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The Brothers: O Earth O Sea Cover Not Thou Their Blood by Robert Derry 4.4 Stars (3 Reviews)    Price verified 42 minutes ago

"When I entered the city, I entered it with an undaunted spirit, determined that no labour should make me shrink, no danger nor even persecution deter me from my pursuit." Thomas Clarkson was the 'moral steam engine' behind the abolitionist movement of the late eighteenth century, without whom The Society for Effecting the Abolition of the Slave Trade would have been bereft of its champion. The Brothers tells the story of the early years of their struggle and the tale of a slave ship, The Brothers, as it departs from the port of Bristol en route to the Guinea Coast, under the vicious Captain Howlett. It traces the arduous journey of Clarkson, as he gathers evidence against The Trade from the slaving ports of England and the political efforts of Granville Sharp who, with the help of the Society, brings their first bill before a reluctant parliament. A disillusioned Doctor Gardiner, the ship's surgeon aboard The Brothers, agrees to keep a journal as evidence for the investigation, to record first-hand in all its horrors the maltreatment of slaves and crew at the hands of the sadistic officers, for whom the venture is all about one thing and one thing alone - profit. A young boy escapes from the clutches of the Bristol mob to find himself in service in Sharp's plush London residence, as four thousand miles away in the Caribbean, The Brothers sails away from its crime against humanity. But another force is rising from the very timbers of the ship's blood-infused frame - a nightmare that will push the troubled doctor to the very edge of insanity and threaten to bring a timely judgement upon them all.

Genre: History [f] [x]
Length: 433 Pages (3,491 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 4th, 2024

EL PARAÍSO ESTÁ BAJO LOS PIES DE LOS GOBIERNOS: DIRIGIENDO LAS NACIONES CON MAQASID (Spanish Edition) by Abdellatif Raji (Yaraak, LLC.) Price verified 2 hours ago

Desentrañando el libro "El paraíso está bajo los pies de los gobiernos" emplea una sorprendente metáfora para describir la profunda responsabilidad y el potencial de los gobiernos para dar forma al bienestar de la sociedad. Esta frase resume poéticamente la idea de que así como la tierra nos sustenta físicamente, la buena gobernanza es la base que sostiene la estructura moral y ética de una sociedad. El libro explora la integración de Maqasid, un marco derivado de la jurisprudencia islámica, en la gobernanza moderna, argumentando que este enfoque puede conducir a una gestión social más ética, justa y humana. La Esencia (80/20) • Marco Maqasid: El núcleo del libro gira en torno al marco Maqasid, que prioriza la protección y el cumplimiento de intereses humanos esenciales como la vida, la religión, el intelecto, la progenie y la propiedad. Raji sugiere que los gobiernos pueden lograr una mejor gobernanza alineando las políticas con estos principios universales, que están inherentemente diseñados para promover una sociedad equilibrada y floreciente. • Gobernanza ética: Raji sostiene que la ausencia de una base ética en la gobernanza conduce a desigualdades e injusticias sociales. Al incorporar los principios Maqasid en la formulación de políticas, los líderes pueden fomentar un modelo de gobernanza que no sólo cumpla con los objetivos económicos y políticos sino que también mejore el bienestar espiritual y moral de la comunidad. • Perspectivas globales e históricas: el libro se basa en varios ejemplos globales y contextos históricos para ilustrar cómo ha sido beneficiosa la integración de valores espirituales en la gobernanza secular. Los ejemplos incluyen el sistema financiero islámico de Malasia y las políticas de conservación ambiental influenciadas por creencias indígenas en Nueva Zelanda, lo que muestra la aplicación práctica y los beneficios de este enfoque. El plan de acción • Adoptar Maqasid en la ...

Genre: Politics & Social Sciences [f] [x]
Length: 589 Pages (5,758 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 4th, 2024

Inspiration Beyond the Surface: Discover a journey toward a healthier and happier life, with God by your side. by Patty Pobanz 4.8 Stars (13 Reviews)    Price verified one hour ago

In life, we often encounter challenges that leave us feeling lost, stuck, or yearning for a path forward. In these moments of uncertainty, it's natural to seek guidance, inspiration, and a renewed sense of purpose. It is within these pages that you will find exactly that, a guiding light to illuminate your journey towards a healthier, happier, and more fulfilling life. Welcome to a transformative new direction for yourself, where the boundless power of faith intertwines with the resilience of the human spirit. As you embark on this uplifting journey with God, you'll discover a treasure trove of wisdom, encouragement, and profound insights waiting to be unearthed. This book is more than just words on paper; it's a companion for your soul, a beacon of hope that accompanies you through every twist and turn of life's labyrinth. Within its pages, you'll encounter inspirational messages that speak directly to your heart, empowering insights that awaken your inner strength, and enriching inspirational videos that bring concepts to life in more detail. But this journey is not merely about consuming information, it's about transformation. It's about delving deep into the recesses of your being, confronting the shadows that linger within, and emerging stronger, wiser, and more resilient than ever before. It's about embracing personal growth, unlocking the potential that lies dormant within you, and charting a course towards a life of greater purpose and joy. So, if you find yourself standing at the crossroads of uncertainty, if you're weary from the weight of the world, struggle with illness or if you simply long for a glimpse of the light, know that you are not alone. You hold in your hands the key to a future brimming with hope and possibility. A future where the challenges of today fade into insignificance against the brilliance of tomorrow. It's time to leave behind the struggles that have held you captive for too long and step boldly into the radiant dawn of a new ...

Genre: Self-Help [f] [x]
Length: 485 Pages (13,714 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 4th, 2024

Unveiling 11 Relationship Styles: Secrets Nobody Told You: Reinventing Dating and Friendship Apps: Insights from Evolution, Science, and Psychology by Ahmad Aljazeeri 4.7 Stars (126 Reviews)    Price verified 3 hours ago

Award-winning book that recently earned acclaim from the prestigious Next Generation Indie Book Awards! Disclosure: In the 'Digital Deception' section, the heartrending story of enduring a five-year online relationship with a loss of $120,000 is actually drawn from the author's personal experiences. Ahmad Aljazeeri presents this narrative through the perspective of his 'best friend' as a means of self-forgiveness and emotional healing. This personal account, while occupying only two pages of the book, lays the foundation for the creation of both the TerriTie app and the innovative relationship framework detailed throughout. Though brief, this honest disclosure is crucial for understanding the author's deep motivation. Awarded the 5-star seal from Readers' Favorite, Unveiling 11 Relationship Styles by Ahmad Aljazeeri has been praised for its innovative approach to interpersonal connections. Keith Mbuya calls it a "must-read," and "A perfect hit!", and Booklife acknowledges it with an 'A' rating, noting that "it offers a well-researched, comprehensive overhaul of human connection that incorporates the physical, emotional, philosophical, and scientific components of humanity's bonding systems" and comparing it to titles like Attached by Amir Levine and Rachel S. F. Heller, and The Four Relationship Styles by Anita Knight Kuhnley. According to Kirkus Reviews, the book starts by stressing the importance of 'Starting from Within', inviting readers to a deep understanding of self as the groundwork for building relationships. The 'PICCK A SPICE' framework introduces readers to a diverse range of connection styles that are essential for navigating both platonic and romantic spheres in today's world. Cierra Taylor from Foreword Clarion Review admires the meticulous integration of historical and scientific scholarship, rendering complex theories into accessible wisdom that can ignite 'Relationship Revival' and applauds the book for its deft blend of personal anecdotes, ...

Genre: Computers & Technology [f] [x]
Length: 384 Pages (6,403 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 4th, 2024

Helping Children with ADHD and Oppositional Defiant Disorder: Easy CBT Therapy Workbook for Emotional Regulation to Transform Behaviors, Develop ... by SpreadLife Publishing Price verified 4 hours ago

Does your child's ADHD or ODD leave you feeling exhausted and alone? Do you worry about how your child will manage school and friendships or feel overwhelmed by daily battles with impulsivity and hyperactivity? Do the daily battles with impulsivity, inattention, and hyperactivity feel overwhelming? Have you tried countless strategies, only to be met with disappointment and little progress? If so, "Helping Children with ADHD and ODD" is your lifeline. This comprehensive guide offers more than insight -- it provides the tools to: • Create a calmer home environment, transforming power struggles into cooperation. • Boost your child's self-esteem and resilience, equipping them with essential coping skills. • Strengthen your connection, replacing conflict with love and laughter. • Identify and cultivate your child's unique talents, fostering an appreciation of their strengths. • Master effective communication strategies that enhance understanding and cooperation. • Become a knowledgeable advocate for your child, understanding the nuances of ADHD and ODD. • Rediscover the joy and hope in your parenting journey as you watch your child thrive and achieve their full potential. Even if you've felt defeated, this book offers a clear roadmap to make a transformative difference in your child's life. Why wait? Give your child the life they deserve. Order "Helping Children with ADHD and ODD" now and start your journey to a brighter future together.

Genre: Education & Teaching [f] [x]
Length: 353 Pages (2,900 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 4th, 2024

Urban Emergency Readiness: Preparedness For Emergencies and Disasters in the Cities or Urban Environments (THE URBAN SURVIVAL SERIES Book 1) by David Holman 5.0 Stars (3 Reviews)    Price verified 2 hours ago

Learning to prepare yourself for emergencies and disasters in an urban environment could save your life or the life of a loved one. There are some Preppers who believe that it is best to "bug out" in the event of an emergency or disaster, but depending on your situation it may be best to "bug in" hunker down... stay where you are. Stockpile supplies and fortify your home. You might not be able to leave for one reason or another, Asses the potential dangers for your area and prepare accordingly. What type of natural disasters are prevalent in your area, what is the crime like, are there predatory animals, reptiles, or insects? How hot does it get, how cold, is there alot of snow and ice? Answering these questions will help your to formulate a plan of action, a course to take. There are the basics to deal with... Food, Water, Shelter, Security, Medicine, Communications..and so much more. But what happens when your supplies run out? What if they get stolen or damaged? Can you protect or hide your supplies if others come to rob you?Where can you find food or water in the city in a pinch? Can you produce your own food or find water in the city if you have to? Do you know how to filter and purify it? If not then you really need this book.

Genre: Science & Math [f] [x]
Length: 328 Pages (7,752 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 4th, 2024

Cubicle To Corner Office: The Ultimate Survival Guide To Your First Job! by Mike Halpert 4.9 Stars (80 Reviews)    Price verified one hour ago

Unlock the Secrets of Starting Your Career with Your First Job in the Corporate World! Fresh out of college or starting an internship, and feeling overwhelmed? Dive into "Cubicle To Corner Office" and navigate the unspoken rules of the corporate culture, ensuring your career development takes off from day one. Dive in and decipher the unwritten rules and business etiquette that will be pivotal for your career development. Remember, your first job, be it as a new hire, intern or a foreign worker, sets the tone for your career path. The unwritten rules, the corporate etiquette, and the intricate dance of office politics can be daunting, especially for new grads and even expats. This guide illuminates the path, providing you with three simple rules that will set the tone for your career path and help you excel in any corporate setting.In this comprehensive career advice guide, you will discover: • Mastering Corporate Culture: Navigate the unspoken rules and corporate etiquette that are the bedrock of success in jobs after college. • Manager and Mentor Interactions: Engage effectively with bosses, understand the unwritten dynamics, and unlock opportunities for invaluable mentorship. • Effective Communication: From how to write emails that get noticed to leading meetings, build a reputation of professionalism and clarity. Deep dive into essential subjects such as: • Cultivating the right mindset from day one in your first job. • Identifying and mitigating common blindspots faced by today's talent. • Setting and managing expectations with your boss or manager for clear job goals. • Building and nurturing professional relationships, ensuring effective collaboration. • Proficiently handling interactions with senior executives, from 1:1 meetings to group discussions. • Professional development tools: from scoping projects to prioritizing work. • Business etiquette for remote work, including mastering videoconference tools like Zoom. • ...

Genre: Business & Money [f] [x]
Length: 302 Pages (2,988 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 4th, 2024

Healthy Air Fryer Breakfast Recipes : 100 Breakfasts to Energize Your Day (Air Fryer Recipes) by April Kelsey 4.3 Stars (10 Reviews)    Price verified 2 hours ago

100 Healthy Air Fryer Breakfast Recipes: Breakfasts to Energize Your Day," a delightful collection that redefines the way you start your mornings. Air fryer cooking lets you find the perfect balance of health and indulgence. Whether you're a breakfast aficionado or a novice in the kitchen, this cookbook is designed to make your mornings deliciously hassle-free. Key Features: ? Energizing Breakfasts: Start your day with 100 healthy and tasty air fryer breakfast dishes that both taste great and energize your body. ? Beginner-FriendlyCreations: There is no need to be a culinary expert! Our cookbook provides step-by-step instructions, ensuring that even beginners can effortlessly create mouthwatering breakfast delights. ? Time-Saving Magic: Say goodbye to lengthy breakfast preparations. Harness the efficiency of your air fryer to whip up quick and effortless morning meals, perfect for busy mornings. ? Healthier Choices: Enjoy the benefits of airfrying minimal oil usage, reduced cleanup, and guilt-free indulgence. These breakfast recipes prioritize your well-being without compromising on taste. ? A Varied Breakfast Feast: Dive into a diverse array of breakfast options, from classic favorites like pancakes and omelets to innovative creations like air-fried granola bites and avocado toast variations. ?Some sample recipes: • Chorizo and Egg Breakfast Burritos • Blueberry Almond Breakfast Bars • Spinach and Feta Egg Cups • Apple Cinnamon French Toast Sticks • Peanut Butter Banana Quesadillas • Sausage and Veggie Breakfast Hash • Air Fryer Chia Seed Pudding with Berries • Sweet Potato and Kale Frittata Change the way you start your day with "100 Healthy Air Fryer Breakfast Recipes." Elevate your breakfast game, one easy and delicious recipe at a time. Treat yourself, seize the day, and create memorable mornings with this must-have cookbook. Grab your copy today and make breakfast the highlight of your day.

Genre: Cookbooks, Food & Wine [f] [x]
Length: 377 Pages (3,938 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 4th, 2024

The Enlightened Quest: Blending Neuroscience with Spiritual Pathways to Self-Realization by Shawn Christian (Awnian Media Group) 4.4 Stars (31 Reviews)    Price verified one hour ago

Are you ready to invest in a quest for enlightenment? Embark on an unparalleled journey with "The Enlightened Quest: Blending Neuroscience with Spiritual Pathways to Self-Realization." This transformative book seamlessly intertwines ancient wisdom and modern concepts, presenting a treasure trove of knowledge. Immerse yourself in the intersection of neuroscience and spirituality, weaving mindfulness practices from Eastern and Western mysticism for personal development, self-realization, and enhancing confidence that leads to improved self-esteem. Within these pages, explore the intriguing interplay between mysticism and logic, offering a roadmap for cultivating inner peace and spiritual growth. Uncover the keys to unlocking inner tranquility, connecting deeply with your true purpose while embracing the universal principles found in various religions such as Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and Hinduism. "The Enlightened Quest" acts as a guiding beacon, amalgamating teachings from diverse cultures, nurturing personal growth, and boosting confidence through meditation, breath control, Pranayama, mindfulness, and prayer practices, invoking the symbolism of prayer hands and the holistic exploration of chakras. Moreover, this book endeavors to bridge the gap between ancient beliefs and modern scientific understanding, showcasing the correlations between recent advancements in the study of the mind and age-old spiritual practices. By linking contemporary insights from the field of neuroscience with the timeless wisdom found in ancient teachings, "The Enlightened Quest" offers a unique perspective on how these profound practices align with our understanding of the human mind and its potential, fostering a deeper comprehension of their efficacy. It's important to note that this book does not favor one religion over another. In addition, the purpose of this book is not to make anyone question their belief or change religion. Instead, it seeks to bridge the gaps between the ...

Genre: Self-Help [f] [x]
Length: 528 Pages (892 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 4th, 2024

Interesting Facts Books - Bizarre Events - The Largest Collection Of Weird Historical Stories That You’ve Probably Never Heard Of! by Bennett Patterson 4.6 Stars (6 Reviews)    Price verified one hour ago

Welcome to the amazing world of weird history, interesting historical stories and bizarre events. As you dive into the pages of "BIZARRE EVENTS", you'll find mind-blowing historical stories waiting to tickle your curiosity. Take an epic journey through time with over 300 pages of the craziest and most jaw-dropping tales you've NEVER heard of! Have you heard of eating mummies for dinner? Or how about the wild dance party that lasted for a month where some people even danced themselves to death? Yes, you heard it right - danced until they died! Hold on to your hats as you explore stories of giant waves of sticky molasses, evil forks, baby raffles, horse senators, the great toilet paper panic and much more! This is your trusty guide to making bizarre history come alive. Whether you're a history buff or just looking for a wild ride, "BIZARRE EVENTS" is the perfect ticket to a world where the strange and unusual reign supreme. So, buckle up, because the extraordinary is just a turn of the page away!

Genre: Humor & Entertainment [f] [x]
Length: 320 Pages (2,340 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 4th, 2024

How to Lie with Charts: Fourth Edition by Gerald Everett Jones (LaPuerta Books and Media) 3.7 Stars (20 Reviews)    Price verified 2 hours ago

Don't blame the computers. People are running the show. A Supplementary Courseware Textbook in Graph Design, Business Math, and Marketing PLEASE NOTE: Because of the complexity of graphics in this ebook, it is published as Kindle Textbook in Print Replica format. Its digital pages match the layout of the print edition. This ebook is text-searchable but not reflowable. This is the new edition of the definitive textbook on data visualization. There's added material on fake news and social media disinformation, misinterpretation of metadata, and the uses and abuses of Big Data. If you're using a computer to generate charts for meetings and reports, you don't have to be taught how to lie - you're already doing it. You probably don't know your charts are unreliable, and neither does your audience. So you're getting away with it - until a manager or a sales prospect or an investor makes a bad decision based on the information that you were so helpful to provide. The main focus of How to Lie with Charts is on the principles of persuasive - and undistorted - visual communication. It's about careful thinking and clear expression.

Genre: Science & Math [f] [x]
Length: 403 Pages (18,702 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 4th, 2024

Interesting Stories About Remarkable People: 115 Mind-Blowing True Stories About Exceptional People Who Changed the Course of History in Politics, ... by Yaniv Magal 5.0 Stars (36 Reviews)    Price verified one hour ago

Which insect cost Charles Darwin his marriage? Who nominated Adolf Hitler for a Nobel Peace Prize? And which beloved White House pet single-handedly saved an American president's career? The silly, amusing, unbelievable, and astounding come together in this colorful collection of stories about exceptional people spanning centuries of history around the world. From scientists, athletes, and artists to strategists, spies, and world leaders, Interesting Stories About Remarkable People brings history to life as you've never heard it told before. Dive into the complicated politics, delicious conspiracies, and torrid affairs of the past in bite-sized segments that will enrich your mind and tickle your imagination. These are just some of the interesting people you will meet inside: • Napoleon Bonaparte • Eleanor Roosevelt • Alexander Graham Bell • Marie Antoinette • Muhammad Ali • Marie Curie • Nikola Tesla • Nelson Mandela • And many, many more... Whether you're a history enthusiast or simply curious about the lives that have left a mark on humanity, settle in for a spellbinding journey through the corridors of time.

Genre: Humor & Entertainment [f] [x]
Length: 352 Pages (1,392 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 4th, 2024

American Epoch: and the indoctrination of America's youth by Charles Henry Vessey 1.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 4 hours ago

American Epoch is an adventure into American exceptionalism. How did America become an exceptional nation? What makes America different from the other nations in the world? Why do people flock to the United States when given the opportunity? If America is such a great place, why are people with nefarious motives attempting to transform this country? Who are these people and what are their ultimate objectives? These and so many other questions are answered between the covers of this book. This book commences with a shocking expose of the anti-American propaganda being taught in America's classrooms. We have witnessed the result of the indoctrination occurring in American classrooms through the actions of professional athletes who kneel for the playing of the national anthem. Regretfully, this is but a symptom of a larger problem for America. Recent polls have recorded results showing huge percentages of millennials believe that socialism or communism are preferred economic systems to capitalism. Similar numbers of millennials think free speech should not be available to those with whom they disagree. These ideas are the results of public education and should shock everyone who reads this book. The book segues into America exceptionalism. American Epoch presents empirical evidence of American exceptionalism and its roots in the freedom and liberty enshrined in the founding documents of this country. American Epoch demonstrates how America was in the vanguard of eliminating slavery and providing women's suffrage. The book investigates why the United States leads the world in so many aspects of society, however, the story does not end with America leading the world in so many categories of life. The United States has sacrificed both blood and treasure for freedom and liberty throughout the world. These topics are ignored in the world of academia. Abraham Lincoln said the following in his speech at the Young Men's Lyceum of Springfield, Illinois on January 27, ...

Genre: Politics & Social Sciences [f] [x]
Length: 937 Pages (21,047 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

Steaming Volume Five: King Paul's Big, Nasty, Unofficial Book of Reactor and Engineering Memories (The King Paul Series 5) by Ram Tuli 4.8 Stars (21 Reviews)    Price verified 12 minutes ago

When you're done reading Volume 5, you'll have seen 75-percent of the KP Site. It's kind of sad to realize that the end is so near. But that sadness is miniscule compared with the sorrow of knowing our beloved ship is rusting away in Hampton Roads, semi-abandoned in political/fiscal limbo. She deserves better than that. Thankfully, these archived sea stories and memories will keep her alive forever.If I were an independent observer reading the Steaming books, I'd have a pretty good idea of what life was like in the nuclear navy of yore, especially aboard the mighty warship USS Enterprise. It must be extremely apparent by now that there were good times and bad times to be aboard the Big E. The lucky ones were there when she was a West Coast carrier, reigning supreme over the South Pacific and Indian Oceans in the 70s and 80s. Nukes from Class 69-3, 70-3, 7401, and 8502 seem to have the fondest recollections. That's because they arrived en masse with dozens of friends and classmates and made 2 to 3 action-packed WESTPACs on her. Then a hard-earned DD214 sent them on their way to a slightly better life, doing pretty much the same thing in civilian life with some of the same people. The unlucky ones showed up when the Big E was in the yards, especially Norfolk. This generation worked their asses off within dark, cold iron dungeons and never saw the Big E's mighty engine rooms come alive.An independent observer would also notice that if you served once on the Big E, you seemed to return ad infinitum. The only way to escape being a Chief, Senior Chief, and then Master Chief on the CVN 65 was to accept a commission and leave the nuclear field altogether. Those retiring as Big E nukes did four or five sea tours on her. They saw both the dreadful yards and most of the world. An independent observer would also see how important good leadership was in keeping a ship like the Big E fully operational. Chiefs and officers who treated their men poorly always seemed to have "bad ...

Genre: History [f] [x]
Length: 545 Pages (12,393 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

துகினமே என் தூவானமே... (Tamil Edition) by LATHA B 4.2 Stars (12 Reviews)    Price verified 5 hours ago

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Genre: Foreign Languages [f] [x]
Length: 458 Pages (1,257 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

Ower Darkling. (Ower Kid Book 1) by Atlas D'four 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 5 hours ago

'Ower Darkling'. (Ower Kid series. Book No. 1.) A shockingly frank visit down memory lane. "Who won the war?" he asked. "We did." I said brightly. The man looked slowly around the furrows of his wrinkled brow increasing expediently. After a moment or so he turned about. "Are you sure -?" he replied cautiously. "Did you get that in writing?" Atlas D'four tells it as it was, worts and all. Nothing added and nowt taken out -seethay-!

Genre: Biographies & Memoirs [f] [x]
Length: 340 Pages
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

Metallic Sky (Days of Disaster Book 1) by Michael John Joseph Del Toro 3.4 Stars (2 Reviews)    Price verified 5 hours ago

China and Russia join forces to throw off the yoke of American hegemony and thrust the world into chaos. The world is in turmoil, as it is forced by the machinations of rogue nations China and Russia to deal with the phenomenon known as the Kessler Syndrome, where all the world's satellites have been destroyed. World War 3 erupts as China, Russia and a number of allied nations seek to turn a world disaster into conquest of long held ambitions in Europe and Asia. "A few years have passed and where there were once only two thousand satellites revolving around the planet, now there are over 10,000 such orbitals. Private businesses have been quick to take advantage of the benefits these technological wonders offer and have quickly supplanted governments in the race for space among the stars. Amid rising global tensions two nations, China and Russia lead a bevy of others, seeking to take advantage of the discord of the West to realize long anticipated goals by leveling the military and economic playing field dominated by the United States and its allies. This ends up resulting in a global conflict, World War 3. Using the imminent launch of Taiwan's first spacecraft, the Chinese fashion a strategy to increase its regional hegemony and enlist the aid of another outsider nipping at the heels of the western nations atop the global food chain. The subsequent debris resulting from the satellite's destruction cause a kaleidoscope of collisions rendering the satellite network extinct overnight. The chain reaction of events on the ground mirrored that of near space, and though slower to ensue was far more devastating to the way of life of people and the governments that led them threatening the very means of survival for both. The duo used the chaos enveloping the world to pursue territorial ambitions, for Russia these lay in Eastern Europe, while China invades Taiwan and slams its foot on the neck of the remnants of Hong Kong's democratic ambitions." Would this happen? Could ...

Genre: History [f] [x]
Length: 452 Pages (1,498 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

The Blood of the Iutes (The Song of Britain Cycle Book 4) by James Calbraith 4.3 Stars (236 Reviews)    Price verified 12 minutes ago

- A NEW GENERATION OF HEROES. THE DARK AGES SAGA CONTINUES. - It's not easy being the son of a king.Octa never wanted to be a mighty warrior, or a great ruler of men - he'd much rather be a clerk or a priest - but he's resigned to his destiny as the son and heir of the first king of the Iutes. There is only one problem: under his father's peaceful reign, there aren't many opportunities for a youth to gain experience in combat and leadership.So when a Roman legate arrives in Britannia, for the first time in a generation, bringing dire news from across the Narrow Sea and requesting help in the coming clash between rival Imperators, Octa jumps on the chance to prove himself before his friends and his father - no matter the consequences... What follows is an epic journey across Frankia and Gaul in the twilight of the Empire, filled with battles, intrigues and romance. - Sequel to #1 Bestseller in Norse Historical Fiction in UK, Canada and Australia. First book in the new Iutish trilogy! - ??? "In The Saxon Spears James Calbraith gives us a fast-paced, immediate, raw look into the dark times of the fifth century. (... ) James Calbraith's Ash is a sympathetic protagonist, full of mystery and a yearning to discover the secrets of his past and the truth of his destiny. The Saxon Spears is a great read." - MATTHEW HARFFY, author of Bernicia Chronicles "Rich, detailed writing and compelling characters." - Jessica Belmont, Jessica Belmont "A truly intriguing and impressive start to a new series." - Liberty Ireland, Historical Graffiti "A fine beginning indeed to what promises to be an exciting series." - Paul Bennett, Hoover Book Reviews ??? The Blood of the Iutes is the first volume of the Song of Octa, a fast-paced, gripping historical fiction sequel to the best-selling Song of Ash trilogy, perfect for fans of Bernard Cornwell's "The Last Kingdom" series, Matthew Harffy and Conn Iggulden.

Genre: History [f] [x]
Length: 524 Pages (3,234 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

Steaming Volume Seven: King Paul's Big, Nasty, Unofficial Book of Reactor and Engineering Memories (The King Paul Series 7) by Ram Tuli 4.7 Stars (25 Reviews)    Price verified 12 minutes ago

When I began these Steaming books in January of 2018, I had no idea it would take two years and 4,280 pages to summarize everything on the old KP Site. I guess I collected quite a few stories in those 13 years. In this final edition of Steaming you'll witness the KP Site slowly fade into oblivion. It would become dormant twice when I tried to pawn off my editorial duties to the KP Facebook page. That didn't work. Everyone wanted the old site back up, even if it was rarely updated. So, I tried again. Technology, however, was unkind. I couldn't adapt to the new ways of doing things and finally pulled the plug after the 2014 inactivation ceremony. In my mind that seemed like the logical place to end it. I'm 56 years old now. The time I spent on the Big E was only 7-percent of my life. That's such a small chunk compared to the over thirty years now spent serving society as a dignified and productive family man. But that 7-percent sure was significant. It shaped me in a way everything I've done before or afterwards never could. I now look back on that time with pride, knowing I served on the greatest warship of all time with the greatest bunch of misfits ever assembled in one place. How truly blessed I was. I hope you guys enjoyed the Steaming books. I know I sure enjoyed collecting the tales and putting them together in a somewhat manageable form. Has it really been 30 years since I last set foot in 4-Plant? Yes, I guess it has. Damn, I miss you guys.

Genre: History [f] [x]
Length: 496 Pages (74,040 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

Steaming Volume Four: King Paul's Big, Nasty, Unofficial Book of Reactor and Engineering Memories (The King Paul Series 4) by Ram Tuli 4.7 Stars (28 Reviews)    Price verified 12 minutes ago

In many ways, it's like I'm reading these stories for the first time. I had forgotten so many. My memory seems a bit shabbier today than it did in 2004. Thank God we wrote these tales down then, when most of us had only been out of the Navy for 15 - 20 years. Had we waited until today, 30+ years, everything would've been lost to the ages. This volume contains stories sent in between March 30, 2004 and March 3, 2005. I must admit, Volumes 3 and 4 are much better than Volumes 1 & 2. The hard edges are being sandpapered down and polished. We're no longer trying to shock our peers with legendary adventures of lust and misadventure. We're now sharing traveling tales with friends we'll always remember. It's become evident that we really did care about each other. We now understand how much everyone meant to us. I might even let my kids read this Volume. Well, maybe not. I forgot Australia was mentioned often in this book. Thank you again, shipmates, for all that you did/and still do for me. I love you all like brothers.

Genre: History [f] [x]
Length: 495 Pages (10,958 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

Steaming Volume Three: King Paul's Big, Nasty, Unofficial Book of Reactor and Engineering Memories (The King Paul Series 3) by Ram Tuli 4.5 Stars (25 Reviews)    Price verified 12 minutes ago

Wow! You're on your third book! Hopefully, you're watch supervisor qualified by now, or at least making an earnest effort to get a qual card blazed off. Head back down the plant, gents. We've got more maritime memories to relive. The good news is this next volume is better than the previous two. That's a real no shitter! This book contains letters received between June 26, 2003 and March 29, 2004. The KP Site was the most popular navy nuke site on the internet by then. Thousands of ex-nukes and engineers were lurking, and many were gleefully sending in raunchy recollections. It should be obvious to all that the site was no longer just for Big E squids. Rickover propulsion plant protégées from every ship in the nuclear fleet were there, adding to the mayhem. The Ike Bites contingent was probably the second most-dominant group. I probably should have added an Ike logo to the cover. Enjoy Volume 3! KP

Genre: History [f] [x]
Length: 498 Pages (14,171 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

Steaming Volume Two: King Paul's Big, Nasty, Unofficial Book of Reactor and Engineering Memories (The King Paul Series) (Volume 2) by Ram Tuli 4.7 Stars (23 Reviews)    Price verified 12 minutes ago

Wow, you're like STAR babies. You're not quite sure what you've gotten yourself into but decided to "re-up" for more. This next edition of Steaming includes activity on the KP Site between Nov 21, 2002 and June 26, 2003. This period has some of my favorite stories. It also contains the most controversial tales in the collection. This second "deployment" has a slightly different flavor than the previous one. I didn't plan it that way. I just ended Volume One before it got too big. I figured you guys didn't want to get whacked over the head with anything over 600 pages when your wives got tired of hearing you laugh and then hiding the book whenever they stormed into the room. Volume Two still focuses on the Big E, but also features tales from CGN, other CVN, SSN and SSBN nukes. We fondly recollect boot camp, A-School, Nuke School, prototype, and the everyday delights of life at sea. We also become somewhat introspective and share why we chose to become navy nukes. Spoiler alert: not one of us regretted it.

Genre: History [f] [x]
Length: 617 Pages (85,898 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

Steaming Volume One: King Paul's Big, Nasty Unofficial Book of Reactor and Engineering Memories (The King Paul Series 1) by Ram Tuli 4.7 Stars (56 Reviews)    Price verified 12 minutes ago

Gather 'round, my fellow tars and pour yourself a drink (preferably a San Miguel). What you're about to read is the largest collection of sea stories ever gathered in one place. Best of all, these stories come from fellow USS Enterprise nukes and engineers. No one can deny that the Big E was the greatest warship ever built, and that the guys who gave her her steam were the best nukes and engineers in the fleet. We were also pretty darn funny. In fact, our sense of humor was legendary. It was the one thing that helped get us through it all. More than just sea stories, these are the tales of our youth, the recollections of life-long friends, and random memories of strange people and faraway places.

Genre: History [f] [x]
Length: 579 Pages (65,598 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

Frameworks for Life: A Personal Operating System for Balanced and Effective Living by Alan Huang 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified one hour ago

Frameworks for Life is the "user's manual for life" that the author wishes he was given. Management consultant and finance professional Alan Huang shows you how to spend your limited time, energy, and money wisely to achieve balance and health in your life. This book discusses a wide range of topics from the practical to the philosophical, including ways to improve your physical and mental health, strengthen your interpersonal relationships, and find meaning in your life. The book's wide range of topics are inspired by Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, the greatest framework for understanding our human motivations and needs (in the author's humble opinion). Each chapter provides an overview of a single topic, distilling the best contemporary thinking, then translates that knowledge into routine habits that can help you live your life more effectively, efficiently, and meaningfully. To build an understanding of each topic, the book takes a first principles approach. First, the topic is defined and a useful goal identified. Next, the topic is explained using frameworks, which are analytical tools that provide an organized holistic overview of a concept, system, or process. Based on that understanding, practical suggestions for improving one's effectiveness are shared. Table of contents: • Introduction • I. Identifying and Pursuing What's Most Important • 1. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs: What Are the Components of a Good Life? • 2. Toward a Personal Operating System: How Should You Spend Your Time? • 3. Life as a Balancing Act: What Should You Prioritize? • II. Physiological Needs • 4. Sleep: Why Sleep Now, If You Can Sleep When You're Dead? • 5. Diet, Nutrition, and Body Composition: How Should You Eat? • 6. Physical Fitness: What Exactly Are You Working Out? • 7. Cooking: What Is This Mysterious Kitchen Alchemy? • III. Safety Needs • 8. Personal Finance: What Should You Do with Your Money? • 9. Housekeeping: If You Ignore Your ...

Genre: Science & Math [f] [x]
Length: 711 Pages (18,751 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

Steaming Volume Six: King Paul's Big, Nasty, Unofficial Book of Reactor and Engineering Memories (The King Paul Series 6) by Ram Tuli 4.7 Stars (21 Reviews)    Price verified 12 minutes ago

Alas, the Steaming series is coming to an end. This will be the second to last volume. This edition contains letters from 6/27/06 to 6/1/08. As you can see, the frequency of correspondence is now starting to greatly diminish. I didn't know it then but the KP Site was starting to take on water. Technology was rapidly advancing and it was leaving me behind. Hell, I was still editing my webpages the old-fashioned way, using a 1999 version of Microsoft Frontpage. This dog was too old to learn new tricks and it was starting to show. I love the letters in Volume 6. They're about people I knew and loved, places I knew and loved, and the special times I had with these people in those places. Almost everyone from my era is now present and accounted for and most agree they remember only the good times. Even veterans of the Newport News overhaul seem less jaded. Time had finally softened the Norfolk nightmare. Could it be that even the Y2K gang was becoming sentimental too? It sure seemed that way. The Big E's last generation of nukes and engineers were reporting aboard during this era of correspondence. These yarns (and the ones that had been coming in for six years) were now required reading. The KP Site was a poorly kept secret. Even the scrambled-egg-on-the-hat types were secretly lurking. A tale uploaded one day was discussed the next down in the plants, up in the wardrooms, and even in some remote NAVSEA office. We 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s old salts might not have contributed much to overall plant safety, but we certainly inspired many a 3rd Class Petty Officer to accept his or her lot in life and strive to be noteworthy on a ship that had a history like no other. Grandfathers, fathers, and now sons and daughters could brag that they steamed on the mighty Enterprise. No other ship of the line had sailors that loved their home more. How could that be? The Big E was a genuine shitshow. Everything was FUBAR. HP-tape and J-B Weld held most of it together. There ...

Genre: History [f] [x]
Length: 542 Pages (13,818 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

The Presidents: and their motivations for seeking the office by Charles Henry Vessey 3.2 Stars (10 Reviews)    Price verified 4 hours ago

THE PRESIDENTS and Their Motivations for Seeking the Office is a microcosm of American political life viewed through the prism of the American Presidency. Why would anyone solicit an office where upon election, approximately 50% of your constituents oppose or dislike your agenda? Does the allure of power draw the largest egos to the most demanding job in the world? Is it the opportunity to impose their political will on the American people? Does the job represent the possibility to create a more just society or perhaps a utopia on earth? The founders were determined to create a meritocracy rather than the aristocracy that prevailed in Europe. They succeeded in spite of attempts by the temporary occupants of the Presidency to alter the American experience with transitory political theories. Join the journey to discover what motivated the occupants of the office and how they used their power to benefit the country, their party, and transform American society.

Genre: Biographies & Memoirs [f] [x]
Length: 714 Pages (3,374 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

Grant The Forgotten Hero by Charles Henry Vessey 4.1 Stars (67 Reviews)    Price verified 3 hours ago

"Castigated by some, immortalized by few and forgotten by most." Hardly a fitting tribute to one of America's greatest heroes. Grant The Forgotten Hero chronicles the story of Ulysses S. Grant during the American Civil War. Ask an American what they remember about Ulysses S. Grant and they will recall that he was a heavy drinker, not that he was the President, nor one of the world's greatest generals. An unusual legacy for the man most responsible for preserving this great nation. This book portrays Grant as an incredibly modest and humble man, perhaps the reason his true character failed to shine through. It tackles the old myths, head on, through logical analysis of the historical record and disproves most of the legend that has distorted his extraordinary military accomplishments. During the war, Grant captured three enemy armies intact and came within a whisker of capturing four, a feat unequalled in history and over so great a foe as Robert E. Lee. Ulysses S. Grant was one of America's greatest heroes, who sadly most Americans have forgotten.

Genre: Biographies & Memoirs [f] [x]
Length: 764 Pages (3,340 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

Fast Times in Palestine by Pamela Olson 4.4 Stars (277 Reviews)    Price verified 4 hours ago

Pamela Olson escaped from rural Oklahoma and fulfilled her dream of studying physics at Stanford. But instead of feeling excited for what came next, she felt consumed by dread and confusion. This irresistible memoir chronicles her journey from aimless bartender to Ramallah-based journalist and foreign press coordinator for a Palestinian presidential candidate. With dizzying speed she found herself attending Yasser Arafat's funeral, sharing a holiday dinner with a suicide bomber's family, tour-guiding Jewish and Israeli friends around the West Bank, dating a Palestinian from a conservative Muslim village, being held at gunpoint and injured by a stun grenade, witnessing the 2005 Disengagement from inside the Gaza Strip, and watching Hamas (barely) win historic elections. The gripping narrative focuses not only on violence, terror, and politics but also on the daily rounds of house parties, concerts, barbecues, weddings, jokes, harvests, and romantic drama that happen in between. From idyllic olive groves to Palestinian beer gardens, from Passover in Tel Aviv to Ramadan in a village known for nonviolent resistance, from rooftop parties in Ramallah to militant rallies in Nablus, the book is packed with suspense, humor, and unforgettable characters. Its seamless blend of travelogue, memoir, and narrative journalism ramps the reader up to a sophisticated understanding of the Israel/Palestine conflict. Funny, gorgeous, shocking, and galvanizing, Fast Times in Palestine challenges the way we think not only about the Middle East but about human nature and our place in the world. REVIEWS "Harrowing, funny, vivid, entertaining and deeply humane, Fast Times in Palestine opens a rare window onto Palestinian life. It's impossible not to be moved on nearly every page." -- Sandy Tolan, author of The Lemon Tree "A moving, inspiring account of life in Palestine that's enormously informative yet reads like a novel." -- Rebecca Vilkomerson, Executive Director, Jewish Voice ...

Genre: Biographies & Memoirs [f] [x]
Length: 419 Pages (4,468 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

A Complete Guide to Physical Chemistry Experiments and Conceptual Questions by Neelam Seedher 4.9 Stars (14 Reviews)    Price verified 2 hours ago

Highlights of the book: • A comprehensive text explaining concepts, experimental details and conceptual questions in a clear and concise way. • Useful for Physical and Analytical chemistry students. • Sixteen physical chemistry techniques and 70 related experiments discussed in detail. • Sufficient basic information about forty-five other suggested experiments also included. • The book explains minutest details about the experimental procedures. Mistakes generally committed by students during the performance of the experiments specially highlighted throughout the book. • To help students understand basic concepts and prepare for oral examination, more than 500 conceptual questions posed and answered with detailed explanations. • Part I deals with all the basics of physical chemistry laboratory such as measurement of weight and volume, density of liquids, measurement and control of temperature, accuracy, precision and error analysis, units and dimensions, unit conversions, cleaning and calibration of glassware, preparation and standardization of solutions, plotting a graph, safety in physical chemistry laboratory and writing a lab report. • Part II includes complete details about the experiments such as the principle on which the experiment is based, apparatus and chemicals required, methods used, observations, calculations, result and precautions. Some relevant oral conceptual questions with answers have also been included at the end of each chapter. • Very simple and easy to understand language is used throughout. • The book is first of its kind since it includes not only the concepts and experimental procedures in detail but oral conceptual questions on each topic with answers and detailed explanations as well.

Genre: Science & Math [f] [x]
Length: 379 Pages (3,820 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

The Shieldmaiden's Honour (The Song of Britain Cycle Book 9) by James Calbraith 4.5 Stars (47 Reviews)    Price verified one hour ago

All is not well in Britannia Prima. Though Princess Madron had helped her husband Honorius defeat the four-year-long revolt, and was blessed with a second child - a son - dark clouds are still gathering over the Dux's throne. The rebellious nobles remain unplacated, the borders are still aflame, and a new menace of the Gewisse Saxons threatens the lines of trade and communication with the rest of Britannia. Worse still, the old Dux Ambrosius is dying. Before he leaves this mortal world, he wants to ensure his legacy, and secure the inheritance of his son, Honorius - and the newly-born grandson - against the rebels and barbarians.To this end, he agrees to an alliance with the Bishop of Lindocoln on the eastern coast - a coast ravaged by a mysterious, newly arrived pirate fleet. Madron joins her husband and his warriors on a expedition to aid the Bishop - but as she ventures into the inhospitable marshes around Lindocoln, she's about to discover a conspiracy of vast proportions, stretching far beyond the Narrow Sea, all the way to the Imperial Gaul and Frankia. Return to the Britannia of the Arthurian Age, and travel to Frankia of the Merovingians, in this new adventure in the best-selling The Song of Britain saga - second book of the The Song of Madron.

Genre: History [f] [x]
Length: 379 Pages (3,710 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

Hard Graft: Our fight against killer blood by Mike Niles 5.0 Stars (6 Reviews)    Price verified 4 hours ago

At a time of no hope, drastic change required a brand-new belief system. To abandon hope of a miracle and put faith in a stranger. Blood is essential to life. But what happens when there's a glitch in the system? Up to the 1960s, a child diagnosed with a severe blood disease had only a 1-in-10 chance of living to adulthood. It was an almost certain death sentence. By the 1980s, a child with the exact same disorder had a 9-in-10 chance of survival. Hard Graft is a true story chronicled for the first-time. It explores the previously untold agony and resilience of Liz Bostic - a mother who refused to accept the deadly diagnosis facing her infant son, Simon. She started something momentous which, in partnership with others, transformed survival rates for people with blood diseases across the world. We learn how scientific world-firsts and fortunate medical discoveries led her family to the brink of salvation and how self-sabotage nearly forced everything to fall apart. 2023 is the 50th anniversary of the world's first successful non-related bone marrow transplant - that of Simon Bostic in April 1973. All these years later, however, the treatment faces a fresh crisis in the wake of COVID-19. With global volunteer donor registrations down dramatically, by an average of 60% since the pandemic, this story discovering the life-saving importance of bone marrow transplantation is as relevant now as ever.

Genre: Biographies & Memoirs [f] [x]
Length: 342 Pages (1,875 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

Managing Type 2 Diabetes. A Cookbook for the Newly Diagnosed: Guiding Newly Diagnosed Type 2 Diabetes Patients towards Wellness through Flavorful ... by Emily Lexington 4.7 Stars (39 Reviews)    Price verified one hour ago

? HEADS UP! Inside this book, THREE EXCLUSIVE BONUSES are waiting for you! Why are these bonuses so special? They've been curated with precision to enhance your understanding and management, ensuring you get the most out of your diabetes journey. ? Overwhelmed by a Type 2 diabetes diagnosis and the journey that lies ahead? ? Anxious about potential complications and seeking a clear health strategy? ? Worried that your meals might lose their zest and become bland? Take The Reigns! Step confidently into a vibrant, health-centered culinary world with "MANAGING TYPE 2 DIABETES. A COOKBOOK FOR THE NEWLY DIAGNOSED." This book is more than just recipes -- it's your compass in a world where culinary delight meets health-conscious choices: Here's what you get: - ?? Grasp Type 2 Diabetes: Dive deep into the intricacies of the disease and the transformative power of lifestyle tweaks. - ? Nutrition Mastery: Formulate a diet where every morsel is both a delight to the palate and a nod to health. - ? Effortless Meal Planning: With a thoughtfully crafted plan and familiar ingredients, mealtime is always a joy. - ? Elevate Your Cooking: Unlock the secrets of diabetes-friendly cooking, from ingredient swaps to enhancing the natural flavors. - ? Explore A Culinary World: From breakfast to dinner, and everything in between, every dish is an event to look forward to. IMPORTANT! You're not destined to be held captive by diabetes. Revel in a vibrant culinary experience with "Managing Type 2 Diabetes for the Newly Diagnosed." Remember this journey is not a solo one. With this cookbook by your side, you're set to navigate a realm overflowing with delectable opportunities. Rise above challenges, savor life's flavorful moments, and hit that "BUY NOW" button. An unforgettable adventure for both your taste buds and health awaits!

Genre: Health, Fitness & Dieting [f] [x]
Length: 367 Pages (3,053 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

The Big Book of Sandwiches: Prepare Your Favorite Sandwiches at Home with Easy Sandwich Recipes by BookSumo Press 3.9 Stars (7 Reviews)    Price verified one hour ago

So Many Sandwiches. Get your copy of the best and most unique Sandwich recipes from BookSumo Press! Come take a journey with us into the delights of easy cooking. The point of this cookbook and all our cookbooks is to exemplify the effortless nature of cooking simply. In this book we focus on Sandwiches. The Big Book of Sandwiches is a complete set of simple but very unique Sandwich recipes. You will find that even though the recipes are simple, the tastes are quite amazing. So will you join us in an adventure of simple cooking? Here is a Preview of the Sandwich Recipes You Will Learn: • Portuguese Siesta Sandwiches • Chipotle Chicken on Sourdough • Egg Salad on Pumpernickel • Dijon Polish Sausage Rolls • Grilled Cheese for Spring • Balsamic Steak Sandwiches • Country Zucchini and Squash Sandwiches • Chicken Salad Italian • Chicken Salad Summer Sandwich • Brownstone Backyard Sandwiches • CNY Turkey Mozzarella Sandwiches • Twin City Tuna Heroes • November Little Apple Sandwiches • Off Campus Steak Sandwiches • Bologna Club Sandwiches • Philadelphia Deli Meat Cheese Steaks • Chicken Cutlets Vietnamese (Banh Mi) • Chicken Salad Picnic on Croissants • Roasted Mozzarella Sandwich • Athenian Ciabatta • Maryland Cucumber Sandwiches • Halibut Sandwiches • Bavarian Grilled Cheese • Chicago Fajita Rolls • Much, much more! Again remember these recipes are unique so be ready to try some new things. Also remember that the style of cooking used in this cookbook is effortless. So even though the recipes will be unique and great tasting, creating them will take minimal effort!

Genre: Cookbooks, Food & Wine [f] [x]
Length: 415 Pages (4,007 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

AP Exam Bible Prep: [4 IN 1] Complete Guide to Success in Calculus, U.S. Government & Politics, Biology and English Literature & Composition + 5 ... by Nolan Vinson 4.5 Stars (32 Reviews)    Price verified one hour ago

This 4 IN 1 study companion will equip you to conquer the AP exams in Calculus, U.S. Government & Politics, Biology, and English Literature & Composition. Here's why this guide is your ultimate study resource: ? 5 full-length practice tests complete with detailed answer explanations, allowing you to track your progress and pinpoint areas for improvement. ? Complete Content Reviews covering every test topic, ensuring you have a solid understanding of the material. ?? Proven Strategies and Techniques to help you navigate every question type effectively and avoid common traps. ? In-depth Review of source-based multiple-choice Questions, short-answer questions, document-based questions, and long essays, giving you the tools to excel on every section of the exam. ? Practice drills at the end of each chapter to reinforce your understanding and test your skills. With 'AP Exam Bible Prep', you'll have all the tools and resources you need to ace your AP exams and achieve your academic goals. Don't waste another moment - get ready to shine! Click 'Buy Now' at the top and start paving your path to success today!

Genre: Education & Teaching [f] [x]
Length: 326 Pages (2,866 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

Trivia for Seniors: Over 200 Pages of Large Print Quiz Questions and Answers - Revisit Iconic Moments from the 1950s to the 2000s, Challenge Your ... by RockInk Publishing 4.8 Stars (7 Reviews)    Price verified one hour ago

?GREAT GIFT under $20.00? Experience the Ultimate Nostalgia: Trivia for Seniors - Over 200 Pages of Large Print Quiz Questions and Answers!Step back in time and keep your mind sharp with "Trivia for Seniors"! Dive into an engaging trivia experience crafted especially for those who cherish the past and enjoy a good mental challenge. Relive the unforgettable moments from the 1950s to the 2000s. This trivia book isn't just a collection of questions; it's a nostalgic journey through the remarkable events that shaped our world. From the birth of color television to the revolutionary music of Elvis Presley and the Beatles, every page offers a delightful trip down memory lane This book features: ?? Nostalgic Dive: Immerse yourself in the vibrant memories of the 50s to the 2000s with over 200 pages of engaging questions. ?? Brain Booster: Elevate your cognitive abilities while enjoying a fun and challenging activity. It's more than trivia; it's a workout for your brain. ?? Pure Positivity: Enjoy questions designed to uplift and inspire, bringing back fond memories and positive vibes. ?? Large Print: With a font size of 16, this book ensures comfortable reading, making it ideal for seniors. ?? Interactive Fun: Engage actively by answering questions and checking your answers at the end of the book. It's an interactive activity that keeps you entertained and mentally active. Experience the numerous benefits of mental exercises: ?? Enhanced Memory: Regular brain challenges help sharpen your memory. ?? Stress Reduction: Nostalgic activities can be a great way to relax and de-stress. ?? Social Engagement: Share the fun with friends or family and enjoy friendly competitions or discussions. ?? Knowledge Reinforcement: Revisit iconic events and learn something new! Whether you're seeking a thoughtful gift for a senior loved one or looking for an engaging activity to keep busy, this trivia book is more than just a purchase -- it's an experience and a celebration of the decades ...

Genre: Humor & Entertainment [f] [x]
Length: 392 Pages (21,183 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

Workflow Pro: Powerful Productivity Skills for Busy Office Professionals by Justin Umstead 5.0 Stars (3 Reviews)    Price verified 2 hours ago

"Transform your productivity with 160 computer skills you can learn in 3 minutes or less." Are you tired of feeling bogged down by tedious tasks at work? Do you wish there was an easier way to increase your skills on the job without sacrificing hours of your free time? Workflow Pro offers a curated collection of skills, templates, and shortcuts that can help you simplify your work and reduce wasted time. The best part? You can learn each skill in 3 minutes or less - making this book the ultimate productivity booster for busy professionals who want immediate results. This book includes shortcuts for the software you already use every day, including Windows Operating System (Windows 10 & 11), Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft File Explorer, Microsoft Notepad, Microsoft Paint, the Snip Tool, Firefox, Chrome, & Gmail. Workflow Pro explains each skill in simple terms that are easy to understand - regardless of your experience level. And with helpful mnemonic devices to help you remember each skill, you'll be using these shortcuts in no time. Whether you're an administrative assistant, virtual assistant, bookkeeper, accountant, or any other office worker, Workflow Pro is the perfect guide to help you boost your productivity and achieve faster results.

Genre: Business & Money [f] [x]
Length: 326 Pages (1,813 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

Your Favorite Top Restaurant CopyCat Recipes: Your Favorite Restaurant Recipes Copies Directly From The Source To You! Get that exact taste in your ... by Oliver Wild Chili 4.0 Stars (42 Reviews)    Price verified 2 hours ago

A curated collection of your favorite American restaurant recipes! Like Applebees, Olive Garden, Chilis and more! Get it today! Various sauces, appetizers, salads, entrees and more. Easy to follow measurements and directions. Just the same listed below. Get yours today in Ebook and print.

Genre: Cookbooks, Food & Wine [f] [x]
Length: 446 Pages (75,706 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 2nd, 2024

Washington Coup: Large Print Edition by Robert Burnside 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 2 hours ago

A study of the Washington Coup of 2021 and a historical perspective of the numerous implications. The author goes deep into political and worldwide oligarchical connections of our current state of the union. This is, or the closest book to, the most exhaustive and impressive writing about the January 6th attempted takeover of the United States Government.

Genre: Politics & Social Sciences [f] [x]
Length: 333 Pages (1,305 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 2nd, 2024

Christmas Super Value Pack – 600 Christmas Recipes – Dinners, Desserts, Pies, Candy and Cookies For The Holiday Season (The Ultimate Christmas ... by Pamela Kazmierczak 4.4 Stars (78 Reviews)    Price verified 3 hours ago

Welcome to the sixteenth volume of The Ultimate Christmas Recipes and Recipes For Christmas Collection!! This is the Super Value Pack - this book has all 600 recipes inside! Are you looking for New and Delicious Christmas Recipes? This cookbook has a wide variety of choices if you are looking for Christmas or Holiday Recipes. There are 600 recipes inside, including Christmas Dinner Recipes, Christmas Dessert Recipes, Christmas Pie Recipes, Christmas Candy Recipes and a wide Assortment of Christmas Cookie Recipes. Inside this book you will find the best Christmas Recipes to make at home. The type of recipes you will find inside Christmas Super Value Pack - 600 Christmas Recipes - Dinners, Desserts, Pies, Candy and Cookies For The Holiday Season are seasonal, traditional and unique Holiday recipes. What Type of Easy and Delicious Holiday Recipes are in this book? Here are some of the Recipes you will find inside: Whole Turkey Whole Chicken Whole Ham Whole Pork Tenderloin Roast Beef Lamb Chops Roast Pork with Baked Apples and Sweet Potatoes Apple-Stuffed Chicken Breasts Breaded Veal Cutlets with Farfel Stuffing Baked Cornish Hens Cranberry Cobbler Mexican Wedding Cookies Cinnamon Lemon Bars Pineapple Upside Down Cake Red Velvet Cake Tres Leches Cake Chocolate Cherry Cheesecake Pumpkin Trifle Eggnog Custard Cherry Tarts Gingerbread Chocolate Chip Cookies Peppermint Candy Cookies Peanut Butter Sandwich Reindeer Cookies Santa's Pinwheel Cookies Chocolate-Dipped Cookies Strawberry Tea Cookies Almond Chocolate Biscotti Peppermint Meringue Clouds Chocolate Shortbread Eggnog Fudge Pumpkin Seed Brittle Candy Cane Truffles Chocolate Cranberry Truffles Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Bark Old Fashioned Caramels Cherry Almond Clusters Kentucky Pie Lemon Meringue Pie Key Lime Pie Peanut Butter Pie Chocolate Mint Pie Apple Praline Pie Chocolate Hazelnut Pie Carrot Pecan Pie Black and White Cookies Cake Chocolate Coconut Cookies Cool Chocolate Peppermint Cookies Coconut ...

Genre: Cookbooks, Food & Wine [f] [x]
Length: 1,022 Pages (1,513 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 2nd, 2024

Funny God (Return to Grace Book 7) by Michael Adzema 4.2 Stars (10 Reviews)    Price verified 5 hours ago

FUNNY GOD: THE TAO OF FUNNY GOD AND THE MIND'S TRUE LIBERATION is a composition in three movements. It is activism, a prophecy, and a vision -- integrated by the idea of Funny God. "The Tao of Funny God" (Part One) unveils the necessary hero and understanding to face the imminent problems of humanity -- environmental, political, and social... issues of peace and war, planet and life. Lunar and solar theologies and the rise of the Goddess and its meaning are brought into focus. "Breaking News" (Part Two) is prophecy and good news framed as fiction... and some comedy. We see a coming together of heaven and earth unfold in the near future. With the pulling back of the curtain on the No-Form state of existence, brought about by very real near-death and death-death experiences, humanity finds itself on the brink of re-union with the rest of the consciousnesses of the Universe, which is revealed to be a Universe of Experience, shared. "The Mind's True Liberation" (Part Three) is vision -- philosophy, spirituality, and the answers to the questions and problems of Existence mixed with humor. It describes and elicits an attitude and understanding of life and action that is good-hearted, transcendent, and liberating. You will find yourself saying, "My God, that makes sense! Why have I never heard that before?" This book will leave you changed and smiling, at least. Some will taste enlightenment; others will sense liberation; and many will feel inspired and enthusiastic about participating in some of the grand and singular undertakings of our current age -- an age that Funny God reveals to be affording an opportunity for a life of fulfillment and wonder unlike any since the beginning of time. "these times are the coming together of heaven and earth... "we walk in realms of the mythical, the archetypal... "we are embraced by arms of Divinity... and find ourselves as fingers of God Herself... "we are the myths in motion... are witness to secrets of eternity finally ...

Genre: Politics & Social Sciences [f] [x]
Length: 398 Pages (705 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 2nd, 2024

Begin With WE: 10 Principles for Building and Sustaining a Culture of Excellence by Kyle McDowell (Lioncrest Publishing) 4.9 Stars (72 Reviews)    Price verified 12 minutes ago

Toxic work culture? Do words like apathetic, disengaged, insecure, and afraid describe how you feel about your role or even your organization? Former Fortune 10 senior executive turned author and inspirational speaker Kyle McDowell has found the cure to rid the corporate world of its dysfunctional ways. In Begin With WE, McDowell examines the root causes of dysfunction in business, highlighting the plague of a "me-oriented" paradigm, and provides the remedy with his framework, The 10 WEs. These guiding principles are the cornerstone of Kyle's leadership philosophy and establish the foundation required for a Culture of Excellence. Kyle's inside-out approach cultivates courageous "WE-oriented" leaders who recognize the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. McDowell's approach has been adopted by thousands. The 10 WEs have reignited lost passion for leaders and also provided a framework for a life with greater impact and fulfillment. "McDowell has created a framework that allows everyone on the team to deliver their best work. His candid approach is refreshing and speaks to the hearts and minds of all leaders." - Harry Kraemer, Professor of Leadership at the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern "Begin With WE cracks the code for leaders to deliver excellence. McDowell's guiding principles apply from the ballpark to the office park." - Kevin Kiermaier, MLB Outfielder, Three-time Gold Glove Award winner, One-time Platinum Glove Award Winner "Begin With WE made me a better leader and McDowell's principles have not only changed how I lead, they've also had a tremendous impact on how I'm raising my children." - Sr. Executive in the Automotive industry Transform apathy into optimism and fear into fulfillment with this real-world guide for creating authentic leaders and higher-performing teams.

Genre: Business & Money [f] [x]
Length: 331 Pages (3,158 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 2nd, 2024

Gluten Free: Facts and Truths About: Gluten, Eating Paleo, Celiac Disease and Related Conditions by Arianna Brooks 4.1 Stars (40 Reviews)    Price verified one hour ago

HAS IT BEEN A STRUGGLE FOR YOU? TO GET FIT AND ACHIEVE PEAK HEALTH, EVEN THOUGH YOU EAT HEALTHY. THIS BOOK LETS YOU IN ON THE TRUTH. Gluten is becoming a health loss buzzword nowadays, but what is it? Many people know that it has to be avoided without really knowing why. This book will share with you what gluten is and how harmful it can be - so get the facts and achieve the results and health you've been working so hard for. A common weight-loss tip is to consume foods that are gluten free. However, the trouble with this is people think that following a gluten free diet is too restrictive. The good news is that this does not always have to be the case! Having a gluten-free diet doesn't mean that you have to settle on bland-tasting foods. Among other things, this book will share recipes that can keep your belly and your taste buds satisfied, without the guilt! Here's what this book covers: • What gluten is • What paleo is • What celiac disease is • What autoimmune is • What gluten-free and paleo are • How you can adhere to these diets • How to read food labels • Gluten free buyer's guide • How to maintain a gluten free lifestyle while eating out, traveling, and during the holidays • How to help your child manage a gluten-free diet Plus: • Amazing gluten-free recipes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner • Yummy and healthy side dishes • Satisfying gluten-free desserts • Gluten free recipes for kids • A sample 14 day gluten free meal plan Eat healthier and live healthier by empowering yourself to stick to a healthy diet.

Genre: Health, Fitness & Dieting [f] [x]
Length: 341 Pages (4,097 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 2nd, 2024

The Irish Bride: A Dark Historical Romance by Jaime Lorie Goza 4.3 Stars (94 Reviews)    Price verified 2 hours ago

Heartstopper. Goosebumps. Epic. Spanning a lifetime of love, sorrow, and the occasional tragedy, Grace's story will keep you turning the pages to find out what happens next. Living two lifetimes in the space of one, Grace manages to make the best out of every hand she is dealt. Ridiculed, physically and mentally abused by many, Grace maintains strength in the face of adversity, proving the human spirit can move past almost anything. This dark tale is not without love and happiness. Smiles, laughter, hope, and faith are just as plentiful as tearful moments where doom seems to be around every corner. If you're ready to go on a roller coaster ride that will make it a bit hard to put down this saga that is Grace's life, then find somewhere comfortable to splay out while you go on a journey back in time. Take a trip to far away to old Ireland where life was tough and the people who lived it were far tougher.

Genre: Biographies & Memoirs [f] [x]
Length: 765 Pages (2,226 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 2nd, 2024

Clinks, Clanks and Clunks of the Upper Extremity: A Compendium of When Things Go Wrong by Randolph Ferlic 5.0 Stars (2 Reviews)    Price verified 2 hours ago

A helpful primer for anyone interested in knowing how the upper extremity works, why sometimes things go wrong and what can be done to correct a problem when one does occur. If you've ever wondered: What exactly is carpal tunnel syndrome? How can someone get tennis elbow without ever playing the sport? Is it rotator cuff or cup? Is trigger digit an affliction of the index finger in gunslingers?... and countless other headscratchers, then this book was made for you. Lighthearted and informative, each chapter explores common conditions of the upper extremity. Illustrations by Jonathan Brown complement the text. Who knew that afflictions could be so much fun? It's the upper extremity owner's manual you deserve.

Genre: Medical eBooks [f] [x]
Length: 413 Pages (38,817 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 2nd, 2024

Live Intentionally: 65 Challenges for a Healthier, Happier Life by Cara Sue Achterberg 4.3 Stars (21 Reviews)    Price verified 2 hours ago

Tired of being a standby passenger in this world and watching as her family's health and stress level spiraled out of control, Cara Sue Achterberg set out to create a healthier, happier life for herself and her family. Presented in a friendly, often humorous and always down-to-earth manner, Achterberg shares stories, resources, and recipes to help anyone live more intentionally. The book brims with over 65 challenges to the reader to make simple changes that will lead to a healthier, happier life. Divided in five sections, Live Intentionally invites you to a life lived on purpose. Eating intentionally means knowing your food - where it came from, what's in it, what to avoid, but more importantly what to include so that your body can function optimally. It offers information and recipes for making your own processed foods like peanut butter, bread, applesauce, even chicken nuggets and pop tarts from simple healthy ingredients. Creating an intentional home means uncluttering, organizing, and learning to clean naturally with nontoxic ingredients. Achterberg shares secrets for a more efficient home and a lifestyle that strives to be less of a burden on our planet. Parenting intentionally involves making thoughtful decisions about chores, allowance, screens, exercise, and free time. Here you will find strategies for encouraging creativity and compassion, and a plan for raising competent adults who know how to cook a meal, keep a bathroom clean, and not just enjoy, but value family time. An intentional garden is organic and purposeful. Achterberg's contagious passion for gardening encourages the reader to grow a garden in any space - even a pot in your window. Celebrating intentionally infuses holidays with more meaning and less stress, more joy and less excess so that the true purpose of the celebration shines through. An intentional life is a life lived on purpose. It is not complicated. It asks you to cease being a standby passenger in this world and begin making ...

Genre: Health, Fitness & Dieting [f] [x]
Length: 326 Pages (5,220 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 2nd, 2024

MÊMÊS: Cool Dank Funny MÊMÊS Book XL by Ben Chips-MÊMÊS 5.0 Stars (2 Reviews)    Price verified 3 hours ago

Hilarious Funny MÊMÊS book

Genre: Humor & Entertainment [f] [x]
Length: 2,573 Pages (157,852 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 2nd, 2024

Relicário: Série Filhos do Ceifeiro VOL. III (Portuguese Edition) by Stev Deacker 4.7 Stars (91 Reviews)    Price verified 3 hours ago

AVISO: Este livro contém assuntos polêmicos, incluindo temas de agressão física e verbal, linguagem imprópria e conteúdo sexual gráfico. Esta é uma obra de ficção destinada a maiores de 18 anos. Não leia se não se sente confortável com isso. Sinopse: Até onde você iria por vingança? Para Sophia Wolf, não existe preço grande o suficiente para se vingar do homem que roubou sua vida e todos aqueles que ela já amou. Mas, para Benjamin Blackburn, esse preço já foi pago em sangue, e tudo o que lhe resta, é fazer aquilo para que ele foi treinado durante toda a sua vida. Dois corações quebrados. Dois destinos com um único objetivo. Um plano suicida e mais nada a perder. O quanto você estaria disposto a pagar em troca da sua paz?

Genre: Foreign Languages [f] [x]
Length: 471 Pages (8,033 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 1st, 2024

Problematic: The Psychology of Social Justice Fanaticism by Ryan Rogers 4.0 Stars (6 Reviews)    Price verified 4 hours ago

For most Americans it can be confusing the first time you hear that gardening is racist or that men can have babies. But most of us realize that to question these things would bring a world of trouble, so we keep our heads down and our mouths shut. This book delves into the psychology of social justice fanaticism, or as it more commonly called, Wokeness. In this book you will learn how Wokeness mimics several psychological disorders, such as OCD, paranoia, and borderline personality disorder. You will see the social psychology of how the Woke are able to unconsciously dismiss or ignore any information that fails to confirm their worldview. The social justice movement is compared to cults, conspiracy theories, and political fanaticism like communism. This ideology is perhaps most accurately compared to a religion, one where its adherents conduct their rituals loudly to let others know how much holier they are than the unbelievers. After reading this book you will gain a thorough breakdown of the Woke mindset which could help when interacting with such people in the future.

Genre: Politics & Social Sciences [f] [x]
Length: 345 Pages (3,069 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 1st, 2024

¿Qué piensan los hombres? (Spanish Edition) by Tery Logan 4.3 Stars (24 Reviews)    Price verified 4 hours ago

Hay quien busca el amor. Hay quien busca sexo. Hay quien todo y quien se da mus. En un mundo que cada vez más rápido y de usar y tirar, donde las relaciones líquidas van conquistando el podio del amor y los singles prefieren las apps de citas por encima de la "tradicional antigua usanza" para dar con su "media naranja", cada vez se hace más difícil (paradójicamente, pese al mayor "muestrario de candidat@s") encontrar el amor y se halla de todo, menos a Cupido trabajando, que parece haberse ido a por tabaco. ¿Qué piensan los hombres? es una novela romántica con humor ácido que narra las peripecias de Guada, una mujer a punto de cumplir los treinta que, tras un divorcio, trata de rehacer su vida amorosa... Encuentros y desencuentros. Mentiras. Infidelidades. Miedo al compromiso... Los perfiles de hombres que van apareciendo tanto en el día a día como en internet en el círculo de nuestra protagonista y sus amigas son variopintos. ¿Las situaciones? Algunas surrealistas, otras dramáticas y otras extremadamente cómicas que te harán reír durante horas.

Genre: Foreign Languages [f] [x]
Length: 346 Pages (3,247 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 1st, 2024

A Home on Carroll Avenue: A Gilded Age Romance Novel of Hesitant Affection by Jean Jegel (Emery Press) 4.5 Stars (30 Reviews)    Price verified 12 minutes ago

Can the worst of enemies find friendship or even love? Newly-hired companion April Stringham steps off the train in 1890s Los Angeles expecting to find wild Indians, cattle drives, cowboys, saloon girls, bandits and shootouts on every corner, just as her dime novels guaranteed. A confirmed old maid, April has nowhere to go should her new job be less than imagined. There would be no turning back. Successful attorney Noah Chandler is about to marry the girl of his dreams. His youthful fiancé might be beautiful and rich, but it's her family's business contacts that make her a prize beyond compare. Disgusted by Noah's string of broken engagements and adamantly opposed to his current marital plans, Lula Chandler has all but given up on her only son. After all, it's hard to stand by and do nothing while a child ruins his life. Lula soon finds a true friend and conspirator in April. Noah's life is about to be turned on end. Enjoy a beach holiday in Gilded Age Los Angeles. Return to baseball as it used to be played. Grab a pan and look for gold in Placerita Canyon, site of the original California gold strike. Find out what life was like in Los Angeles' first suburb. "Intriguing plot twists galore." "Not to be missed!" "For a book you don't want to put down!!" "Just enough mystery to keep me up late reading." "Great read." Discover the mysterious repercussions of Noah's poor choices by clicking "Look inside" above.

Genre: History [f] [x]
Length: 359 Pages (3,491 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 1st, 2024

Two Years Before the Mast by Richard Henry Dana 4.5 Stars (563 Reviews)    Price verified 5 hours ago

In this nineteenth-century nautical memoir, a Harvard man sails around the tip of South America to California -- and returns with this classic tale of adventure. In 1834, nineteen-year-old Richard Henry Dana left Harvard University to enlist as a deckhand on a brig sailing from Boston to the California coast. For the next two years, he recorded the terrifying storms, awe-inspiring beauty, and dreadful hardships of the journey in a diary he would later expand into this riveting memoir of "the life of a common sailor at sea as it really is." Dana spares no detail in portraying the wretched conditions he endured and the cruelty of the ship's captain, but he also paints vivid, unforgettable pictures of natural wonders such as icebergs and schools of migrating whales. His descriptions of the missions and presidios of pre-Gold Rush California captured the imagination of the country when the book was first published in 1840, and they serve as valuable historical documentation to this day. An instant classic and inspiration for contemporaries such as Herman Melville, Two Years Before the Mast is one of the most remarkable and influential adventure stories in American literature. This ebook has been professionally proofread to ensure accuracy and readability on all devices.

Genre: History [f] [x]
Length: 382 Pages (3,195 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 1st, 2024

Christmas Value Pack III – 200 Christmas Cookie Recipes – Chocolate Cookies, Thumbprint Cookies, Spritz Cookies and Cutout Cookies (The Ultimate ... by Pamela Kazmierczak 4.2 Stars (84 Reviews)    Price verified one hour ago

Welcome to the fifteenth volume of The Ultimate Christmas Recipes and Recipes For Christmas Collection!! This is the third volume of the Value Packs - this book has 200 Cookie Recipes inside! Are you looking for New and Delicious Cookie Recipes? This cookbook has a wide variety of choices if you are looking for Christmas or Holiday Cookie Recipes. There are 200 recipes inside, with 50 recipes for Chocolate Cookies, 50 recipes for Cutout Cookies, 50 recipes for Spritz Cookies and 50 recipes for Thumbprint Cookies. Inside this book you will find the best Christmas Cookies to make at home. The type of recipes you will find inside Christmas Value Pack III - 200 Christmas Cookie Recipes - Chocolate Cookies, Thumbprint Cookies, Spritz Cookies and Cutout Cookies are seasonal, traditional and unique Holiday cookies. What Type of Easy and Delicious Holiday Cookie Recipes are in this book? Here are some of the Recipes you will find inside: Triple Chocolate Cookies White Chocolate Cinnamon Chip Cookies Cherry Chocolate Cookies Vanilla Chocolate Chip Cookies Chocolate Raspberry Cookies Chocolate Toffee Cookies Chocolate Cranberry Cookies Chocolate Eggnog Cookies Chocolate Mint Cookies Orange Chocolate Drops Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cookies Chocolate Coconut Cookies Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies Chocolate Hazelnut Cookies Chocolate Espresso Cookies Chocolate Coffee Cookies Chocolate Nutella Cookies Chocolate Crinkles Chocolate Caramel Thumbprints Chocolate Cake Mix Cookies Chocolate Truffle Cookies Chocolate Meringue Cookies Chocolate Macaroons Dark Chocolate Fudge Brownie Cookies Chocolate Cut out Cookies Gingerbread Cut Out Cookies Cream Cheese Cut Out Cookies Anise Cut Out Cookies Vanilla Cut Out Cookies Pumpkin Cut Out Cookies Sour Cream Cut Out Cookies Soft Gingerbread Cookies Pumpkin Gingerbread Cut Out Cookies Chocolate Brownie Cut Out Cookies Orange Cut Out Sugar Cookies Chocolate Coconut ...

Genre: Cookbooks, Food & Wine [f] [x]
Length: 324 Pages (1,043 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 1st, 2024

Intelligent Evolution: An Alternate Theory of Evolution by Claire Quinn Ph.D. 3.3 Stars (9 Reviews)    Price verified 3 hours ago

Intelligent design is often depicted as science versus religion but this is not always the case. I have a Ph.D. in molecular biology, don't follow any specific religion, and have come to the conclusion that the complexity of life suggests intelligent design. I believe microbes were designed by an intelligent entity and then released into the cold, vastness of space. Some haphazardly landed on our warm, wet planet and went on to evolve into everything we see here today, including us. This is 'Intelligent Evolution' because we evolved from intelligently designed microbes. Evidence of this and how these microbes took our planet from a barren, wet rock to a thriving, rich ecosystem is outlined in detail, essentially rewriting the entire theory of evolution.

Genre: Science & Math [f] [x]
Length: 320 Pages (115,232 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 1st, 2024

A Long Way From Nowhere: A Couple's Journey on the Continental Divide Trail by Julie Urbanski 4.1 Stars (836 Reviews)    Price verified 3 hours ago

What is it like to hike the length of the Continental Divide Trail? For Matt and Julie, also known as Optimist and Stopwatch, life on the trail meant twenty-seven days without seeing another hiker, six bears encountered within fifteen hours, two sets of maps, a GPS, and a compass to find the trail, and both wildfires and massive flooding to add to the adventure. Hiking the trail also meant a dramatic shift in perspective, a strengthening of love and friendship, and a redefining of the journey. This is the story of the couple's 3,000 mile walk on the Continental Divide Trail, through New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming, Idaho, and Montana. Both Optimist and Stopwatch play a role in narrating the story, revealing how differently they both think and act in the face of challenges but also how well they work together to complement each other. Few people know about the Continental Divide Trail and even fewer have hiked the entire length of it, creating an air of mystery surrounding the trail. Optimist and Stopwatch explore the many layers of the trail life on the Continental Divide Trail as they make their way over desolate terrain, eventually finding solace in the very aspects of the trail that made them question their desire to ever take on such a challenge.

Genre: Sports & Outdoors [f] [x]
Length: 305 Pages (712 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 1st, 2024

The 20th Century’s Most Influential Artists: The Lives and Art of Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dali, Andy Warhol, and Jackson Pollock by Charles River Editors 3.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 4 hours ago

Picasso is one of the world's most famous artists, which adds to the challenge of examining his career, but it's necessary to examine his entire career because of the way art was intertwined with his life. Even from an early age, it was clear that he subordinated any external concerns relating to his life in the interest of making art, which may have been the cause of the spirit of melancholy that can be found in his artwork. At the same time, the somber tone of some of his work can be directly contrasted against his playful formal experimentation. In his review of Salvador Dali's first autobiography, George Orwell declared that "One ought to be able to hold in one's head simultaneously the two facts that Dali is a good draughtsman and a disgusting human being." Whether or not one agrees with the famous author's assessment, Orwell captures the polarizing nature of Salvador Dali, and the extent to which his undeniable technical virtuosity often brushed against his penchant for provoking his audiences (not to mention provoking long-entrenched standards of "proper" taste). Dali, after all, was unafraid to eschew Renaissance perspective, thereby incorporating often graphic subject matter. In other words, if Dali stands as one of the canonical figures of modern art, this involved holding both a seminal role in the canon of cutting-edge art but also a tendency to challenge audiences, challenging the contours of "Art with a Capital A." In August of 1949, Life magazine famously began a lengthy article on Jackson Pollock with the headline "Is he the greatest living painter in the United States?" By that time, Pollock was already well-established in the American art world, the beneficiary of laudatory critical assessments, commercial success, and the support of the influential Peggy Guggenheim (who had helped launch his career with a major show six years earlier). However, to the relatively uninitiated readership of a middlebrow publication like Life, the article sent ...

Genre: Biographies & Memoirs [f] [x]
Length: 342 Pages (52,075 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 1st, 2024

Over Night Laugh with Short Funny Dank Jokes Juice Humor Platinum Books by Marilyn J. Jackson-memes 5.0 Stars (2 Reviews)    Price verified 2 hours ago

This is a Huge Collection Memes Funny Books!

Genre: Humor & Entertainment [f] [x]
Length: 1,312 Pages (52,226 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 1st, 2024

Robots Like Blue by Anthony J. Deeney 4.3 Stars (330 Reviews)    Price verified 4 hours ago

Robot, Robbie's primary function is to serve Lucy Walker, but a growing desire to be truly free is hard to ignore. Will his need for freedom cost him too much? When first asked, "Robot, are you self aware?... Do you think that we are self aware?" Robot thought briefly, then responded, "Does it matter?" Robbie is just one of one hundred new robots. Running revolutionary new software, these robots are truly unique. Brian Webster, Robbie's developer, also installs "The Governor;" overseeing software that adds an additional safety layer, but this denies the robots free will. Hoping to develop the robots further, Brian inadvertently opens a channel where the robots can communicate and share their experiences. One hundred intelligent, enslaved robots, collecting and sharing data on humans... Surely, they must learn to serve humans better? After all, they are programmed to serve. Lucy wants help following a deep loss. Brian wants commercial success. Robbie wants to serve Lucy Walker... or so he believes... "Robots Like Blue" follows Robbie on his personal emotional journey of self discovery. It is a touching tale about robots which explores free will, concepts of 'good and evil' and ultimately the sacrifice of love. Where will such a journey end?

Genre: Politics & Social Sciences [f] [x]
Length: 319 Pages (1,165 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 1st, 2024

Cystic Fibrosis & the Brewer's Yeast: A Microbiology Tale by David Wooster 4.1 Stars (7 Reviews)    Price verified 4 hours ago

Ben Ketchum is an assistant professor at a small college in Montana with just one year left to secure his tenure or he's going to be out of a job, this at a time when there are already alarming cutbacks going on in science due to Hurricane Katrina and the Iraq War. And as if to complicate his life further, the all important anthrax grant Ben was counting on didn't come through so now he's forced to begin a new project, this one involving a different type of microbe than what he's used to: the brewer's yeast. To learn all he can about the yeast, Ben takes two weeks off and travels first to exotic Egypt where he discovers the yeast's role in building this once-great civilization, including brewing beer, making wine, raising bread as well as the pyramids. He then travels to Germany, a more recent example of a beer culture, where he uncovers the yeast's influence in Western civilization including his own country. Ben's day-to-day concerns with being a mentor, teacher, and scientist while at the same time having to secure his tenure, is a unifying theme. Each story is woven together with interesting facts about ancient history & science so as to give the reader an appreciation for not only what it's like to run a modern research laboratory, but also how our everyday world has been shaped by unseen microbes, often for thousands of years. For example, Ben's search for the brewer's yeast leads him to uncover details about the Bubonic plague & beer steins, wine amphora, Hitler, beer halls, the Lewis & Clark Expedition, whiskey, pretzels, pasteurization and Egyptian mummies. He also teams up with two eccentric microbiologists and develops a love interest while in Egypt: the beautiful young medical doctor Tahany Hassan. This novel is based on a true story... inspired by the author's experiences in graduate school and as a scientist at Children's Hospital Los Angeles California. In this novel you'll also discover diverse facts about: cystic fibrosis & ...

Genre: Science & Math [f] [x]
Length: 340 Pages (5,776 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 1st, 2024

Omnipotent: Don't Ask, Don't Tell by William Dorsch (Independently Published by William Dorsch) 4.9 Stars (19 Reviews)    Price verified one hour ago

We expect that criminals will lie but not the police. Bill Dorsch a retired Chicago homicide detective understood that people when accused of committing crimes, especially in homicide cases, would make conscious decisions to lie when questioned. He hated being lied to but his task as an investigator was to discover the truth no matter where it would take him. He worked hard to gather evidence and testimony from individuals that could lead to the arrest of the perpetrator. The accumulation of his work was always focused on the presentation of his investigation at a later time in the courtroom. Only then, could the families of homicide victims find the answers that would hopefully bring closure to the loss of a loved one. John Wayne Gacy was a monster of a man who walked among us. Not only the families of his victims; but citizens, especially those who lived in the Chicago area expected that law enforcement had done a complete and thorough investigation. Dorsch knew Gacy and even had dinner in his home, the very home where the bodies of so many of his victims were later found. After Gacy's arrest, Dorsch responded to law enforcement requests to the public for information about possible victims and locations. However, that information was not welcomed and he was told "We don't want any more bodies" The City of Chicago rushed to get the case into court and obtain a conviction. The authorities had ended their investigation with Gacy's arrest. With a heartless disregard for the victim's families, known and unknown, they not only buried Gacy but the truth along with him.

Genre: Biographies & Memoirs [f] [x]
Length: 391 Pages (10,616 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 1st, 2024

The Greatest of World's Collection - Funny Stuff Dank Mad Humorous Book 2024 by Gracie Ingram-memes 4.9 Stars (9 Reviews)    Price verified 2 hours ago

A Huge Mémés 2024 Newest Collection! Book for Fun! Free with Kindle Unlimited!

Genre: Humor & Entertainment [f] [x]
Length: 1,272 Pages (50,106 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 1st, 2024

HE WENT THAT WAY by RUPERT SAVILLE 4.2 Stars (8 Reviews)    Price verified 2 hours ago

This is my autobiography and is written by me: "You will laugh with me and you will laugh at me. You will swear with me and you will swear at me. Some of you may even shed a tear when you learn about several of the people, I will introduce you to. Some of you will draw comparisons with events of your own life and on one hand be thankful for not doing some of the stupid things I have done. On the other hand, perhaps, just perhaps be disappointed for not having experienced some of the good and rewarding events I write of." My life begins in 1956. I was born in Hamilton, New Zealand. Early childhood were days of wander, adventure and excitement as I grew up in a farming community. That was soon shattered when we moved to Dunedin. I hated the place and at age nine ran away from home but was caught three days later by police in Lyttleton, approximately 400 km to the north. I had two brothers one older and one younger plus an older sister, a nice economic round figure of four. My college schooling, apprenticeship as a carpenter, falling in love, excelling as a rugby player and freestyle wrestler, throw in some sailing and boxing and yes, I loved my sport. Let's not forget to mention the finer points of altercations with the law due to fighting in the streets and in general just being a prick occupied my teen years which I spent in Nelson. My yearning for adventure and excitement first took me to Australia. Employed in a variety of jobs; Bellboy at a hotel within Sydney's Kings Cross red-light district, construction in Darwin, traveling salesman in Central Queensland just to mention only three. 1979 I found myself in the UK as a recruit in the British Parachute Regiment and with high marks I passed the P Company selection. During the following thirteen years I bounced around NZ and Australia a little like a balloon out of control but searching I guess for some form of stability. I worked a variety of jobs in cities such as Perth and Auckland, mining camps in NW ...

Genre: Sports & Outdoors [f] [x]
Length: 462 Pages (1,560 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 1st, 2024

How To Talk To Women: The Ultimate Guide (2 Books in 1): How To Smoothly Start Conversations, Flirt Like A Pro & Become The Man That Women Want by Dave Perrotta 4.6 Stars (11 Reviews)    Price verified one hour ago

Brand New 2024 Version of Conversation Casanova & More! 5 FREE BONUSES WITH YOUR PURCHASE TO HELP YOU BECOME THE MAN THAT WOMEN DREAM ABOUT Unlock Rockstar Confidence: Erase Your Anxiety, Spark Instant Attraction With Your Words, And Date Your Dream Woman Imagine possessing a comprehensive guide that breaks down the art of conversation into simple, actionable steps, turning those awkward moments into opportunities for connection. This isn't just another dating book; it's your ultimate guide to mastering the subtle science of attracting women with your words and vibe. You'll get proven and practical strategies to help you speak naturally, convey your personality authentically, and build attraction without resorting to clichéd pickup lines. Whether you're completely new to talking to women, have faced rejections because they "just didn't feel a spark," or you're a seasoned conversationalist looking to refine your skills, this book will elevate you to the top tier of desirable men. What's inside of How to Flirt With Women - Book 1: • Ever Felt That Spark Missing? Unlock Flirting's Secret Sauce To Make Every Moment With Her Feel Unreal. • Learn How To Have Attractive Conversations & Transform Mundane Chit-Chat Into Irresistible Charisma That Keeps Her Intrigued. • Get Tested Strategies To Make Your Text Game Magnetic, Have Your Phone Buzz With Her Replies, & Never Get Ghosted Or Flaked On Again. • Decode The Subtle Cues That Women Use On Dates, In Conversation, & In Everyday Life So You Always Know What To Do. • Get Her To Chase You Subconsciously With Simple Conversation And Presence Tactics That Only 1% Of Men Know. What's inside of Conversation Casanova (New & Improved) - Book 2: • Discover The 10 Secret Mindsets That Every Casanova Has Mastered That Help You Breeze Through Every Dating Challenge and Never Exhibit The Needy Behavior That Repels Her • Create A "Girl-Getting Machine" For Yourself With Online Dating To Easily Get 2-3 ...

Genre: Health, Fitness & Dieting [f] [x]
Length: 328 Pages (3,221 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 1st, 2024

The Complete Papers and Writings of Abraham Lincoln by Abraham Lincoln (Open Road Media) 4.4 Stars (86 Reviews)    Price verified 4 hours ago

A complete documentary archive of Abraham Lincoln's writings, from historic speeches to personal letters and telegrams. Collected here are numerous documents written by Abraham Lincoln from 1832 to 1865, over the course of his long career as a lawyer, statesman, and president of the United States. From the man who led the nation through the Civil War and into its Reconstruction, Lincoln's written statements -- including the Emancipation Proclamation and the Gettysburg Address -- are some of the most significant documents in American history. Included with these works are telegrams to politicians and wartime generals as well as personal letters discussing a range of topics, from youth and marriage to depression. This extensive collection is not only an excellent documentary history of America's greatest trial as a nation, but also an opportunity to enjoy the intellect and wit of one of America's greatest orators. As Theodore Roosevelt says in his introductory comments, "Lincoln's deeds and words are not only of consuming interest to the historian, but should be intimately known to every man engaged in the hard practical work of American political life." This ebook has been professionally proofread to ensure accuracy and readability on all devices.

Genre: History [f] [x]
Length: 301 Pages (3,846 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 31st, 2024

Hack: A LitRPG Novel (Tower of Gates Book 1) by Paul Bellow (LitRPG Reads) 3.6 Stars (326 Reviews)    Price verified 12 minutes ago

Trapped in an RPG... or a Virtual Prison? When Eric and friends secretly log onto the new Tower of Gates fully immersive virtual reality MMORPG against his father's wishes, they spawn separately throughout the game. Eric finds Sarah easily enough, but they can't find Josh, their remaining party member. Unable to escape or even pause the game, Eric and Sarah work together to find Josh. They meet a colorful cast of characters along the way, including a priest named Benji. Unsure what happens when you die, they vow to be careful with who they trust. While Benji and others they meet seem harmless enough, a strange mage in black vows to kill them. Can they stay alive and complete the first few levels of the Tower of Gates? Or will they suffer the fate of others who have died inside the game? Hack is the first book of the Tower of Gates LitRPG Saga. Previously published as the first half of Goblin.

Genre: Humor & Entertainment [f] [x]
Length: 348 Pages (502 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 31st, 2024

True Crime Trivia: 350 Fascinating Questions & Answers to Test Your Knowledge of Serial Killers, Mysteries, Cold Cases, Heists & More by Michelle Tooker (Beguile Media) 4.5 Stars (183 Reviews)    Price verified 12 minutes ago

Are you the ultimate true crime fan? How much do you know about your favorite cases? Play true crime trivia to find out: ?Did a serial killer roam the Titanic? ?Which food is the most shoplifted? ?How many killers get away with murder each year? ?Did a fax machine identify the Black Dahlia? Discover the answers to 350 eye-opening questions like these in True Crime Trivia. Each question is multiple choice or true/false so you can play trivia against yourself or your friends. Correct answers include surprising stories and shocking details about true crime cases you thought you knew and ones you have never heard of before. True Crime Trivia is organized into seven chapters, covering the following topics: ?Unsolved Mysteries & Cold Cases ?Serial Killers ?True Crime Podcasts ?Celebrity Crimes ?Heists & Robberies ?Facts & Figures ?Grab Bag Quiz yourself, challenge your friends or host a trivia night to see who is the ultimate true crime enthusiast. This book makes a perfect gift for murderinos, true crime junkies, true crime fanatics or those fascinated by the macabre. Be warned, reading this book will give you 350 new rabbit holes to explore!

Genre: Biographies & Memoirs [f] [x]
Length: 402 Pages (10,439 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 31st, 2024

Unlocking Memory Mastery: A Comprehensive Guide to Boosting Your Cognitive Power by T. Brandon Long 4.7 Stars (38 Reviews)    Price verified one hour ago

Unlock the untapped potential of your mind with "Unlocking Memory Mastery: A Comprehensive Guide to Boosting Your Cognitive Power." In this groundbreaking book, author T. Brandon Long presents a transformative journey into the depths of memory enhancement. Drawing on the latest research in neuroscience and psychology, T. Brandon Long unveils a wealth of proven techniques and strategies to help you sharpen your memory, boost your learning, and optimize your mental performance. From mnemonic devices and memory palaces to visualization techniques and mindfulness practices, this comprehensive guide covers everything you need to unlock the full potential of your cognitive abilities. But "Unlocking Memory Mastery" is more than just a practical handbook -- it's a roadmap to personal transformation. Through engaging exercises, real-life examples, and insightful anecdotes, T. Brandon Long guides you on a journey of self-discovery, empowering you to tap into the limitless power of your mind and achieve your full potential. Whether you're a student striving for academic success, a professional seeking a competitive edge, or simply someone looking to enrich your life, "Unlocking Memory Mastery" offers a treasure trove of knowledge and inspiration. Let this book be your guide as you embark on a journey to unlock the secrets of memory mastery and unleash the full power of your cognitive abilities. Are you ready to unlock the door to a world of limitless possibilities? Dive into "Unlocking Memory Mastery" today and embark on a journey to unlock your cognitive potential like never before.

Genre: Self-Help [f] [x]
Length: 339 Pages (1,408 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 31st, 2024

Nelson's Women (Tom Pocock's History of Nelson) by Tom Pocock 4.4 Stars (10 Reviews)    Price verified one hour ago

The fame of Horatio Nelson as Britain's greatest naval hero has always been haunted by the notoriety of his relations with women. His love affair with Lady Hamilton and the subsequent abandonment of his wife have tainted with scandal his achievement in giving his country global supremacy for a century. Yet these two women - Emma and Fanny - were only the most prominent of a gallery of women - family, friends and lovers - who were instrumental in shaping Nelson's life and character. This is a story of human relationships: men with women and women with other women. Their moods and loyalties altered and jealousy and constancy, tenderness and betrayal, love and anger all dictated their actions. At the vortex of their lives was a remarkable man - Horatio Nelson, himself sometimes almost feminine in his attitude and behaviour - who was to become the most celebrated of all the nation's heroes. In Nelson's Women, Tom Pocock examines the characters of the women whose lives were interwoven with that of the complex, yet charming, Lord Nelson. He illuminates the character of Nelson's mother, who loved and married her social inferior, and his sisters who were torn between their friendships with his wife and his mistress. Praise for Nelson's Women: 'This book provides an excellent insight into Nelson's private life' - Amazon review Tom Pocock (1925-2007) served in the Royal Navy (1943-44) before entering journalism as a war correspondent in 1945. He worked as a roving correspondent and feature-writer on the staff of the Hulton Press, the Daily Mail and the Daily Express, as well as being Naval correspondent of The Times and defence correspondent and feature-writer on the London Evening Standard. His biography of Lord Nelson, Nelson and his World, was published in 1968.

Genre: Biographies & Memoirs [f] [x]
Length: 305 Pages (2,445 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 31st, 2024

Christmas Value Pack II – 200 Christmas Cookie Recipes – Assorted Christmas Cookies, Drop Cookies, Bar Cookies and Sliced Cookies (The Ultimate ... by Pamela Kazmierczak 4.5 Stars (48 Reviews)    Price verified 5 hours ago

Welcome to the Fourteenth volume of The Ultimate Christmas Recipes and Recipes For Christmas Collection!! This is the second of three value packs. Enjoy 200 Christmas Cookie Recipes in one book! Buy this book now at its introductory rate before we raise the price to the normal price of $7.97. Are you looking for New and Delicious Christmas Cookie Recipes? This cookbook has a wide variety of choices if you are looking for Christmas or Holiday Recipes! The Value Pack Two has an assortment of Christmas Cookie recipes including Recipes for Assorted Christmas Cookies, Christmas Drop Cookies, Bar Cookies and Sliced Cookies. Inside this book you will find the best Christmas Cookie Recipes to make at home. The type of recipes you will find inside Christmas Value Pack II - 200 Christmas Cookie Recipes - Assorted Christmas Cookies, Drop Cookies, Bar Cookies and Sliced Cookies Are seasonal, traditional and unique recipes to get you through the holiday season from a variety of cookies to drop cookies, sliced cookies and bar, brownie and blondie recipes. What Type of Christmas and Holiday Cookie Recipes are in this book? Here are some of the Recipes you will find inside: Molasses Crinkles Candy Cane Cookies Snowball Cookies Gingerbread Chocolate Chip Cookies Lemon Kisses Dark Chocolate Brown Sugar Cookies Egg Nog Candy Cane Treats Peanut Butter Sandwich Reindeer Cookies Santa's Pinwheel Cookies Peppermint Cocoa Cookies Cranberry Chocolate Presents Mint Brownie Cookies Black and White Chocolate Gingersnap Cookies White Chocolate Cranberry Cookies Holiday Gumdrop Cookies Chocolate Truffle Cookies Coconut Macaroons Pecan Pie Cookies Black and White Cookies Cherry Chocolate Chip Cookies Chocolate Cinnamon Meringue Cookies Made Easy Cake Chocolate Coconut Cookies Cool Chocolate Peppermint Cookies Easy to make Coconut Shortbread Cookies Iced Cranberry Oatmeal Cookies Fantastic Drop Butter Cookies The Best Drop Sugar Cookies Festive Eggnog Cookies Traditional Frosted ...

Genre: Cookbooks, Food & Wine [f] [x]
Length: 448 Pages (995 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 30th, 2024

Living in a Nuclear World: From Fukushima to Hiroshima (History and Philosophy of Technoscience) by Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent (Routledge) Price verified one hour ago

The Fukushima disaster invites us to look back and probe how nuclear technology has shaped the world we live in, and how we have come to live with it. Since the first nuclear detonation (Trinity test) and the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, all in 1945, nuclear technology has profoundly affected world history and geopolitics, as well as our daily life and natural world. It has always been an instrument for national security, a marker of national sovereignty, a site of technological innovation and a promise of energy abundance. It has also introduced permanent pollution and the age of the Anthropocene. This volume presents a new perspective on nuclear history and politics by focusing on four interconnected themes-violence and survival; control and containment; normalizing through denial and presumptions; memories and futures-and exploring their relationships and consequences. It proposes an original reflection on nuclear technology from a long-term, comparative and transnational perspective. It brings together contributions from researchers from different disciplines (anthropology, history, STS) and countries (US, France, Japan) on a variety of local, national and transnational subjects. Finally, this book offers an important and valuable insight into other global and Anthropocene challenges such as climate change.

Genre: History [f] [x]
Length: 330 Pages (20,697 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 30th, 2024
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