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United We Rise: How Community Building and Cooperation can Rebuild a Post-Meteor-Impact World (Surviving Taurid: Preparing for Cataclysmic Meteor ... by Barrett Williams Price verified 22 minutes ago

Cataclysmic challenges are not new to human history. In our groundbreaking eBook, "United We Rise," we plunge headfirst into an imaginative, post-apocalyptic scenario where an unprecedented catastrophe, a meteor impact, has obliterated normalcy. The trajectory of human survival is rewritten, making it an unforgettable narrative experience for readers worldwide. Beginning with the immediate aftermath of the disaster, the book draws a compelling narrative through humanity's collaborative response. It balances the bleak landscape of desolation with the hopeful thread of unity, showing how to build hope amid chaos, and establishing the importance of community and cooperation. "United We Rise" doesn't stop at mere survival, instead, it ushers readers through the gripping journey of rebuilding a post-meteor society from the ground up. Every chapter navigates essential tasks, from sharing resources and pioneering leadership pathways, to creating new rules of community and rethinking education. Recognizing the power of individual roles, the book emphasizes the art of division of labor and mutual aid in a drastically new environment. Readers will glean inspiration from the fictional characters' determination to innovate from scarcity, restore communication networks, and adapt architecture to this reimagined world. It's not just about surviving -- it's about thriving, as well, leading to the birth of a new democratic society amid shared wealth and barter-based economy. "United We Rise" isn't only a tale of humans merely navigating through a crisis; it's a tale of resilience, resourcefulness, and unbreakable collective spirit. Transcending mere fiction, "United We Rise" challenges us to rethink our social constructs positively, illustrating the enduring will of humanity to rise from the ashes. Through captivating chapters, the book serves as an allegory for modern times, inspiring us to perceive our global challenges differently and envisage a united future. Most ...

Genre: Politics & Social Sciences [x]
Length: 86 Pages (1,966 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 26th, 2024

La historia del Antiguo Egipto: Un viaje al corazón de la antigua civilización egipcia, los faraones, creencias, historia y mucho más (Spanish ... by Diyasim Z. Dirack Price verified 2 hours ago

Sumérgete en los misterios y maravillas de una de las civilizaciones más fascinantes de la historia con la historia del antiguo Egipto. Un viaje épico a través de milenios, desde los primeros asentamientos a orillas del Nilo hasta la caída del último faraón ante el poder de Roma. Con una narrativa vibrante y detallada, descubrirás cómo los antiguos egipcios levantaron monumentos que desafían el tiempo, desarrollaron una cultura rica en mitología y conocimientos, y dejaron un legado imborrable que sigue cautivando al mundo moderno. Con la historia del antiguo Egipto, explorarás: • La formación y desarrollo de los primeros asentamientos y culturas pre-dinásticas, revelando los comienzos de una civilización que florecería por más de tres mil años. • La unificación del Alto y Bajo Egipto bajo el legendario rey Narmer, un evento crucial que marcó el inicio de las dinastías faraónicas. • El esplendor del Reino Antiguo, con sus icónicas pirámides de Giza y la consolidación del poder faraónico. • El brillante período del Reino Medio, donde Egipto experimentó un renacimiento cultural y económico bajo la reunificación de Mentuhotep II. • El auge del Reino Nuevo, la época dorada de faraones como Hatshepsut, Akhenatón, Tutankamón y Ramsés II, y las reformas que transformaron la sociedad y la religión egipcias. • Los períodos de conflicto y resurgimiento, incluyendo las invasiones extranjeras y las luchas por la independencia que moldearon la historia de Egipto. Este libro no solo te proporcionará un entendimiento profundo de los eventos y figuras clave de la historia egipcia, sino que también te sumergirá en la vida cotidiana de sus habitantes, explorando su agricultura, comercio, arte, y sus creencias sobre el más allá. Descubrirás cómo la religión y los mitos egipcios se entrelazaban con cada aspecto de la vida, y cómo sus prácticas funerarias y conceptos de la eternidad han dejado una marca indeleble en la ...

Genre: Politics & Social Sciences [x]
Length: 192 Pages (2,678 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 26th, 2024

The Red Pill by Frank Freeman 5.0 Stars (2 Reviews)    Price verified 5 hours ago

The red pill from my point of view can be defined as a politically incorrect view of relations between men and women. The term derives from the film Matrix (1999) but is now commonly used as a metaphor to describe an uncomfortable truth, as opposed to the blue pill which is instead a reassuring lie. The redpill, i.e. the person who mirrors himself in the redpill vision, thus seeks to analyse social relations objectively, assessing them objectively as they are. He seeks to make a critical analysis, on the basis of scientific evidence, without allowing himself to be excessively conditioned by the mainstream view of male-female relations that is inevitably highly sweetened and stuffed with lies or at least false truths that act as a lubricant to make relations between human beings flow with less friction. This book aims to give a voice to those who consider themselves redpilled and to address and discuss the issue of male-female relationships in a critical and unfiltered manner.

Genre: Politics & Social Sciences [x]
Length: 176 Pages (755 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 26th, 2024

The Indigo Diary: How to Be Indigo by Ethan Indigo Smith (The Fourth Initiate Publications) 5.0 Stars (3 Reviews)    Price verified 4 hours ago

Ethan Indigo Smith shares insights on Indigos, The Indigo Approach and numerous different thoughts on spirituality, philosophy, metaphysics, politics, and activism in the postmodern world. Ethan Indigo explores what it means to be an Indigo through his observations, ideas developing thought and theses challenging the status quo, contemporary thinking, and the bullies thereof.

Genre: Politics & Social Sciences [x]
Length: 200 Pages (1,520 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 26th, 2024

Surviving Displacement: Strategies for Shelter and Mobility in a War-Torn Environment (Empowered Resilience: Thriving in the Face of Uncertainty) by Barrett Williams Price verified 5 hours ago

Are you prepared for the unthinkable? "Surviving Displacement" delivers a lifeline of knowledge, equipping you with the essential skills and strategies to navigate one of life's most unexpected and challenging circumstances. Understanding and preparing for displacement is not just about escaping a physical location, it's managing the psychological toll such a crisis can take. This book delves into that hitherto unexplored aspect, giving you key insights into anticipating and handling the mental impact of displacement. With a focus on practical proficiency, "Surviving Displacement" elaborates on how to plan strategic escape routes, acquire necessary survival items, conceal one's presence, and more. From edible foliage identification for sustenance to crafting tools for self-sufficiency, this book goes beyond survival and empowers you to thrive in distressed conditions. The text also offers guidance on navigating the intricacies of finding suitable shelter, purifying water, and setting up camps. Health and hygiene, often overlooked during crises, are given their due importance in ensuring a safe transition period. In the aftermath of displacement, maintaining communications and understanding potential risks are paramount. "Surviving Displacement" covers the nuances of dealing with the danger of landmines and crossing conflict zones. The book asserts the importance of mental health care and coping mechanisms, along with ethical decision-making during war conditions. The latter part of the book focuses on the long-term realities of displacement, such as building communities within displaced individuals, dealing with prolonged displacement, and adapting to continuous change. The text also guides you on how to connect with international aid for resettlement help, and finally, life after displacement. "Surviving Displacement" concludes with heartwarming stories of resilience and hope, demonstrating how adversity can be transformed into strength. This is not just ...

Genre: Politics & Social Sciences [x]
Length: 102 Pages (1,613 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 26th, 2024

Fallibilities & Peculiarities : Exploring the Odd Things We Think & Do by Robert Prior-Wandesforde 4.0 Stars (4 Reviews)    Price verified 3 hours ago

There's no getting away from the fact that we, as human beings, can be pretty strange! We frequently think, do and say things that, if we thought about them, we would quickly conclude are far from sensible. And then, even more remarkably, we do them again. We're highly agitated by harmless situations, hate looking at social media but can't stop ourselves from peeking, believe in utterly bizarre conspiracy theories, always underestimate the time and cost of doing things, can't resist a 'bargain', attribute our successes to skill and our failures to bad luck, give up on diets that we're fully committed to at the first whiff of chocolate and so on. This book explores the reasons behind our many fallibilities and peculiarities. It's a fascinating insight into the curious ways our minds work in everyday situations. You'll understand far more about yourselves and others as a result, while also discovering simple solutions to meaningful problems that can arise.

Genre: Politics & Social Sciences [x]
Length: 140 Pages (3,682 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 26th, 2024

Detroit: A Tale of Crime and Corruption by Jeff Zimmerman 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 4 hours ago

After escaping a decades worth of mental, physical and spiritual torment in Detroit's Correctional Facility, ex-detective Frank Mercer decides to go on a blood fueled quest for revenge with faces, names and numbers on his mind. Dive into Frank's world of ever increasing hostile madness as chaos and corruption rain down on all sides around him and turn the city of motors into a flaming heap of metal wreckage!

Genre: Politics & Social Sciences [x]
Length: 195 Pages (2,410 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 26th, 2024

Death by Maurice Maeterlinck 3.7 Stars (53 Reviews)    Price verified 5 hours ago

Maurice Maeterlinck's 'Death' offers a profound exploration of the concept of death and its implications on human existence. Published in 1894, this philosophical work delves into the existential questions surrounding mortality, immortality, and the afterlife. Maeterlinck's lyrical prose and introspective reflections on the mystery of death invite readers to contemplate the inevitability of our own mortality, while also pondering the potential spiritual and metaphysical dimensions of the afterlife. Set within the literary context of the Symbolist movement, 'Death' challenges conventional beliefs about life and death, offering a unique and thought-provoking perspective on the human condition. Maurice Maeterlinck, a Belgian playwright and essayist, was known for his symbolic and mystic writings that often explored themes of fate, destiny, and the unknown. His interest in philosophical and spiritual topics informs 'Death,' as he grapples with the existential mysteries that have fascinated thinkers for centuries. Drawing on his background in literature and philosophy, Maeterlinck weaves a compelling narrative that transcends the boundaries of time and space, inviting readers to ponder the deeper meanings of life and death. I highly recommend 'Death' to readers interested in exploring profound philosophical questions about mortality and the afterlife. Maeterlinck's poetic and insightful writing style offers a captivating journey through the mysteries of death and invites readers to reflect on the deeper meanings of human existence.

Genre: Politics & Social Sciences [x]
Length: 61 Pages (1,500 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 26th, 2024

Wisdom of the Ages: Timeless Lessons from History's Greatest Minds by Stan Barren 4.3 Stars (26 Reviews)    Price verified 15 minutes ago

Dive into the Timeless Wisdom of History's Luminaries From the meditative alleys of Eastern philosophy to the resilient spirits of modern visionaries, "Wisdom of the Ages" offers a curated exploration into the profound insights and lessons from some of the most esteemed minds in human history. Why Read This Book? • Universal Teachings: Traverse through time, uncovering the ageless truths that resonate even in today's complex world. • Diverse Perspectives: Engage with a plethora of voices, from ancient philosophers like Plato to trailblazing scientists like Marie Curie, and from spiritual leaders such as Buddha to revolutionaries like Nelson Mandela. • Inspiration for Modern Times: Discover the foundational principles that drove these great figures and learn how to apply their wisdom in our daily lives. Highlights Include: • Detailed explorations of key figures in ten thematic chapters, each focusing on a unique domain of human endeavor. • Beautifully crafted narratives that not only inform but also inspire. • A synthesis of teachings, offering readers a roadmap to weave these lessons into their own lives. Whether you're a passionate student of history, a seeker of wisdom, or simply someone who cherishes rich, enlightening content, "Wisdom of the Ages" promises a transformative journey. Delve deep into the minds of the individuals who shaped our world and emerge with insights that could shape your personal journey. Embark on this timeless voyage and let the past illuminate your path forward.

Genre: Politics & Social Sciences [x]
Length: 142 Pages (5,024 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 26th, 2024
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