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Welcome Home Billionaire: A Small Town Second Chance Romance by Bertie Stein 4.8 Stars (18 Reviews)    Price verified 2 hours ago

He's a NYC Billionaire. My best friend's brother. And the father of my daughter. Nick Pope, Sienna's older blue eyed, totally ripped, completely off limits brother. It's been years since he left town. I thought I'd never see him again. Losing Sienna drew us together for just one night. And then he was gone, for what I thought would be forever. But now he's back... more handsome and sexier than I remember. And he has a proposition... for me. There is definitely still an attraction between us, but telling him about his daughter now could ruin everything. Ava is my whole world and I don't want to risk losing her, or my second chance with Nick.

Genre: Literary Fiction [x]
Length: 66 Pages (1,532 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 23rd, 2024

Ninety Days Without You by Jennifer Woodward 4.5 Stars (38 Reviews)    Price verified 7 minutes ago

Is falling in love your ambition? It's certainly Kat's. The high of giving your life over to love is exceptional. Finding the Person to Complete You = Mission Accomplished. Kat, a heartbroken American playwright, meets Charlie and is instantly smitten with his delightful British accent, his insight and humor, and his frank honesty at being 15-years sober. Finally, here's a man with the outgoing, fun-loving soul of an alcoholic -- but he doesn't drink. A whirlwind transatlantic romance ensues. But what looks like love turns into the shock of Kat's life. Can she face the reality of his other illness? Can she come to terms with her own addiction to him? Woodward's dark, funny and heartbreaking tale blends romance and comedy with brutal self-discovery and compelling readability. Ninety Days Without You is about relationships, addiction, mental health, family, friends, love, sex -- and the essential journey towards knowing and loving yourself.

Genre: Literary Fiction [x]
Length: 368 Pages (1,870 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 20th, 2024

Pretty Little Flowers by Joyce Kay 3.5 Stars (9 Reviews)    Price verified 4 hours ago

What I wouldn't give for you. I would sacrifice everything. I would give my life. All you have to do is ask and I would stand upon the peak of a great mountain and fall to my certain death. In Victorian England, everything is done according to the rules of society, but when the Duke of Fetterfield dies, his daughter discovers a freedom that had been denied to her; the freedom to marry for love. And when Mr York comes back into her life, she believes her prayers have finally been answered. But her father's death also uncovers a shocking secret that could destroy them all. Pretty Little Flowers by Joyce Kay is about the choices we make, and how those choices force us to confront the truth of who we are.

Genre: Literary Fiction [x]
Length: 357 Pages (913 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 5th, 2024

Choke (Fresh Hell) by Charity Parkerson (Punk & Sissy Publications) 4.4 Stars (119 Reviews)    Price verified 2 hours ago

Rush just needs a job. He never expects to gain a whole new life and fall in love. After suffering a career-ending injury on the football field, Rush has no other choice but to start over. The bills are mounting, and his luck is getting worse by the day. When he interviews for a sportscaster position at a large sports channel in his area, he's on his last hope. Except the man in charge sees a different path for Rush, and it doesn't include Rush saying no. When Alaric overhears Rush getting propositioned in exchange for a leg up at his station, he can't let the harassment stand. One interview with Rush later, and Alaric sees something in the man he can't shake. With every encounter afterward, Rush climbs a little deeper beneath his skin. But taking Rush on a holiday getaway is the final nail in the coffin, leaving Alaric unable to keep lying to himself. Rush is the one. Now, he just needs Rush to fall in line. Choke is the prequel to Charity Parkerson's Fresh Hell series, where it's something different every day in the battlefield known as life. These are a combination of sports, bi-awakening, and several other sub genres with interconnecting characters.

Genre: Literary Fiction [x]
Length: 94 Pages (2,097 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Apr 24th, 2024

Dead Girl Found (DCI Grace Swan Thrillers Book 1) by Giles Ekins (Next Chapter) 3.4 Stars (7 Reviews)    Price verified 3 minutes ago

When 19-year-old Julia Jarrett accuses her father Donald of abuse, their relatives and friends are outraged. The problem is, Julia died some months ago from a heroin overdose. Her mother Janet is convinced that the accusing voice, heard during a spiritualist meeting, is that of her daughter. When Donald and Janet are both found dead, DCI Grace Swan is called in to investigate. But she has problems of her own; still grieving the sudden death of her partner and at odds with her superiors. Dead Girl Found is a gripping murder mystery, told from alternating viewpoints. But which side holds the truth? This book contains graphic sex and violence, and is not suitable for readers under the age of 18.

Genre: Literary Fiction [x]
Length: 530 Pages (3,703 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Apr 1st, 2024

Ghost_Layer by Nathan Lee Green (NLG) Price verified 2 hours ago

In the near future, the internet exists as an interactive online world called the Ghost_Layer. Caedmon is an up and coming data deliverer, finally catching some breaks in his quest to build a new reputation and career. He finds himself working for an exclusive group of digital elites responsible for building parts of the Layer he loves, who are hounded by online law enforcement agencies because of their shady methods. Those same agencies also have dirt on Caedmon. Tangled up in both sides' schemes, and trying to keep his parents from getting too suspicious or worried, Caedmon confronts hard choices that could earn him a place in digital history -- or in a very real prison cell -- as he attempts to keep all sides happy while completing his first big job making a delivery along the Layer's most infamous event, the Formula Hit-And-Run. If he gets this first job right, who knows what will happen next?

Genre: Literary Fiction [x]
Length: 103 Pages (1,993 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Mar 28th, 2024

Prophet (American Grace) by David Xavier (Bucklebury Books) 3.2 Stars (5 Reviews)    Price verified 4 hours ago

Readers want a real story about authentic people and true to life, a story that stays with them long after the final page. Prophet A groundskeeper who only has ears for truth, no matter how difficult it is to bear at times, is given the final revelation amidst the troubled backdrop of his community. Everyone wants truth, but few ever see it. Truth is trampled by many, found by few. Truth sets you free.

Genre: Literary Fiction [x]
Length: 173 Pages (259 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Feb 25th, 2024

Missing Bessie (The Bessie Series Book 1) by Jody Overend (Next Chapter) 5.0 Stars (2 Reviews)    Price verified 13 hours ago

It's the summer of 1972 and Bessie has just turned fifteen in Ravenspond, Canada. She is young, curious and restless. Having just broken up with her boyfriend Jason, she decides to hitchhike to Vancouver with her best pal, Ash, and catch her hero Chris Lisacker in concert. But instead of ending up on the West Coast, Bessie and Ash find themselves in Heaven, with no idea how they got there. With the help of the Hawaiian-shirted Angel, Mel, Bessie gradually recovers her memories. But when her fate is about to be revealed, does she really want to know the truth?

Genre: Literary Fiction [x]
Length: 426 Pages (4,470 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Oct 23rd, 2023

Me + You by H. Pearce (H. Pearce) 3.9 Stars (70 Reviews)    Price verified one hour ago

How far do the bonds of loyalty go? For Aaron, this is a question he has struggled with for years, and one that almost ruined his life. After two years of non-contact, a letter shows up in the mail inviting Aaron to his ex-wife's wedding. Nina, the woman who is responsible for all his pain suddenly reappears and once again, he finds himself at her mercy. In theory, the answer is simple but as both Nina and Aaron struggle with the choices they must make, a stark realization forms. Time isn't the cure many believe it is.

Genre: Literary Fiction [x]
Length: 146 Pages (2,507 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 14th, 2023

Superchería (Spanish Edition) by Leopoldo Alas "Clarín" 3.1 Stars (8 Reviews)    Price verified 4 hours ago

Este libro ha sido convertido a formato digital por una comunidad de voluntarios. Puedes encontrarlo gratis en Internet. Comprar la edición Kindle incluye la entrega inalámbrica.

Genre: Literary Fiction [x]
Length: 39 Pages (202 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Apr 14th, 2023

Il Segreto di Peach (Italian Edition) by Gioia Colli 3.5 Stars (40 Reviews)    Price verified 7 minutes ago

Principessa di Fungopoli, adorata da tutti i suoi sudditi, amata da Mario, desiderata dal perfido Bowser, rapita e sempre salvata, la vita di Peach sembra perfetta, un eterno presente fatto di peripezie che tuttavia non conoscono altro che un lieto fine. è la legge della fantasia, dei cartoni animati e dei videogiochi: il tempo scorre su sé stesso, un moto circolare, una rotta senza meta. Ma cosa succederebbe se qualcuno provasse a forzarla, a dare al "Cuore della storia" un finale diverso? Che ne sarebbe allora di Peach, di Mario, di Bowser e di tutti i Toad? E dei giocatori? Una trama liberamente ispirata a una delle trame videoludiche più conosciute e amate da almeno tre generazioni di ragazzi, una prosa brillante, Il segreto di Peach vi condurrà, un colpo di scena dietro l'altro, all'inestricabile bivio tra verità e illusione, artificio e creazione, per scoprire un segreto di inestimabile valore, quello che dà un senso alla vita umana o immaginaria che sia.

Genre: Literary Fiction [x]
Length: 71 Pages (673 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Mar 24th, 2023

The Auschwitz Protocol (The Sikora Files Book 1) by Jack Carnegie 4.6 Stars (198 Reviews)    Price verified 4 hours ago

Retired US Detective Emil Janowitz lied to his wife for nearly forty years. Having lost his entire family whilst an inmate of Auschwitz-Birkenau it was simply easier on his soul to invent a past than face up to the demons buried deep inside. Life was good, but then the mail arrived bringing a letter which would result in a voyage of discovery, denunciation and confrontation with the past. Life is a journey, history should not be forgotten, the evil still exists.

Genre: Literary Fiction [x]
Length: 377 Pages (1,026 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jan 20th, 2023

La tua misura esteriore (Italian Edition) by Giuseppe Lastaria (Ipotesi) 3.8 Stars (1,825 Review)    Price verified 27 minutes ago

"La tua misura esteriore funziona ad orologeria!" Andrea G. Pinketts "Il potere ha sempre un prezzo, anzi, se proprio vogliamo dirla tutta, maggiore è il potere più alto è il prezzo che ci toccherà pagare." Luciano De Crescenzo COSA SI NASCONDE DIETRO UN SILENZIO DURATO VENTI LUNGHISSIMI ANNI? Pietro Patrizi è un imprenditore di successo, che negli anni ha saputo costruire un vasto impero finanziario unitamente ad una solida vita affettiva. Eppure, proprio quando la sua parabola esistenziale sembra toccare il vertice più alto, una serie di vicende apparentemente di poca importanza - la lettura di un libro, un lapsus, l'incontro con una vecchia amica - incatenano la sua mente ad un inconfessabile ricordo, destinato a cambiare per sempre il suo destino. E, forse, quello di un intero Paese. Spetterà al commissario Serravalle il compito di provare a far luce su un'indagine decisamente fuori dagli schemi. "I ricordi sono cappotti troppo abbottonati, che non restituiscono quasi nulla delle antiche sensazioni. Le alterano, troppo spesso le ingigantiscono, riscrivendo i dettagli emotivi delle nostre esperienze". L'autore: Giuseppe Lastaria è nato a Roma nel 1976. Dopo aver collaborato con numerose riviste italiane, pubblicando oltre trecento articoli su temi di attualità, musica e spettacolo, dal 2002 lavora in ambito editoriale. L'ultima casa editrice da lui fondata porta il suo cognome, la Lastaria Edizioni, ed è specializzata nella pubblicazione di best seller internazionali.

Genre: Literary Fiction [x]
Length: 149 Pages (701 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jan 4th, 2023

Indecent by Lucia Jordan 1.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 3 hours ago

Here is the first book in the 'Indecent' Series, a seriously hot and provocative romance by Lucia Jordan, written in her signature style of high passion and emotion. Audrey Grant is a busy, successful doctor, but she's missing something vital in her private life. She dates and attempts to have an adventurous romantic life, but continually finds herself bored to tears and 'faking it'. Taking the advice of her friends, she makes an appointment with a psychiatrist -- dangerously enticing Dr. Evans. From the first instant, she has a connection with him unlike any she's ever experienced before. Will she be just a patient or discover the secrets of the good doctor's special brand of 'therapy'. This ebook contains very hot and explicit descriptions of romantic activity. Only mature readers should download this book.

Genre: Literary Fiction [x]
Length: 55 Pages (630 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Dec 16th, 2022

Weapons of Remorse by Chevron Ross 4.5 Stars (48 Reviews)    Price verified 13 hours ago

WINNER OF TWO INDEPENDENT PUBLISHING AWARDS! Hank Phillips makes his living defending the right to bear arms. Privately, he doesn't want to touch a gun ever again. Hank is an ex-Marine whose heroism in war earned him the Medal of Honor and a high-profile job with America's most powerful gun rights organization. He has millions of admirers and a bright future. But what Hank values most is his relationship with God. He believes his war record has poisoned it, and he prays that God will let him atone. One night, a gunfire incident brings disaster upon Hank and a police officer. It also leads to a kidnapping and reignites the controversy over gun owners' rights. Weapons of Remorse looks behind the headlines to explore the personal consequences of America's gun violence dilemma.

Genre: Literary Fiction [x]
Length: 296 Pages (472 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jul 30th, 2022

Cuervo (Spanish Edition) by Leopoldo Alas "Clarín" 4.0 Stars (47 Reviews)    Price verified 4 hours ago

Este libro ha sido convertido a formato digital por una comunidad de voluntarios. Puedes encontrarlo gratis en Internet. Comprar la edición Kindle incluye la entrega inalámbrica.

Genre: Literary Fiction [x]
Length: 47 Pages (170 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 16th, 2022

Cuesta abajo (Spanish Edition) by Leopoldo Alas "Clarín" 3.6 Stars (20 Reviews)    Price verified 4 hours ago

Este libro ha sido convertido a formato digital por una comunidad de voluntarios. Puedes encontrarlo gratis en Internet. Comprar la edición Kindle incluye la entrega inalámbrica.

Genre: Literary Fiction [x]
Length: 39 Pages (205 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 16th, 2022

Doña Berta (Edición de la Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes) (Spanish Edition) by Leopoldo Alas «Clarín» 3.6 Stars (17 Reviews)    Price verified 3 hours ago

Este libro ha sido convertido a formato digital por una comunidad de voluntarios. Puedes encontrarlo gratis en Internet. Comprar la edición Kindle incluye la entrega inalámbrica.

Genre: Literary Fiction [x]
Length: 54 Pages (257 KB)
Lending: Enabled
Added: Jun 16th, 2022

Griot: A Chapbook by the Nia Centre for the Arts, Black Pen Writing Workshop by Yvvana Yeboah Duku (Knopf Canada) 4.5 Stars (2 Reviews)    Price verified 4 hours ago

Nia Centre for the Arts is a Toronto-based charity that supports, promotes, and showcases art from across the Afro-Diaspora. We build the creative capacity of our community and support the development of a healthy identity in young people through artistic development, mentorship and employment opportunities. We are a platform for the arts that is rooted in the diversity of Black-Canadian experiences. In 2021, we hand-selected six emerging writers to participate in the Black Pen writing intensive program. The writers in this program challenged themselves, honed into their craft, stepped into their greatness and dedicated themselves to their collective manuscript -- GRIOT: Sojourn into the Dark. Follow the writers through a deep and authentic exploration of their literary voices as we 'Sojourn into the Dark'; a collection of fiction and nonfiction that crosses borders, from Nigeria to Jamaica, explores themes of loss and connection, and embraces tradition while pushing the art of storytelling forward.

Genre: Literary Fiction [x]
Size: 3,541 KB
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Mar 31st, 2022

A Heart Beating Hard (21St Century Prose) by Lauren Foss Goodman (University of Michigan Press) Price verified 10 hours ago

A Heart Beating Hard is about looking long and deep into the invisible life of a person we too often pass by. It is the story of Marjorie, who works in the Store and does her best to go on with the days; of Margie, growing up in Apartment #2 with the sounds of Ma and Gram and Him all around; and of Marge, who should never have been, who should have been helped. In A Heart Beating Hard, we see how Marjorie manages to go on with the days, how even in the bright lights and grabbing hands of the outside world, inside, Marjorie knows how to take care of her self and her secrets. It is a story about the passed-along People, about how we are the same and how we are different, about how we become who we are and how we protect our most private places from the cold glare of all that we cannot control.

Genre: Literary Fiction [x]
Length: 248 Pages (503 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Mar 10th, 2022

The Seamstress of New Orleans: Sneak Peek by Diane C. McPhail (A John Scognamiglio Book) 3.8 Stars (46 Reviews)    Price verified 2 hours ago

Be one of the first to read this sneak preview sample edition of Diane McPhail's mesmerizing new historical novel set against the backdrop of the first all-female Mardi Gras krewe in turn-of-the-century New Orleans, revealing the tale of two strangers separated by background but bound by an unexpected secret -- and of the strength and courage women draw from and inspire in each other. The year 1900 ushers in a new century and the promise of social change, and women rise together toward equality. Yet rules and restrictions remain, especially for women like Alice Butterworth, whose husband has abruptly disappeared. Desperate to make a living for herself and the child she carries, Alice leaves the bitter cold of Chicago far behind, offering sewing lessons at a New Orleans orphanage. Constance Halstead, a young widow reeling with shock under the threat of her late husband's gambling debts, has thrown herself into charitable work. Meeting Alice at the orphanage, she offers lodging in exchange for Alice's help creating a gown for the Leap Year ball of Les Mysterieuses, the first all?female krewe of Mardi Gras. During Leap Years, women have the rare opportunity to take control in their interactions with men, and upend social convention. Piece by piece, the breathtaking gown takes shape, becoming a symbol of strength for both women, reflecting their progress toward greater independence. But Constance carries a burden that makes it impossible to feel truly free. Her husband, Benton, whose death remains a dangerous mystery, was deep in debt to the Black Hand, the vicious gangsters who controled New Orleans' notorious Storyville district. Benton's death has not satisfied them. And as the Mardi Gras festivities reach their fruition, a secret emerges that will cement the bond between Alice and Constance even as it threatens the lives they're building...

Genre: Literary Fiction [x]
Length: 53 Pages (1,420 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Feb 28th, 2022

Island Fruit Remedy by Rich Shapero (TooFar Media) 3.7 Stars (5 Reviews)    Price verified 4 hours ago

Escape with a spurned romance writer and fantasist into an outrageous tropical burlesque, where a cast of metaphorical fruits dares you to surrender to an allegory with deeper resonances. The reward is an unexpectedly sober discovery about the creative act of finding and keeping love. Surrender to an outrageous tropical burlesque about the creative act of finding and keeping love. "Original and thought-provoking. It will leave you in awe." -- Elizabeth Sagan @elizabeth_sagan

Genre: Literary Fiction [x]
Length: 223 Pages (23,174 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Feb 14th, 2022

The Nurse's Secret: Sneak Peek by Amanda Skenandore (Kensington Books) 3.9 Stars (90 Reviews)    Price verified 7 minutes ago

Be one of the first to read this sneak preview sample edition of acclaimed author Amanda Skenandore's new historical novel, a fascinating story of one woman's search for identity and independence, set in 1880s New York and based on the little-known story of America's first nursing school. In the slums of 1880s New York, Una Kelly has grown up to be a rough-and-tumble grifter, able to filch a pocketbook in five seconds flat. But when another con-woman pins her for a murder she didn't commit, Una is forced to flee. Running from the police, Una lies her way into an unlikely refuge: the nursing school at Bellevue Hospital. Based on Florence Nightingale's nursing principles, Bellevue is the first school of its kind in the country. Where once nurses were assumed to be ignorant and unskilled, Bellevue prizes discipline, intellect, and moral character, and only young women of good breeding need apply. At first, Una balks at her prim classmates and the doctors' endless commands. Yet life on the streets has prepared her for the horrors of injury and disease found on the wards, and she slowly gains friendship and self-respect. Just as she finds her footing, Una's suspicions about a patient's death put her at risk of exposure, and will force her to choose between her instinct for self-preservation, and exposing her identity in order to save others. Amanda Skenandore brings her medical expertise to a page-turning story that explores the evolution of modern nursing -- including the grisly realities of nineteenth-century medicine -- as seen through the eyes of an intriguing and dynamic heroine. PRAISE FOR AMANDA SKENANDORE'S THE SECOND LIFE OF MIRIELLE WEST "In this superior historical, the author's diligent research, as well as her empathetic depiction of those subjected to forced medical isolation, make this a winner." -- Publishers Weekly

Genre: Literary Fiction [x]
Length: 55 Pages (1,891 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Feb 12th, 2022

Sparrow Songbird by J. Edwards Holt 4.2 Stars (4 Reviews)    Price verified 13 hours ago

In this short story by J. Edwards Holt, a young girl named Adeline struggles to take care of her mother after the untimely loss of her father. One day while roaming through the woods, Adeline meets a mysterious new friend - a sparrow that follows her and sings a cheerful tune to brighten her mood.

Genre: Literary Fiction [x]
Length: 12 Pages (504 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jan 20th, 2022

Dissolve by Rich Shapero (TooFar Media) 2.6 Stars (10 Reviews)    Price verified one hour ago

Indulge the obsession of a dying man whose stubborn quest for an ecstatic send-off tests the liberating potentials of belief. Dare to believe in a rapturous transition between life and death that holds the potential to set us free. "Original ideas, strong prose, timelessness and universality... Dissolve offers a unique imagining of what might happen to the human soul after it's left the body." -- Kirkus Reviews

Genre: Literary Fiction [x]
Length: 141 Pages (21,073 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Dec 20th, 2021

BURNED: A Cowboys of Cade Ranch Novel (The Cade Ranch Series Book 1) by Greta Rose West (Punk Rose Press) 4.5 Stars (2,748 Reviews)    Price verified 57 minutes ago

From Internationally Bestselling Small-town Western Romance author, Greta Rose West... Jack Cade already has enough on his shoulders with his four brothers, his struggling Wyoming horse ranch, and his adopted mama going through chemo again. He doesn't have time for a woman, and he doesn't trust them. But when Everlea Donovan falls into his life -- literally -- he can't stop fantasizing about her. Wanting her. But Everlea's hiding something, always looking over her shoulder, ready to run at any moment. She can't risk putting Jack and his family in danger, but she's never wanted anything -- anyone -- the way she wants him. When she starts feeling at home at Cade Ranch with its wide open meadows and breathtaking mountain views, she begins to let down her guard -- to both her heart and her safety -- and that's just asking for trouble... The first book in the Cade Ranch series, BURNED, is a steamy romance about learning to trust and letting love guide you home... Trigger Warning: This book contains subjects of a mature nature and language. Issues of parental loss, abduction, and burn victims may be triggered. But there is a guaranteed Happily Ever After and lots of good ol' down home sexy fun. The Cade Ranch Series in order: Burned Broken Busted Braved Blinded (pre-order now)

Genre: Literary Fiction [x]
Length: 340 Pages (2,483 KB)
Lending: Enabled
Added: Nov 8th, 2021

In Arthur's Nature: The Novel of a Philosopher Pushed to the Edge and the Woman He Pushed over It by J. T. Frederick (Theorism Press) 3.6 Stars (101 Reviews)    Price verified 7 minutes ago

In 1831, philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer pushed his neighbour down the stairs of their Frankfurt residence. Inspired by this true event and his actual writings, the novel reimagines the life of the fractured thinker as it blurs the boundaries between Arthur's theoretical beliefs and his physical existence. Caroline Marquet, a talented painter, has endured her own dark past, but her future is about to become even darker at the hands of the man across the hall. For although Arthur lectures on kindness, he views the world through a prism of metaphysical Nature where all human desires are the work of a malevolent will. Unleashed from its theoretical constraints, the will burdens the philosopher with an aggressive pessimism, festering an obsessively vengeful relationship with Caroline which results in a missing student, criminal charges, and shattered lives. Arthur's thesis on will, natural law, and morality, which develops through the novel, ultimately determines its outcome. Can the philosopher escape the fate he has written for himself, or must he, and indeed humankind, forever suffer In Arthur's Nature?

Genre: Literary Fiction [x]
Length: 359 Pages (799 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Aug 1st, 2021

Lipstick and Lies and Deadly Goodbyes (The Vampire Housewife Series Book 1) by Jodi Vaughn 4.2 Stars (353 Reviews)    Price verified 43 minutes ago

Ever been almost-beheaded by a snow-plow? Turned into an undead by a homeless vampire? Cheated and betrayed by your lying sack of s**t husband? Welcome to my life... or, more correctly, my crazy after-life.To everyone behind the gates of our wealthy community in Charming, Mississippi, my husband and I were the Joneses everyone tried to keep up with. A beautiful house, the perfect gated community, two gorgeous kids, and a supposedly flawless marriage.Until I came home and caught him rolling around in our bed, hip-deep in my best friend.Which led to the aforementioned snow plow incident. I woke up with a fear of the sun and a propensity for drinking blood. Or in laymen's terms, a vampire.I thought vampires were supposed to be hot and irresistible. But my Maker smells like he just stepped out of a sewer and he has the appeal of a turd in a punch bowl.But you know how life is as one of the Joneses... gotta keep up. Keep up appearances, that is.I've swapped my Triple, Venti, Sugar-Free, Non-Fat Caramel Macchiato for a stainless steel rambler that keeps my O-Negative at the perfect room temperature. I can still manage the carpool lane, with the right sunglasses to hide my crazy eyes. But between daytime soccer games, a missing college student who might have been a vampire kill, trying not to drain my soon-to-be-ex-husband, and keeping my neighbors in the dark, I'm shaking in my Jimmy Choos. I'm not sure I can do this.My name is Rachel Jones, and I'm the vampire housewife

Genre: Literary Fiction [x]
Length: 255 Pages (1,405 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 28th, 2021

Settlers of Unassigned Lands (21St Century Prose) by Charles McLeod (University of Michigan Press) 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 2 hours ago

In these seven stories spanning the Midwest to California, Charles McLeod brings us characters estranged from their homelands and locked in conflict with their past and present selves. In "How to Start Your Own Midwestern Ghost Town," an unnamed narrator hatches a plan to capitalize on rural decay. A porn star trying to transition to the mainstream does an interview with a German reporter in "The Subject of Our First Issue Is Art." In the title story, a closeted heroin dealer follows a ghostly girl into an Oakland graveyard. And in "Rancho Brava," the conductor of a focus group about corporate salsa keeps getting interrupted by visitors from the Old West. Alternating between the comic, the tragic, and the neurotic -- and often all three at once -- McLeod's second collection transports readers from the American mainstream to the dark edges of cities and the heartland's lost, forgotten towns, into the lives of people trying to decipher if they can escape their pasts, and at what cost.

Genre: Literary Fiction [x]
Length: 128 Pages (303 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 25th, 2021

Daisy Fields by Maki Matsui 4.0 Stars (62 Reviews)    Price verified 7 minutes ago

? A contemporary romance novella that will slide like ice cream down your throat ? A gentle soul searching for sincerity in an insincere world. A tale-spinner living in a maze of lies. A story that unfolds when two hearts meet. What is sincerity, what is freedom, what is true love? DAISY FIELDS is a perfect long-weekend read, or a romantic gift for your gentle -- or crazy -- sweetheart. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? She's twenty-two or thirty-nine. She's from Texas or from Alaska. Her mother left her when she was little... or was she abducted? She's stalked by a loan shark, but she's never taken a loan. And him? A soft-spoken, SLR-wielding hero, passionate and sincere -- yielding, even... except in love. When David decides to take the wacky, quirky Kalifornia Mooney as his housemate, he doesn't expect his world to be turned upside down. As their mutual affection grows, so does the inexplicable chasm between the two friends. Kalifornia keeps her life shrouded in mystery, and no matter how much time they spend together, he doesn't seem to know the first thing about her. Who is she? What is she so afraid of? Is she a refugee, as she claims to be, and if so, what is she running from? For the true romantic in you. Download this free novella and fall in love with love! Includes a link to a holiday-themed bonus story... because who doesn't love a dessert course?

Genre: Literary Fiction [x]
Length: 103 Pages (2,670 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 2nd, 2021

Death in Venice by Thomas Mann (Scribner) 3.9 Stars (307 Reviews)    Price verified 36 minutes ago

A famous author in his early fifties travels to Venice alone and succumbs to a deep obsession with an exquisitely beautiful adolescent boy in Thomas Mann's iconic novella. Featuring an exclusive introduction from Colm Tóibín and an excerpt from his most recent novel The Magician.

Genre: Literary Fiction [x]
Size: 4,851 KB
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 15th, 2021

Beholden to You: A Billionaire Romance (Be Series) by Molly Sloan (Redhawk Press) 4.1 Stars (54 Reviews)    Price verified one hour ago

I wasn't expecting someone like him.Blue-gray eyes and his gentle smile caught me off guard.He didn't look like he had billions of dollars to invest.And yet he did.I'm all business so I decided to keep my feelings buried. I refuse to be beholden to anyone. Until he kissed me, and everything changed.Between my pride and desire, my emotions are at war.I can take the leap toward love.But what if he doesn't catch me - ease my fears.Can I trust him? More importantly, can I trust myself?This is this a standalone HEA novella. First book in the Billionaire's Second Chance series.

Genre: Literary Fiction [x]
Length: 106 Pages (3,201 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Apr 1st, 2021

Une nouvelle amie (French Edition) by Ruth Rendell (Editions des Deux Terres) 3.0 Stars (1,921 Review)    Price verified 10 hours ago

La nouvelle qui a inspiré le film Une nouvelle amie de François Ozon avec Romain Duris, Anaïs Demoustier et Raphaël Personnaz ! Prix Edgar de la meilleure nouvelle de L'Association des Mystery Writers of America ! Le livre : Christine a pour habitude de voir Angie, sa meilleure copine, tous les jeudis après-midi. Mais lorsqu'Angie doit partir dans le nord de l'Angleterre pour s'occuper de sa mère, Christine fait une nouvelle connaissance. Cette nouvelle amie va lui redonner le goût de la vie et de l'aventure. Mais elle lui réserve aussi bien des surprises... L'auteur : Ruth Rendell a reçu de nombreuses récompenses dont quatre Golden Dagger de l'Association britannique des auteurs de romans policiers et un Diamond Dagger pour sa contribution exceptionnelle à ce genre littéraire. L'association des Mystery Writers of America lui a attribué à trois reprises l'Edgar Award ainsi que l'Ultimate Master Award pour l'ensemble de son ?uvre. Pionnière dans le genre du roman psychologique à suspense, Ruth Rendell est largement reconnue pour sa subtile analyse de la société anglaise contemporaine. Elle est l'auteur de plus de soixante-dix ouvrages, traduits dans vingt-cinq langues à travers le monde. Plusieurs de ses ?uvres ont été portées à l'écran. En 1996, Ruth Rendell a reçu le titre de commandeur de l'Empire britannique (CBE), et celui de pair à vie en 1997. Elle vit à Londres, où elle consacre ses matinées à l'écriture, et assiste tous les après-midi aux séances de la Chambre des lords. Elle est particulièrement engagée dans la lutte contre l'illettrisme et défend activement les droits des femmes et des enfants.

Genre: Literary Fiction [x]
Length: 18 Pages (971 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jan 27th, 2021

Douze sales gueules (Littérature) (French Edition) by Guillaume Sire (Calmann-Lévy) 3.0 Stars (2 Reviews)    Price verified one hour ago

"En fait, j'aimerais être confiné avec le monde entier. C'est pourquoi je tenais à offrir ces douze portraits à ceux qui, comme moi, auraient besoin ces temps-ci de croiser un sale type et de le prendre dans leurs bras."

Genre: Literary Fiction [x]
Length: 28 Pages (155 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jan 25th, 2021

La Mort est une garce (Littérature) (French Edition) by Baptiste Beaulieu (Le Livre de Poche) 3.7 Stars (917 Reviews)    Price verified 32 minutes ago

Un vieux médecin se souvient de sa première dissection, de son grand amour et de son goût immodéré pour la charcuterie espagnole. Une tranche de vie touchante, drôle et décalée. Par Baptiste Beaulieu, auteur du blog "Alors voilà" (5 millions de visiteurs) Cette nouvelle inédite de Baptiste Beaulieu, médecin généraliste de 29 ans, vous est offerte à l'occasion de la parution de son nouveau roman, Alors vous ne serez plus jamais triste chez Fayard et de la sortie au LIvre de Poche d'Alors voilà, les 1001 vies des Urgences (Fayard, 2013), un très beau succès de librairie, déjà traduit en douze langues.

Genre: Literary Fiction [x]
Length: 15 Pages (441 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jan 23rd, 2021

Grasset-Automne romanesque 2014 (Littérature Française) (French Edition) by Editions Bernard Grasset (Grasset) Price verified 13 minutes ago

L'Automne Romanesque présente les ouvrages publiés à la Rentrée Littéraire 2014 par les Editions Grasset.

Genre: Literary Fiction [x]
Length: 135 Pages (7,456 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jan 23rd, 2021

Le café du matin réserve bien des surprises (Editions des Deux Terres) (French Edition) by Alexander McCall Smith (Editions des Deux Terres) 2.9 Stars (345 Reviews)    Price verified 4 hours ago

Découvrez l'univers de l'enquêtrice philosophe Isabel Dalhousie, avec cette nouvelle inédite exclusivement disponible en ebook ! Le livre : L'été d'Isabel Dalhousie se déroule paisiblement à Édimbourg, entre son travail à la Revue d'éthique appliquée et le temps consacré à son mari Jamie et leur petit Charlie. Mais une innocente rencontre au café avec une toute nouvelle connaissance, le philosophe George MacLeod, va venir troubler ce quotidien serein et mettre sa réputation en danger. Animée de son amour inépuisable pour la vérité, Isabel bouscule les apparences et découvre qu'un simple café réserve bien des surprises. L'auteur : Alexander McCall Smith est internationalement connu pour avoir créé le personnage de la première femme détective du Botswana, Mma Precious Ramotswe. Ressortissant britannique né au Zimbabwe, il a été professeur de droit appliqué à la médecine et membre du Comité international de bioéthique à l'Unesco avant de se consacrer à la littérature. Alexander McCall Smith a reçu de nombreux prix et a été nommé meilleur auteur de l'année par les British Book Awards en 2004. En 2007, il a reçu le titre de commandeur de l'Empire britannique (CBE) pour services rendus à la littérature. Quand il n'écrit pas, il fait partie de l'Orchestre épouvantable. Ses romans sont traduits dans quarante-cinq langues. Il vit aujourd'hui à Édimbourg, en Écosse.

Genre: Literary Fiction [x]
Length: 55 Pages (1,565 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jan 23rd, 2021

Extraits Rentrée littéraire Robert Laffont janvier 2016 (French Edition) by Olivier CHARNEUX (Robert Laffont) Price verified 9 hours ago

En avant-première, découvrez les premiers chapitres des titres de la rentrée littéraire de janvier 2016 des éditions Robert Laffont: - Sophie Fontanel, La Vocation - Phrères, Claire Barré - Sanguinaires, Denis Parent - Les Affreux, Jacques Sarthor - Les Guérir, Olivier Charneux - Terre déchue, Patrick Flanery

Genre: Literary Fiction [x]
Length: 147 Pages (4,614 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Nov 5th, 2020

Hybrids, Volume One: Trouble by Jennie Dorny 3.6 Stars (21 Reviews)    Price verified 36 minutes ago

She sought refuge on an ocean-covered planet. She didn't learn its codes until too late. Now she must leave to survive. Theo's dreams of exploring distant lands are cut short when her father betrays her. On the run, she flees to Eridan, where Washone, the spiritual leader, is expecting her. As she is about to reach this ocean-covered planet inhabited by telepaths, she is kidnapped by a bounty-hunter. Ashta, an Eridani Savalwoman, befriends Theo, rescues her, and they land together on Eridan. While Theo trains to become a Savalwoman - a warrior - bleak memories of past hurts relentlessly disrupt her attempts to trust herself and others. She is unaware of her own mental powers, so when she believes that she has been betrayed once again - this time by Ashta - she nearly destroys her friend's mind in a fit of wounded rage that blazes across the planet. To protect Theo from those who, like ambitious Keith of Rain Forest, would like to use her powerful mind for their benefit, Washone decides that she must leave Eridan. Can Theo convince Washone to let her stay? Or will she have to leave her new friends and go on the run again, with no place to go? To find out and meet many other vibrant characters, pick up Trouble, the first volume of HYBRIDS, and plunge into Eridan's ocean! Science-fiction codes and settings serve as background to HYBRIDS, a four-volume novel by Jennie Dorny, aimed at general readers as well as speculative fiction fans.

Genre: Literary Fiction [x]
Length: 498 Pages (4,891 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 2nd, 2020

La rentrée littéraire de 12-21, l'éditeur numérique (French Edition) by Naomi Benaron (12-21) Price verified one hour ago

12-21 vous offre les premiers chapitres de sa sélection de romans de la rentrée littéraire : -Courir sur la faille, Naomi Benaron -Dans la maison de l'autre, Rhidian Brook -Ceux de l'autre rive, Christopher Buehlman -LSD 67, Alexandre Mathis (en coédition avec les éditions Serge Safran) -Uniques, Dominique Paravel (en coédition avec les éditions Serge Safran) -Les disparus de Mapleton, Tom Perrotta Découvrez de nouvelles voix de la littérature française et étrangère.

Genre: Literary Fiction [x]
Length: 179 Pages (5,893 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Apr 21st, 2020

Finding Her Shifter (The Fledglings' Mentor Series Book 1) by C. L. Amos 4.0 Stars (116 Reviews)    Price verified one hour ago

When Sasha awakes to find thugs crashing into her bedroom to kill her, she is thrilled! That's because Sasha is a sexy, self-assured, smart-talking shifter. She's also the top hit-woman in a secret organization: the High Council of Shifters. Needless to say, all does not go as planned for her would-be killers. Sasha's powerful and mysterious boss makes her an offer she can't refuse. In a world where only rare shifters can take more than one form, two new fivelings - twins - are about to mature. They will become the most powerful shifters in the world, if Sasha doesn't get close to them and kill them. But Sasha is not the only shifter watching the twins. If you enjoy free-wheeling romance and a smart-talking sassy heroine who doesn't play by any rules, you'll love the first book in The Fledglings' Mentor Series: Finding Her Shifter. Sasha has only been out of the city for a few hours and already her body (and maybe her heart) are threatening to betray her mission. Can she, should she, resist the gorgeous Tom and Julia Blackberg. And what about the mysterious bear shifter in the woods? Buy The Fledglings' Mentor Series: Finding Her Shifter as part of the series or as a stand-alone read. Come for the sexy smart drama of this well-drawn shifter universe, and stay for the adventure and the love.

Genre: Literary Fiction [x]
Length: 78 Pages (2,448 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Apr 18th, 2020

Mercenary by David M. Gaughran 3.8 Stars (2,493 Reviews)    Price verified 3 hours ago

New Orleans, 1891: Lee Christmas gets drunk and falls asleep at the throttle of his locomotive, plowing straight into an oncoming train. Blacklisted from the railroad and his marriage in tatters, he flees New Orleans on a steamer bound for the tropics. In Honduras, he begins a quiet new life. But trouble has a way of finding Christmas. With unrest sweeping the countryside, he's kidnapped by bandits. Soon, he finds himself taking sides in an all-out civil war--as leader of the rebellion. MERCENARY is the thrilling story of the USA's most famous soldier of fortune: the hard-drinking drifter who changed the fate of a nation. Praise for MERCENARY: "Highly recommended to readers of adventure fiction and history, as well as anyone interested in American adventurism and meddling in Latin America."--Wall Street Journal and USA Today bestselling author Michael Wallace. "A barnstorming story lifted from the annals of history and brought back to life on the page."--Donald Barker, Reedsy Discovery. "Lee Christmas led a roaring life on and off the battlefield. Gaughran's great, fast-paced read keeps you right alongside all his exploits."--Richard Sutton, author of The Red Gate.

Genre: Literary Fiction [x]
Length: 384 Pages (475 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jan 18th, 2020

The Only Witness: A Short Story (Alfie Goes to Thailand Book 1) by James King 3.8 Stars (56 Reviews)    Price verified 4 hours ago

A quiet Sunday - A vicious assault - One man's resurrection is another's good luck. A prequel to the enthralling psychological thriller series Alfie Goes to Thailand, Book 1 is based on a violent true-life assault. Typical of many strange and unpalatable happenings in Thailand, THE ONLY WITNESS introduces Alfie Mynn andis a revealing insight into the central character of an absorbing series. A story of human challenge, manipulation, rejection, abuse, and a search for peace. When Alfie sets out on his morning cycle ride, the last thing he expects is to be the only witness to attempted murder. The perpetrator of the crime is the only person who knows Alfie has seen him at the scene. And Alfie is easy to find. Scared out of his wits, he keeps his head down and waits, as a weird sequence of events unfolds. If you like thought-provoking drama, romantic tragedies, and damaged characters, then you'll love the tropical sauna and wry humour of POST- IT NOTES and the gripping drama of the other books in the series. What Readers say: •... a great beginning to the series • What a great short story! I can't wait to read the others in the series. • This short teaser has me craving more adventures with Alfie...

Genre: Literary Fiction [x]
Length: 34 Pages (1,759 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Aug 26th, 2019

There Ariseth Light in the Darkness: A Novel of First Century Galilee by JV Love (One Day Press) 4.4 Stars (436 Reviews)    Price verified 13 hours ago

Three wandering souls. One miraculous teacher. A story of love and forgiveness... In ancient Palestine, three survivors struggle to find solace in a world of injustice and repression. Azara is studious, headstrong, and committed to her ideals. Jonah is pure and virtuous, but his heart has been darkened by the evils of man. And Vitus is a Roman soldier battling for order and progress when he is unexpectedly confronted with a different kind of war... Separated by miles of dangerous lands, and decades of turbulent history, these three wandering souls set off on a journey beyond their imagination. Their travels will test their faith and culminate in an encounter with a mysterious rabbi from Galilee -- a teacher who upends their lives with his revolutionary message of love and compassion... A man called Jesus of Nazareth. Author JV Love blends meticulous research with an absorbing, heartfelt story. There Ariseth Light in the Darkness is an epic biblical adventure that sweeps readers into the lives of its unforgettable protagonists. (Note: An updated version was released in July 2019 to correct mistaken references to two New Testament books: Hebrews and Ephesians.)

Genre: Literary Fiction [x]
Length: 327 Pages (3,804 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2019

The Neapolitan Quartet Reader by Europa Editions 4.3 Stars (16 Reviews)    Price verified 3 hours ago

Reading Groups have made Elena Ferrante's Neapolitan Quartet a long-selling bestseller. At Europa Editions we'd like to express by offering this extensive guide to the four installments of the Neapolitan series for book groups, reading groups, and book discussion leaders. With a summary of the series, discussion questions, a summary of international praise and much more, this publication should prove a helpful guide to any and all discussions about Ferrante's masterpiece.

Genre: Literary Fiction [x]
Length: 58 Pages (1,502 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Feb 9th, 2018

Eminently Respectable Capers by Tony Brennan (Vivid Publishing) 4.2 Stars (74 Reviews)    Price verified 37 minutes ago

He was a university boxing champ with a bruised and battered face. But could anything have prepared young Father Sammy for his appointment as Secretary/MC to an irascible and eccentric old Cardinal? At first, his new boss seems like a shining example of childlike and bumbling innocence. But Sammy soon discovers the Cardinal has a fiendish sense of humour. When His Eminence throws the young priest into a knockout adventure of hilarious and mortifying encounters, from midnight motorbike chases to an operatic appearance and a mistaken shooting, Sammy finds himself in the match of his life.

Genre: Literary Fiction [x]
Length: 100 Pages (856 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jan 26th, 2018

Rare (An Alpha Billionaire Romance) by Jade Sinclair 3.5 Stars (332 Reviews)    Price verified 13 hours ago

Arrogant, controlling, conceited, playboy! That's the only way Michelle could describe Thomas James, the billionaire bastard who she strongly revolted. Not only did he have the nerve to rudely cut her off in the parking lot and steal her parking spot but he intentionally outbid her for the Artemis Clock with an obscene amount of money which he knew she couldn't afford. He didn't even want the rare antique! Despite her hatred for him and his egotistical and conceited nature, she couldn't help notice his broad shoulders, his roguish looks and confident air as he tried to interest her in purchasing the clock, on his terms of course! Her passion to impress her boss, Mrs. Belkins with this rare and high quality antique compelled Michelle, to surrender to Tom's conditions. Is this a bid she can win or does he win something else? This book is free on Kindle Unlimited. Download this exciting alpha billionaire bad boy romance!! Download your copy today! Read on your PC, Mac, smart phone, tablet or Kindle device. Readers should be 18 and over due to mature situations and language. A New Alpha Male Billionaire Romance by Jade Sinclair!

Genre: Literary Fiction [x]
Length: 38 Pages (1,253 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Oct 17th, 2016

Just the Way You Are: Aaron & Jane (The Adlers Book 1) by Anita Louise (Candlelite Publishing, LLC) 4.1 Stars (245 Reviews)    Price verified 7 minutes ago

Newly published Edition - October 2018 **WARNING** This book is only for readers over the age of 18. It contains very steamy and explicit sex scenes. Fans of Bella Andre, Marie Force, Melissa Foster, & Jill Shalvis will also become fans of Anita Louise Why does Aaron Adler's ex-wife keep calling him? Their marriage is over, but Sharon seems to think she can win him back. Aaron has everything he's ever wanted. His work as a highly paid author and speaker is very rewarding, and he's perfectly satisfied with the short-term sexual liaisons he's become used to. But now his publisher wants Aaron to write about successful relationships in his next book. How can he do that when he's never had one? Everything begins to change when Jane Barloc enters his life. Have they met before? The immediate connection he feels is stronger than anything he's ever before experienced. When Jane Barloc's counseling client Connor needs a ride to his parents' house, she's happy to help him out. But, then Connor drags her into the house, and Jane is shocked to see the man who's been haunting her dreams for years. She had no idea Connor Adler was related to the famous author. Can the woman who's always seen herself as a "Plain Jane" win the heart of the handsome and über wealthy man she could never seem to forget? Will Aaron choose Jane over his super sexy ex-wife? If you enjoy this book, you'll also like these other books by Anita Louise Bad Case of Lovin' You ~ Brooke & Zack and A House is Not a Home ~ Michael & Analese Intended for mature audiences 18 years of age and older.

Genre: Literary Fiction [x]
Length: 362 Pages (3,650 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Feb 20th, 2016
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