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The Shop: Part 1 by M. E. Brow 4.5 Stars (48 Reviews)    Price verified 5 hours ago

Jack Blasik has grown up in the family business -- a barber shop called The Shop: Cuts for Men. Few would guess this pillar of the community has always been a front for guns, drugs, and gambling in an otherwise quaint New England town in the southwestern corner of New Hampshire. When Kane Wexler, one of the shop's long-time colleagues, is released from a five-year stint in prison, he aims to take charge of The Shop and will stop at nothing to make it happen. What Kane doesn't bargain for is a rival criminal element in town, or Jack showing signs of wanting to get out of the family business and start a new life with his fiancé. A violent power struggle erupts between rival gangs, law enforcement, and even among the members of The Shop that threatens to destroy them all.

Genre: Politics & Social Sciences [x]
Length: 289 Pages (1,457 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 13th, 2024

Everyday Ethics by Philip Wik (A Blue Kitten Book) 5.0 Stars (2 Reviews)    Price verified 3 hours ago

Everyday Ethics is my effort to try to understand ethics. We live in a world of many values and voices. Some bellow from a landscape of moral relativism. Money, power, and celebrity are voices that overpower the quieter voices of tradition. But the paradox is that sometimes the louder voices are the right voices. That popularity isn't always wrong and tradition isn't always right is the enduring challenge for those seeking guidance on how we should live. Ethics pervades the way we choose our leaders, raise our children, and how we work and play. Everyday ethics is at the core of our humanity. CONTENTS Chapter One: A Wilderness of Mirrors Chapter Two: Ethical Dilemmas Chapter Three: A Theory of Ethics Chapter Four: Extremist Ethics Chapter Five: Religious Ethics Chapter Six: Military Ethics Chapter Seven: How Then Shall We Act?

Genre: Politics & Social Sciences [x]
Length: 236 Pages (12,447 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 13th, 2024

Stoicism Today: Selected Writings (Volume Two) by Patrick Ussher (Stoicism Today) 4.3 Stars (53 Reviews)    Price verified 6 hours ago

Stoicism, the classical philosophy as a way of life practised by the Greeks and Romans, continues to resonate in the modern world. With over forty essays and reflections, this book is simultaneously a guide to practising Stoicism in your own life and to all the different aspects of the modern Stoic revival. You will learn about Stoic practical wisdom, virtue, how to relate wisely to others and the nature of Stoic joy. You will read of life-stories by those who practise Stoicism today, coping with illness and other adversities, and of how Stoicism can be helpful in many areas of modern life, from cultivating calm in the online world to contributing new solutions to the environmental crisis. And, just like the ancient Stoics did, key questions modern Stoics often ask are debated such as: Do you need God to be a Stoic? Is the Stoic an ascetic? Containing both practical wisdom and philosophical reflection, this book - the second in the Stoicism Today series - is for anyone interested in practising the Stoic life in the modern world.

Genre: Politics & Social Sciences [x]
Length: 272 Pages (5,525 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 13th, 2024

Busting Anti-Vax Myths! Seriously EXPERT Arguments for the Covid-Deniers in Your Life: The Great Covid Satire by Prof. Oisín MacAmadáin 4.7 Stars (88 Reviews)    Price verified one hour ago

NB: This book is a SATIRE. Prof. Oisín MacAmadaín is an expert, one of the best, in fact. Founder, sole lecturer and provost of The Termonfeckin Institute of Expertise in Ireland's beautiful Co. Louth, he knew that if there was one thing governments needed for their response to Covid, it was his enormous brains. Consequently, he has devoted every waking moment of the Covid Era to advising all government cabinets everywhere on the supreme value of masks, lockdowns, mandates and being vaccinated at least once a month. He was, at a certain point however, utterly horrified to learn of the existence of certain total thickos, tinfoil hat wearers and those who were generally of a conspiratorial disposition. Sensing that the mentally soft among us could be prone to believing any old kind of nonsense, he set out to write a book to counteract the nefarious mis-, dis- and downright crackpot information that is currently being spread among the nether regions of the internet. Do you have a neighbour or, heaven forbid, friend or family member, who regularly spews utter nonsense in your direction along the lines of their government being out to chip them or that a quack aromatherapy pill like vitamin D might save lives from Covid? Or perhaps you have been accosted by a random conspiracy theorist in the street who adamantly believes that everyone should add horse-dewormer to their morning coffee or that lockdowns aren't the pinnacle of scientific acumen that they clearly are and that whoever invented them should obviously win a Nobel Prize? This, at last!, is THE book you need in order to arm yourself with bulletproof arguments and put these poor deluded souls in their proper place once and for all! In it, you will learn: • How to counteract the views of fringe, far-right scientists who say that lockdowns mightn't be the best idea (!) • Why society under lockdown has arguably never been better for our general happiness levels or mental wellbeing • How to factcheck ...

Genre: Politics & Social Sciences [x]
Length: 161 Pages (1,375 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 12th, 2024

Passages to Eternity: Philosophic meditations in poetic form on the meaning of eternity for 72 famous persons. by James Winder Price verified 3 hours ago

As a philosopher once surmised: talent hits a target no one else can hit. Genius, he insisted, hits a target no one else can see. The greatest artists and thinkers are the greatest seers. They do not imagine... only and merely. They study the facts, they think the facts, they feel the facts, until the facts, the acts of faith, the articles of invention, dissolve in the naked light of the hitherto unseen, until fact, faith, and invention fall away like Halloween masks, like swaddling clothes; and then, leaving behind the tricks and the treats, they teach us what to hallow: the nakedness of a newborn joy, perpetually born anew, a joy that can never die, because it never quite knows, but never fails to enjoy, how early it already is, and how young it was always going to be. All thinking, carried far enough, ends in paradox: trying to think the unthinkable. All feeling, carried far enough, ends in paradox: trying to feel the unfeelable. But one can feel the unthinkable, and think the unfeelable. To do so is to think with one's feelings and to feel with one's thoughts. Then, and only then, is it possible to hit a target that no one else can see. To experience deeply (profoundly and creatively) is to think with your feelings and to feel with your thoughts. And there's a first and last to every thought, to every feeling. To think the first, to feel the first, as if it were the last, and to do so intensely is to know nothingness, to experience death. Yes, this is paradox. To think the last, to feel the last, as if it were the first, and to do so intensely is to experience life, a life that never ends, precisely because - like a box without sides - it is without beginnings and without ends. Yes, this is paradox too. This book continues the conspiracy of significance, the dialectic of nowhere and now here, that began with The History of Eternity. Read this sequel, Passages to Eternity, and follow, if you will, the destiny of this paradox as it unfolds in the lives of 72 ...

Genre: Politics & Social Sciences [x]
Length: 670 Pages (1,386 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 12th, 2024

A to Z of Living in Southern Italy (The A to Z of Living in Italy Book 1) by John Tallon Jones (G-L-R) 3.6 Stars (88 Reviews)    Price verified 6 hours ago

A message from the author This is a very personal observation on life in the South of Italy, and the views expressed here shouldn't be looked at as anything more than that. Don't take what you read in this book too seriously. Everyone experiences the South in their own way. This is my story. The Book If you have ever felt the need to leave your own country and move to Southern Italy, then this book is for you, as this is what the writer did, over 17 years ago. The A to Z of living in Southern Italy gives the reader an insight into his experiences and goes through everything from, family life, health care, dentists, small town culture and lots more. With incidents thrown in such as reporting a fire to the emergency services and getting an answer-phone message, this book has everything that you need to know about what it is like to be an Englishman coping with life in the south of Italy. After such a long time away from England, the writer now classes Italy as his home and feels native enough to complain about the country he has come to love and hate. Having had to compromise to come to terms with an unfamiliar way of life, the writer admits to many changes that he sees in himself, but the one thing that has not been compromised by life in the south is the ironic English humour, which flavours each page. What people are saying 'An amazing story. What a journey and what a family!' Mevanwy 'Sheer unadulterated irony and humour on every page. This book will make you laugh and cry. Essential reading before you go to Italy.' Online Post 'A brilliant read from a writer who knows a thing or two about the South of Italy. Recommended reading even if you have no intention to visit.' Chester Mail 'Not a travel guide, but more like a dissection of the Southern Mentality. Recommended reading especially if you are considering moving here.' Daily Post (free North Wales Press) 'If you ever decide to go to Italy, alone or with your family, PLEASE read this book.' David ...

Genre: Politics & Social Sciences [x]
Length: 142 Pages (2,983 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 12th, 2024

Happy Father's Day: a promise made and a gift received by Virginia Madison 4.8 Stars (10 Reviews)    Price verified 5 hours ago

If you have lost someone you love dearly, and are looking for someone that may understand how you feel, you are not alone. This book is for you. If you feel stuck and are not sure what you are looking for, why don't you give this book a try? Happy Father's Day, by first-time author Virginia Madison, is available for Father's Day 2020. An easy read, this book will touch anyone who has experienced a close bond with a loved one. The descriptive writing transports the reader into each scene and you feel that you are there experiencing the events and emotions in person. When my father died fifteen years ago, I had been searching for the meaning of life, and death. I brought my mother to Antarctica, in the hope of finding the meaning of life at the End of the World. I did not find what I was looking for because I did not know what to look for. Over the years, I have realized that what I was looking for has nothing to do with where I am, or what I am doing. It is rather a state of mind. Excerpt from the Prologue Fifteen years ago, my dad passed away. I made a promise to my mother and myself, someday I would honor him the way he deserved. He was a fantastic father, a loving husband, a fun and caring soul. Nine years slipped by since he passed away, this promise was kept safely in my heart. The memories of him were tucked away in a sacred place, not to be opened up, and not to be tampered with. One day, I stood in front of the vast, massive, and spectacular Pacific Ocean, I was overwhelmed and moved. I knew I was ready to act on this promise. Without having any plans where I was heading or where the end was to be, for the next six years I was writing about my father, one story followed by another. During this journey and exploration, I opened up some of the most devastating memories in my life and let them rip me apart, eventually confronting and reconciling with them. Finally, I was able to be gentle to them, and be gentle to myself. Excerpt from Chapter 45: ...

Genre: Politics & Social Sciences [x]
Length: 185 Pages (2,230 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 12th, 2024
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