vast and complex ancient history that is sure to inspire further study. There is a lot to be learned from ancient history.

Genre: History [x]
Length: 109 Pages (2,012 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 27th, 2024

On the Wings of the Red-Tailed Hawk (The Centenary Chronicles-Tales of American Women) by Gail Combs Oglesby 4.5 Stars (21 Reviews)    Price verified 32 minutes ago

Awarded the 5-star from Reader's Favorite Winner of the highly coveted 5-star Highly Recommended award from The Historical Fiction Company. Nominated for the Eric Hoffer Award for Excellence. Plymouth 1620-Sarah has left the security of all she knows to travel with her husband to the New World, but things don't go as planned. The Mayflower is lost unable to find the colony already there they must manage on their own. Not enough food, no shelter, then people start dying. Can Sarah find her inner strength and prevail or is she destined to join the others, another grave on Coles Hill. "On the Wings of the Red-Tailed Hawk" is deeply satisfying. Whether it veers towards happiness or sadness, it stays true to the story's spirit and provides a fitting conclusion to Sarah's journey. This book stands out for its focus on ordinary women of the past, whose accomplishments were anything but ordinary. This perspective is refreshing and adds a unique dimension to the genre of historical fiction. The authors skill at incorporating historical elements into an engrossing story without becoming boring is impressive. Because of the evocative and detailed writing, Sarah's experiences come to life on the page. A cleverly written plot arc with a distinct beginning, middle, and end. Every stage of Sarah's trip receives sufficient attention, guaranteeing a smooth and seamless progression of the story. A must read for everyone who loves strong woman characters who overcome the odds.

Genre: History [x]
Length: 361 Pages (1,820 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 27th, 2024

Saints & Scoundrels: Colorful Characters of Arizona (Wild West History) by Julie McDonald 4.1 Stars (43 Reviews)    Price verified 9 hours ago

I love my home state of Arizona! My family has been here for over 100 years. With some of the most spectacular scenery on the planet, it is indeed a land of color and contrast. Equally colorful are the many characters who have called Arizona home. John Shaw was killed in 1905 in a gun fight after robbing cowboys who were gambling in a saloon. He was buried where he fell and was dug up the next day by the same cowboys he robbed; to be given one last drink of whiskey. Arizona's lovable outlaw, Climax Jim, who escaped numerous prison cells. Dollie Wiley had a revolving door of husbands and her constant companions--diamonds and rat poison. Hi Jolly and his herd of camels in Western Arizona. The amazing Navajo Code Talkers and their role in World War II. The honeymoon disappearance of Glen and Bessie Hyde, and many more. Good men and bad women, bad men and good women. I hope you enjoy reading these stories as much as I enjoyed writing them. Here's to FUN history!

Genre: History [x]
Length: 122 Pages (2,270 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 27th, 2024

Italy: Guide to the The Most Important Events, People and Places that Created Italian History by Emma Barese 3.8 Stars (33 Reviews)    Price verified 13 hours ago

Read this book for free with your Kindle Unlimited membership! If you want to find out about the events that shaped the evolution of Italy, this book is a must read. It features an outline of the most significant events, such as the birth of the Roman Empire (and the way in which this ultimately and irrevocably changed the social landscape of the peninsula), the influence of the Renaissance movement, the role of Italy in the World Wars, and much more. This book shows that what makes Italy glorious and special is actually the uniqueness of each region. Every area comes with its individualities in regard to art, culture, cuisine and civic identity, something that can be clearly observed to this very day. After delving into this country's compelling history, you will come to the conclusion that its strength lies precisely in its picturesque and diverse regions. So, if you want to broaden your perspective of Italy, we encourage you to read this book. We're confident it will appeal to you! Buy this book right now and start to learn about the history of Italy today!

Genre: History [x]
Length: 38 Pages (1,816 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 27th, 2024

Christianity: Christian History: The Events, Characters and Stories That Shaped: The History of Christianity, & The History of the Church. Jesus, The ... by Michael J. Stewart 3.2 Stars (21 Reviews)    Price verified 6 hours ago

Where did Christianity begin? How has the belief in one, true, all-powerful God splintered into thousands of denominations? Discover the ancient roots of the Christian faith. Travel across time and geography and discover the Judaic roots of Christianity. Witness: • the rise and fall of religions from Jesus and his humble and faithful followers to the beginnings of the Orthodox Church • the split of the Roman Empire and the rise of the Roman Catholic Church • the Crusades and the Knightly Order • the settling of North America and the birth of Jehovah's Witness. Meet the visionaries, saints, and evangelists who carved and sculpted religion and Christianity, as we know it today including Martin Luther, Mother Teresa, Lester Roloff, George Whitefield, Mary Magdalene, St. Augustine, John Wycliffe, and Pope Francis and more. Examine our cherished beliefs about life and death. The moral and social principles shared by all Judeo-Christian faiths. Christian History: the Events, Characters, and Stories that Shaped the History of Christianity & the History of the Church is a splash of inspiration. Each chapter focuses on a culture, theme, set of beliefs, or denomination. You'll start with a quick dip into the history of Christianity, Orthodox Christianity, and Jehovah's Witness. Dive into an overview of the Jewish Culture. Get a glimpse of People in History Who Defined Christianity, a peek at The Crusades and a dunk in Christian beliefs in life, death, and the afterlife. Delve into the inspiring history of Christianity today with Christian History: the Events, Characters, and Stories that Shaped the History of Christianity & the History of the Church. Scroll up to get your copy now.

Genre: History [x]
Length: 40 Pages (2,604 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 26th, 2024

History of Greece: History of Greece: From the Cradle of Western Civilization to Myths, Legends, Democracy and Modern Day Greek History by Nicole James 3.9 Stars (24 Reviews)    Price verified 6 hours ago

Read this for free with your Kindle Unlimited Membership Greece is a colorful country and has always been the target of many tourists looking to have a relaxing time. However, what many people do not seem to know is that Greece also packs a rich history - all lying beneath the beautiful landscapes and beaches. Its history starts thousands of years before the Christian calendar was used - and each moment represents a cultural artifact that enriched more than a single country. Greece went through many wars - big and small. Some were fought because certain conquerors had their eyes on the land - whereas others were supposed to serve as means of provoking a change in the country (e.g. the civil wars). However, while it did not emerge unscathed from every war, Greece still managed to recover. As a history enthusiast - or simply, a Hellenophile - Greek history is certainly something you have to invest time in. Buy this book now to find out more about Greece and it's fascinating history! You will be glad you did.

Genre: History [x]
Length: 39 Pages (606 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 26th, 2024

FIVE GREAT HISTORIES by JOHN TARTTELIN Price verified 5 hours ago

Great lives separated by hundreds or even thousand of years, their exploits often forgotten or unknown, are here examined in the light of the most recent research. Hatshepsut, the only female Pharaoh, was an incredible woman, yet when she died her name was erased from all Egyptian monuments and inscriptions, turning her into a non-person whose actual existence was thus put in doubt. We are used to thinking of the Romans as victors and conquerors, but in AD 9 they met their match in the dark, tangled forests inhabited by Germanic tribes. The bleached bones of Varus and his three legions were only discovered years later. In England few people have heard the name of Thomas Wentworth the First Earl of Strafford, the power behind the throne of Charles 1st. Because of the King's inept handling of State affairs, Strafford was recalled from Ireland to help his master regain control of events in England. But it was all too late - he arrived back just in time to face his own execution. Nathan Bedford Forrest was almost in a league of his own, only a few horsemen like Murat had his leadership qualities and his audacious genius on the field of battle. At Brice's Crossroads he attacked and defeated an army almost twice the size of his Confederate forces. Chief Joseph, a man of peace, was forced to display his own genius by the treachery and rapacity of white invaders. In an effort to avoid the hideous fate that befell all Native Americans in the atrocious Reservation system, he led his gallant band on a 1,300 mile trek towards the Canadian border - and freedom.

Genre: History [x]
Length: 46 Pages (216 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 26th, 2024

Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States From Interviews with Former Slaves South Carolina Narratives, Part 1 by United States. Work Projects Administration 4.5 Stars (801 Reviews)    Price verified 6 hours ago

This book was converted from its physical edition to the digital format by a community of volunteers. You may find it for free on the web. Purchase of the Kindle edition includes wireless delivery.

Genre: History [x]
Length: 385 Pages (394 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 26th, 2024
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