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Grandma Went to Heaven by Amber Richards 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 3 minutes ago

Grandma Went to Heaven This children's book 'Grandma Went to Heaven', is written from a Christian perspective for very young children who have lost a loved one. What do you tell a 2 - 6 (or so) year old child who has lost a loved one? Children are so concrete in their thinking, and death can be a very difficult subject to talk about in generic terms, yet especially so in the middle of emotional pain and loss. Yet, they seek answers. This was written as a tool to assist parents and loved ones to help children process death, grief and bereavement. It has beautiful images and acknowledges the sadness of grief, yet also offers hope and comfort as well. There is a foreword section to parents in the book with suggestions to help their children through this very painful time, and tips to customize the book to their specific circumstances, including other loved ones besides a grandma.

Genre: Parenting & Relationships [x]
Length: 23 Pages (3,774 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 7th, 2024

ROUGH JUSTICE: (50 Years Of Anger) by Brian Johnson 2.8 Stars (3 Reviews)    Price verified one hour ago

An autobiographical tale of an incident that took place during the author's childhood. One sunny day, way back in the early 1960's, three friends venture out to innocently watch the railway trains go by. The author, for one at least, has been affected to this date by how that day panned out. The question still remains; how can the punishment fit the crime if no crime has been committed? NOTE: This story is included in the book (published in Dec 2012) titled 'Twelve Eclectic Tales'.

Genre: Parenting & Relationships [x]
Length: 18 Pages (1,155 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 7th, 2024

Break Free From Overthinking In Relationships: Untangle From Constant Doubt & Anxiety, Build Trust and Emotional Resilience to Improve Your ... by Evelyn Hartwell 5.0 Stars (4 Reviews)    Price verified 3 minutes ago

U.N.T.A.N.G.L.E. from overthinking in relationships just six steps - no stress, jargon, or confusion required! It's a nice evening, your workday has ended, and you can now sit back and relax. The evening is free and abundant with opportunity. But there's one thing still in your way... the cellphone. Or, more aptly, the lack of text messages reaching that cellphone. Despite the welcoming evening ahead of you, you can't help but tear your focus from a text you're waiting on -- one that your thoughts are just spiraling about. You can't help but wonder if your partner is hurt, disinterested, cheating, or 50 other scenarios that upset and worry you. Quickly, your relaxing evening turns into a wait by the phone for a text, filled with worry and anxiety. If this feels like a common scenario for you, then your thoughts might be getting in the way of a happy, healthy relationship. Doubts, suspicions, and fears take over, transforming what could have been a pleasant interaction into a spiral of obsession and tension. Wouldn't it be nice if you didn't have to get caught in the cycle of overthinking... if you could just untangle those thoughts and be at peace? You could take your evenings back, among other things, empowering you to rest, relax, and have trust within your relationships -- and that's just the start of it. As it turns out, you can achieve exactly that, and it doesn't take jumping through a ring of fire to do so. All it takes is this simple, six-step guide to overcoming overthinking in your relationships. Inside, you will discover: • A unique framework that helps you UNTANGLE overthinking once and for all, with each chapter building off of the last for a comprehensive understanding • The essential quality you need to develop in yourself to keep overthinking at bay and show up authentically in your relationship • How overthinking manifests in relationships and influences the dynamics of your connection with your partner • The four attachment ...

Genre: Parenting & Relationships [x]
Length: 162 Pages (513 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 7th, 2024

Toddler Anger Management Simplified : How Anyone Can Tame A Toddler Tantrum - An Effective Guide to Stress Reduction through Positive Parenting while ... by Kayde Harmony 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 3 minutes ago

Discover how to turn the chaos into calm with a host of positive parenting strategies, tips, and advice to finally say goodbye to manic meltdowns! Here's a situation many parents can relate to... Your toddler is getting ready for the day but suddenly demands "Go away! Close the door!". You respect their boundaries, but it's time for breakfast so you entice them downstairs with the lure of a sweet treat. In the kitchen, your toddler spots the ketchup in the fridge and begins demanding that for breakfast, not the "yucky" porridge you've spent 15 minutes lovingly making (that they loved yesterday!). Before you know it, they're screaming because life isn't fair and anything Mommy or Daddy does is apparently wrong. Yeah... Parenting can be really hard sometimes. The thing about toddlers is that despite the apparent surge of confidence, the main reason for outbursts and meltdowns is that they don't know how to manage their intense feelings. It's overwhelming being small, and even though their demands can often seem unreasonable, their brains aren't developed enough yet to know that mashing a banana into the curtains really isn't a good idea. But, there is some good news. Positive parenting is an approach hailed as the way forward for parents. Backed by research, it offers a holistic approach to parenting that helps your child process their emotions, develop confidence, and above all, feel loved and protected. It avoids harsh discipline, belittling, or punishments -- and, it actually works! It moves away from traditional parenting approaches (that mainly cause fear and lack of trust) and instead, promises a happy and healthy future for your little one. In this guide, you will discover: • How to stop tsunami tantrums and help your child return to still waters using the Ripple Effect method • Relatable anecdotes and stories of how to apply behavior management strategies so that you aren't just following an instruction manual! • The #1 cause of ...

Genre: Parenting & Relationships [x]
Length: 146 Pages (1,257 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 7th, 2024


Your baby won't come with a manual... But luckily for you, there's another way to make sure you're prepared. Your journey starts right here. People like to say that no one's ever prepared for parenthood... and, while there's some reassurance to be found in that, it's not helpful. Whether you and your partner planned this pregnancy or it was a wonderful surprise for both of you, you're bound to be feeling nervous... After all, when you got your job, you had training... a job description... prescribed working hours... But for this role - the most important role you'll ever have - you're coming to it blind, and you're going to be on call all the time. How will you know what's ahead - especially if, as everyone keeps telling you, no one's ever prepared for parenthood? It's true that nothing will prepare you for the transformation you'll feel in yourself, for the immense love you'll discover when you look at your child for the first time... but it's not true that there's nothing you can do to prepare. You can make sure you know what to expect and how to approach all the new tasks ahead of you; you can get ahead of the game and be confident that you can balance work and family life perfectly. This comprehensive manual is the handbook every new dad needs, and it will guide you through everything you need to know to be a confident dad as soon as your little one takes their first breath. Inside, you'll discover: • Your secret weapon for managing your worry (and any other complicated emotion you're battling with) • What you can do to take care of your partner before your baby's born (and exactly what to expect from her pregnancy) • A complete guide to pre-baby prep (you'll still have to get that nursery ready, but now you'll know what to prioritize) • What to do (and not do!) in the birthing room - and what no one tells you about the first time you see your baby • How to navigate the first few days at home (including how to build a solid routine when ...

Genre: Parenting & Relationships [x]
Length: 147 Pages (1,801 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 7th, 2024

Forgive… and Fix Yer Own S#!T!: Stop the Blame, Set Your Goals, Build Your Plan, Get a New Life! by Kenny Lee 5.0 Stars (4 Reviews)    Price verified 34 minutes ago

Are you tired of feeling stuck and overwhelmed by life's challenges? Are you looking for a way to break free of negative cycles, end stress, and take control of your life? Look no further - this book offers you the solutions you need! This book provides the tools to help you cultivate inner peace, find emotional and physical health, and build the life you want to live. With the power of forgiveness and the knowledge of how to set SMART goals, create action plans, and celebrate your victories, you can finally make headway in the areas of your life that have been holding you back. This book offers you the foundation to do all of this. Here is what's included: • The process and rewards of forgiveness • Building your goals to get what YOU want from life • Constructing a plan of action • Take action to achieve your goals • Measure and evaluate how you are doing and... Celebrate Your Victories! This is not a lengthy book that gets bogged down in details, it is an ACTION-driven guide to improving and fixing YOU into what YOU want to be. You are not giving up what you enjoy about your life. Chances are it will allow you to repair relationships you thought were lost for good, enriching your life and the life of those you care about and love. If you want to Forgive... and Fix Yer Own S#!T ! , scroll up and click the BUY NOW button. See you inside :)

Genre: Parenting & Relationships [x]
Length: 44 Pages (4,225 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 7th, 2024

PELVIC FLOOR EXERCISES FOR SENIORS: Regain Control and Confidence with Gentle Workouts to Improve Bladder Control, Reduce Falls, and Enhance Your ... by CAROL N. KIMJ (Pelvic Floor Wellness Publishing) 5.0 Stars (2 Reviews)    Price verified 3 minutes ago

Improve Your Pelvic Health and Well-being with Senior-Focused Exercises As we age, our bodies undergo natural changes that can affect our pelvic healthand overall well-being. If you're experiencing unexpected leaks, worrying about falls, or feeling less confident in your body, this book offers a gentle and effective 30-day program designed specifically for seniors to: • Strengthen Your Pelvic Floor: Regain bladder control and confidence in social situations • Improve Balance and Stability: Reduce your risk of falls and maintain independence and mobility • Enhance Your Overall Well-being: Experience better posture, increased energy, and vitality, and improve your overall health and quality of life What Sets This Book Apart: • Senior-Focused: Exercises tailored to the needs and abilities of seniors, taking into account age-related changes and limitations • Easy-to-Follow: Clear instructions and illustrated routines for simple understanding and practice, making it easy to incorporate into your daily routine • 30-Day Challenge: A structured program to help you build a consistent routine, with daily exercises to enhance your progress • Holistic Approach: Addresses physical health, emotional well-being, and confidence, promoting a comprehensive approach to pelvic health and wellness • Safety Tips: Guidance on how to perform exercises safely and effectively, including tips for proper breathing, posture, and body alignment • Benefits and Contraindications: Detailed information on the benefits and potential contraindications for each exercise, helping you make informed decisions about your pelvic health Who Can Benefit from This Book: • Seniors experiencing bladder leakage or incontinence • Anyone concerned about falls or balance issues • Individuals seeking to improve core strength and posture • Seniors looking to boost overall health and vitality • Caregivers and healthcare professionals seeking to support seniors in ...

Genre: Parenting & Relationships [x]
Size: 6,550 KB
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 7th, 2024

Moving Through Menopause with Grace: A Stress-free Guide to Finding Your New Normal Less Pain, Improved Sleep, and Emotional Balance by Laurie Morse 5.0 Stars (2 Reviews)    Price verified one hour ago

Menopause isn't an ending... It's a new beginning. And with the right guidance by your side, you can approach it with health, vitality, and confidence. Which story would you prefer for this phase in your life? A journey of self-discovery, peace, and vitality... or a long mourning period as you watch your youth and energy slip away? Both are stories of menopause... but there's a huge difference between them. The first option is very much within your reach... but if the second one sounds more likely to you, it's because that's what you've been taught to expect. The conversation around menopause is starting to open up, but for years, it's been shrouded in mystery, the misconceptions around it going widespread. If you've been fearing it as the point at which you leave your life behind and slip quietly into old age, it makes sense... but it's not the way your story has to go. Menopause marks a transition, not an ending. You're on the cusp of a brand new chapter, and all you need to do to reap its rewards is arm yourself with knowledge and step forward with confidence and power. This unique and practical guide to navigating menopause is the companion you'll need by your side as you set forth on this transformative journey. Inside, you'll discover: • The science of the different stages of menopause... without the mystery that's been leaving you unsure of what to expect • Everything you need to know about HRT (so you can be sure that every decision you make is fully informed) • Your guide to managing your weight throughout menopause... and the secret to accepting yourself as you come • How to use your diet to alleviate uncomfortable symptoms - and the formula for a menopause-friendly diet • The reason you need to take a holistic approach to your health (with strategies for making sleep and exercise your secret weapons) • How to stay on top of your hormones and be sure that you're advocating for yourself at the general practitioner's • The art ...

Genre: Parenting & Relationships [x]
Length: 182 Pages (1,609 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 7th, 2024

Organic Parenting: The Lost Art of Building Relationships with Your Children (Thriving Relationships Series) by Kenneth D Walters 4.8 Stars (25 Reviews)    Price verified 2 hours ago

What kind of adult do you desire your children to be? Most parents want their children to be responsible, caring people. They may also wish for their children to be successful, whatever success means to them. Other parents may only hope that their children find happiness in life. How can a parent ensure these things for their children? While there are no guarantees in life, a parent can have a profound positive influence on their children. They can also have a decidedly negative influence. The type of influence that parents exert on their children is directly associated with their relationship with their children. Relationships Matter A parent who fails to establish a healthy relationship with their children will not have the opportunity to guide their child's life in a good direction. However, a parent who nurtures the relationship with their child as much as they nurture the child physically is much likelier to have a positive and lasting influence. In this book, you will find the following: • How to fulfill your role as parent, be it a mother's or a father's role. • How to instill discipline in your children without damaging your relationship with them. • How to mold your children without issuing mandates upon their lives. • How to have the right motives for your children. • How to be a parent in each stage of a child's development. • How to set goals as a parent. • How to keep your child from straying away from you. The list above is just a glimpse into the comprehensive content of this book. If you're thinking of becoming a parent, a new parent, or just a parent seeking advice, Organic Parenting may be more than just a book for you. It can be an invaluable guide that answers many of your most pressing parenting questions.

Genre: Parenting & Relationships [x]
Length: 114 Pages (2,640 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 7th, 2024

Raising Girls in Today’s Digital World: Positive Parenting Tips for Raising Strong Girls and Confident, Creative Daughters (Raising Kids in a ... by Bukky Ekine-Ogunlana (T.C.E.C Publishers UK) 4.2 Stars (23 Reviews)    Price verified 3 minutes ago

Trying to teach your daughter to be the best version of herself? Discover the powerful developmental techniques to help them excel and thrive. Worried your girl will feel trapped by female stereotypes? Want to make sure your headstrong offspring becomes a confident individual? Struggling to deal with emotional reactions triggered by today's modern society? Experienced educator, child specialist, author, and mother Bukky Ekine-Ogunlana understands the different care required for keeping girls on track. Now she's here to share her practical, time-effective methods to help that resilient young woman emerge from toddler to teen. Raising Girls in Today's Digital World: Positive Parenting Tips for Raising Strong Girls and Confident, Creative Daughters is a complete guide to bringing up female children in a constructive environment. Using valuable, affirming approaches to guidance and discipline, along with loving examples to bring techniques to life, Ekine-Ogunlana's steadying hand helps you confront those unique gender challenges with self-assurance. And by giving them the best start in a world full of demands and expectations, you'll bask in the blessing of watching them bloom and blossom. In Raising Girls in Today's Digital World, you'll discover: • How parenting females differs from males, and the key actions that make a big impact • Ways to help them navigate each age group's hurdles, so they can flourish • Methods to avoid stifling stereotypes for keeping her unique identity front and center • The valuable social skills you'll want your young women to use as second nature • Mindsets to stay away from, how to foster respect and assertiveness, tips for single parents, and much, much more! Raising Girls in Today's Digital World is your go-to manual for everything powerfully feminine and is part of the essential Raising Kids in a Digital World series. If you like clear encouragement, time-tested techniques, and well-grounded advice, then you'll love ...

Genre: Parenting & Relationships [x]
Length: 120 Pages (1,743 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 7th, 2024

You Will Rock As a Dad!: The Expert Guide to First-Time Pregnancy and Everything New Fathers Need to Know What to Expect When You are Expecting 2024 by Alex Grace 4.6 Stars (217 Reviews)    Price verified 3 minutes ago

Congrats, man! You are going to nail this thing known as fatherhood! Did you just hear the two little words that will change your life forever ("I'm pregnant")... and you are freaking out just a tiny bit? Are you worried that you won't know how to be there for your partner and your unborn child during these crucial months? Do you want to be the best partner and father possible, but you are afraid that you will do something dumb because, quite frankly, you have no idea what you're doing? If you answered "yes" to any of the above questions, don't worry - there is hope. New fatherhood is a stressful time. Your partner, who's growing an entire new human, needs you now more than ever. There's a lot to prepare before the little one arrives. And soon, you will have this entire new little person who will rely on you for literally everything. But by being here, you are taking the first step to becoming the most supportive father and partner you can be. By learning all of the ins and outs of this wild ride to parenthood, you can be there holding your partner's hand every step of the way. In this definitive guide, you will discover: • An examination of the different fears first-time fathers commonly face and how to squelch each and every one • Everything modern dads should know - from what your newborn will look like to how to prepare yourself mentally for caring for a baby, and more • What a birth plan is and all of the questions you and your partner should consider when creating one • How to help your partner through all of the symptoms that come along with pregnancy, like crazy cravings and raging hormones • The key to a happy relationship -how to keep on dating even with a baby, with tips on planning the perfect babymoon • How to get both of you through postpartum depression should it make an appearance • A guide to what you can expect during each trimester of pregnancy so you aren't left scrambling for answers each time something new ...

Genre: Parenting & Relationships [x]
Length: 184 Pages (726 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 7th, 2024

HOW TO LOVE A NARCISSIST: A Complete Guide to Navigating Toxic Relationships with Narcissists -Practical Strategies to Break Free from Manipulation, ... by Dr. Janry Moss (Janrymo Publishing) 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified one hour ago

How to Love a Narcissist: A Complete Guide to Navigating Toxic Relationships with Narcissists Are you trapped in a relationship with a narcissist? Are you constantly feeling drained, confused, and manipulated? Do you question your own sanity and self-worth? Dr. Janry Moss, renowned psychologist and expert on narcissistic personality disorder, offers a lifeline in How to Love a Narcissist: A Complete Guide to Navigating Toxic Relationships with Narcissists. This groundbreaking book equips you with practical strategies to: • Break free from manipulation and emotional abuse. • Recognize the narcissist's tactics and understand their psyche. • Set healthy boundaries and protect your mental health. • Rediscover your self-worth and rebuild your life. • Learn healthy ways to love and connect with others. More than just a survival guide, this book is a powerful journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Dr. Moss draws on years of experience and research to illuminate the complexities of narcissistic relationships, offering clear, actionable steps for healing and reclaiming your life. In these pages, you will discover: • The hallmarks of narcissistic personality disorder and how to identify them in your partner. • The emotional toll of narcissistic abuse and its impact on your well-being. • Effective strategies for setting boundaries and protecting yourself from manipulation. • Practical guidance for communicating effectively with a narcissist. • Powerful tools for self-care and emotional recovery. • Insights into healing past trauma and building healthy relationships. Whether you are newly facing the challenges of a narcissistic relationship or seeking to heal from past wounds, this book offers hope and guidance. With Dr. Moss as your guide, you can learn to navigate the labyrinth of toxic love and emerge stronger, more resilient, and ready to embrace a life filled with genuine connection and self-love. Don't let a ...

Genre: Parenting & Relationships [x]
Length: 57 Pages (3,234 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 7th, 2024

The Complete Toolkit For First Time Dads: From Pregnancy to Newborn Care - Navigate Childbirth, Embrace Emotional Well-being, and Balance Work and ... by Samuel Emerson 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 3 minutes ago

Master fatherhood even before your little one arrives... so you can effortlessly tackle dad duties and focus on enjoying every minute of your new role Finding out that you're going to be a dad can be life-changing, especially if it's your first time. While fatherhood is a journey filled with joyful anticipation, it's also riddled with uncertainty and doubts. But what if you have a playbook for fatherhood - one that will give you straightforward advice on being both a supportive partner and a nurturing dad? That's what this book is for - it will show you not just how to survive, but thrive in your new role. Think of it as your dad manual, one that will help you deal with your partner's pregnancy confidently, get through childbirth without losing your cool, and be fully prepared for your baby's first milestones. In this must-have resource, you'll discover: ? A week-by-week pregnancy tracker - know what's happening at every stage so you can give the right support to your partner ? Easy ways to create a safe and stimulating environment for your baby - learn the steps that will help you make space for their growth and exploration ? Real talk on how to support your partner during pregnancy and labor (forget the fluff, find out what really works) ? The essentials for navigating the postpartum period - set up your new 'normal' with ease and confidence ? Effective strategies to strengthen your relationship with your partner ? Straight-up solutions for typical first-year challenges... so you can handle each curveball like a pro ? Time management for new dads - juggle work, baby, and 'me' time like a true champ And much more. This book is crafted with real-life experiences, practical advice, and relatable stories, ensuring you're well-prepared for the incredible journey of fatherhood. Your adventure in fatherhood is about to get a lot easier - and more enjoyable. Turn the page and start shifting your fatherhood fears into a story of joy and confidence. Scroll ...

Genre: Parenting & Relationships [x]
Length: 133 Pages (572 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 7th, 2024

Heartbreak RX : Prescriptions for the Soul by Jodie Hart 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified one hour ago

Discover the Roadmap to Mend a Shattered Heart When love leaves a void, where do you turn to fill the emptiness? Heartbreak RX: Prescriptions for the Soul offers a tender, expertly charted journey through the landmine of emotions that await after a loss. With compassionate insight, it serves as your personal guide back to peace and joy. Commence your path to healing with an Introduction: Embracing Your Broken Heart, a foundational piece that prepares you for the transformation to come. Understanding Heartbreak demystifies the agony you're feeling, framing it within the context of the biological and psychological forces at play. The Science of Sorrow goes further, unearthing the tangible impacts this emotional trauma has on your body and mind. The tone shifts with Accepting the Reality, empowering you to shift your perspective and edge towards healing. As you forge ahead to Self-Compassion as Medicine and Reconnecting with Your Core, you will learn to treat yourself with kindness and discover strategies to rebuild from within. Letting go sometimes feels insurmountable, but Letting Go and Moving Forward teaches the liberating art of release. You will not only find freedom in forgiveness but also in the carefully crafted Healing Power of Rituals that grace the pages of this soulful tome. Your heart's resilience will bloom as you read Rebuilding Confidence and journey through loneliness in Navigating Loneliness. These chapters are not merely words; they are the building blocks to reconstruct a life filled with self-worth and connection. But what of the future? Finding Joy Again and Love After Loss take you by the hand, gently encouraging you to open your heart to the beauty and possibility that await. The concluding chapters and comprehensive resources in the appendix ensure that you retain these vital lessons for Maintaining Emotional Wellness. Take that brave first step towards healing with Heartbreak RX -- where each page turns is a step back to you.

Genre: Parenting & Relationships [x]
Length: 106 Pages (1,207 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 7th, 2024

Gabe and the Goddess by Jemmie Nonweiler 4.2 Stars (6 Reviews)    Price verified 5 hours ago

Love is lots of things. It makes us magic and it makes us brave. Because love is so big, there are lots of stories in it. Here is one story about Gabe. Gabe was a boy.

Genre: Parenting & Relationships [x]
Length: 18 Pages
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 6th, 2024

Relationship Building Blocks (Permission Granted Today) by Virginia Reeves 4.0 Stars (3 Reviews)    Price verified 5 hours ago

Relationships thrive when the participants focus on what is good and true. They believe in one another. This includes skills, talents, capabilities, ability to support and share, being kind and courteous, and acting from a base of integrity and strong values. They learn to see the best, develop the best, and expect the best. Thank the people who matter most in your life. Use positive traits to describe how your life is different because of them. Stop and be grateful for what IS being done for you, and say so. Each of us feels better when noted for our worthiness and specialness. Good communication seeks to connect through shared meanings plus the ability to create opportunities, influence and impact, and be empathetic to other people expressing themselves, whatever the topic may be. Have an open mind to other ideas. When emotionally speaking with someone, take time to recognize their personal style, background of experiences, cultural upbringing, and what their dreams and goals are. When you allow access to innermost beliefs, values, thoughts, and feelings, know others will treasure these as gifts. Honor their wants and needs just as you would want them to do for you. Being able to discuss concerns or issues and ask pertinent questions is easier when people are familiar with each other. Assistance is easier to ask for when people know you'll appreciate their efforts and acknowledge their part in the project. As people become more familiar with who you are, what the overall goals are, and what their part is in the overall scheme - they often become natural advocates. Combining efforts brings about effectiveness and efficiency and encourages enthusiasm. Loyalty includes respect, integrity, reliability, support, having an open-mind, being part of a solution, and not embarrassing others (or you) with behaviors or words. Behavior change requests is more pleasant when people choose to work together with harmony instead of focusing on what needs to be ...

Genre: Parenting & Relationships [x]
Length: 46 Pages (459 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 6th, 2024

10-Minute Strength Training for Seniors: Live Longer and Age Better : How to be stronger into old age including fully illustrated exercises for ... by Neil Jackson 4.8 Stars (9 Reviews)    Price verified 3 minutes ago

Revised 2nd Edition with easier to follow self assessment guidance for current strength and flexibilty. Contains instructions on using Functional Movement Screening (FMS) exercises which ensure you are well informed when you choose a suitable exercise program. Also contains links to free chair yoga, beginner and advanced program journals. Falls are the leading cause of injury-related death among adults 65 years and older in the USA (CDC). This is a staggering fact and one that we can help prevent by developing ourselves from strength to strength as we age. Maintaining our strength training for women and strength training for seniors becomes increasingly vital to our overall well-being. This wellness book, including yoga for beginners and chair-restricted seniors, becomes a fitness book for everyone approaching, or in their 60s, 70s, and beyond. In "10-Minute Strength for Seniors: Live Longer Age Better." readers will discover a practical and, comprehensive guide designed to enhance their stability and prevent falls through targeted exercises focusing on single leg strength, hip mobility, and balance. Strengthening these parts of the body specifically is an absolute game changer and will help protect people from falls as well as equip them with the strength they need to live well into old age as well as, increase overall confidence and general well-being. As much as walking is good for you, and it is, it won't develop the body in the same way as resistance training will. Along with cardio, resistance training is medicine and nothing can do what these two do in terms of building muscle, maintaining cardiovascular health, and supporting overall mobility. This book explains how to become stronger and fitter without using weights easily in your own home in 10 minutes a day. Supporting this game changer for seniors is research and advice on how to unlock and live the 5 keys to longevity. • How to optimize your nutrition • How to train for strength • How ...

Genre: Parenting & Relationships [x]
Length: 218 Pages (7,181 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 6th, 2024

Nanny and Papa's House by B.K. MiTchell 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 2 hours ago

Is there special place in your life where you spend time with your family, making memories? How would you describe this place? Can you close your eyes and visualize it? Nanny and Papa's house was that place for me when I was a child. It was the place where the whole family would come together. It was also the place where quiet, simple days would be spent. I hope my memories make you stop and think about your special place. Thank you for reading and please come back and leave me a review!

Genre: Parenting & Relationships [x]
Length: 31 Pages
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 6th, 2024
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