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Left on Paradise by Kirk Adams 4.2 Stars (20 Reviews)    Price verified 15 minutes ago

Before Portland, there was Paradise. Following the stolen presidential election of 2000, 102 intrepid progressives, led by self-absorbed Hollywood star Ryan Godson and his kind-hearted wife Kit Fairchild, make good on their threat to abandon a corrupted society still under the spell of Puritan fanatics, Yankee traders, and southern slavers. Now, a new society will be founded: a new country among the nations. This will be a land in which feminists, liberals, environmentalists, multiculturalists, pacifists, socialists, communists, communitarians, and progressives of every persuasion will remain unthwarted by the opposition and oppression of Republicans, social conservatives, and constitutionalists. Left on Paradise is a sweeping epic about a band of idealists who have forsaken family and friend to build a perfect word on a remote island in the south Pacific. From the thrill of first hope to the brink of deadly catastrophe, Kirk Adams relentlessly puts the band of idealists in a world in which they can live out the iron logic of their beliefs and dreams -- unencumbered by conservative resistance or religious restraint. Yet, they bring to Paradise the moral limits of their own ideals and character and soon find that they themselves have brought evil to their Eden. With riveting twists and turns in the plot that mirror contemporary (and historical) American political experience, the author shares political fiction that speaks to the cultural questions and divisions that contemporary Americans face, even as he offers a vision of what must not be sought. It's May 2001 and the band of political pilgrims have sailed to a remote island in the Pacific to found a new country: a true State of Paradise. Numbering the same as the settlers of Plymouth and Jamestown, the idealists have marched straight out of the 1960s to build the Great Society suspended by Nixon, Reagan, and the Bush family. These pilgrims will show the world what it means to be Left on Paradise -- or so they ...

Genre: Humor & Satire [x]
Length: 636 Pages (1,226 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 27th, 2024

The Trouble with Girls by Kirk Adams (Kirk Adams Books) 3.9 Stars (4 Reviews)    Price verified 15 minutes ago

Eric Eules is in trouble -- always. The sixth-grade graduate has a big problem -- and it isn't just that Woodland Hills neighborhood guru Burnout pushes him down a hippie path he can't possibly travel. Eric's problem is that he's at war with nearly every woman in his life at the very moment he has grown to desire nothing more than the love of one girl. That is, his mother assigns him never-ending chores, his aunt taunts him as a male chauvinist piglet, and his sisters protest his frequent tinkling on the toilet seat. Most of all, he must face down classmate and nemesis Skinnydip -- who stands between Eric and the new girl to the neighborhood, the beautiful Lori Bloom. The Trouble with Girls in an exciting coming of age story in which a growing boy first perceives how the true desire of his heart is something -- someone -- greater than playing baseball and riding bikes with his boyhood friends. Set in an Indiana suburb during the summer of 1972 -- a year of tumult and change in how men and women saw each other -- the clumsy and awkward twelve-year-old boy must navigate the perils of his own home and neighborhood. Maddened by first love, he must complete a series of Herculean labors to win the heart of she who now matters most to him. Return to a lazy Midwest summer when noisy boys played in ball fields and wooded lots, bicycled across town without supervision, and checked out books from the county bookmobile. Remember a quieter world without mobile phones and video games, a world where boys learned how to get along without the nagging oversight of their parents as they fought through problems themselves -- learning life-changing lessons even in their foolish and short-sighted solutions to thorny and complex concerns. See how boys scrounged for spending cash in old-fashioned families quick to provide love and discipline to their children, but slower yet to indulge mere boys anything more than food, clothing, and shelter. Still, The Trouble with Girls is far more ...

Genre: Humor & Satire [x]
Length: 340 Pages (2,285 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 27th, 2024
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