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Blood Ties - A Magnolia Novel (The Magnolia Series Book 1) by Ashley Fontainne 4.3 Stars (1,270 Review)    Price verified one minute ago

**One of The Top 50 Self-Published Books Worth Reading - 2015 at ** Blood Ties LiAnn Tuck and her daughter, Karina Summers, are settling into their new life, enjoying the small farming community of Sheridan, Arkansas. The slower pace, compared to the craziness of Los Angeles, is a welcome distraction for them both. Taking care of her aging parents and their small farm is just what LiAnn needs to forget her twenty-five-year career as a detective. And Karina's new love interest brings back the smile she lost from years of undercover work and her cheating ex-boyfriend. The Bonds Their idyllic lifestyle changes the minute a family friend, Cecil Pickard, pays a visit. He lives at The Magnolia, an independent living facility in Hot Springs, and believes someone is stealing from him. LiAnn and Karina offer to investigate and suddenly find themselves inside a living nightmare. Are Permanent Theft isn't the only criminal activity taking place inside the historic, stately walls of The Magnolia. Organized crime has infiltrated Hot Springs, and what they're after is not only money, but life itself. As LiAnn and Karina dig deeper, they might just be digging their own graves.

Length: 606 Pages (691 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

Life Happens (The Books of Life Book 3) by William David 4.8 Stars (8 Reviews)    Price verified 5 minutes ago

LIFE HAPPENS begins with Michael Belanger and his friends on a Caribbean Gaycation cruise ship. A well-intentioned introduction is misunderstood and has the other passengers believing that Michael is a sex god. Shortly after returning home, Michael gets involved in a secret plot to help a former student who is in serious trouble. Fabulous Phyllis opens a nightclub in Sarasota called Gaytopia.

Genre: Literature & Fiction [f] [x]
Length: 228 Pages (910 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

DELIVERANCE TRAINING : DESTROYING THE WORKS OF THE ENEMY by Alex Morton 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 8 minutes ago

Dive into the depths of spiritual warfare with "Deliverance Training: Destroying The Works Of The Enemy," a powerful training manual designed to equip believers with knowledge and strategies to overcome the cunning tactics of Satan. In this transformative guide, Alex unveils the secrets behind defeating demonic forces and empowers readers to break free from the chains of spiritual strongholds. From understanding the nature of spiritual attacks to discerning demonic influences in everyday life, this manual provides a roadmap for believers seeking liberation and victory. Equip yourself with practical tools and strategies to combat the forces of darkness. Through detailed instruction, readers will learn how to wield the armor of God effectively, engage in strategic prayer, and stand firm against spiritual oppression.

Genre: Religion & Spirituality [f] [x]
Length: 52 Pages (1,441 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

the fighter remains by Alexandra Mazza 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 8 minutes ago

the fighter remains by Alexandra Mazza is a raw, personal, and introspective collection of poetry that explores the real and emotional journey of grief and healing after losing a loved one. After losing her 57-year-old father to multifocal glioblastoma (brain cancer), Alexandra Mazza felt utterly lost. Having no other outlet, Alexandra found herself pouring her heart into her journal, with no goal in mind other than to write through her pain. Over time, these journal entries became the poems that now comprise the fighter remains. The poems in this collection are separated into four sections, metaphorically named: "on the ropes," "in your corner," "bob & weave," and "knocked down, not out." Each section reflects a different stage of the grieving process and healing journey. The work as a whole is heavily influenced by Alexandra's father's love of boxing and his unwavering philosophy of facing challenges with grace and fortitude. The book is illustrated by Alexandra's cousin, Jacqueline Moore, and her dear friends, Carly Rae Neugebauer and Madelyn Deegan. Alexandra's family experienced significant financial stress due to her father's diagnosis. In light of this, 25% of the proceeds from the sale of each book will be donated towards alleviating medical debt for families with a loved one battling glioblastoma via the non-profit organization, Gray for Glioblastoma. Alexandra's hope is that this book will resonate with anyone who has experienced tremendous loss and now finds themselves in a position where they must go on. This book is meant to serve as both a source of comfort and encouragement, reminding readers that they are never alone in their grieving journey, and that healing is a non-linear process that takes time and patience.

Genre: Literature & Fiction [f] [x]
Length: 88 Pages
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

The Healing Powers of Crystals and Gemstones for Beginners: A Simple Guide to Understanding the Basics of the Mystical Powers of Crystals for Healing ... by Lucille T. Fryar 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 8 minutes ago

Discover new and exquisite pathways to wholesome healing and emotional well-being through stones and crystals Are you done with physical, emotional and spiritual trauma? Have you employed countless methods to get rid of all the pains? Have you concluded that it is time to walk away from all the unwanted feelings that keep weighing you down? If your answers are affirmative to all of the above, this book is for you. Living a better life and healing through crystals and stones is not as complicated as you might have assumed, even though you might have given this pathway a shot before. With the invaluable knowledge you will get from this book; you will realise that healing with crystals and stones is easy. Learn the basics of crystals and mystical stones and how you can employ them in coping with everyday stress, emotional instability, and much more as you dig deeper into this book. With an easily understandable explanation, you will find new ways to collect and use crystals based on the profiles of the stones and what you aim to use them for. Become aware of the soothing powers of crystals and stones by learning; • About the history of crystals and stones through the ages • The usage of stones and religion • Types of crystals and their healing properties • Crystals and their chakra points • Crystal energy fields • Amping things up with crystal energy • How color influences crystal energy • How can you define crystal energy • Simple and in-depth crystal profiles and how to identify them • How to begin your crystal collection • Techniques for cleaning and charging your crystals • Basic understanding of crystal grids • Pendulum dowsing • And so much more! Find balance with your mind, body and spirit today as you buy a copy of this book.

Genre: Religion & Spirituality [f] [x]
Length: 93 Pages (6,072 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

The Other Martin Dempsey: A Life Lived Alone by Paul Johnston Sr. 5.0 Stars (3 Reviews)    Price verified 8 minutes ago

If you are searching for a biography of the famous decorated and esteemed American General, Martin Dempsey, this book is not for you. This is a totally fictional story of a physically afflicted teenager who just happens to have the same name. It is the heart rending account of this young man's life's journey. It is written in screenplay format and just might draw you into the midst of this young man's struggles, fears, heartbreak, and eventual glorious joy. It is a faith based story about hurting people. Set in 1995, Martin has attended public schools his whole life in Middletown, Ohio. He is now a senior in high school but only four feet tall, his legs that are very weak and he cannot stand for long periods of time. He must use a wheelchair regularly. His mind and wit are both very sharp but his cranium is undersized in proportion to his body and is bulbous on one side and caved in on the other. His chin is about half the size that it should be. He views his own appearance as hideous. On his first day in the first grade the class bully complained he didn't belong there and proceeded to threaten to beat up anyone who spoke to him or befriended him. For the past eleven years he has lived a life of isolation in the midst of his classmates. No one had ever even sat next to him at lunch for eleven years until a new boy who is not afraid of the bully who still enforces the rule, "No one speaks to the Freak" challenges the rule and melts the hearts of his classmates. If you like a good story about cheering on the underdog then prepare for an amazing journey into the world of the other Martin Dempsey. Any similarity between the characters in this work of fiction and any real life individual is purely coincidental.

Genre: Religion & Spirituality [f] [x]
Length: 174 Pages (1,319 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

Sword and Fire: The Mercian Chronicles by P.J. Reed 4.3 Stars (9 Reviews)    Price verified 11 minutes ago

Sword And Fire - The Mercian Chronicles 'I was hooked from the very start! This series is a must-read for fans of rich high fantasy adventure.' A Reader The war drums sounded through the foothills surrounding the mighty fortress. Their low ominous beat a warning of impending, inevitable doom. Death was coming, he could feel it. Meloc came to Welfasten to warn Feitar, the city chief of an evil presence growing in the darkness and the disappearances of the Mercian magikborne. However, he had not made it past the great city walls and had been thrown in prison accused of practising illegal magik. Feitar offers him two choices: either be sent to Eldingar Tower and undergo the unmynstering to remove his magik or find the Serpent's Breath, the lost galdor weapons of Mercia, the only weapons able to destroy the magically enhanced Dunmuir army. To the hunted warlock either choice could have deadly consequences. Which will he risk losing; his life or his magik? The Reviews 'A dark, gritty, atmospheric fantasy novel with a gripping plot and complex characters.' A Reader.

Genre: Literature & Fiction [f] [x]
Length: 308 Pages (2,018 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

Spice Mixes Cookbook: Spice Mix Recipes that Everyone Will Love by BookSumo Press 4.3 Stars (7 Reviews)    Price verified 11 minutes ago

Spice Mixes for Everything. Get your copy of the best and most unique Spice Mixes recipes from BookSumo Press! Come take a journey with us into the delights of easy cooking. The point of this cookbook and all our cookbooks is to exemplify the effortless nature of cooking simply. In this book we focus on Spice Mixes. Spice Mixes Cookbook is a complete set of simple but very unique Spice Mixes recipes. You will find that even though the recipes are simple, the tastes are quite amazing. So will you join us in an adventure of simple cooking? Here is a Preview of the Spice Mixes Recipes You Will Learn: • Oatmeal Seasoning • Fathia's Seasoning • Easy Dukkah (North African) • Ottoman Powder • Arizona Seasoning • Sweet Adobo • Brasileiro Piri Piri • Seattle Veggie Seasoning • Homemade 5-Spice (Chinese) • Hot Madhya Mix • Kerala Dry Rub • Masala II (Chaat) • Karachi Korma • Anjali's Chai • Indian Hot Chapatti • Nutty Curry Powder • Homemade Seafood Seasoning • Pastoral Tea Mix • Pacific Southwest Spice • Arizona Chili Powder • Arabian Gulf Spice • Greek Spice Mix • Much, much more! Again remember these recipes are unique so be ready to try some new things. Also remember that the style of cooking used in this cookbook is effortless. So even though the recipes will be unique and great tasting, creating them will take minimal effort! Related Searches: Spice Mixes cookbook, Spice Mix recipes, Spice Mix book, Spice Mix, spice mixes, spices and herbs, spices cookbook

Genre: Cookbooks, Food & Wine [f] [x]
Length: 224 Pages (9,848 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

The Ultimate Guide to Writing and Selling Ebooks with ChatGPT by Victor Storms 3.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 15 minutes ago

Are you an aspiring writer looking to boost your income and make money from your writing? Look no further than The Ultimate Guide to Writing and Selling Ebooks with ChatGPT! This book provides a comprehensive guide to using ChatGPT to improve your writing process, generate ideas, fact-check and verify information, and enhance your writing style. Learn how to publish and sell your ebooks on Amazon KDP, optimize your book description and cover, and use social media and promotions to increase your ebook's visibility and sales. Understand Amazon KDP's royalty system and pricing strategies to maximize your earnings. Get tips for expanding your ebook offerings, creating a successful author brand, and attending writing conferences and events. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced writer, The Ultimate Guide to Writing and Selling Ebooks with ChatGPT provides invaluable tips and strategies to help you build a successful career as an author and boost your income. Start using ChatGPT to write and publish ebooks for profit today!

Genre: Business & Money [f] [x]
Length: 72 Pages (183 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

Vampire Transformers by Preston Goings 3.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 23 minutes ago

For the longest time, survival of the world depended on the coexistence of humans and a secret society of vampires, the Knightsworders. But when corruption finds itself walking the halls of the Knightsworder's headquarters, no vampire is safe. Not even Nathan, the son of King Kyran and Queen Athanasia, is safe. Separated at birth for his safety, Nathan has no idea who he is. But when the truth comes crashing down on him, will he be able to step up to the plate and stop the evil entity trying to destroy the coexistence between humans and the Knightsworder's society? Or will he watch as two worlds around him crumble?

Genre: Literature & Fiction [f] [x]
Length: 210 Pages (484 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

Healing Through Reiki by Dr. Beena Rani Goel 4.4 Stars (112 Reviews)    Price verified 27 minutes ago

A beginner's guide to Reiki:

Genre: Health, Fitness & Dieting [f] [x]
Length: 126 Pages (5,401 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

Perception Is Deception: Book #2 In The Perception Series by Fred Gibson Jr. 4.1 Stars (20 Reviews)    Price verified 27 minutes ago

In this second book in the Perception Series (the first being Perception Is Reality) Agent Tiki Gibbs meets several members of the Perception Is Reality Project. Through those meetings he finds out just how potent lies can be. But nothing can prepare him for meeting the 'entity' behind the Project... BENJAMINICO!

Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy [f] [x]
Length: 393 Pages (1,960 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

Powerhouse Flies Again (The Adventures of Powerhouse Book 1) by Adam Graham (Laser and Sword) 3.3 Stars (13 Reviews)    Price verified 27 minutes ago

Dave Johnson is a has-been superhero. Losing his powers forced him to retire from being Powerhouse, but Seattle still fondly remembers him and continues to lift him up as a symbol of hope. Trans-dimensional aliens hire Mitch Farrow as the new CEO of Dorado Incorporated and instruct him to create cynicism to reduce resistance to their planned invasion. The aliens promise their reign will end all suffering on Earth and cure his ex-wife and daughter of AIDS. Seeing Powerhouse's squeaky clean image as a threat, Farrow attacks Powerhouse's character and effectiveness in the media. The alien, international superhero Zolgron finally realizes Dave wants to return to crime-fighting and restores Dave's powers. Dave is determined to make a lasting difference for the people of Seattle, but to do so he'll need the community's help. Powerhouse Flies Again offers laughs, adventure, and a new villain in this first installment of the Adventures of Powerhouse novellas.

Genre: Religion & Spirituality [f] [x]
Length: 100 Pages (364 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

The Khilioi by Robert Mitchell 3.8 Stars (32 Reviews)    Price verified 31 minutes ago

For almost ten thousand years the Khilioi, an outpost of the long ago lost empire of Atlantis, have lived in their city beneath the remote Australian desert, undisturbed and unknown. An underground city with walls sheathed in gold, the gold which their ancient ancestors had left Atlantis to mine. Their city is limited to one thousand inhabitants, a city powered by energy from lasers beamed through large blue diamonds sourced from beneath the city. The Khilioi are self-sustaining, their science far beyond that of the outside world, but every hundred years or so they have a need. The Khilioi's energy beam brings a small aircraft within their control, causing it to land in the wilderness above the city. The Deka, the ten lords of the Khilioi, take the pilot and his girlfriend to their city, a city they will never be allowed to leave, not even after their purpose has been served - to provide new bloodlines for the Khilioi. Their time is finite. There is a limit to their usefulness. But how can they escape? The Deka can read minds. They hear every thought as it evolves. Richard thinks he has found a way, but if he fails the Deka will show no mercy. He and Gina will be kept alive, but as Helots, slaves, no longer having minds of their own. Richard is willing to take the chance and plans their escape, having learnt how he can block his thoughts from the Deka and knowing that his aircraft is still close by. But then greed raises its head and complicates his plan. The Khilioi have gold and many diamonds, large blue Kimberley diamonds. He escapes, taking some of the diamonds with him as well as the Scroll of the Ancestors, the history of the city etched on a huge scroll of thin gold sheet, but in his panic he leaves Gina behind. He reaches the aircraft and manages to fly beyond the reach of the beam, finally landing in Perth. But still the Deka pursue him, constantly filling his mind with their demands. He knows that he will never really be free until he can destroy the ...

Genre: Literature & Fiction [f] [x]
Length: 471 Pages (2,975 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

One Pot Cookbook: Delicious And Healthy One Pot Recipes You Can Easily Make! by Connor Henderson 4.5 Stars (6 Reviews)    Price verified 34 minutes ago

This one pot cookbook has a variety of delicious recipes you can easily make with a slow cooker or Dutch oven. These recipes were handpicked because they are simple to make and taste great! On Sale For A Limited Time Good luck, we hope you enjoy these easy one pot meal recipes.

Genre: Cookbooks, Food & Wine [f] [x]
Length: 54 Pages (2,196 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

A Splintered Soul (Children of the Crescent Moon Book 1) by Adrian Meredith (Red Cape Publishing) 4.5 Stars (2 Reviews)    Price verified 35 minutes ago

Many years ago, two lovers were so impassioned they could not bear to be apart, living every waking moment in each other's arms. When the time came for them to pass on to the next life, they could not bear to separate for even a moment. Throwing themselves into a volcano, their bodies merged, and so did their souls. When they returned, their souls were splintered, with parts of their soul in each other's bodies. Whenever they were apart they would be in agony, forcing them to find one another. Once in a generation, the splintered soul are born in pain and made to find their soulmate so that they can be complete. Sarah and George are a splintered soul, and they must find each other in order for the pain in their lives to disappear. Sarah is trapped in her castle, in misery at her lack of freedom, while George is on the run from the law, each jealous of the other's predicament. They dream of each other, seeing through each other's eyes, and when they meet they find something much more than what they were expecting. A Splintered Soul tells a story of magic and wonder, in a world where Faeries and Dragons are real and have significant religious meaning. In a time before history was recorded, we bring you to the world of The Children of the Crescent Moon. A Splintered Soul is the first in an epic series of novellas, Children of the Crescent Moon, from Adrian Meredith.

Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy [f] [x]
Length: 172 Pages (1,661 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

Star Trek: The Original Voyages: A Book of Revelations by Steffy Sota 2.6 Stars (2 Reviews)    Price verified 35 minutes ago

Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise. Its five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no one has gone before. KIRK: Attention all trekkers... this is the Captain speaking. MCCOY: You can't be serious. That thing is virtually made out of stone! ? KIRK: Help it. Treat it. ?MCCOY: I'm a doctor, not a bricklayer. ? KIRK: You're a healer. There's a patient. That's an order. Mister Spock, tell it we're trying to help. KIRK: Set your phaser on one quarter. I'll leave mine on stun. McCoy: He's dead, Jim. KIRK: Evasive maneuvers, Mister Sulu. ? SPOCK: An extremely powerful bolt of energy, Captain. ? KIRK: Full power to the shields, Mister Scott. ? SCOTT: Giving them all we got. MCCOY: In plain, non-Vulcan English, we've been lucky. SPOCK: Captain, you are aware of the biblical story of Genesis. ? KIRK: Yes, of course I'm aware of it. Adam and Eve tasted the apple and as a result were driven out of Paradise. ? SPOCK: Precisely, Captain, and in a manner of speaking, we have given the people of Vaal the apple, the knowledge of good and evil if you will, as a result of which they too have been driven out of Paradise. ? KIRK: Doctor, do I understand him correctly? Are you casting me in the role of Satan? ? SPOCK: Not at all, Captain. ? KIRK: Is there anyone on this ship who even remotely looks like Satan? ?(McCoy and Kirk walk around Spock. McCoy is gazing intently at his ears.) SPOCK: I am not aware of anyone who fits that description, Captain. ? KIRK: No, Mister Spock. I didn't think you would be. T'PAU: Live long and prosper, Spock. MCCOY: Please, Spock, do me a favor and don't say it's fascinating. ? SPOCK: No. But it is interesting. SPOCK: Good, Captain. Try to reason with them. Keep trying, Captain. Their behavior is highly illogical. ? KIRK: No point in repeating that it's illogical, Spock. I'm quite aware of it. KIRK: There's really something I don't ...

Genre: Literature & Fiction [f] [x]
Length: 56 Pages (26,841 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

Restaurant Style Cooking 2: Delicious Upscale Homemade Recipes by BookSumo Press 3.2 Stars (11 Reviews)    Price verified 35 minutes ago

Restaurant Style Cooking. Anytime. Very Simple. Always Delicious. Restaurant Style Cooking Part 2 is a collection of upscale recipes formulated to mimic dishes and meals typically prepared in Restaurants. You will learn an innovative style of cooking that is unmatched and never before seen in a contemporary cookbook. These recipes are unique, they are great tasting, and most of all, they are easy. Learn tons of classical restaurant style dishes like: risottos, great tasting seafoods, sandwiches, soups, pastas, and much more. Here is a Preview of the Recipes You Will Learn: • Tortellini Spinach Soup • Elegant Macaroni Salad • Restaurant Style Linguine • Eggplant Rigatoni • Balsamic Tenderloin • Lime and Mushrooms Tilapia • Creamy Lemon Pepper Tilapia • Rainbow Sorbet • Cilantro Shrimp Tapas • Honey Mustard Chicken Breast Girona Style Tapas • Restaurant Style Moroccan Couscous • Avocado and Garlic Gazpacho • Raspberry Salmon • Much, much more!

Genre: Cookbooks, Food & Wine [f] [x]
Length: 141 Pages (2,015 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

Little Lost Secrets (Georgiana Germaine Book 2) by Cheryl Bradshaw 4.5 Stars (3,213 Reviews)    Price verified 36 minutes ago

From New York Times Bestselling Author Cheryl Bradshaw comes book two in her exciting new mystery series. When a dead body is found in the walls during a home renovation, detective Georgiana Germaine gets swept into a cold case murder. Whose body lies within the walls of the house and what ties does it have to the death of Georgiana's father more than three decades earlier? Love mysteries with a surprising twist? Little Lost Secrets will hook you from the first page. Books in this Series: Little Girl Lost (Book 1) USA Today Best-Selling Book Little Lost Secrets (Book 2) Little Broken Things (Book 3) Little White Lies (Book 4) Little Tangled Webs (Book 5) Little Shattered Dreams (Book 6) Little Last Words (Book 7) Little Buried Secrets (Book 8) Little Stolen Memories (Book 9) Little Empty Promises (Book 10) October 2024 Readers are Saying: "Well written and leaves you guessing." - Vine Voice ?????????? "Another well written mystery with lots of twists and turns." - Vine Voice ?????????? "I devoured 2 books in 2 days. Wowza!" ?????????? "WOW!!! I could not book this book down. Honestly I started reading it and didn't stop. The suspense is amazing." ?????????? "The cast of characters is fantastic." ?????????? "This book is probably my favorite that Bradshaw has written so far!" ?????????? "I love when a book surprises me. In this one, I had NO idea it would end up as it did." ?????????? "I am absolutely loving this series." ??????????

Length: 218 Pages (798 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

Adulting Life Skills for Teens : 7-Step Blueprint for Personal Growth; A Beginner’s Guide with Essential Tools to Navigate the World, Develop ... by Alexis Vanguard 5.0 Stars (8 Reviews)    Price verified 8 minutes ago

Teen Trailblazer: The Ultimate Handbook for Mastering Life's Journey! Step into a world where life is filled with endless possibilities. Ever wonder how to navigate the twists and turns of growing up? Picture this: you're craving independence and purpose, yet uncertainty looms. It's time to unlock the secrets to thriving in life and sculpting the future you've always dreamed of. After spending long hours buried in stacks of books, watching videos, and scrolling endlessly online, soaking up all the wisdom I could find. Finally, through that, I've gathered some real nuggets of insight about what it takes for teens like you to rock those essential life skills. Now, armed with this goldmine of knowledge, I'm here to spill the beans and share some down-to-earth tips and stories to help you navigate the wild ride of growing up. And hey, I've been there too, facing similar struggles. So, trust me, I get it. Inside Adulting Life Skills for Teens you'll discover: • Navigating the Transition to Life Adulthood Seamlessly navigate the tumultuous journey into mastering crucial life skills. • Master the art of responsibility to thrive in the real world. • Learn essential self-care practices to nurture your well-being. • Blueprint for Life Planning: Craft a personalized blueprint for success in life. • Prioritize mental wellness for a balanced and fulfilling life. • Living Healthily for Your Own Good: Embrace a healthy lifestyle to fuel your journey. • Navigate the complexities of relationships with confidence and clarity. • Cultivate a mindset of continuous growth and development. • 7-Step Blueprint for Personal Growth: Unlock your full potential with a comprehensive blueprint for mastering life skills. • And More! Every moment you delay, you risk missing out on the tools and strategies to conquer life with confidence and resilience. Let's embark on your journey to mastering life skills, Take the first step today! Click "Add to Cart" ...

Genre: Teen & Young Adult [f] [x]
Length: 136 Pages (1,564 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

Smile Every Day: A HeartBeat Sequel (Heartbeat: A Second Chance Book 2) by Claude Cable 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 8 minutes ago

Do you feel weighed down by life's challenges? Do you struggle to find a reason to smile amidst the darkness and difficulties? What if we told you you don't need a reason to be happy? There are always things you can do to help yourself. As Ecclesiastes 3:12 (NIV) reminds us, "A happy heart makes a face cheerful." Start your day with a smile and a positive attitude. Embrace positivity, and let it transform your life. If you're feeling alone and desperate for happiness, join author C.L. Cable on a journey to discover how smiling can change your life. This fascinating guide will teach you about the psychological and societal benefits of smiling. Combining biblical teachings with scientific research will help you better understand why we smile and how you can use this simple act to improve your life. Following the advice in this book will help you grow and smile more often, experience more opportunities to love, and share the joy of smiling with others. Don't let life's challenges weigh you down. Take the first step towards a happier life by learning the power of a simple smile.

Genre: Self-Help [f] [x]
Length: 110 Pages (564 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

Hidden Treasures by Salustiano Berrios 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 8 minutes ago

An anthology of unfinished, unpolished, unedited stories dating back more than a decade ago, seeing release for the first time ever. A man takes his dying wife down memory lane, discovering dark truths about himself along the way... A couple falls in love, but a dark fate awaits them both... A man finds himself in the fight for his life against his alcoholic demons... A woman becomes obsessed with her fire alarms after a blaze consumes her childhood home... A creature assaults 19th century Chicago... A career criminal comes face-to-face with otherworldly beings... Two men go prowling for women in the Big Apple... A superhero and a supervillain go at it... A deception leads to a Wild West confrontation... A woman struggles to finish her husband's unfinished manuscript... A grandfather talks to his grandson about a low point in his life, decades ago... A woman searches for her baby's daddy... A man working at a Subways gets the surprise of his life... These are but some of the stories to be found within Hidden Treasures. But the overarching story is about my development as an author over the span of time. These stories are raw, folks. Untouched. But that's the way they're meant to be, because to dress them up more than they already are, is to remove their meaning, their purpose, their significance. This is my museum piece, and I am as excited to share it with you, as I was excited to share it with myself again, so many years after the words were put to paper for the first time. Without further ado, I invite you in. Come on, I'll hold your hand through it all, and point out the sights. These are my early years, after all. It's been a while, and the rooms are filled with cobwebs--but I'm sure we can find something you'll like. All you have to do is trust me. You do trust me, right?

Length: 967 Pages (1,467 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

Death Orbs: A Novella by Trevor Carter 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 8 minutes ago

"A delicious meal of terror with a bit of dark comedy for dessert." - Dark Minds Publishing A dark orb falls from the sky, bringing death and resurrection; the beginning of the end. Esther Sue Garfield discovers an extraordinary object in her backyard one day. Drawn to investigate the ominous sphere, she unwittingly becomes ensnared in its otherworldly toxin. As days turn into weeks, the pernicious substance gradually permeates her being, catalyzing a profound metamorphosis. Emerging from this transformative process, she emerges as an entirely new entity -- one plagued by an insatiable craving for the taste of human flesh. Horror Thriller

Length: 67 Pages (2,031 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

Picnic Cookbook: Enjoy the Warm Weather with Delicious Picnic Recipes by BookSumo Press 3.8 Stars (13 Reviews)    Price verified 37 minutes ago

Have a Picnic. Get your copy of the best and most unique Picnic recipes from BookSumo Press! Come take a journey with us into the delights of easy cooking. The point of this cookbook and all our cookbooks is to exemplify the effortless nature of cooking simply. In this book we focus on Picnic dishes. Picnic Cookbook is a complete set of simple but very unique Picnic recipes. You will find that even though the recipes are simple, the tastes are quite amazing. So will you join us in an adventure of simple cooking? Here is a Preview of the Picnic Recipes You Will Learn: • Onion Bread • Bread Bolognese • Walnuts and Cinnamon Swirl • The Best Egg Salad Sandwich • Pesto Provolone American Sandwich • Catalina's Cuban Sandwich • Fiesta Hot Dogs • BBQ Hot Dog • Southwest Hot Dogs • Summer Safflower Fries • Country Cilantro Basil Rustic Sweet Potato Fries • July 4th Mustard Pepper Lime Fries • Baltimore Style Coleslaw • Hot Cross Coleslaw • Thousand Island Coleslaw • Spicy Fried Chicken Wings 101 • Messy Oven Fried Picnic Chicken • Maria's Buttermilk Chicken • American Potato Salad • Egg Salad • Chicken Salad • Cheesy Italian Pizza Burger • Balsamic Mayo Burgers • Italian Balsamic Mushroom Burger • Sea Lentils Burgers • Much, much more! Again remember these recipes are unique so be ready to try some new things. Also remember that the style of cooking used in this cookbook is effortless. So even though the recipes will be unique and great tasting, creating them will take minimal effort!

Genre: Cookbooks, Food & Wine [f] [x]
Length: 212 Pages (4,978 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

The Catcher in the Rye Enigma: J.D. Salinger's Mind Control Triggering Device or a Coincidental Literary Obsession of Criminals? (The Underground ... by James Morcan (Sterling Gate Books) 3.4 Stars (119 Reviews)    Price verified 8 minutes ago

THE CATCHER IN THE RYE ENIGMA unearths the mysteries surrounding the 1951 novel The Catcher in the Rye, by J.D. Salinger - arguably the most controversial book of all time. Nicknamed the 'Bible of teenage angst', the classic novel, which is frequently labeled immoral by different groups, has been banned in various parts of America over the decades. However, the main controversy, and indeed the most common reason for it being banned, was that it either inspired or was associated with some of the most infamous crimes of the 20th Century. These crimes include the murder of John Lennon and the attempted assassination of President Reagan. The allegation directed at Salinger is that he (and/or his publisher) craftily implanted into the book neurolinguistic passages, or coded messages, that act as post-hypnotic suggestions or mind control "triggers". In turn, these triggers enabled CIA handlers to activate Manchurian Candidates for assassinations. Some conspiracy theorists also believe the novel was part of the CIA's now mostly-declassified mind control program MK-Ultra, and that while assassins were being brainwashed they were forced to read the book over and over until it was embedded in their minds. But given that Salinger's critically acclaimed masterpiece was one of the biggest selling books of the 20th Century, are the crimes it was associated with merely happenstance? Today, if a handful of different murderers had a copy of The Da Vinci Code or a Harry Potter book, or were all fixated on a similarly popular book, would it even make the news headlines? Novelists, filmmakers and independent researchers James Morcan & Lance Morcan investigate these theories and counter arguments in THE CATCHER IN THE RYE ENIGMA - the fourth book of The Underground Knowledge Series. This balanced exposé ultimately leaves it up to you, the reader, to decide whether J.D. Salinger's novel is a "Mind Control Triggering Device" or simply a "Coincidental Literary Obsession of ...

Genre: History [f] [x]
Length: 97 Pages (2,261 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

Hollow Empire: Episode 1 (Night of Knives) by J Edward Neill 3.4 Stars (133 Reviews)    Price verified 37 minutes ago

*Note: The FULL SEASON (Episodes 1-6) are now available at: Once, the empire of Vhur was the world's most powerful. But that was before the Lichy plague. Now, twenty years and millions of dead later, only a few cities remain. The survivors walk a fine line between staying alive and crumbling into the grave. Come the Night of Knives, even these last few might perish.

Length: 53 Pages (1,495 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

Simple Rice Recipes: Discover Creative Ingredient Ideas and Different Styles of a Classic Meal by BooKSumo Press Price verified 43 minutes ago

Re-Imagine Rice. Get your copy of the best and most unique Rice recipes from BookSumo Press! Come take a journey with us into the delights of easy cooking. The point of this cookbook and all our cookbooks is to exemplify the effortless nature of cooking simply. In this book we focus on Rice. Simple Rice Recipes is a complete set of simple but very unique Rice recipes. You will find that even though the recipes are simple, the tastes are quite amazing. Besides recipes you will learn about the following: • Historical Significance of Rice • Cultural Importance in Various Cuisines • What is Rice Anyways? • A Rice Rainbow: The Beauty of Biodiversity • Categories of Rice • Rice Cultivation and Harvesting • Growing Conditions for Rice • Stages of Rice Growth • Global Rice Production • Rice Varieties Around the World • How Easy Substitutions Are Important in Rice-Making? • Nutritional Value of Rice • Macronutrients in Rice • Micronutrients and Vitamins • Mastering the Art of Cooking Rice • Elevating Rice Through Culinary Techniques • Basic Rice Cooking Methods • Seasoning and Flavoring Rice • How to Choose a Rice Cooker? • Troubleshooting Common Problems Here is a Preview of the Rice Recipes You Will Learn: • How to Make Rice in the Microwave • 20-Minute Seasoned Brown Rice • Scrambled Eggs w/ Leftover Rice • Garlicky Basmati w/ Turmeric • Homestyle Parmesan • Peanuts w/ Carrots • Seattle Artichoke Oven • Rice Pudding in a Portuguese Style • Chinese Buffet Style Fried Rice • Rice Pudding in the Slow Cooker • Dinner Rice in an Arabic Style • Glittery Long Grain Pilaf • Much, much more! Again remember these recipes are unique so be ready to try some new things. Also remember that the style of cooking used in this cookbook is effortless. So even though the recipes will be unique and great tasting, creating them will take minimal effort!

Genre: Cookbooks, Food & Wine [f] [x]
Length: 171 Pages (4,843 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

Middle Eastern Recipes: A Middle Eastern Cookbook with Delicious Middle Eastern Recipes by BookSumo Press 3.4 Stars (6 Reviews)    Price verified 45 minutes ago

Delicious Middle Eastern Foods. Get your copy of the best and most unique Middle Eastern recipes from BookSumo Press! Come take a journey with us into the delights of easy cooking. The point of this cookbook and all our cookbooks is to exemplify the effortless nature of cooking simply. In this book we focus on Middle Eastern. Middle Eastern Recipes is a complete set of simple but very unique Middle Eastern recipes. You will find that even though the recipes are simple, the tastes are quite amazing. So will you join us in an adventure of simple cooking? Here is a Preview of the Middle Eastern Recipes You Will Learn: • Tunisian Shrimp • Raisins & Seeds Dinner Rolls • Noodles Soup with Chickpeas & Swiss Chard • Fish & Potato Stew • Fattoush (Levantine Bread Salad) • Donair • Labneh (Lebanese Cream Cheese) • Lebanese Rubbed Salad • Kibbee Lebanese Style • Lebanese Bean Salad • Lebanese Rice Pilaf • Lebanese Radish Salad • Layali Libnan • Turkish Fish Stew • Haydari (A Turkish Yogurt Dip) • Tava I (A Turkish Stew) • Dondurma (Turkish Ice Cream) • Breakfast Eggs in Turkey • Shakshouka (Levantine Spicy Eggs) • Much, much more! Again remember these recipes are unique so be ready to try some new things. Also remember that the style of cooking used in this cookbook is effortless. So even though the recipes will be unique and great tasting, creating them will take minimal effort!

Genre: Cookbooks, Food & Wine [f] [x]
Length: 143 Pages (2,983 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

Spice Mix Cookbook: The Definitive Guide to Every Spice Mix with Delicious Spice Mix Recipes by BookSumo Press 4.2 Stars (80 Reviews)    Price verified 46 minutes ago

Delicious Spice Mixes, Rubs and Curry Pastes. Get your copy of the best and most unique Spice Mix recipes from BookSumo Press! Come take a journey with us into the delights of easy cooking. The point of this cookbook and all our cookbooks is to exemplify the effortless nature of cooking simply. In this book we focus on Spice Mix. Spice Mix Cookbook is a complete set of simple but very unique Spice Mix recipes. You will find that even though the recipes are simple, the tastes are quite amazing. So will you join us in an adventure of simple cooking? Here is a Preview of the Spice Mix Recipes You Will Learn: • September Blend • Old European Seasoning • Leila's Favorite Seasoning • Portuguese Seasoning • 5-Ingredient Masala at Home • Brenda's Country Mix • Sheboygan Seasoning • Central American Expresso Blend • Levantine Rub • Homemade Beau Monde • Southwest Toscano Blend • Taco Mix • Ground Beef Seasoning • Waco Ranch Blend • Houston Ranch Powder • Native Curry Paste • Curry Paste Karachi • Nutty Curry Paste • Tropical Curry Paste • Thai Curry Paste • South Indian Curry Paste • Hot Ginger Curry Paste • Much, much more! Again remember these recipes are unique so be ready to try some new things. Also remember that the style of cooking used in this cookbook is effortless. So even though the recipes will be unique and great tasting, creating them will take minimal effort! Related Searches: Spice Mixes cookbook, Spice Mix recipes, Spice Mix book, Spice Mix, spice mixes, spices and herbs, spices cookbook

Genre: Cookbooks, Food & Wine [f] [x]
Length: 123 Pages (8,047 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

Grassland: A passage through the uncharted possibilities of the early American West by Asa Hawk 3.8 Stars (30 Reviews)    Price verified 47 minutes ago

Set on the Great Plains of the United States in 1833, in the region that is now southern Nebraska and northern Kansas, the narrative follows sixty-year-old Gerhardt Horst who is stricken with a stroke and thrown out on the open prairie. He survives due in part to the care of Pakskkiis, a Wichita Shaman . Born a woman, Pakskkiis assumes the social status of a man to survive in the male-dominated culture of the Pawnee. Together, along with a Pawnee crone, a mixed-blood boy, and a foundling infant, the two begin a passage through the uncharted possibilities of the early American West with all its savagery, solitude, and splendor. Coming into intimate and lethal contact with hostile tribes and renegade soldiers, Pawnee priests and Christian missionaries, tornadoes, and wildfires, this provisional family struggles to survive and overcome the obstacles of language, sexuality, culture, and religion, in a land of unbounded violence and beauty.

Genre: Literature & Fiction [f] [x]
Length: 198 Pages (2,471 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

Cuisinart Air Fryer Oven New Complete Cookbook 2024: 365 Days of Quick, Easy & Irresistibly Mouthwatering Air Fryer Oven Recipes for Quick & ... by Mona Lc. Weaver 4.3 Stars (3 Reviews)    Price verified 49 minutes ago

Easy-to-make recipes for delicious dishes prepared in your Cuisinart Air Fryer Oven, including roasting, frying, baking, dehydrating, and proofing bread. No more confusion in the kitchen! The recipes feature precise ingredient measurements, straightforward cooking instructions. Plus, every recipe includes detailed temperature and timing settings, empowering you to create perfect meals with ease. Explore a treasure trove of affordable and delectable recipes spanning across Snack, Appetizers, Beef, Pork and Lamb, Poultry, Seafood and Fish, Vegetables and Meatless, Breads and Desserts. Each recipe is designed for simplicity and flavor, making your cooking experience enjoyable and stress-free. For the Comprehensive Cuisinart Air Fryer Oven New Complete Cookbook 2024, you will find various categories as follows: ?? Snack and Appetizers ?? Beef, Pork and Lamb ?? Poultry Recipes ?? Seafood and Fish ?? Vegetables and Meatless ?? Breads and Desserts Get Yours Now And embrace the joy of cooking and treat your taste buds to a world of delectable delights!

Genre: Cookbooks, Food & Wine [f] [x]
Length: 104 Pages (3,269 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

Human Hunter and Other Science Fiction Stories by David Scholes 3.3 Stars (31 Reviews)    Price verified 50 minutes ago

The book comprises a collection of 20 fast paced, action packed, science fiction and science fantasy short stories. The lead story "Human Hunter" is based on a story arc pod cast on the Beam Me Up Pod cast site during 2014/15. In its desperation to acquire an alien artifact an Earth based organization courts disaster by illegally employing Xelk human hunters on Earth. "Grey Power - Consolidation" looks at the world post the Young/Old War while in "The Empress Voluvita" the authority of the Empress of one hundred worlds is challenged in an unexpected way. "Dystopian Transcontinental Journey" involves a desperate trip by an ex SAS soldier across an Australian continent ravaged by war with the alien Dreelth. In "Living on Compressed Time" participants on the compressed time program are taken advantage of while in "Deep Web" aliens penetrate the dark web. And much more!

Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy [f] [x]
Length: 194 Pages (2,383 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

Soup Cookbook: A Soup Cookbook Filled with Delicious Soup Recipes for Almost Every Type of Soup for Every Season by BookSumo Press 2.5 Stars (6 Reviews)    Price verified 51 minutes ago

Soups 101. Get your copy of the best and most unique Soup recipes from BookSumo Press! Come take a journey with us into the delights of easy cooking. The point of this cookbook and all our cookbooks is to exemplify the effortless nature of cooking simply. In this book we focus on Soup. Soup Cookbook is a complete set of simple but very unique Soup recipes. You will find that even though the recipes are simple, the tastes are quite amazing. So will you join us in an adventure of simple cooking? Here is a Preview of the Soup Recipes You Will Learn: • Brown Rice Chicken Soup • Western European Style Chicken Soup • Nutty Potato Chicken Soup • Japanese Inspired Bamboo and Mushroom Chicken Soup • Maine Mushroom Cod Chowder • American Ground Beef Chowder • Meatless-Monday Chowder • Newfoundland Cod Fillet Parsley Chowder • Maggie's Rutabaga Stew • Rustic Venison • Upstate Chicken Stew • Tijuana Stew • Stovetop Veggie Stew • Cheesy Taco Tortilla Soup • Pinto Taco Soup • Bell Kidney Taco Soup • Black Chicken Taco Soup • Northern Cannellini Beef Soup • Golden Chuck Roast Soup • Stewed Cocktail Soup • Much, much more! Again remember these recipes are unique so be ready to try some new things. Also remember that the style of cooking used in this cookbook is effortless. So even though the recipes will be unique and great tasting, creating them will take minimal effort!

Genre: Cookbooks, Food & Wine [f] [x]
Length: 177 Pages (2,555 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

The Thirteenth Commandment: The Bracewell Saga - Brother and sister united by blood, driven apart by secrets (Women of the Waterways Book 2) by Denise Dunne 4.0 Stars (21 Reviews)    Price verified 53 minutes ago

The Bracewell Saga - A sweeping saga of duty and love by the canals of England. Life on the canals of England is hard and uncompromising. They live by their own rules -"The eleventh commandment is thou shall not get caught, the twelfth is thou shall look out for number one and the thirteenth is thou shall keep thy mouth shut"." England 1822 -Myra and Joe Bracewell are sister and brother driven to live very different lives. Myra moves to the city with her new husband and Joe turns to a life on the road where he becomes a hunted man. Never satisfied with her lot, Myra instigates a terrible act of revenge which will haunt her for the rest of her life. Joe's luck eventually runs out but a drastic and desperate action sets him on the path to a secure future with far reaching, unforreseen consequences. One day, brother and sister are reunited butJoe finds his happy and settled life turned upside down by his wilful and brazen sister. In the midst of personal happiness, Joe's past catches up with him with the most tragic of outcomes. Myra seizes her chance and proposes an audacious plan to secure them both all the wealth they could hope for. Having left a life of crime behind, Joe refuses to help her but Myra will stop at nothing to get her way and threatens to expose a dark secret that could send him to the gallows. Will Myra persuade Joe to help her with her plan, or has she finally pushed her long suffering bother too far? ***If you like this book, try the others in the series - "The Water Gypsy - Isabella" and ***NEW** " Trouble Finds Beauty - Jessy the Lock Keeper's Lass" also available on Amazon.***

Genre: Literature & Fiction [f] [x]
Length: 576 Pages (2,354 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

The Warrior Kid by R.S Jacobs 4.2 Stars (13 Reviews)    Price verified 57 minutes ago

As an only child, Ben was used to getting his own way more often than his parents would like to admit. A surprise visit from the legendary Warrior Angel gave Ben a single wish, but Ben would have to go through ten challenges before his wish would be granted. Follow Ben as the Warrior Angel puts him to the test, and watch closely as Ben starts to learn that being a good boy is much better than being a naughty kid

Genre: Children's eBooks [f] [x]
Length: 58 Pages
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

1812: The Niagara Frontier by William Mowat (Crown and Anchor Publishing) 4.5 Stars (2 Reviews)    Price verified 58 minutes ago

The 30 years following The Revolutionary War in North America had ushered in relative peace and prosperity across the continent. In the year 1812, Napoleon Bonaparte and his conquest of Europe was at the forefront of British minds, meanwhile the newly formed United States saw an opportunity to push the British out of North America altogether. Years of blockades, sieges, and impressment on the seas were persuading President James Madison and the Americans to declare war against King George III and his colonies. The Niagara area was the borderland and frontier between nations, separated by a cascading river and unforgiving landscape. 1812: The Niagara Frontier follows the lives of citizens, soldiers, leaders, and warriors as they are confronted with the harsh realities of war in such a tumultuous time. It will be the actions and determinations of people like Laura Secord, Isaac Brock, Winfield Scott, and John Norton that will help forge the destiny of North America in the centuries to come.

Genre: History [f] [x]
Length: 277 Pages (2,038 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

Ottoman Empire’s Flags and Their History: ottoman empire history book A Journey Through History by Kashan Ajmeri 1.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 58 minutes ago

Delve into the rich and colorful history of the Ottoman Empire through the evolution of its flags. "The Flags of the Ottoman Empire: A Journey Through History" is a comprehensive and detailed exploration of the symbols that represented one of the most powerful empires in world history. From the early beginnings of the Ottoman Principality to the fall of Constantinople, and from the classical period to the reforms of the Tanzimat era, this book provides an in-depth analysis of the changing designs and symbols of Ottoman flags. Each chapter covers significant historical periods and their impact on flag design, including: • The establishment and early flags of the Ottoman Empire. • The symbolic transformation post the conquest of Constantinople. • The standardization of flag designs during the classical period. • Changes brought by political and social reforms in the 17th and 18th centuries. • The influence of nationalism and the transition to the modern Turkish flag. Featuring high-quality images, detailed descriptions, and a visual gallery, this book offers both a scholarly and visually engaging experience. It also includes a glossary of key terms, a chronological timeline of major flags, and case studies of important battles and their flags. Whether you're a historian, a student of Ottoman history, or simply fascinated by the art and symbolism of flags, this book is an essential addition to your collection. Discover the stories behind the flags that flew over one of the longest-lasting empires in history and understand their enduring legacy in the modern world. Why You Should Read This Book: • Gain a deeper understanding of the historical and cultural significance of Ottoman flags. • Explore the role of flags in shaping national identity and unity. • Appreciate the artistic and symbolic elements that evolved over centuries. • Learn from a comprehensive, well-researched, and visually enriched resource. Unlock the secrets of the ...

Genre: Biographies & Memoirs [f] [x]
Length: 55 Pages
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

THE ULTIMATE TRANSFORMATION Manifest Your Dreams and Change Your Life in 60 Days by Bonnie Hampton 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified one hour ago

In the enchanting pages of "THE ULTIMATE TRANSFORMATION Manifest Your Dreams and Change Your Life in 60 Days," embark on a transformative odyssey that transcends the ordinary and beckons you toward an extraordinary life. This groundbreaking guide is not just a book; it's a roadmap to unleash the dormant potential within, inviting readers to shape their destiny, manifest their dreams, and cultivate profound positive change across every facet of their existence. Dive into a narrative woven with the threads of real-life stories, expert insights, and practical exercises that serve as beacons illuminating the path to self-discovery and empowerment. This book is a sanctuary where dreams are nurtured, where the flicker of possibility is fanned into the flames of reality. It transcends traditional self-help literature, offering a comprehensive, holistic approach that touches the soul, transforms the mind, revitalizes relationships, and propels careers to new heights. "THE ULTIMATE TRANSFORMATION Manifest Your Dreams and Change Your Life in 60 Days" is not just about wishful thinking; it's a masterclass in the art of manifestation. Through the exploration of the law of attraction, positive psychology, and practical exercises, readers are equipped with the tools to turn aspirations into tangible achievements. This guide is your companion in navigating the complexities of life, addressing the nuanced dance of relationships, mental fortitude, physical well-being, and career aspirations. How It Will Help: • Holistic Empowerment: "THE ULTIMATE TRANSFORMATION Manifest Your Dreams and Change Your Life in 60 Days" is a beacon of holistic empowerment, urging readers to cast aside self-imposed limitations and embrace their true potential. The carefully curated content ensures that no stone is left unturned in the journey toward personal growth. • Real-Life Transformation: Immerse yourself in the compelling stories of individuals who transformed adversity into triumph. These ...

Genre: Self-Help [f] [x]
Length: 68 Pages (1,319 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

Death Rides the Zephyr (Jill McLeod California Zephyr Series Book 1) by Janet Dawson (Bodie Blue Books) 4.4 Stars (231 Reviews)    Price verified one hour ago

A COLD-BLOODED KILLER. A COLD, REMOTE CANYON. THE COLD BODY OF A MURDERED PASSENGER, SLUMPED IN A SEAT ABOARD A TRAIN MOVING ON TRACKS NEXT TO AN ICE-BOUND RIVER. Zephyrette Jill McLeod rides the California Zephyr on its runs between the Bay Area and Chicago. As a crew member, she spends her long working days seeing to the passengers' needs, answering questions, taking dinner reservations, or providing first aid. She makes announcements about the spectacular scenery visible from the train's Vista Dome, with its 360-degree views. The train is a small city on tracks, with passengers from all walks of life and a large, efficient crew. Jill is armed with good instincts, powers of observation, and her keen knowledge of human nature. She can usually solve any problem. But she wasn't counting on a missing passenger -- and a body in a sleeper car. THE KILLER IS ONBOARD -- AND WILL KILL AGAIN, UNLESS STOPPED. "Death Rides the Zephyr brings the golden age of rail travel back to thrilling life while providing more twists and turns than an express ride through the Sierra Nevadas. If you have a taste for mysteries or history, it's a trip you won't want to miss!" -- Steve Hockensmith, author of Holmes on the Range "Through a trip onboard the California Zephyr Janet Dawson takes the reader back to the 1950s and does an admirable job of capturing the spirit of a time when World War II was a recent memory and the Korean War was an all-too-vivid reality... Dawson has a fine eye for the details of life aboard the Zephyr and creates an intriguing cast of characters whose interactions mirror the surprising twists and turns the train takes as it crosses the Colorado Rockies. Death Rides the Zephyr is an engrossing and suspenseful adventure. Readers will be thrilled to take the ride." -- Judith Van Gieson, author of the Neil Hamel and Claire Reynier mystery series "Death Rides the Zephyr is an entertaining tale... [that] captures nuances of a transcontinental train trip in the ...

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [f] [x]
Length: 254 Pages (4,515 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

The Saxon Might (The Song of Britain Cycle Book 3) by James Calbraith 4.3 Stars (471 Reviews)    Price verified one hour ago

All is lost. The Gods decided to reward Wortimer and punish Ash, and the future of Britannia is hanging in the balance. In the darkness of a prison cell, through pain of torture, Ash tries to remember how everything has gone so terribly wrong. Wortimer defeated his father and conquered Londin. He took Rhedwyn into his chamber, and threw Ash into the deepest dungeon. His armies are rampaging throughout the province, killing Iutes and Saxons wherever they can find them. It seems nothing and nobody can stop the new Dux of Britons from fulfiling his mission to destroying the Iutes and cast all barbarians out of the island forever. ??? The Saxon Might is the concluding volume of the Song of Ash, a fast-paced, gripping historical fiction trilogy, perfect for fans of Bernard Cornwell's "The Last Kingdom" series, Simon Scarrow, Matthew Harffy and Conn Iggulden. The Finnis Britanniae saga will continue in the next trilogy, the Song of Octa.

Genre: History [f] [x]
Length: 507 Pages (4,388 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

Operation Jade Helmet by Ashley Fontainne 5.0 Stars (9 Reviews)    Price verified one hour ago

"A master of suspense, novelist Ashley Fontainne's Operation: Jade Helmet is superbly narrated by the storytelling skills of Andrea Emmes in this complete and unabridged audio book recording. Providing the science fiction fan with a true 'theatre of the mind' experience, Operation: Jade Helmet is especially and unreservedly recommended for personal and community library audio book collections." - Midwest Book Review Eager fans around the world played Operation Red Helmet for years, making it the highest-grossing virtual reality game ever sold, and the designers, The Talladav Group, are the richest company on earth. After an oppressive, unrelenting worldwide heatwave hits, daily life grinds to a halt around the globe. People retreat to their homes, afraid to go out as violence and chaos erupt in the streets. The game temporarily shuts down as the world grapples with the fallout of civil unrest and critical infrastructure breakdowns, forever altering society. When governments take over control and infrastructures are replaced and back online, the top players of the previous version receive a mysterious box marked, Operation Jade Helmet. The new version is the first-ever total immersion VR experience and inside each box is a free headset and personal code to play a week before release to the general public. The lucky winners don their newest obsession and impatiently wait for the game to begin. Unfortunately, they are about to discover Operation Jade Helmet is unlike any other game, and when the game begins, everything changes.

Genre: Religion & Spirituality [f] [x]
Length: 316 Pages (3,112 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

THE LAND OF BLUE ANIMALS: The story of the rise of The Tiger Prince Jaba (A great example to encourage children with social phobia) by ADAM REED SETH 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 8 minutes ago

The story of the rise of The Tiger Prince Jaba A great example to encourage children with social phobia. In the depths of loneliness, a young tiger prince named Jaba finds his destiny unfolding in unexpected ways. While struggling with social phobia and trying to make friends in the forest where he grew up in difficulties alone, he unexpectedly embarks on an adventure to save his family and his kingdom. Jaba's journey in this story highlights his physical and character development as he overcomes his fears and steps onto the path of leadership. Deep in the forest shrouded in dark forces, Jaba and his new friends must combine their courage and intelligence to save his family and his country from the evil king Galdor. As Jaba overcomes his social phobia, he discovers dormant skills of courage and leadership. Every challenge strengthens him and teaches him vital lessons on his journey to the kingdom. "Land of The Blue Animals" offers children the story of overcoming fears and revealing true potential. Jaba's transformation awakens the hero within us and reminds readers of the power of hope and friendship even in the darkest moments. This book invites you to step into the fascinating world of Jaba. Join him on a leadership adventure that lights up the darkness and unites the entire forest.

Genre: Children's eBooks [f] [x]
Length: 105 Pages (348 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

What A Grocery Man Can Understand by Stephen Selke 4.8 Stars (5 Reviews)    Price verified 8 minutes ago

"We need to value our customers not just because they buy our sliced bread but because they really are better than the best thing since sliced bread." Alex had thought he was just being silly on his first day of work when he'd asked why offering great customer service was so important. But Caleb took that as an invitation to discuss the meaning of life itself. The two grocery workers find plenty more opportunities in the store to playfully discuss some of life's deepest questions: • How did life itself come to be? • What if computers were in charge? • What can be learned from a deteriorated garden salad, marshmallows, and a granola bar?

Genre: Religion & Spirituality [f] [x]
Length: 60 Pages (1,518 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

Why a Proponent of Antisemitism Saved 48,000 Jews by Sam Yoffe 5.0 Stars (8 Reviews)    Price verified 8 minutes ago

The book tells the story of a person who, during World War II, saved all 48,000 Jews of Bulgaria. The events described in the book are based on research conducted by Israeli diplomat and intelligence agent - Nir Baruch. Nir Baruch is known for participating in the investigation of the disaster when a Bulgarian fighter plane shot down an Israeli plane with Jewish repatriates on board in 1955. The documents presented in the book are located in: the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, The New York Public Library, The Library of Congress, The Archive of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency.

Genre: History [f] [x]
Length: 80 Pages (11,088 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

Self-Discipline : The Least You Need To Know (Good Life Book 1) by Saumya R 4.8 Stars (6 Reviews)    Price verified 8 minutes ago

STILL WAITING FOR THE RIGHT TIME? OR YOU'VE TRIED BUT FAILED TO ACHIEVE YOUR GOAL? MOTIVATION IS NOT ENOUGH TO GET WHAT YOU DESIRE. SELF-DISCIPLINE IS THE KEY TO SUCCESS. All successful people have one thing in common, self-discipline. With the help of self-discipline, you can turn your failures into success. SAY GOODBYE TO LAZINESS AND PROCRASTINATION. BREAK THE CYCLE OF GIVING UP. This book will guide you on the path of self-discipline. Learn how to develop positive habits and stick to them. Each lesson is carefully crafted to show you a step-by-step approach to success. The techniques in the book are scientifically tested and have helped countless people reach their goals. Instead of taking too much time, dragging the topic, this book jumps straight to the point. With only one hour of reading time, it will help you develop and maintain self-discipline. Applying the methods in this book, you will learn how to derive motivation when you have none, how to keep on going when you feel exhausted, and how to make self-discipline your second nature. It will help you achieve anything you desire, bring the best out of you, and become the person you want to be. A QUICK PREVIEW OF WHAT THIS BOOK WILL OFFER: ? How to determine proper goals, and techniques to achieve them. ? Goal tracking ? How to use your willpower to complete the tasks when motivation exhausts. ? How to break out from the procrastination trap. ? Time management. ? How to keep a positive mindset and not lose hope ? How to create a disciplined environment ? Techniques to develop lasting positive habits. And more... TAKE THE FIRST STEP TOWARDS SUCCESS NOW!

Genre: Self-Help [f] [x]
Length: 62 Pages (14,334 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

The Ultimate Keto Cake Recipe Collection: A Low-Carb Cookbook for Delicious and Healthy Desserts by Pierre Gardner Price verified one hour ago

Are you a cake lover who's been missing out since starting the keto diet? Fear not - this book has the solution! Even on a keto diet, you can still indulge your sweet tooth with 30 delicious keto-friendly cake recipes. No more spending a fortune at the dessert shop or feeling deprived of your favorite treat. Inside, you'll find easy-to-make keto cakes that satisfy your cravings while keeping you in ketosis. From classic chocolate to creative flavor combinations, these low-carb, high-fat cakes will have you enjoying every bite. Whether you're new to keto or a seasoned pro, this book is a must-have for anyone who loves cake but wants to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Dive in and discover how you can have your keto cake and eat it too!

Genre: Cookbooks, Food & Wine [f] [x]
Length: 99 Pages (15,765 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

Anna's... Alway's a Bridesmaid: Short Steamy Story by Vivianna Waters 4.0 Stars (2 Reviews)    Price verified one hour ago

Anna loves supporting her friends. She's been the maid of honor eleven -- now twelve times. In her mid-twenties, Anna moves in the same circles and recognizes the same typical faces. Anna feels stuck in a romantic rut when all she wants is a quick wild romance. Suddenly, a tall dark and handsome muscled stranger strolls into the chapel and sits near the back. Anna can barely keep her eyes away from him as she's standing at the altar. A magnetic attraction seems to pull them together at the wedding reception and Anna decides to give it a try. Is this a twisted sign from above? Their mutual attraction heats up during the reception and the rest might just be Anna's fairytale ending... or her worst nightmare. Warning: SHORT STEAMY quick content. Complete with a dominant romantic alpha male and a strong intelligent leading lady. Romance and a little bit of humor are included.

Genre: Literature & Fiction [f] [x]
Length: 68 Pages (1,606 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

Daemonorg Prison-Lab: A Dark LitRPG / LitFPS SciFi-Shooter (Overtaken Online Book 1) by Ben Ormstad 4.2 Stars (351 Reviews)    Price verified one hour ago

OVERTAKEN ONLINE. The world's first FPS VR-MMORPG with 100% immersion. Reminiscent of classics like Doom and Dead Space, but with RPG-elements that enable players to level up and develop skills - and sprinkled with a pinch of magic. The 33-year old game designer Dex Walsh spends an entire year devoured by sorrow after the death of his wife. As a last-ditch effort to regain his joy, he sells everything and joins Overtaken Online. Expecting to spawn in a noob-friendly area with guidance from his personal assistant, he instead finds himself naked and alone in a dark prison cell rapidly filling with gas. Under-leveled and with no idea how to escape, he quickly learns no-one wants him alive in this godforsaken place... Strap on your ammo belts, reload your weapons, and join this struggling Battle-Marine as he blasts through waves of demonic aliens while rescuing prisoners and increasing his power. Beware! This story contains: - Blood and guts - Foul language! - Notifications / pop-ups / inventory management - No sex / No harem

Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy [f] [x]
Length: 552 Pages (3,857 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

Seafood Cookbook: From Tilapia to Shell Fish Enjoy Tasty Seafood with Delicious Seafood Recipes by BookSumo Press 4.5 Stars (2 Reviews)    Price verified one hour ago

Simple Seafood Sampler. Get your copy of the best and most unique Seafood recipes from BookSumo Press! Come take a journey with us into the delights of easy cooking. The point of this cookbook and all our cookbooks is to exemplify the effortless nature of cooking simply. In this book we focus on Seafood. Seafood Cookbook is a complete set of simple but very unique Seafood recipes. You will find that even though the recipes are simple, the tastes are quite amazing. So will you join us in an adventure of simple cooking? Here is a Preview of the Seafood Recipes You Will Learn: • Louisiana Shrimp • Szechwan Shrimp • Shrimp Scampi • Cajun Grilled Shrimp • How to make a Po Boy • Catfish Tenders • Saucy Catfish Casserole • Catfish Toscana • American Seafood Bisque • Heavy Creamed Mussels with Curry • Maria's Seafood Marinara • San Francisco Mussels Soup • Flame Broiled Tilapia II • Mushroom and Caper Tilapia • Pennsylvania Tilapia Style • Seasoned Macaroni Tilapia • Shrimp's Roots Soup • Herbed Seafood Soup • Classic Wine Seafood Soup • Fancy Artichoke and Seafood Soup • Much, much more! Again remember these recipes are unique so be ready to try some new things. Also remember that the style of cooking used in this cookbook is effortless. So even though the recipes will be unique and great tasting, creating them will take minimal effort!

Genre: Cookbooks, Food & Wine [f] [x]
Length: 189 Pages (4,920 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

QUICK AND EASY LOW CARB-COOKBOOK 2024: Effortless Low-Carb Cooking - Over 100 Wholesome Recipes for Busy Lives by Marina J. Howell Price verified one hour ago

Are you looking to embrace a healthier lifestyle without sacrificing flavor or spending hours in the kitchen? Look no further than the "Quick and Easy Low Carb Cookbook 2024." Packed with mouthwatering recipes that are both delicious and nutritious, this cookbook is your ultimate guide to effortlessly incorporating low-carb meals into your daily routine. From hearty breakfasts to satisfying dinners and everything in between, each recipe is designed to be quick to prepare and low in carbohydrates, making it perfect for busy individuals and families alike. With clear instructions and readily available ingredients, you'll be whipping up tasty meals in no time, all while staying on track with your health and wellness goals. Say goodbye to boring meals and hello to a lifetime of delicious, low-carb eating with the "Quick and Easy Low Carb Cookbook 2024." What is inside the book?? Time-Saving Recipes: Say goodbye to long hours in the kitchen. This cookbook is filled with recipes that are quick and easy to prepare, perfect for those with busy schedules. ?? and Nutritious: Enjoy flavorful meals without compromising your health. Each recipe is designed to be both delicious and low in carbohydrates, helping you maintain a balanced diet. ??Versatile Options: Whether you're craving a hearty breakfast, a satisfying dinner, or a tasty snack, this cookbook has you covered with a wide range of recipes to suit every taste and occasion. ?? Clear Instructions: No more guesswork in the kitchen. With clear and easy-to-follow instructions, even novice cooks can whip up restaurant-quality meals with confidence. ??Stay on Track with Your Goals: Whether you're aiming to lose weight, manage diabetes, or simply adopt a healthier lifestyle, this cookbook provides you with the tools and inspiration to succeed on your journey. ??Updated for 2024: Stay ahead of the curve with the latest trends and innovations in low-carb cooking, ensuring that your meals are not only healthy but also up-to-date ...

Genre: Health, Fitness & Dieting [f] [x]
Length: 116 Pages (7,752 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

Her Elysium (Flowers and Keyboards 1): Geeky Young Adult Romance by Emmy Engberts (Easily Distracted Media) 4.2 Stars (63 Reviews)    Price verified one hour ago

A chance meeting in the online game Destruction of Elysium changes the lives of a healer and a tank forever. The digital worlds of MMORPGs are Alex' only safe space. Online, she's the great AlexTheDestroyer, leader of one of the biggest raiding guilds in Destruction of Elysium, a max level tank who kicks monster ass and she knows her way around every dungeon. In real life, she's just Alex, a clumsy girl who's hyper and too impulsive. Until she meets a healer who seems to be able to heal more than just her online character. Only, Alex can't fall for her. The guild desperately needs a new healer, or they'll lose their top rank. Can she risk the fate of the guild just to confess to the one girl who really seems to get her? Fleur is a girly-girl who loves flowers, dresses and being a healer in her favourite MMORPG. But in this online world, like in real life, she feels like she's only playing a role, never truly herself. That is until she meets a tank who seems to match her play style perfectly. She's curious but also a little wary. Can she really trust someone she met in a videogame? When Alex and Fleur meet offline at the yearly guild meeting, everything they ever knew starts to shift...

Genre: Teen & Young Adult [f] [x]
Length: 308 Pages (1,382 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

The Lie by Ashley Fontainne 4.0 Stars (105 Reviews)    Price verified one hour ago

Soon to be the feature film FORESEEN GOLD MEDAL WINNER - FICTION 2013 ILLUMINATION BOOK AWARDS "THE LIE by Ashley Fontainne is a thought-provoking novel that takes readers into the darkness, yet shares a deep, unforgettable story... the premise is excellent and definitely one that will attract readers looking for intrigue. I enjoyed the fact that the author writes from a Christian world view and is obviously familiar with and respectful of Christianity... All in all, a solid, original work. I think Ashley Fontainne is building an excellent career and will find many devoted fans." - Judge, 22nd Annual Writer's Digest Self-Published Book Awards. "Ashley nails the struggles of good vs. evil, religious, political and individual flaws and weaknesses/strengths. The use of Scripture is amazing and her suck-you-in style captivates the reader with her vivid characters and their motivations." - Janelle Taylor, NY Times bestselling author of Necessary Evil "Any... reader interested in intrigue, mystery, supernatural thrillers and a thread of spirituality linking all elements will find this an engrossing saga with unexpected turns and a very unpredictable conclusion." - D. Donovan, eBook reviewer, MidWest Book Reviews Karmen Moncrille's name has been known throughout the world since the age of sixteen when her first book shot to the top of the bestseller's list. Now everything she writes is an instant hit, and her legions of devoted fans eagerly await her next release. The mysterious Karmen always blamed debilitating panic attacks as the reason she avoided publicity and has become a recluse. Which is exactly what she wants the world to think. Only Karmen knows the truth behind her introverted nature. Terrified of being asked where her ideas come from, she fears being branded a raving lunatic. Now just a week before her twenty-third birthday, Karmen's world implodes. The madness that haunts her dreams spills over to her reality ...

Length: 151 Pages (561 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

The Caddie by Kris Kassady 4.7 Stars (5 Reviews)    Price verified 2 hours ago

Cameron is on a golfing splurge to the world-famous Bandon Dunes golfing resort, and sparks fly when the smoking-hot Mariana is assigned as his caddie. Cameron is suffering complete burnout after a high-stress ten-year job helping a former professor launch a successful new tech company. His mind is scrambled, and his future is muddled. Mariana is caddying at Bandon Dunes for the summer. Having played collegiate golf at the University of Arizona, she's preparing for graduate school in social work, and trying to figure out her next steps in life. Cameron seriously needs golf therapy to clear his head, and Mariana is more than happy to be his therapist. Together, they scorch the sheets in his luxury penthouse. But is this just a wild fling in a fantasy golfing wonderland where real world problems don't exist? Or can these two beautiful souls from strikingly different worlds possibly forge a future together? The Caddie is a heartwarming and low-stress romance between two individuals searching for the next right step in life. This cozy read delivers warmth, entertainment, and just the right amount of steam. Settle into your favorite couch and enjoy this low-angst novella about life's choices. Readers love The Caddie by Kris Kassady "This is a short erotic story with a lot of class." "The story is well written and easy to read with a delightful cast." "I love both our hero and heroine as they had excellent chemistry." "The plot was simple and yet really fun with a great balance between sexy and sweet." "Such sweet characters. It's so easy to root for them." "The setting is golf, but the story is a steamy love affair between two lovely people."

Genre: Literature & Fiction [f] [x]
Length: 104 Pages (1,079 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

SIX by Madison Zell 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 8 minutes ago

The world is full of corrupt Mist. Six has been locked in a glass box and experimented on for as long as she can remember. She knows no one leaves alive. Desperate for escape Six would try anything to get out. When a tall dark man named Quintyn appears at the lab, Six is inexplicably drawn to him and his sexy companion. He promises her freedom in exchange for the use of her secret power. Desperate for the taste of freedom, Six follows these two men into the heart of the corrupted Mist, rushing headlong into danger and mystery. Six must protect her heart and her Soul from these two men as she is forced to find the answer to heal a world that she didn't even know was broken. Follow Six as she experiences the world for the first time and must become its savior.

Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy [f] [x]
Length: 561 Pages (486 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

The Home Doctor: An essential guide to first aid for parents of infants and young children by Evan Foster 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 8 minutes ago

THE HOME DOCTOR is an essential guide to first aid for parents of infants and young children. An indespensable reference book in an emergency, it can be a life-saving guide for a BABYSITTER or GRANDPARENT alone with a small child. Prompt and appropriate first aid can significantly reduce the severity of injuries and improve the chances of a quick recovery. In some cases, it can save a life! By knowing how to assess a situation, administer basic medical care, and recognize when professional help is needed, it will provide vital support to your family members in times of need. Young children are particularly prone to various injuries and illnesses due to their curious and explorative nature. Understanding the common risks they face, such as cuts, burns, choking, and fevers, will better prepare you to respond effectively in emergency situations.

Genre: Health, Fitness & Dieting [f] [x]
Length: 61 Pages (1,987 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

Wholeheartedly by Briana Yvette 5.0 Stars (3 Reviews)    Price verified 2 hours ago

A sequel to With All My Heart, Kenisha (Ke) Davis found her way out of a toxic relationship filled with verbal, mental, and physical abuse before graduating from college. After graduating college, Kenisha became a counselor who meets with survivors of domestic abuse while she continues to heal her wounds from her past. Kenisha is all about work and play; she's dedicated to helping everyone she meets release trauma, but she also makes sure she has fun along the way with her best friend and new boyfriend. Kenisha is challenged with balancing everything she loves wholeheartedly when her boyfriend becomes a victim of a crime while their relationship blossoms.

Genre: Literature & Fiction [f] [x]
Length: 139 Pages (1,833 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

Realistic Stock Chart Analysis: Price Gaps Explained Using Real Chart Examples by Simon Milgard 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 37 minutes ago

Practice and learn stock chart analysis with detailed case studies of real examples. This book examines the way price gaps influence stock prices. ? Learn basic concept and advanced strategies with price gaps on stock charts ? follow step by step examples showing various scenarios of price behaviour before, during, and after a price gap forms. ? Learn and practice making buy and sell decisions during the formation of price gaps with realistic and common chart scenarios.

Genre: Business & Money [f] [x]
Length: 232 Pages (107,165 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

Sandwich Ideas: Enjoyable Sandwich Recipes Everyone Will Love in a Delicious Sandwich Cookbook by BookSumo Press 5.0 Stars (2 Reviews)    Price verified 37 minutes ago

Sandwich Secrets... Get your copy of the best and most unique Sandwich recipes from BookSumo Press! Come take a journey with us into the delights of easy cooking. The point of this cookbook and all our cookbooks is to exemplify the effortless nature of cooking simply. In this book we focus on Sandwiches. Sandwich Ideas is a complete set of simple but very unique Sandwich recipes. You will find that even though the recipes are simple, the tastes are quite amazing. So will you join us in an adventure of simple cooking? Here is a Preview of the Sandwich Recipes You Will Learn: • Pennsylvania Chicken Cutlets • New England Shrimp Rolls • Sonoma Chicken Salad Sandwiches • Hungarian Egg Salad Sandwiches • Maria's Tuna Rolls • Gonzalez Rolls • Amish Mushroom Sandwiches • Fish Sandwiches Louisiana • Ms. Kim's Eggplant Sandwich • Hot Tofu Rolls • New York Turkey Club • London Brunch Sandwiches • Texas Sandwich Press • Linda's Pesto Chicken Sandwich • 4th Grader's Lunch Box • How to Make a Monte Cristo • Grilled Cheese Los Angeles • American Bologna Rolls • Chinese Chicken Cutlets • Cream on Marmalade Sandwiches • Candy Bar Sandwich • Fried Cheddar Sandwiches • Much, much more! Again remember these recipes are unique so be ready to try some new things. Also remember that the style of cooking used in this cookbook is effortless. So even though the recipes will be unique and great tasting, creating them will take minimal effort!

Genre: Cookbooks, Food & Wine [f] [x]
Length: 132 Pages (3,750 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

Last Call - Understanding and Treating the Alcoholic Brain by C.K. Murray 3.5 Stars (25 Reviews)    Price verified 8 minutes ago

Before We Treat, We Must Understand Staying Sober Is Hard Millions of people suffer from alcoholism, and most of them don't even know it. Or perhaps, they just can't admit it. If you or somebody you know is suffering from alcoholism, it is important to act immediately. The effect of alcohol on the body and mind is significant. Alcohol abuse and alcohol addiction are serious, potentially lethal conditions. When it comes to overcoming alcoholism and alcohol dependence, the hardest part is understanding why. Maybe we've heard the personal drug stories, maybe we've read the personal memoirs, but have we lived them? Unless you yourself are an alcoholic, it's often difficult to understand. Why?? Why do alcoholics continue to destroy themselves? Given everything we know today about the neuroscience of addiction, about alcohol recovery and rehabilitation--why? The truth is dark. Because at the end of the day, the alcoholic doesn't care. The alcoholic will refuse to quit drinking, even when alcoholism treatment could transform their life for the better. He or she will do anything to avoid sobriety, risking life and limb simply to acquire that next, comforting drink. Until it's too late. So don't wait. The worst part about alcohol and drug dependence is that it doesn't just affect the alcoholic. Alcoholism is a family destroyer. The family and friends of alcoholics may endure incredible hardship in the face of this debilitating disease. Alcoholism often leads to a dysfunctional family and a marriage on the rocks, worsening abuse and complicating recovery. And if this isn't bad enough, alcohol dependency can lead to years of post-traumatic stress. For adult children of alcoholics, the damage can be deep. Years of childhood abuse, neglect and broken families have damaged their psyches. Healing and recovery are hard to achieve, even for alcoholics from good environments. But there is always hope. Healing the alcoholic brain--and those affected by it--is a process, just ...

Genre: Medical eBooks [f] [x]
Length: 104 Pages (919 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

My Life As A Retail Pharmacist - A Fictionalized Memoir by Adam Thomas (atp,inc.) 4.3 Stars (12 Reviews)    Price verified 2 hours ago

Adam Thomas thought he led a charmed life. Happily married with an adorable set of twins he was a member of the most trusted profession in the country. Yes, retail pharmacy had its shortcomings, but Adam handled adversity gracefully. Even though he knew 'the customer wasn't always right', Adam didn't allow the volatility of such work hazards to permeate his rational thinking and sound judgment. One day, however, everything changes. His once charmed life is turned upside down. So begins the calamity Adam Thomas endures. My Life As A Retail Pharmacist - A Fictionalized Memoir follows Adam as he navigates the struggles of standing up for what he believes. Tanya Stenke-Branch blatantly eavesdrops on Adam's transaction with customer Milton R. Green. She dislikes Adam's solution to Green's insurance issue that arises and takes it upon herself to intervene. Adam is vocally upset with the unwelcome advice. But, according to 'this wife of a prominent surgeon', Tanya's interference is in Mr. Green's best interests. A reasonable everyday situation that Adam has handled numerous times in the past mutates into an unsalvageable disaster. Adam is ultimately terminated from Shaw Drug for his unprofessional behavior and his life begins to spiral out of control. What happens challenges Adam to question everything he once knew. When Tanya gossips to her friends at the local café about the incident, she discloses pertinent, yet confidential information, intentionally violating numerous HIPAA regulations. Fortunately for Adam, Paul Davis, Attorney at Law, just happens to overhear. Adam's case for retribution has considerable merit. As the lawsuit begins, the messy repercussions from such sensationalist trash that is so abundant in today's world surface. Adam's grasp on his charmed life continues to slip. The legal proceeding strains his familial interactions. His wife, Val, tries desperately to maintain balance, but Tanya and her lawyers just don't play fair. Could such a random ...

Genre: Medical [f] [x]
Length: 331 Pages (581 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

Exploding History (The Exploding History Journals Book 1) by Archibold Cavy 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 2 hours ago

Elliot and Millie have been in hiding ever since their parents disappeared. But things are about to go from bad to worse. That's where I come in. My name is Archibold Cavy and I am a time traveler. I was given my unique abilities by a mad scientist named Nero who will stop at nothing to get me back. That includes chasing us through time and unleashing some of the most dangerous things in history all so he can destroy the past and change the future. If we're going to stop him we'll need to recruit some help. Fortunately we have all of history at our disposal. But will it be enough to stop Nero and save history? It's Back to the Future meets Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure. Fun, exciting and full of adventure.

Genre: Children's eBooks [f] [x]
Length: 177 Pages
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

New York Recipes: Authentic New York Recipes in an Easy New York Cookbook by BookSumo Press 4.4 Stars (6 Reviews)    Price verified 2 hours ago

American Cooking. New York Style. Get your copy of the best and most unique New York recipes from BookSumo Press! Come take a journey with us into the delights of easy cooking. The point of this cookbook and all our cookbooks is to exemplify the effortless nature of cooking simply. In this book we focus on New York. New York Recipes is a complete set of simple but very unique New York recipes. You will find that even though the recipes are simple, the tastes are quite amazing. So will you join us in an adventure of simple cooking? Here is a Preview of the New York Recipes You Will Learn: • Penne Vodka I • Bread Machine Calzones • Real Ethnic Biryani • New York Summer Reuben • Chopped Cheese (Ground Beef Sandwich) • Gourmet Deli Bagel • Manhattan Bagels II • Lebanese Shawarma • Greek Gyros • Washington Heights Arepas • Avocado Arepas • Sesame Chicken • A Real Reuben Sandwich • Pastrami Ciabattas • Mom's Pancakes • French Toast New York Style • New Chinese Kitchen Beef and Broccoli • Football Cheddar Dip • Much, much more! Again remember these recipes are unique so be ready to try some new things. Also remember that the style of cooking used in this cookbook is effortless. So even though the recipes will be unique and great tasting, creating them will take minimal effort!

Genre: Cookbooks, Food & Wine [f] [x]
Length: 114 Pages (2,701 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

Plain Jane Guinness & I Once...: BOOK 7: ALEX Finally Takes Over + Freaking Flaming Revelations – All Fired Up by Female Fanned Flames! by Dr Mya Xavier PhD Price verified 2 hours ago

Sometime in 2008/09... "Afternoon Doc." "Hello Al, What's with the mischievous grin?" "Nothing gets past your Psychologist eye, does it?" "OK, you're dying to say something, so get it out." "One of a Whitehall Party saw you pass by him and said you were a looker and asked about you." "That's some fleeting judgement and I wasn't even wearing anything revealing." "Yep, you were all covered up, as per usual - perhaps he had X-ray eyes?" "Like Superman? I'd better make sure next time my clothing is also lead-lined!" They both laughed. Although this wasn't the case for months before, since her husband, Michael, passed away, but today she continued playing along, as she was now becoming more accustomed to her friends trying to pair her off; not forgetting all those, more often than not unwelcome, eligible bachelors and the not so eligible married types, who, all, with their guns pointed in her direction, now considered it open season on this self-effacing shrinking violet's you-know-what!? "So, what was he like?" "Always has a smile on his face, but a bit of an odd-ball: the type you'd likely have laid out before you on your psychiatrist's couch?" She smiled and went on her way. But, some other woman was not smiling, just gritting her teeth >> BUT & A REALLY BIG BUT, the critical difference between the male's imploring singing and Simona's Reality - the girl lusted after had a choice:-But, (E.S.P.) SHE HADN'T! (So, perhaps, SHE Too would've subscribed to the #Me Too Lobby?) And, borrowing prepositional fun from Super-tramp's Dreamer... But, and it is always a Big Butt, in, or, on, ? It was no Fun for Her! ? It was no Dream, here all was for Real for Her! ? It was no prepositional, but totally a Propositional Eventuality for Her! ? It was no Borrowing, but a Case of Informally Unconditionally lending for Her! ? It was no Super-Modelling here, but an Impure Immorally Converting to Super-Tramp Revamping for Her! ? It was no case here for any of ...

Genre: Literature & Fiction [f] [x]
Length: 166 Pages (18,282 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

The Chicken Soup Cookbook: 50 Delicious Chicken Soup Recipes to Warm Your Heart by BookSumo Press 4.3 Stars (11 Reviews)    Price verified 2 hours ago

All About Chicken Soup. Get your copy of the best and most unique Chicken Soup recipes from BookSumo Press! Come take a journey with us into the delights of easy cooking. The point of this cookbook and all our cookbooks is to exemplify the effortless nature of cooking simply. In this book we focus on Chicken Soups. The Chicken Soup Cookbook is a complete set of simple but very unique Chicken Soup recipes. You will find that even though the recipes are simple, the tastes are quite amazing. So will you join us in an adventure of simple cooking? Here is a Preview of the Chicken Soup Recipes You Will Learn: • Manhattan Island Chicken Soup • Chicken Soup Sampler • Chicken Soup with Garden Salsa • 6-Ingredient Creamy Chicken Soup • Chicken Soup Dublin Inspired • 60-Minute Chicken Soup • 30-Minute Mediterranean Chicken Soup • Grocery Rotisserie Orzo Chicken Soup • Upstate NY Inspired Chicken Soup • I ? Chicken Soup • Tuesday's Spicy Chicken Ramen Noodle Soup • Chicken and Rice Soup • 30-Minute 5-Ingredient Store Bought Chicken Soup • Creamy Chicken Soup • Chicken Soup Clásico • Spicier Chicken Soup • Saturday Night Chicken Soup • Chicken Soup Thai Style • New Mexico Chicken Soup • Cream of Chicken Soup • Much, much more! Again remember these recipes are unique so be ready to try some new things. Also remember that the style of cooking used in this cookbook is effortless. So even though the recipes will be unique and great tasting, creating them will take minimal effort!

Genre: Cookbooks, Food & Wine [f] [x]
Length: 135 Pages (3,693 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

Cannery Row by John Steinbeck 4.4 Stars (8,292 Reviews)    Price verified 8 minutes ago

Cannery Row by John Steinbeck is a vibrant and affectionate portrayal of a small community in Monterey, California, set during the Great Depression. The story revolves around the lives of the colorful residents of Cannery Row, a street lined with sardine canneries. At the heart of the novel is Doc, a gentle and wise marine biologist who runs a laboratory and is beloved by the community. Other key characters include Mack and his group of good-hearted but mischievous drifters, who are always scheming to do something nice for Doc; Lee Chong, the shrewd yet generous grocery store owner; and Dora Flood, the kind-hearted madam of the local brothel. The plot centers on Mack and the boys' plan to throw a surprise party for Doc to show their appreciation. Their efforts lead to a series of humorous and touching events, including an initial disastrous attempt that leaves Doc's lab in shambles, followed by a second, more successful party.

Length: 184 Pages (243 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

Ace Your Job Interview with ChatGPT: Unlock the Secrets of Effective Job Searching with AI by Yutian Tang 4.5 Stars (12 Reviews)    Price verified 8 minutes ago

Crafted by a top-tier career strategist, this book harnesses the extraordinary capabilities of ChatGPT to transform your approach to interviews. Whether you're a fresh graduate stepping into the corporate world or an experienced professional aiming for a leap in your career trajectory, this guide is your roadmap to success. Inside, you'll discover how to: • Decode the most complex interview questions with AI-driven insights that break down the intent and expectations behind each query. • Tailor your responses to resonate with any interviewer, using ChatGPT's analysis of tone, language, and professional jargon. • Leverage real-time simulated interviews to refine your delivery, reduce anxiety, and perfect your timing. • Harness the power of AI to research and understand company culture, mission, and values, ensuring your answers align perfectly with potential employers. • "Ace Your Job Interview with ChatGPT" is more than just a book. It's an interactive experience that prepares you for any interview scenario, ensuring you walk through the door with knowledge, confidence, and a strategy designed to impress. In the course of this book, we will cover: • Chapter 1: Introduction to ChatGPT and the Modern Job Market • Chapter 2: Setting Up ChatGPT for Interview Preparation • Chapter 3: Developing Your Interview Skills with ChatGPT • Chapter 4: Predicting Interview Questions with ChatGPT • Chapter 5: Mock Interview Setup with Voice Control Are you ready to turn every interview into a job offer? Grab your copy today and build the career you've always desired!

Genre: Business & Money [f] [x]
Length: 61 Pages (3,035 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

Southern Keto Cookbook:Quick, Easy & Delicious High Fat & Low-Carb Southern Recipes For The Busy People On Keto Diet: With Pictures by James Kelle 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 2 hours ago

This Is a Special Southern Keto Cookbook this Keto Southern Cookbook can be Used by Beginners,Men & Women. It is also best For Busy People Who Is Trying lose Weight On keto Diet. this Keto Southern Recipes are for Homemade Cooking. The Recipes Inside this Keto Southern Cookbook Are Quick & Easy Low Carb Ketogenic Southern Recipes to Burn fat, Lower Cholesterol, and Boost Energy. Why This Cookbook Is Best For You? This Cookbook Contains special Keto Dessert Recipes:- This Cookbook Contains 30+ Low carb & gluten-free recipes so that you don't have to search for recipes for at least 1 month. Easy To Cook Recipes:-it contains easy-to-cook low-carb Southern recipes so that you don't wait for a long time to cook any meal. it can be done easily with this cookbook Step By Step Guide:-This Cookbook will help you to cook all recipes step by step so that you don't get lost while cooking your recipes Mouth-Watering Recipes:-All the recipes Include In this Cookbook are mouth-watering so that after cooking you don't feel that this is not a good recipe.

Genre: Health, Fitness & Dieting [f] [x]
Length: 92 Pages (17,654 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

The Future Has Already Happened: Gen AI and the New World Order by Tim Heaton 4.7 Stars (10 Reviews)    Price verified 8 minutes ago

"The Future Has Already Happened: Gen AI and the New World Order" is a visionary exploration of the seismic shifts brought about by Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) across various facets of human life. This book delves into the profound ways in which GenAI is reshaping the foundations of society, from transforming traditional industries and redefining the concept of work to revolutionizing education and challenging our ethical frameworks. At the heart of this narrative is a critical examination of how GenAI, bolstered by advancements in quantum computing and synthetic data, is creating a new paradigm for knowledge, discovery, and innovation. The author navigates through the complex landscape of GenAI's implications, addressing the dual nature of technology as both a tool for unprecedented progress and a source of new challenges and ethical dilemmas. The book opens with a discussion on the impact of GenAI on the workforce, highlighting the obsolescence of certain professions and the emergence of new opportunities that prioritize adaptability, creativity, and lifelong learning. It then transitions to the realm of education, proposing a shift towards integrated learning models that combine STEM disciplines with classical wisdom and ethics, preparing individuals for a future where GenAI plays a central role. Further chapters explore the economic and societal implications of GenAI, from its potential to drive growth and innovation to the ethical considerations it raises regarding privacy, bias, and the digital divide. The narrative underscores the importance of governance and international cooperation in harnessing GenAI's potential responsibly, emphasizing adaptive policies that ensure equitable benefits across society. "The Future Has Already Happened" also ventures into speculative territory, forecasting the cross-disciplinary discoveries GenAI might facilitate and the new frontiers of knowledge it could unlock. The book concludes with a reflection on ...

Length: 246 Pages (1,985 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

Canning and Preservation Made Simple: How to Master Food Safety, Savings, and Self-Sufficiency in Just Minutes a Day by Nydia Meskill 4.8 Stars (63 Reviews)    Price verified 8 minutes ago

Eat Better than You Ever Have Before and Save Money in the Process with These Amazing Home Food Preservation Techniques! For many of us, throwing food away is painful for several reasons. For one thing, it's food that could have gone to someone else. Considering how many hungry people there are in the world, this is the forefront of most people's guilt when tossing food that has gone bad. Food waste also does damage to the environment. Growing, raising, and creating food to eat takes resources. When those resources are wasted, damage is done to the planet with no benefit to balance it out. Not to mention, every time you throw food away, that's money that you might as well have thrown into the trash directly. So what can you do? Is there a way to minimize your food waste, save money, and be more self-sustainable at the same time? Luckily there is. The answer is to preserve your food, and you can do this in three simple, diverse, but equally effective ways: freezing, canning, and dehydration. In this book, you will discover: • Crucial safety guidelines and protocols to keep you and your family safe when enjoying your delicious, home-preserved foods • Proven ways that practicing home food preservation will greatly benefit your diet and your wallet • Detailed, comprehensive guides on how to freeze, dehydrate, and can your foods to preserve them for later • Expert tips and tricks for gathering ingredients and getting started with food preservation... even if you're on a tight budget • The proper guidelines for storing your preserved foods to maximize their shelf life and ensure that nothing goes to waste • How to get creative when preserving ingredients and cooking with preserved foods to keep things fun and fresh • Tons of amazing and unique canning, pickling, and dehydrating recipes to get you started! And much more. Believe it or not, preserving your own foods is a lot easier than you think. Truly anyone can dehydrate, can, or freeze ...

Genre: Cookbooks, Food & Wine [f] [x]
Length: 181 Pages (3,278 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

A Complete Guide to Physical Chemistry Experiments and Conceptual Questions by Neelam Seedher 4.9 Stars (14 Reviews)    Price verified 8 minutes ago

Highlights of the book: • A comprehensive text explaining concepts, experimental details and conceptual questions in a clear and concise way. • Useful for Physical and Analytical chemistry students. • Sixteen physical chemistry techniques and 70 related experiments discussed in detail. • Sufficient basic information about forty-five other suggested experiments also included. • The book explains minutest details about the experimental procedures. Mistakes generally committed by students during the performance of the experiments specially highlighted throughout the book. • To help students understand basic concepts and prepare for oral examination, more than 500 conceptual questions posed and answered with detailed explanations. • Part I deals with all the basics of physical chemistry laboratory such as measurement of weight and volume, density of liquids, measurement and control of temperature, accuracy, precision and error analysis, units and dimensions, unit conversions, cleaning and calibration of glassware, preparation and standardization of solutions, plotting a graph, safety in physical chemistry laboratory and writing a lab report. • Part II includes complete details about the experiments such as the principle on which the experiment is based, apparatus and chemicals required, methods used, observations, calculations, result and precautions. Some relevant oral conceptual questions with answers have also been included at the end of each chapter. • Very simple and easy to understand language is used throughout. • The book is first of its kind since it includes not only the concepts and experimental procedures in detail but oral conceptual questions on each topic with answers and detailed explanations as well.

Genre: Science & Math [f] [x]
Length: 379 Pages (3,820 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

Life Interrupted - second edition by d.l heather 4.6 Stars (14 Reviews)    Price verified 37 minutes ago

This is the second edition of author D.L. Heather's award-winning book, 'Life Interrupted'. This book was one that readers loved and appreciated all around the world, a book that helped spread awareness about what it's like to live with an invisible illness. Life Interrupted is a powerful and intensely moving poetry book of one woman's journey into a life of chronic pain-and the unyielding resilience of the human spirit. D.L. Heather's collection of poems takes you on a journey through living with chronic pain & endometriosis, healing, self-discovery, inner strength, and personal transformation. The second edition of 'Life Interrupted' includes all the original and new pieces, a new cover, and expanded tweaking and perfecting of words that readers have loved and enjoyed.

Genre: Poetry [f] [x]
Length: 110 Pages (5,132 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

On Eagles' Wings: More Studies in the Psalms by Volker Heide 5.0 Stars (4 Reviews)    Price verified 2 hours ago

This book is great for personal devotions, Bible Study, or preparing sermons. It will lead you deeper into the Word of God. Numerous Bible passages are discussed to explain each Psalm. Carefully read and meditate upon them. All Psalms and Bible passages are printed out in full. Comments are included for reflection and prayer. Let these Psalms guide you to a better understanding of our gracious God. They will speak to your deepest needs and strengthen your faith in Christ. The New Testament quotes the Psalms to show how Jesus is the promised Messiah and King of Israel. He is the Savior that God promised to the Old Testament saints. The Psalms point us to the Son of God and his saving work. The authors of the New Testament received the Book of Psalms as a book about Jesus the Messiah and his kingdom of grace. There are about 100 different citations of the Psalms in the New Testament, from 35 different Psalms. Plus, there are numerous allusions to a multitude of verses. Our Lord Jesus himself quoted many Psalms as he taught the people and his disciples. The Psalms also help us to worship our Lord with joy and thanksgiving. They inspire us and give us courage and hope, especially during times of suffering and heartache. Sometimes we do not know what we should say in our prayers. Here, the Psalms can teach you how to approach God with confidence and certainty. Make the words of the Psalms your own by praying them aloud. This book looks at: PSALM 86: THE DAY OF MY TROUBLE. PSALM 90: TEACH US TO NUMBER OUR DAYS. PSALM 91: ON EAGLES' WINGS. PSALM 96: SING TO THE LORD A NEW SONG. PSALM 100: MAKE A JOYFUL NOISE. PSALM 105: REMEMBER GOD'S WONDERS. PSALM 106: THEY SOON FORGOT. PSALM 110: THOU ART A PREIST FOREVER. PSALM 116: I LOVE THE LORD. PSALM 118: THE STONE THE BUILDERS REJECTED. PSALM 130: OUT OF THE DEPTHS. PSALM 136: HIS MERCY ENDURES FOREVER. PSALM 139: THY RIGHT HAND SHALL HOLD ME. PSALM 143: HEAR ME, O LORD. PSALM 145: I WILL EXTOL THEE. PSALM 146: GOD IS OUR ...

Genre: Religion & Spirituality [f] [x]
Length: 232 Pages (1,949 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

Raiders of the Red Dot by Jen Smith 5.0 Stars (2 Reviews)    Price verified one hour ago

Jo Andrews, a 50-year old American expat, Ph.D. in Accountancy, is recovering from a stroke that has compromised her left brain processing capabilities. Basically, she's lost her numbers. Jimmy Foo is an 18-year old Chinese Singaporean with a desire to be an Asian Indiana Jones. Together, they confound a Pakistani syndicate, an American evangelist, and a Singaporean tycoon who are set on making markets in antiquities illegally removed from Iraqi museums, ancient Bibles bought and sold like mass paperbacks, and treasures buried since before the Japanese occupation of Singapore in 1941. ***** Southwest of China at the furthest tip of the Malay Peninsula, surrounded by sparking blue waters, lies the tropical island of Singapore. An economic powerhouse in Southeast Asia, the Lion City is a model of efficiency and cultural diversity, a magical place where the lines between past, present and future flow seamlessly. Nearly five million people of all nationalities make their home here. Look. There. On the map. See the little red dot? Good. You found us. Welcome. Please come in. But do behave yourself. And don't forget the sunscreen.

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [f] [x]
Length: 211 Pages (574 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

The Shieldmaiden's Honour (The Song of Britain Cycle Book 9) by James Calbraith 4.5 Stars (47 Reviews)    Price verified 2 hours ago

All is not well in Britannia Prima. Though Princess Madron had helped her husband Honorius defeat the four-year-long revolt, and was blessed with a second child - a son - dark clouds are still gathering over the Dux's throne. The rebellious nobles remain unplacated, the borders are still aflame, and a new menace of the Gewisse Saxons threatens the lines of trade and communication with the rest of Britannia. Worse still, the old Dux Ambrosius is dying. Before he leaves this mortal world, he wants to ensure his legacy, and secure the inheritance of his son, Honorius - and the newly-born grandson - against the rebels and barbarians.To this end, he agrees to an alliance with the Bishop of Lindocoln on the eastern coast - a coast ravaged by a mysterious, newly arrived pirate fleet. Madron joins her husband and his warriors on a expedition to aid the Bishop - but as she ventures into the inhospitable marshes around Lindocoln, she's about to discover a conspiracy of vast proportions, stretching far beyond the Narrow Sea, all the way to the Imperial Gaul and Frankia. Return to the Britannia of the Arthurian Age, and travel to Frankia of the Merovingians, in this new adventure in the best-selling The Song of Britain saga - second book of the The Song of Madron.

Genre: History [f] [x]
Length: 379 Pages (3,710 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

Assertiveness in 5 Days: Assertiveness Training to Master Standing Up for Yourself Respectfully and Effectively (Communication Skills Mastery Series ... by Luca Nuvole 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 8 minutes ago

Have you ever had the feeling that you didn't explain yourself well enough, or at all? Or perhaps you felt misunderstood or noticed the person you're talking to getting nervous during the conversation? This manuscript serves as an assertiveness workbook, guiding you through the fundamentals of effective communication by blending theory with practical exercises. Imagine waking up each morning knowing you can confidently and calmly approach any conversation, openly expressing your opinions while respectfully listening to others. Through real-life examples, explanations, and targeted exercises, "Assertiveness in 5 Days" empowers you to be assertive in your interactions, overcoming the fear of speaking up or coming off as aggressive. The book is structured into 5 chapters, meant to be read once per day. Each chapter includes 15 minutes for theoretical learning and 15 minutes for practical application. You'll appreciate this book because, within just 5 days, you'll grasp the essentials to: ? Recognize communication styles and identify the one that most suits you, identifying areas for improvement in the way you interact. ? Understand assertiveness and its transformative impact on your relationships and emotional well-being. ? Achieve your goals with a heightened awareness of your desires and personal/professional boundaries, effectively expressing yourself. ? Learn to say no constructively and respectfully, balancing your needs with those of others without feeling guilty. ? Express your needs and opinions clearly and firmly without falling into aggression. ? Use body language in a way that is consistent with your verbal communication to convey authenticity and confidence. ? Control your emotions during interactions, to maintain clarity even in the most tense situations. But that's not all; this manual holds additional value because it: ? Provides you with the 10 golden rules of assertiveness, foundational principles every effective communicator should know and ...

Genre: Health, Fitness & Dieting [f] [x]
Length: 108 Pages (1,866 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

Just Vic by Gerald Burke 5.0 Stars (2 Reviews)    Price verified 2 hours ago

Vic follows a simple code of life -- when stuck between certain death and certain death, always chose a third option. Ready to renounce his criminal ways, Vic needs to pull one last heist -- transporting a rare and valuable albino friklar across a short section of space without detection. Easy money. However, when the animal escapes on a primitive planet called Earth, Vic must either settle accounts with his boss -- ruthless Axle Prim -- or endure his wrath. With a careful mix of charm, guile and old-fashioned skullduggery, Vic lures a hapless postal worker into a scheme that includes an edible form of dark matter, a half-mad spaceship and a machine capable of verifying the existence of the soul. As the tangles unweave, Vic's plan will either cost them both their lives or gain Vic everything he's ever wanted. If all goes well, he might just save the cat too... A space adventure that is equal parts satire, Just Vic will have you in LOL induced stitches the whole way through.

Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy [f] [x]
Length: 317 Pages (1,100 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

Weapons of Old (The Unbound Realm Book 2) by Kent Wayne 5.0 Stars (4 Reviews)    Price verified 2 hours ago

As Jon gains power and knowledge, he treks far and wide across Evermoor's breadth. In his quest for a mirror that will decide the fate of the world, he comes across monster-filled dungeons, fantasy-world pirates, and countless other marvels and oddities.

Genre: Teen & Young Adult [f] [x]
Length: 501 Pages (2,518 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

Electro Morning by Seth Stephens 5.0 Stars (2 Reviews)    Price verified 37 minutes ago

Electro has worked hard to become himself. He's also dedicated years to building the perfect crew. His best friend, Jam, is the music maker, the turntablist and bass enthusiast of the bunch. This dynamic duo helps forge the frontier of a new genre of music called (purely by coincidence) electro. That is until the government bans it. With relentless crackdowns and a vicious task force, Electro quickly finds himself on the wrong side of the law. His continuous rebellious actions put him on their radar, and his unbreakable defiance eventually makes him a target. This is a story that shows how a spark of hope can ignite a fire that threatens to burn down the walls built by ignorance and hate. The question is... will Electro survive?

Genre: Literature & Fiction [f] [x]
Length: 318 Pages (6,822 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

Becoming Who We Were by Eric Hargis 5.0 Stars (5 Reviews)    Price verified one hour ago

An historical novel set in the ruthless arenas of Washington politics, Wall Street and corporate greed, Becoming Who We Were speaks to love, loss, longing and the search for meaning in an imperfect world. Charming and clever, Sean O'Hare seeks to orchestrate life but instead finds himself swept along by happenstance. At the apex of his successful career Sean stumbles into a mystery that involves the brilliant and idealistic Cate, who has haunted him for decades. A host of seemingly unrelated characters come together at the epicenter of a chase to avert a potentially catastrophi8c medical disaster. If life is defined by the choices you make, what about the choices of others that profoundly affect you? Can you ever really leave behind the past that formed and changed your life when it continues to echo and then suddenly reemerges in the present. "The past is never dead. It's not even past." -- William Faulkner, Requiem for a Nun

Genre: Historical Fiction [f] [x]
Length: 414 Pages (2,041 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

In your dreams by Ant Richards 5.0 Stars (2 Reviews)    Price verified 2 hours ago

Jack Parsons, Chief Editor at THE GREAT ESCAPE is living the dream. Actually, more than one dream. When a colleague calls out to him at an airport, a woman he'd never met before asks him for a cigarette and an old acquaintance who once brought out the very worst in him turns up unexpectedly, Jack begins to question where dreams end and reality takes over. Maybe it's time he took a break. While visiting an old friend in Amsterdam life just gets that bit more exciting - for all the wrong reasons. Unexpected and uninvited, Monika bursts into his life. Things can't get any worse. Jack has always had a talent for making enemies. Ambiguous, enigmatic, cynical, and short-fused, Jack Parsons also knows how to hold a grudge. Only by harnessing and mastering his dark side can he unravel the nightmare that is slowly unfolding before him. Are these vivid dreams some kind of out-of-body experience, astral travel or is he simply starting to lose it? The past has sharp teeth. Sooner or later, any unfinished business will always come back to bite.

Genre: Literature & Fiction [f] [x]
Length: 327 Pages (573 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024