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The eNotated Hunting of the Snark by Lewis Carroll (eNotated Classics) 4.4 Stars (594 Reviews)    Price verified 5 hours ago

Though most ebooks are simple conversions of paper books, "The eNotated Hunting of the Snark" is a completely new approach that takes advantage of ebook technology by providing comprehensive eNotations (electronic annotations), essays, and background information conveniently accessible through links and a active table of contents. Written by Pam Sowers, researcher, journalist, and long-time "Snark" fan, this background biographical, historical, and interpretive information reveals a "Hunting of the Snark" not visible to most readers. Sowers notes in her introduction that Snark is "a poem that 'describes with infinite humour the impossible journey of an improbable crew to find an inconceivable creature,'" a kind of "'Odyssey of the Nonsensical'" that "unlike the 'Alice' books, is not intended only for children", adding that "through the decades, 'the poem has continued to attract a small cult following of adult readers.'" Comparing Snark to "Through the Looking Glass," Sowers say "Much of the poem shares words and ideas that first were used in the poem 'Jabberwocky' in 'Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There.'" but with "'less exuberance and wordplay and more adult fear and anxiety throughout' Despite having the overall theme of a quest, as 'Jabberwocky,' did, in 'Snark' there is 'none of the triumphant joy of the earlier ballad, since the hunt ends this time in failure,' as eventually adults must acknowledge that all lives end in death. Carroll was reminded of this physical fact daily; despite his faith, he was facing the unknown of this final transition, and wrote it out metaphorically in this poem. The author tried to face this with his former exuberance, but knew he was dancing against the coming darkness." Sowers has written her eNotations with several different audiences in mind: "A young reader might just read through the main text and look at the pictures, while a slightly older reader might read the definitions as well: so much of the ...

Genre: Classics [x]
Length: 251 Pages (1,353 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Dec 2nd, 2023

Not Giving Up: (Book 1) by Posey Parks (Posey Parks Publishing) 4.4 Stars (272 Reviews)    Price verified one hour ago

I'm staking my claim on the hot southern goddess. Women were always in abundance. Zoey is the only woman who can make the other women disappear. One problem. She's not looking for a man. Zoey is sassy, hot and has curves that never stop. One touch of those soft lips and I knew I had to claim every inch of her. I have one night. I'll prove to her that I'm the only man who can satisfy her. She'll be clutching the sheets and seeing stars when I'm done with her. I don't care about her dark past. I'm her future. Whoever caused this mocha beauty sadness will witness my wrath. For a special reading experience: Each series doesn't have to be read in this order.. Samantha Posey Love Unfolded Samantha Posey Love Reveals Samantha Posey Love Conquers Not Giving Up Book 1 Not Giving Up Book 2 Relentless Chase Book 1 BWWM Romance

Genre: Classics [x]
Length: 193 Pages (650 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Aug 5th, 2023

Le bacille (French Edition) by Arnould Galopin (Bibebook) 4.0 Stars (96 Reviews)    Price verified 2 hours ago

Martial Procas est un scientifique reconnu, spécialiste des microbes pathogènes. De plus il est beau et le tout-Paris, en particulier féminin, accourt à ses conférences universitaires. Un jour, une belle Américaine attire son regard et il tombe éperdument amoureux de cette femme qui se révèle une aventurière et le quitte quelques semaines à peine après leur mariage. Quand il s'en rend compte, Procas est victime d'une crise très grave, un cas de cyanose dû à un rétrécissement de l'artère pulmonaire. Procas prend une teinte bleue qui ne le quittera plus. Dès lors, victime de la haine de ses semblables, il doit fuir car «rien n'était impressionnant comme cette face qui semblait celle d'un cadavre en décomposition et qui était cependant éclairée par deux yeux jeunes où se lisaient la douleur de vivre encore et l'exaspération de ne plus compter parmi les vivants... ». Extrait : Tout à coup il s'arrêta. Un portrait de Meg accroché au mur le regardait de ses grands yeux étonnés. Il le contempla quelques instants, puis baissa lentement la tête, comprimant de ses deux mains les battements désordonnés de son c?ur. Maintenant que sa fureur était calmée, que sa haine avait fait place à un grand abattement, il se sentait devenir lâche, et si Meg fût revenue à cet instant, peut-être se serait-il jeté à ses pieds comme un coupable. Il regarda de nouveau le portrait, la poitrine secouée de petits sanglots convulsifs, puis passa dans le salon, qui s'illumina dès qu'il en ouvrit la porte. Le piano était demeuré ouvert et, sur le pupitre, s'étalait encore une berceuse de Grieg, qu'il aimait à entendre et qu'il faisait souvent jouer à Meg, car il trouvait à cette mélodie un charme mélancolique et doux, dont son c?ur d'amant était étrangement troublé.

Genre: Classics [x]
Length: 186 Pages (2,293 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Nov 6th, 2022

Le Docteur Omega (Aventures fantastiques de trois Français dans la Planète Mars) (French Edition) by Arnould Galopin (Bibebook) 3.5 Stars (33 Reviews)    Price verified 2 hours ago

Denis Borel, rentier mélomane, s'installe dans une petite ville de province où il fait la connaissance du Docteur Oméga, un savant excentrique. Ce dernier, à la suite de la découverte d'un métal aux propriétés étonnantes, lui propose de s'embarquer pour la planète Mars avec un de ses collaborateurs. Les trois hommes partent donc pour cette destination lointaine à bord d'un vaisseau conçu par le docteur. Ils y feront de multiples rencontres inattendues souvent dangereuses, avant de s'intégrer à une peuplade martienne étonnamment avancée technologiquement. Un roman de science-fiction au charme suranné et au schéma simpliste, dans un style populaire, qui abuse des points de suspension, mais qui se lit avec plaisir comme un des pionniers de la conquête spatiale française!

Genre: Classics [x]
Length: 145 Pages (431 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Nov 6th, 2022

Les chants de Maldoror (French Edition) by Le Comte De Lautréamont (Bibebook) 4.3 Stars (27 Reviews)    Price verified 3 hours ago

Les Chants de Maldoror sont un ouvrage en prose, composé de six parties (« chants ») et publié en 1869 par Isidore Ducasse sous le pseudonyme de Comte de Lautréamont. Le livre ne raconte pas une histoire unique et cohérente, mais est constitué d'une suite d'épisodes dont le fil conducteur est la présence de Maldoror, personnage maléfique doué de pouvoirs surnaturels. Le texte est fondé sur une esthétique de la rupture : chaque strophe peut être lue comme un fragment poétique autonome et aucun fil linéaire, qu'il soit narratif, descriptif ou discursif, n'est suivi bien longtemps. Il s'agit d'un brûlot, «politiquement incorrect», qui ne fut pas du goût des bien-pensants de l'époque. Nourri de violences, d'idées morbides et de délire - peste, pus et poux... - ce texte énigmatique et fascinant, ce texte de la démesure donne le vertige, et parfois un peu la nausée...

Genre: Classics [x]
Length: 185 Pages (2,488 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Sep 7th, 2022

diable au corps, Le (French Edition) by Raymond Radiguet 4.1 Stars (942 Reviews)    Price verified 4 hours ago

Ce livre est une oeuvre du domaine public éditée au format numérique par Norph-Nop. L'achat de l'édition Kindle inclut le téléchargement via un réseau sans fil sur votre liseuse et vos applications de lecture Kindle

Genre: Classics [x]
Length: 106 Pages (259 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Aug 22nd, 2022

Tirano Banderas (Spanish Edition) by Ramón del Valle-Inclán (Biblioteca Nacional de España) 3.6 Stars (120 Reviews)    Price verified 5 hours ago

Acerca de esta edición digital Esta edición digital en formato ePub forma parte de un proyecto puesto en marcha por la Biblioteca Nacional de España junto con encaminado a enriquecer la oferta de servicios de la Biblioteca Digital Hispánica y fomentar su acceso y utilización. En el proceso de digitalización de documentos, los impresos son en primer lugar digitalizados en forma de imagen. Posteriormente, el texto es extraído de manera automatizada gracias a la tecnología de reconocimiento óptico de caracteres (OCR). El texto así obtenido ha sido aquí revisado, corregido y convertido a ePub (libro electrónico o «publicación electrónica»), formato abierto y estándar de libros digitales. Se intenta respetar en la mayor medida posible el texto original (por ejemplo en cuanto a ortografía), pero pueden realizarse modificaciones con vistas a una mejor legibilidad y adaptación al nuevo formato. Si encuentra errores o anomalías, estaremos muy agradecidos si nos lo hacen saber a través del correo Las obras aquí convertidas a ePub se encuentran en dominio público, y la utilización de estos textos es libre y gratuita.

Genre: Classics [x]
Length: 157 Pages (557 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Apr 29th, 2022

La lampara maravillosa (Spanish Edition) by Ramón del Valle-Inclán (Biblioteca Nacional de España) 4.1 Stars (76 Reviews)    Price verified 3 hours ago

Acerca de esta edición digital Esta edición digital en formato ePub forma parte de un proyecto puesto en marcha por la Biblioteca Nacional de España junto con encaminado a enriquecer la oferta de servicios de la Biblioteca Digital Hispánica y fomentar su acceso y utilización. En el proceso de digitalización de documentos, los impresos son en primer lugar digitalizados en forma de imagen. Posteriormente, el texto es extraído de manera automatizada gracias a la tecnología de reconocimiento óptico de caracteres (OCR). El texto así obtenido ha sido aquí revisado, corregido y convertido a ePub (libro electrónico o «publicación electrónica»), formato abierto y estándar de libros digitales. Se intenta respetar en la mayor medida posible el texto original (por ejemplo en cuanto a ortografía), pero pueden realizarse modificaciones con vistas a una mejor legibilidad y adaptación al nuevo formato. Si encuentra errores o anomalías, estaremos muy agradecidos si nos lo hacen saber a través del correo Las obras aquí convertidas a ePub se encuentran en dominio público, y la utilización de estos textos es libre y gratuita.

Genre: Classics [x]
Length: 133 Pages (2,007 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Apr 29th, 2022

Bonfire of the Beasts by Scott Reardon (Belden Press) 3.6 Stars (48 Reviews)    Price verified one hour ago

Top 100 Amazon Bestseller. #1 in Political Fiction. Bonfire of the Beasts is the most searing satire of political correctness of our time. Told from the perspective of a swan named Mother Goose, it's the story of animals who rise up against mankind to create a society free of bigotry and hate. What unfolds is a depiction of how sympathy and love can pave the way for unimaginable horrors. "Animal Farm meets 1984." --The Pursuit of Bookiness

Genre: Classics [x]
Length: 130 Pages (3,589 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Feb 5th, 2022

Walking with Mr. Smith by Brandon Enns 4.2 Stars (118 Reviews)    Price verified 4 hours ago

Austin Smith, an aging writer, is in a rut. Outside of Reykjavik, Iceland, Mr. Smith has spent too much time alone in his loft, leaving his creativity to dry up along with his finances. In need of a spark and money to keep a roof over his head, his personal assistant Jeffrey convinces him to embark on a familiar hike into the mountains. It has been many years since Mr. Smith has completed the journey with his now departed wife, and he fears that he is too old and too uninspired to make the trek. With one last shot at redemption, Mr. Smith fears that he can no longer write and that the heartache he still feels for his beloved wife, may finally be the end of him. With nothing but ground to cover, Jeffrey and Mr. Smith find themselves in a dire situation away from civilization. It just so happens that they each have much to gain. And lose.

Genre: Classics [x]
Length: 226 Pages (1,033 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Sep 9th, 2020

Anne of Green Gables (AmazonClassics Edition) by Lucy Maud Montgomery (AmazonClassics) 4.7 Stars (20,333 Reviews)    Price verified 47 minutes ago

Eleven-year-old orphan Anne Shirley has just arrived at Green Gables, and already her guardians want to send her back. First, she's not the boy the Cuthberts expected. Second, she talks too much. And even with her generous spirit, the redhead's a trouble magnet. She gets the neighbor drunk and nearly poisons the pastor! Still, despite a rocky start, the fiery Anne wins over her guardians and her new community. She enjoys life at Green Gables, excels in school, and earns a coveted scholarship. But when tragedy hits, Anne must choose between her dreams and the only home she's ever known. In this beloved coming-of-age story, Lucy Maud Montgomery drew from her own experiences growing up in Canada during the nineteenth century to introduce generations of readers to one of literature's most original and inspiring characters. AmazonClassics brings you timeless works from the masters of storytelling. Ideal for anyone who wants to read a great work for the first time or rediscover an old favorite, these new editions open the door to literature's most unforgettable characters and beloved worlds. Revised edition: Previously published as Anne of Green Gables, this edition of Anne of Green Gables (AmazonClassics Edition) includes editorial revisions.

Genre: Classics [x]
Length: 346 Pages (863 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Mar 27th, 2020

Around the World in Eighty Days (AmazonClassics Edition) by Jules Verne (AmazonClassics) 4.5 Stars (16,584 Reviews)    Price verified 3 hours ago

Pragmatic gambler Phileas Fogg has made a gentlemanly wager to the members of his exclusive club: that he can circle the world in just eighty days, right down to the minute. Fetching his newly appointed French valet, Fogg embarks on a fabulous journey across land and sea -- by steamer, rail, and elephant -- to win the bet of a lifetime. Inspired by Jules Verne's own sea travels and his fascination with circumnavigating the globe, the avid dreamer's picaresque voyage inspired generations of adventurers who were eager to best Verne's challenge -- from nineteenth-century journalist Nellie Bly to Monty Python's Michael Palin. AmazonClassics brings you timeless works from the masters of storytelling. Ideal for anyone who wants to read a great work for the first time or rediscover an old favorite, these new editions open the door to literature's most unforgettable characters and beloved worlds. Revised edition: Previously published as Around the World in Eighty Days, this edition of Around the World in Eighty Days (AmazonClassics Edition) includes editorial revisions.

Genre: Classics [x]
Length: 108 Pages (1,694 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Mar 26th, 2020

Across the Zodiac by Percy Greg 3.8 Stars (150 Reviews)    Price verified 4 hours ago

This book was converted from its physical edition to the digital format by a community of volunteers. You may find it for free on the web. Purchase of the Kindle edition includes wireless delivery.

Genre: Classics [x]
Length: 305 Pages (1,036 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Aug 21st, 2019

The Holy War (Updated, Illustrated): Made by Shaddai upon Diabolus for the Regaining of the Metropolis of the World (Bunyan Updated Classics Book 2) by John Bunyan (Aneko Press) 4.7 Stars (716 Reviews)    Price verified 6 hours ago

More than 100 Original Illustrations Bonus Content: The Life of John Bunyan, by William Brock For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the lords of this age, rulers of this darkness, against spiritual wickedness in the heavens. (Ephesians 6:12) What if you were able to see your life from a spiritual perspective and see the actual reality of the verse above? How does our enemy, Diabolus, plan and carry out his attacks? How do his demons help, and what are their objectives? Why and how must we petition Emmanuel to get His attention and help in this great, holy war? Written four years after The Pilgrim's Progress, John Bunyan followed up with this second allegorical classic, which has touched hearts and minds of readers for generations. The epicenter of this book is the town of Mansoul, its people (such as Conscience, Self-Denial, and Do-Right), and its gates (Eye-gate, Ear-gate, Mouth-gate, Nose-gate, and Feel-gate). The attack by Diabolus and his demons, all of whom have appropriate names, is carefully planned and executed. As still happens to men today, Mansoul fell hard. Emmanuel is of course willing to help, but can only do so on special, seemingly strict terms. As you watch this intense battle unfold, you'll be emboldened to fight with new vigilance, to guard the gates with tenacity, and to rely on Emmanuel's sovereignty like never before. It should be noted that John Bunyan focused not so much on biblical sequence or even perfect accuracy in every aspect. Instead, he honed in specifically on the spiritual battle being waged for each individual soul, filling in other details as needed to create the scenes. In this edition, we updated the text to clarify the meaning of each scene and inserted Bible verses in key areas to bring to light the depth and spiritual meaning of this powerful allegory. About the Author John Bunyan was born in November 1628, in Elstow, England. A celebrated English minister and ...

Genre: Classics [x]
Length: 449 Pages (7,248 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Mar 9th, 2017

Women in Love (Centaur Classics) by D. H. Lawrence 3.9 Stars (664 Reviews)    Price verified 3 hours ago

"Women in Love" begins one blossoming spring day in England and ends with a terrible catastrophe in the snow of the Alps. Ursula and Gudrun are very different sisters who become entangled with two friends, Rupert and Gerald, who live in their hometown. The bonds between the couples quickly become intense and passionate, but whether this passion is creative or destructive is unclear. In this astonishing novel, widely considered to be D. H. Lawrence's best work, he explores what it means to be human in an age of conflict and confusion.

Genre: Classics [x]
Length: 452 Pages (2,256 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 7th, 2016

The Golden Asse by Lucius Apuleius 3.9 Stars (47 Reviews)    Price verified 4 hours ago

This book was converted from its physical edition to the digital format by a community of volunteers. You may find it for free on the web. Purchase of the Kindle edition includes wireless delivery.

Genre: Classics [x]
Length: 238 Pages (517 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Aug 12th, 2014

The Life and Most Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, of York, Mariner (1801) by Daniel Defoe 4.0 Stars (277 Reviews)    Price verified 4 hours ago

This book was converted from its physical edition to the digital format by a community of volunteers. You may find it for free on the web. Purchase of the Kindle edition includes wireless delivery.

Genre: Classics [x]
Length: 379 Pages (520 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Mar 30th, 2014

Gulliver's Travels Into Several Remote Regions of the World by Jonathan Swift 4.1 Stars (857 Reviews)    Price verified 4 hours ago

This book was converted from its physical edition to the digital format by a community of volunteers. You may find it for free on the web. Purchase of the Kindle edition includes wireless delivery.

Genre: Classics [x]
Length: 168 Pages (331 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Mar 18th, 2014

Laws by Plato 4.3 Stars (342 Reviews)    Price verified 3 hours ago

This book was converted from its physical edition to the digital format by a community of volunteers. You may find it for free on the web. Purchase of the Kindle edition includes wireless delivery.

Genre: Classics [x]
Length: 525 Pages (792 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Aug 25th, 2013

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (Tom Sawyer & Huckleberry Finn Series Book 1) by Mark Twain 4.4 Stars (10,181 Reviews)    Price verified 4 hours ago

Dripping with Mark Twain's iconic wit and wisdom, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer chronicles young Tom and his best friend Huckleberry Finn on a life-changing journey of mischief, intrigue, and excitement.

Genre: Classics [x]
Length: 169 Pages (401 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Feb 1st, 2013
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