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Dare to Fail: Next Generation Leadership by James Hwang 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 17 minutes ago

Failing is not an end state. Rather, it should be viewed as feedback and a unique invitation to try again. The mindset of accepting failures as feedback combined with perseverance prepares you for ultimate success. In Dare to Fail, James Hwang blends his personal experiences with leadership lessons for a one of a kind business fable that proves failure is just another means to the successful end. Through these personal experiences and lessons, a framework of ACTIONABLE LEADERSHIP is formed. The purpose of this framework is to provide aspiring leaders a way to understand how to move from the lowest levels of influence to the pinnacle by building relationships that minimize barriers and invite both leaders and followers to expand trust in pragmatic ways. Finally, Dare to Fail explains the importance of mentorship and coaching to achieve the ultimate level of success. JAMES HWANG has been the CEO of multiple companies backed by Private Equity. He has extensive expertise in people management, technology, finance, and change management associated with mergers & acquisitions and company turnarounds. Educated at the U S Military Academy at West Point and Dallas Baptist University, his disciplined approach and analytical skills combined with faith and moral compass are his proclaimed foundation to his success.

Genre: Politics & Social Sciences [x]
Length: 222 Pages (2,155 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 28th, 2024

Hostel Hell: Homeless - a year spent with crazies, druggies, prostitutes, con men, gangsters and some really great people by Robert Leslie 3.7 Stars (230 Reviews)    Price verified 2 hours ago

Hostel Hell, a real life story; my year of No Fixed Address spent with crooks, crazies, druggies, con men, prostitutes, streetwise survivors and a surprising number of really decent people. Previously a reasonably prosperous and successful business man, I was completely unprepared when an unwanted divorce led to the loss of my house and business, bringing on stress, depression, low self-esteem and, I'm ashamed to say, heavy drinking. But for all the feelings of frustration, inadequacy and hopelessness there were some compensations. I met a rich array of people, out-and-out crazies, druggies, smart crooks, devious prostitutes and heard some amazing stories. And to my great surprise a number of these individuals were kind, friendly and helpful. The experience changed my politics and view of the world. I wouldn't want to repeat it but am wiser for it. "Robert Leslie writes autobiografically about his time of homelessness, with much wit and humour, intelligence and a good dose of irony. But also with honesty, humbleness and warmth. One can feel that the very writing helped him get through the difficult, sometimes desperate experience of homelessness. As a writer he has found his very own, personal style, mostly a pleasure to read." "I found this a very entertaining and insightful book about homelessness and hostel life." "A very thought provoking yet entertaining read."

Genre: Politics & Social Sciences [x]
Length: 284 Pages (4,800 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 27th, 2024

Life, the Universe, God, and all that Stuff: 'an inside-out view' by Johnny R. O'Neill 4.0 Stars (15 Reviews)    Price verified 7 hours ago

Life Is a Song, to be Played Again... and Again... What is the 'stuff' of which our universe is made? Quarks or atoms? God or consciousness? An as yet undiscovered something? Is it 'made' of any 'thing' at all? In this remarkable book, author Johnny R. O'Neill describes a universe made, yes, of 'stuff,' but also, and just as importantly, made of the ever-changing relationship between that stuff and those who experience it. 'Relationship'? Think of it as 'feeling.' We exist as the feeling of life, and living. Using a well-reasoned and insightful mix of science and philosophy, spirituality and religion, the author maps previously uncharted territory on our understanding of ourselves. Within are pathways of thought leading to fresh ideas on consciousness, awareness, free will; to new intersections with old ideas, the Golden Rule, personal responsibility; as well as expansive, clear-eyed vistas on faith, morality, truth, and indeed, eternity. It's a new metaphor the author offers, new ways of thinking about ourselves, about our world, about our own existence in and as this 'kinetic whirl' that is our boundaryless universe. It truly is a new way of seeing, and from the inside-out, 'Life, the Universe, God, and all that Stuff'...

Genre: Politics & Social Sciences [x]
Length: 126 Pages (1,255 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 27th, 2024

Life Beyond Motherhood: Childless by Circumstances Not by Choice: Empowering Childless Women to Live Their Best Lives: A Guide to Thriving Without ... by Lilian Chudey Pride 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 12 hours ago

Purpose of the Book: Lilian Chudey Pride wrote this book to help empowered childless women break free from the shame and stigma that often accompanies childlessness. Lilian emphasizes the need to redefine the societal narrative that equates a woman's worth with motherhood. Empowerment and Support: This book is described as a journal/devotional designed to uplift and empower childless women who may be feeling lonely and emotional due to societal pressures and personal circumstances. The author expresses empathy, especially for African women who face humiliation due to their childlessness. Reframing Self-Worth: The author wants to remind women that their value and purpose extend far beyond the role of motherhood. The book aims to showcase the strength, resilience, and beauty inherent in each woman, regardless of their parental status. Acknowledging Emotions: This book creates a safe space for women to explore and honor their feelings related to not having children. Through self-reflection, it aims to guide women toward self-compassion, self-acceptance, healing, and personal growth. Rediscovering Purpose: "Beyond Motherhood" encourages women to rediscover their passions, dreams, and aspirations. It promotes a life filled with purpose and fulfillment, emphasizing that worth is not solely defined by societal expectations but also by personal fulfillment and the love of God. Nurturing Relationships: The importance of nurturing meaningful relationships with one's husband, family, friends, and the wider community is highlighted. This book explores the impact women can have on others' lives and emphasizes the love and connections that surround them. Self-Care and Well-Being: This book places a strong focus on self-care and well-being, guiding women to prioritize their emotional and physical health. It suggests practices like prayer, establishing a personal relationship with God, nourishing the body, and connecting with nature to cultivate self-care and ...

Genre: Politics & Social Sciences [x]
Length: 104 Pages (338 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 27th, 2024

The Reluctant Belligerent: American Entry Into World War II by Robert A. Divine 4.0 Stars (12 Reviews)    Price verified 12 hours ago

How did America's passive foreign policy in the 1930s contribute to the onset of the Second World War? Would early, sustained American support have contained the expansive thrust of the Axis? Was the nation's security jeopardized by a disastrous lack of leadership? Could Pearl Harbor have been prevented? These are just some of the thought-provoking questions explored in this detailed examination of American entry into World War II. Drawing on the latest research findings of noted historians, Robert A. Divine focuses on day-by-day diplomacy rather than the military aspects of war. He confronts the reasons why the U.S. was hesitant to apply its rightful role of world leader. He shows how Americans retreated behind the facade of neutrality legislation in an attempt to isolate themselves from the conflict. And he considers how the U.S. may have actually added to the severity of World War II by waiting until the nation was forced into the fighting. Robert A. Divine joined the faculty of the University of Texas in 1954 as a professor of history. He served as Chairman of the Department of History and the Committee on International Studies, and a member of the interim committee that helped with the organisation of the Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs at the University. In addition, he served as president of the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations and authored eleven books. He retired in 1996.

Genre: Politics & Social Sciences [x]
Length: 157 Pages (427 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 27th, 2024

UNDERGROUND BASES: Subterranean Military Facilities and the Cities Beneath Our Feet (The Underground Knowledge Series Book 7) by James Morcan (Sterling Gate Books) 3.8 Stars (193 Reviews)    Price verified 13 hours ago

What do the world's superpowers get up to in their secret underground bunkers? UNDERGROUND BASES: Subterranean Military Facilities and the Cities Beneath Our Feet, by novelists, filmmakers and independent researchers James Morcan & Lance Morcan, details confirmed and rumored underground facilities in the United States and around the world. Containing rare photographic evidence throughout as well as little-known quotes from key government figures, it makes a compelling case for there being an enormous hidden world under the Earth's surface. The Morcans speculate that the covert underground infrastructure may be far bigger than anyone has previously supposed and is likely used for the development of suppressed technologies. Their sources include declassified files, university reports, WikiLeaks' documents and interviews with ex-military personnel turned whistleblowers who claim to have worked in "cities below ground". UNDERGROUND BASES delivers a vast array of facts and theories that ultimately allows readers to form their own conclusions. The exposé covers everything from: the US Department of Defense's verified evacuation areas beneath the White House and the Pentagon as well as their acknowledged sites at Mount Weather and Cheyenne Mountain; underground facilities around the world including Russia's sprawling Mezhgorye complex and Australia's CIA-managed Pine Gap; the long-forgotten newspaper headlines which reported that Adolf Hitler and senior SS officers may have built a Nazi colony beneath Antarctica after WW2; rumors that human-alien joint ventures are occurring below ground and that kidnapped citizens are being detained in subterranean prisons for illegal medical experimentation such as cloning. Why are the Global Elite spending trillions of dollars of their black budgets to build such vast networks of underground (and undersea and under-ice) sites? Are they simply preparing for emergencies as per official government explanations? Do they ...

Genre: Politics & Social Sciences [x]
Length: 150 Pages (6,048 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 27th, 2024

A Secular Political Perspective by William Sanchez Price verified 5 hours ago

A Secular Political Perspective is my first book focusing on topics including the rise of democracy, a non-religious moral framework, how science explains our place in the universe, how to form reliable beliefs, what socialism in America would look like, and how government corruption and tyranny threaten peace around the world. Each chapter contains important quotes from a wide range of politicians, scientists, and philosophers as well as some informative graphs adding context to my ideas.

Genre: Politics & Social Sciences [x]
Length: 132 Pages (5,570 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 27th, 2024

Christian Resistance to Tyranny: The Three-Point Strategy of Dietrich Bonhoeffer [Article] (God and Government) by Gordan Runyan (Happy Siege) 4.1 Stars (42 Reviews)    Price verified 8 hours ago

This 5 page article from Gordan Runyan and the Happy Siege publishing club is an examination of Dietrich Bonhoeffer's thoughts about what exactly the Christian church may do, and in fact ought to do, in the face of an anti-Christ tyranny. This is the situation he faced, as a pastor in Germany in the 1930's and 40's, during Hitler's rise to power. The Reich eventually hanged Bonhoeffer for his part in the plot to kill Hitler we now call Operation Valkyrie. But the thoughtful minister's ideas on God and government, and what it may mean when Christians must chose to be obedient to one and not the other, are terribly needed in America in 2013.

Genre: Politics & Social Sciences [x]
Length: 8 Pages (80 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 27th, 2024

The Euro is to Blame. Economics for Spanish people. by Luke Fog 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 12 hours ago

The book explains that the crisis got worst due to the "fiscal consolidation" as did in 1929 after the measures of Hebert Hoover. It compares US vs. Europe and the different ways of fighting the crisis. It also talks about the future problems specially in the Euro-zone regarding the unemployment rates in Southern Europe. And the effect this long-term unemployment has in the politics of the country and the future of the Economy. It advise about the problems of excessive monetary easing due to the lack of fiscal policies, specially regarding investments in public debt of core European Monetary Union countries and mention the possibility of a bubble. Moreover, it is not only a neo-keynesian reading. It explains how neoclassical economics are more accurate in the long-run. After talking about the effect of the measures implemented in Europe and specially Spain it develops a theory about the wealth of nations for the long term where free markets are the main reason. However, it also tackles the issue of unfair markets and the impact it could have in its economies, like in Latin America. Furthermore, tries to think openly about the future of the Euro and Spain. What measures Spain (and any Southern Europe country) should implement to reduce the unemployment rates. From a serious Economics background, Luke Fog explains the importance of education and research and development, low taxation for exports and other issues to generate long-term growth and wealth. Also talks about the geographical location as a indirect reason for wealth of nations, thinking openly about the wealth in the north of Spain and the south, as in the ex-yugoslavian regions, something that could be also applied to Italy. Finally, explains the importance of achieving the right point between free markets and political intervention, fairness and growth. How free markets tend to increase growth till a point where they can destroy it. However, for Spain it explains that although ...

Genre: Politics & Social Sciences [x]
Length: 110 Pages (2,972 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 27th, 2024
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