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Edith Warner and Her Tea Room in the Shadow of Los Alamos (Wild West History) by Julie McDonald 4.7 Stars (7 Reviews)    Price verified 53 minutes ago

All Edith Warner wanted was to live a quiet life and enjoy the magnificent beauty of New Mexico. Her Native American friends provided all the companionship she needed. In this short story, about a 20-30 minute read, you will experience Edith's life in the shadow of the Manhattan Project, in Los Alamos, 20 miles away. Edith Warner became a beloved and treasured friend to Dorothy McKibbin, Robert and Kitty Oppenheimer, Niels Bohr, and many other scientists and their wives who worked at Los Alamos.

Genre: History [x]
Length: 17 Pages (1,169 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

The Catcher in the Rye Enigma: J.D. Salinger's Mind Control Triggering Device or a Coincidental Literary Obsession of Criminals? (The Underground ... by James Morcan (Sterling Gate Books) 3.4 Stars (119 Reviews)    Price verified 4 hours ago

THE CATCHER IN THE RYE ENIGMA unearths the mysteries surrounding the 1951 novel The Catcher in the Rye, by J.D. Salinger - arguably the most controversial book of all time. Nicknamed the 'Bible of teenage angst', the classic novel, which is frequently labeled immoral by different groups, has been banned in various parts of America over the decades. However, the main controversy, and indeed the most common reason for it being banned, was that it either inspired or was associated with some of the most infamous crimes of the 20th Century. These crimes include the murder of John Lennon and the attempted assassination of President Reagan. The allegation directed at Salinger is that he (and/or his publisher) craftily implanted into the book neurolinguistic passages, or coded messages, that act as post-hypnotic suggestions or mind control "triggers". In turn, these triggers enabled CIA handlers to activate Manchurian Candidates for assassinations. Some conspiracy theorists also believe ...

Genre: History [x]
Length: 97 Pages (2,261 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

1812: The Niagara Frontier by William Mowat 4.5 Stars (2 Reviews)    Price verified 14 minutes ago

The 30 years following The Revolutionary War in North America had ushered in relative peace and prosperity across the continent. In the year 1812, Napoleon Bonaparte and his conquest of Europe was at the forefront of British minds, meanwhile the newly formed United States saw an opportunity to push the British out of North America altogether. Years of blockades, sieges, and impressment on the seas were persuading President James Madison and the Americans to declare war against King George III and his colonies. The Niagara area was the borderland and frontier between nations, separated by a cascading river and unforgiving landscape. 1812: The Niagara Frontier follows the lives of citizens, soldiers, leaders, and warriors as they are confronted with the harsh realities of war in such a tumultuous time. It will be the actions and determinations of people like Laura Secord, Isaac Brock, Winfield Scott, and John Norton that will help forge the destiny of North America in the centuries to ...

Genre: History [x]
Length: 277 Pages
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

The Saxon Might (The Song of Britain Cycle Book 3) by James Calbraith 4.3 Stars (471 Reviews)    Price verified 5 hours ago

All is lost. The Gods decided to reward Wortimer and punish Ash, and the future of Britannia is hanging in the balance. In the darkness of a prison cell, through pain of torture, Ash tries to remember how everything has gone so terribly wrong. Wortimer defeated his father and conquered Londin. He took Rhedwyn into his chamber, and threw Ash into the deepest dungeon. His armies are rampaging throughout the province, killing Iutes and Saxons wherever they can find them. It seems nothing and nobody can stop the new Dux of Britons from fulfiling his mission to destroying the Iutes and cast all barbarians out of the island forever. ??? The Saxon Might is the concluding volume of the Song of Ash, a fast-paced, gripping historical fiction trilogy, perfect for fans of Bernard Cornwell's "The Last Kingdom" series, Simon Scarrow, Matthew Harffy and Conn Iggulden. The Finnis Britanniae saga will continue in the next trilogy, the Song of Octa.

Genre: History [x]
Length: 507 Pages (4,388 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

Why a Proponent of Antisemitism Saved 48,000 Jews by Sam Yoffe 5.0 Stars (8 Reviews)    Price verified 53 minutes ago

The book tells the story of a person who, during World War II, saved all 48,000 Jews of Bulgaria. The events described in the book are based on research conducted by Israeli diplomat and intelligence agent - Nir Baruch. Nir Baruch is known for participating in the investigation of the disaster when a Bulgarian fighter plane shot down an Israeli plane with Jewish repatriates on board in 1955. The documents presented in the book are located in: the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, The New York Public Library, The Library of Congress, The Archive of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency.

Genre: History [x]
Length: 80 Pages (11,088 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

The Shieldmaiden's Honour (The Song of Britain Cycle Book 9) by James Calbraith 4.5 Stars (47 Reviews)    Price verified one hour ago

All is not well in Britannia Prima. Though Princess Madron had helped her husband Honorius defeat the four-year-long revolt, and was blessed with a second child - a son - dark clouds are still gathering over the Dux's throne. The rebellious nobles remain unplacated, the borders are still aflame, and a new menace of the Gewisse Saxons threatens the lines of trade and communication with the rest of Britannia. Worse still, the old Dux Ambrosius is dying. Before he leaves this mortal world, he wants to ensure his legacy, and secure the inheritance of his son, Honorius - and the newly-born grandson - against the rebels and barbarians.To this end, he agrees to an alliance with the Bishop of Lindocoln on the eastern coast - a coast ravaged by a mysterious, newly arrived pirate fleet. Madron joins her husband and his warriors on a expedition to aid the Bishop - but as she ventures into the inhospitable marshes around Lindocoln, she's about to discover a conspiracy of vast proportions, ...

Genre: History [x]
Length: 379 Pages (3,710 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

Victims of Communism and Their Persecutors by Gabriel Gherasim (Jongleur Books) 3.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 4 hours ago

The Criminality of the Soviet Union's Communist System Left Many Victims in it's Wake This book takes you on the inside with questions of how the restorative justice process can provide restitution and transform future relations between the victims of Communism and their persecutors. Part Two of this book includes reviews of several important components of the Negotiation, Conflict Resolution & Peacebuilding literature such as: The Prisoner's Dilemma; Intragroup, intergroup and extragroup approaches; Research Design and Interpretation; Communication and Conflict; Negotiation Tactics; Mediation; and Intercultural Conflict. Part Three discusses several aspects of the Literature Review, namely: Restorative justice; Methodology; Introduction; Intrapersonal; Interpersonal; and Societies. Part Four analyzes a satisfactory solution to the proposed question, by using a two tier process: conflict management and conflict resolution. They involve the focus on: Sources of conflict; Analytical ...

Genre: History [x]
Length: 92 Pages (198 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 2nd, 2024

Cryptography in World War I: The History of the Efforts to Make and Break Secret Codes during the Great War by Charles River Editors Price verified 44 minutes ago

World War I stood apart in many ways from earlier wars, not least in the way that it reached to nearly every corner of the planet and involved a noticeable segment of humanity's collective resources. Battles erupted not only on land and the sea's surface as they had for centuries, but also in the ocean depths and the windswept heights of the sky. Nearly every conceivable terrain saw use as a battlefield: the neat farmland and small towns of Western Europe; the streets of major cities; thick forests; open steppes stretching for hundreds of miles; deserts in Africa; rugged mountain ranges; and many other regions of the globe. But one of the war's most crucial struggles happened in the realm of the unseen, inside the human mind and amid the invisible flow of radio waves. Every war is a battle of wits as intelligence-gathering, tactics, and strategies clash, from the level of individual action up to the grand, overarching schemes of generals and statesmen. Intelligence took on a freshly ...

Genre: History [x]
Length: 61 Pages (4,228 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 2nd, 2024

Legends of Lincoln: Tall Tales & Legends of The Life & Times of Abraham Lincoln by Michael John Joseph Del Toro 4.4 Stars (20 Reviews)    Price verified 4 hours ago

The life and times of Abraham Lincoln were among the most dynamic and influential periods in American history and the world. His life and his words continue to inspire readers and students everywhere. This work touches on his life and America from the perspective of his contemporaries and is a valuable resource tool for students and educators of American History and literature. Diverse stories revolving around pioneering, family, romance, war, slavery, politics, games, farming, etc. provide a variety of topics to pique a student's interest in choosing a tale to discuss. Written in the tall tale tradition of American literature, this book covers his family's trek westward, the period of his youth and young adulthood, and through the antebellum and post Civil War period we explore the characteristics and life experiences that led Abraham Lincoln to make the momentous decisions that still affect the world today. A multi-faceted man who excelled at many things, much mystery still ...

Genre: History [x]
Length: 292 Pages (2,128 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 2nd, 2024

Desperate Journey: Escape from Burma in 1942, through 900 miles of arduous, Japanese-occupied territory by Francis Clifford (Lume Books) 4.5 Stars (320 Reviews)    Price verified 4 hours ago

"This is a story of escape; a true account of how a dwindling group of soldiers made their way to safety through nearly a thousand miles of Japanese-occupied territory in the teeth of the monsoon." On 20th April 1942, Captain Thompson received word that the defensive line held by their Chinese allies had broken; orders or no orders, he knew they had to move. Separated from the rest of the Burma Army and weary from months of continuous fighting retreats, the survivors of his Karen Company began their long walk northwards. In the suffocating Burmese jungle the days turned to weeks, the weeks into months, and all the while the mental decay kept pace with their physical deterioration. And yet, with such indomitable men as Subedar-Major Kan Choke and Subedar Ba Gyaw at Thompson's side, his Company clung to each other and endured. When Fort Hertz finally came into view in August, the journey of nine hundred miles and untold maladies had left many of them little more than walking ...

Genre: History [x]
Size: 2,229 KB
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 2nd, 2024

History of Tibet: A Captivating Guide to Ancient Kingdoms, the Tibetan Empire, Mongol Invasions, Buddhism, Chinese Rule, and Modern Times (Asian ... by Captivating History 3.9 Stars (4 Reviews)    Price verified 44 minutes ago

Embark on an epic journey through the heart and history of Tibet! Discover the majestic landscapes, ancient traditions, and the relentless quest for freedom in this captivating journey. Explore the spiritual and everyday life of Tibetan civilization, from the mysterious beginnings of its people to their ongoing struggles under Chinese rule. Inside, you will discover: • Ancient Beginnings: Trace the roots of Tibetan civilization and delve into its spiritual heritage. • Spiritual Legacy: Learn about the origins of the Dalai Lama and the profound impact of Tibetan Buddhism. • Kingdoms and Conquests: Explore the historical alliances and conflicts, including the pivotal Mongolian period. • Under Chinese Rule: Unravel the complex history of Tibetan-Chinese relations from ancient ties to modern struggles. • Fight for Freedom: Witness the resilience of Tibet in its ongoing struggle for independence. This book is a portal to understanding the enduring spirit of Tibet through ...

Genre: History [x]
Length: 110 Pages (5,782 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 2nd, 2024

The Calling (The Saviour of the Two Lands Book 1) by Monika Mangal 3.9 Stars (61 Reviews)    Price verified 2 hours ago

+++ New revised edition +++ First part of a two-volume novel set during the reigns of Amunhotep III and his son Akhenaten The young physician Senmut leads a quiet life that revolves entirely around his patients and his family. The peace is shattered when he finds the body of a stranger on his doorstep, whose obviously violent death is shrouded in mystery. The few tantalizing clues Senmut is able to gather only add to the confusion. Then Senmut is called upon to cure the ailing pharaoh as a matter of urgency to enable him to celebrate his second Sed-Festival. Senmut is at a loss why of all people he, the low-ranking nameless physician, is chosen for this daunting task. Is it really only because of his professional ability, or are there other, more sinister reasons he is unaware of? Why is he bound to absolute secrecy, and why are people trying to kill him? And has the dead stranger anything to do with any of this? The harder Senmut tries to find the answers to these questions, ...

Genre: History [x]
Length: 293 Pages (1,723 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 2nd, 2024

The Disappearance of the Surcouf: The Mysterious Sinking of the Allies’ Largest Submarine during World War II by Charles River Editors Price verified 14 minutes ago

It takes a special type of person to serve in a nation's navy, especially on long voyages that separate men and women from their loved ones, and no service is both loved and hated as that aboard submarines, for very few people ever serve on them on a whim. For one thing, the psychological impact of being trapped for long periods underwater in tight, cramped quarters is more than many people can stand. Also, submarine service is uncharacteristically hazardous; after all, if a surface vessel is sunk, the crew has a reasonable chance of escaping death in lifeboats or being rescued out of the water by another ship. Conversely, if a submarine is badly damaged while submerged, the crew's chances of survival are at best remote. Given that there's such little margin for error in a submersible, many submarine losses remain sources of intrigue and mystery, and during World War II, few sinkings were as controversial as the Surcouf, a Free French submarine that disappeared in the Caribbean in ...

Genre: History [x]
Length: 61 Pages (5,534 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 2nd, 2024

The Royal Family at War (Theo Aronson Royal History) by Theo Aronson 4.3 Stars (224 Reviews)    Price verified 44 minutes ago

'This war', wrote Winston Churchill to King George VI at the height of the Second World War, 'has brought throne and people closer together than was ever before recorded.' Here is a full and fascinating account of that coming together. It is a study of the contribution made not only by George VI and his redoubtable Queen, but also by the entire royal family during those turbulent years, and of how that contribution strengthened and popularized the monarchy. This is a family saga; an account of the lives, as much private as public, of all the diverse members of what George VI called 'The Firm'. Together with the tireless efforts of the King and Queen, it deals with such aspects as the Duke of Windsor's flirtation with fascism, the mysterious death of the Duke of Kent, the activities of the Athlones in Canada and the Gloucesters in Australia, and the imprisonment of the Princess Royal's eldest son, Viscount Lascelles. Occasionally tragic, often amusing, always interesting, The ...

Genre: History [x]
Length: 268 Pages (2,306 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 2nd, 2024
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