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Pescatarian and Mediterranean Diet Cookbook : My Family Art of Wholesome Seafood and Plant Rich Meals: A Kitchen Guide to Over 120 Mouthwatering ... by Christine R. Vincent Price verified one hour ago

Unlock the Secrets of Wholesome Pescatarian & Mediterranean Meals: A Family's Guide to Sustainable Delights Calling all seafood lovers and plant-based explorers! Are you craving delicious meals that nourish your body and respect the planet? Then prepare to dive into "Pescatarian Diet and Mediterranean Cookbooks: My Family Art of Wholesome Seafood and Plant-Rich Meals". This cookbook unlocks a treasure trove of vibrant, sustainable recipes packed with flavor. As a renowned chef and a mother of adventurous eaters, I understand the importance of creating meals that are both healthy and satisfying. After years of culinary experimentation, I've crafted a collection of over 120 mouthwatering recipes celebrating the best the sea and earth have to offer. This isn't just another cookbook - it's your tested kitchen guide to the vibrant world of the pescatarian and Mediterranean lifestyles. Whether you're new to this way of eating or a seasoned pro, let this book be your culinary compass. Inside, you'll discover: • A diverse array of seafood and plant-based recipes bursting with flavor, perfect for anyone in the family. • Clear, easy-to-follow instructions for flawless execution, no matter your skill level. • Nutritional insights to ensure you're creating balanced, heart-healthy meals. • Sustainable approaches to cooking, promoting a more environmentally-conscious kitchen. Disclaimer: While all recipe pictures are AI-generated, rest assured they are crafted to be 95%-99% photorealistic, providing you with a visual feast that complements the culinary delights within. Pescatarian Diet and Mediterranean Cookbooks is your key to a healthier, more flavorful life. It's the perfect addition to your kitchen and a thoughtful gift for anyone seeking wholesome culinary inspiration. Don't settle for bland meals! Elevate your cooking repertoire today. Click "Add to Cart" and embrace a world of pescatarian and Mediterranean deliciousness!

Genre: Cookbooks, Food & Wine [f] [x]
Length: 436 Pages (149,243 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

Der Retter der Beiden Länder: Fluch der Sonne (German Edition) by Monika Mangal 4.2 Stars (193 Reviews)    Price verified 2 hours ago

Zweiter und letzter Teil der spannenden Geschichte um den Arzt Senmut: Auf Königin Tejes Geheiß zieht Senmut mit seiner Familie nach Achetaton, wo er fortan als ihr persönlicher Leibarzt fungiert. Wohl fühlt er sich nicht in der Stadt des selbstsüchtigen Herrscherpaares, aber sein brisanter Auftrag macht seine ständige Anwesenheit unumgänglich. Seine überraschende Begegnung mit Sadeh, Rahoteps leiblicher Mutter, bringt lange gehegte und verdrängte Befürchtungen zum Vorschein, die sich auf völlig unvorhersehbare Weise zu bewahrheiten drohen. Als kurz nach Pharao Echnatons glanzvollem Empfang der Delegationen aus aller Welt eine schreckliche Seuche ausbricht, sucht Senmut verzweifelt nach geeigneten Maßnahmen, um die Ausbreitung der unheilbaren Krankheit zumindest einzudämmen. Damit stößt er jedoch nicht überall auf uneingeschränktes Verständnis, und als schließlich sogar das Königshaus von einem Unheil nach dem anderen befallen wird, richtet sich so mancher anklagende Finger auf ihn. Davon abgesehen ist es für Senmut nur eine Frage der Zeit, wann ihm die schöne Nofretete auf die Spur kommt. Als er sich zu allem Überfluss dann auch noch Pharaos Zorn zuzieht, indem er sich -unter Missachtung dessen ausdrücklichen Verbots- der Opfer grausamer Folter annimmt, gibt es für Senmut nur noch einen Ausweg.

Genre: History [f] [x]
Length: 393 Pages (1,249 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

I Know What I Saw: Assassinations and Terror in America by Jim Keillor 4.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 19 minutes ago

In this eye-opening investigation, Jim Keillor examines the haunting historical trajectory from the John F. Kennedy assassination to modern acts of terror like the Christopher Dorner manhunt, the San Bernardino Massacre and the Las Vegas Massacre. What really happened in Dallas on November 22nd? Who was Sirhan Sirhan and what happened to him? What is Christopher Dorner's legacy? Who were Tashfeen Malik and Syed Farook? How and why did they get radicalized? And what actually happened during the Las Vegas Massacre? The answers may surprise you.

Genre: History [f] [x]
Length: 417 Pages (3,737 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

Unmanageable: A Memoir: Drunken Wisdom (The Powerless Series Book 4) by Lela Fox (A-FEX Books) 4.5 Stars (69 Reviews)    Price verified 3 hours ago

It seemed like a good idea at the time. He seemed like a nice guy... rich, charming, and sexy. My decisions and illusions seemed perfectly logical to me. So I couldn't understand why people were arguing with me, demanding that I "run from that bastard and get my shit together!" Unmanageable is a crazy tour through two years of anxiety and drunken denial of reality. With marriage #3, problems came like machine-gun fire; I could either dodge or stay drunk on vodka. I chose the vodka. These years were short by the calendar but long on bizarre. From the wedding in a Chinese restaurant to a stint in jail, Unmanageable recreates the most unmanageable time of my life. Underneath, I knew what I saw - a drunk on the way to rock bottom. For the first time, I questioned my sanity. On the white sands of a Bahamas beach, I pleaded to a Higher Power I didn't believe in. I knew the game was over, but I wasn't finished yet. The Powerless series is a memoir told as a story; a story so twisted that it took seven books to reveal it all. This is the fourth stop in the crazy train ride of my life - a zany story about getting drunk, getting sober, and the quest for grace.

Genre: Health, Fitness & Dieting [f] [x]
Length: 321 Pages (2,956 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

Don Quijote: Embárcate en una divertida búsqueda con Don Quijote (Spanish Edition) by Miguel de Cervantes (Redhouse) 4.7 Stars (353 Reviews)    Price verified 3 hours ago

Don Quijote, de Miguel de Cervantes, es un clásico español que narra la historia de Alonso Quijano, un hidalgo de mediana edad que se obsesiona con las novelas de caballería. Creyéndose un caballero andante, se rebautiza como Don Quijote y se embarca en una serie de aventuras con su leal pero simple escudero, Sancho Panza. Quijote lucha contra molinos de viento, confundiéndolos con gigantes, y libera a "damas en apuros" que en realidad son humildes sirvientas. A través de sus hazañas, Quijote se convierte en una figura hilarante, tanto delirante como extrañamente entrañable. La novela explora temas como la cordura versus la locura, el idealismo versus el cinismo y el poder de la imaginación. ¡Te esperan la caballería, la aventura y la absoluta locura! ¿Anhelas una historia que te haga reír a carcajadas? Entonces no busques más allá de Don Quijote, el cuento atemporal de un noble delirante que se cree un caballero andante. Únete a Don Quijote y su fiel escudero, Sancho Panza, mientras se embarcan en una serie de aventuras fantásticas, confundiendo molinos de viento con gigantes y gente corriente con damas en apuros. Don Quijote es más que una simple comedia desternillante. Es una profunda exploración de la cordura y la locura, el idealismo y el cinismo. La obra maestra de Miguel de Cervantes ha cautivado a lectores durante siglos con su ingenio, sabiduría y personajes inolvidables. Elogios a Don Quijote: "Una obra maestra de la literatura mundial." "Una exploración hilarante y estimulante de la condición humana." ¡No te pierdas este clásico de la literatura! Añade Don Quijote a tu estantería hoy mismo y emprende una aventura inolvidable.

Genre: Foreign Languages [f] [x]
Length: 488 Pages (2,544 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

The Quiet Revolution: Debt Free and Working Less - How our Species Survives by Linda Cockburn (Together Press) 3.6 Stars (5 Reviews)    Price verified 3 hours ago

Wipe all debt - we're drowning in it. It's time to rest - we're working the planet and ourselves to death. We need a growthless economy, one that incentivizes human and planetary flourishing. We need to embrace Reciprocity, giving back at the rate we take. It's how nature works. We are nature. The Quiet Revolution is an invitation to live bigger, deeper, richer lives. Drawing on science, history, anthropology, philosophy psychology, and over 500 of the world's best thinkers, Cockburn sets out a bold thought experiment and invites us on a collaborative adventure. Our black clouds of fear and grief are carbonless energy sources for change. The future is the most exciting place we've never been. In the dismal swamp of capitalism, The Quiet Revolution is a ray of hope, a way to live better lives. Alexis Wadsley - Australian Economist It changed my life. Annie Venables - Viking Films

Genre: Business & Money [f] [x]
Length: 333 Pages (5,894 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

Living in the Middle East: Volume V - 2011-14 by Brian Borgford 2.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 4 hours ago

Brian Borgford and his wife, Rochelle Bos, lived in the Middle East from 2003 to 2014. The couple wrote almost daily blog entries describing their experiences. The "Living in the Middle East" series documents all of the blog entries as they were written at the time. This is the fifth and final book in the series, covering Brian's and Rochelle's time in Doha, Qatar from 2011 to 2014.

Genre: Biographies & Memoirs [f] [x]
Length: 392 Pages (18,865 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

Bloody Ground: Black Rifles in Korea by John Holway 4.2 Stars (24 Reviews)    Price verified 4 hours ago

Korea is "the forgotten war." But to those who fought in it, it was the "unforgettable war." If the names of all those killed were put on a wall, it would be larger than the Vietnam Wall. And Korea lasted only three years, Vietnam about ten. The agony of the winter of 1950-51 is an epic to compare with Valley Forge and the Bulge. Korea was also our last segregated war. This is the story of the black 24th Infantry Regiment, told in the words of the men themselves. Like all black troops since the Civil War, they were reviled by whites and their own commander for "bugging out" - running before the enemy. The charge can still be read in the Army's own official histories. Yet the 24th left more blood on the field than their white comrades - if they did bug out, they must have been running the wrong way. It's a good thing we weren't with Custer," one black GI muttered - "they'd have blamed the whole thing on us." The 24th won the first battle of the war, won its division's first Medal of Honor, and guarded the shortest and most vulnerable road to Pusan. If the port had fallen, the war would have been lost, leaving a red dagger pointed at Japan. It did not fall. That winter, after the Chinese attacked, the entire American army bugged out in perhaps the worst military disaster in American history. "That," said another black veteran, "was when I learned that whites could run as fast as blacks." This is the story of those unsung heroes, who helped turn the Communist tide for the first time. The men bring that forgotten war and their own unsung bravery to life in their own sometimes funny, often heart-breaking, and always exciting words.

Genre: History [f] [x]
Length: 439 Pages (5,787 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

Breakfast Ideas Value Pack II – 200 Recipes For Waffles, Omelets, Coffee Cake and Quick Bread (Breakfast Ideas - The Breakfast Recipes Cookbook ... by Pamela Kazmierczak 3.7 Stars (37 Reviews)    Price verified 6 hours ago

Welcome to the tenth volume of Breakfast Ideas - The Breakfast Recipes Cookbook Collection!! This is Also The Second of The Value Packs - With 200 recipes inside! Buy this book now at its introductory rate before we raise the price to the normal price of $6.97. Are you looking for quick break Recipes For Breakfast? This recipe cookbook has 200 different recipes for waffles, omelets, quick bread and coffee cake that you can serve for breakfast, brunch or anytime. If you are looking for quick yet tasty recipes for breakfast, this might be the cookbook you have been searching for! Many people are looking for quick and easy recipes online and in books - this cookbook will cover recipes for tasty and delicious omelets, waffles, coffee cake and quick bread - what a great way to start off your day! We hope you enjoy this volume Breakfast Ideas Value Pack II - 200 Recipes For Waffles, Omelets, Coffee Cake and Quick Bread - I hope you enjoy all the recipes inside What Type quick and easy breakfast recipes are in this book? There are a total of 200 different recipes for quick bread, coffee cake, waffles and omelets inside! Some Examples of the recipes include: Apple Pecan Coffee Cake Banana Coffee Cake Banana Poppy Seeds Coffee Cake Caramel Pecan Coffee Cake Cheese Filled Coffee Cake Coconut Almond Coffee Cake Hazelnut Raspberry coffee Cake French Chocolate Coffee Cake Fruit and Nut Coffee Cake Lemon Sour Cream Coffee Cake Maple Coffee Cake Apple Brown Sugar Coffee Cake Praline Coffee Cake Pumpkin Coffee Cake Raspberry Swirl Coffee Cake Strawberry Blueberry Coffee Cake Chocolate Strawberry Coffee Cake Traditional Coffee Cake Banana Toffee Bread Basil Tomato Bread Berry Bread Blueberry Bread Carrot Zucchini Bread Cheddar Bread Cheesy Pesto Bread Cherry Almond Bread Cherry Banana Bread Chocolate Banana Bread Feta and Chives Bread Herbed Tomato and Cheese Bread Lime Pecan Bread Maple Banana Nut Bread Orange Yogurt Bread Peanut Banana Bread Peanut Butter ...

Genre: Cookbooks, Food & Wine [f] [x]
Length: 513 Pages (2,589 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

No Rescue for the Traitor: A Historical Western Adventure Book by Derek Levine 4.1 Stars (395 Reviews)    Price verified 19 minutes ago

Life is good for Benedict Aritza... He owns a butcher shop with his best friend, he is the town's favorite, ladies always smile his way and he's even put forward as a potential future mayor. His perfect little life is disrupted though when Curley, his business partner, goes missing while on a buffalo-hunting expedition. Benedict is not the kind of man to give up on his friend. He's determined to find him and bring him home safe. There's another problem, however; Curley's sister is dead set on coming along to search for her brother. Benedict admired Hallie's feisty personality, even though she'd always been out of bounds for him. Now, in close quarters as they go on the dangerous hunt together, can he resist the soft spot he's always had for her? Hallie lost her parents suddenly a few years back. Since then, she's been very protective of her brother, the only family she has left. When Curley goes missing, there is no way she will let this pass without a fight. When she discovers to her horror that the vicious Pablo Javier gang is behind this, she knows there's no time to waste and that she should act immediately. If she has to put up with Benedict for a few days in order to save her brother... so be it. Yet, Hallie has always liked Benedict, more than she'd care to admit. Can she put her pride aside and convince Benedict that she is the competent and skillful comrade that should join him on this perilous quest? As Benedict and Hallie embark on their journey together, they'll soon find that their quest was never what they thought it would be. What started as a rescue mission ends up becoming an escape plan to save their own lives. With shots fired, and a gang that even has corrupt sheriffs on their side, will Benedict and Hallie manage to help each other out? How will they ever manage to survive when they realize that they're not the ones on the hunt after all, but those being hunted? A pulse-pounding drama, which will make you turn the pages with bated breath ...

Genre: History [f] [x]
Length: 423 Pages (3,019 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

THE GREEK COOKBOOK: 1000+ complete collection of delicious, nutritious, and historically rich recipes showcases Greece, her islands, and ... by JERRY C. PIERDEN 1.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 8 hours ago

A Culinary Journey to the Heart of Greece. This meticulously crafted culinary jewel lets you experience Greek food's wonderful flavors, rich history, and vibrant culture. Here are a selection of authentic Greek dishes that embody the essence of Greek cuisine. From moussaka to souvlaki, every meal celebrates fresh, nutritious vegetables prepared traditionally. The aroma of olive oil, feta cheese, and Mediterranean flowers will please you while you cook Greek meals. This book isn't simply a collection of recipes; it's a culinary tour of Greek culture. Through engaging anecdotes, you'll learn about the country's diverse cuisine's origins. Learn why dining with others is essential, how to host, and the customs that make a simple meal memorable. This book provides clear, step-by-step directions to help you produce these excellent dishes, whether you're an expert chef wanting to improve or a gourmet trying Greek tastes for the first time. This book is a visual and wonderful meals. Prepare for an unforgettable gastronomic experience that brings Greece to your table. "Greek Cookbook: A Culinary Journey to the Heart of Greece" goes beyond cooking. Each wonderful dish invites you to taste Greece.

Genre: Cookbooks, Food & Wine [f] [x]
Length: 428 Pages (3,324 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

MÊMÊS: Life Hacks Special With Dank Funny MÊMÊS by Ben Chips-MÊMÊS 5.0 Stars (2 Reviews)    Price verified 9 hours ago

Life Hacks and Funny MÊMÊS

Genre: Humor & Entertainment [f] [x]
Length: 2,481 Pages (188,475 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

Inspiration Beyond the Surface: Discover a journey toward a healthier and happier life, with God by your side. by Patty Pobanz 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 4 hours ago

In life, we often encounter challenges that leave us feeling lost, stuck, or yearning for a path forward. In these moments of uncertainty, it's natural to seek guidance, inspiration, and a renewed sense of purpose. It is within these pages that you will find exactly that, a guiding light to illuminate your journey towards a healthier, happier, and more fulfilling life. Welcome to a transformative new direction for yourself, where the boundless power of faith intertwines with the resilience of the human spirit. As you embark on this uplifting journey with God, you'll discover a treasure trove of wisdom, encouragement, and profound insights waiting to be unearthed. This book is more than just words on paper; it's a companion for your soul, a beacon of hope that accompanies you through every twist and turn of life's labyrinth. Within its pages, you'll encounter inspirational messages that speak directly to your heart, empowering insights that awaken your inner strength, and enriching inspirational videos that bring concepts to life in more detail. But this journey is not merely about consuming information, it's about transformation. It's about delving deep into the recesses of your being, confronting the shadows that linger within, and emerging stronger, wiser, and more resilient than ever before. It's about embracing personal growth, unlocking the potential that lies dormant within you, and charting a course towards a life of greater purpose and joy. So, if you find yourself standing at the crossroads of uncertainty, if you're weary from the weight of the world, struggle with illness or if you simply long for a glimpse of the light, know that you are not alone. You hold in your hands the key to a future brimming with hope and possibility. A future where the challenges of today fade into insignificance against the brilliance of tomorrow. It's time to leave behind the struggles that have held you captive for too long and step boldly into the radiant dawn of a new ...

Genre: Self-Help [f] [x]
Length: 485 Pages (13,714 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

3001 Unusual Facts, Funny True Stories & Odd Trivia: Amazing Book of Odd & Unusual Trivia Interesting Facts about Famous People, Odd Trivia from ... by Jim Green (Fisher Brands Ltd) 4.2 Stars (495 Reviews)    Price verified 5 minutes ago

Step into a world of wonder and discovery with '3001 Unusual Facts, Funny True Stories, and Odd Trivia' by Jim Green! As part of the Books for Curious Kids series, its packed to the brim with fun facts about history, science & nature, the most famous and eccentric characters from the past and much, much more. Get ready to embark on an epic journey filled with jaw-dropping trivia and mind-boggling fun facts for boys and girls that will leave you amazed! From the ancient civilizations of Egypt to the medieval knights of Europe, discover interesting history facts kids will find captivating. Learn about the weird and wonderful world around us, and become a walking encyclopaedia of fun facts about our planet and its many inhabitants. Be the envy of your friends and a fountain of knowledge to impress your classmates! FACT #690 of 3001 There is a species of Jellyfish that is biologically immortal, it does not age or die naturally and left alone could live forever, but are mostly killed by other sea creatures. FACT #803 of 3001 The moon is gradually slowing the rotation of Earth, by around 1.4 milliseconds every 100 years. During the time of dinosaurs, days were only around 23 hours long. FACT #1671 of 3001 California is the closest US state to Hawaii, but Hawaii is the furthest US state from California! FACT #2489 of 3001 There was once an airline flight that took off in 2016 and landed in 2015, due to it crossing international time zones Written in fun and light-hearted way using simple words children can understand, this exciting book of random facts for kids is bursting at the seams with fun facts guaranteed to ignite curiosity and spark the imagination of young minds. From the depths of history to wonders of the natural world, prepare to be amazed by fun facts for teens and children of all ages. So what are you waiting for? Join the adventure today and dive into the wonderful world of '3001 Unusual Facts, Funny True Stories, and Odd Trivia'. Who knows what ...

Genre: Humor & Entertainment [f] [x]
Length: 381 Pages (4,139 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

Fresh New Mémếs: Best Humor Pictures Parody Life Fails by Dorothy R. Patrick Price verified 3 hours ago

Funny MÊMÊS XXL Clean Humor

Genre: Humor & Entertainment [f] [x]
Length: 1,501 Pages (64,747 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

The Discourse of Conflict: Nonverbal semiotics and discursive practice in Northern Ireland's Troubles 1977-82 by Warren Hately 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 4 hours ago

The Discourse of Conflict focuses on the "prison war" between Republican inmates and their British captors, and the subsequent "dirty" protest and hunger strikes, to deal with two problems central to contemporary philosophy: the unacknowledged bias of structuralist theory towards linguistic signs and the lack of a coherent theorisation of social conflict. To address these conundrums, Hately reconciles Saussurean and Peircean semiotics and then uses Ruthrof's corporeal pragmatics to break from the verbocentric idea of language as a closed system, showing instead that verbal meanings originate from the body, its senses and its imagination, as informed by the deixis of individual communities. With the transformation of linguistic semiotics into corporeality, Foucault's notion of discourse and the neglected category of discursive practice are then reworked to show how statements based on nonverbal signs might function discursively. The culmination of the 1970s Northern Irish prison war in the events of the 1981 hunger strikes offers a study that unites the focus upon nonverbal discourses with the examination of conflict. In exploring the ways in which Republican hunger strikers struggled for legitimacy with the prison authorities, Hately shows how previous notions of conflict, especially Lyotard's différend, are thrown into disrepute by a corporeal perspective recognising the intersemiotic and heterosemiotic character of communication. The availability of diverse semiotic media such as the visual, the haptic, the proximic, etc., offers positions in which conflicts may be regulated without ending in the stalemate Lyotard describes. The division of semio-discursive phenomena into verbal and nonverbal elements, and the tracing of the effects these elements have upon ideational and pragmatic planes of action, also reveal a variety of strategies related to conflict that are superposable upon other instances. As a result, The Discourse of Conflict suggests that the ...

Genre: Politics & Social Sciences [f] [x]
Length: 301 Pages (676 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

The Complete Everything Vegan Cookbook for Beginners (3 in 1): Over 180 of the best original go-to plant-based recipes for any occasion; savory ... by Caterina Milano 4.7 Stars (35 Reviews)    Price verified 3 hours ago

The Complete Everything Vegan Cookbook for Beginners is 3 books in 1! You will get: • The Complete Vegan Sweet & Savory Cookbook for Beginners • The Complete Vegan Baking Cookbook for Beginners and • The Vegan Holiday Cookbook No matter what the occasion, this book has you covered! Learn over 180 original vegan recipes for appetizers, side dishes, soups, sandwiches, burgers, main courses, desserts and baking including everything you need for the holidays! You will also get a variety of tips including substitutions and the history of veganism. Whether you have been vegan for years or just want to try some new healthy plant-based dishes, The Complete Everything Vegan Cookbook for Beginners 3 in 1 is the book for you! The diverse recipes also makes this collection an amazing gift for anyone looking to have a healthier, more sustainable lifestyle! My name is Caterina Milano and I have been a food enthusiast for over 40 years! Since a young age, I have been obsessed with exceptional culinary recipes. I have included my favorite tried and tested recipes in this book for you to enjoy. The Complete Everything Vegan Cookbook for Beginners 3 in 1 is all you need to get creative in the kitchen and start making some new meals! You will learn over 180 original recipes and have access to 25 more Vegan salad recipes, all with color photos! Plus all measurements are in both metric and Imperial forms. In The Complete Everything Vegan Cookbook for Beginners 3 in 1 you will learn about: • Vegan history and health benefits, baking substitutions and tips, and helpful advice to have an enjoyable holiday season with vegans and non-vegans • Over 180 recipes for Soups, Sandwiches, Burgers, Appetizers, Side Dishes, Main Courses, Desserts, Bakingand Holiday dishes all with color photos! • Access to my book "25 Vegan Salad Recipes"! • And that's not all! We are learning how important a sustainable lifestyle is and that includes a plant-based diet. There ...

Genre: Cookbooks, Food & Wine [f] [x]
Length: 524 Pages (32,005 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

Generalized Anxiety Wellness First-Aid by June Sycamore 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 7 hours ago

Wellness First-Aid is an individual-first approach to navigating the sea of advice and guidance from accredited sources. Whether you or a loved one is facing an immediate crisis, deeply rooted doubt, or insurmountable obstacle impacting quality of life, this toolkit provides personalized guides to specifically address the unique demands of many common experiences with Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). Along with providing timely advice tailored to the matter at hand, this extensive collection aims to affirm individual experiences, expand perspectives on the complex nuances of GAD symptoms, and introduce readers to other effective books to further explore. Wellness First-Aid is meant as a supplement to professional support -- these guides are a resource to access and reflect upon when new circumstances arise or chronic symptoms flare up. These tools aim to provide terminology, insight, and current practices to complement anything else that your healing journey may involve. June Sycamore is Métis Two-Spirit and has a decade of experience with practical community-led wellness practices like co-counseling and group therapy. Actionable, Personalized Support - Wellness First-Aid stands out by offering finely-tuned guidance tailored to your personal journey with Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). Within these pages, you'll find targeted tools designed to meet you wherever you are in your experience with anxiety. Whether you're grappling with a sudden flare-up or navigating daily challenges, our guides help pinpoint the strategies most applicable to your situation, ensuring relevance and direct impact. Comprehensive and Progressive Approach - Dive into a thoughtfully structured approach to anxiety management that grows with you. Wellness First-Aid introduces a series of phased strategies, providing foundational knowledge and building up to more advanced techniques. This progression fosters a deeper understanding and enhances your ability to cope with anxiety in a ...

Genre: Health, Fitness & Dieting [f] [x]
Length: 889 Pages
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

Chasing Influence: Transformational Coaching to Build Champions for Life by Troy Urdahl (Junto Press) 4.9 Stars (104 Reviews)    Price verified 19 minutes ago

Embark on a transformative journey with Coach Stick Olson in "Chasing Influence," where heartbreak, resilience, and the power of coaching converge to change lives and redefine success beyond the scoreboard. What is your purpose? Have you ever felt lost in your purpose, unsure of how to make a meaningful impact? Are you struggling to navigate life's challenges, seeking guidance on resilience and leadership? Do you yearn to inspire others and leave a lasting legacy, but feel uncertain about where to begin? In "Chasing Influence: Transformational Coaching to Build Champions for Life," Dr. Troy Urdahl tells a captivating story around Coach Stick Olson, whose journey from devastating loss to profound influence resonates with readers seeking purpose and direction. As Coach Olson rebuilds his life and the community ballfield, he imparts timeless wisdom to generations of players, revealing profound insights on relationships, leadership, and the true measure of success. Through engaging anecdotes and practical lessons, readers discover the transformative power of coaching beyond the game, finding inspiration to lead with purpose and impact in all areas of life. Here's what you can gain from this book: • Gain invaluable insights on resilience, leadership, and the true meaning of success. • Learn from the transformative journey of Coach Stick Olson and his lifelong impact on others. • Explore practical lessons applicable to leadership roles in sports, business, and everyday life. • Discover the power of allyship, empathy, wellness, and self-care in navigating life's challenges. • Be inspired to redefine success beyond the scoreboard and leave a lasting legacy of influence. • Access wisdom from esteemed figures like Joe Ehrmann, author of "InSideOut Coaching". • Find guidance on building meaningful relationships, fostering teamwork, and cultivating gratitude. • Learn how to navigate failure, model integrity, and embrace a mindset of growth and ...

Genre: Sports & Outdoors [f] [x]
Length: 316 Pages (1,434 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

Over 50 and Fabulous : The Second Adulthood Thriving Guide by Tania Klein 5.0 Stars (5 Reviews)    Price verified 4 hours ago

You are fifty. Now what? As women approach their fiftieth birthday, they often experience hot flashes, mood swings, and an array of emotions, ranging from frustration, anxiety, desperation, hopelessness, blissful ignorance, and a false sense of bravery. Rarely, if ever, do women say that the day they turned fifty was the best day of their lives. But what if we were to turn this narrative around and start viewing turning fifty (sixty, seventy, or any age, for that matter) as the time in our lives when we finally get to be our true selves and do things that are truly important to us? When, instead of trying to conform to society's outdated standards, we can proudly embrace our uniqueness. A time when expectations and polite social behavior don't make you feel boxed in or that you need to "act your age," but rather, cause you to see yourself as an immensely advanced person capable of doing whatever you set your mind on. This is the time to rewrite the History of Aging and reconsider what is possible in your Second Adulthood. Not only for the rare kind of women that lead the movement but for all of us. In her book, founder and CEO of Rejuvenation Station and creator of Phace Gym, Tania Yanis Klein, makes a compelling case for rethinking your current age, modifying your daily routine, adding restorative face and neck exercises, and why she thinks these actions will change your life. "There is so much we can do to look our best without turning to plastic surgery or dressing like our daughters. And looking older than you are might be a sign that you don't take good care of yourself and your body."- Dr. Heike Franz, Coach for women 50+

Genre: Parenting & Relationships [f] [x]
Length: 368 Pages (9,963 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

DEAD DOG ROAD: A True Story Into The Dark World Of An Abused Child by Diane N. Black (BLACK FLOWER PRESS) 4.7 Stars (41 Reviews)    Price verified 7 hours ago

IN A SMALL TEXAS TOWN, THE DIRECTOR OF A CHILDREN'S HOME TRIES TO SAVE THREE ADOPTED RUSSIAN CHILDREN LIVING WITH A SADISTIC WOMAN IN THE BACKWOODS OF CANEY HEAD. A heart-stopping story that highlights the failure of the agencies we trust to protect the most vulnerable among us -- and a truth more compelling and powerful than we could imagine. Abuse reports from neighbors draw attention to twelve-year-old Alexey who runs away to hide in the woods. The local child protection agency sends the director of the children's home to visit Alexey and his younger sisters, Anastasia and Svetlana. But despite her compelling report the agency believes the denials of the adoptive mother and leaves the children in the abusive home. Knowing the horrible truth, the director faces one obstacle after another as she tries to find someone to protect the children from the unspeakable. Dead Dog Road -- a place where secrets are buried like the injured fighting dogs who are dumped there.

Genre: Parenting & Relationships [f] [x]
Length: 322 Pages (4,879 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

Nine Lives: Drunk Stoned and Stupid / Happy Joyous and Free by Bob Huppert 5.0 Stars (3 Reviews)    Price verified 3 hours ago

Nine Lives is the brutally honest journey of one man's journey from the Hell that is drug and alcohol addiction (Drunk Stoned & Stupid) to a life free from bondage (Happy Joyous & Free.) Randy called. That's possibly the hardest step to take toward recovery, reaching out for help. Randy had been driving around with a loaded revolver in his lap, trying to gather the courage to park somewhere and end his pain. Permanently. So why not make one last call? The details of the call don't matter. The only thing a man in that situation hears is, "I know how you feel. I felt that way myself." And he KNEW that I knew. It wasn't just "I feel your pain" bullshit. All my years of pain and destruction finally had a purpose, a reason, a meaning. "We will not regret the past nor wish to shut the door on it." I finally understood. I had something to offer Randy that no one else in his life could offer. No one but another cocaine addict who had been through the whole nightmare and came out the other side could say or do anything that would have any effect on him. We talked for a long time, trading horror stories. 'I'll tell you my worst fuck-up if you tell me yours.'

Genre: Biographies & Memoirs [f] [x]
Length: 487 Pages (1,718 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

The Civilian Navy SEAL: A Comprehensive Guide to Building Resilience, Preparedness, and Functional Fitness (Bleeding Edge Knowledge) by SkyCuration Publishing 4.2 Stars (3 Reviews)    Price verified 9 hours ago

In a world brimming with unforeseen challenges and evolving threats, "The Civilian Navy SEAL" emerges as a beacon of empowerment, guiding civilians through a meticulously crafted path of preparedness modeled on the revered principles of Navy SEAL training. However, this isn't a militarization call, but an invitation to every individual to harness the essence of readiness and resilience to navigate through the unpredictable landscapes of modern-day living. This comprehensive tome unfolds over 40 detailed chapters, each a treasure trove of practical knowledge, actionable strategies, and real-world anecdotes. It delves into preparing for a spectrum of potential adversities including, but not limited to, war on your homeland's soil, nuclear fallout, urban and rural combat scenarios, and the looming threat of biological warfare. The narrative transcends conventional preparedness discourse, steering you into the heart of advanced readiness strategies tailored for civilian applicability. At its core, "The Civilian Navy SEAL" embodies a proactive approach to potential conflicts and disasters. It sheds light on the essence of mental fortitude, physical readiness, and community cohesion as indispensable allies in facing the specter of war, the menace of biological and chemical attacks, and the harsh realities of urban and rural combat scenarios. It's about fostering a culture of anticipatory action, communal responsibility, and unyielding resilience that empowers you to stand firm, act wisely, and protect diligently when the tranquility of everyday life descends into the chaos of homeland conflict. Moreover, this book underscores the pivotal role of community in bolstering collective resilience. It cultivates a spirit of mutual aid, shared knowledge, and indomitable camaraderie as cornerstones for navigating through the stormy waters of adversities, be it natural calamities or man-made conflicts. "The Civilian Navy SEAL" is not merely a guide; it's an expedition into the ...

Genre: Sports & Outdoors [f] [x]
Length: 311 Pages (846 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 23rd, 2024

Ballad of a Sober Man: An ER Doctor's Journey of Recovery by J.D. Remy 4.5 Stars (310 Reviews)    Price verified 10 hours ago

2020 BIBA Winner for Best Memoir! A successful emergency physician full of narcissism and ego wakes up in detox, his life having burned to the ground. Dr. J.D. Remy -- physician, father, husband, and medical missionary -- awakens one morning to find himself in rehab for alcoholism. His destructive behavior has resulted in the loss of his marriage, children, career -- and almost -- his life. Faced with the challenges of rebuilding a foundation, Dr. Remy must accept that he is an alcoholic and summon the courage to tame the demons that caused such dire circumstances. Over time, he makes new connections in sobriety and rekindles friendships from his former life. With the aid of old friends and his new sober network, he navigates his program as a professional in long-term recovery. He must overcome unemployment, a devastating divorce, the estrangement of his children, social stigma, and the coronavirus outbreak. Armed with the gift of desperation, a strong twelve-step program, and his recovery "mosh-pit," he learns to accept and let go, confronting the worst of his character flaws to emerge on the other side as a better version of himself. Ballad of a Sober Man is a raw and realistic memoir of one man's difficult journey through recovery, as he interacts with an eclectic cast of characters, finds romance in a brave new world, and battles a global pandemic...

Genre: Health, Fitness & Dieting [f] [x]
Length: 337 Pages (2,664 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 23rd, 2024

Bermuda Bound: From London to Paradise by P. M. Lane 3.7 Stars (39 Reviews)    Price verified 19 minutes ago

Forget a year in Provence, try living on a tiny island in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean for four years. Bermuda Bound is a personal account of living and working on the beautiful island of Bermuda. The book relates encounters with modern day pirates, sea monsters, raging Atlantic storms, colourful local characters and suicidal tourists, against a remote background of incredible beauty in the western Atlantic. Gone are grey skies, wintry nights and miserable people to be replaced by blue skies, exquisite colonial architecture, colourful characters and tall swaying palm trees. Bermuda with its four hundred year history of pirates, smugglers, rum runners and ship wrecks is England's oldest colonial outpost, a sub-tropical haven where the modern world comes face to face with old ways and customs to form a unique blend of history, tradition and development, which is the very essence of Bermuda. Bermuda's beautiful beaches, exquisite lagoons and stunning scenery are all depicted together with colourful local characters, like the man who spends each morning smiling and waving at commuters in order to brighten the days of the vibrant Bermudian people. Read of scuba diving expeditions on pristine reefs and explorations of old shipwrecks lost in violent storms, of sport fishing trips to capture giant silver sea monsters, of colonial architecture and ornate pastel painted buildings hundreds of years old and of a modern paradise isolated in the Atlantic Ocean by hundreds of miles of shifting sea. Disappear into the Bermuda Triangle with Bermuda Bound. Download your copy Now!!! Note - Bermuda is not in the Caribbean nor is it a single island but an archipelago of over one hundred and eighty islands, most connected by bridges and causeways to form one landmass. As the locals say, "Bermuda is twenty-six miles long and a smile wide!"

Genre: Sports & Outdoors [f] [x]
Length: 314 Pages (645 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 23rd, 2024
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