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The Birth of M.E. Meegs (Emmie Reese Mysteries, Story #1) by Robert Bruce Stewart (Street Car Mysteries) 3.7 Stars (62 Reviews)    Price verified 9 hours ago

Set in Brooklyn at the turn of the 20th century, this short story follows Emmie Reese, an aspiring journalist with a peculiar outlook on life and a poor understanding of currency exchange rates. Our heroine becomes involved with a death in the English county of Lancashire when one of her stories is found in the dead man's pocket. Over several months -- while pursuing her career, visiting a literary sweat shop, and doing some unusual freelance work at the racetrack -- she solves the case through transatlantic correspondence with Scotland Yard. For more information on the series, please visit:

Genre: Literary Fiction [x]
Length: 42 Pages (4,343 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 25th, 2024

Five Days in September: The Invasion of England 1940 by P R Burrell (RoadRunner Publications) 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 10 hours ago

Five Days in September (Second Edition) September 1940, the Battle of Britain is over, the Luftwaffe has air superiority over England and the invasion of England has been set in motion. Jimmy Webb and his two lifelong friends, Penny Packard and Harry Hughes, who live in the southeast of England, in a clifftop village between Dover and Folkestone, are all involved in the defence of Britain, despite being only 17 years old. Jimmy is in the resistance, a member of an Auxiliary Patrol, Harry is a member of the Home Guard whilst Penny has been recruited as a local intelligence agent, a member of the Auxiliary Units Special Duties Branch tasked with reporting on enemy actions, troop movements and the morale of the populace. Karl Dressler, leader of an SS Assault Group of the 1st SS Panzer Division Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler, the crack unit of the Waffen-SS, has been tasked with securing and holding the area between Dover and Folkestone, an area that includes the invasion headquarters. The story of the invasion is told through the eyes of Jimmy, Penny and Karl. The nascent romance between Jimmy and Penny is interrupted by the invasion and the SS Officer also becomes involved with Penny. The invasion has violent and painful consequences for all, bringing the horror of war to English soil.

Genre: Literary Fiction [x]
Length: 220 Pages (3,531 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 25th, 2024

Found - The Andersen Saga: Claire wants peace and quiet and to be alone...then her brother shows up. A heartwarming story about family. (The ... by Jacie Middlemann 4.6 Stars (21 Reviews)    Price verified 3 hours ago

Patrick knew from the moment he climbed out of his car and heard the music blasting from the back of the cabin what he would find... his sister was painting. And considering her choice of music, there was every possibility that what filled her canvas wasn't meant to soothe the soul. Claire Andersen Slavik was exactly where she needed to be. The last couple of years had been good ones even if at times filled with difficult moments. She had moved in with her mother when it was obvious she was needed. And never had a single regret for doing so. There had been days filled with joy and others with heartbreak. Now her mother was gone and the world she'd known had once again shifted out of balance. Claire was determined to take this time like a stolen moment to come to grips with the change in her life that the loss of her mother had made. It didn't matter that her kids called almost every day. She understood. But she needed this time away. The quiet and the peace that this little heaven on earth allowed her... and at the same time forced her to face this new void in her life honestly. Little did she know that her peace and tranquility was about to be disrupted. Her solitude on the brink of collapse. Patrick Andersen had a lot to think about as he drove through the mountains of Arkansas. There was even more floating around in his mind that he wanted to say to his sister Claire now that he and his brother knew where she was. But just as important was everything he wanted to find out from her. He believed she had the answers to many if not most of the questions that had surfaced in the weeks since their mother's death. Not for the first time he wondered grimly if some of those answers were the reason why she'd taken off so suddenly as she had. Will the youngest of Livia Andersen's grown children find the tranquility she seeks in the mountains of Arkansas? Can she make her brother understand the reasons for the choices she's made and the secrets she'd kept? Will the ...

Genre: Literary Fiction [x]
Length: 52 Pages (2,566 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

The Secret of Aleworthy Acres by I. C. Talbot (Icy Road Publishing) 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 3 hours ago

Cara Novotny gets a letter from Amy Aleworthy, an elderly relation that takes her to the old family farm. But something isn't quite right, Amy isn't what she seems. As soon as Amy opens up, Cara realizes there's a dark secret at Aleworthy Acres. This short story is 5.5k words.

Genre: Literary Fiction [x]
Length: 29 Pages (1,414 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024
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