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Milking Your Goats What You Need To Know Guide (Goat Knowledge Book 10) by Felicity McCullough 3.3 Stars (11 Reviews)    Price verified 20 minutes ago

The "Milking Your Goats What You Need To Know Guide" helps you learn about milking goats and what to consider. Why Milk Goats? How much milk can goats produce? What are your goat's nutritional requirements when milking? Why record the quantities of milk you get from your goat? What do you need to milk goats? Why dry goats? What about Mastitis and milking goats? Keeping your milking goats healthy is vital for optimum production of goat's milk and what you need to know is covered in this guide.

Genre: Medical eBooks [x]
Length: 70 Pages (182 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 13th, 2024

Natural Weight Loss - PROVEN Strategies for Healthy Weight Loss & Accelerated Metabolism: (Weight Loss, Healthy Living, Boost Metabolism, Fitness ... by C.K. Murray 4.0 Stars (24 Reviews)    Price verified 5 hours ago

Natural Weight Loss - PROVEN Strategies for Healthy Weight Loss & Accelerated Metabolism Sometimes the hardest thing is not actually losing weight, but having the weight loss motivation to begin. Although healthy eating and clean eating are super beneficial, many of us are missing out. The problem is simple: there are too many diets, and too much conflicting information. Many diet fads may even promise quick & miraculous weight loss, but in the end... you're right back where you started! So get the facts. Learn how to get healthy for life, the natural way. Find a natural diet that works. Embrace fitness and exercise that lasts. It's time for PROVEN Strategies that Boost Metabolism and Increase Weight Loss Do you find that you are more tired than you should be? Are you searching for weight loss motivation that gets you going strong and feeling good? Are you looking to embrace a sustainable clean-eating, natural diet? One that will actually work, with no gimmicks or fads? To protect ourselves against numerous common ailments, clean eating is paramount. Clean eating is a type of healthy eating in which we consume fresh, minimally processed foods. We opt for a balance of natural foods, including leafy greens, rich fruits, lean meats, oily fish, dairy, grain and the like. The key is to reduce consumption of unhealthy, processed foods, and to focus on all food groups over any one food group. Natural weight loss depends on a commitment to healthy living. But it also depends on knowing how to apply the latest science, such as neurogenic visualization; a type of visualization that has been proven to boost metabolism one calorie at a time. If you're tired of feeling lethargic and unhealthy, tired of your reflection in the mirror -- natural weight loss is for you! There is no better, more easy, more delicious way to promote health and vitality than the natural way. So what are you waiting for? "Natural Weight Loss - PROVEN Strategies for Healthy Weight Loss & ...

Genre: Medical eBooks [x]
Length: 49 Pages (1,041 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 13th, 2024

Eat To Beat Disease Cookbook : Harnessing the Healing Power of Food for Optimal Health With 30-Day Meal Plan (HEALTHY LEAVING) by Monalisa Blake Price verified 9 hours ago

Discover the transformative power of food with "Eat to Beat Disease: The New Science of How Your Body Can Heal Itself" by Dr. William W. Li. This groundbreaking book reveals the latest scientific research on how everyday foods can activate the body's natural defense systems to combat and prevent a wide range of diseases. Drawing on decades of medical research and clinical studies, Dr. Li unveils the five key defense systems in the body -- angiogenesis, regeneration, microbiome, DNA protection, and immunity -- and explains how specific foods can enhance these systems. From the anti-inflammatory properties of berries to the cancer-fighting potential of cruciferous vegetables, "Eat to Beat Disease" provides a comprehensive guide to the foods that can improve your health and longevity. In this essential guide, you'll find: • Detailed Explanations: Understand the science behind how food interacts with your body's defense mechanisms. • Practical Advice: Learn how to incorporate health-promoting foods into your daily diet to prevent and manage conditions like heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and neurodegenerative disorders. • Easy-to-Follow Recipes: Enjoy delicious and nutritious meals with recipes designed to maximize the health benefits of the ingredients. • Meal Plans: Follow tailored meal plans that support optimal health and disease prevention. "Eat to Beat Disease" is more than just a diet book; it is a powerful manifesto for using food as medicine. Whether you are looking to improve your overall health, manage a chronic condition, or simply learn more about the incredible healing power of food, this book provides the tools and knowledge you need to take control of your health naturally and effectively.

Genre: Medical eBooks [x]
Size: 3,927 KB
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 13th, 2024

Dr. Sebi's Natural Healing Bible: Over 200 Recipes and Herbal Remedies to Naturally Treat Most Diseases (Fatty Liver, Mucus Cleanse, Hair Loss, ... by Samantha Day 4.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 11 hours ago

Finally Revealed: Over 200 Powerful Dr. Sebi Inspired Herbal Healing Remedies for Today's Wellness Warrior Have you ever been captivated by Dr. Sebi's revolutionary insights into natural remedies and holistic health practices? Do his teachings on harnessing the power of herbs to foster health and well-being resonate deeply with you? If you've found yourself nodding along to his seminars, eager to absorb more of his wisdom and integrate it into your life, then you're about to embark on an enlightening journey. In a world where conventional medicine often falls short, and reliance on pharmaceuticals is fraught with side effects, this comprehensive guide offers a wealth of powerful herbal healing remedies to tackle various ailments and pave the way for a healthier, more joyful life. Inside You'll Discover: • Profound Insights into Natural Healing: Journey through the foundational principles of herbal remedies and holistic wellness under the guidance of Dr. Sebi. • Over 200 Inspired Remedies: Immerse yourself in a broad collection of herbal remedies, natural recipes, and holistic health rituals, all inspired by Dr. Sebi's teachings, empowering you to regain control of your health. • Practical, Everyday Wellness Strategies: Discover how to effortlessly weave natural healing practices into your everyday life, ensuring a fulfilling and sustainable path to wellness. • Empowering Education on Holistic Health: Arm yourself with crucial knowledge to make educated health choices, comprehending the rationale and methods behind each remedy and wellness practice. • A Catalyst for Transformation: This book is more than just a compilation of treatments; it's an invitation to those ready to adopt a naturally healthy lifestyle, guided by one of holistic health's esteemed pioneers. Among the many health conditions, you will find powerful herbal recipes crafted for: • Antioxidant Boost & Defense: Unlock secrets to enhanced longevity and stronger immunity ...

Genre: Medical eBooks [x]
Length: 121 Pages (2,175 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 13th, 2024

URINE THERAPY NATURE'S HEALING WONDER.: Tuberculosis, Kidney stones, Appendicitis, Blisters, Arteriosclerosis, Asthma, Athlete’s foot, HBP & LBP, ... by Peter Bernard K. (PhD) 3.8 Stars (6 Reviews)    Price verified 10 hours ago

URINE THERAPY NATURE'S HEALING WONDER.. Tuberculosis, Kidney stones, Appendicitis, Blisters, Arteriosclerosis, Asthma, Athlete's foot, HBP & LBP, Eczema, Brain Hemorrhage, Diabetes, Constipation, Backache, Acne, Bladder Infection, Atrophy, Arthritis, Ageing, Cysts etc.. This book's content is so intriguing, and you will be so surprised to find out what you never expected about urine, which you never considered a healing wonder. Urine therapy is the practice of using one's own urine to treat sickness. It was once more of a spiritual practice than a healing method. It was considered a holy liquid (Shivambu). Here, you will get to know the various health conditions/illnesses that urine can help you get rid of, get to know the constituents of urine, its origin, dosage, basis of application, advantages and disadvantages of its application, and other healing benefits. Get a copy!

Genre: Medical eBooks [x]
Length: 106 Pages (414 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 13th, 2024

UNDERSTANDING THE PSOAS MUSCLE: Free yourself from ongoing discomfort and pain through the integration of your whole being's health and happiness by Elizabeth Breckenridge 3.7 Stars (7 Reviews)    Price verified 5 hours ago

Psoas syndrome is an uncommon, and often misdiagnosed, condition that can appear as refractory lower back pain (pain that stays even after treatment) accompanied by other symptoms. The condition occurs when the psoas muscle -- the long muscle (up to 16 inches) in your back -- is injured. The psoas muscle is located in the lower lumbar region of the spine and extends through the pelvis to the femur. This muscle works by flexing the hip joint and lifting the upper leg towards the body. A common example of the movement created from this muscle is walking. Psoas syndrome is a very rare condition. Other conditions -- disc herniation, arthritis, facet or sacroiliac pain -- are much more common. When those conditions are treated, often with physical therapy, the psoas muscle is also stretched and strengthened. This can help treat psoas syndrome without it ever being diagnosed. KINDLY SCROLL UP AND CLICK ON THE BUY NOW BUTTON TO GET A COPY OF THIS BOOK TODAY

Genre: Medical eBooks [x]
Length: 14 Pages (380 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 13th, 2024

Busting Anti-Vax Myths! Seriously EXPERT Arguments for the Covid-Deniers in Your Life: The Great Covid Satire by Prof. Oisín MacAmadáin 4.7 Stars (88 Reviews)    Price verified 11 hours ago

NB: This book is a SATIRE. Prof. Oisín MacAmadaín is an expert, one of the best, in fact. Founder, sole lecturer and provost of The Termonfeckin Institute of Expertise in Ireland's beautiful Co. Louth, he knew that if there was one thing governments needed for their response to Covid, it was his enormous brains. Consequently, he has devoted every waking moment of the Covid Era to advising all government cabinets everywhere on the supreme value of masks, lockdowns, mandates and being vaccinated at least once a month. He was, at a certain point however, utterly horrified to learn of the existence of certain total thickos, tinfoil hat wearers and those who were generally of a conspiratorial disposition. Sensing that the mentally soft among us could be prone to believing any old kind of nonsense, he set out to write a book to counteract the nefarious mis-, dis- and downright crackpot information that is currently being spread among the nether regions of the internet. Do you have a neighbour or, heaven forbid, friend or family member, who regularly spews utter nonsense in your direction along the lines of their government being out to chip them or that a quack aromatherapy pill like vitamin D might save lives from Covid? Or perhaps you have been accosted by a random conspiracy theorist in the street who adamantly believes that everyone should add horse-dewormer to their morning coffee or that lockdowns aren't the pinnacle of scientific acumen that they clearly are and that whoever invented them should obviously win a Nobel Prize? This, at last!, is THE book you need in order to arm yourself with bulletproof arguments and put these poor deluded souls in their proper place once and for all! In it, you will learn: • How to counteract the views of fringe, far-right scientists who say that lockdowns mightn't be the best idea (!) • Why society under lockdown has arguably never been better for our general happiness levels or mental wellbeing • How to factcheck ...

Genre: Medical eBooks [x]
Length: 161 Pages (1,375 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 12th, 2024

Just Julia: A short story about eczema by Cara Ward 5.0 Stars (9 Reviews)    Price verified one hour ago

'I just need one day of not being in this body.' Julia Ross is a twenty-something woman (barely) living with eczema. Julia Ross has been told not to scratch. Julia Ross has been told to use coconut oil. Julia Ross has been told it's never going to get better. Julia Ross has come to the end. Can Julia Ross reclaim her identity from her skin or has she finally given up? Based on the author's own experience with eczema, this short story hits home on exactly what it's like to live with a condition most people believe is only skin deep. From the author of Curing my Incurable Eczema.

Genre: Medical eBooks [x]
Length: 34 Pages (379 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 12th, 2024

The Healing Earth: A Comprehensive Guide to Natural Remedies by Rowan Thorne 5.0 Stars (2 Reviews)    Price verified one hour ago

Are you interested in learning more about how to create natural remedies and their benefits? Mother nature is incredible in many ways, including the various herbs and plants you can use to help improve your health and well-being. However, despite the many benefits of herbal medicine, many are unaware of how to create their natural remedies at home. That is, until now. Introducing The Healing Earth, a comprehensive guide to natural remedies that will help you regain control of your physical and mental health! This book is your go-to for learning anything and everything you need to know about herbs and plants, as well as their rich history acting as natural herbal medicines. It will show you everything you need to confidently start using herbal remedies more often, taking a more natural approach to feeling happier and healthier. Inside The Healing Earth, discover: • Empower Yourself with Knowledge: Dive into the world of natural remedies and learn how to use the power of herbs for health and wellness. • Enhance Your Understanding: Explore the scientific backing and historical significance of herbal medicine in a comprehensive and accessible format. • Join a Growing Community: Become part of a movement towards holistic health and sustainable living. It's time to take back control of your health and well-being. Say hello to nature's approach and rebalance your use of over-the-counter medicines. Grab your copy of The Healing Earth today!

Genre: Medical eBooks [x]
Length: 231 Pages (9,767 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 12th, 2024

Healing with Herbs: The Ultimate Guide to Nervous System Health: Enhance Nerve Function, Prevent Neurological Disorders, and Alleviate Insomnia, ... by A Ennebati Price verified 7 hours ago

This book, "Healing with Herbs: The Ultimate Guide to Nervous System Health" is an invaluable resource for anyone seeking natural approaches to improve nervous system function. The book covers a range of topics, including the basics of the nervous system and common disorders, herbal remedies for insomnia, headaches, stress, anxiety, depression, addiction, and cognitive function, as well as recipes and safety precautions. The author provides evidence-based information and practical advice for integrating herbal medicine into your lifestyle for optimal nerve health. Whether you are a healthcare practitioner or an individual seeking to improve your own health, this book offers a comprehensive guide to herbal medicine for the nervous system. With clear language, real-world examples, and case studies, the book is accessible and engaging, making it an ideal choice for those seeking a natural approach to enhancing nerve health. This book is a must-have for anyone interested in natural health and wellness, and it is sure to become a go-to resource for individuals and professionals alike. So don't wait any longer, order your copy today and begin your journey towards optimal nerve health!

Genre: Medical eBooks [x]
Length: 66 Pages (1,431 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 12th, 2024

The Roadmap To Hospital Care: Insights On Preparing For Health Emergencies & Hospital Stays With Confidence by Shadi Vahdat 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 5 hours ago

Medical emergencies strike without warning, turning lives upside down. How ready are you for that moment? The Roadmap to Hospital Care: Insights on Preparing for Health Emergencies & Hospital Stays with Confidence is a guide for patients and caregivers aiming to navigate healthcare challenges with confidence and clarity. Authored by an experienced hospital physician who brings personal insights into navigating the healthcare system, this book is designed to empower you and your loved ones on your healthcare journey. Through personal stories, this guide illustrates complex healthcare concepts in a relatable and accessible manner. These narratives underscore the critical importance of preparedness, informed decision-making, and advocacy in effectively managing healthcare situations. Inside, you'll find clear, actionable advice on: • Choosing the Right Hospital: Strategies for researching and identifying the best facility for your specific health needs. • Selecting Your Healthcare Team: Insights into understanding the qualifications of your providers and ensuring they can effectively coordinate your care. • Preparing Your Advance Directives: A step-by-step approach to understanding and preparing your advance directives, code status, and health proxy documentation before a crisis occurs. • Avoiding Unnecessary Hospital Visits: Practical advice to minimize emergency room visits, along with tips for an improved experience in the event that they are unavoidable. • Ensuring Safety During Hospital Stays: Tips for navigating hospital stays safely, with strategies to recognize and reduce risks. • Navigating Intensive Care and End-of-Life Decisions: Insights into the complexities of critical care and end-of-life decisions. • Preparing for Discharge: Essential knowledge about post-discharge options and the significant impact of these choices on recovery.

Genre: Medical eBooks [x]
Length: 175 Pages (976 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 12th, 2024

Overweight Child: How To Help Obese Children Lose Weight Fast And Become Healthy, Energetic, Confident, Successful And Happy (overweight children, ... by Cristina Abate 3.2 Stars (23 Reviews)    Price verified 2 hours ago

Discover How To Help Your Child Lose Weight Fast And Become Healthy, Energetic, Confident, Successful And Happy Today only, get this amazing kindle book for just $2.99. Regularly priced at $5.99. Read on your PC, Mac, smart phone, tablet or Kindle device. You are about to find out how to help your child lose weight fast so they can live a long, healthy and happy life and become the best version of themselves. Millions of children around the world are overweight or obese and as a result are suffering mentally, emotionally and physically. These children generally feel sad, lethargic, unhealthy and have low self-esteem. Not only are they at risk of developing serious health issues like high blood pressure, high cholesterol or type 2 diabetes, they are probably also being teased or bullied at school, feeling isolated, stressed, having trouble sleeping at night, developing depression and in some cases thinking about ending it all through suicide. Most parents realize the problem, but have been unable to find the solution. The truth is, your child is suffering because both of you do not know what to do to turn the situation around. This book will teach you how to help your child lose weight fast and become healthy, energetic, confident, successful and happy. Here Is A Preview Of What You Will Learn... • Dealing With and Understanding Childhood Obesity • Psychosocial Aspects of Childhood Obesity • What Can Parents Do? • Planning a Healthy Diet for the Whole Family • Reducing Added Sugars in Your Family's Diet • Healthy Snack Suggestions • Getting Your Child Involved in Low-Impact Exercise • And much, much, more! Take action now by downloading this book for a limited time discount of only $2.99! I'm so confident that this book is going to help you that I'm going to give you a 100% Honest, 60-day Money-back Guarantee! This way the risk is removed. Download your copy now! Check Out What Others Are Saying... ...

Genre: Medical eBooks [x]
Length: 32 Pages (654 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 11th, 2024

Reduce or Stop Drinking with Medication: The How-To Guide by Linda Burlison (Addiction Publishing) 4.9 Stars (29 Reviews)    Price verified 10 hours ago

If you are considering taking medication to treat alcoholism, but are wondering where to begin, start with this book, Reduce or Stop Drinking with Medication: The How-To Guide. You'll learn everything you need to know to obtain treatment with medication including finding a doctor and obtaining medication. Volume 3 in the Rethinking Drinking Book Series, you'll find information on determining goals, tracking results, developing a medication strategy, combining medications, determining what type of alcoholism you may have, how to obtain medication, and many other considerations.

Genre: Medical eBooks [x]
Length: 124 Pages (949 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 11th, 2024

THE LOST BOOK OF HERBS: A Modern Guide to Herbal Remedies (Maynard's Evergreen books 3) by Robert P. Maynard 4.2 Stars (9 Reviews)    Price verified 4 hours ago

Looking for a natural, holistic approach to healing? Look no further than "THE LOST BOOK OF HERBS". This comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know about using herbs and spices to promote health and wellness, from growing and harvesting your own herbs to creating homemade remedies for a variety of health concerns. Discover the medicinal properties of culinary herbs and spices, learn how to use herbs for skin and hair health, and explore traditional herbal remedies from cultures around the world. You'll also gain valuable insights into the safety and regulation of herbal remedies, including common side effects and drug interactions, quality control and regulation, and legal issues and regulations for selling and distributing herbal remedies. With practical advice, easy-to-follow recipes, and detailed information on dozens of herbs and spices, This book is the ultimate resource for anyone interested in natural health and wellness. Take control of your health today and join the millions of people around the world who have discovered the benefits of herbal remedies. Get your copy now and start your journey towards a healthier, happier you.

Genre: Medical eBooks [x]
Length: 104 Pages (459 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 11th, 2024

DR. BARBARA O’NEILL HERBALISM BIBLE: O’Neill's Natural Remedies, Holistic Healing, Herbal Insights, Disease Prevention, Wellness Tips, Immune ... by BRYAN RODNEY Price verified 10 hours ago

? Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed by chronic health issues? Frustrated by conventional treatments that only mask symptoms without addressing the root causes? Discover the healing power of nature with Dr. Barbara O'Neill Herbalism Bible. In today's world, our health is constantly under attack from stress, pollution, and processed foods, leading to a surge in diseases like diabetes, hypertension, and autoimmune disorders. Dr. O'Neill's holistic approach offers natural, effective solutions to restore and maintain your health. ? Unlock the Secrets of Natural Healing: • Holistic Health Strategies: Learn how to address the root causes of illnesses, not just the symptoms. • Herbal Remedies for Every Ailment: From headaches to heart disease, explore natural treatments that have been trusted for centuries. • Boost Your Immune System: Strengthen your body's defenses using simple, effective herbal solutions. • Detoxify and Rejuvenate: Discover how to cleanse your body from toxins and revitalize your energy levels. • Achieve Hormonal Balance: Manage hormones naturally and effectively combat issues like thyroid problems and menopause symptoms. • Mental Clarity and Emotional Well-being: Support brain health and emotional stability with herbs that promote a balanced mind and spirit. • Natural Beauty Tips: Achieve glowing skin and healthy hair using herbal treatments. • Children's Health: Find safe and gentle herbal remedies for common childhood ailments. ? What You'll Gain: • Practical Advice: Easy-to-follow instructions for incorporating herbs into your daily routine. • Comprehensive Herb Profiles: Detailed descriptions of medicinal plants, their benefits, and how to use them. • Holistic Lifestyle Tips: Insights into nutrition, exercise, and mindfulness practices that complement herbal treatments. • Success Stories: Real-life examples of people who have transformed their health using Dr. O'Neill's methods.? BONUS • Videos: A ...

Genre: Medical eBooks [x]
Length: 183 Pages (4,373 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 10th, 2024

Treatment For Bartholin Cysts And Abscesses by Nathaniel Weismann 4.3 Stars (6 Reviews)    Price verified 11 hours ago

Since the discovery of Bartholin's gland in the 17th century there has not been any real beneficial scientific advancement on treatment of Bartholin's gland disorders. Current ways of treatment of cysts and abscesses of Bartholin's gland are not therapeutic and after rapture and drain recurrence is likely to happen. Traditional and modern medicine approaches the issue of Bartholin's cysts and abscesses in surgical way, even though clinical studies have shown that in large percentage of the cases presenting with these disorders bacterial populations are the main culprit. In plain words this means that the main cause for reoccurring Bartholin's gland cysts and abscesses in vast percentage of the presented cases are latent infections causing chronic immune response or the recurring inflammation of the Bartholin gland which then presents with the cysts and abscesses. In the eBook Treatment For Bartholin Cysts And Abscesses there is a therapeutic solution for Bartholin's gland cysts and abscesses.

Genre: Medical eBooks [x]
Length: 23 Pages (2,398 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 10th, 2024

Puke: My Life Of Vomiting by Dustin Hartley 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 11 hours ago

Call it puking, vomiting, throwing up. I have done a lot of it in my life. Here are a few words on life of regurgitating my food.

Genre: Medical eBooks [x]
Length: 8 Pages (335 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 10th, 2024
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