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Professing Romance: a romantic comedy by R.H. Johnson (Hampton, Westbrook Publishing) 4.2 Stars (12 Reviews)    Price verified 5 minutes ago

Love and laughter join forces when a failed English professor decides to earn his first million by writing a romantic novel. The project goes badly until a beautiful French professor decides to teach him what romance is all about. If Grant Hunter and Miranda Davignon manage to get their act together, Hickston College will never be the same.

Genre: Humor & Satire [x]
Length: 212 Pages (1,505 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 7th, 2024

Ball Sacks: fun facts, myths, poems and short stories about ball sacks (Flushtome Book 1) by Stud and Starlett (flushtome) 4.1 Stars (12 Reviews)    Price verified 26 minutes ago

Fun facts, myths, poems and short stories about ball sacks. From the perspective of the balls, but from the POV of a lady.

Genre: Humor & Satire [x]
Length: 114 Pages (133 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 7th, 2024

The Adventures of Guy by Norm Cowie 3.5 Stars (19 Reviews)    Price verified 11 hours ago

Somebody stole Seth's brain, not that he was using it anyway. To recover it, his brother Guy and college roommates Knob and Thurman must take on sinister forces using only their wits, knowledge of beer and an Amazon Warrior, whose breasts, like the Big Gulp, are too big for the cup holder. "Humorous Fantasy at its best... " - Armchair Interviews (Amazon top 100 reviewer). "... persistently entertaining read from first page to last" - Midwest Book Review. "Everything in the book is so true, you can't help but laugh in agreement." - Roundtable Reviews "... a ridiculous comedy... " - Bryon Merritt, FWOMP Reviews. "... hilarious mishaps... " - Joliet Herald News Named a 'Top Ten Novel of the Year' by Pop Syndicate. See why reviewers compare THE ADVENTURES OF GUY to The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.

Genre: Humor & Satire [x]
Length: 310 Pages (572 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 7th, 2024

Seagulls Over Westminster by Richard Wade 4.7 Stars (51 Reviews)    Price verified 15 hours ago

A political thriller for our time, but with a strand of gentle humour woven through it, making this intriguing story into an entertaining page turner. Its 2024. Popular TV chat show host, and former MP, Bradley Deakin is the man wanted by the Opposition Party of the day to lead them back to power, breaking the chain of endless hung parliaments and uninspiring political leaders. They just need to get him elected first. Meanwhile, in Brighton, retired bank manager Harvey Britten is enjoying life with the three things he loves most - his family, the city of his birth and his beloved football team, Brighton and Hove Albion, (known locally as The Seagulls). His support for the team has led to a regular spot on the local radio breakfast show, which has turned him into something of a minor celebrity. It proves very difficult to find Bradley a suitable by-election until one unexpectedly occurs in Brighton. But Harvey strongly objects to a big shot candidate like Deakin being parachuted into his city and is reluctantly persuaded by his family and radio listeners to stand against him as a protest candidate. But only in the knowledge that he won't actually win! The race is otherwise between Bradley and the Government party candidate, Alistair Buckland, a local Councillor with a big secret. But as the campaign is gradually engulfed in scandal and conspiracy theories, it throws the whole contest wide open. Can a high class call girl with a plan for revenge change the outcome? Just how far did Bradley and his team go to cause the by-election in the first place? Will Harvey's worst nightmare come true, in that he might actually win? And how bad does it have to get for a candidate before their loyal party supporters will refuse to vote for them? As each candidate increasingly has to defend themselves against more and more serious accusations, both they and the people they love soon realise that there's far more at stake for them all than just who will end up winning ...

Genre: Humor & Satire [x]
Length: 382 Pages (968 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 7th, 2024

10 Souls by Luis de Agustin Price verified 19 minutes ago

Lenny "the Lier" Pines is an inept liar and con, serving a 15-year sentence in a Texas prison for murder on a technicality. In a dream the night before his parole hearing that feels more real than reality itself, he believes he receives a divine revelation: He must save the world from an impending apocalypse. Compelled by this supposed "mission from God," Lenny pulls an unexpected cut and run from prison the eve of his hearing. With little more than determination and desperation, he embarks on a quest to convince his estranged corporate executive son to forsake his job and fiancé and help his dad fulfill his baffling mission "from God." Even if his son agrees to drop everything, including his impending marriage, Lenny faces an uphill battle. He must assemble a crew of unlikely allies, each with their own quirks and hidden agendas. As the clock ticks down, the infinite expanse of the southwest American desert stretches before them, and a long-buried family secret threatens to shatter the fragile trust Lenny's son is beginning to place in his undeserving dad. With nothing but sheer luck and masterful bluffs, Lenny holds his motley team together by a thread. Along the way, they stumble upon a doomsday cult that Lenny believes holds the key to saving the Earth from annihilation and redeeming his dishonest life. But doubts linger, echoing in the minds of everyone. Was Lenny's dream just another one of his elaborate cons? This lingering uncertainty keeps Lenny and his crew at odds, while a group of malicious criminals from his past closes in, determined to settle an old score. As the stakes rise, Lenny must confront not only the expected impending apocalypse but also his selfish lying self that he can't seem to escape. Can he overcome his own shortcomings, gain the trust of his son, and truly make a difference in a world on the brink of chaos? "10 Souls" is a tale of moral challenges, fear, pluck, and redemption, where even the most flawed protagonist might be the ...

Genre: Humor & Satire [x]
Length: 259 Pages (3,546 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 7th, 2024

Hits to the Dome: The Chronicles of a Small Town Volume 1: Parts 1-6 by Selby Wost 4.7 Stars (4 Reviews)    Price verified 10 hours ago

Worcester, New Hampshire, is a cesspool. It used to be a nice town until a wave of wealthy and clueless liberals took charge. Rome, Dakota, Richie, and Donny are four 14-year-old-boys who have to live in this collapsing hellscape, and they hate it. Everywhere they turn, there's a bum shooting up or taking a dump. Stoned hippies walk down the street with an aura of arrogance and self-satisfaction. At school, their commie teachers no longer bother with teaching actual subjects. Instead, all they do is praise themselves for their activism and force their viewpoints on their students. It seems like the four friends can't even walk home without some random demonstration blocking their way. They devise various plots to act out against the lunacy, setting them at odds with both the cops and the new-age Marxist regime. In a world full of parents, police, protesters, and pedophiles, the four friends are desperately trying to get by. The perils are numerous -- diversity festivals, molestation shacks, stoned elderly drivers listening to NPR, bum fights, shanty towns, and drug-addicted vagrants are all commonplace -- but our valiant heroes will fight to the last man.

Genre: Humor & Satire [x]
Length: 363 Pages (23,526 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 6th, 2024

CAMPING ON THE RUN: Hilarious misadventures. (LYNNE & CHRISTOPHER GUMBLETON Book 3) by Lynne and Christopher Gumbleton 4.5 Stars (535 Reviews)    Price verified 4 minutes ago

A funny, fast paced, feel-good comedy keeping you guessing to the end. When Ellie and Ben strike up a friendship and decide to travel to the Lake District together in a campervan called Brienne neither of them mentions that they are escaping from their pasts. What follows is a fast-paced farcical adventure with hair raising encounters as Ellie and Ben, try and keep one step ahead of their pursuers. This hilarious romp has laughs, tears, nail-biting suspense and romance. Camping on the Run is written in our usual light-hearted, tongue in cheek, heart-warming, feel good style. We hope you enjoy reading it.

Genre: Humor & Satire [x]
Length: 591 Pages (681 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 6th, 2024

DIVERGENT LAWYER: (Frugal Lawyer, Flashy Lawyer) by Donald W. Desaulniers 4.6 Stars (10 Reviews)    Price verified 10 hours ago

Ronald Smith is a wealthy retired Canadian lawyer but a hopeless cheapskate. After he is severely mugged, what emerges out of the resulting coma is a lavish spender with no memories of his previous insanely frugal life. Eventually the two opposite personalities begin meeting in shared dreams in a Las Vegas hotel room and instantly detest each other. Throw in a romance with a lovely lady from Chicago and the hilarious battle is on to win the girl's heart and defeat the hated rival. ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Donald W. Desaulniers is a retired Canadian lawyer who writes mainly about the legal profession that everyone loves to loathe. He has published more than 110 novels on Amazon. Please check out his Author Page and those of his pen names "Lance Majestik" and "Durward Garbage" for a complete listing of his novels and details about each story.

Genre: Humor & Satire [x]
Length: 308 Pages (2,973 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 6th, 2024

Shakedowners by Justin Woolley (Lonely Robot Books) 4.4 Stars (1,037 Review)    Price verified 4 minutes ago

To boldly go where no losers have gone before... Some starship captains explore strange new worlds, seeking out new life and new civilisations. Some lead missions of discovery through wormholes to the other side of the galaxy. Then there's Captain Iridius B. Franklin, someone who spent too long seeking out strange new bars and new alien cocktails. After graduating bottom of his class at Space Command Academy Iridius Franklin hasn't had the glamorous career he envisioned, instead he hauls cargo ships full of mining waste, alien land whale dung, and artificially intelligent toy dogs across the stars. Iridius does have talent though - he is exceptionally good at breaking starships. So, when not hauling freight, he is captain of a shakedown crew, a skeleton crew used to test newly constructed ships for faults before the real crew takes over. While on a routine shakedown mission aboard the FSC Gallaway, soon to be pride of the Federation Fleet, Earth is attacked by an unknown alien life-form. With the galaxy in chaos, Captain Iridius B. Franklin finds himself, unqualified, understaffed and completely unprepared, in command of the most advanced starship in the galaxy. Now, he just needs to not break it.

Genre: Humor & Satire [x]
Length: 300 Pages (4,531 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 6th, 2024

The Nobody Show by Jonathan Dunne 4.1 Stars (32 Reviews)    Price verified 9 hours ago

The Nobody Show is an accident waiting to happen... Old Castle (population 666... 665... 664) is a town ravaged by unemployment. The magic is gone and the economy is in the gutter, but newest dole statistic, Arthur Lawless, has a dream... Arthur wants to chase down his childhood dream to build his own circus. He makes it his mission to put on The Greatest Show on Earth - Old Castle's slice of Earth, at least...

Genre: Humor & Satire [x]
Length: 361 Pages (1,838 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Dabbler in Drabbles, Volume Three: 300 short stories by Rhys Hughes (Gibbon Moon Books) Price verified 7 hours ago

A drabble is a flash fiction that is exactly one hundred words long. And here we have a cyclops who is writing them and telling them to his friend, a centaur. Three hundred drabbles. The stories are miniature adventures, comedies and tragedies, tales of space and time, accounts of voyages and discoveries, many of them ironic or paradoxical, some of them featuring robots and monsters and ghosts, but each one compressed into an easily-digested snack for the mind. And this is the third volume of four... "If I said he was a Welsh writer who writes as though he has gone to school with the best writing from all over the world, I wonder if my compliment would just sound provincial. Hughes' style, with all that means, is among the most beautiful I've encountered in several years." -- SAMUEL R. DELANY "Rhys Hughes seems almost the sum of our planet's literature. He toys with convention. He makes the metaphysical political, the personal incredible and the comic hints at subtle pain. Few living fictioneers approach this chef's sardonic confections, certainly not in English." -- MICHAEL MOORCOCK "It's a crime that Rhys Hughes is not as widely known as Italo Calvino and other writers of that stature. Brilliantly written and conceived, Hughes' fiction has few parallels anywhere in the world. In some alternate universe with a better sense of justice, his work triumphantly parades across all bestseller lists." -- JEFF VANDERMEER

Genre: Humor & Satire [x]
Length: 317 Pages (1,812 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Balloon Animals by Jonathan Dunne 3.9 Stars (105 Reviews)    Price verified 9 hours ago

BALLOON ANIMALS is a pilgrimage and road-trip of unusual dimensions. Follow me, Jonny Rowe, on a wild goose chase from Ireland to the USA with my American grandfather's remains in my red birthday balloon. I use 'remains' in the loosest sense of the word: my grandfather, 45, puffed his last breaths of air into my birthday balloon before suffering a massive heart attack right there at my birthday party which becomes his deathday party. Feeling responsible for 45's death, and as a thank-you for filling Clinical Dad's void after leaving that questionable suicide note, I make it my quest to return 45 to his birthplace amongst the corn of Iowa, USA, suspended inside his soul-bubble. This journey might also help me with my identity crisis... I'm a genealogy student, by the way. And who knows, maybe I'll find love - I tend to find things when I'm not looking for them. Join me on a desperate race against time to unveil the truth as my birthday balloon begins to deflate and loose 45 forever to the wind.

Genre: Humor & Satire [x]
Length: 305 Pages (1,830 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

To Work Out or to Wed: A Sweet Romantic Comedy Novella by Savannah Hendricks (Grand Bayou Press) 4.0 Stars (69 Reviews)    Price verified 18 minutes ago

A romantic comedy story about imperfection. Hailey might be engaged to Dane, but she is far from ready for their wedding - or wedging herself into the perfect wedding dress. When she makes friends with Ed, a new member at the gym, his philosophy on working out sinks deep into her thoughts. And Hailey starts to question her upcoming marriage, plus the real reason why she's working out. Includes a bonus novella - Forty Before the New Year Also includes a Not-Too Shabby Lunch Shake recipe

Genre: Humor & Satire [x]
Length: 128 Pages (2,077 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 4th, 2024

The Blood Red Snowman And Other Horror Flash Fiction by Auctor Trevel 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 15 hours ago

A crimson colored snowman standing all alone by an old shack. Monsters that lurk in all sorts of dark corners. Magic and science gone horribly wrong. Murder and mayhem coalescing sometimes into darkly comical punchlines. These fifteen flash fiction horror stories demonstrate how horror and dark comedy can be so short yet also so effectively terrifying and hilarious. This small flash fiction collection is a gruesome and sometimes gruesomely funny sampler of how Auctor Trevel can experiment with horror with fewer than a thousand words by creating different possibilities of sending chills down the readers' spine and making them laugh with a nervous tenor after the shock is over. The Blood Red Snowman And Other Horror Flash Fiction is a trip not for the faint of heart and not for the weak of stomach. Download into your ereader if you dare. TW/CW: Blood, gore, strong language, suicide, and terror. For mature readers only.

Genre: Humor & Satire [x]
Length: 61 Pages (2,973 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 4th, 2024

The Ring of the Lord: DREG by Terry Ravenscroft (Razzamatazz Publications) 3.9 Stars (21 Reviews)    Price verified 9 hours ago

A novel of the Netherworld so fantastical that even aficianados of fantasy novels will be hard pressed to believe it. Our story begins 7000 years ago in the Middle-earth shire of Dreg. From there, in a last ditch effort to prevent certain death at the hands of the Dark Lord for all who dwell in Dreg, Draybweevil, eldest son of Chief Tunnbledemere, accompanied by seven of the chief's loyal subjects, Arselow, N'Safety, Teasmade, Rolldeoll, Ovoz, Bargains, and Dildo Boggins, pass through a portal to Nottingham, England in the year 2016. And far, far beyond.

Genre: Humor & Satire [x]
Length: 225 Pages (1,610 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

MYTHS by Erika Price (English Prime Press) 3.4 Stars (34 Reviews)    Price verified 9 hours ago

Hera was a gorgeous megab*tch, but she was fantastic at Scrabble. Aphrodite was just jealous. Salome was a Toddler in a Tiara, Athena was cute in a spunky, Ellen Page kinda way, and Scheherazade was an attention-starved blogger. Persephone and Hades were only on a trial separation. Pandora just opened the box because she was hella bored. In this short story collection by Erika Price (author of Corpus Callosum), gods and goddesses from bygone eras are reimagined as hilarious contemporary analogues and released on a hapless modern world. The result is a frenetic, rip-roarious send-up of modern feminism, psychotherapy, relationship dynamics, and socioeconomic exchange. In MYTHS, new creation stories are laid down, the world is destroyed and created anew, and the more things change, the more petty human nature stays the same.

Genre: Humor & Satire [x]
Length: 77 Pages (720 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

Where The River Takes You (Greyson Gap: A Small Town Series Book 1) by Sophie Sinclair 4.6 Stars (49 Reviews)    Price verified 7 hours ago

Perfectionist event planner Blakely Mayfield screws up when a food poisoning debacle puts her career on the line. Battling bad press and her business partner's "suggestion" to take a sabbatical, Blakely doesn't think twice when her best friend offers up her mountain retreat in idyllic Greyson Gap, NC. Armed with the task of stepping out of her comfort zone by her therapist, Blakely quickly realizes that fresh mountain air, roommate chore charts, and Tucker Greyson, the annoyingly handsome housemate she didn't bargain for, might not fix her broken ego. Finding herself stuck in between a surreal episode of The Bachelor run by the Greyson Gap Golden Girls brigade, and her hunky housemate wanting to be friends with benefits, Blakely discovers she kind of likes the simpler life -- going camping, catching fish, wearing hiking boots, and, perhaps, falling in love. Ex- baseball star, Tucker Greyson, prefers to be alone in the small mountain town where he grew up. The last thing he needs is a high-strung, clean-obsessed roommate for the summer. He hatches a plan to drive her perfectionist sensibilities into overdrive and out of his house. What he doesn't expect is to fall for her. He tells himself to keep it simple and not let his heart get involved, but when Blakely gets called back to her old life, Tucker realizes he has more to lose than just a summer roommate.

Genre: Humor & Satire [x]
Length: 350 Pages (3,174 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

Draculand by Steve McElhenny (Sicaso Publishing) 4.5 Stars (12 Reviews)    Price verified 11 hours ago

When entrepreneur Edward Henning builds a horror-based theme park deep in the heart of Transylvania, little does he realise that his new business partner is, in fact, a centuries-old vampire. As the blood-thirsty vampire anticipates the arrival of the thousands of tourists to his land, he soon learns that the modern world is a far scarier place than the one he is used to. The vampire becomes a nervous wreck as he has to endure the perils of the internet, drunken employees, health and safety inspections, crooked business partners, and even the Thai Bride of Frankenstein. Draculand is a roller coaster of laughs and horrors in a fun-filled ride you will not want to get off.

Genre: Humor & Satire [x]
Length: 328 Pages (712 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

Murder in the Desert (Jake Stewart Mysteries Book 1) by Mike Cassidy 4.2 Stars (43 Reviews)    Price verified 4 hours ago

Who knew a murder or two would turn Jake Stewart's life around? Jake was supposed to be trying to figure out his life after being abruptly downsized from what he considered the best job in the world -- being a reporter in a fast moving, big city newsroom. Now, he was wandering the Southwest in the Beast, an aging RV that was his only home in the world. No job, no prospects, no love. Then in the fading moments of a brilliant sunset in the Mesa country of Arizona, he hears cries for help, and stumbles across a half-dressed woman standing over a partially buried body among the red rocks. And everything changes. When Jake talks to the local newspaper, he learns the dead person was the paper's editor. The publisher, desperate to save the floundering paper, asks Jake to fill in. At first reluctant to return to the occupation that rejected him, he accepts the offer -- and rediscovers his passion for being back in the news game. Then the publisher disappears down a dark, deep hole. Using his skills as a reporter and spurred on by an unexpected romance, Jake follows the clues... but as he gets closer to the killer, the killer may be getting closer to him... and his new sweetie. If you like lovable but oddball characters in a colorful setting, red herrings, an intriguing plot, fast-paced writing, then you'll love this laugh-out-loud Jake Stewart mystery.

Genre: Humor & Satire [x]
Length: 278 Pages (1,412 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

A Case of Karma: A Second-Chance, RomCom, Thriller (Brennan Brothers Book 1) by Stella Marie Alden 4.7 Stars (98 Reviews)    Price verified 12 hours ago

She wants to wreck me. I'm a former NYPD cop turned bar-owner. She's a karma-holic TSA air marshal. In high school, we were in love, until I blew it. Now, ten years later, we meet up at our high-school reunion. I can't say I blame her for plotting my emotional demise because back then, I was a complete jerk. In fact, if she wants to jump in the sack, and after, shoot me the middle finger, I'm all in. That's why I invited her to a bury-the-hatchet date. Except for the explosion, the brick knocking me senseless, and the crooks next door, our date went spectacular. From there, things go downhill and we either work together or die. Oh yeah, did I mention? We also find time to tear up the sheets. Amnesia, claustrophobia, treasure maps, and counterfeiters all jump in the pool of this page-turning mystery. Warning: Heated scenes, lol moments, and a plot determined to keep you up all night.

Genre: Humor & Satire [x]
Length: 299 Pages (840 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024
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