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Tales of the Gods: A Viking Voyage of Norse Mythology by L. J. Marvyls 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 36 minutes ago

Venture back to the golden age of Vikings and experience Norse Myths retold as they were, by warriors and raiders of the era, on a bold journey to secure a Danegeld unmatched by any seen before. This is Norse Mythology and Viking history intertwined into an adventure not to miss. Have you ever felt the weight of routine dulling your sense of adventure, longing for a time when courage and valor decided the fate of nations? Do you yearn to escape into a world where gods clash and heroes rise to the call of battle? What if you could join a band of Vikings on their most daring mission yet? Come and delve into Norse Mythology through a unique tale, in a style all its own, that intertwines the stories of the gods with a Viking adventure for riches untold. In this book, you will: • Unravel Norse Myths Like Never Before: Experience the power of Norse mythology as if told through the eyes of the very Vikings who lived, breathed, and believed these tales. • Engage with Intriguing Characters: Meet a diverse cast of characters from different religions and cultures, each bringing unique histories and viewpoints to a shared quest that binds their fates together. • Forge a Connection Across Centuries: Delve into the depths of Viking lore, uncovering the timeless appeal of Norse mythology and its captivating chronicles. • Discover the ancient stories of gods, as originally told by Viking storytellers: Be regaled by the Norse myths from Creation to Ragnarok in the same oral style as they were told at the time, enriching the historical experience, and bringing these tales to you in a way unlike any other. Concerned the mix of myth and history isn't your horn of mead? Let this book change your mind with its intriguing blend of ancient lore and historical depth. This story invites you on an unparalleled expedition where fabled tales and bygone truths merge into an entertaining and enlightening adventure for anyone to enjoy. If you want to traverse the realms of gods ...

Genre: History [x]
Length: 176 Pages (8,915 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 14th, 2024

Odar: Jido, A Journey Through Community by Denice Peter Karamardian (Denice Karamardian) 4.0 Stars (2 Reviews)    Price verified 27 minutes ago

Hovsep Karamardian is on the precipice of adulthood. Finishing his education, he awaits a life in the family business that seems to him like a prison. On an errand to market, an unexpected confrontation forever changes him. After living a life surrounded by family and friends in Kessab, he is abruptly forced to travel with his brother to start again in the Americas. Hovsep is odar or other in this new world. Relying on nothing but his own intrepid nature and ability to adapt, he finds work, love, and friendships that will last a lifetime. Thus begins a story that will span generations and trace the unfolding of improbably linked fates. Denice Peter Karamardian's Jido explores the honoring of family, memory, and legacy even in the midst of new beginnings and evolving identities.

Genre: History [x]
Length: 194 Pages (2,719 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 14th, 2024

Wheels of Brotherhood: Eternal Bonds of Service by Joseph Wainwright (979-8-9902096-2-6) 5.0 Stars (3 Reviews)    Price verified 5 hours ago

What to you do when the memories and ghosts of your past coming flooding back? When Ray Parrish, a quiet Marine Corps Vietnam Veteran, receives an unexpected phone call from his old Marine friend, Frank Whittaker, memories of his time in the war come flooding back, upending his new normal. Since his decision to enlist in the USMC in 1967 to boot camp and beyond, Ray's memories unravel in a beautiful and heart-breaking tapestry of trials, pain, hilarity, and the forging of lifelong friendships. As his marine buddies return to his life and his heart, Ray's life reflects a culmination of grief in war and the triumph of victory -- along with the struggle of healing after tragedy. Adapting to civilian life is no easy feat, but being amongst brethren who know the struggle make it that much easier for Ray to confront his mortality and reflect on his legacy.

Genre: History [x]
Length: 313 Pages (2,973 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 14th, 2024

Segunda Guerra Mundial: 500 datos interesantes sobre grandes acontecimientos, batallas y personajes (Colección de Historias Curiosas) (Spanish ... by Ahoy Publications 4.3 Stars (9 Reviews)    Price verified 3 hours ago

¡Descubra la fascinante historia de la Segunda Guerra Mundial con 500 datos interesantes! Desde la invasión de Polonia hasta el Día de la Victoria sobre Japón, este libro es su guía definitiva para comprender este acontecimiento histórico. Obtenga información sobre batallas fundamentales, como Pearl Harbor, Midway y Stalingrado. Conozca las armas y tecnologías utilizadas en las batallas y descubra cómo las mujeres desempeñaron un papel importante en tiempos de guerra. Explore significativos movimientos de resistencia y explore los legados de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Le espera un viaje emocionante, ¡así que abróchese el cinturón! Profundice en la historia con capítulos que incluyen: • El estallido de la Segunda Guerra Mundial • Batalla de Inglaterra • Ataque a Pearl Harbor • Batalla de Stalingrado • Campos de concentración para japoneses en los Estados Unidos • ¡Y mucho más! Este libro es imprescindible para cualquiera que desee conocer en profundidad uno de los momentos más decisivos de la historia. Consiga su ejemplar hoy mismo y explore 500 datos interesantes sobre la Segunda Guerra Mundial.

Genre: History [x]
Length: 159 Pages (26,004 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 14th, 2024

Echoes of the Ancient: Unlocking the Mysteries of Celtic Myths (The Celtic Mythology Series Book 1) by Myrddin Sage Price verified 8 hours ago

1. Echoes of the Ancient: Unlocking the Mysteries of Celtic Myths Dive into the enigmatic world of Celtic mythology with "Echoes of the Ancient: Unlocking the Mysteries of Celtic Myths." This first volume introduces readers to the complex pantheon of gods, goddesses, and spiritual beliefs that have shaped Celtic culture. Uncover ancient legends and rituals that continue to mystify and inspire. Through detailed analysis and captivating storytelling, this book explores the origins and evolution of these myths, offering insights into the societal and historical contexts that birthed these enduring tales.

Genre: History [x]
Length: 102 Pages (914 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 14th, 2024

Historias de la Revolución estadounidense: Historias olvidadas de valentía, traición y triunfo durante la guerra de la Independencia (Colección ... by Ahoy Publications Price verified 8 hours ago

Sumérjase en la historia de la Revolución estadounidense. ¿Es usted un entusiasta de la historia y quiere saber más sobre la guerra de la Independencia? ¿Busca un libro de historia que contenga algo más que los datos habituales sobre un acontecimiento histórico concreto? ¿Desea conocer acontecimientos y personajes olvidados que marcaron este acontecimiento histórico? Desde héroes inusuales hasta relatos menos conocidos que muestran el valor y la determinación, este libro ofrece una mezcla única de hechos que dieron forma a los acontecimientos de la Revolución estadounidense. En este libro, usted podrá: • Conocer cómo se formó la red de espionaje Culper y cuál era su propósito. • Explorar las historias de la guerra de guerrillas en el sur, junto con la vida de uno de sus protagonistas más destacados, Francis Marion. • Conocer quién era Deborah Sampson y por qué se disfrazó de soldado de la guerra de la Independencia. • Sumergirse en historias de dolor y penurias, explorando los oscuros días en Valley Forge. • Comprender mejor cómo la batalla de Saratoga cambió las tornas. • Descubrir las desgarradoras historias de traición y lealtad en la frontera durante los conflictos del valle del Mohawk. • Comprender la importancia de la traición de Benedict Arnold. • Aprender cómo el genio táctico de Daniel Morgan condujo a la victoria estadounidense en la batalla de Cowpens. • Viajar a través de la agitada vida y carrera naval de John Paul Jones, comandante del Bonhomme Richard. • Comprender lo que condujo al Tratado de París y a la independencia de Estados Unidos. Con su mezcla de narraciones históricas auténticas y revelaciones sorprendentes, presentadas de forma amena y fácil de entender, este libro es una lectura fantástica para todos los interesados en comprender mejor los acontecimientos de la Revolución estadounidense. Haga clic en el botón «añadir a la cesta» para ampliar sus conocimientos ...

Genre: History [x]
Length: 135 Pages (6,391 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 14th, 2024

Nuclear Fallout: America's Strategies for Survival and Recovery by Jorden Beacon Price verified 27 minutes ago

This is a comprehensive guide that addresses the critical issue of nuclear fallout and its impact on the United States. The book aims to raise awareness about the potential consequences of a nuclear disaster and the importance of being prepared. The book divides into the historical context of nuclear weapons, the science behind nuclear fallout, and the various scenarios that could lead to a nuclear catastrophe. It captures the reader's interest by providing a detailed understanding of the threats posed by nuclear fallout and the need for effective emergency response plans. "Nuclear Fallout" instills a desire in the reader to take proactive steps towards ensuring the safety and well-being of themselves, their families, and their communities in the event of a nuclear disaster. The book offers practical strategies and recommendations for survival and recovery, empowering the reader to feel more in control and prepared. The book provides a comprehensive action plan that guides the reader through the necessary steps to prepare for and respond to a nuclear fallout event. This includes information on emergency supplies, evacuation procedures, decontamination methods, and long-term recovery efforts. The reader is encouraged to take immediate action to implement the strategies outlined in the book. This guides will show you how to • Understanding Nuclear Fallout and its Dangers • Facts and Myths about Nuclear War • Expedient Shelter and Protection • Minimum Pre-Crisis Preparations • Civil Defense Operations and Public Safety

Genre: History [x]
Length: 122 Pages (830 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 13th, 2024
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