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The Calypso Effect by Samuel DenHartog (STUDIOS SINALOA) Price verified 5 hours ago

In a world blissfully unaware of the dark future that awaits, Marcus, an astute physicist and engineer, encounters a quantum anomaly that forever changes his perception. This bizarre event bestows upon him the unsettling ability to see possible futures, revealing glimpses of a dystopian world ruled by an oppressive regime. It is this very vision that compels Calypso, a rebel from that harrowing future, to seek him out, desperate for his help to prevent her world's bleak destiny. Thrust together by fate, Marcus and Calypso form an unlikely alliance, uniting their knowledge and resolve to alter the course of history. Their journey is fraught with challenges as they orchestrate a series of actions designed to undermine the future totalitarian regime. Each decision they make intertwines their destinies ever deeper, blurring the lines between right and wrong, past and future. "The Calypso Effect" is a gripping tale of courage and resilience, highlighting the profound impact of our choices. As Marcus and Calypso navigate the precarious path of altering what might be, they are reminded that the future is a tapestry of our own making. Join them in their quest not only to reshape tomorrow but to rediscover the hope that may save us all.

Genre: Political [x]
Length: 123 Pages (924 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 19th, 2024

Animal Farm by George Orwell (Gates Classics) 4.4 Stars (98 Reviews)    Price verified 4 hours ago

"Animal Farm" by George Orwell is a captivating allegory that takes you on a thought-provoking journey. Set on a farm, the animals rebel against their human oppressors, establishing their own society. Initially, it's a utopian vision of equality and justice, but power and corruption soon creep in. Orwell's storytelling brilliance shines as each animal represents a facet of society, and their revolution mirrors historical events. Witness the rise and fall of their animal-led government, the emergence of a ruthless elite, and the haunting parallels with the human world. This novella is a warning against totalitarianism, propaganda, and the corrupting influence of power. Orwell's vivid prose and sharp social commentary make "Animal Farm" an essential read for those interested in politics and society. It's a timeless tale of how ideals can be twisted, leaving you pondering the nature of power and the fragility of freedom.

Genre: Political [x]
Length: 97 Pages (728 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 18th, 2024

The Man Who Voted for Trump by Gilligan Malden 3.6 Stars (71 Reviews)    Price verified 4 hours ago

In this surreal re-imagining of Dante's The Divine Comedy, an unemployed factory worker votes for Donald Trump in the November 2016 election and inadvertently triggers his own personal apocalypse. Haunted by memories of his parents' murders, and a long lost love, Buck is fired in October 2014 after 12-years of steady employment at a tractor parts supply factory in Canon City, Colorado. A year later, while barely scraping by on unemployment, Buck becomes fascinated by the 'no bullshit swagger' of Donald J. Trump and throws all of his free time into campaigning for the brash Republican Nominee in 2016. Disappointed by the lack of decent job opportunities post-Trump's Election win, and feeling more lonely and isolated than ever, Buck decides, in a belated New Years resolution--to get healthier by joining the local gym and enrolling in a class on plant-based cooking. As his body and mind struggle to heal, circumstances nudge him into confronting long-held prejudices and fears--questioning Trump's erratic policies and their devastating effects on his immediate friends who have vanished without a trace, caught between opposite sides of one of the biggest drug busts in Colorado state history. By the time Buck realizes he is the contest winner of an extreme sports PR stunt promoting the first anniversary of Trump's inauguration, an excruciating moral dilemma forces him into a reckless decision--one that will alter his life forever. Often satirical, and sometimes horrific, "The Man Who Voted For Trump" takes the frazzled temperature of today's polarized era, and the 'agony and the ecstasy' of an America gone mad.

Genre: Political [x]
Length: 332 Pages (527 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 17th, 2024

The Green Zone (The Sons of Liberty Trilogy Book 2) by C.W. Hambleton 4.7 Stars (4 Reviews)    Price verified 6 hours ago

The Article V movement has been crushed and the Convention of States that it spawned has been dissolved. The organizers of the movement have been rounded up by Homeland Security or driven underground. Any chance for a peaceful redress of grievances from the federal government is over. As any hope for political reforms of the Washington leviathan fade, the Sons of Liberty take matters into their own hands and renew their Ultimatum. If the terms of the Ultimatum to rein in the tyranny are not enacted by ballot, then they will be by bullet. With an isolated, out-of-touch president coasting through his seventh year in office, the Sons of Liberty set out to make his last few years in office the worst in American history. But as the Sons of Liberty begin removing the tyrants from office, another group begins sweeping through the capital, and before long Washington falls under siege. Can Washington, D.C. survive as all-out war breaks out on her streets?

Genre: Political [x]
Length: 367 Pages (1,531 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 16th, 2024

The Fight Belonged to Her by Rasmenia Massoud 3.9 Stars (6 Reviews)    Price verified 5 hours ago

"It's best to do what your dad says without making any waves." Robin understood it was the men in her life who had the control. After a lifetime of feeling powerless and witnessing her mother's potential being crushed under the weight of compliance, Robin is ready to fight back, even if it means pushing against those closest to her.

Genre: Political [x]
Length: 20 Pages (1,589 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 9th, 2024
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