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Evil Walks Among US (The SOUP Trilogy Book 1) by Tom DeWitt 4.0 Stars (93 Reviews)    Price verified 12 hours ago

"Power tends to Corrupt and Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely... Great men are almost always bad men." The Virtual Life Solution (VLS) is a secret government program created to incarcerate the nation's worst criminals by placing them into a virtual reality world called the Special Operational Unfenced Prison (SOUP). Criminals in the SOUP create their new reality in prison by building upon their own memories and sharing the experiences of others that share their fate. VLS offers substantial cost savings to taxpayers and transforms every aspect of our incarceration system. It utilizes the newest technology with the potential to create a future limited only by the Nation's imagination. It is the perfect solution. Pulitzer Prize winning reporter Alec Richardson is selected by the White House to write the story revealing details of the program to the American people to enhance the electability of the sitting President. Richardson, Network Executive Adelle Hall, and DC police officer Jefferson Grant discover there is more to the VLS Program than revealed, and find themselves embroiled in action, politics, suspense, and murder as they seek to find the truth behind one of America's greatest achievements.

Genre: Politics & Social Sciences [x]
Length: 446 Pages (979 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 22nd, 2024

The History of Eternity by James E. Winder 4.0 Stars (7 Reviews)    Price verified 12 hours ago

You cannot help but wonder what and why you are. The History of Eternity is a book that again and again answers these questions, as it celebrates the tragic joy of wonder at the enigma of your existence. There will always be a clamoring after elusive fact. There will always be a hankering for some durable theory that will explain the fact. There will always be an inability to match the one wholly with the other. Because something is always left out, there will always persist a stubbornly invisible and intractable remainder. And this remainder, this dark matter behind every thought, behind every desire, behind every joy, behind every sorrow, will continue to populate your universe with wonder. Read this book, if you will, and share that wonder. You are born into a conspiracy of significance, already entangled with your equally lonely others. The history of eternity, the tension between nowhere and now here, defines the struggle between the life you are living now and whatever there may be of the life to come. The History of Eternity is a series of broken elegies to those who have mattered, to their moments and your moments, to their sanity and your sanity, to their madness and your madness. The History of Eternity is one man's meditation on the reverberating shock of his encounter with Henry Adams, Aristotle, Augustine, Bach, Balzac, Beckett, Bergson, Bloch, Boehme, Bonhoeffer, Cervantes, Chekhov, Cicero, Claudel, Dante, Darwin, Derrida, Emily Dickinson, Dostoevsky, Eckhart, Emerson, Ezekiel, Faulkner, Gide, Goethe, Heraclitus, Herodotus, Hume, Isaiah, Henry James, Jeremiah, Samuel Johnson, Kafka, Kierkegaard, D.H. Lawrence, Leopardi, Levinas, Joan of Arc, Joe Louis, Lucretius, Machiavelli, Malraux, McTaggart, Milton, Montaigne, Newton, Nietzsche, Parmenides, Pascal, Plotinus, Plutarch, Proust, Rabelais, Rembrandt, Rosenzweig, Rousseau, Sartre, Schopenhauer, Schubert, Adam Smith, Sophocles, Spinoza, Edith Stein, Wallace Stevens, Tocqueville, Van Gogh, Virgil, von ...

Genre: Politics & Social Sciences [x]
Length: 718 Pages (1,034 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 22nd, 2024
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