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Computational Fluid Dynamics: an Overview of Methods by D. James Benton 4.6 Stars (26 Reviews)    Price verified 8 hours ago

Fluid flow is a very broad and complicated topic because of the many different aspects and types of applications. I have covered inviscid flow, which occurs when the viscosity is negligible or the velocities are very large, in two previous texts: Differential Equations and Numerical Calculus. I may at some point cover creeping flow, which occurs when the viscosity dominates momentum or the velocities are very small. In this text we will cover the range between these two extremes: when viscosity and momentum are both important, at least in some significant part of the flow field. This is by no means an exhaustive reference on the subject of computational fluid dynamics; rather, it is an introduction and overview, going just far enough to get the reader started along this path with some helpful direction based on years of experience. I have striven to make this a clear presentation, particularly of finite elements, avoiding the traditional esoteric derivations that never seem to arrive at any useful destination. The impetus to undertake this project has arisen from my interacting with many graduate students on Research Gate, who are pursuing CFD and struggling with traditional presentations. You must make decisions when you arrive at a fork in the proverbial road (such as FDM, FVM, or FEM) and I hope this text will provide you with enough information to do that without me imposing my personal preference.

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 117 Pages (7,315 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 7th, 2024

Heat Recovery Steam Generators: Thermal Design & Testing by D. James Benton 3.5 Stars (4 Reviews)    Price verified 3 hours ago

Heat recovery steam generators (HRSGs) are an integral part of any modern combined cycle power plant. These heat exchangers are designed to recover the heat from a gas turbine exhaust and convert this to steam, which drives a turbine and ultimately a second generator. Because the gas turbine operates efficiently at high temperatures and heat is removed down to nearly ambient temperature, the overall efficiency of this complex design exceeds that of conventional Rankine cycle coal-, oil-, or gas-fired systems. These systems can also be operated in simple or combined cycle, increasing flexibility and response to load dispatch. HRSG can be complex to analyze and also difficult to effectively test and prove their performance. This text covers both theory and testing in practice with examples.

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 121 Pages (7,044 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 7th, 2024

Bow Hunting: The Ultimate Guide for Bow Hunters by Robert Fairbanks 3.4 Stars (44 Reviews)    Price verified 12 hours ago

Get the adrenaline rush from bow hunting Bow hunting is not an ordinary hobby and that's why it can be so rewarding. You get adrenaline rush from the hunt. You experience the great outdoors. You compare achievements with fellow hunters. You tweak with your weapon to make it work better for you. Well, those are just some of the benefits. Avid bow hunters can add many more reasons why this activity is so enjoyable, but that's not what we're here to talk about. If you're reading this book, chances are you already know those reasons. You likely have your own reasons. You either want to try out bow hunting or you are already into it. If you belong to the former, then you want some guide to help you get started with it. If you belong to the latter, then you just want additional information to get better at it. Whichever the case, you downloaded the right book. This book is a guide to bow hunting. Of course, nothing beats actual experience in learning how to hunt with a bow, but it doesn't hurt to have a guide. After all, what happens in a hunt can and will differ from case to case. There is no single book that can let you know what to expect in every hunting session. However, it pays to be well informed beforehand so you at least have an idea what to do. This comprehensive guide to bow hunting will give you more than that. The contents of this book will provide you information so that you won't have unnecessary difficulties with your hunt. Contained in this book are the following: • Overview of Bow Hunting • Choosing Your Bow • Choosing Your Arrows • Accessorizing Your Bow • Basic Archery • Gear to Bring • The Hunt • Preparing Your Kill • Sample Venison Recipes • Other Tips • Next Steps to Take Now download, read on and good luck on the field, hunter!

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 45 Pages (412 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 7th, 2024

Foraging for Beginners: Ignite your Creativity and Master the Hunt by Daniel Ostling 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 8 hours ago

Step into the world of foraging, where nature's abundance becomes your guide and the landscape holds treasures beyond imagination. In "Foraging for Beginners" you're invited to unlock the age-old wisdom of connecting with the wild, nourishing both body and soul. With clear and friendly guidance, this book takes you by the hand and leads you through the foundational steps of foraging. Learn to confidently identify edible plants, discover the key features that set them apart, and explore the visual cues that nature provides. From lush forests to urban landscapes, you'll traverse diverse ecosystems and uncover the plants that hide in plain sight. Dive into the practical aspects of responsible foraging, including ethical considerations, sustainable practices, and mindful harvesting techniques. Each season unfolds a new chapter of possibility, from the delicate blooms of spring to the hearty treasures of winter. Feast your senses on the flavors and healing wonders of wild berries, nuts, greens, and more, all while cultivating a deeper connection to the natural world. As you immerse yourself in the art of foraging, you'll find not only nourishment for your body but also a renewed sense of wonder and mindfulness. "Foraging for Beginners" is your compass to a world of self-sufficiency, sustainability, and vibrant health, inviting you to embark on a journey that transforms both your relationship with nature and your way of life. Unlock the secrets of the wild and embark on a journey of discovery, empowerment, and connection with "Foraging for Beginners." Let this book be your trusted companion as you embark on an enriching adventure, nurturing your well-being and kindling a lifelong passion for the gifts of the earth.

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 303 Pages
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 7th, 2024

Military UFO Encounters: True Cases of Military Alien Encounters (Paranormal and Unexplained Mysteries Book 14) by Conrad Bauer (Maplewood Publishing) 3.8 Stars (92 Reviews)    Price verified 6 hours ago

True and documented military UFO encounter cases that will surprise and make you question what we really know about alien visits to Earth. Download FREE with Kindle Unlimited For as long as the UFO phenomenon has been a thing, the United States military has consistently denied any knowledge -- or even interest -- about the subject. But many suspect that Uncle Sam knows a lot more than he's letting on, and this book explores all the possibilities -- from the Roswell crash and Area 51, through foo fighters and rumors of possible reverse-engineered aircraft, all the way to the 2017 disclosure that the Pentagon is still investigating UFOs. Broaching the subject of UFOs typically sparks either great interest or great ridicule, depending on whom you're talking to. But whatever our individual knee-jerk reaction to the tales may be, one thing that we can all agree on is that there never has been any satisfactory explanation for them. The 2020s seem poised to hold just as much mystery in regard to the subject as the 1950s did. And while there have been plenty of civilian UFO encounters, it is the men and women of our military who most often find themselves on the front line of this great mystery. Most of those who don the uniform are no better prepared for these encounters than anyone else, and they face the additional difficulty of having to report to their superiors in the aftermath of such odd incidents. In documenting these accounts, this book is not seeking to convince anyone of anything. All of these alleged events are left open to the reader's own interpretation. But while you make up your own mind on the subject, here we present to you the fantastic and bizarre claims -- as well as the sometimes equally shocking known truths -- that comprise the strange anecdotes of military encounters with UFOs. Read on your favorite devices such as Kindle, iPhone, iPad, Android cellular phone, tablet, laptop, or computer with Amazon's free reading Kindle ...

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 70 Pages (6,815 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 6th, 2024

The Enigma: UFOS Exist! Biblical Proof We Are NOT Alone! by George R. Martin III 3.3 Stars (7 Reviews)    Price verified one hour ago

IF YOU READ IT FOR FREE... PLEASE REVIEW ME! IF YOU READ IT FOR FREE... PLEASE REVIEW ME! Listen up, people! The end is near and you're not even aware of it. You're blindly walking into the trap set up by the so-called "Illuminati" and the government. They're marking you like animals with the Mark of the Beast RFID chips, and you're just letting them do it! Wake up before it's too late! I'm not here to sugarcoat the truth, I'm here to tell you the harsh reality. The government has an extinction agenda and they want to keep you in their prisons with razor wire turned inwards. Don't you see what's happening around you? Rampant violence, drug use, and moral decay - these are the signs of society's downfall. And the rich, they're sitting comfortably in their mansions, praying for your demise. But I'm not going down without a fight. I've written a book that may be the last book you'll ever need to read. It's a conspirator's bible, filled with compelling evidence of abductions and UFO sightings that are seen all over social media. And let me tell you, I was one of the first abductees to come forward with the truth. So don't wait until it's too late. You need to arm yourself with the knowledge that's hidden from you. Read my book and discover the real agenda of the Illuminati and the government. Don't let them mark you like an animal. Don't let them take away your civil liberties. The end is at the door and you need to be prepared. Buy my book now and be saved from the impending doom that's coming your way.

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 121 Pages (6,278 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 6th, 2024

Meet the Maker by George R. Martin III 1.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 12 hours ago

IF YOU READ IT FOR FREE... PLEASE REVIEW ME! IF YOU READ IT FOR FREE... PLEASE REVIEW ME! Prepare to embark on a mind-blowing journey that will challenge everything you thought you knew about the universe and beyond. As someone who has experienced it firsthand, I can attest to the existence of extraterrestrial life and the miraculous nature of our universe. Join me on a voyage to the Galactic Mother-ship, where I met Lord Zeus, Lord Yeshua, and even my own father, who had been murdered years earlier. But the most astonishing part? He was somehow younger and had a full head of hair, despite being bald when he died. As you read this story, you'll be transported to a world beyond our own, filled with wonder, awe, and divine intervention. And if you're someone who's been following the development of self-driving cars, you won't want to miss the shocking revelation I have to share. My car was driving itself as far back as 2002, long before Elon Musk "created" the technology. And I have a witness who can confirm it, even though they wish to remain anonymous. If you're ready to expand your mind and explore the mysteries of the universe, then this is the book for you. But be warned, once you've read it, you may never look at the world the same way again. So come with me on this incredible journey, and let's Meet the Maker together.

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 75 Pages (1,758 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 6th, 2024

Majestic 12, Discerning Facts from Fiction : MJ-12, the Paranormal Powerbrokers of the Unknown (Paranormal and Unexplained Mysteries Book 21) by Conrad Bauer (Maplewood Publishing) 4.1 Stars (78 Reviews)    Price verified 9 hours ago

Do you know "Majestic 12"? A secret group nestled deep within the United States government that has acquired massive influence through their ownership of what has been claimed to be the biggest secret in human history! Download FREE with Kindle Unlimited! For years there have been rumors of a top-secret group of paranormal power brokers behind the scenes of the UFO phenomenon. This shadowy group is in deep not only with UFOs -- but more specifically their occupants. Documents were dumped on a couple of UFO researchers in the 1980s that told a startling story: aliens were not only real but that a secret governmental cabal had been convened to work as their intermediaries. Ever since these thought-provoking allegations have been made, the UFO community has been split right down the middle as to what should be believed. Some view the story of the Majestic 12 as a hoax, while others have become true believers. There is also a smaller but vocal minority out there who believes that the Majestic 12 mystery is somehow a combination of both. They contend that perhaps for unknown reasons, a bit of myth and reality have been mixed together. This is done maybe as a kind of trial balloon, to float some real details of the UFO phenomenon, while also mixing it with just enough bogus material to throw UFO investigators off track. This book does not make any definitive conclusion on which of these three options are most valid. But we do explore them all. Read on your favorite devices such as Kindle, iPhone, iPad, Android cellular phone, tablet, laptop, computer with Amazon's free Kindle App. Scroll back up and click the BUY NOW button at the top right side of this page for an immediate download!

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 83 Pages (4,248 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 6th, 2024

COSMOLOGY - Volume 4: The Ultimate Guide to Stargazing by Gregg D Thompson (Dreamtech Designs & Productions Pty Ltd) 5.0 Stars (2 Reviews)    Price verified 8 hours ago

The Ultimate Guide to STARGAZING: Volume 4 : COSMOLOGY is a truly mind-expanding journey that explains how the universe came into being, how and why it is expanding as it evolves, and how it is likely to die. You'll see how its accelerating expansion will cause the universe to change dramatically in the future. You'll discover its amazing, unexpected structure, and why we can see back to the beginning of time! COSMOLOGY explains in layman's terms why we can only see a part of the universe - our 'observable' universe. What might lie beyond this? You will understand why enormous clusters of galaxies are growing ever larger and why we exist at a special time in the universe's evolution. It analyses the possibility of whether there are other universes or parallel ones. You will be mind-blown by how our universe is 'programmed' to be incredibly finely-tuned, exceedingly beyond chance to create unbounded complexity. How could this be? Could a god have designed this? You'll discover the brain-teasing answers to the very strange implications of the speed of light - the photon paradox - how gravity curves space - and why, at the speed of light, time stops, and mass becomes infinite! This volume discusses how many dimensions the universe may have, and what its geometry may be. Could there be a multiverse of infinite universes? Could space go on forever? Why do astronomers think there is this strange, dark energy and invisible dark matter? You'll discover what the two opposing universal properties are that cause the universe to evolve life, and possibly unbounded levels of intelligence far beyond ours.

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 112 Pages (36,284 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 6th, 2024

Human-Nature Interactions: Exploring Nature’s Values Across Landscapes by Ieva Misiune (Springer) 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 8 hours ago

This edited volume aims to widen the discussion about the diversity of human-nature relationships and valuation methods and to stimulate new perspective that are needed to build a more sustainable future, especially in face of ongoing socio-environmental changes. Conceptual and empirical approaches, including qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methodologies have been used to highlight the importance of an integrative understanding of socio-ecological systems, where healthy ecosystems underpin the quality of life and societal activities largely drive environmental changes. Readers will obtain a comprehensive overview of the many and diverse ways the relationships between people and nature can be characterized. This includes understanding how people assign values to nature, discuss how human-nature interactions are shaped and provide examples of how these values and interactions can be systematically assessed across different land systems in Europe and beyond. This open access book is produced by internationally recognized scientists in the field but written in an accessible format to be of interest to a large audience, including prospective students, lecturers, young professionals and scientists embarking to the interdisciplinary field of socio-ecological research and environmental valuation.

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 734 Pages (62,855 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 6th, 2024

Chemistry in Industry & Academia by DR. HEBAH ABDEL-WAHAB 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 7 hours ago

Natural medicine focuses on treating diseases, healing, and promoting health using nontoxic and natural means and treatments. This book also provides information on natural treatments for some joint diseases. Physical chemistry is the study of the amount of energy, physical structure of chemical compounds and the way they react with other chemical compounds. It also involves the study of motion, energy, thermodynamics, force, time, quantum chemistry, statistical mechanics, chemical equilibria, and analytical dynamics. This book provides information on the methods used to calculate thermodynamic parameters and the methods used to identify favored products of oxidation using thermodynamic laws. Industrial chemistry involves the development of chemical products. It uses the academic principles of chemistry and environmental science to develop the products for the chemical and pharmaceutical industry. The objective of this book is to give chemical and industrial solutions to industrial quality control problems. It represents advancements in the field of industrial chemistry with inputs by experts in this field. This book will be a guide for both researchers and academicians.

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 244 Pages (10,601 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Eldritch Mind: You are smarter than you know, more powerful than you think! by Paras Sachan (Warlock Digital Press) 4.7 Stars (8 Reviews)    Price verified 12 hours ago

An easy going book for self transformation and smart existence bringing to the reader the knowledge from various sciences and philosophies of the mind. From mind hacking and NLP techniques to Lucid dreaming and their applications in the real life will help you be what you desire. Various tricks, techniques and methods listed here in the text will help the reader realize his/her own explosive potential. Why are we limited when we can be infinite? The chapters weave this information for you. How powerful is an ordinary seeming mind? You never would have imagined. Also, containing a dedicated chapter on higher powers of the mind, this book is a food for thought for anyone. Upgrade yourself to the new superpowers.

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 83 Pages (650 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

SEQUENCES AND SERIES: Developing A Recursive Formula For Polynomial Functions by Osman Kucuk 3.9 Stars (13 Reviews)    Price verified 13 hours ago

This book, Sequences, and Series provides a modern introduction to sequences and series that focuses on conceptual understanding in developing a recursive and explicit formula for a given sequence and finding the sum of all of the terms of both finite and infinite series. All of the formulas in this book are provided with their proof as well for readers to have a deep understanding of each topic. We have used a conversational style of writing that gives a detailed explanation of the theorems, proofs, examples, and solutions. At the end of each chapter general review questions and their solutions are provided. We believe that this book will be a great resource for students who want to compete in math contests because one of the main topics of middle school and high school competitions is sequences and series. The theorems about developing a recursive formula for a given sequence are derived by the author by using Newton's little formula, Hockey's stick pattern and binomial expansion.

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Size: 3,310 KB
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

UFOs: The Most Compelling Evidence For The Existence Of UFOs by Tom King 3.4 Stars (92 Reviews)    Price verified 2 hours ago

Unidentified Flying Objects, like religion, have found a way to divide humanity. One-third into believers, one other into sceptics and the third not really knowing where they live. The search for answers, like religion, also has been constant dead ends. Now we cannot deny the fact that once in awhile strange things happen in our skies. However, people seem to make the assumption that unidentified flying object is directly correlated to alien life. Fact? No. A UFO simply refers to anything in flight that cannot be identified or explained through conventional reasoning. This being said. However, it would not be irrational to relate the two, but the initial is not always as a result of the former. In this book, we shall cover about twenty chapters of the most infamous UFO sightings, encounters and even abductions of all time. Some of the accounts live behind an eerie chilly feeling as one goes through them with the thought that we might not be the only one but some, as is very common are merely publicity stunts or are as a result of sycophancy. It is worth noting also that one can really not pinpoint the first ever UFO sighting. Human beings have had a knack for being curious for quite a while now. From as far back as before Christ, people reported to seeing a strange object in the sky. However, life back then was much more simple, and people always assumed that all of these strange objects was as a result of religious interventions. We certainly hope that this book will go a mighty long way into breaking down the world's most infamous UFO sightings and accounts of Interstellar coming together. There are too many UFO sightings to fit in one e-book. We also do hope that this book is as factual as it could be. However, this is not to say that every account in here is true. Most UFO sightings are marred with inconsistent tales, and we have tried to sum up, through research what we believe were the actual events. Also, we hope that you would be able to ...

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 64 Pages (1,479 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

Urban Emergency Readiness: Preparedness For Emergencies and Disasters in the Cities or Urban Environments (THE URBAN SURVIVAL SERIES Book 1) by David Holman 5.0 Stars (3 Reviews)    Price verified 12 hours ago

Learning to prepare yourself for emergencies and disasters in an urban environment could save your life or the life of a loved one. There are some Preppers who believe that it is best to "bug out" in the event of an emergency or disaster, but depending on your situation it may be best to "bug in" hunker down... stay where you are. Stockpile supplies and fortify your home. You might not be able to leave for one reason or another, Asses the potential dangers for your area and prepare accordingly. What type of natural disasters are prevalent in your area, what is the crime like, are there predatory animals, reptiles, or insects? How hot does it get, how cold, is there alot of snow and ice? Answering these questions will help your to formulate a plan of action, a course to take. There are the basics to deal with... Food, Water, Shelter, Security, Medicine, Communications..and so much more. But what happens when your supplies run out? What if they get stolen or damaged? Can you protect or hide your supplies if others come to rob you?Where can you find food or water in the city in a pinch? Can you produce your own food or find water in the city if you have to? Do you know how to filter and purify it? If not then you really need this book.

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 328 Pages (7,752 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 4th, 2024

How Audiobooks Make You Smarter: 7 Little Known Ways Audio Books Can Boost Memory Capacity And Increase Intelligence by Entrepreneur Publishing 3.8 Stars (586 Reviews)    Price verified 11 hours ago

Everyone knows that reading makes you smarter. But did you know listening to Audiobooks doesn't just make you smarter, it makes you smarter, quicker, and increases your intellect and recall as well? If you want to discover why audiobooks are the coming rage, this is the book for you. If you want to learn more, faster than ever before this book is for you too. Even if all you want is to understand the dynamics of increasing your learning speed and your mental access pathways, this book has you covered. Besides, listening to audiobooks while doing chores or while driving is a great way to make use of your time. Some people may be auditory learners and auditory information processing is a great way to benefit from listening to audiobooks. Audiobooks are basically available everywhere - iTunes, Amazon, Audible.Inside You Will Learn ? How hearing works in learning and access ? How hearing works in locking down memories. ? How to utilize visualization and hearing to increase recall speeds ? Taking advantage of the power of the subconscious mind while listening ? Active, Passive, and Subconscious learning methods ? How cognition and hearing improve information intake ? How to use Audiobooks as conduits for communication ? And much more! Once you learn the secrets of using Audiobooks to amplify your education, there will be no stopping you. It will not only make your learning processes work better, but also it will improve your desire to learn. Learn how to apply cognitive skills and retention tools to revolutionize the way you and your family learn.

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 46 Pages (1,171 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

The Book of the Damned by Charles Fort 4.1 Stars (213 Reviews)    Price verified 9 hours ago

This fascinating chronicle of unexplained phenomena is a foundational work of paranormal science In the early passages of The Book of the Damned, Charles Fort explains: "by the damned, I mean the excluded. We shall have a procession of data that Science has excluded." Drawing upon countless articles, newspaper clippings, and arcane books, Fort assembles hundreds of real-life tales of the bizarre -- from unidentified flying objects falling from the sky to the disappearance of several hundred people during the Lisbon earthquake of 1755 to rumors of poltergeists. Rendered in the unique style that established Fort as a legend in the world of the paranormal, The Book of the Damned is an underground classic. This ebook has been professionally proofread to ensure accuracy and readability on all devices.

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 164 Pages (1,934 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

How to Install Kodi on Firestick: 2 Manuscripts: Ultimate Guide to Install Kodi on Firestick & Get the Most From Amazon Fire Stick by Paul Weber 3.5 Stars (6 Reviews)    Price verified 6 hours ago

Discover how to install Kodi on your fire stick to immerse you into the world of media & entertainment and turn boring television into a smart TV! Get two books in one now! Do you want to get more out of your entertainment center? Is that the original manual provided with the devices is a complicated and extremely boring? If so, then this two book bundle is absolutely for you! How to install Kodi on your Fire Stick bundle has been carefully designed to act as a one stop shop for your devices. The instructions in this two books are written in very easy to follow and understand manner to ensure that anyone is able to pick this book and master the device in no time! Going through the KODI book, you will be able to • Fully understand how to install Kodi on your Firestick and how to use it properly in 2017 • Get to know how to configuring the system to your own specifications. • Understanding add-ons and how they can get you the content that you really want and enjoy TV shows, Movies, and Music using Kodi on your Firestick and Amazon Fire TV as well. • You will know all pitfalls to avoid, troubleshooting, enjoying the unlimited access to TV Shows, Movies and Music, and legal issues involving Kodi and piracy. • We'll also take a look at hidden gems that not too many people know about. • And much much more The book provides insight into everything you need to know about the installation and benefits of what you can enjoy by having Kodi on your Fire stick. Here's what you'll find inside the FIRE STICK book: • Understand the core working mechanism behind Fire Stick and get to know why the device is so popular • Learn how to set-up your device from scratch and fire up your Fire Stick TV in a very hassle free and easy to understand way! • Asides from watching videos, learn how to play games on your device as well! • Get to know about some amazing secrets and tips for your device such as installing Kodi on Fire Stick and mirroring your ...

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 98 Pages (1,339 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

A Complete Guide to Physical Chemistry Experiments and Conceptual Questions by Neelam Seedher 4.9 Stars (14 Reviews)    Price verified 12 hours ago

Highlights of the book: • A comprehensive text explaining concepts, experimental details and conceptual questions in a clear and concise way. • Useful for Physical and Analytical chemistry students. • Sixteen physical chemistry techniques and 70 related experiments discussed in detail. • Sufficient basic information about forty-five other suggested experiments also included. • The book explains minutest details about the experimental procedures. Mistakes generally committed by students during the performance of the experiments specially highlighted throughout the book. • To help students understand basic concepts and prepare for oral examination, more than 500 conceptual questions posed and answered with detailed explanations. • Part I deals with all the basics of physical chemistry laboratory such as measurement of weight and volume, density of liquids, measurement and control of temperature, accuracy, precision and error analysis, units and dimensions, unit conversions, cleaning and calibration of glassware, preparation and standardization of solutions, plotting a graph, safety in physical chemistry laboratory and writing a lab report. • Part II includes complete details about the experiments such as the principle on which the experiment is based, apparatus and chemicals required, methods used, observations, calculations, result and precautions. Some relevant oral conceptual questions with answers have also been included at the end of each chapter. • Very simple and easy to understand language is used throughout. • The book is first of its kind since it includes not only the concepts and experimental procedures in detail but oral conceptual questions on each topic with answers and detailed explanations as well.

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 379 Pages (3,820 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

Ecological Civilization by Jon Sawyer 3.3 Stars (3 Reviews)    Price verified 12 hours ago

On June 16, 2015, academics, journalists, scientists, government, religious and business leaders from China, the U.S., and other countries came together for the first time to discuss the environmental challenges facing China and the world -- and the increasingly important role of religion and traditional cultures in finding sustainable solutions to the challenges we face. Ecological Civilization is a compendium of the talks and proceedings of the International Conference on Ecological Environment. It took place at the Yale Center Beijing and was o-sponsored by the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting, Communication University of China, and the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies. This e-book begins with an introductory essay by Jon Sawyer, founding director of the Pulitzer Center, and features presentations by Dean Liu Chang, director of the School of Journalism at Communication University of China, and by Mary Evelyn Tucker, co-director of the Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology. Ecological Civilization includes photos and videos by Pulitzer Center grantees Sean Gallagher, Sim Chi Yin, Shi Lihong, and Gary Marcuse.

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 161 Pages (12,091 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 2nd, 2024

Shaquille, Shattered Dreams (Meet The Cat Book 1) by Carole Baskin (Big Cat Rescue) 3.8 Stars (5 Reviews)    Price verified 8 hours ago

Shaquille, Shattered Dreams is about a leopard named Shaquille who was abused as a performing cat then rescued to live out his days quiet, content, and stress free. Learn about many important issues through Shaquille's life story.

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Size: 9,527 KB
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 31st, 2024

The Genus Pinus by George Russell Shaw 3.4 Stars (6 Reviews)    Price verified 9 hours ago

This book was converted from its physical edition to the digital format by a community of volunteers. You may find it for free on the web. Purchase of the Kindle edition includes wireless delivery.

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 142 Pages (187 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 28th, 2024

Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Electrical Engineering Systems (AITEES 2022) (Atlantis ... by Valentina E. Balas (Atlantis Press) Price verified 4 hours ago

This is an open access book. The focus of the conference is to provide a unique platform for exchange of ideas and synergy among researchers, academicians and industrial experts across the globe belonging to emerging electrical engineering domains. It also provides a premier platform for the people to present and discuss the most recent innovations and solutions in solving complex and challenging problems related to intelligent electrical engineering systems. Such a blend of various research-oriented minds will lead to productive results and further advancements in electrical engineering research. The book invites submission of novel, recent area of innovation and previously unpublished research work/idea in the field of modern applications of artificial intelligence techniques to electrical engineering systems. The applications of artificial intelligence related to various fields of electrical engineering are mentioned in the conference tracks. The conference is meant to discuss the challenges and applications of latest evolutionary computing techniques, neural networks, fuzzy logic, machine learning and data analytics in the fields of power systems, power electronics, robotics, automation, instrumentation, control systems, mechatronics and photonics. It provides a platform to the students, researchers, scientists, faculty members, professionals and practitioners to interact, present and get innovative ideas in the field of electrical engineering. As a part of AITEES-2022, many keynote sessions are planned to enhance the research and innovation skills of participants. Eminent professors from academic institutions and world renowned industrial experts from India and abroad will deliver keynote sessions.

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 492 Pages (43,835 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 15th, 2024

The Future of Being Human and Other Essays by Sylvia Engdahl 4.2 Stars (3 Reviews)    Price verified 4 hours ago

What will humans be like in the future? According to science fiction author Sylvia Engdahl, they will be no different from what they're like now. There will be many innovations in technology and ways of daily life, but people are people, wherever and whenever they happen to live, and that's not going to change. In this book Engdahl departs from the theme of space colonization on which her past essays (available in her book From This Green Earth) have focused, and discusses such topics as artificial intelligence, "paranormal" psi powers, healthcare policy, and the coming loss of personal privacy. Her controversial views on these subjects will inspire thought about what the future is likely to bring.

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 211 Pages (429 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 13th, 2024

Cow Dung - A Down-To-Earth Solution To Global Warming And Climate Change by Dr. Sahadeva dasa (Soul Science University Press) 3.4 Stars (42 Reviews)    Price verified 13 hours ago

Environmental crisis is for real and it's coming around faster than you think. It's not a brainchild of some conspiracy theorist but a tangible, perceivable fact, proven by the catastrophic events all over the world. But for most of us, caught up in the daily grind, it's hardly a subject worth pondering over. Common man in the streets of London, New York or Delhi has very little time to worry about some ozone layer up there or some damn iceberg in the North Pole. At best, it is a snow bear's problem. But the scientific fraternity and many political leaders don't think so. They are waking up to the horrors of global warming and climatic change. Hectic efforts are on to contain the damage but with very little success. This book provides a simple solution to this grave crisis which has the potential to wipe out life altogether. This is a calamity of unprecedented proportions coming our way and a point of no return for the industrial civilization. One of the arguments sceptics throw back at you is that the climate has always changed, and that is absolutely right. It's the rate of change that is the problem right now. It's changing so quickly that it exceeds our adaptive capacity. We are in a hole and it's time to stop digging.

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 243 Pages (5,340 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 12th, 2024

Roundup (Glyphosate) is Making You Sicker than You Think:: Overcome Cancer, Allergies, Autism, Liver Damage and more! by George McClelland 3.7 Stars (8 Reviews)    Price verified 8 hours ago

This book is short, but perhaps the most important book you will read in order to improve your health. We were assured that Roundup was safe and did not damage our environment. History and research has proven it is not safe and is damaging our environment. It is behind most of the explosion of illnesses. It is used in such large quantities that it is in our air, rain and water supply. Even those of us who are careful of what we eat and drink are still exposed to it and even small exposure causes major health problems. Research has found a way to repair the damage in your body caused by Roundup (glyphosate). You will find a link enclosed which will educate you on this breakthrough. I did not attempt to give you all the details because you will learn enough in this book to make an educated decision. If you want the background scientific research, you can click on the proper link below. The explosion in all forms of sicknesses have many causes, most of which lie in what industry is doing to us and our environment. Most of the big corporations are owned or controlled by the same cartel of people. They have the money to buy our politicians or to force the politicians to do their bidding. Laws are being written to allow them to destroy our health and environment and not be held accountable. Unless we, the public, educate ourselves about what is really going on in our world, we are doomed to die painful and early deaths. We cannot count on our government to protect us because it is too busy protecting the people who are destroying our world and our health. We have been brainwashed to believe everything they say is good and we must wake ourselves up from our slumber. If not, the future of humans on this earth is going to be a lot shorter than any of us expect. We must begin holding our government - representatives and congressmen/women alike - accountable. Elected officials who vote for detrimental laws must be removed from office. And I am talking about both federal ...

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 27 Pages (1,792 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 11th, 2024

Mathematical Solution Unifying the Four Fundamental Forces in Nature by Richard Lighthouse 3.4 Stars (62 Reviews)    Price verified 12 hours ago

This technical note describes a simple mathematical-geometrical solution for unifying the four fundamental forces in nature. The fundamental forces of gravitation, electromagnetism, strong force, and the weak force are actually different aspects of the same force. In general, the relationship between the four forces can be described using a form of the equation for Analog Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (Analog-QAM). This equation form is developed utilizing the concept of a "blinking" or discrete physical universe. The approach to develop the solution is described by minimizing the number of available dimensions (zero), which is in contrast to numerous efforts (String theory, Mtheory, Quantum gravity) that attempt to maximize the number of dimensions under consideration. An Electrical Universe (EU) model is presented that provides sufficient conditions for a solution. This mathematical solution should be tested against experimental data to confirm its validity, however it is noted that, "discrete-time" forces will be measured differently than "time-averaged" forces in a laboratory environment. Confirmation of the theory is suggested through small, discrete-time interval measurements of the gravitational acceleration force and the electromagnetic force, where they will be seen to vary continuously, and yet also retain a "time-averaged" value. Each reader must comprehend that our universe literally blinks off and on, more than 1 trillion times every second. For those unconvinced that our universe is blinking, please read "1024 Elementary Particles," which provides compelling mathematical evidence. -

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 20 Pages (560 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 8th, 2024

Conservation Jobs: The Step-by-Step System to Get Hired as a Wildlife Conservationist by Conservation Careers 4.5 Stars (2 Reviews)    Price verified 12 hours ago

Do you want to work in wildlife conservation? Are you struggling to get interviews for conservation jobs? Read the ultimate guide to producing successful CVs, Resumes and Cover Letters by Conservation Careers. Whether you're applying for your first professional experience or shifting careers into conservation, this step-by-step guide will help you write a killer application designed to get you an interview. In it you'll learn: > The 10 key steps to the application process? From deciding to apply through to submitting your application. > How to create stand-out applications? With real-life examples of before and after applications. > Which CV or resume style is right for you? Using a series of templates and examples to help you choose. Throughout the guide you'll find exercises, tips and links to extra resources. You can work through the guide from beginning to end, or jump to the sections you need most. BONUS Get free access to Conservation Careers' Free Video Training Series: How to Get a Conservation Job. Learn how to quickly and easily start your career as a professional wildlife conservationist with Conservation Careers.

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 94 Pages (17,686 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 8th, 2024

Time Matters: 1st edition by Alexandre Kassiantchouk 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 12 hours ago

7th edition available: , and it is free! Misinterpretation of Hubble's observation (of distant stars looking red) led to Universe expansion and Bing Bang speculations. Actual reason for his observation is time in the past was slower: • Let's say, 10 billion years ago you started sending letters to yourself, one letter a day. • 10 billion years have passed, and now, for some reason, our day is twice shorter/faster than it used to be, and letters start coming. • How many letters you'll be receiving a day? Answer: 1 letter every OTHER day. • Frequency of getting letters a day as-if dropped twice. And if 14B years ago time was twice slower than today, then of 100 light-waves sent a second, you'll be receiving 50 waves a second now. Frequency drop = wavelength increase = redshift. Cosmology collapsed on twice slower time 14B years ago (wavelength change was incorrectly explained as space/wave expansion - Doppler effect). Second chapter solves Vera Rubin's puzzle about Milky Way and spiral galaxies - something extra speeds them up, but holds together. Solution is in time dilation - time in spiral arms runs faster and holds galaxy together. Fifth chapter is about time dilation spawning matter: "Vacuum" is "unstable" - "virtual" particle-antiparticle pairs appear, but next moment they disappear - annihilate. But uneven flow of time in an area throws this balance off - some pairs miss rendezvous - miss coming back together into "vacuum". And this chapter points at antimatter asylum. For more problems and solution read the book...

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 77 Pages (3,723 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Apr 30th, 2024

Introduction to Biological Aging Theory by Theodore Goldsmith (Azinet Press) 4.0 Stars (52 Reviews)    Price verified 6 hours ago

Why do we age? The answer to this question is critical to our ability to prevent and treat highly age-related diseases such as cancer and heart disease that now cause the majority of deaths in the developed world. For centuries aging has been considered an unalterable and therefore untreatable condition. We can find treatments for individual diseases but not for aging. Consequently, the effectiveness of medical treatment declines with age. New thinking backed by recent discoveries increasingly suggests that aging is itself a treatable condition and that treatments that delay aging can be found to treat or delay occurrence of age-related diseases. Anti-aging medicine is therefore possible. In addition, in order to understand (and find treatments for) age-related diseases we need to understand the biological mechanisms that cause the drastic increase in incidence with age. Different theories suggest very different disease mechanisms. This book provides an overview of biological aging theories including history, current status, major scientific controversies, current medical research, and implications for the future of medicine. Major topics include: human mortality as a function of age, aging mechanisms and processes, the programmed vs. non-programmed aging controversy, empirical evidence on aging, and the feasibility of anti-aging and regenerative medicine. Research and practice of anti-aging medicine is also discussed, Evolution theory is essential to aging theories. Theorists have been struggling for 160 years to explain how observed aging, deterioration, and consequent death fit with Darwin's survival-of-the-fittest concept. This book explains how continuing genetics discoveries have produced changes in the way we think about evolution that in turn lead to new thinking about the evolutionary nature of aging. Education Level: This book uses terminology like phenotype, diploid, introns, genome, and prokaryote, and is suitable for those having an ...

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 47 Pages (399 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Apr 29th, 2024

Novel Foods and Edible Insects in the European Union: An Interdisciplinary Analysis by Lucia Scaffardi 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 8 hours ago

This open access book proposes an in-depth study on a vast range of issues connected to the regulation of Novel Foods in the European Union, pursuing an interdisciplinary approach and thus providing a comprehensive picture of this complex topic. Particular attention is paid not only to the current EU legislative framework, its positive innovations, unsolved problems and limits, but also to food safety issues and the potential impact of Novel Foods on sustainability and food security. In addition, the book focuses on a particular category of Novel Foods: insects for human consumption. These products recently gained momentum after the first EU Commission authorisation of dried yellow mealworm (Tenebrio molitor)in 2021. The book contributes to the lively public debate following this long-awaited authorisation by examining the legal issues arising from the application of the Novel Foods Regulation to these peculiar new foods; the EFSA risk assessment evaluations; the consumers' perceptions and potential future of insect-based products' market in the EU. By providing such an extensive analysis, including recent developments and future prospects, the book represents a valuable tool for students and academics, but also institutions and public authorities, helping them understanding the various challenges related to Novel Foods and edible insects. Furthermore, it seeks to promote an informed debate in order to find innovative solutions to pressing problems concerning how to feed the world of tomorrow.

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Size: 3,355 KB
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Apr 26th, 2024

Proceedings of the International Conference of Fluid Power and Mechatronic Control Engineering (ICFPMCE 2022) (Atlantis Highlights in Engineering ... by Liang Yan (Atlantis Press) Price verified 12 hours ago

This is an open access book. Since 1985, held 22 times in different cities all over China, ICFPMCE has now been listed in annual academic activities (non-profit) of the Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (CSTAM), which has become one of the significant conferences in the field of fluid power and mechatronic control engineering. Under the theme of 'Green Intelligence, Innovative Development', ICFPMCE 2022 aims to provide a platform for the participants who have been working in the fields of Fluid mechanics, hydraulic and electrical engineering. In addition to keynote speeches and technical sessions to be hosted by famous experts over the world, the conference will organize a number of mini-symposia with themes of sharing the experiences of applying for the National Natural Science Foundation of China, dialogues between editors-in-chief of the journals and young scholars, experts and entrepreneurs, as well as innovative technology exhibition etc., in order to highlight the significant subjects and trends in the field.

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 680 Pages (73,791 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Apr 21st, 2024

Library of Congress Workshop on Etexts by Library of Congress Price verified 6 hours ago

This book was converted from its physical edition to the digital format by a community of volunteers. You may find it for free on the web. Purchase of the Kindle edition includes wireless delivery.

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 189 Pages (540 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Apr 20th, 2024

On The Human Species: A Philosophy on Reason and the Emergence of Civilized Humanity by Anthony Pellegrino 3.6 Stars (14 Reviews)    Price verified 8 hours ago

On the Human Species is a philosophical and psychological discourse that charts the origin and evolution of our species. The book is an inspired combination of science and philosophy, a brilliant canvas of intellectual thought and discerning anthropology. In this work, Mr. Pellegrino delves within the origin of our species from the conception of reason to the creation of religion. The book also explains human emotions, the origin of vice, and an illusory morality that manifests itself as accountability, but also differentiates our species from the remainder of the animal kingdom.

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 130 Pages (993 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Apr 18th, 2024

The South Pole; an account of the Norwegian antarctic expedition in the "Fram," 1910-1912 — Volume 1 by Roald Amundsen 3.9 Stars (8 Reviews)    Price verified 5 hours ago

This book was converted from its physical edition to the digital format by a community of volunteers. You may find it for free on the web. Purchase of the Kindle edition includes wireless delivery.

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 277 Pages (731 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Apr 16th, 2024

The South Pole; an account of the Norwegian antarctic expedition in the "Fram," 1910-1912 — Volume 2 by Roald Amundsen 4.2 Stars (4 Reviews)    Price verified 12 hours ago

This book was converted from its physical edition to the digital format by a community of volunteers. You may find it for free on the web. Purchase of the Kindle edition includes wireless delivery.

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 289 Pages (766 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Apr 16th, 2024

The South Pole; an account of the Norwegian Antarctic expedition in the "Fram," 1910-12 — Volume 1 and Volume 2 by Roald Amundsen 4.3 Stars (64 Reviews)    Price verified 12 hours ago

This book was converted from its physical edition to the digital format by a community of volunteers. You may find it for free on the web. Purchase of the Kindle edition includes wireless delivery.

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 493 Pages (1,298 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Apr 16th, 2024

The Story of Eclipses by George F. (George Frederick) Chambers 3.4 Stars (12 Reviews)    Price verified 9 hours ago

This book was converted from its physical edition to the digital format by a community of volunteers. You may find it for free on the web. Purchase of the Kindle edition includes wireless delivery.

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 186 Pages (811 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Apr 14th, 2024

Control: A History of Behavioral Psychology (Qualitative Studies in Psychology Book 14) by John A. Mills (NYU Press) 3.9 Stars (4 Reviews)    Price verified 6 hours ago

Behaviorism has been the dominant force in the creation of modern American psychology. However, the unquestioned and unquestioning nature of this dominance has obfuscated the complexity of behaviorism. Control serves as an antidote to this historical myopia, providing the most comprehensive history of behaviorism yet written. Mills successfully balances the investigation of individual theorists and their contributions with analysis of the structures of assumption which underlie all behaviorist psychology, and with behaviorism's role as both creator and creature of larger American intellectual patterns, practices, and values. Furthermore, Mills provides a cogent critique of behaviorists' narrow attitudes toward human motivation, exploring how their positivism cripples their ability to account for the unobservable, inner factors that control behavior. Control's blend of history and criticism advances our understanding not only of behaviorism, but also the development of social science and positivism in twentieth-century America.

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 262 Pages (2,386 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Apr 12th, 2024

Clarity, Cut, and Culture: The Many Meanings of Diamonds by Susan Falls (NYU Press) 3.0 Stars (2 Reviews)    Price verified 5 hours ago

What our obsession with diamonds reveals about our material culture Images of diamonds appear everywhere in American culture. And everyone who has a diamond has a story to tell about it. Our stories about diamonds not only reveal what we do with these tiny stones, but also suggest how we create value, meaning, and identity through our interactions with material culture in general. Things become meaningful through our interactions with them, but how do people go about making meaning? What can we learn from an ethnography about the production of identity, creation of kinship, and use of diamonds in understanding selves and social relationships? By what means do people positioned within a globalized political-economy and a compelling universe of advertising interact locally with these tiny polished rocks? This book draws on 12 months of fieldwork with diamond consumers in New York City as well as an analysis of the iconic De Beers campaign that promised romance, status, and glamour to anyone who bought a diamond to show that this thematic pool is just one resource among many that diamond owners draw upon to engage with their own stones. The volume highlights the important roles that memory, context, and circumstance also play in shaping how people interpret and then use objects in making personal worlds. It shows that besides operating as subjects in an ad-burdened universe, consumers are highly creative, idiosyncratic, and theatrical agents.

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 240 Pages (4,783 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Apr 9th, 2024

The Botanical Magazine Vol. 8 Or, Flower-Garden Displayed by William Curtis 3.8 Stars (4 Reviews)    Price verified 7 hours ago

This book was converted from its physical edition to the digital format by a community of volunteers. You may find it for free on the web. Purchase of the Kindle edition includes wireless delivery.

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 89 Pages (111 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Apr 4th, 2024

Distracted Driving: The Multi-Tasking Myth (You Be the Judge Book 1) by Steven Gacovino 4.2 Stars (57 Reviews)    Price verified 7 hours ago

We all want to believe we can drive responsibly and monitor distractions. But our attention is limited by nature, and we are often very subtly distracted from noticing things right in front of us. Depending on what you're doing while you're driving, you could literally miss seeing a giraffe grazing on the roadside. Because of distractions, many people have failed to see a gorilla beating its chest right in front of them, and this is no joke. We really are not good multi-taskers when our attention is spread over tasks that require dedicated attention. That's why conversations on cellphones turn out to be a serious distraction to drivers. Read this book and see what you think. And then see what you think about whether it's fair to the rest of the people in your car or on the road when you allow yourself to be distracted in the special way that cellphones can distract.

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 44 Pages (2,426 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Apr 3rd, 2024

Recent Advances in Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SEMA SIMAI Springer Series Book 1) by Tomás Chacón Rebollo Price verified 8 hours ago

This open access book contains review papers authored by thirteen plenary invited speakers to the 9th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (Valencia, July 15-19, 2019). Written by top-level scientists recognized worldwide, the scientific contributions cover a wide range of cutting-edge topics of industrial and applied mathematics: mathematical modeling, industrial and environmental mathematics, mathematical biology and medicine, reduced-order modeling and cryptography. The book also includes an introductory chapter summarizing the main features of the congress. This is the first volume of a thematic series dedicated to research results presented at ICIAM 2019-Valencia Congress.

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Size: 10,678 KB
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Mar 31st, 2024

Lessons from Systems Thinkers: Problem-Solving and Analytical Thinking Methods from the Greatest Innovative Minds (The Systems Thinker Series Book 7) by Albert Rutherford 4.1 Stars (29 Reviews)    Price verified 7 hours ago

How did the world's greatest systems thinkers handled crises, invented revolutionary ideas, and solved complex problems? How did the field of systems thinking develop? Who were the pioneers in the field? Learn about the answers in Lessons from Systems Thinkers. • Norbert Wiener's pioneering contribution on positive and negative feedback. • Warren McCulloch's research on feedback mechanisms in neurology. • The 14 points of quality management by Edward Deming. • Gregory Bateson's double bind and how it affects family relationships. • Margaret Mead's systems approach to cultural anthropology. Find optimal solutions to your problems. Information is the most precious asset these days. Evaluating information correctly is almost priceless. Systems thinkers are some of the bests in collecting and assessing data, as well as creating impactful solutions in any context. Systems thinking helps you to find not only differences but also similarities in seemingly unrelated factors. This bi-directional analyzing ability will give you a more complex worldview, a more profound understanding of problems, and leads you to better solutions. Change your thinking, change your results. Albert Rutherford is an internationally bestselling author and a retired corporate executive. His books draw on various sources, from corporate system building, organizational behavior analysis, scientific research, and his life experience. He has been building and improving systems his whole adult life and brings his proven strategies to you.

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 185 Pages (860 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Mar 31st, 2024

Urban Living Lab for Local Regeneration: Beyond Participation in Large-scale Social Housing Estates (The Urban Book Series) by Nele Aernouts (Springer) 4.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 7 hours ago

This open access book provides an integrated overview of the challenges and resources of large-scale social housing estates in Europe and outlines possible interdisciplinary approaches and tools to promote their regeneration. It especially focuses on the tool of urban living labs, as promising in promoting new and more effective local governance and in including the different actors into the planning process. The book combines theory and practice, since it is the result of action-research conducted in different social housing estates all over Europe. Building on the results of the SoHoLab project (2017-2020), the book benefits from a multidisciplinary perspective, since the researchers involved belong to the fields of anthropology, urban planning, architecture, urban sociology. The project combined theoretical reflections with the installation and/or the consolidation of Urban Living Labs, run by universities, in large social housing estates in three European cities: Brussels, Milan and Paris.

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 351 Pages (12,944 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Mar 29th, 2024

Beyond Cutting Edge with Bob Lazar: From Frozen Candle to Disintegrated Circuits by Alexandre Kassiantchouk 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 9 hours ago

If you have read a previous edition, then start reading with chapter 78.

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 438 Pages (71,613 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Mar 29th, 2024

The Cosmic Journey : A Stargazer's Odyssey by Manya Baid 5.0 Stars (4 Reviews)    Price verified 12 hours ago

In 'The Cosmic Journey,' follow Ananta, a curious and adventurous young girl, as she embarks on an extraordinary exploration of the universe. Triggered by a mysterious voice, Ananta discovers a cosmic door that transports her to distant celestial realms. From exploring our solar system to the Earth-like exoplanet Kepler-452b to the enigmatic depths of a black hole, Ananta encounters cosmic wonders and grapples with the profound mysteries of existence. Each chapter unfolds a new facet of the cosmos, blending scientific inquiry with philosophical reflections. As Ananta delves into the unknown, she discovers the beauty of life's journey lies in the pursuit of knowledge, growth, and the endless possibilities within the vast expanse of the universe.

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 34 Pages (2,446 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Mar 23rd, 2024

The Legibility of Serif and Sans Serif Typefaces: Reading from Paper and Reading from Screens (SpringerBriefs in Education) by John T. E. Richardson (Springer) 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 8 hours ago

This open access book provides a detailed and up-to-date account of the relevant literature on the legibility of different kinds of typefaces, which goes back over 140 years in the case of reading from paper and more than 50 years in the case of reading from screens. It describes the origins of serif and sans serif styles in ancient inscriptions, their adoption in modern printing techniques, and their legibility in different situations and in different populations of readers. It also examines recent research on the legibility of serif and sans serif typefaces when used with internet browsers, smartphones and other hand-held devices. The book investigates the difference in the legibility of serif typefaces and sans serif typefaces when they are used to produce printed material or when they are used to present material on computer monitors or other screens and it explores the differences in readers' preferences among typefaces. The book's main focus is on the psychology of reading, but there are clear implications for education and publishing. Indeed, the book can be read with benefit by anyone concerned with communicating with others through written text, whether it is printed on paper or displayed on computer screens.

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 273 Pages (3,859 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Mar 23rd, 2024

Educational Data Analytics for Teachers and School Leaders (Advances in Analytics for Learning and Teaching) by Sofia Mougiakou 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 8 hours ago

Educational Data Analytics (EDA) have been attributed with significant benefits for enhancing on-demand personalized educational support of individual learners as well as reflective course (re)design for achieving more authentic teaching, learning and assessment experiences integrated into real work-oriented tasks. This open access textbook is a tutorial for developing, practicing and self-assessing core competences on educational data analytics for digital teaching and learning. It combines theoretical knowledge on core issues related to collecting, analyzing, interpreting and using educational data, including ethics and privacy concerns. The textbook provides questions and teaching materials/ learning activities as quiz tests of multiple types of questions, added after each section, related to the topic studied or the video(s) referenced. These activities reproduce real-life contexts by using a suitable use case scenario (storytelling), encouraging learners to link theory with practice; self-assessed assignments enabling learners to apply their attained knowledge and acquired competences on EDL. By studying this book, you will know where to locate useful educational data in different sources and understand their limitations; know the basics for managing educational data to make them useful; understand relevant methods; and be able to use relevant tools; know the basics for organising, analysing, interpreting and presenting learner-generated data within their learning context, understand relevant learning analytics methods and be able to use relevant learning analytics tools; know the basics for analysing and interpreting educational data to facilitate educational decision making, including course and curricula design, understand relevant teaching analytics methods and be able to use relevant teaching analytics tools; understand issues related with educational data ethics and privacy. This book is intended for school leadersand teachers engaged in blended ...

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Size: 36,534 KB
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Mar 21st, 2024

Handbook of Computational Social Science for Policy by Eleonora Bertoni (Springer) 3.0 Stars (2 Reviews)    Price verified 4 hours ago

This open access handbook describes foundational issues, methodological approaches and examples on how to analyse and model data using Computational Social Science (CSS) for policy support. Up to now, CSS studies have mostly developed on a small, proof-of concept, scale that prevented from unleashing its potential to provide systematic impact to the policy cycle, as well as from improving the understanding of societal problems to the definition, assessment, evaluation, and monitoring of policies. The aim of this handbook is to fill this gap by exploring ways to analyse and model data for policy support, and to advocate the adoption of CSS solutions for policy by raising awareness of existing implementations of CSS in policy-relevant fields. To this end, the book explores applications of computational methods and approaches like big data, machine learning, statistical learning, sentiment analysis, text mining, systems modelling, and network analysis to different problems in the social sciences. The book is structured into three Parts: the first chapters on foundational issues open with an exposition and description of key policymaking areas where CSS can provide insights and information. In detail, the chapters cover public policy, governance, data justice and other ethical issues. Part two consists of chapters on methodological aspects dealing with issues such as the modelling of complexity, natural language processing, validity and lack of data, and innovation in official statistics. Finally, Part three describes the application of computational methods, challenges and opportunities in various social science areas, including economics, sociology, demography, migration, climate change, epidemiology, geography, and disaster management. The target audience of the book spans from the scientific community engaged in CSS research to policymakers interested in evidence-informed policy interventions, but also includes private companies holdingdata that can be used to ...

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 893 Pages (7,658 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Mar 15th, 2024

A Naturalist Guide to the Galápagos Islands - 2nd Edition by Steve Rosenberg 4.3 Stars (121 Reviews)    Price verified 7 hours ago

"A Naturalist's Guide to the Galápagos Islands, the 2nd Edition" is an informative book by Steve Rosenberg with detailed descriptions of all of the most popular visitation sites in Galápagos as well as lots of practical advice for planning a trip to the Galápagos. This is a must have for anyone who is planning to travel to the Galápagos and for those who already have. The First Edition was published in June 2014. This Second Edition is AVAILABLE September 6, 2014.

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 233 Pages (1,140 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Mar 11th, 2024

Age of Union: Igniting the Changemaker by Dax Dasilva (Anteism Books) 4.3 Stars (292 Reviews)    Price verified 4 hours ago

Age of Union is a compelling guide for igniting today's changemaker -- those ready to take action for our planet and its inhabitants. We have seen growing divisions between people on either side of gender, religious, political and cultural borders for too long. Meanwhile, global health crises, environmental degradation, and human-accelerated climate change pose immense challenges to our future that we must now face quickly and cooperatively. Separation has to be confronted head-on. We can do this each and every day with meaningful, impactful acts of union. There is a greater need for unity than ever before. Dax Dasilva presents a guide to take simple measures to promote our collective well-being and union. Grounded in four pillars -- leadership, culture, spirituality, and nature -- the book advocates that the time for change is now and that our choices are the catalyst. We are all in this together, so let us move toward an Age of Union. May it strengthen your resolve to start building a kinder, greener and more livable world where everyone and everything can thrive. You are the changemaker. - - - About the Author Dax Dasilva, a leading tech CEO, arts entrepreneur and LGBTQ ambassador, shares his experience and present observations to ignite a movement of union across all people, cultures, and living things. Helping entrepreneurs become leaders in their communities through Lightspeed's technology and elevating artists through his work at Never Apart are fundamental to Dasilva's philosophy. He fosters cultures of innovation, promotes diverse leadership, and values different viewpoints. For more information visit - - - Quotes "A compassionate call for the cultural revolution needed to take care of each other and our planet." -- Marika Anthony-Shaw, Founder & CEO of "Humans are finally evolving and are becoming more aware of the fact that saving the world is a priority for everyone today.' -- Carmen Busquets, WWF Council ...

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 166 Pages (3,725 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Mar 8th, 2024

SOCIETY AND THE MACHINE: NAVIGATING ETHICS IN THE AGE OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE by Ashish K Saxena 5.0 Stars (2 Reviews)    Price verified 8 hours ago

Artificial Intelligence is reshaping our world, from social media to healthcare, education to governance, transforming how we live, work, and think. As we step into an era where AI doesn't just support decision-making but makes the decisions, the urgent question arises: Are we shaping AI, or is AI shaping our morality? Society and the Machine: Navigating Ethics in the Age of Artificial Intelligence delves deep into the ethical debates surrounding AI's power, inviting you to join a critical conversation on the future of technology and ethics. This book explores AI's role in modernizing ethics and its influence on our news, politics, healthcare, and environment, tackling issues of bias, privacy, job displacement, and fundamental human rights with real-world examples. It aims to illuminate the basic premises and functions of AI, providing a theoretical foundation needed to harness this technology responsibly while avoiding its potential ethical pitfalls. Why You Need to Read This Book: We're at a pivotal moment in history where the decisions we make about AI will echo through generations. This book is not just a guide to understanding these decisions; it's an invitation to reflect on your views and participate in shaping a responsible and sustainable AI-integrated future, backed with knowledge, information, and a deeper understanding of this hot-button topic. With the goal of empowering readers to control how this emerging technology evolves, it addresses AI's societal and ethical significance and its potential to forever change governance, criminal justice, business, and media for the better. So get your copy now and be part of shaping the future with a vision of opportunity.

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 116 Pages (44 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Mar 6th, 2024

Dinosaurs With Special Reference to the American Museum Collections by William Diller Matthew 4.0 Stars (47 Reviews)    Price verified 10 hours ago

This book was converted from its physical edition to the digital format by a community of volunteers. You may find it for free on the web. Purchase of the Kindle edition includes wireless delivery.

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 164 Pages (172 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Mar 4th, 2024

Lions of Big Cat Rescue: Meet Lions Joseph, Cameron, & Nikita by Carole Baskin 4.6 Stars (30 Reviews)    Price verified 6 hours ago

Learn about lions and meet the lions who call Big Cat Rescue home. Enjoy over seventy (70) lion photos.

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Size: 34,679 KB
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Mar 3rd, 2024

The Mental Inertia : A Look into How Our Brains Work Similar to the Laws of Physics by Aditya Bikram Singh 4.8 Stars (14 Reviews)    Price verified 8 hours ago

Ever got so tired from getting tired that you want to wish to work again but just cannot get enough courage to start? Have you ever found yourself so nervous before beginning a task that you decided to not start it at all? Did you wonder why your mind is the way it is and cannot adapt to the conditions fast like others do? The Mental Inertia tries to answer these questions in a tacky way by comparing our biological minds with the laws of physics! Yes, you heard that right. Come delve into the chapters of this short and sweet book to know more about how our minds work and how we can use them to better adapt ourselves to face the cutthroat competition in this world.

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 57 Pages (1,855 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Mar 3rd, 2024

Time Matters: 7th edition by Alexandre Kassiantchouk 4.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 4 hours ago

8th edition available at Two years ago, I started this book by explaining why the ancient Universe is red (or infrared), and how spiral galaxies counter centrifugal force from breaking them. Now I finish it with an explanation of how galaxies appeared from nothing but space and time, and where antimatter is. In the preface below you will find a list of long-standing problems solved in this book. Physicists, please read chapter 61 first: there I explain physics of observations for electrons, atoms, and "Black Holes". Astronomers, please read chapter 62 first, where 80-year-long problem of vanishing stars solved. I hope you enjoy reading my book, as I enjoyed writing it.

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 379 Pages (67,468 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Mar 1st, 2024

Mom’s Favorite Reads eMagazine March 2021 by Goylake Publishing (Goylake Publishing) 4.1 Stars (25 Reviews)    Price verified 5 hours ago

The March 2021 issue of Mom's Favorite Reads. In this issue... A seasonal blend of articles including Mad as a March Hare, Dr Seuss, Reiki, World Wildlife Day, International Day of Forests, plus short stories, recipes, puzzles, humour, photographs and so much more!

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 132 Pages (21,613 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Feb 28th, 2024

Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Social Knowledge Sciences and Education (ICSKSE 2022) (Advances in Social Science, Education and ... by Sumarmi Sumarmi Price verified 6 hours ago

This is an open access book. Each country in Southeast Asia has experienced numerous adversities, from pandemic and disasters, to inequalities and threats to democracy. Adding to these challenges, are our common experience of colonialism where its legacies still resonate in the present. Despite these challenges, Southeast Asia continue to participate in global commitments geared towards realizing sustainable development, democracy, and countervailing the imbalance global power relation. Furthermore, Southeast Asia has been the center of studies that critically examined the global power of knowledge production. Categories of 'developing, undeveloped, or third world' have been largely questioned, as these categories created more segregation and reflected Orientalist notion rather than acknowledging countries of Southeast Asia and others as a distinct entity. Under this backdrop, the conference will explore these important questions: what makes Southeast Asia resilient? Why? What brought Southeast Asia together as 'Southeast Asia'? What are the challenges for Southeast Asia today? How do we overcome them? How does Southeast Asia contest and cooperate with global powers within the international network? This conference will bring together academics, educators, activists, or even policy makers who work on Southeast Asia to discuss those questions. Experts within and outside the countries of Southeast Asia are welcome to share their research and knowledge on various issues about the region.

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 703 Pages (26,814 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Feb 23rd, 2024

Gardening Indoors and Under Glass A Practical Guide to the Planting, Care and Propagation of House Plants, and to the Construction and Management of ... by F. F. (Frederick Frye) Rockwell 4.3 Stars (88 Reviews)    Price verified 10 hours ago

This book was converted from its physical edition to the digital format by a community of volunteers. You may find it for free on the web. Purchase of the Kindle edition includes wireless delivery.

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 262 Pages (355 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Feb 22nd, 2024

Catalogue of Violent and Destructive Earthquakes in the Philippines With an Appendix: Earthquakes in the Marianas Islands 1599-1909 by Miguel Saderra Masó 5.0 Stars (3 Reviews)    Price verified 6 hours ago

This book was converted from its physical edition to the digital format by a community of volunteers. You may find it for free on the web. Purchase of the Kindle edition includes wireless delivery.

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 62 Pages (658 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Feb 22nd, 2024

Diseases of Tropical Tree Crops by Dominique Mariau 4.5 Stars (2 Reviews)    Price verified 6 hours ago

This work gives details of some fifty diseases of tropical tree crops which cause very significant yield losses hence compromising or even preventing cultivation. Breeding resistant planting material is currently the most widely used control method. Research is also under way on the rational use of chemical pesticides, the adoption of appropriate crop techniques and on reducing populations of insect vectors of viral and fungal diseases, phytoplasms and Phytomonas.

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 445 Pages (32,494 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Feb 21st, 2024

Year 2 - Number and Place Value Worksheet - Primary Leap by Primary Leap 4.1 Stars (114 Reviews)    Price verified 10 hours ago

Maths activity for year 2(Ages 6 to 7) The activities are designed to meet the aims of the national curriculum for mathematics: - become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, including through varied and frequent practice with increasingly complex problems over time, so that pupils develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately. - reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry, conjecturing relationships and generalisations, and developing an argument, justification or proof using mathematical language - can solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of routine and non-routine problems with increasing sophistication, including breaking down problems into a series of simpler steps and persevering in seeking solutions. Curriculum link for Year 2(Ages 6 to 7): - count in steps of 2, 3, and 5 from 0, and in tens from any number, forward and Backward - recognise the place value of each digit in a two-digit number (tens, ones) - identify, represent and estimate numbers using different representations, including the number line - compare and order numbers from 0 up to 100; use and = signs - read and write numbers to at least 100 in numerals and in word - use place value and number facts to solve problems.

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Size: 935 KB
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Feb 21st, 2024

Bird Day; How to prepare for it by Charles Almanzo Babcock 5.0 Stars (2 Reviews)    Price verified 8 hours ago

This book was converted from its physical edition to the digital format by a community of volunteers. You may find it for free on the web. Purchase of the Kindle edition includes wireless delivery.

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 79 Pages (258 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Feb 19th, 2024

Creating Resilient Futures: Integrating Disaster Risk Reduction, Sustainable Development Goals and Climate Change Adaptation Agendas by Stephen Flood (Palgrave Macmillan) Price verified 8 hours ago

This open access edited volume critically examines a coherence building opportunity between Climate Change Adaptation, the Sustainable Development Goals and Disaster Risk Reduction agendas through presenting best practice approaches, and supporting Irish and international case studies. The Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted existing global inequalities and demonstrated the scope and scale of cascading socio-ecological impacts. The impacts of climate change on our global communities will likely dwarf the disruption brought on by the pandemic, and moreover, these impacts will be more diffuse and pervasive over a longer timeframe. This edited volume considers opportunities to address global challenges in the context of developing resilience as an integrated development continuum instead of through independent and siloed agendas.

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 332 Pages (6,119 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Feb 17th, 2024

The Discovery of Parallel Universes by Richard Lighthouse 3.4 Stars (226 Reviews)    Price verified 12 hours ago

This short paper presents information into technology that has been used to move between two parallel universes. Described here are the possible technology characteristics of glowing orbs or balls of light, which have been photographed and filmed, all over the world and often near crop circles. By utilizing the blinking frequency of our universe, it is possible to move between universes. These orbs have been reported as glowing and/or pulsing and some appear to be 12 to 14 inches in diameter. The precise value for the blinking frequency of our universe, the Lighthouse Frequency, is estimated at 1.1 THz. Each reader must comprehend that our universe is literally blinking off and on, more than 1 trillion times every second. For those unconvinced that our universe is blinking, please read "1024 Elementary Particles," which provides compelling mathematical evidence.

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 18 Pages (634 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Feb 15th, 2024

Master's/Ph.D. Thesis: A Step-by-Step Writing Guide (Scientific Writing for Beginners) by Mitchell P. Jones 4.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 6 hours ago

Definitive advice and recommendations on thesis writing can be hard to come by and even harder to understand. Look no further for step-by-step support to guide you through the thesis writing process with concrete instructions and examples. Mitchell P. Jones' Master's/Ph.D. Thesis: A Step-by-Step Writing Guide is a must-have for anyone about to culminate their master's or doctoral studies. In clear, concise and precise language, Jones lays out the essential steps for compiling a highly scoped and impactful master's or Ph.D. thesis. Comprehensive and firmly instructional, this guide features step-by-step directions, content and structure suggestions for all thesis chapters in both monograph and publication-based theses with useful examples, tips on how to set up and caption effective tables, graphs and schematics, and equation and unit formatting principles. Featuring an easy-to-navigate approach, shortcuts for efficient referencing, titling and editing are also provided in addition to insight on what students can expect during the thesis examination process. With no assumed knowledge required it caters to all levels of experience and is the type of investment every advanced science student should make to maximise their chances of success. This guide is specifically formatted for students writing a master's or Ph.D. thesis. Guides for bachelor's theses, journal articles, conference papers and book chapters are also available as part of the Scientific Writing for Beginners series.

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 161 Pages (11,347 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Feb 13th, 2024

Breaking into the Lab: Engineering Progress for Women in Science by Sue V. Rosser (NYU Press) 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 12 hours ago

Why are there so few women in science? In Breaking into the Lab, Sue Rosser uses the experiences of successful women scientists and engineers to answer the question of why elite institutions have so few women scientists and engineers tenured on their faculties. Women are highly qualified, motivated students, and yet they have drastically higher rates of attrition, and they are shying away from the fields with the greatest demand for workers and the biggest economic payoffs, such as engineering, computer sciences, and the physical sciences. Rosser shows that these continuing trends are not only disappointing, they are urgent: the U.S. can no longer afford to lose the talents of the women scientists and engineers, because it is quickly losing its lead in science and technology. Ultimately, these biases and barriers may lock women out of the new scientific frontiers of innovation and technology transfer, resulting in loss of useful inventions and products to society.

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 264 Pages (2,419 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Feb 8th, 2024

Feeling Mediated: A History of Media Technology and Emotion in America (Critical Cultural Communication Book 31) by Brenton J. Malin (NYU Press) 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 5 hours ago

New technologies, whether text message or telegraph, inevitably raise questions about emotion. New forms of communication bring with them both fear and hope, on one hand allowing us deeper emotional connections and the ability to forge global communities, while on the other prompting anxieties about isolation and over-stimulation. Feeling Mediated investigates the larger context of such concerns, considering both how media technologies intersect with our emotional lives and how our ideas about these intersections influence how we think about and experience emotion and technology themselves. Drawing on extensive archival research, Brenton J. Malin explores the historical roots of much of our recent understanding of mediated feelings, showing how earlier ideas about the telegraph, phonograph, radio, motion pictures, and other once-new technologies continue to inform our contemporary thinking. With insightful analysis, Feeling Mediated explores a series of fascinating arguments about technology and emotion that became especially heated during the early 20th century. These debates, which carried forward and transformed earlier discussions of technology and emotion, culminated in a set of ideas that became institutionalized in the structures of American media production, advertising, social research, and policy, leaving a lasting impact on our everyday lives.

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 320 Pages (3,061 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Feb 6th, 2024

Agricultural robotics: part of the new deal? FIRA 2020 conclusions: With 27 agricultural robot information sheets by Roland Lenain 3.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 12 hours ago

The farming and agricultural robotics industries are inextricably linked. This connection is reinforced every year at the FIRA International Forum of Agricultural Robots, where, inevitably, there are new players and new problems, bigger goals and better solutions. This book is a journey into the state of the art of the industry in 2020, followed by 27 agricultural robot information sheets.

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 150 Pages (4,975 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Feb 5th, 2024

Grandma's Memories by Mary D. Brine 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 5 hours ago

This book was converted from its physical edition to the digital format by a community of volunteers. You may find it for free on the web. Purchase of the Kindle edition includes wireless delivery.

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 32 Pages (88 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Feb 3rd, 2024

Letters of a Traveller Or, Notes of Things Seen in Europe and America by William Cullen Bryant 5.0 Stars (3 Reviews)    Price verified 4 hours ago

This book was converted from its physical edition to the digital format by a community of volunteers. You may find it for free on the web. Purchase of the Kindle edition includes wireless delivery.

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 458 Pages (745 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Feb 2nd, 2024

Oxygen-Carrier-Aided Combustion Technology for Solid-Fuel Conversion in Fluidized Bed by Lunbo Duan 4.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 9 hours ago

This open access book surveys the development of OCAC technology in the last decade for solid fuel conversion in fluidized beds. The scientific concerns, including combustion and emission characteristics, ash-related problems, OC aging, and so on, are summarized and analyzed. Beyond this, new concepts like OCAC with Oxy-PFBC, OCAC coupled with staged fuel conversion, OCAC in rotatory kilns and multi-functional OCAC are proposed, so as to promote the applications of OCAC to various fields in the future. Moreover, this book also outlines the perspectives for future research and development of OCAC. As an emerging technology, extensive studies and investigations are still necessary to fill in the gap from the fundamental understanding of the technology to its industrial demonstrations. Nevertheless, we believe that this book provides novel insights for the readership of energy and combustion and stimulate meaningful follow-on research on OCAC technology.

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Size: 23,236 KB
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Feb 1st, 2024

Architect of Amritpath by Viral Desai 4.5 Stars (8 Reviews)    Price verified 8 hours ago

True successors of Rishimuni's Our primary responsibility as humans is: to hand over the planet earth we have inherited to our next generation in a better way. We are all children of nature, nature always protects us, but we do not take care of it!Prime Minister Narendra Modi, whose personal favourite subject is climate change and has himself written a book on it like Scientific Studies and the Confluence of Indian Heritage, is determined to set a new benchmark of green energy at the international level. Then, this interesting book is a tribute to one remarkable Gujarat written by another Gujarati Viral Desai, who is also very known for his accomplishments and can light the flame of awareness in the public mind.Viral Desai 'Veer' is fighting a different battle. For making the environment more pleasant and making the earth more green. For that, despite the fact that CSR is not applicable in his industry, he has accepted the moral responsibility of humanity, spending his money like water and has raised as many trees - urban forests that his efforts were recognised and he has received many top honours of the country and on global platforms. He continues to receive the ultimate happiness and satisfaction that his never-ending 'Green Yagna' gives him. Such a flourishing person, Viral Desai 'Veer' is the true successor of the sages who lived an auspicious life in the forest and devoted their lives to the service of humanity. With the thought-provoking journey through the pages that he has openned, one will get an opportunity to get closer to Almighty with the help of nature.- Jay Vasavada

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 196 Pages (9,715 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jan 24th, 2024

Why "Happy Meat" Is Always Wrong by Magnus Vinding 4.1 Stars (7 Reviews)    Price verified 12 hours ago

The "happy meat" position does not challenge our large-scale mistreatment of non-human beings, but rather serves to support it. That is among the core claims of this essay, which argues that the rejection of the "happy meat" position is critical if we are to end the extreme horrors that humanity inflicts upon other animals. "Magnus Vinding argues powerfully against eating 'happy meat'." -- Peter Singer, Professor of Bioethics at Princeton University, author of The Life You Can Save and Animal Liberation "Like child abuse, animal abuse can be practised with more or less cruelty. Magnus Vinding argues persuasively that we shouldn't be doing it at all. In his latest work, Vinding explores the insidious concept of 'happy meat' - a tribute to the human capacity for self-deception. Harming other sentient beings should not be a lifestyle choice in any civilised society." -- David Pearce, author of The Hedonistic Imperative

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 19 Pages (374 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jan 22nd, 2024

Green Voices: Defending Nature and the Environment in American Civic Discourse (SUNY Press Open Access) by Richard D. Besel (SUNY Press) Price verified 4 hours ago

The written works of nature's leading advocates -- from Charles Sumner and John Muir to Rachel Carson and President Jimmy Carter, to name a few -- have been the subject of many texts, but their speeches remain relatively unknown or unexamined. Green Voices aims to redress this situation. After all, when it comes to the leaders, heroes, and activists of the environmental movement, their speeches formed part of the fertile earth from which uniquely American environmental expectations, assumptions, and norms germinated and grew. Despite having in common a definitively rhetorical focus, the contributions in this book reflect a variety of methods and approaches. Some concentrate on a single speaker and a single speech. Others look at several speeches. Some are historical in orientation, while others are more theoretical. In other words, this collection examines the broad sweep of US environmental history from the perspective of our most famous and influential environmental figures. This book is freely available in an open access edition thanks to Knowledge Unlatched -- an initiative that provides libraries and institutions with a centralized platform to support OA collections and from leading publishing houses and OA initiatives. Learn more at the Knowledge Unlatched website at:, and access the book online at the SUNY Open Access Repository at

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 416 Pages (4,960 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jan 16th, 2024

Mom’s Favorite Reads eMagazine November 2022 by Goylake Publishing 4.0 Stars (2 Reviews)    Price verified 4 hours ago

In this month's issue of our #1 ranked magazine... Interview with Publishers Weekly #1 author Dani Pettrey. Plus, Author Features, Health, Nature, Photography, Poetry, Short Stories, Young Writers, National Veteran and Military Family Month, and so much more!

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 89 Pages (25,349 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jan 15th, 2024

Speciesism: Why It Is Wrong and the Implications of Rejecting It by Magnus Vinding 4.4 Stars (15 Reviews)    Price verified 12 hours ago

What can justify discrimination against other sentient beings? In this book, Magnus Vinding explores the issue of species discrimination. He argues that speciesism -- discrimination based on species membership -- is unjustifiable, and proceeds to examine the practical implications of this conclusion. This examination reveals more than a few ways in which our behavior and attitudes need to change profoundly. "Most people agree that discriminating against someone on the basis of gender, sex or skin color is morally objectionable, but what about species membership? Speciesism: Why It Is Wrong and the Implications of Rejecting It makes a compelling case that this form of discrimination has no justification either, and addresses the most significant implications. These include both the rejection of animal exploitation and the rejection of the idea that we have no reason to help nonhuman animals in need of aid, including when they are suffering in the wild for natural reasons. This book is likely to challenge many of our assumptions, and will encourage us to think deeper about the moral consideration of nonhuman animals." -- Oscar Horta, professor of moral philosophy at University of Santiago de Compostela, author of Making a Stand for Animals "Humans hurt, harm and kill billions of sentient beings. We routinely treat nonhuman animals in ways that would earn the perpetrators a life sentence in prison if the victims were humans of comparable sentience. Magnus Vinding makes a compelling case for a moral revolution in human behaviour toward nonhuman individuals. Highly recommended." -- David Pearce, author of The Hedonistic Imperative and Can Biotechnology Abolish Suffering?

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 66 Pages (2,912 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jan 14th, 2024

Walking by Henry David Thoreau 4.3 Stars (1,995 Review)    Price verified 5 hours ago

Henry David Thoreau, the naturalist, philosopher, and author of such classics as "Walden" and "Civil Disobedience," contributed a number of writings to The Atlantic in its early years. The month after his death from tuberculosis, in May 1862, the magazine published "Walking," one of his most famous essays, which extolled the virtues of immersing oneself in nature and lamented the inevitable encroachment of private ownership upon the wilderness.

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 44 Pages (2,260 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jan 8th, 2024

Evolving the Common Agricultural Policy for Tomorrow's Challenges by Cécile Détang-Dessendre (Quae) 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 6 hours ago

As in other parts of the world, agriculture in Europe is not sustainable. The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) must foster its necessary evolution. This book draws the contours of an ambitious CAP that would facilitate the agro-ecological transition of agricultural systems in the European Union.

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 548 Pages (3,795 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jan 5th, 2024