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The Name of the Shadow by Mars G. Everson 4.1 Stars (11 Reviews)    Price verified 6 hours ago

Fear is a double-edged weapon. When a Shadow spreads over the utopian Colony, the only human enclave on a lonely planet, the young will be the first to understand the danger that hovers above them. What they find about themselves in that struggle will lead them to greatness... or to the destruction of their idyllic way of living. For Arlan, the Shadow is his chance to prove himself and become a man in the eyes of his elders. His friend Seto has always stood in Arlan's shadow, but he might not have a choice but to step up. But their childhood friend Nara just wants to keep everyone around her safe... and that might mean standing in Arlan's way before he leads them to their doom. Who will rise a hero, and who will become a monster? In the tradition of Ursula K. Le Guin and Isaac Asimov, this is the story of a people who do not know fear... and what happens when they discover it.

Genre: Coming of Age [x]
Length: 154 Pages (5,349 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 10th, 2024

The War On Butterflies by Antonio J. Hopson (Wildboy Concepts) 4.2 Stars (8 Reviews)    Price verified 11 hours ago

The War on Butterflies is a gripping novel that weaves a tale of adolescence, existential dilemmas, and the complex bonds of family. Tobias Stuart Daye, a fifteen-year-old grappling with the throes of puberty and perilous homemade fireworks, finds his life further complicated by an unexpected seduction and the relentless pursuit of a Pentecostal minister. As Toby faces these challenges, his world intertwines with that of his adopted cousin, Aiyana, who is on a tragic quest of her own. Set against the picturesque backdrop of Fairhaven, Washington, this story reveals a community in turmoil, battling the unexpected invasion of the Cabbage Butterfly. Toby's innocent backyard hobby spirals into a town-wide crisis, pitting him against his mother, a Unitarian minister with political ambitions and a determined stance against the ecological disaster. Her actions, driven by civic duty and a desire for power, create a chasm within her family, leading to a defiant disappearance to the enigmatic Lummi Island. As the story unfolds, deeper family secrets emerge. Jace, Toby's brother, struggles with heroin addiction, teetering on the edge of destruction, while Aiyana seeks something profound to believe in amid her own life-threatening crisis. In a journey of self-discovery and survival, Toby must navigate the treacherous waters of family loyalty, personal identity, and the harsh realities of growing up.

Genre: Coming of Age [x]
Length: 231 Pages (2,444 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 10th, 2024
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