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Understanding Toddler Tantrums: A Neuroscientific Approach to Calming Your Child by Alan Leyderman 5.0 Stars (10 Reviews)    Price verified 3 hours ago

"Understanding Toddler Tantrums," set off on a transforming trip through the uncertain terrain of toddlerhood. Designed with the time-pressed parent in mind, this engaging exploration provides a systematic way to navigate the rough seas of toddler meltdowns, presenting significant details in a clear and concise format. Readers are skillfully and sympathetically led through the complex subtleties of tantrums in this gripping guide. The author wastes no time and explores the underlying complications within the first chapter, presenting practical solutions that profoundly connect with the day-to-day challenges of contemporary parenting. Every idea is carefully examined, providing practical advice aimed at fulfilling the needs of parents looking for real answers in the middle of the confusion. But with so many books on the same subject, why should someone spend their time reading this one? The solution is in its all-encompassing strategy -- it's not just about controlling tantrums, but also about developing a close bond with one's child. By delving deeply into the psychology and neurology of tantrum behaviors, readers get vital strategies to turn these episodes into learning experiences and chances for connection. "Understanding Toddler Tantrums" offers a road map for navigating the highs and lows of toddlerhood. Readers are encouraged to explore the depths of their child's emotions with every page flip, obtaining a comprehensive understanding of the underlying reasons behind their actions. Readers will find useful skills for handling tantrums in this methodically laid out book, but they will also gain renewed confidence and a stronger bond with their child. "Understanding Toddler Tantrums" is a book that every parent navigating the wonderful chaos of toddlerhood will find invaluable due to its compelling narrative, practical guidance, and focused approach.

Genre: Parenting & Relationships [x]
Length: 52 Pages (922 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 13th, 2024

Not Another Christian Parenting Book: Practical Resources for Applying God's Grace to Your Specific Parenting Challenges by Peter Daniel James 4.9 Stars (16 Reviews)    Price verified 2 hours ago

Have you read great parenting books with principles you agree with BUT... you need help applying them to your daily struggles? Introducing a practical new resource for bringing God's grace and wisdom to your specific parenting challenges. In Not Another Christian Parenting Book, father of four Peter Daniel James compiles effective frameworks, questionnaires, and tools to empower you to craft custom solutions for your unique situation. With a simple but powerful weekly couple or group study format, you'll learn how to: • Pinpoint the root motivations behind your child's difficult behaviors • Avoid unhealthy parenting goals and develop grace-based goals instead • Replace lecturing and punishing with connecting and correcting • Move beyond behavior modification to shepherding your child's heart • Implement in-the-moment parenting responses you can stand by This is different from a book of principles. It equips you with a step-by-step blueprint for applying grace and wisdom to the daily parenting obstacles that push your buttons. If you desire peaceful, purposeful parenting but struggle to connect the dots from principles to practice, Not Another Christian Parenting Book is your guidebook for lasting breakthroughs. Get it today and build a gracefully wise family, one doable step at a time.

Genre: Parenting & Relationships [x]
Length: 120 Pages (3,295 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 13th, 2024

100+ Creative Quality Family Time Activities: How to build positive parent-child connections, boost self-confidence & minimise tantrums by Rushani Mahendran 5.0 Stars (2 Reviews)    Price verified 2 hours ago

"100+ Creative Ways to Spend Quality Family Time" is your ultimate guide to transforming ordinary moments into extraordinary memories. This book is packed with innovative and diverse activities designed to bring families closer, spark joy, and create lasting bonds, all while fitting seamlessly into your busy lives. Say goodbye to the usual routine and discover a world of possibilities to keep everyone entertained and connected, from toddlers to teens -- and even the grown-ups too! What Makes This Book Unique? • Diverse Range of Activities: From word games and food challenges to sports, arts, and digital fun, this book covers a broad spectrum of interests and preferences. Each activity is thoughtfully crafted to be engaging, accessible, and adaptable to different age groups and settings. • Focused on Quality, Not Quantity: Learn how to make the most of the time you have, with activities that foster genuine interaction, creativity, and shared enjoyment. Whether you have a few minutes or a whole day, these ideas will help you create meaningful moments that your family will cherish. • Affordable and Easy to Implement: With a focus on low-cost and simple setups, these activities are designed to be both budget-friendly and easy to integrate into your daily routine. You don't need fancy equipment or extensive planning -- just a willingness to have fun and connect. • Encourages Growth and Learning: Beyond entertainment, many activities in this book promote learning, personal growth, and skill development. From exploring new languages and cultures to fostering creativity and problem-solving, these experiences enrich your family's time together in profound ways. • Designed for Real Families: Written by a parent who understands the juggle and struggle, this book is filled with practical, relatable, and humorous insights that resonate with the realities of family life. It's not about perfection; it's about finding joy in the journey and celebrating the ...

Genre: Parenting & Relationships [x]
Length: 260 Pages (2,436 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 13th, 2024

50 Common Rare Diseases by Alfred Brock 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 4 hours ago

Rare Diseases are categorized as diseases that 200,000 or less people suffer from or encounter. Here are 50 Rare Diseases. If we leave out all of the other rare diseases and pretend these 50 all have 200,000 patients associated with them then the total comes to 10 million people. Therefore, it is theoretically possible that these disease impact over 3 percent of the present population of the United States. If we include an average of 5 people who interact with the patient and, therefore are directly impacted by the diseases then we get 60 million people. In that case these common rare diseases could very well impact 20 percent of the population. As the numbers of those suffering from these diseases is not clearly known we cannot accurately state any number. 20 percent, however, as the number of Americans directly impacted by rare diseases is not far-fetched as within this small group presented all of the other rare and borderline diseases that are known easily take up the slack. By identifying this group of Common Rare Diseases we can learn their names, how they were discovered, what they are and where more information can be found about them. In nearly every case regarding these Common Rare Diseases there is some private foundation leading the way collecting funds, directing research and reaching out to those impacted by these diseases. Isn't there a better way for medicine and medical research to be practiced?

Genre: Parenting & Relationships [x]
Length: 268 Pages (788 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 13th, 2024

mindset master: My Mindset Yoga Book: A Journey of Yoga, Affirmations, and Handwriting Practice by Melissa Russo 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 5 hours ago

Join Zen, the Mindset Master Monkey, on a journey of positive mindset exploration. You will be guided into yoga poses to relax and strengthen your body, have the opportunity to practice your handwriting skills with affirmations to focus your mind, and proceed on your own quest of Mindset Mastery! Ideal for children 3-8 years old. Almost every other page has handwriting practice with affirmations related to each yoga pose! A free downloadable printable of these handwriting practices pages is available for the Kindle version! In collaboration with Yoga Journeys educational nonprofit, our Mindset Master books are dedicated to supporting healthy habits and routines for families while laying the foundations for lifelong mindset skills. Learn more about Yoga Journeys kids television series, healthy home family resources, and all of our Mindset Master Books including our Bedtime Gratitude Journal at

Genre: Parenting & Relationships [x]
Length: 61 Pages
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 13th, 2024

You Will Rock As a Dad!: The Expert Guide to Your Baby's First Year and Everything New Fathers Need to Know What to Expect The First Year by Alex Grace 5.0 Stars (31 Reviews)    Price verified 2 hours ago

Welcome to the first year of fatherhood, new dad -- a time filled with joy, sleepless nights, and a few moments of asking yourself, "What the heck am I doing?" Fear not, because "You Will Rock As a Dad!: The Expert Guide to Your Baby's First Year and Everything New Fathers Need to Know" is here to steer you through this whirlwind of poop diapers, first smiles, and precious milestones. Are you constantly worried about whether you're doing enough for your little one? Are you worried about being "the new father"? Are you anxious about how to calm a crying baby or how to enjoy the little wins? Are you uneasy about maintaining the spark in your relationship while juggling the demands of new parenthood? If these questions hit home, you're in the right place and have found your tribe. This new dad book isn't just another parenting manual that leaves you scratching your head. It's your go-to guide for the first year of fatherhood, packed with practical advice, genuine support, and real-life strategies to help you become the dad you want to be. Inside this guide, you'll learn exactly what to expect in the first year of fatherhood without having to worry about feeling overwhelmed: • Hands-On Dad Tips: From mastering diaper changes to understanding the nuances of baby health, learn how to be an involved and confident father. • Navigating New Dad Anxiety: Strategies to manage your worries and focus on being present for your baby, partner, and you. • Key Health Essentials: A comprehensive guide to common baby ailments, including when to try home remedies and when to call the doctor. • Nutritional Know-How: Insight into breastfeeding, formula feeding, and ensuring your baby gets the nutrients they need to thrive. • The Ultimate New Pregnancy Book for First-Time Dads: A step-by-step guide on how to assist your wife and what to expect the first year • Memory Making Mastery: Tips for capturing those fleeting moments and ensuring you and your partner feature ...

Genre: Parenting & Relationships [x]
Length: 121 Pages (600 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 13th, 2024

The Generation of Anxiety: Understanding and Overcoming Modern Mental Struggle by Dr. Alexis Mitchell 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 3 hours ago

Do you feel constantly overwhelmed by the demands of modern life? Have you ever wondered why anxiety seems so prevalent today? Exposing the Mysteries Behind Our Current Mental Health Crisis In an era characterized by rapid technological advancements and societal pressures, anxiety has become an ever-present companion for many. "The Generation of Anxiety" explores how genetics, environment, and the digital age interact to build our mental health landscape as it digs deeper into the roots of this ubiquitous problem. Discover how the genetic legacies of our ancestors influence our vulnerability to anxiety and examine the complex interplay between our genetic makeup and our environment. Through compelling personal narratives, such as the story of young Adeline, and rigorous scientific analysis, this book offers a comprehensive understanding of how early experiences and environmental factors contribute to the development of anxiety disorders. What You Will Learn: - Genetic Influences: Gain insights into the hereditary factors predisposing some individuals to anxiety. - Environmental Impact: Investigate how modern lifestyles, parenting practices, and societal changes impact our mental well-being. - Digital Age Challenges: Assess the significant effects of smartphones and social media on mental health and discover ways to mitigate their impact. - Children and Youth in the Digital Age: Understand the unique challenges children face growing up in a digital world and their effects on mental health. - Practical Strategies: Learn effective approaches for managing anxiety tailored to parents, policymakers, and communities. Interactive Elements: - Self-Reflection Questions: At the end of each chapter, ask thought-provoking questions to help readers reflect on and relate the content to their own lives. - Exercises: Participate in practical exercises designed to reinforce learning and provide actionable steps for managing anxiety. Why This Book? - Holistic Approach: Combines ...

Genre: Parenting & Relationships [x]
Length: 196 Pages (321 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 13th, 2024

BREAKING FREE FROM VERBAL ABUSE : How to Identify , Cope and Overcome the Shackles of a Verbally Abusive Relationship (Relationship Survival Series) by Alexandra Phoenix 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 2 hours ago

In the empowering pages of "Breaking Free from Verbal Abuse: How to Identify, Cope, and Overcome the Shackles of a Verbally Abusive Relationship," you'll discover the keys to liberation from the invisible chains that verbal abuse creates. This book is your guide to a life of strength, self-respect, and profound healing. Are you or someone you know trapped in a relationship marked by hurtful words, manipulation, and emotional turmoil? Verbal abuse can shatter self-esteem, silence voices, and cast shadows of despair. Nevertheless, things don't have to be this way. In this book, you'll explore: - Types of Verbal Abuse: Uncover the various forms of verbal abuse and recognize the signs. - Manipulative Language: Decode the tactics used to control and manipulate, and learn how to reclaim your voice. - The Cycle of Verbal Abuse: Understand the pattern that traps so many, and break free from its grip. - Setting Boundaries: Establish boundaries that safeguard your emotional well-being and protect your dignity. - Healing and Recovery: Embark on a journey of healing, self-discovery, and personal growth. - Moving Forward: Embrace a future filled with hope, healthy relationships, and a renewed sense of purpose. This book is more than words; it's a lifeline. It's a testament to the strength of the human spirit and a guide for survivors, friends, and family members seeking to understand and support those affected by verbal abuse. Break free from the darkness and step into the light of your strength and resilience. Your journey toward healing, self-empowerment, and a life free from abuse begins here. Take action today. Your voice matters. Your life matters. Click "Add to Cart" and embark on the path to healing, empowerment, and a brighter future.

Genre: Parenting & Relationships [x]
Length: 64 Pages (783 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 12th, 2024
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