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Dead Lake (Tricky's Tales Book 1) by Miranda Kate 4.3 Stars (21 Reviews)    Price verified one minute ago

This is the first in the series of Tricky's Tales - the second, Unsailable Sea is out now! Sometimes it pays to be Tricky An eviction. A stolen gemstone. A hidden network. Will retrieving her precious obsidian get Tricky killed? " A wonderful story to rival those of Robin Hobb and Phillip Pullman." Amazon reviewer "Miranda Kate has crafted a thoroughly believable magical world, and a protagonist that you'll want to be your best mate." Michael Wombat, Author of The Raven's Wing "You'll be bewitched and beguiled by Tricky and left wanting to spend more time with her. An elemental, paranormal fantasy with bite and attitude. I can't wait for more." Lisa Shambrook, Author of The Seren Stone Chronicles Damn and blast! That rancid piece of excrement, Carter, has had her ransacked out of Clancy! Tricky returns to her cottage to find it turned upside down. An action that means she's got three days to leave the district or face punishment. Randolf Carter, head of the district, is spreading lies and suspicion about her kind, making life difficult. But it wasn't just an ordinary ransacking - they were searching for something. Using her gifts, Tricky traces the energy left by the men and spies another creature's energy among it: a jackdaw. Swift and wily, it's pinched her precious gemstone, a piece of black obsidian. But at whose bidding? Communicating with birds is a rare ability and she knows all who possess it. Tricky wants her stone back, but coming up against people like Carter won't be easy, especially when he's got one of her kind in his employ. But she'll handle it, oh yes she will. She'll just have to be careful and a little bit tricky. Good thing she is then, isn't it? Adept at working with energy and time as well as communicating with trees, Tricky is lured into something bigger than ownership of a gemstone, and finds out that sometimes it pays to be a little bit tricky. Tricky's Tales are a series of dark paranormal fantasy novels set a few hundred years ...

Genre: Fantasy [f] [x]
Length: 203 Pages (2,579 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 30th, 2024

40 is the New 80: A Semi-Practical Guide to the Halftime of Life by P.J. Staz 4.2 Stars (3 Reviews)    Price verified 6 minutes ago

Welcome to the halftime of life! 40 is the New 80 is a short motivational book for 40 year olds to understand the significance of this opportunity-filled yet overlooked age. Written in a practical and direct approach with easy to understand language, it showcases unique perspectives to make this next period of life matter more to you. Taking into account the many obstacles that could arise at this age, this bespoke guide invites you to start on a new journey, answering these questions along the way: • What does it mean to be 40 years old and why is this age so significant? • What are the best ways to measure and assess where your life is at, so that you can make the remainder of your life better? • Why does imagining our 80 year old self, help us today? • What actions can you take right now so that you can become your best self? These thought-provoking insights will inspire you to take action at this midpoint of your life, and pivot onto a new path where you can become your best self, in whatever way you define that. You could improve your life in ways you did not think were possible, so that you do not miss out on everything you are capable of achieving.

Genre: Religion & Spirituality [f] [x]
Length: 219 Pages (1,275 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Words and Music : A MM Single Dad Romance by JD Sampson (Independently Published) 4.2 Stars (110 Reviews)    Price verified 8 minutes ago

A rock band tour bus is an unconventional place to raise a child, but indie artist Miles Mason is doing his best to be a stand-in father for two-year-old Bowie. But when Bowie's real father turns up looking for the boy he hasn't seen in years, it's up to Miles to help this skittish Irishman bury the secrets of his past in order to become the father and partner he's dreamed of all his life. With less than two weeks left in the tour, the clock is ticking not just on fatherhood but on love. Can these two learn to make beautiful music together or will a secret from the past keep them from becoming a family. Words and Music is a slow burn, opposites attract, single father romance. Potential trigger warnings: homophobia, off-screen hate crimes, and infertility.

Genre: LGBTQ+ eBooks [f] [x]
Length: 206 Pages (1,828 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Encounters from Beyond: Tales of the World's Most Astonishing UFO Sightings by Samuel Buckiewicz 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 10 minutes ago

"Encounters from Beyond" by Samuel Buckiewicz is a comprehensive exploration into the mysterious and captivating world of UFO sightings and extraterrestrial encounters. This meticulously researched book delves into some of the most significant and well-documented incidents in UFO history, providing a detailed analysis of each event. From the legendary Roswell Incident and the baffling Rendlesham Forest Encounter to modern-day sightings like the Phoenix Lights and the Nimitz Encounters, Buckiewicz presents eyewitness testimonies, government documents, and scientific investigations to shed light on these unexplained phenomena. Each chapter meticulously reconstructs the events, examines the evidence, and explores the possible explanations, blending a narrative style with investigative rigor. Key features of the book include: • Detailed Case Studies: Each major UFO sighting is explored in-depth, with detailed recounting of the events, analysis of eyewitness accounts, and examination of physical and circumstantial evidence. • Technological and Scientific Analysis: The book discusses the role of advanced technologies in detecting and analyzing UAPs, and how these technologies are pushing the boundaries of our understanding. • Government and Military Involvement: Insight into how different governments and military organizations have responded to UFO sightings, including efforts at transparency and ongoing investigations. • Whistleblower Revelations: Coverage of key whistleblowers, such as David Grusch, who have come forward with claims about government knowledge and cover-ups regarding UFOs. • Impact and Implications: Analysis of the societal, scientific, and psychological impacts of UFO sightings, and what these phenomena could mean for humanity's future. "Encounters from Beyond" is essential reading for anyone fascinated by the mysteries of the universe and the ongoing quest to understand the unexplained. Samuel Buckiewicz combines thorough research ...

Genre: History [f] [x]
Length: 140 Pages
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Rancher Baron of Montana: Book 1 of Baron of the West by Sally Demaray Hull 4.1 Stars (31 Reviews)    Price verified 10 minutes ago

Melissa Randolph, having given birth and marrying a widower stranger on the same day, including his newborn son as her own, moves into his ranch house. All this wealthy rancher requests of her is that she assume the identity of his deceased wife Liza. Since she had just arrived in Helena Montana before dying in childbirth, no one knew her. Melissa finds herself in the unlikely position of not only pretending to be the grand lady from New York City, though she is from rural Missouri, she must draw from the stories her nemesis told of growing up in New York City, her nemesis being the wife of the father of Melissa's daughter. Having lost everything but her daughter, Melissa wonders if there is any hope for her. She is unaware that God is taking care of her. All she knows is confusion and sorrow. But hope is just around the corner if she can just hold out.

Genre: Literature & Fiction [f] [x]
Length: 296 Pages (6,446 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Investing in Real Estate Rentals: A Comprehensive Guide To Investments That Will Change Your Life by Denille Morris 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 11 minutes ago

Unlock the secrets of successful real estate investing and gain financial freedom! In this book, we're going to peel back the curtain on the secrets of successful real estate investing, whether you're starting from scratch or looking to expand your portfolio. Consider this your ultimate guidebook to navigate the twists and turns of the investor market. This book includes: - Practical advice and real-life stories to make complex concepts easy to understand - Strategies for creative financing when you don't have deep pockets - Learn how to spot lucrative opportunities and negotiate killer deals - Insider tips on how to dodge pitfalls and what to do if you end up with a money pit - Gain the confidence to manage a portfolio yourself or build a team and outsource - And much more! Get ready to unlock the keys to financial freedom and create a life where your money works harder than you do!

Genre: Business & Money [f] [x]
Length: 145 Pages (643 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

The Sinner Program: They'll Cure You Whether You Want Them To Or Not by B.L. Teschner 4.7 Stars (6 Reviews)    Price verified 13 minutes ago

Their wealthy parents forced them into an old insane asylum for a therapy program for troubled teens. The people running it weren't who they thought they were. The Mendukiah Lunatic Asylum was closed after the discovery of severe and unorthodox abuse of people in their care. Years later, the family reopened the building and offered a healing program for afflicted youths. Known as The Sinner Program, it guaranteed a complete cure for its patients' so-called "sins". After his parents enrolled him for smoking pot, Toby met the girl of his dreams, Millie, whose mother committed her after being caught stealing for the third time. They made friends with three other teens: Layla, a promiscuous young lady; Dwayne, a gambling addict; and the youngest of the group, Connor, an alleged pyromaniac. They vowed to remain together for their two-week stay. It ran smoothly at the beginning, until teens disappeared for hours -- sometimes days -- and returned in wheelchairs in vegetative states. After gaining consciousness, they were different people, cured of the ailment their family sent them to the program for. Panic ensued. But their fears escalated as security dragged Dwayne away from them. Desperate to rescue their friend, the four of them concocted a plan to find him. What they discovered was far worse than they imagined.

Genre: Literary Fiction [f] [x]
Length: 235 Pages (4,564 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Pepper Companion Plants & Growing Sweet Peppers: Boxed Sets (Growing Spices) by Kingston Publishing 4.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 18 minutes ago

Here are beneficial things you'll learn from these two books about companion planting for peppers and growing sweet peppers. Pepper Companion Plants Beneficial Companions: Learn which plants, like basil, carrots, and onions, can help improve pepper growth by repelling pests or providing essential nutrients. Deterrent Plants: Discover which plants, such as marigolds and nasturtiums, can deter common pests like aphids and nematodes, protecting your pepper plants. Growth Enhancers: Understand how companion plants can enhance pepper growth through mutual benefits like improved soil quality and shade provision. Space Utilization: Learn techniques for intercropping peppers with other plants to maximize garden space and increase overall yield. Soil Health: Explore how certain companion plants can improve soil health by fixing nitrogen or adding organic matter, benefiting pepper plants. Pest Control: Gain knowledge on natural pest control methods using companion plants, reducing the need for chemical pesticides. Attracting Pollinators: Find out which flowers or herbs attract pollinators to your garden, boosting pepper fruit set and yield. Avoiding Bad Neighbors: Learn which plants to avoid planting near peppers, such as fennel and kohlrabi, which can stunt their growth. Crop Rotation: Discover the importance of crop rotation and which plants to follow peppers in succession planting to maintain soil fertility. Microclimate Management: Learn how to use companion plants to create a favorable microclimate for peppers, protecting them from extreme weather conditions. Growing Sweet Peppers Variety Selection: Understand the different varieties of sweet peppers and how to choose the best ones for your climate and garden conditions. Soil Preparation: Learn about the ideal soil conditions for growing sweet peppers, including pH levels, nutrient requirements, and drainage. Planting Techniques: Discover the best planting techniques, including spacing, depth, and timing, to ensure ...

Genre: Crafts, Hobbies & Home [f] [x]
Length: 110 Pages
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

The Thin Wall by Cheryl Anne Gardner 3.4 Stars (9 Reviews)    Price verified 22 minutes ago

Young, innocent college freshman Laleana O'Reilly, disenchanted with societal norms, decides that she needs a new philosophy. One dreary late night in the college library, she discovers the Marquis deSade... and Julian. One book. One desire. One unbridled act of passion. Laleana might submit her body, but to the abyss, she'll never surrender her soul.

Genre: Literature & Fiction [f] [x]
Length: 126 Pages (1,855 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Tortured Soul (A Novel About Abuse and Revenge) by Shaun Whittington 4.2 Stars (10 Reviews)    Price verified 27 minutes ago

After spending years away from home, Graham Thomas is persuaded to return by his sister, Bobby. Graham has ghosts that need exorcised and now it's time for the damaged man to try and deal with them. He picks a strategy that will end in bloody results, but could transform his life for the better, and bring serenity to his tortured soul. This chilling, yet, moving thriller, deals with a sensitive subject that highlights how people are affected in different ways. Packed with mental torture, an unusual developing love story, mixed with vengeance, Tortured Soul is an emotional and violent story. Not for persons under the age of 18.

Length: 224 Pages (541 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

10 Minutes to Reduced Stress: Quick Mental Resets for a Less Anxious Life by Haven Finn 4.5 Stars (2 Reviews)    Price verified 31 minutes ago

In today's fast-paced world, stress and anxiety have become pervasive challenges that affect our daily lives and overall well-being. "10 Minutes to Reduced Stress: Quick Mental Resets for a Less Anxious Life" is designed for busy professionals, overwhelmed parents, and anyone struggling to manage the pressures of modern living. This book offers practical, actionable strategies that can be implemented in just ten minutes a day, making it an invaluable resource for those seeking immediate relief from stress and anxiety. Drawing on a wealth of research and expert insights, this guide addresses the most pressing issues related to stress and anxiety management. From understanding the underlying causes and physiological responses to developing effective self-care routines, cognitive strategies, and mindfulness practices, each chapter provides clear, step-by-step techniques to help you regain control over your mental well-being. Whether you are dealing with chronic stress, occasional anxiety, or simply looking to enhance your emotional resilience, this book offers solutions tailored to fit your lifestyle. Packed with practical ideas and easy-to-follow exercises, "10 Minutes to Reduced Stress" empowers you to take charge of your mental health today. The concise, straightforward approach ensures that you can start implementing these techniques immediately, transforming moments of stress into opportunities for calm and clarity. Embrace a more balanced and less anxious life with this essential guide to stress management.

Genre: Self-Help [f] [x]
Length: 136 Pages (1,488 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Ghoul Boss: A Lady of the Lake School for Girls Cozy Mystery (The Vega Bloodmire Wicked Witch Mystery Series Book 10) by Sarina Dorie 4.3 Stars (48 Reviews)    Price verified 42 minutes ago

Wicked witches. Murder. Mystery. A cozy mystery with magic, witches, and a ghoul at a magical boarding school. You've never experienced a spelling bee until you've tried one at a magical boarding school for witches. Magic is never more dangerous than when it is misspelled. Prepare to be stung by this spelling bee. As a teacher at the most prestigious magical boarding school for witches, Ms. Vega Bloodmire is in her element doing what she does best -- namely, boss people around. She's ready to show off her academic coaching skills as queen of the spelling bee, demonstrate she's worthy of being hired back the next school year, and take the Merlin-class Celestor exam to prove she is a powerful and skilled witch. Yet when a mysterious message is slipped under Vega's door, alluding to knowledge of her ghoulish secret, her world is turned upside down. She must find out who has discovered her taboo cravings for cadavers and dabblings in forbidden magic before she loses her job or is tried as a criminal. Unfortunately, she has a mountain of obstacles keeping her from finding her enemy, including an uncooperative magical purse, a nemesis sabotaging the school spelling bee, an interfering do-gooder of an ex-boyfriend, and rival students intent on cursing each other with more than profanities. These teenagers have big hexes and know how to use them. How is she supposed to keep her word helping a sick student and ghosts she's promised to do good deeds for when rival students, vengeful teachers, and a micromanaging principal all stand in her way? Vega must find her new enemy before her life is ruined, she is fired from her summer job before she's even hired for it, and she becomes the most unfashionable witch in the land. Can Vega discover who knows her ghoulish secret before they expose her? This book starts with Vega Bloodmire's life before working at Womby's School for Wayward Witches when she was a new and inexperienced teacher at Lady of the Lake School for Girls. ...

Genre: Fantasy [f] [x]
Length: 294 Pages (4,980 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Lariat: MC Series Action & Suspense Steamy Hot Alpha Romance Spicy Thriller Novel (Road Kill MC Book 4) by Marata Eros 4.3 Stars (471 Reviews)    Price verified 54 minutes ago

"SONS of ANARCHY meets Gone Girl, anyone?" A Gripping MC Romance by New York Times Bestseller, Marata Eros. Prepare to dive into the electrifying world of Marata Eros's #1 Amazon Bestselling Heist & Organized Crime Thriller series with Lariat. • Kindle Fire Fan declares, "One of the best writers in the MC genre... " Get ready for a steamy ride as readers rave about Lariat, with one confessing: • "... so hot, I totally loved him [Lariat]... " • Another praises the novel's alpha storyline, saying, "... excellent MC romance, a well-written 'dark' alpha storyline... simply amazing!... emotionally charged... " Meet Angela Monroe, a fearless public defender who confronts injustice head-on. When she crosses paths with Lariat, a Road Kill Motorcycle Club rider and former Navy SEAL - sparks fly. As they navigate a dangerous web of betrayal and danger, will their differences tear them apart or bring them closer together? Join Angela and Lariat on a thrilling journey filled with passion, danger, and unexpected twists. Grab your copy of Lariat now and experience the sizzling chemistry and heart-pounding excitement of this captivating romance from start to finish. Tropes: Gothic Enemies to Lovers, Outlaw Biker Club, Romantic Suspense, Gritty Setting, MC Romance, Anti-Hero, Trauma and Redemption, Dark Desires, Revenge Plot, Strong Female Lead, Childhood Trauma, Survival Instincts, Complex Characters, Dark Romance Thriller, Suspenseful Plot, Murder Mystery, Vigilante Justice, Organized Crime, Pulp Thriller, Engrossing Story, Rollercoaster of Emotions, Raw and Edgy Narrative, Gripping Suspense, Captivating Plot Twists, Intense Character Dynamics, Compelling Conflict Resolution, Unexpected Revelations, Intriguing Backstories, Unpredictable Endings, Page-Turning Thrills, High-Quality Writing, Immersive World-Building, Dynamic Character Development, Compelling Dialogue, Atmospheric Descriptions, Evocative Imagery, Fast-Paced Action, Heart-Pounding Tension, Sizzling ...

Length: 257 Pages (3,039 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Love At The End Of The World by Stevie Rogers 4.1 Stars (29 Reviews)    Price verified one hour ago

The world is ending in fourteen days. And Kieren Felix has sort of resigned himself to that. Sure, he's going to die a virgin, watching nature documentaries, but then, there are worse ways to go. Until Benjy Hunter literally falls into his life. They have fourteen days, and suddenly there's not enough time. Fourteen days to fall in love, to live, unashamedly, for the first time. As the days countdown, they fall deeper and deeper into each other. The world ending is inevitable, but Kieren and Benjy? Well, their story is rather more unlikely.

Genre: Literature & Fiction [f] [x]
Length: 194 Pages (3,736 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Chains: A Science Fantasy Short Story Collection by Rebecca Donofrio 4.4 Stars (16 Reviews)    Price verified 2 hours ago

In the magical land of Arelelle on the far-away planet Lareve, mages of earth, sea, sky and fire face unique and mystical challenges, struggle against perilous emotional and physical chains that threaten to imprison each one of them unless they resourcefully and tirelessly break free from limitations, both external and self-imposed. They must free themselves from evil demon-winds, tyrannical kings or the shackles of their own human frailty. From a crystal-mage who must find the source of a mysterious sandstorm to a fortune teller who must discover her own fortune, to a lightning mage who must find a way to save her sister, this collection of short stories is filled with adventure and romance, mystery and intrigue and, most of all, the magic of the human spirit.

Genre: Fantasy [f] [x]
Length: 149 Pages (670 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Lighthouse Jive by Jonathan Dunne 4.2 Stars (33 Reviews)    Price verified 2 hours ago

He has come to the island to get away from the world... Theodore Lambert is disillusioned with the world. But who cares? Theodore's wife, Amber, is convinced that the end of the world is coming in the form of a giant asteroid. Needing a holiday, Theodore and his family find themselves living in a mystical island lighthouse on the wild Atlantic coast of Ireland, far away from the lunacy of the modern world. But not far enough, apparently... But now the world is coming to the island.

Genre: Literature & Fiction [f] [x]
Length: 257 Pages (526 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

The 1940s - How Was It for You? Hundreds of Personal Memories of the 1940s (20th Century Memories Book 7) by Rob Horlock 3.8 Stars (10 Reviews)    Price verified 2 hours ago

'How Was It for You?' is an extensive collection of hundreds of people's personal memories from the unforgettable decade of the 1940s. Whilst many of these memories are of experiences in World War Two, a host of other events in the decade are also recalled. Serious, sad, emotional and humorous stories and anecdotes are all recounted in a variety of styles. A great gift for anyone who lived through these times or who has an interest in this era. If you lived through the 1940s, 'How Was It for You?' will certainly bring back many memories. If you can't recall the decade yourself, the book will give you an interesting snapshot of the life and times endured and enjoyed by your older friends and relatives. Researchers into the 1940s will find a host of 'personal views', the memories of real people recalling their lives at that time. The decade was, of course, dominated by World War Two, the world's bloodiest conflict. During the course of the war, 300,000 British servicemen and women were killed. Four million returned to 'civvy street' to pick up their lives. Many peoples' outlooks were changed forever and women, in particular, looked at the world through different eyes after the war. Rationing was in force throughout the 1940s. In spite of (or perhaps, because of) this, the general health of the average person was better after the war than it had been at the start of the decade. Princess Elizabeth married Philip Mountbatten in 1947; the wedding was a welcome break from post-war austerity and amongst the wedding presents was a gift from the Cabinet - all of their combined food coupons. After the war, the electorate chose a socialist government and Churchill was defeated in the election of 1945. People looked forward to a better life. The National Health Service was launched and Social Security was introduced. Working class children with ability were given the chance to improve themselves with the introduction of the 11+ exam, the gateway to a ...

Genre: Biographies & Memoirs [f] [x]
Length: 223 Pages (3,886 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Towers of Acalia: The Reincarnated Core Volume V by Atlas Kane 4.7 Stars (741 Reviews)    Price verified 2 hours ago

At long last, Acalia's most powerful cultivator will learn what it means to cross me. The price paid in the Sky Tower proved greater than I'd hoped. After banishing the avatar of a fallen god, my vessels well deserve their rest. And we'd all like a chance to grieve the fallen. Yet after an encounter with an assassin in Viatross, our group is bound to head south, far south to Ferendell. Cormac Alchemist IX has summoned me. The man wishes to take back Rael, the Divine Artifact he gifted Astra. Regardless of his desires, I've sworn to protect this land I love. So be it in peace or in battle, I will meet Cormac in the grand city of Ferendell. What the man doesn't know, is that I've progressed faster than he could have anticipated. Walk with care, cultivator, for Rinmarron the Runesmith of Bern is coming for you. This Light Novel includes: Isekai / Portal Fantasy Cultivation Gamelit / Lite LitRPG Spell Crafting Interior Art Increasing Level System and Skills Spells and Magic Harem Relationships

Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy [f] [x]
Length: 390 Pages (5,066 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Lethal Exposure by Cynthia Woods 3.9 Stars (3 Reviews)    Price verified 2 hours ago

Attorney Missi Sutherland sets out from her noisy city apartment in eager anticipation of two peaceful weeks at an isolated mountain cabin. Meanwhile, her roommate, Holly, shares exciting news regarding her breakthrough new drug about to be sold to the military. Missi finds it odd that, even with her resounding success, Holly harbors anger and vows vengeance upon the P&B company for denying her the job of her dreams. To Missi's relief, Holly is distracted from such negative notions by her new fiancee, George Allister. Just when she thought she'd left the drama at home, Missi's relaxing vacation takes a wrong turn as she drives into the heart of a blizzard and finds herself stranded, attacked, and left for dead. Injured and fearing for her life, Missi takes her chances against the storm, landing harshly in Snowcap and the seemingly protective hands of the Bradley brothers. Despite circumstances, Missi finds herself falling for Sheriff Mike Bradley. Unfortunately, she can't seem to get past an unshakable fear of his older brother, Dr. Gabe Bradley, even after he saves her life. How will Mike help Missi figure out who's trying to kill her before its too late? Could the Bradleys be at the root of all her problems? Is anyone who they claim to be? Will Missi survive long enough for any of it to matter?

Length: 452 Pages (961 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Cold Case (Dev Haskell - Private Investigator Book 24) by Mike Faricy 4.6 Stars (214 Reviews)    Price verified 31 minutes ago

Mike Faricy is the winner of the Crime Master's of America Poison Cup Award. COLD CASE There's a serial killer in the city and the police are stymied. Women's bodies, dressed in white slips and wedding veils, are being left in city parks. The police are desperate to find the killer before he strikes again. They need someone who thinks outside the lines. Someone with a fresh set of eyes. Who better than the city's laziest private investigator, Dev Haskell? As Dev meets with family, friends, and workmates of the victims one thing becomes clear -- No one has a clue! Someone, somewhere, has to know something! Don't they? Meanwhile, Dev's life on the romance circuit seems about to change... and not for the better! It appears Taffy's friend, Allison, thinks Taffy should raise her standards. Right now, about the only sure thing in Dev's life is Morton, his Golden Retriever. "Cold Case is Dev Haskell at his best. Between Detective Sergeant Norris Manning trying to charge him with every crime in the city and Allison Dankwell attempting to ruin his romance with Taffy, Dev has his hands full. What better time to try and solve 6 cold case murders... " Crime Capers

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [f] [x]
Length: 321 Pages (1,196 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Lightfoot by Joe Kuster 4.6 Stars (917 Reviews)    Price verified 3 hours ago

Life as a plaything of the divines is harder than it sounds. As one of the downtrodden in Eden's Meadow, TJ has led a life of scraping by as best he could. With little more to his name than a winning smile, his life takes a turn for the interesting as he befriends Serina, a rebellious young woman among the god-like Devas that control his realm. Being a test subject for her magic seems innocent enough, even if she occasionally tinkers with things she shouldn't. Unfortunately, her experiments on him don't go unnoticed and as soon as her family finds out, he's as good as dead. About to be pulped by dozens of angry higher powers, Serina saves him the only way she can: by binding his soul to hers and flinging him through a portal to another world. Landing in the realm full of dangerous creatures and sinister adversaries, he finds that the pact has changed him in more ways than claiming his soul. The newly minted adventurer has his work cut out for him, especially since he doesn't have any idea how to use the magic that's been stuffed into him, much less what to do about the oaths that require him to love freely and spend his nights carousing. Join TJ on this riveting adventure that spans multiple worlds and help him discover the secrets of the Devas as he struggles to survive and fulfill his oaths. Disclaimer: This series features a protagonist raised in a higher realm where free love and indulgence are the norm and has a set of morals and ethics that are different from our own. While it contains explicit bits, they are clearly tagged and easily skippable if that's not your thing. His story includes building harem-like relationships with multiple devoted women, and does not fade to black. Also, this story is not game-lit, it doesn't feature crunchy rules-heavy systems, there's not a stat in the house, and the MC doesn't exploit world mechanics. However, it isn't for the faint of heart. For 18+ readers only.

Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy [f] [x]
Length: 557 Pages (2,817 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Watersport by Maxx Oneida 4.5 Stars (2 Reviews)    Price verified 3 hours ago

Maddie has always wanted to experiment with piss play. Posting on a piss kink forum was a bold step but could it lead to the sexual adventure of a lifetime? This full-length novella will keep you cumming back to see where the kinky connections made are going.

Genre: Literature & Fiction [f] [x]
Length: 140 Pages (2,644 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Trooper Dalton (Dalton Series Book 14) by Ed Law (Culbin Press) 4.3 Stars (7 Reviews)    Price verified 3 hours ago

After getting involved in a saloon room brawl in Fort Lord, Dalton is arrested. His situation worsens when an unsympathetic judge sentences him to a year in jail unless he takes the alternative of signing up with the Plains Cavalry. Dalton reckons that anything will be better than breaking rocks, but when he joins Company H - known as Company Hell - he soon regrets his decision. The troopers are a motley collection of prisoners recruited from jailhouses, or gunslingers running from arrest warrants. As his fellow troopers are more determined to destroy the peace than to keep it, Dalton will need all his survival skills to serve out his term and all his ingenuity to defeat their plans.

Genre: Classics [f] [x]
Length: 148 Pages (2,721 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Throw the Elbow: April May Snow (My psychic ghost-filled life Book 5) by M. Scott Swanson 4.5 Stars (267 Reviews)    Price verified 3 hours ago

Being psychic makes my love life complicated. It would be easier to give in to my sexual urges if my life weren't such a hot mess. My cousin Trisha surprises me with a much-needed vacation in Pensacola. Amazing timing. I make one little mistake, and the po-po have the audacity to make me a person of interest. The crime? The murder of a popular businessman's son. Despite the risk to my sanity, I'll need to be brave and use my paranormal "gifts" to free myself and my new friend, Ace. Who says I can't multitask? An uber-sexy naval flight school student, Wesley Greenwood, gives me a thrilling proposal. It's not fair. His steamy kisses leave me wanting more than I should. As provocative as his touch is, I'm well aware of the difficulties of managing a relationship with my upcoming career move. Plus, I'm sort of preoccupied with making sure I'm not charged with a felony. A conviction would destroy my dream of being a successful defense attorney. I'm in a panic. I don't want to make a mistake, but there are no easy answers to my predicament... Read Throw the Elbow today!

Genre: Literature & Fiction [f] [x]
Length: 160 Pages (2,767 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Knowing the Name of Jesus Is Not Necessary for Salvation by James Thomas Lee Jr 1.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 3 hours ago

This short book has been written to share a couple of very important spiritual truths. The first, called the Eternality of Bible Truth, maintains that every word of the Bible has always been true even before it was written. The second truth is that a person does not have to know the literal name of Jesus or anything about Him to be saved. That simple statement is not meant to sound heretical. Those words are also not meant to deny the Lordship of Christ or His sacrificial death on the cross at Calvary. The real message that is being conveyed by those words is that a person does not have to understand or even know those things about Him to be saved. This book is not overly complicated. But the hope is that each reader will carefully and prayerfully consider the truths that are being presented. In many ways, people living in these current times have many benefits that they tend to take for granted. Because people today have easy access to the Bible, the natural assumption is that people in all generations have always had easy access to the Bible. But that simply is not true. So rather than trying to push any kind of anti-Christ teachings on anyone, the real desire is to cause people today to really think about and try to understand what it was like to live for the Lord hundreds or even thousands of years ago before all of the benefits of today were available. This short book is an excerpt from another book that I wrote entitled, A Bible-based Argument Against Calvinism. The desires with that book as well as with this book are to help people better understand true biblical salvation. There is one note, however, to be made with respect to the organization of this text before concluding this Introduction. Something that the reader might find useful is boxes throughout that show the different passages that are being referenced at the times and in the places where they are being referenced. That way, he or she will not have to jump all over the place or get into or out ...

Genre: Religion & Spirituality [f] [x]
Length: 102 Pages (824 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

The Cursed Doubloon: A Love Story Between a Merman and the Daughter of a Cursed Pirate by B.T. Love 3.8 Stars (12 Reviews)    Price verified 3 hours ago

She never dreamed she would fall in love with a merman. Grace detested pirates but found herself living among a ship full of them after taking pity on her cursed father. Ever since the rare Spanish coin known as the Cursed Doubloon fell into his possession, Grace's father had been chased by bad luck. But the Doubloon brought with it a handsome treasure, one he hid at a secret location, and -- much to everyone's dismay -- forgot about. Against her better judgment, Grace humored him in his attempts to find it. On a stormy evening, the ship was caught in the Curse's fog and hid dangerous rocks from their view. When all hope seemed to be lost, a man's melodic voice cut through the wind and guided them to safety. Grace went in search of the stranger only to find one of the most beautiful mythical creatures she had ever seen. With his shimmering skin, enormous tail, and chest formed of smooth muscle, she was captivated by him. As their love grew, the merman admitted he wanted to be human so they could truly be together. And he needed the Cursed Doubloon to make it happen.

Genre: Literature & Fiction [f] [x]
Length: 233 Pages (1,197 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Beyond Intent: Crossing the Threshold to Your Dreams by Gary Spinell 4.4 Stars (24 Reviews)    Price verified 3 hours ago

We often take our first few steps in a new direction with a new thought process and have some partial success. But soon our momentum crawls to a stop until eventually we are stuck. How did we get stuck and more important, how do we get un-stuck? This is the first book that helps explain why you got stuck and shows in both practical and spiritual nuances, how to get un-stuck. Gary writes about the numerous nuances of our behavior, beliefs, thoughts and actions that create our experiences. We have been taught the fundamentals of manifesting, but often these powerful nuances of our everyday thoughts, beliefs and actions are overlooked. You will discover how to finally break through the barriers in your mindset preventing you from reaching success and finally cross the threshold of your dreams. He has truly mastered the nuances to a depth beyond your imagination. This is a must read especially when all other quick-fix modalities have left you without your goal of desire. Gary, keeps his message in down to earth terms that all can understand. Truly this is a must read for all genres!! ~ Janyelle Huff, Intuitive NLP Practitioner. Finally, a book to show the importance of the nuances beyond intention into the art of fulfillment and living your dreams. At last, the author gives the reader true tools that go beyond the simplicity of the law of attraction. ~ Christine Marie Peters MA Radio Co-Host of Life with The Girlfriends Beyond Intent is not only a book, but a COMPASS for you when you feel stuck in life. It will pick you up and show the way to a smart and beautiful solution to different setbacks you may experience. Real life is a journey and with a compass like this, you will never feel stuck and lost again. ~ Solvita Bennett, Founder of This book gives you no excuses and nowhere to hide but instead every reason to have that which you desire in your life. It goes beyond surface manifestation and teaches you how to create the life you ...

Genre: Self-Help [f] [x]
Length: 238 Pages (433 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

ProNature Fitness: Unlocking Radiant Health Through Smart Exercise by Sergio Gonzalez (Smashwords) 4.2 Stars (6 Reviews)    Price verified 3 hours ago

We all know exercise and movement are important for optimum health. What we don't all know however is how to go about it correctly. Just like the laws of aerodynamics govern what a plane must do to fly, so are there laws of health governing how we must move to be healthy. ProNature Fitness (PNF) is a fun, easy-to-read guide explaining the fitness aspect of these laws of health, and how to properly move to unlock amazing health. This guide is meant for people of all ages and fitness capacities. No matter what your background or current condition is, you have enormous potential within that can be realized with PNF. And in case you were wondering, no extra money or time is required. What is required is a commitment to your health, desire to improve, and willingness to use some of your effort in new, smarter ways. Starting with the story of Maximus the caveman and how his story relates to the laws of health, the guide progresses through the do's and don'ts of exercise, and introduces a major key central to unlocking radiant health: the golden hormone. The seemingly magical benefits of this golden hormone are then listed and described, all of which are completely yours for the taking, starting today! The guide tells you exactly how you obtain them; how you must 'fly your plane' to stay in the air. Of course, correct exercise and movement alone are not the whole story, diet and lifestyle are equally important. Some basic yet powerful recommendations in these areas are provided so you may enhance your golden hormone's benefits. An optional supplementation guideline is included for those who wish to take their benefits to the max. For those of you who enjoy weightlifting and stretching, there are additional sections detailing how to go about them in a PNF-way. The guide concludes with a few practical suggestions and sample workouts to help you as you embark on a beautiful, world changing journey. I invite you to join me in my pursuit to create a better world, full of ...

Genre: Health, Fitness & Dieting [f] [x]
Length: 103 Pages (987 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

TimeRipper: A Jack the Ripper, SciFi, time travel thriller by D E McCluskey 4.6 Stars (20 Reviews)    Price verified 3 hours ago

It is the year 2288. Earth is reeling from the most horrific terrorist attack it has ever endured. The Quest, a pseudo-religious splinter group, have taken up arms against the Earth Alliance's authority. It is down to Youssef Haseem, the highest-ranking official left in the EA, to build a team to face the threat of total inhalation if they don't bow to The Quest's demands. Then the leaders of The Quest disappear, and a legend emerges in the year 1888. Just who is the mysterious stranger stalking and viciously killing women on the streets of Whitechapel, London? A mission is launched! A battle of wits against time itself. A fight to be played out in the present and the past, with the fate of all humanity at stake. Legends can happen anytime... REVIEWS FOR TIMERIPPER 5.0 out of 5 stars Great story! Reviewed in the United States on April 12, 2021 I'm unbelievably glad I took the chance on this book. I can't lie, I was a little nervous about reading this book at first. I'm not much of a sciencey/serious person, so I wasn't sure if it would work for me, but I'm a sucker for anything even vaguely historical. I just can't help it. Especially 1888 Whitechapel history. I was worried some of the more futuristic stuff would turn me off or be too confusing for me but I understood 99% of it. And trust me when I say that's a big deal. I've read some of McCluskey's other books, so I knew I generally enjoyed his writing style, and I wasn't disappointed at all. I loved the twist on the old theory of Jack. I was completely caught off guard by what was going on and I really can't give enough praise for this story. McCluskey's creativity and ability to really show you the story really came through. I liked the idea of a religious cult, I mean, who doesn't right? It was just crazy enough to be plausible. Overall, great story, great writing, great creativity and unique enough to stand above the rest. Well ...

Length: 336 Pages (1,598 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

The Beast of Devil's Creek: A Supernatural Western Thriller (Zeb Clemens Book 1) by J.R. Rain 4.4 Stars (470 Reviews)    Price verified 3 hours ago

Deputy Marshal Zeb Clemens can't die. After the Civil War came to a close, Zeb decided to head west to raise cattle and a family if he could manage it. No sooner did he step off the train in Texas, a stray bullet knocked him senseless. Believing he'd somehow cheated death, he gave up on his peaceful plans and became a lawman. A lawman with a secret. And an edge. After migrating farther west into the New Mexico Territory, he expected to find the usual run-of-the-mill outlaws?not a strange woman watching him from the edge of his dreams. Meanwhile, stories of an inhuman monster attacking people in the nearby town of Devil's Creek begin making their rounds. Even crazier, Zeb feels compelled to hunt it?all while dealing with a murderous gang of outlaws and the missing boy of a waitress Zeb has taken a shine to. It's a good thing Zeb Clemens can't die -- because this job would definitely kill him. What Readers are saying: "A western novel with more than a novel twist: Zeb Clemens is a deputy US marshal. His life's goal of being a farmer was hijacked by a stray bullet to the head, a mystical lady's intervention, and a new driving purpose to keep the innocent safe from bandits, legendary creatures and injustice. A thrilling read for sure." -- Amazon review "Best western ever! The book leaves you hoping there's another book after this one. It's captivating, entertaining and everything a syfy should be but with a western spin. Love it. Hope there's a second book." -- Amazon review "Totally not my style, or so I thought! I happen to like the author so I thought I'd give it a shot. I literally haven't been able to tear myself away from this. It's an everyday tale with an otherworldly twist. I loved it." -- Amazon review "What a great ride. Loved the characters. Can't wait for more adventures. Love y'all's stories -- way better entertainment than TV." -- Amazon review "This was a rollicking, fun read! I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys both the ...

Genre: Westerns [f] [x]
Length: 234 Pages (1,301 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Songbird by Robin Ive 4.4 Stars (14 Reviews)    Price verified 3 hours ago

There's music, and there's madness... They come from nowhere. Nobody knows why they're doing it. Nobody knows who's sending them - and nobody knows who's going to be their next victim... The orbs are attacking, and their deranged, supernatural music is unravelling minds, hurling people over the edge and down into insanity. Folk singer Michaela Lockhart doesn't understand her uneasy relationship with the orbs but it seems to be protecting her - until one day she finds out just how wrong she's been about that. She has no choice but to flee into the wild, dangerous and empty countryside beyond Brighton where she discovers just how deeply mired in the horror she really is. She's forced to confront astonishing secrets about herself, and her music, that propel her headlong into a conflict with an ancient and unstoppably powerful entity. Saving humanity is all well and good; but for Micky, it's personal...

Genre: Literature & Fiction [f] [x]
Length: 372 Pages (1,182 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

The Movement: A Children's Story for Grown-ups by Dave Burns (Uncarvedbooks) 4.2 Stars (13 Reviews)    Price verified 3 hours ago

"We were made... then we were left." - The Other The Movement: A Children's Story for Grown-ups is the tale of a little clockwork man and his search for the Maker and the cruel joke. Told by the narrator in a 'sitting around the fireplace enjoying a warm cup of cocoa' sort of way, the reader embarks on a journey through a wondrous land inhabited by wondrous creatures. Yet, the reader soon discovers that the wonder of these creatures is blanketed in a thick comforter of despair brought on by the cruelty of the joke. Curl up in a comfy chair. dear Reader - cocoa and cookies at the ready - and embark on this whimsical tale of discovery. And - if I may dare to speak? - who knows what you may discover... For the child in all of us - D Compared to: C.S. Lewis - The Chronicles of Narnia Lewis Carroll - Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass John Bunyan - Pilgrim's Progress The Wizard of Oz and Disney

Genre: Religion & Spirituality [f] [x]
Length: 140 Pages (508 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

BEYOND BEEF: Exploring the World of Classic Beef to Exotic Game & 75 Unique Jerky Recipes to Try by Jerky Plug Price verified 2 hours ago

Get ready for a wild culinary adventure with "BEYOND BEEF: Exploring the World of Classic Beef to Exotic Game & 75 Unique Jerky Recipes to Try." This exciting cookbook takes you on a journey through the rich and diverse world of jerky, featuring everything from classic beef to more exotic game meats like venison, elk, and bison. But this isn't just any ordinary cookbook - "BEYOND BEEF" offers a unique and innovative take on jerky, showcasing 75 one-of-a-kind recipes that are sure to tantalize your taste buds. From savory and smoky to sweet and spicy, these jerky recipes are the perfect snack for any occasion. But that's not all - "BEYOND BEEF" also offers a wealth of information on the history of jerky, as well as expert tips and techniques for making your own delicious jerky at home. Whether you're a seasoned jerky connoisseur or just getting started, this cookbook is the ultimate guide to exploring the wonderful world of jerky. So what are you waiting for? Get your copy of "BEYOND BEEF" and discover a whole new world of jerky possibilities!

Genre: Cookbooks, Food & Wine [f] [x]
Length: 175 Pages (2,284 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

5-Ingredient Cooking for Two: Simple Recipes to Make Healthy Lunch, Dinner, and Main Course Eating by APRIL KELSEY Price verified 3 hours ago

5-Ingredient Cooking for Two: Simple Recipes to Make Healthy Lunch, Dinner, and Main Course Eating "5-Ingredient Cooking for Two " is your compass, guiding couples through the delightful journey of small-batch cooking. With just five ingredients, this cookbook offers a treasure trove of mouthwatering meals tailored for two. Imagine waving goodbye to complex recipes and wasted ingredients. Thanks to this guide, cooking becomes a breeze, allowing the authentic flavors of each dish to shine through. Discover 60 recipes explicitly crafted for couples to enjoy at lunch, dinner, and main courses. From the simplicity of Instant Pot Frozen Rib Magic to the savory goodness of Slow Cooker Stuffed Chicken Delight, each recipe promises satisfaction. Here's why you'll love this cookbook: • Total 60 Healthy Simple Recipes • Tasty Variations: Elevate your meals with elegant garnishes and pairing tips, transforming simple recipes into culinary masterpieces. • Simplified Cooking: Each recipe requires just five ingredients, making cooking for two more accessible. Say goodbye to complexity and hello to delicious meals crafted for couples. • Wholesome Choices: Whether you're craving the comfort of Cottage Cheese Egg Scramble or the indulgence of Mushroom Soup Pork Chops Bake, this cookbook offers a variety of options to satisfy your cravings. • Time-Saving Solutions: Say goodbye to hectic evenings with quick and straightforward recipes that minimize time spent in the kitchen. • Versatile Options: You can customize each recipe with tasty variations and easy cooking techniques to suit your taste preferences and dietary needs. Whether enjoying a cozy dinner or a leisurely lunch, "5-Ingredient Cooking for Two" promises simplicity, flavor, and success in every bite. So why wait? Dive into the world of delightful cooking tailored for two, and savor every meal with your partner.

Genre: Cookbooks, Food & Wine [f] [x]
Length: 200 Pages (1,908 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Towers of Acalia: The Reincarnated Core Volume I by Atlas Kane 4.6 Stars (2,066 Reviews)    Price verified 4 hours ago

I've been reborn as a cultivator with a broken core. Time to Save the World. Thankfully, the spirit who reincarnated me modified my core with a rune of power. Now, each time I ascend to a higher level, I can add a new rune, enhancing my strength. But this gift was given with a condition: If I don't climb and conquer the Towers of Acalia, this new world will fall into ruin. Plenty of obstacles stand in my way. Raging Spirit Beasts. Tower summoned monsters. Rival cultivators. But by bonding myself to gorgeous women warriors, I can ascend and grow strong enough to take on the seven towers. Gods help anyone who stands in my way. This Light Novel includes: Isekai / Portal Fantasy Cultivation Gamelit / Lite LitRPG Spell Crafting Interior Art Progression Fantasy Leveling System and Skills Spells and Magic Slow Burn Harem

Genre: Fantasy [f] [x]
Length: 402 Pages (4,459 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

The Devil's Lullaby (The Devil's Advocate Book 2) by Michaela Haze 4.4 Stars (67 Reviews)    Price verified 4 hours ago

Before she died, Dahlia Clark had many titles. Devil's Consort. Queen of the First Circle. The Mother of the Devil's Progeny. She never expected 'One of the Lord's Chosen' to be added to that list. The ice prison took something vital from her. (No. Not her designer heels... ) Dahlia was torn from her daughter and her lover, Lucifer. War between Heaven and Hell be damned. She's going to get her life back and not even the Lord can stand in her way. The Devil's Lullaby is the next installment in the Dahlia Clark series. 18+

Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy [f] [x]
Length: 302 Pages (2,012 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

D'Ri and I A Tale of Daring Deeds in the Second War with the British. Being the Memoirs of Colonel Ramon Bell, U.S.A. by Irving Bacheller 3.8 Stars (2 Reviews)    Price verified 4 hours ago

This book was converted from its physical edition to the digital format by a community of volunteers. You may find it for free on the web. Purchase of the Kindle edition includes wireless delivery.

Length: 390 Pages (511 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Treacherous Bloodline : An Action-Packed Crime Novel (The Mohammeds – Mystery Thriller Series) by Rani Ramakrishnan 3.9 Stars (3 Reviews)    Price verified 4 hours ago

Two determined brothers, one woman between them. How far will each go to stop the other, and why? After more than a year, the Mohammed family is together again. Arman Mohammed is back after higher studies abroad. Everyone is excited to welcome him home. Everyone except his brother. Kabir Mohammed, a law-abiding litigator, is breaking a sacred rule by which he has abided all his life; he is antagonizing his own brother. Nobody in his family knows but, amongst other things, he is doing everything in his power to break his brother's engagement. But he didn't reckon on a tragedy, or a sudden change in circumstances. Both leave him without options. In a heartbeat, he finds himself pitted against his whole family, not just his brother. Arman Mohammed, a brilliant doctor, is far from the prodigal son his family believes him to be. Buried under his innocent exterior is a secret he is afraid the world will find out. Now he has one more issue to contend with: his brother, Kabir. But are Kabir and Arman trapped in identical predicaments? Somebody unknown to the family is dictating every step Kabir takes. A woman has tagged along with Arman from abroad on a flimsy excuse. Are these mere coincidences? And there's Arman's fiancée. He is in love with her; is Kabir in love with her too? Will either back down or will they fight to the end? The Mohammeds are like the Delaneys of 'Apples Never Fall'. They love each other to distraction but also hold the power to hurt each other the most. If you enjoy mystery thrillers woven around a tangled web of family bonding and betrayal, then Treacherous Bloodline is definitely for you. Who is the villain in this twisted tale? Scroll to the top and click the Buy Now button to find out. Read for Free, if you are on Kindle Unlimited. Join the Mohammed brothers in their roller coaster journey against each other, and meet the villain face to face.

Genre: Literature & Fiction [f] [x]
Length: 248 Pages (4,864 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

City Of Sin (Carter Thompson Mysteries Book 1) by Sean O'Leary 4.3 Stars (6 Reviews)    Price verified 4 hours ago

In the stifling heat of a Sydney summer, young Rhia is being hunted. She was in the wrong place at the wrong time; now, both the police and a right-wing group of fanatics are after her. The only one on her side is Indigenous investigator Carter Thompson from the Prosecutors Office. In Rhia's possession is a stolen USB full of secrets that could destroy the New Light Church. After NLC sets their attack dog, P.I. Sally Bois on the case, Thompson and Bois clash and race against time to find Rhia. With a dangerous plan in motion, can Rhia and Carter clear her name - or is it already too late? City Of Sin is the first book in Sean O'Leary's riveting crime series set in Sydney, Australia. This book contains adult content and is not recommended for readers under the age of 18.

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [f] [x]
Length: 180 Pages (3,125 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Haunt My Dreams: When The Man Of Your Dreams Becomes The Man Of Your Nightmares: A Psychological Thriller by B.L. Teschner 4.9 Stars (7 Reviews)    Price verified 4 hours ago

Brooke was having dreams of a mysterious man. They began with him sweeping her off her feet on a dance floor; they ended with the man chasing her through the woods with a knife clenched in his hand and his malicious dog hot on her heels. Unable to understand why she was suddenly having nightmares of this stranger, she sought the help of a therapist. As each visit progressed, she began to uncover suppressed childhood memories that she figured might be contributing to her dreams. She thought she was on the mend, but that feeling of recovery was swiftly thrown out the window when she saw the man from her nightmares in a crowd of people. Odd things also began taking place at her work, and she found that another woman was dreaming of what sounded like the same terrible man. Brooke's life was quickly spiraling downhill. It only got worse when the hallucinations set in while she was awake, and she spotted the man's beastly dog sitting on a toy carousel in front of a store, watching her with a deadly purpose. Her world felt like it was spinning out of control, and she was convinced that her friends and family thought she was crazy. Broken and scared, she was unaware of what would come next. All Brooke was sure of, was that the man from her nightmares was succeeding at breaking through them to find her. **Please note: This book contains instances of domestic violence**

Genre: Literature & Fiction [f] [x]
Length: 333 Pages (589 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Second Chance: African American Urban Romance (Cleveland Hearts) by Jasmyne Jackson 3.0 Stars (3 Reviews)    Price verified 4 hours ago

Will the Felon Find a Second Chance Love Seven Years Later? In Cleveland, a former felon fights to reconnect with his long-lost love, reunited after 7 years apart. Meet Jamal, fresh out of prison after a foolish mistake, and Tasha, his childhood sweetheart now engaged to another man. Though the odds are stacked against them, the embers of their passion reignite when Tasha sees the man Jamal has become. As Tasha is torn between her stable fiancé and risking her heart again on Jamal, a dramatic trial ensues. Tasha's world is turned upside down. At a crossroads, she must choose between a picture-perfect future or a second chance with her one true love, despite all the baggage he carries with him. With evocative characters and an emotional reunion 7 years in the making, Second Chance is a stirring contemporary romance that asks how far we'll go for love. Can broken trust be rebuilt stronger than before? Get this book and find out today!

Genre: Black & African American [f] [x]
Length: 214 Pages (1,473 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Odd Podge: Five Short Stories, a novella and more by Billy Kazee 4.5 Stars (7 Reviews)    Price verified 4 hours ago

A tale of ghostly revenge in 19th Century Middle America; a lone passenger boards a train to his destiny; a meeting of minds between a young writer and a mysterious older man; an irreverent lesson on the food chain; a prisoner of his own making watches through his window as the world outside goes mad; a dark legacy is inherited at a stately manor house... and more!

Genre: Horror [f] [x]
Length: 211 Pages (526 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Hide the Elephant by Jonathan Dunne 4.5 Stars (178 Reviews)    Price verified 4 hours ago

Forcefully-retired zoo-keeper Mick Munroe is hiding two BIG things: Alzheimer's and a 42 year-old Indian elephant called Sinbad. Mick and his elephant become overnight on-the-run, anti-hero legends when Mick, an old rebel with a cause, takes matters into his own hands. The Alzheimer's brings Mick something very special: an adventure he never thought possible with his dear old friend, Sinbad.

Genre: Literature & Fiction [f] [x]
Length: 181 Pages (1,400 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Soul Asylum by Brendan Jones 3.0 Stars (11 Reviews)    Price verified 4 hours ago

UNLEASH YOUR INNER DESIRES... When a group of teenagers take a drug which literally sends them to hell and back they are granted their most intimate desires. But when you make a deal with the devil there's always consequences, deadly consequences. Writing sample: The pounding beat blasts with primal intensity as the packed dance floor is consumed by its rhythm. Bodies close together. Waiting to be touched. Sex hanging in the air. To be readily taken. To be freely given. There is no better time to be alive. And Eugene knows it. Tonight is his night. Tonight is important. Tonight Cassandra is going to be his. He pushes through the seductive sea of pulsating bodies towards her. She dances invitingly. Eugene notes with annoyance that someone has taken up that invitation. Cassandra pushes her body up against a swinger wannabe, tight leather pants, silk shirt unbuttoned to reveal bum fluff chest hair, cologne that can knock out a rhino at six feet. A wannabe? A never gonna be. In ten years time he'll be working a dead end desk job just like the rest of them. But not Eugene. He has plans. And tonight those plans involve Cassandra. Eugene taps the swinger on the shoulder, "Beat it buddy." Author Information: Brendan and Damian Jones are brothers from Australia and 'Soul Asylum' is their third novel. Their fourth novel 'Parallax' has just been released.

Genre: Teen & Young Adult [f] [x]
Length: 198 Pages (415 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Bless This Love by S M Mala 4.8 Stars (16 Reviews)    Price verified 4 hours ago

Suri and the church 'All Angels' have never seen eye to eye. For the past decade, she associates all bad things that have happened to her is down to that hallowed ground. And she won't ever step foot in it again. But constantly she is drawn to the spot that changed her life. And if the Lord wasn't winding her up enough, she notices a handsome jogger, Joe, who she thinks is an angel of temptation. Redemption is not her thing. After splitting from her ex-lover, he now wants her back but 'forgot' to tell her that he was married. Suri is at a crossroads in her life. Even her career as a television continuity writer is taking a downwards turn when she is told to write and voice the links for a porn channel. But can the church turn her life around and let her lay to rest the past, and embrace the future? Will the stalwarts of the Church Parish see she's not the bad sheep everyone thinks she is? And could she find a man to love and have a future with? Something she so desperately wants, but can't seem to find. A touching funny tale about one person trying to come to terms with the loss of love while trying to embrace the spirit of divine intervention.

Genre: Literature & Fiction [f] [x]
Length: 475 Pages (675 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

WICK (The Spark Form Chronicles Book 1) by Matt Doyle (MDM Projects) 3.8 Stars (15 Reviews)    Price verified 4 hours ago

An over the top performer guarding his companion's right to life. A genius programmer striving to retrieve her property. An ex-mercenary sick of the abuse that she and her girlfriend receive. A teenage girl desperately seeking to understand her past. An old man intent on living by his own terms. Five professional card players. Five reasons to fight. One thing in common: Their lives will be touched by the existence of the AI known as Carnival. The Spark Form Chronicles combines card gaming with the excitement of professional wrestling, and tells a complex story that asks a simple question: Can an AI every truly be alive? Dive into Matt Doyle's epic science fiction series to find out the answer.

Genre: Science Fiction [f] [x]
Length: 350 Pages (1,517 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Dungeon Master: Hot Later-in-Life Romance (Dungeons and Doms Book 1) by Golden Angel 4.3 Stars (807 Reviews)    Price verified 4 hours ago

Rule Zero: The Dungeon Master Makes the Rules. Ten years after divorce, Leah is finally ready to move on. No more ex-with-benefits at the club she and her ex belong to. No more scenes together, no matter how hot they are. She's ready to find someone to spend the rest of her life with. So is her ex, but then Gavin drops the bombshell: he wants to move on by winning her back. Unfortunately, he might already be too late. When he shows up to declare his intentions, Leah's on her way out the door for a date with someone else. Gavin won her heart once and he's determined to win that battle again, no matter the odds.

Genre: Literature & Fiction [f] [x]
Length: 218 Pages (756 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

The Earth Interregnum by Josh Hilden 4.3 Stars (17 Reviews)    Price verified 4 hours ago

THE EARTH INTERREGNUM - BOOK 1 (Novel) At the dawn of the 22nd Century, the human race was poised for greatness. The Solar System was being rapidly colonized, and the stars were almost within reach. The future potential seemed limitless. Then it all changed. Two alien fleets appeared near the orbit of Saturn and fought their way across the system, savaging everything in their path. When the fighting is finished, the human species enters the five-hundred-year period known as the Interregnum. A period of rebuilding, warfare, and discovery.

Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy [f] [x]
Length: 441 Pages (1,913 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Grill It!: Barbecue Cookbook, BBQ Cookbook, 125 Easy Barbecue Recipes by Bonnie Scott 4.4 Stars (133 Reviews)    Price verified 4 hours ago

Do you love the taste of grilled food? Are you a barbecue junkie when summer comes around? There is nothing better than the smell of food cooking on a grill and it's food that so many of us love. Inside Grill It! 125 Easy Recipes grilling cookbook, you'll find exciting recipes for every type of meat and vegetable and loads of great ideas to make your grilling fun, fast and enjoyable. Complete with dozens of recipes, you will soon be making tasty dishes like: • Chicken Breasts with Ginger Garlic Marinade • Flaming Chicken Satay • Teriyaki Halibut • Korean Barbecue Ribs • Bourbon Baby Back Ribs • Hobo Turkey • Grilled Marinated Pheasant • And more... Grill It! also has useful recipes for tasty sauces and marinades that really bring out the flavor of meat, as well as grilling recipes for breads, vegetables and even desserts. Whatever foods you like grilling, Grill It! will make them better and tastier than ever before. Buy Grill It! 125 Easy Recipes grilling cookbook today and get ready for the grilling season now!

Genre: Cookbooks, Food & Wine [f] [x]
Length: 154 Pages (10,934 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Ink Stains, Volume 5: A Dark Fiction Literary Anthology by Michael Picco 4.5 Stars (11 Reviews)    Price verified 5 hours ago

The human mind is an incredible organ. It shoots synapses through trillions of connections to the more than 100 billions nerves in our bodies. But what happens when one of those connections goes bad? What happens when there is a misfire? What happens when some minds break, and people stop functioning "correctly"? Join the writers featured in the fifth volume of Ink Stains as they explore what happens when good people go bad or mad. When misfiring brains can no longer separate fact from fiction... or maybe it is all fact, and it is us, not they who are mad. Andrew Benn, Tiffany Michelle Brown, Don Cox, Elana Gomel, Leigh Harlen, Jason K. Kawa, Adrian Ludens, RJ Murray, Peter Emmett Naughton, Michael Picco, Paul Tanner, Timothy A. Wiseman explore these themes and other dark delights that may leave you questioning what is real.Praise for Ink Stains "Wow! This anthology of Dark Fiction really packs a punch! Ten strong stories without a dud in the bunch. This is my first brush with Dark Alley Press and I sure hope it won't be the last because they are bringing some serious talent to the table. " Brian James Lewis, About Ink Stains Ink Stains, a quarterly dark fiction and horror anthology published by Dark Alley Press, is about shining a stark light on the shadows of life, exploring those dimly lit corridors, and unearthing those long-buried secrets. We are about examining the human existence and the human psyche in its raw, delicate, and dangerous state. We don't shy away from controversy, nor do we believe good will always triumph over evil or that someone will always be around to save the day. Sometimes all we have is ourselves. And the stories that keep us turning the page. Ink Stains, a dark fiction literary anthology series is a horror story collection that is sure to keep you up at night...

Length: 206 Pages (1,461 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Songs in the Key of Love: A Love on Repeat Spin-off by D. Rose 4.7 Stars (267 Reviews)    Price verified 5 hours ago

Ayla Peters and Kendrix Davis were at the height of their careers. At a time that should've been considered the highlight of their lives, they were fighting battles with no end in sight. Ayla Peters, better known as Rosé Marie, was on the verge of burnout. The music career, which she worked so hard to establish, left her questioning who she was and stifled her creative process. With her album's deadline swiftly approaching, Ayla takes a trip to a secluded island to rest and reset. While there, she meets an unlikely acquaintance, and a source for inspiration-in more ways than one. With a fresh Grammy under his belt, songwriter, Kendrix Davis should've felt invincible. Instead, he was dealing with the unbearable loss of his greatest supporter. Unsure of what to do next, Kendrix embarks on a journey to find himself. During his sabbatical, he finds a muse, and a friend. Their love for music brought them together. The undeniable chemistry they shared made working together a breeze. When the lines of their business relationship start to blur, Ayla and Kendrix must accept the inevitable; they were the missing piece in each other's life. ~Songs in the Key of Love is a spin-off from Love on Repeat.~

Genre: Literature & Fiction [f] [x]
Length: 302 Pages (2,156 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Chemistry in Industry & Academia by DR. HEBAH ABDEL-WAHAB 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 5 hours ago

Natural medicine focuses on treating diseases, healing, and promoting health using nontoxic and natural means and treatments. This book also provides information on natural treatments for some joint diseases. Physical chemistry is the study of the amount of energy, physical structure of chemical compounds and the way they react with other chemical compounds. It also involves the study of motion, energy, thermodynamics, force, time, quantum chemistry, statistical mechanics, chemical equilibria, and analytical dynamics. This book provides information on the methods used to calculate thermodynamic parameters and the methods used to identify favored products of oxidation using thermodynamic laws. Industrial chemistry involves the development of chemical products. It uses the academic principles of chemistry and environmental science to develop the products for the chemical and pharmaceutical industry. The objective of this book is to give chemical and industrial solutions to industrial quality control problems. It represents advancements in the field of industrial chemistry with inputs by experts in this field. This book will be a guide for both researchers and academicians.

Genre: Science & Math [f] [x]
Length: 244 Pages (10,601 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

THE BUCKHOIST BUNGLE (The Roger Buckhoist Adventures Book 2) by JACK RIGGER 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 11 minutes ago

Roger Buckhoist Adventure #2. As Roger Buckhoist recovers from wounds incurred during the momentous events following the kidnapping of the President of the United States, the remaining leadership of the worldwide terror organization named THRILL are planning a revenge that will dwarf the previous attack and that will include Roger's demise.

Length: 241 Pages (3,196 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Leadership at the Edge of Innovation: Navigating the 4th Industrial Revolution in Manufacturing by Dennis Kuzmenko 5.0 Stars (30 Reviews)    Price verified 11 minutes ago

Unlock the Secrets to Thriving in Manufacturing's Technological Frontier. From historical milestones to cutting-edge innovations, explore the dynamic landscape of manufacturing with expert guidance. In Leadership at the Edge of Innovation, Dennis Kuzmenko, a veteran with over two decades of hands-on experience in manufacturing across North America, offers a comprehensive guide for navigating the tumultuous waters of technological transformation. This book isn't just for industry insiders -- it is for anyone striving to understand and harness the power of innovation in today's business landscape. Kuzmenko's insights cut through the noise, providing actionable strategies and unique perspectives that challenge conventional wisdom. Drawing from historical milestones in industrial revolutions to the latest breakthroughs in emerging technologies, he crafts a compelling narrative that illuminates the path forward for manufacturing leaders. Far from a mere compilation of best practices, Leadership at the Edge of Innovation offers a roadmap for shaping the future of manufacturing. Through meticulous analysis and forward-thinking vision, Kuzmenko equips readers with the tools they need to not only survive but thrive amidst rapid technological change. Inside Leadership at the Edge of Innovation readers will: • Gain profound insights into the forces shaping the technological landscape of manufacturing. • Access actionable strategies and perspectives honed by Dennis Kuzmenko's two decades of industry experience. • Explore historical milestones and emerging technologies to understand the past, present, and future of manufacturing. • Receive a comprehensive roadmap for thriving amidst rapid technological change. • Discover thought-provoking ideas that challenge conventional wisdom and inspire innovative leadership. • Equip themselves with the tools and mindset necessary to lead the charge in transforming the manufacturing landscape. • Explore the ...

Genre: Computers & Technology [f] [x]
Length: 269 Pages (590 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Discerning Movements of Social Atheism Box Set by Erik Angus MacRae 4.2 Stars (4 Reviews)    Price verified 5 hours ago

This is the complete box set containing the four preliminary works of the author Erik Angus MacRae. Contained within are the four titles: Observational Commentaries on Social Atheism: Volume 1: How Social Atheism Dethroned Christianity and Seized Power in the West, and the Caustic Effects of Darwinian Theory in the World, Volume 2: Scientific Arguments Against Darwin and Documentation of the Bigotry of Atheist Scientists Against Creationists and Christian Scientists, Volume 3: Alarming History and Alarming Predictions: the Communist Manifesto and its Revolutions, and finally, a separate Quote-and-Reply critique of the Communist Manifesto that also contains a copy of the Manifesto itself for cross-reference titled Observational Critique and a Copy of the Communist Manifesto: Drastically Increase your Understanding of The Communist Literature A Few Hours of Reading. The totality of the combined documents spans the whole recent history of Social Atheism represented for the most part in two distinct sects, Darwinism and Marxism which the author argues have been operating together as one Unified Atheism.

Genre: History [f] [x]
Length: 827 Pages (18,585 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

The Gentleman Who Stole Her Heart: A Historical Regency Romance Book (Love and Secrets of the Ton) by Abigail Agar 4.3 Stars (403 Reviews)    Price verified 5 hours ago

One year after Elizabeth Morrow has been widowed, she decides that it's time to turn a new page in her life. She needs a husband and a good father for her son, who can preserve the wealth she has inherited. Plenty of ambitious men seek to marry her only for her fortune, but Elizabeth has to make the right choice and find a tender person who will take care of her small family. Everything changes the night she is intrigued by a charming man, who despite the absence of title or fortune, helps her make the biggest decision of her life. Will her decision to marry Arthur be the right one, or will she fall prey to another fortune hunter? Arthur Whitaker is trying to care for his parents, who have just been left penniless. Feeling the shame of his father dragging him down, he will follow his will and look for a wife to marry. The idea of marrying Elizabeth Morrow, just for the sake of her wealth, feels terrible, but it might be his only choice. Before he knows it, he finds himself thrust into a marriage with a woman he hardly knows. The moment Arthur's feelings for his wife grow warmer, and he decides to confess his love, a mysterious illness hits him, and puts his life in grave danger. Will Arthur be able to escape death and win Elizabeth's heart? When Elizabeth and Arthur start falling in love with each other, they will think for a moment that happy endings might exist. To their ignorance, though, someone does not want this love to flourish and is determined to take Arthur out of the picture. The two of them must find a way to ensure that Arthur stays alive and Elizabeth will not be left alone and fragile for a second time. In the end, will they break all the barriers that wish to keep them apart, or will internal battles and outside forces overpower them? "The Gentleman Who Stole Her Heart" is a historical romance novel of approximately 80,000 words. No cheating, no cliffhangers, and a guaranteed happily ever after.

Genre: Literature & Fiction [f] [x]
Length: 461 Pages (2,247 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

New Word A Day For Kids: Computer Terms (Vocabulary Cartoons) by Elliot Carruthers 4.0 Stars (4 Reviews)    Price verified 5 hours ago

Improve your computer vocabulary with a word a day! 365 words in a calendar format help you to learn one new word a day. Phonetic and simple explanations help you to use the words in daily conversation. Enjoyable and entertaining!

Genre: Children's eBooks [f] [x]
Length: 185 Pages
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Wyvern Academy: Path of Ascension I by Atlas Kane 4.5 Stars (862 Reviews)    Price verified 31 minutes ago

When treading the path of ascension, you'd better watch your step. After incursions of Demons from another plane of existence changed the course of history, humanity learned one undeniable truth: traditional weapons wouldn't cut it. Those strong enough to resist, cultivated their Ki, and emerged as Heroes of Ascension to combat the demonic threat. For two hopeful Ascendants, J and Alex, this journey begins at Wyvern Academy. But surviving in one of the world's top battle academies isn't the only thing they have to worry about. Fellow students and rivals, beautiful girls, and treacherous exams stand in the way of their first steps on the path of ascension. Wyvern Academy is a harem cultivation novel written by authors Atlas Kane, bestselling author of Chimera King, and Grayson Sinclair, LitRPG author of Hive Knight. Wyvern Academy is inspired by Japanese Light Novels as well as a deep love and respect for anime, kung fu, martial arts, and battle academy adventures. Imagine a story that combines My Hero Academia, IP Man, and your favorite harem novel, and you'll have Wyvern Academy... Caution to Readers: Wyvern Academy Light Novels contain explicit adult content, unconventional / harem relationships, graphic and persistent violence, and occasional lapses in decorum that would make your dear mother faint. Proceed at your own risk.

Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy [f] [x]
Length: 280 Pages (4,840 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Harnessing the Power of Mindfulness for Self-Discovery: Everyday Enlightenment, Volume 1 by K.G. Blackwell 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 5 hours ago

Description Format Do you ever find yourself going through the motions of life, feeling like something is missing? You wake up, go to work, come home, repeat. But what if I told you that within you lies the key to unlocking your true potential and finding lasting happiness? Imagine a life where every moment is filled with purpose and clarity, where self-discovery is not a distant dream but a daily reality. From the first chapter of Harnessing the Power of Mindfulness for Self-Discovery, you'll discover the tools for uncovering your unique qualities and talents. By the time you get to the final chapter, you'll be able to be so mindful that your everyday experiences will lead you to a deeper understanding of yourself! K.G. Blackwell is an awakened African American spiritual teacher, motivational speaker, and counselor. Driven by his passion for spiritual enlightenment, he now brings you this thought-provoking book that is designed to guide you in connecting with your higher self and living a more conscious life. Are you ready to learn how? Inside Harnessing the Power of Mindfulness for Self-Discovery, you'll discover: • Practical strategies to help you sleep better, interpret your dreams effectively, and enhance your spiritual sight. • Breathing techniques and movement exercises such as Yoga, Tai Chi, and Qigong to enhance your mindfulness and release your emotions constructively. • How to understand your cravings, be mindful of your spiritual hunger, and restore balance in your energy centers. • The best ways to recognize your feelings and manage them effectively. • Effective ways to use creativity as a catalyst for change, enlightenment, and spiritual awakening. • The difference between hearing and listening, along with meditation tools you can incorporate into your life to improve your listening, no matter how challenging this has been for you before. • A step-by-step guide to make you a mindful communicator, express your authentic self, and ...

Genre: Self-Help [f] [x]
Length: 141 Pages (1,060 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

A Promise in Ash: A Sweet Beach Romance Suspense (Promises Book 1) by Elysia Strife 4.0 Stars (29 Reviews)    Price verified 5 hours ago

With only a manipulative mother figure to guide her, Norah's learned everything the hard way. Her dreams of a stable family shattered with her self-confidence years ago. Thank goodness her single-dad coworker is nearby to eagerly pick up her pieces. If only her past would stay put, maybe they could move forward together. In a small Texas town, outside of Houston, lies a family of secrets Norah Taren will soon uncover. She's tried to move on for years and push the past into the shadows. Yet handsome Evan Swanson is ever-curious about her, leaving her worried he'll dig up something ugly. Some part of her life will surely push him away for good. Norah refuses to let him get too close, wanting desperately to keep him as a friend. He has enough chaos in his life with his teenage daughter. And Norah doesn't want to lose them. Despite her resistance, Evan has zero plans of giving up on Norah. When Norah's engagement falls apart, the news of her infertility breaking her last thread, she gives in to Evan's embrace. He and Ashley welcome her with open arms, but Norah hesitates to go all in with them. Her traumatic childhood still haunts her and makes her feel undeserving of love. As Norah's love for Evan grows and she becomes more invested in spending time with them, secrets emerge from Norah's father, her ex-fiancé, and the mystery around her adoption, reinforcing the walls she's put up to shield her heart. It isn't until her father's death that a friend from the past emerges and exposes the truth. Her gut feeling that she needed to stay away from Evan and Ashley was right. Norah's entire life has been one big lie. One man is behind it all, someone she's never met. Norah longs for trust, real love, friends she can count on, and a stable, wholesome family. Evan and Ashley have an empty seat at their table, one they wish Norah to fill. But Norah's past won't stay gone, putting her would-be family in serious harm's way. Norah's battle runs deeper than her jerk of ...

Genre: Contemporary Fiction [f] [x]
Length: 364 Pages (2,400 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Conclusive Evidence: A Novel (Goodlove and Shek Book 1) by Al Macy 4.4 Stars (4,638 Reviews)    Price verified 5 hours ago

First-in-Series Price! Garrett Goodlove used to be an arrogant criminal defense attorney, with a drive to win at all costs. But a pair of tragic events threw him into a bottomless depression, and he retreated into the practice of family law. Now, he tries to settle cases in ways that make everyone happy. He's a nicer person, but has he lost his edge? His kinder, gentler life is disrupted when the police arrest his estranged twin sister, Carly. She's accused of shoving her husband off a cliff into the storm-tossed Pacific Ocean. Worse, the vicious detective on the case has a grudge against her and has vowed to send her to prison even if he has to cheat to do it. Carly, deaf since birth, refuses to be defended by anyone other than her twin brother. But the intense connection that binds the siblings tells Garrett that she may not be revealing everything she knows. If Garrett can't keep this new stress from pushing him back into depression, the defense will fail, condemning his sister to an isolated life in prison, cut off from the deaf community she needs.

Length: 278 Pages (1,573 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Protect: A Dystopian Thriller (The Unwelcome Trilogy Book 1) by R.D. Brady (Scottish Seoul Publishing, LLC) 4.5 Stars (598 Reviews)    Price verified 6 hours ago

Survivor, Warrior, Leader... And Humanity's Last Chance Time is running out. Not just for the Cursed, who are being hunted by the Unwelcome. Not just for Lyla Richards and the ones she love who will face their greatest challenge yet. But for the human race. The fight for humanity's future... or it's annihilation... has begun. Fans of Sarah J. Maas, A.G. Riddle, James Rollins, Suzanne Collins, and Brandon Sanderson will love the Unwelcome Trilogy. The Unwelcome Trilogy of Dystopian Thrillers Protect is the first book in R.D. Brady's new action packed, sci-fi thriller. If you enjoy edge of your novels set in dystopian settings, The Unwelcome Trilogy is for you! What Readers Are Saying: "R.D Brady is a master of developing strong female characters that are the perfect blend of fragile humanity and kick ass hero." "I started reading science fiction almost 60 years ago, with authors like Asimov and Heinlein. Her books are on par with the masters." "R.D. Brady has a real gift for story telling that sucks your in and makes you hungry for more!" "Couldn't put it down... read it in 2 days.. can't wait for the next one!!!!"

Genre: Science Fiction [f] [x]
Length: 446 Pages (5,786 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Mitch Kearns Combat Tracker Series Boxed Set of Thrillers, Volumes 1-3: A Black-Ops Vigilante Justice Series by JT Sawyer 4.5 Stars (1,748 Review)    Price verified 6 hours ago

If mantracker Mitch Kearns is on your trail then there's no place you can hide. *From Bestselling Author JT Sawyer comes this exciting, Black-Ops Thriller Series. With over 400 pages of action adventure, delve into 3 fast-paced thrillers jammed with survival, adventure, and international intrigue. Meet Mitch Kearns, a former Special Forces Combat Tracker who works for the FBI hunting down notorious criminals. Crossing paths with Israeli agent Dev Leitner, the two seasoned operators join forces to bring down terrorist cells, rogue assassins, and black-ops mercenaries in these adrenaline-soaked novels now available in one boxed set. Volume One, Dead in Their Tracks: FBI Agent Mitch Kearns had just finished teaching a mantracking course and was looking forward to time off when the daughter of a former black-ops mentor shows up on his doorstep in desperate need of help. The Aeneid Corporation, a military contractor that provides mercenaries to third-world governments, wants Devorah Leitner dead and the secrets she carries buried. With his life taking a drastic turn as the two are pursued by trained killers through the desert, Mitch has to use every trick in his arsenal as a former combat tracker to elude their pursuers until they can thwart the sinister plot to launch a terrorist attack on U.S. soil. Volume Two, Counter-Strike: Join Mitch and Dev as they head across the globe in pursuit of a deadly pathogen that has fallen into the wrong hands. From the boreal forest of Sweden to the jungles of Indonesia, the two warriors must pool all of their skills to overcome an adversary bent on releasing a virus that can level humanity. Volume Three, The Kill List: Former combat tracker Mitch Kearns is back in the U.S. visiting a friend at a secluded home in Colorado. Little do they know that there is a killer in their midst who is plotting against them for actions connected with a mantracking case Mitch was involved with a year earlier. With a storm moving in and one of ...

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [f] [x]
Length: 382 Pages (669 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Some Men Are Haunted (Raven Hill Trilogy: Book One) by Shaun Whittington 4.0 Stars (19 Reviews)    Price verified 6 hours ago

Based in 2005, The first book in the Raven Hill series is an edge of your seat thriller. Like most towns, Raven Hill has a dark history. Its inhabitants know of the history, apart from newcomer Gavin Brown. Brown has recently moved from London to experience the "quiet life" and finds there is more to the town than meets the eye. David Dawson is a family man, and like other residents, knows of the dark history surrounding Raven Hill and the woods, and the infamous story of Killer Kelly. To the adults, Killer Kelly was a character from years back that massacred his family. To the children, Killer Kelly is a ghost that is still present and lives in the same shack where he killed his family, which is situated on the common hill, between Raven Hill and the woods. This thriller is written as seen through the eyes of an adult, and also that of the three children, Alan, Neil and Steven Dawson, David Dawson's son. Packed with developing eerie stories, innocent friendship, and scenes of terror, Some Men are Haunted dissects each character and tells the reader how they have been affected. This story comes to a dramatic and bloody conclusion, and is not for persons under the age of 18.

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [f] [x]
Length: 282 Pages (667 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

A Secret Between Friends (Between the Sheets Book 1) by Serenity Woods 4.4 Stars (2,962 Reviews)    Price verified 6 hours ago

A wounded soldier needs her own hero... When Lieutenant Genie Sharpe's best friend Ciara dies in the bomb blast that blew up their Army truck, Genie comes home to the Bay of Islands to rest her wounded knee. To honor Ciara, Genie decides to carry out her friend's Bucket List, and she's more than happy when Ciara's gorgeous big brother Niall offers to join in. The attraction that has always simmered between them soon turns sizzling hot. But Niall's mother Sinead blames Genie for her daughter's death, and Ciara made her feelings clear on them dating long ago, so they agree to keep their relationship secret. The final wish on Ciara's Bucket List brings everything to a head. Genie knows she has to end the fling. But the heart wants what the heart wants, and besides, Niall has other ideas...

Genre: Literature & Fiction [f] [x]
Length: 241 Pages (840 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

THE CHOSEN WARRIOR OF RREGNOS by RAOUL 4.2 Stars (88 Reviews)    Price verified 11 minutes ago

From a cottage in the suburbs of the town Bellasor, Loen Eoman has lived a simple, modest life along with his godfather, Haenor, and his best friends, Latem and Audriel. When an old friend visits their cottage, Loen learns that Rregnos itself is in great peril, and he may be the key to saving his planet. Tremors, storms, and a death-defying adventure await Loen and his friends in search of an ancient, legendary artefact believed to be the key to saving Rregnos. Will Loen succumb to the burden he bears, or will he discover his potential as the warrior that Rregnos needs?

Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy [f] [x]
Length: 388 Pages (6,229 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Mexico Tourist Spanish: Calendar Cartoon Book (Learn Spanish 8) by Elliot Carruthers Price verified 6 hours ago

¡Bienvenidos a México! Are you looking for the perfect souvenir to remember your trip? Look no further than our Spanish Cartoon Calendar Book! This fun and colorful calendar features whimsical illustrations of Mexico's most famous landmarks, festivals, and traditions, all with a touch of humor that will make you smile every time you flip the page. Whether you're a first-time visitor or a seasoned traveler, this calendar is the perfect way to celebrate your love of Mexico and its vibrant culture. Our calendar book is not just a fun way to stay organized, it's also a great way to learn more about Mexico. Each page includes interesting facts and information about the featured illustration, giving you a deeper understanding of the country's history and culture. Made with high-quality materials, this calendar book is built to last and makes a great addition to any home or office. Plus, it's the perfect size to take with you on the go, so you can always have a little piece of Mexico with you wherever you go. So why wait? Get your Spanish Cartoon Calendar Book today and start celebrating the magic of Mexico all year round! ¡Gracias por su visita!

Genre: Reference [f] [x]
Length: 367 Pages (14,953 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

The Fallen Star by Jessica Sorensen 4.2 Stars (11,213 Reviews)    Price verified 6 hours ago

For eighteen year-old Gemma, life has never been normal. Up until recently, she has been incapable of feeling emotion. And when she's around Alex, the gorgeous new guy at school, she can feel electricity that makes her skin buzz. Not to mention the monsters that haunt her nightmares have crossed over into real-life. But with Alex seeming to hate her and secrets popping up everywhere, Gemma's life is turning into a chaotic mess. Things that shouldn't be real suddenly seem to exist. And as her world falls apart, figuring out the secrets of her past becomes a matter of life and death. BookWhisperer's review 5 out of 5 stars "This is definitely a book to be recommended." Katina Hernandez's (Tigris Eden) review 5 out 5 stars "There are so many twists and turns in the story and the ending will leave you wanting more. Sorensen wrote a dark and intriguing book." Book Passion for Life's review "Overall, this is a fantastic debut novel. Jessica has done a great job and I'm dying to get my hands on the next book." Newly edited version released. If you purchased a version that contains incorrect grammar or missing words, please call 1-866-216-1072 to request the updated version free of charge. Or for the UK call 1-206-266-2992. Books of the Fallen Star Series Book 1: The Fallen Star Book 2: Th Underworld (now available) Book 3: The Vision (now available) Book 4: The Promise (available March 24, 2012)

Genre: Teen & Young Adult [f] [x]
Length: 419 Pages (2,719 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Mind, Body and Rosie: The first Rostershire novel: Intrigue and Romance by Pauline Wharton 3.9 Stars (16 Reviews)    Price verified 6 hours ago

Roster is a rundown Midlands Hospital. Management is weak, the Chief Medical Officer's corrupt, and the pioneering young surgeon can't get money for his research. What's more, he's fed up with Geraldine and carting her cello about... and then along comes the mysterious Rosie, and turns everything upside down.

Genre: Literature & Fiction [f] [x]
Length: 249 Pages (793 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

The Worldwide Cookbook of Popular Recipes: Well-Known Dishes from Countries Around the World by Pierre Gardner Price verified 6 hours ago

Tired of culinary disappointments? Look no further than this ultimate collection of tried-and-true recipes. Designed to deliver flawless results every time, this cookbook is your ticket to hassle-free cooking. Embrace a world of diverse flavors and effortless preparation with our meticulously curated selection of dishes. From appetizing starters to sumptuous mains and decadent desserts, we've got you covered. Elevate your cooking game with easy-to-follow instructions that ensure success, even for the most novice of cooks. Unlock the joy of creating mouthwatering meals without the frustration. Get ready to impress your loved ones and savour the satisfaction of perfectly executed dishes, time after time.

Genre: Cookbooks, Food & Wine [f] [x]
Length: 106 Pages (15,770 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

WHISPERS AND RAINBOWS: Healing poems to make you smile, laugh and cry with joy by Aldrin Gomes 4.4 Stars (7 Reviews)    Price verified 7 hours ago

Whispers and Rainbows contain 121 uplifting poems to help heal from adversity, smile, laugh, and feel a sense of belonging. A total of 121 poems were chosen because in numerology 121 is a powerful number that signifies growth and progress. These are our whispers, our rainbows, our poems. Inside this book you will find a universe where freedom of thought is unbound from misery and sadness resulting in a therapeutic marriage of bliss and tranquility wrapping their arms around your mind, heart, and soul.

Length: 158 Pages (1,074 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Chain The Master (House of Dolls Series Book 2) by T.C. Chase 4.5 Stars (2 Reviews)    Price verified 7 hours ago

The one he could never control had foiled Nathan's plan by escaping her prison once and for all. As Katherine ran for help, Anna discovered he was still alive, despite Katherine's belief she had killed him. Anna hid Nathan in one of his house's hidden panic rooms for a week until the police presence in town began to fade. One fateful night, she decided to set Nathan free, fleeing to Los Angeles with him to hide out while starting a new life. What were they going to do once they arrived in their new city? How far would they go to keep their true identity hidden? And will the people they meet be safe, or will they become victims of Nathan and Anna?

Length: 268 Pages (826 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

THE LOST RV CAMPING BIBLE [ 15 IN 1 ]: Embark on the Ultimate Road Trip with 200+ Campgrounds and Must-Visit Attractions Across the US to Create ... by Jake Harrison 4.8 Stars (18 Reviews)    Price verified 4 hours ago

Do you want to discover the best RV campgrounds and must-see attractions across the US? Are you looking for practical tips to make every RV trip unforgettable? Need a reliable travel companion to help plan your road adventures? If you answered YES to at least one of these questions, you MUST KEEP READING... Discover the Ultimate Road Trip Guide for RV Enthusiasts Looking for the best campgrounds and the most exciting attractions can be time-consuming and costly. Unfortunately, based on experience, most guides out there do not provide the real information needed to plan and start your journey. But there is a solution... The Lost RV Camping Bible was created from the experiences of seasoned RV travelers who have driven thousands of miles and visited hundreds of campgrounds. They've gathered all their knowledge and secrets into one guide to help you live your best road trip adventure. What you will find inside: ? Extensive RV Campground Directory: Explore a meticulously curated list of over 200 campgrounds, featuring a mix of well-known destinations and hidden gems. Perfect for every type of RV traveler. ? Must-Visit Attractions: Discover national parks, scenic byways, and must-see attractions across the US. Each location is paired with nearby campgrounds, making planning your journey a breeze. ?? Practical RV Tips: Equip yourself with essential knowledge for a smooth RV adventure. Learn tips on campsite setup, maintenance, packing essentials, and safety. ?? Adventure Planning Made Easy: Detailed itineraries and route suggestions help you make the most of your trip. Whether you're looking for short weekend getaways or extended road trips, find the perfect plan to suit your needs. ? Insider Recommendations: Benefit from expert advice and recommendations to enhance your RV camping experience. From the best scenic routes to top campfire recipes, this book has it all. And much more... ? For a limited time, purchasing this book will also get you this ...

Genre: Travel [f] [x]
Length: 166 Pages (8,838 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

The Attraction: House of Illusion (A YA Mystery Series) by Rick Polito 4.3 Stars (12 Reviews)    Price verified 7 hours ago

"An engaging and moving blend of comedy, suspense, and a well-defined male teen voice." -- Kirkus Reviews Discover a thrilling mystery by the author of Off Trail -- a humorous journey filled with chilling twists and a hidden fortune waiting to be found. Nate and Lily knew their mother was different. All it took was a hunch or a bad feeling and the family would be uprooted and moving to a different apartment or even a different town. But when the two are torn out of their life in the ritzy North Bay for the summer and dropped in "the Mississippi of California" on the Sacramento River Delta, Nate Caldwell and his sister Lily see it as one more move in a series of lurching disruptions driven by their mother's suspicion that something or someone is after them. When they settle into life around their uncle's House of Illusion roadside attraction, Nate meets Mia -- who makes all the girls he knew in the North Bay seem shallow and dull -- and begins to connect with local teens who couldn't be more different than the privileged classmates he left behind. As they delve deeper into the attraction's mysterious history, Nate unravels the enigma that fueled his mother's suspicions. Don't miss this engaging blend of comedy, suspense, and authentic teenage experiences. Dive into the intrigue now and join Nate on his unforgettable journey!

Genre: Teen & Young Adult [f] [x]
Length: 306 Pages (3,881 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Horror From Below: A Humorous Science Fiction, Zombie Thriller by JT Sawyer 4.3 Stars (121 Reviews)    Price verified 7 hours ago

When a bizarre string of unusual corpses washes up on the beaches of San Diego during Halloween week, Detective Lindsey Brant requires more than her usual set of skills to solve the mystery. Joining forces with horror writer James Archer, the two will have to survive a scourge of undead, international killers, unscrupulous reporters, and rogue spies if they're to unravel the long-buried mystery of a deadly virus that could bring humanity to its knees. But their greatest threat to the case may just be surviving each other. See if the two will succeed in saving the world in this irreverent new series from JT Sawyer that blends horror, sci-fi, and mystery into a snarky, saltwater thriller.

Genre: Science Fiction [f] [x]
Length: 138 Pages (326 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Following God By His Spirit (Life in Christ) by Joan Boney 5.0 Stars (5 Reviews)    Price verified 7 hours ago

The Holy Spirit searches the heart of God to reveal the will of God to the believer. I Corinthians 2 Jesus explained it as follows: But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. (John 14:26) Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. (John 16:13) ***** By bringing thoughts from God to our mind, the Holy Spirit leads us in the way of God and communicates the will of God to the believer. But thoughts, ideas, can also come from our own fleshly desires and from devil. How to recognize those ideas that are from God is the issue. That is the primary subject of this book. Joan Boney

Genre: Religion & Spirituality [f] [x]
Length: 116 Pages (897 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Divine: A Stand-Alone Coming of Age Urban Fantasy Superhero Romance in The Divine Series by B.L. Teschner 4.6 Stars (31 Reviews)    Price verified 7 hours ago

** This is a new cover edition. There have been previous cover editions of this book that may show up different on other websites such as Goodreads ** There are two kinds of people in the world: Typics and Divines. Typics are known to society as the normal people on the earth, or, the "typical" human beings. And Divines? Well, they are the people who were born with unique super-human abilities, those of which they choose to either expose or conceal while living among the world of Typics. Divines can be powerful. Summer Peregrine is a Divine who has the ability to teleport to different places at will. Well, she's supposed to be able to, anyway. She has always struggled with it, and after accidentally revealing her ability to a neighbor when she was a young girl, she resolved to give the teleporting a rest. When Summer's family relocates from their home state of Arizona to the drizzly California city of San Francisco, she feels like life can't get any worse: She has no friends and hates the gloomy weather around her. Fortunately things start to turn around when she gets a job at a restaurant and makes friends with the staff as well as her new boss, Fox, a Divine whose name says it all. When Summer gets a flat tire and meets Jonah, a mechanic with a body that she can't tear her eyes away from, that's when she feels like her life is truly beginning. But there's just something about his amazing crystal-blue eyes that she can't decipher. Jonah slowly reaches out to her and eventually reveals his secrets, making her fall even more in love with him and his sublimity. As Fox's jealousy grows wild with Jonah and Summer's relationship, he becomes unhinged and reveals some secrets of his own. Jonah tries to protect her from her boss's rage, but in the end Summer has to gather the courage to summon her ability and decide her own fate.

Genre: Fantasy [f] [x]
Length: 547 Pages (4,299 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Diary of Skeleton Steve the Noob Years 6 - Season 1 Episode 6: Unofficial Minecraft Books for Kids, Teens, & Nerds (Skeleton Steve & the Noob Mobs ... by Skeleton Steve 4.9 Stars (80 Reviews)    Price verified 7 hours ago

Love MINECRAFT? **Over 19,000 words of kid-friendly fun!** This high-quality fan fiction fantasy diary book is for kids, teens, and nerdy grown-ups who love to read epic stories about their favorite game!Invasion in the Rain! The Season ONE Finale!! Still stuck in the Nether, Skeleton Steve, Elias the Enderman Ninja, and Slinger the Spider struggle to reactivate the dead portal to get back home. But when they do, they're surprised to find Zombietown under full assault! The Minecraftian Noobs are trying to take over and wipe out all of the undead mobs! And to make matters worse, when the trio of heroes joins the fight, it starts to rain, so the powerful Enderman Ninja is forced to stay out of the battle! Will Skeleton Steve and Slinger be able to save the village? And how will they stop a small army of Minecraftian Noobs that just keep coming?? Love Minecraft adventure?? Read the Finale of Season 1, Episode 6 of Skeleton Steve, The Noob Years now! Join the Skeleton Steve Club! Check out my main website for details--it's in the book! (Get free Minecraft goodies, tips, books, maps, skins, seeds, and more!) This book is NOT OFFICIAL MINECRAFT PRODUCT. NOT APPROVED BY OR ASSOCIATED WITH MOJANG.

Genre: Children's eBooks [f] [x]
Length: 276 Pages (5,259 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Breaking the Rules: Falling for the Newcomer (Captive Love Book 5) by Deng Yong 4.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 7 hours ago

It wasn't in the plan to fall in love with the newcomer. As a professional athlete, I only have one rule about men: don't date another baseball player. Good thing I haven't been tempted in the majors once in four years. Until a star-on-the-rise walks into my locker room. Grant is friendly, outgoing, and as sexy as sin. He also has a lot of confidence and talent. He seems to understand me, too. Maybe it's because we both have secrets and scars that we'll fight to keep hidden. But I've had a lot of trouble in the past and don't want any more in the present. Even more reason to say no to the dirty things his mouth and eyes promise. Even after I give the new player a smoky kiss one night after a game. Even after he sends me the most beautiful selfie in the world. But when Grant tells me his biggest secret, I'm going to tear up the rules. It turns out that he has never been with a woman before, and he wants me to help him learn the ropes. Only one rule? Don't get too attached to him as we go.

Genre: Literature & Fiction [f] [x]
Length: 376 Pages (2,657 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Poppycock and Fiddlesticks: Coofan Bragg and his first summer at St Moggins home for young Wizards and Witches by Andi Ali 2.5 Stars (2 Reviews)    Price verified 7 hours ago

After being certified mad and committed to the Nut House at the tender age of two, four year old Coofan Bragg is delighted to discover that he is being moved to St Moggin's home for young Wizards and Witches in the magical hamlet of Wadi Ormton. Once there he has no idea of the new friends he will meet or adventures that lie ahead. From the author who brought us Inspector McGowan, this first volume of unforgettable memoirs chronicles Coofan Bragg's first summer at St Moggins, with the signature storytelling magic that has made him a favourite the world over.

Genre: Literature & Fiction [f] [x]
Length: 214 Pages (1,271 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Decimus Fate and the Talisman of Dreams: (A Fantasy Adventure - Book 1) by Peter A. Flannery 4.6 Stars (592 Reviews)    Price verified 7 hours ago

Decimus Fate and the Tutor... A sorcerer who no longer wields magic, and a demon hunter who no longer hunts demons. Two dangerous men, each with a dark and troubled past, now forced to work together in the river city of Guile. As the story unfolds they find themselves caught in a web of danger from ruthless crime lords, vengeful assassins and evil magic-users who draw their power from the realm of demons. Will Fate and the Tutor learn to trust each other or will one sacrifice the other to save his own skin?

Length: 281 Pages (6,744 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024