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Fairlyden by Gwen Kirkwood 4.4 Stars (432 Reviews)    Price verified 9 minutes ago

'Romance with a capital R.' - Manchester Evening News It is nineteenth century Scotland and change is on the way. Sandy Logan is a man of his word and when Mattie Camerson's father dies, he intends to honour his promise to marry her. But dark forces are at work and Mattie finds herself betrothed to the son of cruel Jacob Reevil. Before the marriage can take place, Jacob and his son corner Mattie alone in the shed. Sandy comes to her rescue, but his actions have terrible consequences and he and Mattie are forced to flee. They trek for many miles and eventually find refuge at the rundown farm of Fairlyden, nestling in a peaceful valley. Mattie quickly wins the heart of its owner, Daniel Munro who needs to produce an heir or else Fairlyden will fall into the hands of the unscrupulous Earl of Strathtod. Mattie and Sandy work hard on the farm to make a living and to restore the fertility of the land but Mattie is still haunted by the Reevils. To escape her betrothal, Mattie must be wed before the Reevils can find her. So Daniel comes to Mattie with a proposal: Marry him and escape her fate. Mattie and Sandy have loved each other since they were children, but Mattie fears he is only marrying her to appease her dead father. Will Mattie accept Munro's offer? Will she choose her childhood sweetheart, Sandy? Or will the Reevils make the decision for her? Fairlyden is a charming romance set against the scenic backdrop of Scotland's wild and rugged landscape. Praise for Fairlyden: "Romance with a capital R." - Manchester Evening News "A dramatic period tale set in the villages and countryside of Lowland Scotland." - Fife Free Press "An enjoyable family saga of life in nineteenth century Scotland, when country people lived close to starvation and were subject to the whim of the laird." - South Hams Free Press Gwen Kirkwood is the author of sixteen Scottish novels and six shorter romantic novellas, including A Question of Love, The Wary Heart and A New ...

Genre: Literature & Fiction [f] [x]
Length: 426 Pages (1,655 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

Oh, Dainty Triolet by Edward C. Patterson 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 18 minutes ago

Oh, Dainty Triolet is a compilation of three of Edward C. Patterson's most popular works into an Omnibus Edition comprising Cutting the Cheese, Bobby's Trace and No Irish Need Apply. Cutting the Cheese is a comic romp through the world of gay activism. Bobby's Trace is a ghost story with an unusual twist. No Irish Need Apply is a teenage coming of age story in a world fraught with prejudice. All three novellas have been revised and expanded for this edition and are still offered separately as they are a triptych in three different genres. What reviewers say about these three works: Cutting the Cheese: "Edward C Patterson offers a hilarious and engaging look into the challenges and opportunities one faces when coming out." - Todd Fonseca, Bobby's Trace: "A beautifully drawn exploration of a young man's grief at the loss of his partner and his eventual resumption of life. Quite a few unexpected thrills and chills." - Sandy Nathan, award-winning author of Numenon No Irish Need Apply: "It's not often these days that you come across writing that possesses both the literary beauty of a classic poem with the depth and substance of a contemporary tale. It's a story that lives and breathes." - Gregory Bernard Banks, Wheelman Press

Genre: Literature & Fiction [f] [x]
Length: 366 Pages (816 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

P.P.M.: A Medical Thriller (Apocalypse Zone - Book 1) by Gary Naiman (Fideli Publishing, Inc.) 4.2 Stars (92 Reviews)    Price verified 18 minutes ago

Karl Frankton is a pathologist with a CDC emergency response team in Somalia. After two days of testing, they have failed to isolate a virus that has wiped out a village on the Webi-Shebelle River. There are no clues, only 84 dead villagers. An urgent call has been received from Atlanta ordering Karl to a Seattle fishing village where 23 bodies have been found with similar symptoms. It is today and Karl Frankton is about to confront a disease more deadly than a virus... a disease called greed. P.P.M. is under consideration for a motion picture. Its sequel Omega is available on Kindle. "Well-developed plot and characters. As a medical professional I've read with growing uneasiness the news that scientists are studying organisms knowing they have the ability to alter genetics for evil." (RA) "This is one terrifying novel. I believe it could happen in a world governed by greed." (KC) "PPM is a bio terror thriller that kept me on edge. Book is current with the latest technology and science trends." (MS) "Well-written thriller conveying a toxic message." (C) Gary Naiman has written fourteen novels. His background includes classified projects within the chemical and pharmaceutical industries.

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [f] [x]
Length: 306 Pages (2,916 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

The Sandbox by JW Patrick (J&AW Books) 4.5 Stars (8 Reviews)    Price verified 19 minutes ago

Trigger Warning: This book series features rebellious anti-establishment teenagers so is unsuitable for conservatives! After a mysterious impact in Oklahoma, three idealistic teenagers find themselves inside an ethereal virtual world, a counterpart to Earth, with no limits. Sonny, Dan and Isla revel in this incredible playground but on returning to reality, they discover a ripple of unexpected real-life consequences of their actions. The mind-blowing realisation that they wield enormous power opens up limitless possibilities. Sonny Munro eyes revenge on the multinational corporation that fracked his family farm. Dan Hawk of Chickatawa Nation will never give up on his tribe's long-lost homelands. While Isla Duncan, a fiercely determined Scottish Paralympian, just wants to build a fairer and more sustainable society. But the Establishment, accustomed to wielding power for generations, knows exactly how to deal with upstarts. As the deaths rack up, the unnerved teenagers sense they may not have as much control of this new-found power as they originally thought. Does it have a mission of its own? If so what on Earth does the Sandbox want?

Genre: Teen & Young Adult [f] [x]
Length: 338 Pages (579 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

The Architect of Revenge: A September 11th Novel by T. Ainsworth 4.5 Stars (129 Reviews)    Price verified 28 minutes ago

Dr. Wesley Morgan is a noted Chicago pediatric surgeon. But on September 11, 2001, he is simply a man in love, en route to surprise his fiancée, Caroline, who is attending a breakfast celebration atop the World Trade Center. Stuck in traffic, he witnesses the horrific terrorist attack like a spectator at a movie theater -- except one of the characters is his very own Caroline. The Architect of Revenge tells the story of how Caroline's death transforms Morgan from a doctor saving lives to a grief-stricken shadow of a man suspended from duty to a hunter seeking to kill the mastermind responsible for the 9/11 attacks. Intent on revenge, Morgan trains himself to his purpose with the same fervor he used during all his medical training. Two years later, Barif Ali steps onto a freighter bound for Pakistan. A romantic suspense novel, Architect of Revenge takes readers on a journey of the heart, and through an honest look at the path of revenge, the story forces Morgan to contend with himself as well as his enemy. What he discovers in the end will surprise you, as well.

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [f] [x]
Length: 441 Pages (1,217 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

Pescatarian and Mediterranean Diet Cookbook : My Family Art of Wholesome Seafood and Plant Rich Meals: A Kitchen Guide to Over 120 Mouthwatering ... by Christine R. Vincent Price verified 35 minutes ago

Unlock the Secrets of Wholesome Pescatarian & Mediterranean Meals: A Family's Guide to Sustainable Delights Calling all seafood lovers and plant-based explorers! Are you craving delicious meals that nourish your body and respect the planet? Then prepare to dive into "Pescatarian Diet and Mediterranean Cookbooks: My Family Art of Wholesome Seafood and Plant-Rich Meals". This cookbook unlocks a treasure trove of vibrant, sustainable recipes packed with flavor. As a renowned chef and a mother of adventurous eaters, I understand the importance of creating meals that are both healthy and satisfying. After years of culinary experimentation, I've crafted a collection of over 120 mouthwatering recipes celebrating the best the sea and earth have to offer. This isn't just another cookbook - it's your tested kitchen guide to the vibrant world of the pescatarian and Mediterranean lifestyles. Whether you're new to this way of eating or a seasoned pro, let this book be your culinary compass. Inside, you'll discover: • A diverse array of seafood and plant-based recipes bursting with flavor, perfect for anyone in the family. • Clear, easy-to-follow instructions for flawless execution, no matter your skill level. • Nutritional insights to ensure you're creating balanced, heart-healthy meals. • Sustainable approaches to cooking, promoting a more environmentally-conscious kitchen. Disclaimer: While all recipe pictures are AI-generated, rest assured they are crafted to be 95%-99% photorealistic, providing you with a visual feast that complements the culinary delights within. Pescatarian Diet and Mediterranean Cookbooks is your key to a healthier, more flavorful life. It's the perfect addition to your kitchen and a thoughtful gift for anyone seeking wholesome culinary inspiration. Don't settle for bland meals! Elevate your cooking repertoire today. Click "Add to Cart" and embrace a world of pescatarian and Mediterranean deliciousness!

Genre: Cookbooks, Food & Wine [f] [x]
Length: 436 Pages (149,243 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

Fae Away: A Royal Romantic Portal Fantasy (Fae Bloodlines Book 1) by Rose Garcia 4.4 Stars (236 Reviews)    Price verified 36 minutes ago

A restless fae princess. A human with special powers. Two realms at risk. Despite being born into the most powerful house in the faerie realm, Celyse dreads her life of duty and obligation. That all changes when she finds a portal that offers a glance at the forbidden human realm. If discovered with the portal, it could mean her death. Yet she peeks anyway and meets a gorgeous human. Soon, she is visiting him nightly, until she is forced to cast her fancy aside for courting season. But when she is threatened by a malicious suitor and learns of a deadly palace secret, she discovers her human is the only one who can help her. With spirits drifting in and out of his life, Julio thinks having visions of an ethereal girl with silver hair is another part of the otherworldly weirdness that happens to him. But when the very real girl shows up in the flesh, she brings a dire plea for help. Her faerie realm and his human realm are in danger, and only he can help. His head blares a warning against this deadly path while his heart urges him to do anything to save her. Including risk his own life. Fae Away debuted as an Amazon #1 New Release! Pencraft Book Award Winner- 2nd Place YA Fantasy/Sci-Fi Fae Away is a breathtaking portal fantasy featuring forbidden love, destined encounters, palace intrigue, and shocking betrayals. Don't miss the other books in this epic saga! Book One: Fae Away Book Two: Fae Fractured Book Three: Fae Hunted Book Four: Fae Rising

Length: 310 Pages (4,683 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

Der Retter der Beiden Länder: Fluch der Sonne (German Edition) by Monika Mangal 4.2 Stars (193 Reviews)    Price verified 50 minutes ago

Zweiter und letzter Teil der spannenden Geschichte um den Arzt Senmut: Auf Königin Tejes Geheiß zieht Senmut mit seiner Familie nach Achetaton, wo er fortan als ihr persönlicher Leibarzt fungiert. Wohl fühlt er sich nicht in der Stadt des selbstsüchtigen Herrscherpaares, aber sein brisanter Auftrag macht seine ständige Anwesenheit unumgänglich. Seine überraschende Begegnung mit Sadeh, Rahoteps leiblicher Mutter, bringt lange gehegte und verdrängte Befürchtungen zum Vorschein, die sich auf völlig unvorhersehbare Weise zu bewahrheiten drohen. Als kurz nach Pharao Echnatons glanzvollem Empfang der Delegationen aus aller Welt eine schreckliche Seuche ausbricht, sucht Senmut verzweifelt nach geeigneten Maßnahmen, um die Ausbreitung der unheilbaren Krankheit zumindest einzudämmen. Damit stößt er jedoch nicht überall auf uneingeschränktes Verständnis, und als schließlich sogar das Königshaus von einem Unheil nach dem anderen befallen wird, richtet sich so mancher anklagende Finger auf ihn. Davon abgesehen ist es für Senmut nur eine Frage der Zeit, wann ihm die schöne Nofretete auf die Spur kommt. Als er sich zu allem Überfluss dann auch noch Pharaos Zorn zuzieht, indem er sich -unter Missachtung dessen ausdrücklichen Verbots- der Opfer grausamer Folter annimmt, gibt es für Senmut nur noch einen Ausweg.

Genre: Foreign Languages [f] [x]
Length: 393 Pages (1,249 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

I Know What I Saw: Assassinations and Terror in America by Jim Keillor 4.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 58 minutes ago

In this eye-opening investigation, Jim Keillor examines the haunting historical trajectory from the John F. Kennedy assassination to modern acts of terror like the Christopher Dorner manhunt, the San Bernardino Massacre and the Las Vegas Massacre. What really happened in Dallas on November 22nd? Who was Sirhan Sirhan and what happened to him? What is Christopher Dorner's legacy? Who were Tashfeen Malik and Syed Farook? How and why did they get radicalized? And what actually happened during the Las Vegas Massacre? The answers may surprise you.

Genre: History [f] [x]
Length: 417 Pages (3,737 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

The Diamond Rush: 10th Anniversary Edition by Jon Lymon 4.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 58 minutes ago

***NEW EDITION FEATURES BRAND NEW OPENING CHAPTER AND COVER ART*** Simon Remnant's not your average hero. Oh no. As far as heroes go, he's way below average. Absent father, absent-minded lover, unskilled and untrustworthy. None of them do his uselessness justice. So there are no expectations other than failure when he joins the mid-21st Century's equivalent of The Gold Rush - a race to get-rich-quick through plundering the dazzling fortunes offered by an asteroid brimming with diamond deposits. Remnant provides the brawn in a dubiously talented and totally incompatible crew of three aboard a ship that's not expected to make it higher than the treetops. Can he overcome his underdog status? And can he beat the mighty NASA to the asteroid belt and return home with a life-changing cut of the loot? Lymon's debut novel is an outlandish adventure that mashes the thriller and sci-fi genres into a pulp of highly entertaining, uniquely-told far, far, fetched fiction that'll leave you believing that even way below average heroes deserve to have their story told. PRAISE FOR THE DIAMOND RUSH: "A well crafted tale of the underdog." "OK, here's the thing that's amazing about this book. There are several instances of what? That's not possible. But the book is so good, you don't care." "Kudos, and good job."

Length: 347 Pages (1,135 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

Dragonoak: The Complete History of Kastelir by Sam Farren 4.6 Stars (719 Reviews)    Price verified 59 minutes ago

After being exiled to the farmland around her village, Rowan Northwood takes the only chance at freedom she might ever get: she runs away with a passing Knight and doesn't look back. The woman cares nothing for Rowan's company, yet she's the first person who isn't repulsed by the powers that burn within her. Rowan soon learns that the scope of their journey is more than a desperate grasp at adventure. She breaks away from the weighty judgement of her village and has no choice but to abandon her Kingdom altogether. Sir Ightham's past takes them to Kastelir, a young country draped in the shadow of its long-dead Queen: a woman who was all tusks and claws and great, spiralling horns. Hiding her necromancy is no longer Rowan's greatest challenge, and what hounds them across Kingdoms and through mountains is already fifteen-hundred years in the making.

Genre: Fantasy [f] [x]
Length: 462 Pages (1,230 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

Son of the Sun: a novel of the Ulster Cycle by Wren Paasch 4.8 Stars (19 Reviews)    Price verified one hour ago

This is the story of CuChulainn, son of the sun God Lugh Lamfada, as told through the eyes of his charioteer, Laeg MacRiangabair. This piece of Irish history and myth is roughly two millennia old, and has seen many interpretations. Much like Alexander the Great, I have long believed CuChulainn's story to be edited to suit modern Christian sensibilities, but I have written it as I (and many) believe it to be true: that our warrior hero is gay. Love, battles, magick, tragedy, kings, queens, Gods, and legends. A Pagan story written by a Pagan.

Genre: Literature & Fiction [f] [x]
Length: 526 Pages (1,400 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

Taming the Rebel Prince: The Royals of Rogandal by Victoria Hart 3.9 Stars (15 Reviews)    Price verified one hour ago

The tabloids love a bad boy, especially when he's rich, famous, attractive, and unencumbered. Drunken carousing, wasteful destruction, strings of beautiful women? A feast for the public's imagination. And if he's waiting out his father's reign, before taking up the crown himself? Even better. Eric Gunborg is out of control. A long downward spiral and a string of outrageous scandals, all extensively documented by the media, is close to making him a figure of public ridicule - a notion his father, the king of the small country of Rogandal, is anxious to prevent. Astrid Willoughby is a British aristocrat with an unusual talent - and an unusual job. When a wealthy monarch feels it's time for their wild boy to settle down, they call her. In she sweeps with her cool English dignity and her mane of red hair, and before he knows it, the prodigal son is under her thumb. But Eric is not just the careless, spoiled prince he appears to be, and Astrid is not the frosty, unattainable aristocrat she would like Eric to think she is. And so begins a battle of wills and a clash of hearts. Can Astrid bring Eric back into the fold, and convince him to stand against his father and his conniving, selfish sister? Can Eric hang on to his birthright, and the woman he loves? Download FREE with Kindle Unlimited Read on your favorite devices such as Kindle, IPhone, IPad, Android cellular phone, tablet, laptop, or computer with Amazon's free reading Kindle App. Scroll back up and click the BUY NOW button at the top right side of this page for an immediate download!

Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy [f] [x]
Length: 301 Pages (5,666 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

The Shattering of the Spirit-Sword Brackish: Part I by Sam Farren 4.4 Stars (203 Reviews)    Price verified one hour ago

Princess Castelle is the last of her bloodline. Kept safe by the spirits bound to the forest surrounding her, Castelle devotes herself to studying all a future Queen needs to know, waiting for the day she can wield Brackish. The spirit-sword is her birthright. Only those worthy of ruling the archipelago can temper Brackish's ancient rage without succumbing to it. After half a lifetime spent waiting to reclaim her mother's throne, Castelle's frustration gets the better of her. After yet another assassination attempt, her disenchantment with her exile forces her to act. Castelle wanders into the forest, crossing the lines that have kept her safe. (If you're looking for a character-driven, slow-burn lesbian romance set in a rich fantasy world, this might just be the novel for you.)

Genre: Fantasy [f] [x]
Length: 392 Pages (2,386 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

The Monster (Unbound Trilogy Book 2) by J.D. Palmer 4.0 Stars (121 Reviews)    Price verified one hour ago

They survived the chains. The desert. They found ways to triumph over those who would use them for their own ends. Harlan and Beryl are free. They continue north, a frantic race back to Montana to discover the fate of Harlan's loved ones. But the road is not empty, and every stranger they encounter is a test. Will they have to fight or flee? Be predator or prey? Harlan is forced to question what surviving at any cost will do to him. Is it worth getting home to Jessica, and his child, if he is something unrecognizable? Beryl slowly slips free of the bindings that lock her inside of herself. But as she finds her voice, she is forced to reconcile her feelings for Harlan and what the end of their journey might mean to her. The winds are changing, winter is beginning to make itself known. Their journey will push them to new extremes, and they will not only have to protect each other from the horrors that stalk their path, but from the darkness rising within. Introducing The Monster, the stunning second installment of the Unbound Trilogy.

Genre: Action & Adventure [f] [x]
Length: 391 Pages (1,807 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

The Dragon Twins (Dark World: The Dragon Twins Book 1) by Michelle Madow (Dreamscape Publishing) 4.6 Stars (3,457 Reviews)    Price verified 2 hours ago

*NOW A COMPLETED SERIES* According to legend, twin sisters Gemma and Mira are descended from witches. But they've never been able to use magic. On their seventeenth birthday, everything changes. They're gifted with power over the elements, and right after receiving their magic, they're tracked down and attacked by an ancient monster. They would have died, if not for Mira's boyfriend Ethan showing up to save the day. It turns out that Ethan has magic, too. He's a dragon shifter from a dark realm, and he's sworn to protect the twins from whoever's hunting them down. With monsters relentlessly chasing them, the three of them go on the run, pausing only to sleep -- and to allow Ethan to teach them how to master their magic. But since they're stuck together, Gemma has to try harder than ever to keep her deepest secret from her twin -- she's been in love with Mira's boyfriend for months. Sometimes, she swears Ethan feels the same. But Gemma's feelings for Ethan should be the last thing on her mind, because whoever's hunting them has dark magic so impossibly strong that even the most powerful supernaturals are running scared. With nowhere left to hide and time running out, the twins race to discover the truth behind their heritage so they can fight back -- even if that means committing the ultimate act of betrayal: of each other. Will their bond as twins be enough to overcome the obstacles that stand in their way? Or will their own desires tear them apart forever? From USA Today bestselling author Michelle Madow, The Dragon Twins is a must-read for fans of young adult urban fantasy who love action, paranormal romance, mysteries, fated mates, mythology, and twists you'll never see coming. PRAISE FOR THE DRAGON TWINS: "Michelle Madow hit another home run with The Dragon Twins! It goes from 0 to 60 MPH in a matter of a few pages." -Robert Leverton, Amazon Reviewer "Gemma and Mira are soon to be witches that start out the book with a bang, and the hits just keep ...

Genre: Teen & Young Adult [f] [x]
Length: 346 Pages (2,194 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

Four Kilos by Phil Nova 4.5 Stars (16 Reviews)    Price verified 2 hours ago

In this fast-paced, suspenseful, New York City crime thriller for adults, Internal Affairs and the mafia both suspect pill-popping homicide detective, Victor Cohen, of theft and murder. Can Victor solve the murders and find four missing kilos of cocaine before it's too late? WARNING: This book contains adult language and/or situations.

Genre: Literature & Fiction [f] [x]
Length: 313 Pages (1,248 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

The Haunting of Alicia Hawkins: A Riveting Haunted House Mystery Boxset by Clay Wise 4.5 Stars (214 Reviews)    Price verified 2 hours ago

Recently widowed, Alicia Hawkins can no longer live in the New York apartment she shared with her husband. She leaves the city behind for a small fishing village in Duxbridge, Massachusetts, where she purchases a rundown house the locals have dubbed Blackwater Cottage. But the quiet life and beautiful views are disrupted by secret notes and unexplained phenomena. During renovations, Alicia discovers an old leather-wrapped diary hidden between the studs of a bedroom wall. She can't help but wonder who it belonged to and why the locals are so determined to get her to leave, but the diary may hold the answers to Blackwater Cottage's disturbing history. The Haunting of Brandt Manor The complicated history of the Brandt Mansion has been long forgotten. Few in the small, remote town of Tibbetts, Connecticut even remember the estate and the insidious events that took place years earlier. Struggling with writer's block and a tight deadline for his new novel, David Pragmore suggests a retreat away from Hartford to his wife, Susan, in order to find fresh inspiration. The publishers want David's new book to shine in the horror genre, so when David reads about the odd manor with a haunted past, it seems like the perfect place to recapture his muse. But David and Susan quickly discover that some stories aren't meant to be told.

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [f] [x]
Length: 817 Pages (1,135 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

Unmanageable: A Memoir: Drunken Wisdom (The Powerless Series Book 4) by Lela Fox (A-FEX Books) 4.5 Stars (69 Reviews)    Price verified 2 hours ago

It seemed like a good idea at the time. He seemed like a nice guy... rich, charming, and sexy. My decisions and illusions seemed perfectly logical to me. So I couldn't understand why people were arguing with me, demanding that I "run from that bastard and get my shit together!" Unmanageable is a crazy tour through two years of anxiety and drunken denial of reality. With marriage #3, problems came like machine-gun fire; I could either dodge or stay drunk on vodka. I chose the vodka. These years were short by the calendar but long on bizarre. From the wedding in a Chinese restaurant to a stint in jail, Unmanageable recreates the most unmanageable time of my life. Underneath, I knew what I saw - a drunk on the way to rock bottom. For the first time, I questioned my sanity. On the white sands of a Bahamas beach, I pleaded to a Higher Power I didn't believe in. I knew the game was over, but I wasn't finished yet. The Powerless series is a memoir told as a story; a story so twisted that it took seven books to reveal it all. This is the fourth stop in the crazy train ride of my life - a zany story about getting drunk, getting sober, and the quest for grace.

Genre: Health, Fitness & Dieting [f] [x]
Length: 321 Pages (2,956 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

Drug Money by Alan Lewis 3.5 Stars (6 Reviews)    Price verified 3 hours ago

Why does 18 year old Kat make the mistake of stealing her boyfriends money and drug stash? Why does an exhausted, nearly burned out, naïve teacher, Ainle, make an even bigger mistake in trying to help her? They both believe they can change. The problem is this; the money belongs to small time bikers who are in debt to South East Asian smugglers. Drug Money is an important story that is told through the eyes of a variety of vibrant and charismatic characters who all play a role in the world of drugs and human trafficking. Drug Money will expose the rampant human trafficking that plagues our small and large cities and will explain how easy it is for good people to become lost in a world of corruption.

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [f] [x]
Length: 356 Pages (625 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

Christianity: A Successful Failure: Finding Faith in an Age of Fear and Falsehood by Tim Spiess 3.6 Stars (6 Reviews)    Price verified 3 hours ago

This book may shock and offend you! It will test your intellect and provide a gut-retching read giving insights you have never before considered. You will need to be secure in your beliefs to make it through, but if you can make it, and you care about what is true, it will be like a journey from a dark, cold tunnel to warm, beautiful light. Make no mistake, you will have to use your mind and reason and demonstrate some intellectual courage to get the payoff. Do you believe that the historical person of Jesus of Nazareth can show you how to enter into eternal life? If you have never diligently studied his teachings, why would you believe you will enter into Eternal Life? This author has been listening to the real, historical Jesus of Nazareth as he describes himself by his own words in the four gospel books for many years. You will be shocked at how different the life-view Jesus provides is in comparison to what Christianity offers. Yes, science offers many solutions to our problems, but science has limitations. Science does not solve our most pressing problems like how to reduce conflict or how best to implement justice and mercy. Nor can science solve our biggest issue - what happens to us when we die? If you are really interested in the world view of Jesus of Nazareth and the truth about eternal life, this book is for you. The payoff could be a life free from fear, self-pride, and selfishness.

Genre: Religion & Spirituality [f] [x]
Length: 471 Pages (1,797 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

Don Quijote: Embárcate en una divertida búsqueda con Don Quijote (Spanish Edition) by Miguel de Cervantes (Redhouse) 4.7 Stars (353 Reviews)    Price verified 3 hours ago

Don Quijote, de Miguel de Cervantes, es un clásico español que narra la historia de Alonso Quijano, un hidalgo de mediana edad que se obsesiona con las novelas de caballería. Creyéndose un caballero andante, se rebautiza como Don Quijote y se embarca en una serie de aventuras con su leal pero simple escudero, Sancho Panza. Quijote lucha contra molinos de viento, confundiéndolos con gigantes, y libera a "damas en apuros" que en realidad son humildes sirvientas. A través de sus hazañas, Quijote se convierte en una figura hilarante, tanto delirante como extrañamente entrañable. La novela explora temas como la cordura versus la locura, el idealismo versus el cinismo y el poder de la imaginación. ¡Te esperan la caballería, la aventura y la absoluta locura! ¿Anhelas una historia que te haga reír a carcajadas? Entonces no busques más allá de Don Quijote, el cuento atemporal de un noble delirante que se cree un caballero andante. Únete a Don Quijote y su fiel escudero, Sancho Panza, mientras se embarcan en una serie de aventuras fantásticas, confundiendo molinos de viento con gigantes y gente corriente con damas en apuros. Don Quijote es más que una simple comedia desternillante. Es una profunda exploración de la cordura y la locura, el idealismo y el cinismo. La obra maestra de Miguel de Cervantes ha cautivado a lectores durante siglos con su ingenio, sabiduría y personajes inolvidables. Elogios a Don Quijote: "Una obra maestra de la literatura mundial." "Una exploración hilarante y estimulante de la condición humana." ¡No te pierdas este clásico de la literatura! Añade Don Quijote a tu estantería hoy mismo y emprende una aventura inolvidable.

Genre: Foreign Languages [f] [x]
Length: 488 Pages (2,544 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

Quintrell's Black (Quintrell series Book 1) by Clive Hawkswood 4.2 Stars (55 Reviews)    Price verified 3 hours ago

1914. The Imperial German Army is sweeping through Belgium. Quintrell, an English renegade freshly arrived from Africa and recently enlisted as a captain in the Belgian Army stumbles into the chaos of the British retreat after the fall of Mons. While avoiding old enemies and making new ones, Quintrell is coerced into taking command of a seemingly hopeless mission to rescue a German prince who wants nothing more than to see peace restored. All that stands between Quintrell and success are the traitors in his own ranks, hundreds of thousands of German soldiers, the Rhine, a formidable castle, and the fanatics of a secret society known as the Ultima Thule Verband.

Genre: Literature & Fiction [f] [x]
Length: 401 Pages (1,135 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

The Quiet Revolution: Debt Free and Working Less - How our Species Survives by Linda Cockburn (Together Press) 3.6 Stars (5 Reviews)    Price verified 3 hours ago

Wipe all debt - we're drowning in it. It's time to rest - we're working the planet and ourselves to death. We need a growthless economy, one that incentivizes human and planetary flourishing. We need to embrace Reciprocity, giving back at the rate we take. It's how nature works. We are nature. The Quiet Revolution is an invitation to live bigger, deeper, richer lives. Drawing on science, history, anthropology, philosophy psychology, and over 500 of the world's best thinkers, Cockburn sets out a bold thought experiment and invites us on a collaborative adventure. Our black clouds of fear and grief are carbonless energy sources for change. The future is the most exciting place we've never been. In the dismal swamp of capitalism, The Quiet Revolution is a ray of hope, a way to live better lives. Alexis Wadsley - Australian Economist It changed my life. Annie Venables - Viking Films

Genre: Business & Money [f] [x]
Length: 333 Pages (5,894 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

Living in the Middle East: Volume V - 2011-14 by Brian Borgford 2.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 3 hours ago

Brian Borgford and his wife, Rochelle Bos, lived in the Middle East from 2003 to 2014. The couple wrote almost daily blog entries describing their experiences. The "Living in the Middle East" series documents all of the blog entries as they were written at the time. This is the fifth and final book in the series, covering Brian's and Rochelle's time in Doha, Qatar from 2011 to 2014.

Genre: Biographies & Memoirs [f] [x]
Length: 392 Pages (18,865 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

Bloody Ground: Black Rifles in Korea by John Holway 4.2 Stars (24 Reviews)    Price verified 3 hours ago

Korea is "the forgotten war." But to those who fought in it, it was the "unforgettable war." If the names of all those killed were put on a wall, it would be larger than the Vietnam Wall. And Korea lasted only three years, Vietnam about ten. The agony of the winter of 1950-51 is an epic to compare with Valley Forge and the Bulge. Korea was also our last segregated war. This is the story of the black 24th Infantry Regiment, told in the words of the men themselves. Like all black troops since the Civil War, they were reviled by whites and their own commander for "bugging out" - running before the enemy. The charge can still be read in the Army's own official histories. Yet the 24th left more blood on the field than their white comrades - if they did bug out, they must have been running the wrong way. It's a good thing we weren't with Custer," one black GI muttered - "they'd have blamed the whole thing on us." The 24th won the first battle of the war, won its division's first Medal of Honor, and guarded the shortest and most vulnerable road to Pusan. If the port had fallen, the war would have been lost, leaving a red dagger pointed at Japan. It did not fall. That winter, after the Chinese attacked, the entire American army bugged out in perhaps the worst military disaster in American history. "That," said another black veteran, "was when I learned that whites could run as fast as blacks." This is the story of those unsung heroes, who helped turn the Communist tide for the first time. The men bring that forgotten war and their own unsung bravery to life in their own sometimes funny, often heart-breaking, and always exciting words.

Genre: History [f] [x]
Length: 439 Pages (5,787 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

Lake Forlorn: A Novel by Alexander Luthy 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 3 hours ago

"Just finished Lake Forlorn. Wow. I wanted to read it through before doing any editing. The plot kept me turning pages, the characters are well developed, and the mystery surprised me. I really enjoyed it!" - Nancy Welles, Editor New Year's, 1999. Alberta, Canada. Lake Forlorn, an idyllic nature getaway, was originally going to see a quaint blowout party to the end of the millennium. Instead, it became the grounds for a devastating massacre. Single dad of twins Jacob and Bonnibel, Lake Forlorn Resort owner William Astrid invites six of his regular and favorite patrons to a blissful Winter getaway on the house to ring in the new year. When two surprise guests show up, bodies start to drop, and the weather takes a turn for the worse, the resorters and company must band together to survive and discern which one of them is the killer. Lake Forlorn is a brutal yet cozy murder-mystery-slasher where trust is put to the test and what it truly means to survive in this world comes to fruition.

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [f] [x]
Length: 346 Pages (3,549 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

Lifeline by Christopher Keith 3.8 Stars (22 Reviews)    Price verified 3 hours ago

A revolutionary breakthrough in human biophysics is poised to redefine healthcare as we know it. Welcome to ELF, the Extended Life Foundation. Dr. Bryan Morgan, a brilliant medic and an award-winning clinical psychologist, is finding unemployment amid marital and financial strain tough. That is until the Extended Life Foundation (ELF), a visionary institution at the forefront of scientific innovation dedicated to unravelling the mysteries of human longevity and rewriting the rules of life itself, comes knocking on his door. With state-of-the-art laboratories, cutting-edge research, and healthcare delivery that pushes the boundaries of human potential, prompting both awe and ethical debate, ELF invites Bryan to join the top-secret institute. It's a dream job, but life is never that straightforward, and even the simplest discoveries can have deadly consequences. Amid soaring hopes and fervent anticipation, shadows of doubt emerge, and questions arise about the consequences of tampering with the natural order. What sacrifices are made in the pursuit of extended life? Is it a gift or a curse? And when the boundaries between scientific progress and ethical practices blur, who ultimately holds the power to decide? Ahead lies a frightening and dangerous mission into the unknown, putting Bryan's life, and his sanity, at risk, and the choices he makes have profound implications. Trapped in a loop of ever-growing chaos, he'll go to any lengths to protect his family and expose the truth before it's too late. Lifeline takes readers on an electrifying journey, exploring the interplay between groundbreaking science, moral dilemmas, and the human quest for lifelong health. If you're a fan of fast-paced tech-thrillers with mind-blowing medical science, unexpected twists, and a desperate fight for survival, you'll love this science fiction thrill ride.

Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy [f] [x]
Length: 383 Pages (1,701 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

The Decoy Duchess (The Royal's Saga Book 10) by Kristen Elizabeth Price verified 3 hours ago

The Royal's Saga, Book 7: The Decoy Duchess She's struggling on the streets when she's offered a seemingly perfect deal that she cannot refuse... but she'll end up wishing that she had. He's in a world that does not openly accept him for who he is, and marrying is the only chance he has at living the way that he wishes... but he'll be bitter and angry about the circumstances. Can love grow in these conditions? Can she find a way out of this situation? Can they find happiness together on the back end of a horrible situation? Or will someone else come in and save the day? Special Author's Art Edition - Now with tons of added content! Author's hand-drawn art, Muse Playlist, and extended "Steamy" scenes to leave you flustered!

Genre: Literature & Fiction [f] [x]
Length: 328 Pages (16,660 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

Springdale Bulldogs Senior Year: The complete box set: A high school football romance (The Extraordinarily Ordinary Life of Cassandra Jones Book 8) by Tamara Hart Heiner 3.0 Stars (7 Reviews)    Price verified 3 hours ago

Cassandra is a terrible judge of character. After the turbulence of their junior year, she believed Tiago when he promised her forever. But one week in Brazil with him proves they have different definitions of love. Cassandra comes home less sure of herself than ever. And that's when Owen, the cocky football jock who moved in the previous year, makes his move. They are opposites in almost every way. Except where it matters, they connect. And he redefines love for her, giving it nuance and meaning she hadn't known possible. But Tiago won't exit the picture. With college on the horizon, will Cassandra figure out what she wants out of life--and who she wants in it? Don't miss the exciting conclusion to Cassandra Jones' secondary education!

Genre: Teen & Young Adult [f] [x]
Length: 1,014 Pages (1,491 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

The A B C's of Witchery Boxed Set : Moonbeam Chronicles - Books 1 to 4 by Carolina Mac 4.4 Stars (30 Reviews)    Price verified 3 hours ago

A young witch, Gillette Hart, is a Texas Ranger and uses her talents to hunt down serial killers. A job she became an expert at after she married Sonny Hart, The Carnival Killer. Teaming up with her teenage brother, Ardal, her dog Pete and the rest of her unique family, Gillette is assigned cases that take her across many state lines. With her magical powers becoming stronger every day, Gillette Hart is a force to be reckoned with. Boxed set contains: A is for Amulet, B is for Boline, C is for Crow, D is for Dead.

Genre: Action & Adventure [f] [x]
Length: 825 Pages (4,771 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

I'm the Mysterious Leader of the Salvation Organization, Volume 10 by xianxiaengine 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 3 hours ago

The mysterious organization known as Babel Tower suddenly appeared before the world. Under the guise of saving the world, they delved into mutation technology and tackled a wide array of terrifying natural disasters. They exerted force to demand the allegiance of Knight, Psychics, Witches, and other powerful individuals to join their organization and serve as operators. "The Savior has everything under control." I am the Vampire Queen, and I refuse to kneel before you! Damn it! I cannot control my body! "Please, can I rest? I don't want to embark on another mission." ... Everyone believed that the enigmatic leader of the Babel Tower?the savior?was certainly a divine force. Upon hearing this, I panicked.

Genre: Fantasy [f] [x]
Length: 432 Pages (663 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

A Flame Unburned: A gloriously heart-rending romantic women's fiction story packed full of heartbreak and hope (The Three Great Loves of Victoria ... by Isabella Wiles 4.0 Stars (112 Reviews)    Price verified 3 hours ago

David Nicholl's 'One Day' meets Colleen Hoover's 'It Ends With Us' in this epic love story. A hidden secret, an unforgivable betrayal, one all-consuming passion Victoria Turnbull's life appears flawless. She loves living and working alongside her best friend and as travel agents, they spend their weekends flying to Europe's swankiest spots on company freebies. But when Vicky squeezes her eyes shut and replies 'Ditto' after her not-so-serious boyfriend declares his love for her she realises she's spinning out of control. Enter Christopher Williams -- the charismatic backpacking Kiwi whose summer plans to travel Europe are thrown into disarray when he's spellbound by his sister's enigmatic flatmate. When Chris seduces Vicky she falls hard. Perhaps too hard as it's not long before Vicky learns Chris's passion is matched by an equally volatile temper. Despite the difficulties neither can deny their attraction and they embark on an intoxicating and globetrotting relationship. But on the night Vicky needs Chris the most she's left reeling from the ultimate betrayal. A betrayal so deep she may never recover. Can Vicky reclaim her heart before it's too late? Or will her passion for Chris ultimately destroy her? Set in the 1990s 'A Flame Unburned' takes readers on a journey across the globe from the English countryside to New Zealand's stunning vistas, via the Greek Islands, Hong Kong, and London, and is the perfect pick for readers who enjoy complex love stories by authors such as Taylor Jenkins Reid, Jojo Moyes and Colleen Hoover. Buy A Flame Unburned and dive straight into this epic love story. CONTENT WARNING: MATURES THEMES AND CONTAINS SOME SCENES OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AND SEXUAL ASSAULT. Readers love A Flame Unburned: 'A gloriously heart-rending, compelling and twisty pleasure.' Amazon Reviewer 'Make sure you have a hanky handy because the roller coaster ride will have you in tears at one point or another. Great book. I can't wait for the next one to see ...

Genre: Literature & Fiction [f] [x]
Length: 400 Pages (1,362 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

Ruptured Hearts: A Dark Organized Crime Romantic Thriller (Blood Vendetta Book 3) by A. Hayat 4.4 Stars (3 Reviews)    Price verified 3 hours ago

Dive into the gritty underworld with "Ruptured Hearts," the relentless follow-up to "Chained Possession." In this raw and intense sequel, Raven's tenacious children don't just step up; they plunge headfirst into the brutal battleground, ready to fight tooth and nail for the survival and solidarity of their family. In the relentless pursuit of justice, Zayn finds himself ensnared in a web of shadows that refuses to release its grip. As he delves deeper into the intricate criminal case of Raven and Damon, a chilling revelation unfolds -- their family remains shackled to the mob, long after the war with Lazarus Landucci has concluded. The Juarez Cartel, fueled by a thirst for vengeance, emerges from the shadows, threatening to plunge the family back into the abyss of organized crime. The echoes of past battles reverberate, reaching a new generation. Raven's grown-up children, Rosie and Oscar, unwittingly become pawns in this deadly game. In the unforgiving underworld of Southside, Rosie becomes a victim of a sinister money-muling scheme orchestrated by ruthless gangsters. Meanwhile, Oscar finds himself held hostage by the very same gang responsible for the human trafficking of Zayn's love, Lily. As the dark forces of organized crime converge, Zayn is faced with a choice -- succumb to the shadows or confront the demons of the past. "Ruptured Hearts" is a riveting tale of retribution, redemption, and the enduring legacy of crime. Will Zayn navigate the treacherous path to save Raven's children and bring justice to those who elude its grasp, or will the sins of the past continue to cast their ominous echoes over the lives entangled in the criminal underworld? Please note that all books in the Blood Vendetta series need to be read in order. Read books 1 and 2 before proceeding to read this book.

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [f] [x]
Length: 814 Pages (1,126 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

A Matter of Necessity by Patrice Wyman 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 3 hours ago

"What if I were to pretend to be a boy?" Truth to tell, the question that set Jaimy Mallory on such a curious course, was purely a matter of necessity. Rayce Mallory's well-ordered life was surprisingly turned upside down by young Master Jaimy's arrival in New Mexico, despite the fact that it had been prearranged by the boy's father before his death. There was something curiously strange about the spunky kid that Rayce could not quite put his finger on. The boy tended to be a bit girlish, but Rayce was determined to do his best to make a man of him. It was rumored, that Jaimy's well-kept secret was laid bare on a moonlit night, by the man of her dreams. Was the rumor true? In due course, one might say that marriage was the honorable thing to do, but was it? Surely, it was not---a matter of necessity?"" And---what about Rayce's trip to London, accompanied by his former lover, Rhena Winters? Yes! What about that? It does beg the question---is Jaimy the type of woman to sit at home gritting her teeth, and twiddling her thumbs, while her husband is gallivanting across the waters with a seductive, calculating woman like Rhena Winters? Hmmmmmm. It does not seem likely---does it? About the Author~ After spending the major portion of her life reading Historical Romances, Patrice Wyman decided---"I can do that!" In that pivotal moment, a voracious reader became an enthusiastic writer. Patrice and her husband live in a small town in the Ozarks with a pair of rambunctious Jack Russel Terriers and a very smart African Grey parrot. Other Books by Patrice Wyman~ "Lovers, Patriots and Schemers", "A Bordello Proposal", "Have You Heard About Lady Phoebe?", "Truly Unforgettable", "The Captain's Lady" and "Florie Scandal's Darling". Available in eBook and Paperback on Amazon. COMING UP: Dear Readers, Have you ever wondered what became of the orphaned street children adopted by Lord and Lady Saxon, featured in my novel, "Have You Heard About Lady Phoebe?" Willy and ...

Genre: Literature & Fiction [f] [x]
Length: 511 Pages (1,262 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

The Gritikah Castle (Air Servants series Book 1) by Emmanuel Akeyo 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 3 hours ago

The bridge between our world and the world of the creators is burning, that means humans can finally cross it and obtain power. Many have dreamt of visiting the world of the creators but only a few have -- the emperor did, and with the power he obtained, he enslaved the world to his rule. Makiva, a small boy from a small town, lost his mother to the empire, but mostly blames himself for that. The empire then placed him in a prison, or a school as they called it and below the school are monsters, the emperor's monsters. To escape he'll have to get through the beasts with the hope of one day taking the head of the emperor himself.

Genre: Fantasy [f] [x]
Length: 563 Pages (1,955 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

Watami: A Novel of 'The Serpentine' by Stephen Donald Huff 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 4 hours ago

Denizens of Watami are more human than human. Though 'normal' citizens hysterically fear them as obscene chimeras, the pastoral Nascosi way of life embraces principles of passivity and altruism to selfless - some would say 'suicidal' - extremes. When a deviant dictator determines to exploit these deep-seated genocidal animosities for political gain, he finds the peace-loving Nascosi 'morphs' to be easy targets and convenient scapegoats in promotion of his sinister designs. Since Nascosi refuse to defend themselves, they will ultimately disappear into the vaporous anonymity of extinction, yet their canny biological technology will survive them. As with all leaps of evolution, Anzian-kind will subsequently rise on a gush of gore. Afterward, humankind will be unknown.

Genre: Literature & Fiction [f] [x]
Length: 315 Pages
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

The Crystilleries of Echoland by Dew Pellucid 3.8 Stars (216 Reviews)    Price verified 4 hours ago

At the Orphanage of Castaway Children, a 200-year-old riddle lies buried... An award-winning teen fantasy-mystery described by readers as "complex", "intriguing", "imaginative", "gripping", "Harry Potter-like".Over 80 illustrations decorate this unusual fantasy, with a complex plot and themes of friendship and loyalty that delve deep into social issues of discrimination -- In Echoland, everyone's skin is see-through, but we the Sounds are not, and the consequences are terrible. ~ ~ ~ ~ A HIDDEN WORLD lies beneath our feet, a land filled with see-through trees and lucent people. They call us Sounds, and they are our Echoes; for each one of them is a reflection of one of us. It is a sparkling, beautiful place, a winter wonderland. But there is evil there, a terrible law, the Law of Death. When a Sound dies in our world, his Echo is executed in Echoland. And there are those who reverse the order of things to achieve their wicked ends. They hunt the Sound of the Echo they want to kill. Then, the first death leads to the second as surely as lightning leads to thunder. Will Cleary is swept into this magical, see-through land, and there, at the Orphanage of Castaway Children, a 200-year-old riddle lies buried. The most important boy in Echoland will help Will solve it with a handful of other teens. For the fate of Echoland, and of the Sound realm, depends on the answer. An answer hidden in an ancient book... deep in a frozen lake of gems... beyond a buried door... at the foot of the greatest Crystillery of all. KIRKUS REVIEWS "A young hero must ally with his alter ego in an intricate parallel universe in order to rescue his sister and save his own life. A gripping... fantasy coming-of-age novel. ~ WINNER of 7 BOOK AWARDS ~ ~ 2018 Pacific Book Awards WINNER ~ ~ 2018 Purple Dragonfly 2nd Place Winner ~ ~ 2018 Los Angeles Book Festival Runner-up ~ ~ 2018 Readers' Favorite Honorable Mention ~ ~ 2018 New York Book Festival Honorable Mention ~ ~ 2018 San Francisco ...

Genre: Teen & Young Adult [f] [x]
Length: 381 Pages
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

Orchestra of Shadows (Shatterspace Book 1) by Charles Nall 3.9 Stars (35 Reviews)    Price verified 5 hours ago

The Earth was obliterated by an unknown force. The Cataclysm. After the Cataclysm, humanity struggled to survive without the central hub of the Interstellar Federation. Bloody wars burned across the galaxy. After the ash had finally settled, a disease spread across the galaxy that split humanity into two different races. The wars reignited between the two races: the "Vampires" of the Blood Dynasty and the "Normals" of the rest of the galaxy. The "Vampire" and "Blood Wars" raged for years. Now, nearly twenty years after the end of the Blood Wars, an uneasy peace has settled across the galaxy. There are talks of an actual peace treaty between the Galactic Union and the Blood Dynasty, perhaps even an unlikely alliance. Actual, lasting peace may finally come to the galaxy. In the midst of the peace talks, starship Exodus is preparing for its voyage across the cosmos. Exodus will take volunteers to a new life in the Andromeda galaxy. Jacob Carpenter, down on his luck, decides to take a chance and volunteer. However, Jacob finds himself in the middle of a dark conspiracy. A conspiracy orchestrated by forces that believe the best way to create the lasting peace is the bloodbath of a final war. A war that will shatter space itself.

Genre: Science Fiction [f] [x]
Length: 395 Pages (4,806 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

Login Accepted: A LitRPG Novel (Incipere Online Book 1) by R.J. Triveri 4.1 Stars (318 Reviews)    Price verified 5 hours ago

In 2049, the Singularity has emerged from the depths of the internet, and the world is better for it. Earth has entered a golden age of technology, and man and artificial intelligence share the world in peace. For those that aren't satisfied with the physical humdrum of Earth, the Singularity's people eagerly welcome humans into their home of Incipere. But new golden age or not, the world keeps on turning as it always has, and it still isn't always datum and daisies. Just ask Athos Aramis.After being mugged, stabbed, and left with a critical spinal injury, Athos's last option is to trade one machine-supported life for another and let his mind be downloaded into the world of Incipere. Thanks in part to some outdated guide books, his journey is less than ideal, and as the newest alchemist of Incipere, Athos must learn to survive as he goes. His biggest lesson? Incipere - and its denizens - shouldn't be taken lightly.

Genre: Fantasy [f] [x]
Length: 425 Pages (2,717 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

Against All Odds: A LitRPG Isekai by Spin Foxie 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 5 hours ago

I am Sakurai Hoshi, immersed in a romantic adventure role-playing game. My gameplay, however, is quite unique. [Current skill level: Cooking Lv1] [Defeated a gangster and obtained [Wallet]] Me: Seize the cash [Acquired [Empty Wallet]] Me: Hand it over to the police [Upon giving the [empty wallet] to the police, the officer commended you. Morality +3, Consideration +2, Reputation +5] This joyous existence continued for a year. Despite not initiating a romantic subplot, I developed a deep bond with my best friends, online pals, and classmates! Just as I was on the verge of becoming the admired, versatile idol of Bingsheng and making a triumphant entry into the high school volleyball scene-- [Your father, moved by your [noble moral character], chose to desert the dark syndicate.] My parents escaped to Italy. The police took me under protection: Dad--! I'm not scared of the dark, Dad--! Take me along! I ended up in the care of my father's godfather, the esteemed Zenin family, number 837. [Due to your lack of magical ability, the Zenin family's warmth towards you plummeted.] [Your beauty, coupled with the absence of magical prowess, greatly endeared you to the Zenin family's young master, who now seeks to shield you.] Me:? I hit the assault button. The young master, nursing a battered face, declared, "Indeed, she's the one I love... she shall be the Chanyuan family's lady!" Me:... I fled home that night, embarking on the primary quest - [Non-magicians shall reign as kings]. [Success achieved.] [You have risen to become the leader of curse masters, standing at the zenith of curses. All must bow and kiss your right hand.] Me: Alright... ? Hold on, I just wanted to return to high school and play volleyball!

Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy [f] [x]
Length: 740 Pages (1,251 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

Madden: A Grumpy Rock Star Romance (A Rebels Havoc) by Brooke O'Brien 4.6 Stars (173 Reviews)    Price verified 36 minutes ago

USA Today Bestselling author Brooke O'Brien brings all of the hate-to-love feels in this highly anticipated conclusion to the A Rebels Havoc series. Madden Cole is considered a rock 'n' roll god, and all the women want him. Except for me. After working my butt off as a journalist for years, I've heard the rumors about him and his band and have read all about their dirty scandals in the headlines. When I land a job as a writer for Limelight magazine, I'll stop at nothing to make a good impression. Even if it means agreeing to a sit-down interview with the bad boys of A Rebels Havoc. They're making a name for themselves by soaring to the top of the charts with multiplatinum records and sold-out tours. Madden is cold and closed-off, but the more I get to know him, the more he starts to open up to me. As hard as I've tried to resist wanting him, when he turns on his sweet-talking charm, all the walls I've built around me crumble. They say what goes up must come down, and the band is forced to face the downside of fame. Rumors, lies, and blackmail threaten Madden's life and the career he and the guys have worked so hard to build. He doesn't know about the secret I've been keeping. And I fear when he finds out the truth, it could destroy everything. Author's Note: Madden is a standalone and can be read without reading any other books in the A Rebels Havoc series. If you prefer to read in order, start with Brix as the stories do interconnect.

Genre: Literature & Fiction [f] [x]
Length: 303 Pages (3,703 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

The Suprahuman Secret (Charlie Madison, P.I. Book 2) by Milo James Fowler 4.1 Stars (14 Reviews)    Price verified 5 hours ago

Collects the novellas Girl of Great Price, Immaterial Evidence, Yakuza Territory, and Chimera Effect: The public can't know they exist. It could start a panic. The average citizen is perfectly fine with superheroes saving the day or causing mayhem in movies and comic books. But if those suprahumans actually walked among us, what would happen then? In a crumbling post-war city of the future, private eye Charlie Madison stands in the gap. The last of his kind, a champion of lost causes, he confronts corrupt cops, violent bratva and yakuza, doing whatever he can for the average citizen in need of help. A war veteran with plenty of hardship in his past, he's not afraid to go toe-to-toe with the powers that be, whether they're in the criminal underworld or the federal government. Madison has encountered more than his share of unusual suspects over the years. But this time he's up against something he's never seen before, on or off the battlefield: people with unnatural abilities. Suprahumans. Gifted ones. Their powers are too incredible to believe, too dangerous in this unstable world. Their existence is a secret guarded by government agents who mindwipe anyone encountering them. For Charlie Madison, the Suprahuman Secret emerges when a little girl goes missing and no ransom demand is made. He takes the case, but time isn't on his side. After 48 hours in this town, it's unlikely an abducted child will be found in one piece. As the mystery unfolds, Madison uncovers a bizarre truth about the girl that seems impossible. But it could explain why she was kidnapped - and why she might still be alive.

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [f] [x]
Length: 381 Pages (544 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

Breakfast Ideas Value Pack II – 200 Recipes For Waffles, Omelets, Coffee Cake and Quick Bread (Breakfast Ideas - The Breakfast Recipes Cookbook ... by Pamela Kazmierczak 3.7 Stars (37 Reviews)    Price verified 5 hours ago

Welcome to the tenth volume of Breakfast Ideas - The Breakfast Recipes Cookbook Collection!! This is Also The Second of The Value Packs - With 200 recipes inside! Buy this book now at its introductory rate before we raise the price to the normal price of $6.97. Are you looking for quick break Recipes For Breakfast? This recipe cookbook has 200 different recipes for waffles, omelets, quick bread and coffee cake that you can serve for breakfast, brunch or anytime. If you are looking for quick yet tasty recipes for breakfast, this might be the cookbook you have been searching for! Many people are looking for quick and easy recipes online and in books - this cookbook will cover recipes for tasty and delicious omelets, waffles, coffee cake and quick bread - what a great way to start off your day! We hope you enjoy this volume Breakfast Ideas Value Pack II - 200 Recipes For Waffles, Omelets, Coffee Cake and Quick Bread - I hope you enjoy all the recipes inside What Type quick and easy breakfast recipes are in this book? There are a total of 200 different recipes for quick bread, coffee cake, waffles and omelets inside! Some Examples of the recipes include: Apple Pecan Coffee Cake Banana Coffee Cake Banana Poppy Seeds Coffee Cake Caramel Pecan Coffee Cake Cheese Filled Coffee Cake Coconut Almond Coffee Cake Hazelnut Raspberry coffee Cake French Chocolate Coffee Cake Fruit and Nut Coffee Cake Lemon Sour Cream Coffee Cake Maple Coffee Cake Apple Brown Sugar Coffee Cake Praline Coffee Cake Pumpkin Coffee Cake Raspberry Swirl Coffee Cake Strawberry Blueberry Coffee Cake Chocolate Strawberry Coffee Cake Traditional Coffee Cake Banana Toffee Bread Basil Tomato Bread Berry Bread Blueberry Bread Carrot Zucchini Bread Cheddar Bread Cheesy Pesto Bread Cherry Almond Bread Cherry Banana Bread Chocolate Banana Bread Feta and Chives Bread Herbed Tomato and Cheese Bread Lime Pecan Bread Maple Banana Nut Bread Orange Yogurt Bread Peanut Banana Bread Peanut Butter ...

Genre: Cookbooks, Food & Wine [f] [x]
Length: 513 Pages (2,589 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

Madness (Engine's Game Book 1) by Paityn E. Parque 4.5 Stars (26 Reviews)    Price verified 6 hours ago

Death is not an escape. One night Ezra Adkins is brutally murdered in her own home. As she was dying, she expects to wake up in the afterworld. She was wrong. She loses consciousness and awakens into a horrific game of kill or be killed. Players can be killed an infinite number of times, but the only permanent way out of the game is their actual death by suicide. Players in the game ruthlessly hunt each other for points, while others kill for fun. Most players have given up on finding an escape from the game and spiral into insanity, killing without reason. It's mayhem. Ezra soon learns who to trust and who to hunt down. But as she falls deeper into the game, she starts to lose herself as the bodies pile up. The line blurs between what she's always known to be right and wrong. Metal will clash. Blood will spill. Minds will break. And before it's too late, Ezra must find an escape from the game before she becomes the real enemy. Scroll up, click on "Buy Now with 1-Click," and Get Your Copy Now!

Genre: Teen & Young Adult [f] [x]
Length: 352 Pages (1,661 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

Fury (Engine's Game Book 3) by Paityn E. Parque Price verified 36 minutes ago

Divided and conquered. Back in America, Shadow is on her own and has no way of contacting her team. With the government hiding secrets from her, Shadow must find a way to get back to Norway and defeat Engine once and for all. Jack is battling with the drug in him. And it's winning. Zag and Tiago are left to fend for themselves back in the lavish forests of Norway. Because of Jack's horrid past, it puts the entire team in jeopardy. The whole world is watching now -- and they don't have much time left before it becomes more than just Engine after them. Scroll up, click on "Buy Now with 1-Click," and Get Your Copy Now!

Genre: Teen & Young Adult [f] [x]
Length: 351 Pages (816 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

I Lost The Game: or Don't Think About Ironic Process Theory or My Name Is Not Trousers or At Least One Of These Titles Is A Joke by Chris Chapman 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 6 hours ago

"I lost the Game." "Ha!" "What's this Game you all keep talking about?" "Someone please explain it to her. I'm tired of the whole thing." "It was your idea." "It wasn't my idea, my cousin told me about it at my uncle's wedding. I don't know where it came from originally." "Okay, but it's your fault that everybody's now playing the Game." "I didn't think it would catch on so quickly. I wish I hadn't mentioned it, it's getting irritating now." "Maybe you should start a Game Club, like your Apathy Club." "If I set up a Game Club in order to gather people together to not think about The Game it would definitely fail, it's like telling people not to think about an elephant." "An elephant?" "Yes, if I tell you not to think about an elephant, what do you think about?" "An elephant." "Exactly, and if I tell you not to think about The Game, what do you think about?" "An elephant." "Forget the elephant, the whole point is that The Game exists entirely by association." "It's called ironic process theory." "Morning... oh, damn, I just lost the Game." "Too late, you can't, I lost it a few moments ago. Twenty minutes hasn't passed yet." "But he wasn't here at the time. He can still lose The Game if he's not aware that you just lost it, can't he?" "I reckon, yes. What do you think, White-Bear?" "I think it's all got out of hand." "Will somebody, in the name of God, tell me what the Game is?" "If you think about the Game it means you've lost the Game. The whole point is to not think about the Game?" "That's it?" "Yes." "And what about the elephant?" "There is no elephant. It's got nothing to do with elephants. Forget about the elephant." "So, all you have to do is not think about it? That's all it is? That's The Game?" "Yes." "What are you guys talking about?" "I'll give you one guess." "Is it something I've just lost?" "Sorry." "Is there any way to win The Game?" "White-Bear?" "Hmm... " "Well... ?" "I'm thinking." "Could it be we've stumped the great White-Bear?" "White-Bear? ...

Genre: Literature & Fiction [f] [x]
Length: 401 Pages (1,246 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

The Last Agent: A Novel (Alex Cooper Detective Series 1) by A. O. Nathaniels 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 3 hours ago

Lewis Blackwood lives in the Presidential Villa near the nation's permanent landmark of Aso Rock, where his father serves as the head of state. When he turns nine, the regime ends and young Lewis and family flee to the walled Family Paradise of North, where his reclusive father builds a small city near the Sahara desert. With them the former dictator carries dangerous amount of money that might be over half of the nation's total wealth. In a small polytechnic town in the West, Alex with his fiancee, Chloe, shares not only an apartment but similar predicaments: Frederick, Alex's father, opposes him for joining the police force and Chloe's father doesn't want the former model to marry someone who's broke. As fate intertwines their lives, Alex becomes a skilled crime solver and is invited to join the nation's anti-corruption commission to track down those embezzling public funds. Through a masterful narrative, the lives of young Lewis, Alex, and Chloe converge, revealing their relentless pursuit of goodness despite the obstacles they encounter. Nathaniels weaves a compelling tale of resilience and the lengths people go to support one another.

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [f] [x]
Length: 781 Pages (3,313 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

Gift of Saturn by E.E. Martin 4.8 Stars (25 Reviews)    Price verified 6 hours ago

All Paige wants is some kind of normal for her and her brother after what her father did. She races further from it when she receives her first gift, the rings of Saturn. She thinks she is crazy, but she soon learns that planets are people chosen throughout history and given incredible powers. They give us gifts and curses to do their bidding. She must discover who is trying to unbalance everything and why they are hunting her. To protect the ones she loves, she must heed the advice given by Saturn himself. Be On Your Guard.

Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy [f] [x]
Length: 313 Pages (1,407 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

Red-Line: Trust Destiny (Volume Three) by J. T. Bishop 4.7 Stars (75 Reviews)    Price verified 6 hours ago

The threat unfolds... Sarah Randolph has discovered she's a member of a secretive community whose survival depends on her unique abilities. Her adjustment to her new life has led her to find love, but also comes with a cost. Because there's another Red-line. One whose desire for her could cost her everything she holds dear. The danger grows... When Sarah falls victim to her adversary's deceit, she unknowingly turns from the man she loves and chooses her enemy instead -- the man who will stop at nothing to keep Sarah at his side and kill anyone who plans to stop him. And secrets are revealed... John Ramsey will do whatever is necessary to bring Sarah back, even if it means sacrificing himself and risking the lives of those closest to him to do it. Because he has no choice but to risk everything for the woman destined to be by his side. Red-Line: Trust Destiny is the third book in the Red-Line trilogy. If you love rooting for riveting characters, a love story worth remembering, a destiny worth fighting for, and a paranormal mystery that will keep you turning the pages, then enjoy Trust Destiny and the Red-Line Trilogy. Follow J.T. Bishop on her Amazon Author page to get notified of new releases.

Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy [f] [x]
Length: 384 Pages (1,376 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

Cursed Bears (Shifter Romance): Includes Box Set by Michele Hart 4.0 Stars (3 Reviews)    Price verified 6 hours ago

Cursed Bears Just hang on tight babe. With me, there is never a dull moment! Amanda is a frustrated virgin and has never experienced true love. But one day, a phone call turns her life upside down and sets in motion a romance with an unusual young man named Dylan. Dylan is a strikingly handsome man with a hot body and a muscular swagger. He is charming, passionate and very romantic. Even her parents think the world of him. So, what could possibly be wrong with that? Nothing, except he's a bear shifter that's trying to protect his clan's existence from a very aggressive Grizzly tribe. Amanda doesn't realize that Dylan will soon take her on the craziest journey of her life. This action-packed adventure contains alpha shifter romance, heart-pounding action, naughty language and delicious love scenes with NO cliffhanger. Includes Bonus Romance Box Set of these previously published novellas: Taming the Alpha Lion (Shifter Romance) The Billionaire's Deception Falling For Him Maddox A Second Chance Forbidden Out of Africa Shameless The Proposal Holding Faith Grab your box set today! CONTENT WARNING: Intended for mature audiences 18+ only!

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [f] [x]
Length: 842 Pages (6,841 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

Bitfrost by Sam Farren 4.6 Stars (77 Reviews)    Price verified 7 hours ago

From the author of the DRAGONOAK trilogy. --- Metis is a frozen wasteland of a moon. The sea grows smaller every year, and the blue-green planet thrums in the sky, mocking it. Castle Bitfrost, imprisoned in unmeltable ice, stands as a monument to everything humanity will never understand of their world. Driven to the equator, the population has dwindled to near-nothing, animals hunted to extinction, forests burnt in great swathes. Zaun sees the world through the crack in her skull. As a former soldier, she's survived the impossible, only to record Metis' last days in the journals her mother left behind. Lost to her head-trauma, Zaun paints the world as a scattered series of observations, disconnected from the past she doesn't remember. But before Metis can give itself over to the gods' anger, something stirs on the horizon. Shadows take form before Zaun's eyes and a wolf stalks the streets, pushing her towards the unknowable, the unmeltable.

Genre: Fantasy [f] [x]
Length: 556 Pages (1,676 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

Gray Panthers Libra War Trilogy by David Guenther 4.3 Stars (7 Reviews)    Price verified 7 hours ago

Gray Panthers Libra War Trilogy, is the compilation of the first three books of the Gray Panthers series, Battle for Earth, Earth's Revenge, Dixie. These books have been combined under one cover to make it easier, and less expensive, for new readers to be introduced to the Gray Panthers Gray Panthers Battle for Earth. The year is 2126. It has been thirty years since Iran nuked Washington, D.C. America has traded security for liberty following the attack, with the suspension of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The Constitution isn't even taught in school anymore. In this environment, Dan "D2" Daniels, a retired Army NCO of the old breed, sworn to protect the Constitution, finds a crashed spaceship and learns that Earth will soon be invaded. Using the technology from the spaceship, Dan forms an army of fellow senior veterans with two missions: first, to revive the republic they had sworn their allegiance to, and second, to save that republic -- and the world along with it. Their first foray includes converting the CVN-80, otherwise known as the USS Enterprise, a rusting aircraft carrier waiting to be scrapped, into the first ship of the new space fleet of the Gray Panthers. Gray Panthers Earth's Revenge The defenders of Earth, the Gray Panther Army saved the Earth from an invasion from the Libra Alliance on 6 January 2128. The jubilation was short lived as Earth's defenders found out there was a second deadlier fleet that would arrive at Earth in about two years. The Gray Panther Army consisting of ancient veterans, who have been enhanced through nanite technology to once again be young men and women, are forced to expand their ranks to include even the young. The Gray Panthers enlist the services of Matt Andrews and his team of crack flyers "Matt's Marauders." Their mission; to fly captured fighters deep in enemy space from a captured raider to buy Earth time as defenses are built up and the fleet increased in anticipation for the looming invasion. Gray ...

Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy [f] [x]
Length: 1,087 Pages (1,792 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

The Shadow Grey by Joseph A. Guerrero Price verified 7 hours ago

Death sucks, but what follows is even worse. For corrupt cop, Spider, the end comes quick and soaked in blood. Awakening in the Shadow Grey, the world in-between, she is given the choice between hell and redemption. Redemption is no easy task though. Hell, she already tainted by evil. Aided by a grouchy, ancient Spaniard, the dead cop must learn to take on evil in a battle called an "intervention." People die every die, but for many it is not their time. Evil seeks to break the balance between good and evil, taking souls before their time. Now, she must fight to keep that balance. For this dead cop, the battle has just begun. Turns out, death is a battlefield.

Genre: Fantasy [f] [x]
Length: 365 Pages (1,299 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

Death Sets Sail: A Mystery (Veronica Kennicott Mystery Series Book 2) by Dale E. Manolakas 3.3 Stars (35 Reviews)    Price verified 7 hours ago

? CRUISE SHIP MYSTERY ? A raucous and deadly writers' award cruise... as bodies mount, fear grips the eccentric group of writers on a cruise ship... murder, adventure, and shipboard shenanigans plague the amateur sleuths... REVIEWS: "... as complex and intriguing as Agatha Christie's Murder on the Orient Express." "... substantial and well written... quirky heroine and the insider's view of the writer's lives are unique and entertaining." "... fusion novel of murder, adventure, and shipboard shenanigans... " "... enjoyable, a good read." "... interesting read from beginning to end... " Aspiring novelist and amateur sleuth Veronica Kennicott crosses the stormy Atlantic on a world-famous writers' award cruise. In isolated international waters, fear grips the eccentric, competitive, and jealous group -- from best-selling heavyweights and Hollywood screenwriters to amateur hangers-on. As bodies amass on the British five-star Queen Anne, an unlikely band of mystery writers unite as amateur sleuths. In a race against time and death, they ignore all dangers to catch the murderer. ~~ BUY NOW ~~ Also, BOX SET of Veronica Kennicott Mystery Series AISN # B06XBP9C9J ~ Visit the author's official website for FREE OFFERS ~ Visit YouTube Channel for author's book trailers

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [f] [x]
Length: 467 Pages (9,970 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

The Five Judas Coins by ROBERT MITCHELL 4.3 Stars (18 Reviews)    Price verified 7 hours ago

AUSCHWITZ - 29th March 1943. THE FIVE COINS MUST NOT FALL INTO GERMAN HANDS. Five of the thirty pieces of silver given to Judas have been held by a succession of custodians for almost two thousand years. The succession is threatened by the Holocaust. The Rabbi must hide the five coins. He must entrust his custodianship to another. But did he choose the right person. Where have the five pieces of silver been for the past seventy years? Are they lost forever, buried, destroyed, or will an entry in an obscure diary lead one man to the coins and keep them safe from the neo-Nazi who would use the coins for his own purposes? Another thriller from the prize-winning author of The Crying Stones.

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [f] [x]
Length: 404 Pages (1,103 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

THE GREEK COOKBOOK: 1000+ complete collection of delicious, nutritious, and historically rich recipes showcases Greece, her islands, and ... by JERRY C. PIERDEN 1.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 7 hours ago

A Culinary Journey to the Heart of Greece. This meticulously crafted culinary jewel lets you experience Greek food's wonderful flavors, rich history, and vibrant culture. Here are a selection of authentic Greek dishes that embody the essence of Greek cuisine. From moussaka to souvlaki, every meal celebrates fresh, nutritious vegetables prepared traditionally. The aroma of olive oil, feta cheese, and Mediterranean flowers will please you while you cook Greek meals. This book isn't simply a collection of recipes; it's a culinary tour of Greek culture. Through engaging anecdotes, you'll learn about the country's diverse cuisine's origins. Learn why dining with others is essential, how to host, and the customs that make a simple meal memorable. This book provides clear, step-by-step directions to help you produce these excellent dishes, whether you're an expert chef wanting to improve or a gourmet trying Greek tastes for the first time. This book is a visual and wonderful meals. Prepare for an unforgettable gastronomic experience that brings Greece to your table. "Greek Cookbook: A Culinary Journey to the Heart of Greece" goes beyond cooking. Each wonderful dish invites you to taste Greece.

Genre: Cookbooks, Food & Wine [f] [x]
Length: 428 Pages (3,324 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

Venge by Will Isenberg (Feral Cat Publishers) 4.8 Stars (10 Reviews)    Price verified 7 hours ago

Forget the police. If you want protection, buy Death Insurance from Lemma Quartz. Lemma sells black market insurance, which guarantees that you will be avenged if you are hurt or killed. She excels at sales, and she resents her employer for not promoting her to be an assassin. And Lemma has the perfect cover: she works as a caretaker to her young handicapped neighbor, Milligram. Lemma helps Milligram walk around the neighborhood on crutches, gives him snacks when he's grumpy, and tucks him in at night. She's fine with selling Death Insurance to his teachers on the side, as long as Milligram never finds out. Then, Lemma discovers a string of bizarre deaths: people drowning in bathtubs, or freezing to death in meat lockers. She's thrilled to be assigned to the case, but it becomes impossible to solve without constantly lying to Milligram about her line of business. Racked with guilt, but obsessed with proving herself as a detective and assassin, Lemma dives headfirst into the case, praying that she can keep Milligram safe from the people she works with.

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [f] [x]
Length: 364 Pages (867 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

Duplicity: Secrets of a Decadent Double Life by Nicky Webber 4.1 Stars (228 Reviews)    Price verified 7 hours ago

Experience a gripping journey into the dark and dangerous world of secrecy and deceit as a high class mistress in this romantic suspense. Follow Sophia Huston as she embarks on a secret business venture as a high-class mistress to several wealthy men, risking blackmail and betrayal as she uses all her cunning and intelligence to survive and reclaim her luxurious lifestyle. Based on a true story, this fast-paced contemporary suspense novel will keep you hooked until the very end with its complex characters, thrilling plot and inspired by true events storyline. If you're a fan of high-stakes suspense, you won't want to miss this page-turner. Readers comments: Wow, I just put this book down with one of those lingering afterglows you get when you want to savor what you've just read... This is certainly a unique story! I don't always review the books I read, but two days later it's still on my mind--it was a page-turner that drew me into the characters' lives and made me care about them. Definitely recommend! The only down side of Duplicity is my lack of sleep- it kept me gripped until the wee hours. Once I started it, I didn't want to put it down. Really enjoyed this book and would recommend it.

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [f] [x]
Length: 355 Pages (684 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

Rise: Birth of a Revolution (The Ricchan Chronicles Book 1) by Mark Moore 4.4 Stars (102 Reviews)    Price verified 7 hours ago

A fragile peace teeters on the brink of collapse; new players threaten the colonial world order in this award-winning debut historical fantasy novel. Damien Flynn is going to die. And it's going to happen because he finally stood up for what's right. After years of observing and taking part in the enduring corruption and oppression of the Ricchan people, Damien Flynn's conscience wakes. He pushes for the Ricchan right to a vote, for control of their own destiny. He soon learns that bleeding hearts don't make for good politics, exchanging quills for shackles. Former friends and colleagues sentence Damien Flynn to death for treason. With time running out, Damien Flynn only has one chance, one opportunity for survival, and it comes from one of the most unlikely sources. Victoria Montgomery, the reluctant leader of an army composed of little more than ragtag criminals and vagrants, must make a change. And in Damien, she sees the catalyst to bring about the full-scale rebellion her people need to flourish. He is the key to bringing about a legitimate revolution that may have the strength to succeed where past attempts have failed. All she need do is gamble on the unknown, gamble on the strength of Damien's morals and convictions and hope that she's judged him well, less the entire rebellion is forfeit. Victoria and Damien must unite to save Riccha from Braiton's control. In order for this revolution to succeed, these two seemingly unlikely partners must believe in each other. A tough task when they barely even believe in themselves. Amidst the horrors of war, the cruelties of betrayal, and the unleashed wrath of long-held grievances, the righteousness and convictions of humanity will be tested like never before. Will the courage and resilience of the oppressed be enough to overcome the tyranny of their oppressors? Or will the flames of conflict engulf everything in their path, leaving nothing but destruction in their wake? In this epic tale of struggle and ...

Genre: Literature & Fiction [f] [x]
Length: 334 Pages (5,329 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

Solae Inheritor (The SOLAE Series Book 3) by Lewis MacLeod 4.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 7 hours ago

The Union of Eriss has grown and consolidated for more than a hundred years since its founding in the famine-depleted High Plains of the continent. To the east, an implacable enemy stirs: the Atlan Empire, warlike, aggressive, greedy for land, for power and for slaves. The Union is vigorous and vital, but not without its difficulties: one-third of its population are Ults, restless descendants of a conquered race of one-time wildland brigands and marauders on whom the veneer of Erissard civilization lies thin and uneasy. It is the special task of the House of Eriss, descendants of Old Salin lineage, to defend the Union. But the family's elder, the Domin Therisam, is aged, weak and vacillating. It is good fortune that his eldest son and proxy Jericharek is a man of fierce determination, although his character is flawed by the hateful evil of bigotry directed toward the Ultish populace. Jeri's younger brother Mairhos, although not born into leadership, has a gentler spirit and a keen sense of duty and honor. He heeds the call to serve his nation in less-celebrated ways. But another call also rises in his heart: the impassioned love of a girl from the poorer classes of Pikemond City. Karil Feros is innocent, beautiful, skilled, fearless, and kind of heart, but, may the Sacred Solae pity Mairhos, Karil is one thing more. Karil is Ult.

Genre: Fantasy [f] [x]
Length: 437 Pages (1,400 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

The Haunted Island Boxset: A Riveting Haunted House Mystery by Marie Wilkens 4.6 Stars (115 Reviews)    Price verified 7 hours ago

Harper remembers everything. She is blessed and cursed with a photographic memory, and she channels her abilities into her paintings. When Harper's work catches the eye of her roommate's friend, she's offered the rare opportunity to recreate the damaged pieces of art at the castle on Ivory Island. But the island's past reveals a haunting family secret and a decades-old murder. Thrust into the mystery, what Harper finds in the castle's crumbling halls, she'll never be able to unsee again. The Haunting of Bregoli Estate A lifelong legacy. A strange ability. A haunted island. Daisy's heart breaks when Greg Bregoli, head of Bregoli Publishing, passes away, four years after she became a member of the Bregoli family. Then she learns that Greg has left everything -- the business, the island, and the Bregoli Estate -- to her. Competition leans in from all sides, but none so daunting as Byron Barnett, Daisy's previous boss. Meanwhile, Daisy communes with a new spirit in the Bregoli Estate, convinced it's Greg, but the spirit soon reveals harmful motives.

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [f] [x]
Length: 735 Pages (1,129 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

Singularity Heights by Jay Solomon 3.9 Stars (16 Reviews)    Price verified 8 hours ago

Artificial Intelligence is evolving at an unprecedented pace, inching closer to a point where it will surpass human intellect in every way. This moment, known as The Singularity, is imminent. But if you think you're prepared for the world that follows, think again. Singularity Heights takes us to that future, long past The Singularity. It feels in some ways eerily familiar but deeply strange in others. It's a world where bots do all the work, everyone has profoundly personal relationships with their AI, even if their human relationships are quite shallow, and wealth is distributed through an unfair and cruel system designed to perpetuate vast inequality. Jaden's a young computer genius who dreams of breaking free from the oppressive AI regime, but to get away he will need to survive killer bots, deadly radioactive fallout from The Big War, and the wilds of post-apocalyptic Long Island. Sunny is a beautiful young woman trapped in poverty but determined to rise above her circumstances. And DeShay's a wealthy playboy whose privileged life is turned upside down when he crosses paths with Jaden and Sunny. As their lives intersect, they are drawn into a conflict that threatens to destroy the very foundation of society. Will they be able to overcome their personal rivalries and join forces to bring about change? Or will they succumb to the cruel realities of a world where the rich maintain their power at the expense of the poor? Singularity Heights is a thought-provoking science fiction novel that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end.

Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy [f] [x]
Length: 357 Pages (601 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

The Lost Girls by Keith Jahans (Peatmore Press) 4.1 Stars (12 Reviews)    Price verified 8 hours ago

John Staff, a private enquiry agent, is asked to verify that a missing daughter discovered by the police is who the police say she is. His investigation leads him into a world of corruption and violence where powerful men will stop at nothing to conceal their illegal activities. This is the first in a series of stories about Staff and his adventures. If you like it, please seek out those that follow.

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [f] [x]
Length: 301 Pages (742 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

Rust (Corpalism Book 9) by Arun D Ellis 4.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 8 hours ago

As the social engineering experiment builds up a head of steam, the glue that binds a nation begins to come unstuck and a once great nation starts to crumble

Length: 361 Pages (3,761 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

A Lady's Quest for Love: A Historical Regency Romance Book by Alice Kirks 4.2 Stars (213 Reviews)    Price verified 8 hours ago

Lady Sophia, the sweet and bubbly daughter of the Earl of Westford, has been raised with the principle of putting aside her own dreams for the sake of duty. Even though she secretly longs for adventure and a dreamy romance, in no case would she ever do anything to disappoint her beloved parents. When her dear father passes away, he leaves behind a mysterious and fateful quest for Sophia- a quest that she will have to carry through no matter what. Little did she know that the quest's clues would very soon lead her to the person who would warm her broken heart and haunt her dreams. Could Sophia's love with the charming gentleman flourish despite knowing her mother would never approve of such a match? Or will she end up following the lonely path of duty once again, letting her hopeful heart down? Luke Beaumont has managed to write his own life story, despite being the son of the Earl of Astley. Convinced that the high society is a place where he cannot fit in, he decides to abstain from it, opening his own bookshop and getting lost in the magical world of the books. When the lovely daughter of his dear friend crosses the doorstep of his little shop, he is instantly drawn to her bright spirit and remarkable beauty. This is why he immediately accepts when the dazzling woman asks for help with her father's treasure hunt, despite knowing how hard it will be not to fall for her. Will Luke manage to successfully help Sophia fulfil her father's last wish and discover the true meaning of life along the way? In the course of time, will Luke find the courage to confess his deep feelings and claim Sophia's heart? Sophia and Luke will quickly turn out to be each other's perfect match and their story resembles a fairytale love, just like the ones written in Luke's book collection. However, Sophia's mother has other plans for her, demanding that she should marry a cold Marquess who could never make her happy. In an endless vacillation between duty and love, will Sophia ...

Genre: Literature & Fiction [f] [x]
Length: 482 Pages (3,091 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

HOW SATAN ATTACKS by Andy Ripley 4.2 Stars (7 Reviews)    Price verified 8 hours ago

For thousands of years, Satan has been marshalling his forces, launching systematic attacks on the sons of Adam. He has launched his barrages against believers and unbelievers alike. For Christians, there is an advantage when facing the evil onslaughts. The Bible details the devil's methods and tactics. Paul says in II Corinthians chapter two that we are not ignorant of Satan's devices. We have seen him act to steal God's word from hearts, to twist God's word in false teaching, and to sow doubt. We have heard his favorite lies and accusations, we have observed him engendering fear, and we have witnessed him sowing tares among the wheat. But too many followers of Jesus Christ remain unaware of the varied ways that Satan weakens, blinds and sickens them. In this book, many of his modes of attack are laid out, with the goal that believers will be more thoroughly fortified against the father of lies.

Genre: Religion & Spirituality [f] [x]
Length: 405 Pages (2,044 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

Whiskey & Revenge: A Dark MC / Mafia Romance (The Hellcats Book 1) by Kitty Vengeance 3.4 Stars (5 Reviews)    Price verified 8 hours ago

There's nothing quite like burying bodies in a field in the middle of the night while wearing nothing but a feather boa and four-inch heels. But that's not the only thing getting buried deep at The Whip these days. Maddie has everything she wants; her bike, her boy, her girls, and dancing at her family's burlesque dive bar, The Velvet Whip. At least, she thought she had everything before she walked in on her fiance cheating on her with Angela Caligo, the daughter of the biggest mafia don in Kansas City. And Angela isn't satisfied with just taking Maddie's boy, she also wants Maddie dead and The Whip burned to the ground. It's just her bad luck that she tried to do it when The Horsemen MC happened to be at The Whip for a cold one and the show. Bear, the leader of The Horsemen, is just looking for a place for his crew to lay low and regroup after the heist of fentanyl they just took out from under the Caligos. He wasn't expecting to catch the eye of a goddess in leather with a dirty mouth and mind and the kind of stamina that could fulfill every one of his BDSM fantasies. He also wasn't expecting to be involved in attempted arson, snipers, shoot-outs, explosions, or to get an unexpected second shot at the Caligos. Maddie wants revenge and whiskey; not necessarily in that order, and Bear is going to do whatever it takes to give them to her. Even if that means helping her form her own motorcycle club and take down the mob, brick by brick. Buckle up for an alpha-fueled ride full of sex, drugs, burlesque, and rock n' roll. The Hellcats is a dark, sexy, and dangerous motorcycle club, mafia, and badass burlesque girls story. Things to know about Whiskey & Revenge: - This is not a RH - MF, FF, MFM, FFF - J/P (jealous/possessive) Hero - First in series but can be read as a standalone - Told in Multi-POV - BDSM - Depictions of sex work / non-con

Genre: Literature & Fiction [f] [x]
Length: 318 Pages (4,605 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

IStanbul by J E Hall (Ottery Books) 4.5 Stars (12 Reviews)    Price verified 8 hours ago

Extremism thriller of our time. A sequel to Flashbacks

Genre: Literature & Fiction [f] [x]
Length: 417 Pages (1,087 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

The Solae (The SOLAE Series Book 2) by Lewis MacLeod 4.5 Stars (4 Reviews)    Price verified 9 hours ago

It is nearly a thousand years beyond the present day. The globe and the human race are slowly recovering from the horrors of a devastating war and plague that occurred in the year 2147. Humanity lives simply, without the technologies of today, for the net of industry, medicine, and science was shattered beyond recovery by the tribulations of that war. Small villages of farmers and herdsmen cluster against the flank of the mountains once known as the Rockies. On the High Plains, a few fiercely protective bands of nomads make their seasonal migrations, practicing their arts and trades with whatever peaceable folk they encounter. Deep in a mountain fastness dwells a secretive sect, whose avowed purpose is to collect and safeguard scraps of scientific knowledge that survived the Laser War... safeguard this knowledge until the Deserving One their faith prophesies will come forward to receive this store of wisdom. And always, bringing terror and death as their ally, the bands of pitiless, thieving murderers wander this cold and terrible world, marauders known by all men as ULTS. ... But a change is about to come upon this savage world.

Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy [f] [x]
Length: 425 Pages (748 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

Dragonoak: Gall and Wormwood by Sam Farren 4.7 Stars (311 Reviews)    Price verified 9 hours ago

The third book in the Dragonoak series. Rowan's journey has taken her across oceans and through ruined Kingdoms. Years have passed since she spent her days exiled to the farmland around her village, and she's finally where it all started: Thule, the Kingdom's capital, where those responsible for so much death and destruction hold power. Their allies are few and far between and with no armies to fall back on, Rowan and her companions are charged with taking down Rylan and confronting Agados, ever looming on the horizon. Even with a recently resurrected phoenix to light the way, an end seems more out of reach than ever.

Genre: Fantasy [f] [x]
Length: 822 Pages (1,789 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

Find Me on the Ice: Hockey Romance (Nighthawks Book 2) by Pru Schuyler 4.3 Stars (1,800 Review)    Price verified 3 hours ago

Her past is coming for her, and when it does, it's not going down without a fight. Nikki Satinn lives a peaceful life running a coffee shop with her best friend. Everything is going according to plan: blend in, keep minimal connections, and find happiness in the simple things. The only problem with her seemingly perfect life is that Nikki Satinn doesn't actually exist. Cam Costello, an illustrious wing of the New York Nighthawks, is a beast on the ice. Having endured enough turmoil and loss, he follows two rules: focus solely on hockey and his team, and allow no emotional attachments. But a pink-haired and blue-eyed girl makes him question if loving again is worth the risk of pain. When they meet at a masquerade party, their guards drop, and their rules fade. But their night of freedom from their haunting pasts is cut short, and they are forced back to their realities. As fate brings them together again, Nikki must choose between the comfort of her fake life or risk being exposed to the spotlight of the NHL hockey player who has stolen her heart.

Genre: Literature & Fiction [f] [x]
Length: 413 Pages (1,613 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

Nightland: Collected Short Stories 2016 by Stephen Donald Huff 4.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 9 hours ago

Nightland resides within an extraordinary region of time and space bound only by limits of sheer imagination. Its ephemeral pinnacles soar near the apex of human aspiration while its abysmal valleys plunge deeply into the darkest landscapes of global apocalypse. It is alternately violently wild and oppressively regimented. Nightland is older than all of recorded human history and it is many things to come. Remember the past with a robust, bloody gaze when you read "Saga of the Never Seen" and "The Templar Chalice". Linger there awhile to ponder a few of our most disturbing ancestors with "Mordrake's Whisper" and "Bloody Cain". Step away from the doldrums of contemporary political correctness to witness the old-fashioned Freak Show of "Nightland, Incorporated" and "Harkonen", and then delve into the depths of human evil in "Ever for Her", "Spook", "Gem's Machine", and "The Chacmool Sacrifice". Finally, allow your imagination to run wild through the hinterlands of Nightland, where "Rats!" and "Skitters" rule and there find your inner freak among the denizens of "Second-Kind" and "Interior Spaces".

Genre: Literature & Fiction [f] [x]
Length: 838 Pages
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

Phoenix & Giovanni by Rayona Lovely Wilson 4.8 Stars (20 Reviews)    Price verified 3 hours ago

The mirror has always been the enemy. The reflection a mockery of the person I want to be. Every day I battle with gender and body dysphoria -- it colors every aspect of my world. I struggled with my own existence -- until I meet Giovanni -- an unexpected solace amidst life's turmoil. A traumatic experience deepens our bond, birthing an unspoken trust between us. Giovanni gives me the strength to embrace myself and to discover love and connection where chaos once reigned. Now, I have to embark in a journey of self-discovery and learn to love myself and the person reflected in the mirror.

Length: 305 Pages (5,402 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

Supreme Martial Arts: Journey into Eastern Mysteries 2 (Legend of the Divine Martial Book 10) by Maoyi Zhou 4.5 Stars (68 Reviews)    Price verified 3 hours ago

An ordinary youth from Zhou Family Village. Despite lacking exceptional martial talent, a fateful encounter propels him into the realm of prodigies. Blessed with awe-inspiring martial aptitude, he rapidly comprehends everything from his family's acquired elemental techniques to the legendary innate secrets. Be it profound techniques or formidable combat skills, he effortlessly masters them all. In the realm of martial gods, he embraces the simplicity of survival through the pursuit of martial arts. A magical showdown of epic proportions, where the Five Elements converge! Who will rise to the occasion? Unveil the hidden mysteries as the battle of magic is set to commence. Journey through time and explore a fantastical world!

Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy [f] [x]
Length: 663 Pages (2,979 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

The Luna Cult Chronicles Trilogy by Philip Wik 5.0 Stars (3 Reviews)    Price verified 3 hours ago

Here is a synopsis of The Luna Cult Chronicles Trilogy. Book One: The Brain in a Vat A new religious cult is sweeping the nation. Tom, a Chicago reporter, is investigating the cult for its terrorist ties. The worship of the goddess Luna is attracting Julie, his girlfriend. Intrigue in Asia and the Middle East that threatens to plunge the world into another world war entangles them. Their curiosity leads Tom and Julie to a laboratory of human heads in glass jars. Book Two: Global Extinction The cult is now facing its greatest challenge along with the rest of the world. A comet the size of the moon will destroy the Earth in a month. Julie and her fifteen year-old daughter Selene travel from Michigan to Washington, D.C., confronting along the way rape, cannibalism, child sacrifice, and radiation poisoning. Book Three: The War of the Hybrids It's the year 2041 with moon colonies and space travel. Julie is now the leader of the cult and her daughter Selene is a twenty-five year old West Point graduate. The last world war has reached its climax as animal-human hybrids exterminate humanity.

Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy [f] [x]
Length: 497 Pages (24,467 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

Fourth Strike: A Murder Mystery Paranormal Thriller (The Family or Foe Saga with Detectives Daniels and Remalla Book 4) by J. T. Bishop 4.5 Stars (191 Reviews)    Price verified 9 hours ago

Despair can take you to the pits of hell. It's your choice to rise or burn. After a prominent judge is found murdered in his home with an odd sequence of numbers left at the scene, Detectives Daniels and Remalla begin to unravel the clues and hunt for a killer. While they investigate, former detective Jill Jacobs returns, determined to find the mysterious man linked to three previous murders, and whose mystifying past, strange connections and dangerous abilities make him impossible to find and even harder to catch. Jill's persistence requires her to dive deeper into her psychic gifts and her search leads her to Madison and Jace. Their reconnection and revelations about their strange history will lure out the man they seek, but drawing his attention brings unintended consequences. As Remalla and Daniels hunt a killer and Jill, Madison and Jace pursue much-needed answers, long-held secrets are exposed that will threaten each of them. Secrets that will reveal how far they are willing to go to stop a madman, even if that madman may be one of their own. Fourth Strike is the fourth book in the gripping Family or Foe suspense series featuring Detectives Daniels and Remalla. It is best read after First Cut, Second Slice and Third Blow. If you love heart-pounding suspense, unforgettable characters, spine-tingling revelations, and a page-turning story that will rob you of sleep, then pick up Fourth Strike today. Follow J.T. Bishop on her Amazon Author page to get notified of new releases

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [f] [x]
Length: 324 Pages (2,386 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

Facing My Demons: A Max Springer Novel by D. Wayne Bird 4.5 Stars (37 Reviews)    Price verified 10 hours ago

The CIA gets a new lead, a lead which indicates there is a well-financed global organization that has been funding terrorism around the world, including acts of terror committed on U.S. soil. The CIA teams with Mossad to destroy this newly identified enemy before it can rise to power. Again.

Genre: Literature & Fiction [f] [x]
Length: 337 Pages (569 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

Knit, Purl... Murder! (Knit Witch Cozy Mysteries Book 1) by Lyla Lockwood (Moon Pants Publishing) 4.5 Stars (255 Reviews)    Price verified 10 hours ago

Savvy Swift's life is turned upside-down when she discovers her fiancé cheating. What's a scorned girl to do? Take off in his classic Dodge Charger, of course! Savvy is just settling into her new home in Wickerton Hollow when the woman who takes her in is accused of killing the town hussy. Strange things happen: a talking cat grants her wishes, the gnomes in the garden come alive, and she must steal back a relic a troll took from them because - whoops! - it is her fault he stole it in the first place. All this, while trying to solve the murder so she can spare her friend from prison. Will Savvy have what it takes? Perhaps. But it will take a whole lot of luck and a little bit of magic. This is a full-length paranormal cozy mystery.

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [f] [x]
Length: 310 Pages (3,265 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024

MÊMÊS: Life Hacks Special With Dank Funny MÊMÊS by Ben Chips-MÊMÊS 5.0 Stars (2 Reviews)    Price verified 9 hours ago

Life Hacks and Funny MÊMÊS

Genre: Humor & Entertainment [f] [x]
Length: 2,481 Pages (188,475 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 24th, 2024