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Stepping Stones: Book 1 This Far by William (Bill) Stenlake 4.0 Stars (3 Reviews)    Price verified 8 hours ago

Stepping Stones; This Far Harry Wrothstockly writes letters to several country estates, as part of his history assignment at sixth form. The very last thing he expected a few years later, was the letter he received from Tom Forrester's Executor. Tom Forrester was a bachelor, who owned Stepping Stones. Stepping Stones Estate had not responded to Harry's letter at the time, but apparently Tom Forrester had read it and hung onto it. For reasons only known to Tom Forrester, he leaves everything to Harry Wrothstockly, Harry will find out that the estate has been mismanaged over Tom's lifetime. The walled garden and the gardens around the house have been neglected and are overgrown. A good number of the fields have been sold off by Tom over the years. The remaining fields have been left fallow for decades. The house itself is rundown, tired and neglected too. But some good news; the roof appears to be solid enough. The bad news is that Harry and his wife, Jo, have to take out a ...

Genre: Sagas [x]
Length: 281 Pages (2,421 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 13th, 2024

Climbing Irish by James F Walsh Price verified 12 hours ago

Can Northern Ireland Catholics, demeaned as Papists, climb out of England's Plantation's religious bigotry and ethnic intolerance? In 1922, when England broke Ireland apart, Papists Michael and Bridget Connolly undergo a Plantation Minister's sniper fire. They escape to Free Ireland and are demeaned as 'Orangemen'. In 1925 Immigration is to Chicago a City riven with Prohibition's organized crime gangs. Michael, a master carpenter, is not free from criminal Labor Organizers, and Bridget demeaned as 'Irish Immigrant Trash.' The Great Depression does not reduce Michael or Bridget to residue resulting from England's Planation during America's pre-revolutionary days. In 1938, the opportunity to operate his own business organization lures Michael, Bridget, and their four Chicago born children to Oklahoma City during the height of the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl, during the plight of the 'Okies,' folks too troubled to be intolerant. In 1939, a move to Dallas finds the ...

Genre: Sagas [x]
Length: 351 Pages (1,049 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 13th, 2024
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