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Bermuda Bound: From London to Paradise by P. M. Lane 3.7 Stars (39 Reviews)    Price verified 9 hours ago

Forget a year in Provence, try living on a tiny island in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean for four years. Bermuda Bound is a personal account of living and working on the beautiful island of Bermuda. The book relates encounters with modern day pirates, sea monsters, raging Atlantic storms, colourful local characters and suicidal tourists, against a remote background of incredible beauty in the western Atlantic. Gone are grey skies, wintry nights and miserable people to be replaced by blue skies, exquisite colonial architecture, colourful characters and tall swaying palm trees. Bermuda with its four hundred year history of pirates, smugglers, rum runners and ship wrecks is England's oldest colonial outpost, a sub-tropical haven where the modern world comes face to face with old ways and customs to form a unique blend of history, tradition and development, which is the very essence of Bermuda. Bermuda's beautiful beaches, exquisite lagoons and stunning scenery are all depicted together with colourful local characters, like the man who spends each morning smiling and waving at commuters in order to brighten the days of the vibrant Bermudian people. Read of scuba diving expeditions on pristine reefs and explorations of old shipwrecks lost in violent storms, of sport fishing trips to capture giant silver sea monsters, of colonial architecture and ornate pastel painted buildings hundreds of years old and of a modern paradise isolated in the Atlantic Ocean by hundreds of miles of shifting sea. Disappear into the Bermuda Triangle with Bermuda Bound. Download your copy Now!!! Note - Bermuda is not in the Caribbean nor is it a single island but an archipelago of over one hundred and eighty islands, most connected by bridges and causeways to form one landmass. As the locals say, "Bermuda is twenty-six miles long and a smile wide!"

Genre: Travel [x]
Length: 314 Pages (645 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 23rd, 2024

Found, Lost, Paved and Sunk: Paradise by Jay Maclean 3.6 Stars (12 Reviews)    Price verified 2 hours ago

Where is paradise on earth? Somewhere far from the maddening crowds, the cold, the politics, work, of course. People have been searching for their paradise for centuries, even before taxation was invented. The stories of those who wrote about their exploits often reveal more about themselves than the nature of the paradises they sought and sometimes found. Did you know that Sir Walter Raleigh was the world's first pusher of paradise real estate? Or that among the explorers of tropical paradises, the infamous Captain Bligh of the Bounty was quite humane and considerate? Or that Captain James Cook was the first westerner to get a tropical, full body massage -- and was pretty coy about describing it? That the original Shangri-La paradise was a mix of ascetic monks on top of a Tibetan mountain and a tropical village of loose women at its foot? That Thor Heyerdahl and his first wife honeymooned for a whole year in a remote tropical paradise, leading to his Polynesian migration theory and the Kon Tiki expedition? Found, Lost, Paved and Sunk: Paradise explores the mind set of artists, beachcombers, colonial administrators, developers, explorers, hermits, missionaries, mutineers, philosophers, scientists and writers, not to mention the native residents who were already living in the paradises they sometimes describe. Learn about the mechanics and problems of living in a paradise, dealing with neighbors both onshore and offshore, housing, water, and health. Learn about the fate of paradises under colonialism and climate change. Learn also about the opinions of other animals and plants; where is their paradise? The world is changing irreversibly. Where and how does paradise fit into its future? And finally, what does it all really mean? Found, Lost, Paved and Sunk: Paradise tells all. The book is punctuated with tongue-in-cheek tips for paradise seekers but is entirely factual and extensively referenced with about 200 sources, from exploits of early explorers and ...

Genre: Travel [x]
Length: 635 Pages (705 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 22nd, 2024
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