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THE LAST RESPONDER : The First And Last Person You Ever Want To See. by NICHOLAS SAINT 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 39 minutes ago

Severely injured and left for dead in Afghanistan after a routine reconnaissance mission went disastrously wrong, Marine Sargent Nathan Profit endured two years of unimaginable hell at the hands of his insurgent captors. Having been subjected to never-ending psychological and physical torture, Nathan is rescued when a black-market arms dealer takes pity on his fellow countryman. Nathan returns to the United States a very different man. Angry and hostile at the losing everything in his life during his captivity, he begins to plot his revenge against the armed forces and country that abandoned him. Putting his previous knowledge, education and experiences to good use, Nathan becomes a Firefighter Paramedic. To his friends, family and colleagues, he is the epitome of someone who'd come through immense adversity to become a better person. In truth, Nathan uses his emergency services role to deliver his own form of justice to the unworthy wretches created by the country he once ...

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 171 Pages (2,149 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 9th, 2024

13 Fiddler Street by John A. Shepherd 3.0 Stars (14 Reviews)    Price verified one hour ago

"Well you know what you can do with your job and that's stick it where the sun doesn't shine!" This was the usual way Jim Brenner finished up most of his jobs. Unfortunately he was of the nature to give his old employers the finger as and when they departed company. This led on to a mishmash of different employments. Some more interesting than others, with one or two down right terrifying to say the least. They all had one thing in common, they were a source of good stories, but poor wages and any that were well paid had terrible working conditions. That's the way it was. His good friends Dermot and Patrick were failed asylum seekers, this gave Jim a new slant on life. It wasn't until he met these two that things changed and for the very worst. The three of them were to be dragged headlong into one of the most serious crime gangs operating out of the south for years. Their diligence in the end was rewarded with a ringside seat for the final showdown.

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 118 Pages (515 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 9th, 2024

Misfortune on Euphoria Lane (Homeowners' Association Cozy Mystery Book 2) by Tina Swayzee McCright 4.5 Stars (36 Reviews)    Price verified 2 hours ago

Humorous Cozy Mystery - Recipe Included Andi, a teacher who spends her free time baking, discovers murder and mayhem have returned to Euphoria Lane. Her detective sister is given two weeks to find the killer ? a make or break contract for her small agency. Andi, who almost died the last time she investigated a homicide, is left out of the loop. She isn't about to let that stop her. Her plan to solve the case turns into a recipe for disaster. Her boyfriend, who wants a future together, makes it clear that marriage, parenthood, and sleuthing don't mix. Then her best friend Meg, sitting behind the wheel of an SUV, threatens to flatten Andi like cookie dough. She finds an unexpected ally in Roxie, the neighborhood's eccentric retired hairdresser. But when the necessary ingredients come together to solve the case, can they identify the killer without getting baked? You won't want to miss the wacky adventure in this second book of the Homeowners' Association Cozy Mystery ...

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 235 Pages (500 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 9th, 2024

The Olympus Project: (The Phoenix Series - Book 1) by Ted Tayler 4.1 Stars (1,300 Review)    Price verified one hour ago

Meet The Phoenix - rescued from a watery grave and given a new identity, this stone-cold killer is an ideal fit for the Olympus Project, a secret organisation fighting injustice. In this first story, he undertakes three solo missions to prove he can match the Project's high standards. Always a loner, can Phoenix then work as part of a team to prevent a terrorist attack in Central London? Buckle up for a rollercoaster of unrelenting action, immersing you in a world of high-stakes intrigue. With characters so vivid you'll feel their breath on your skin, the Olympus Project is the spellbinding thriller series for which you've been searching. Buy it today. SETTING Larcombe Manor is the Olympus Project HQ several miles northwest of Bath. The true nature of the organisation is hidden from the outside world. The Charity Commission believes the Manor is home to service personnel suffering from PTSD who are treated at the Manor until they're ready to return to duty or civilian life. Larcombe ...

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 190 Pages (1,779 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 9th, 2024

Hick Lawyer by Corey Burns 4.0 Stars (2,492 Reviews)    Price verified 3 hours ago

Dexter Smith muddled his way through college and law school. Now, he has found a small Nebraska town to hide out in while he muddles his way through life doing simple, court appointed cases. Then Donald Birch is charged with three counts of first degree murder. And when the other lawyers in the county are conflicted out of representing Donald for various reasons, Dexter is appointed to the case. Will Dexter step-up and be the kind of lawyer he used to dream of being, or is he just a half assed hick lawyer in way over his head?

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 196 Pages (339 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 9th, 2024

Toxic Warrior: A Raina Kirkland Novel by Diana Graves 4.5 Stars (7 Reviews)    Price verified 4 hours ago

Raina Kirkland, a tougher than nails woman, who has stood up against vampires, evil immortals, demons, gods, an army of ancient fey and more, has become the leader of Washington State, an independent nation living within America. Cut off from the rest of the world, Washington State thrives in every way a place and a people can thrive. No crime, no hunger, no homelessness. Only prosperity and relative peace... Until an international incident turns bloody. Then Raina is the last person standing between peace and a devastating world war. But who can contend with the will of the gods? "The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting." Sun Tzu Warning: This book contains sex and violence. Suitable for mature readers only.

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 252 Pages (917 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 9th, 2024

House of Cristabel: A Ghost Story | When the Black Dog Howls Someone Dies by Guy Sheppard (Socciones Editoria Digitale) Price verified 4 hours ago

They took her child. They took her freedom. They took her life. Now they want her house. When 97-year-old American heiress Eleanor Bleiz dies she disinherits her grandchildren. Wolfden Hall will go to Cristabel to right 'the wrong' done to her. But Cristabel is supposed to be dead. In order to demolish the derelict Hall and sell its land for millions, Eleanor's family must find Cristabel's body to disprove the will. A savage beast meanwhile roams the hills. Detective Sergeant Alison Ellis investigates what should be a sad case of sheep worrying by someone's pet dog. Instead she is drawn deep into the dark world of folklore, a place so strange that she must risk her soul. Ellis soon uncovers deadly secrets at Wolfden Hall. Cristabel's stepfather had her labelled insane for thinking she could turn into a wolfish black dog. Can Ellis give her justice she was denied years ago? Or in searching for answers, has she unleashed a terrible danger to herself and others? Because she is not ...

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 335 Pages (1,625 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 9th, 2024

Murder at the Palace: A Chanaksha Rajpoot Mystery by Ramnik Jain 4.0 Stars (9 Reviews)    Price verified 4 hours ago

When a famous detective is murdered while working on a case, his assistant who is troubled by his own horrifying past takes it upon himself to find his killer and carry forward his legacy. He is assigned a case by a young and a rich man to spy on his wife. Least interested in taking such a small case, little did he knew that the simple case of spying will eventually turn out to be so challenging that he has to use all his brain, learning's and focus to find out the truth behind the sudden disappearance of the young man's wife

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 246 Pages
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 9th, 2024

Fracture: Book 2 (Sylvia Wilcox Mysteries 3) by Braylee Parkinson 4.0 Stars (130 Reviews)    Price verified 5 hours ago

A corpse, a missing woman, and a mysterious religious group... P.I. Sylvia Wilcox searching for a woman who disappeared during a routine trip to the grocery store. Initially, it looks like the woman took off on her own, but the as the circumstances unfold, a more sinister plot is revealed.

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 209 Pages (1,954 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 9th, 2024

Synbat: The Green Berets: Dave Riley #3 by Bob Mayer (Cool Gus Publishing) 4.3 Stars (597 Reviews)    Price verified 5 hours ago

Library Journal: "This book will appeal to a variety of horror and military fiction readers. Recommended." Dave Riley and his Green Beret A-Team must defeat a threat shockingly inhuman. Set in the shadowy world of genetic research, Synbat, stands for Synthetic Battle form. The research is conducted at a lab in the deep woods of western Tennessee, under the Pentagon's secret Black Budget, is Top Secret. Until the subjects of the experiment escape. The Synbats are now roaming the countryside, acting out what they were designed to do: kill. Riley and his team are called in for 'damage control.' Easier said than done. They follow the deadly trail to Chicago, where long abandoned tunnels are a lair for the Synbats to complete what could well spell the end of mankind: procreate at incredible speed. It's a race against time as Riley must destroy mankind's greatest threat-- our own genes spliced with that of another species. Kirkus Reviews. "Action packed entertainment. An atavistic ...

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 346 Pages (4,989 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 9th, 2024

Winds of Deception (Enigma Series Book 2) by Tierney James (e-Book Press) 4.2 Stars (185 Reviews)    Price verified 6 hours ago

An Assassination Plot In Washington DC Tessa Scott believes her encounter with Ex-Delta Force Captain Chase Hunter, a year earlier, can finally remain in the past. After she arrives in Washington DC, Enigma enlists her help when they uncover a plot to assassinate both President Austin and the Prime Minister of Israel. To complicate an already volatile situation a hurricane moves toward the nation's capital creating the perfect opportunity to stage an attack. >>>Catastrophic Events That Could Change The Course Of The United States Lines of loyalty begin to blur as Tessa confronts life and death events that could change the course of the United States. Complications arise when Tessa is faced with the knowledge her uncle plans to take revenge for Israel's 1967 attack on the USS Liberty and its lost crew members. No one knows that a powerful member of the government is behind the conspiracy, and Tessa and Captain Hunter join forces to halt the violence against the most powerful men in ...

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 327 Pages (3,435 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 9th, 2024

SUMMER SEA BREEZE: WINDS OF DECEPTION by SURAKSHA NAGPAL 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 6 hours ago

The novel "Summer Sea Breeze" is the story of the murder of a famous financial expert Professor Akash Sharma. It took place more than twenty five years ago in Delhi. The case was closed as a suicide case then. Reopened now and investigated by the Delhi Police. It is clueless about the identity of the murderer due to lack of evidence. To gather evidence a plan is formed by the Delhi Police. The family of the deceased financial expert professor Akash Sharma now becomes a part of the investigation. The case being old is a weak one. But the people involved in the murder become jittery. Their comfortable lives are disturbed. They had taken things easy all these years. The case had closed as a suicide. They know not why it is reopened and what evidence the police have. One thing leads to another and the picture starts to get clear. Now it becomes a game of one up man ship between the Delhi Police and the people involved. The family of Akash Sharma tries to stay a step ahead. The other ...

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 301 Pages (395 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 9th, 2024

The Red Game: A gripping, mind bending thriller. Assassins, psychic spies, secret societies. Book one in the Flynt Redcraft Series by David Kingdom 4.7 Stars (44 Reviews)    Price verified 39 minutes ago

We can get you off the murder charge, they said. All you have to do is volunteer for this top secret gene therapy experiment. And sign this waiver. Flynt Redcraft knows the Foundation aren't the good guys. But after years of being homeless, addicted, and plagued by PTSD from his days in special forces, he knows a lifeline when he sees it. It's that or prison. They edit out his nightmares and addictions. Then he starts to lose entire days. People are turning up dead. And Flynt's waking up with blood on his hands and a clean conscience. Flynt realizes once you allow a shadowy organization inside your brain, who knows what they might change? How many drug trials do they have him on? And why won't his bones break? Who is Elise, the strange woman he keeps hallucinating, whose voice he hears inside his head? Because Flynt doesn't believe in psychics. He soon learns there are stranger things than him in the facility. The Foundation are preparing them for something. And when you can ...

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 389 Pages (1,200 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 9th, 2024

No Safe Place (The Grace Series Book 1) by Craig Dawson 4.1 Stars (1,023 Review)    Price verified 6 hours ago

Tony Grace is running for his life. His peaceful existence is shattered when a past he thought he'd put behind him comes crashing back into his world. Old acquaintances unhappy that he left them for a new life in a sleepy seaside town, now want their revenge. With his hopes and dreams in flames, the only road left leads back to his past. Back to the gang that wants him dead. Tony can only do one thing - fight back or die trying. NO SAFE PLACE is the debut novel from a new, exciting voice in crime fiction

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 332 Pages (1,204 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 9th, 2024

Tasha and Quan by Fai Monroe 4.8 Stars (6 Reviews)    Price verified 39 minutes ago

Tasha Miller was a reserved and introverted individual who had the reputation of being a quiet and weird girl all her life. She maintained a private lifestyle and had no close friends or relatives. Her daily routine included going to work and returning home, making her life quite boring. However, all of that changed when she crossed paths with Quan McKnight. Quan McKnight was what Tasha s life was missing: excitement. Quan was known in his hood as roguish and a menace. He didn't care about anyone but himself. He lived in survival mode, with a kill-or-be-killed mentality, always choosing to kill. Quan trusted no one and didn't believe he needed anyone until he came across Tasha, the dark-skinned beauty who brought a new level of interest to his life. Tasha + Quan = a recipe for disaster

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 166 Pages (1,240 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 9th, 2024

Too Easy (A Flap Tucker Mystery Book 2) by Phillip DePoy 4.0 Stars (110 Reviews)    Price verified 7 hours ago

On the marshy shores of the Georgia coast, locals tell the story of a mythical woman who appeared from the sea and the gentle twin brothers who'd do anything for her. But when the twins mysteriously disappear and the woman's husband turns up dead, mystic detective Flap Tucker is called in to investigate. Paying a visit to J.D. Turner, distraught father of the missing boys, he notices their mute Aunt Ida trying to signal something in code to him. Becoming suspicious when JD attempts to stop her, Flap digs further into the family and enters a world of gnarled kinships, family secrets, drugs and dirty money - and more murders. Now the Zen private eye is pursuing a story stranger than fiction, a killer closer than he thinks, and some dangerous ghosts of his own... Will he be able to solve the mystery before the killer strikes again? Too Easy is the second instalment in Philip DePoy's offbeat mystery series. Praise for Philip DePoy: 'Easy is populated with wildly appealing ...

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 225 Pages (1,448 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 9th, 2024

Fate Revealed by Michelle Vereen 4.4 Stars (17 Reviews)    Price verified 7 hours ago

On a warm August night Kyndal left her life in the big city to return to her hometown. Fear and sorrow remain deep in her soul, but coming home to heal is what Kyndal knew she had to do. Her new life seems to bring her peace but still, fear lives within her. When mysterious gifts begin appearing and suspicious events begin to unfold, Kyndal struggles to trust, but also begins to find her strength. As she continues on her journey to find the answers she's looking for, fate reveals itself and Kyndal learns how to accept the fate she's been given.

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 322 Pages (1,073 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 9th, 2024

DAMAGED GOODS (A LOVE STORY) by Lance Majestik 3.0 Stars (2 Reviews)    Price verified 7 hours ago

Brent Trent, still grieving seven years after his wife's sudden death, decides to move out of New York City and begin a new life somewhere in the heartland of America. Brent settles in Jefferson City, Missouri where Fate spreads out both a career opportunity and the possibility of romance. Even a guy who considers himself to be damaged goods deserves a chance at happiness. This is Brent's story. ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Lance Majestik is a pen name used by a retired Canadian lawyer to publish some of his shorter novels. Please check out "Lance's" Author Page on Amazon to learn details about each book.

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 199 Pages (2,445 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 9th, 2024

Island King by Ike Hamill 4.0 Stars (111 Reviews)    Price verified 7 hours ago

Some secrets, committed to the ground by careful hands, need to stay buried. Tien and Matt don't care about that -- they're just fulfilling their obligations to the TV show that made them famous. They survived, vote after vote, as the game progressed. Now, they have to survive one more challenge, and the fate of humanity is at stake. They have to prove one more time who is the Island King.

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 274 Pages (1,440 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 9th, 2024

The Housewife Assassin's Handbook (Housewife Assassin Series, Book 1) by Josie Brown (Signal Press) 4.1 Stars (12,680 Reviews)    Price verified one minute ago

Murder, suspense, sex--and some handy household tips. IN BOOK 1 OF THE HOUSEWIFE ASSASSIN'S HANDBOOK: Every desperate housewife wants an alias. Donna Stone has one -- and it happens to be government-sanctioned. But Donna earned it the hard way. Her husband was killed the day she delivered their third child. To avenge her husband's murder, Donna leads a secret life: as an assassin. But espionage makes for strange bedfellows, and brings new meaning to that old adage, "Honey, I'm home... " If you love addictive unputdownable dark comedy absurdist satires starring hardboiled women sleuths mixed up in international crime and mystery, you will love this fast-paced can't-put-it-down page-turner action-adventure romantic mystery series. Josie Brown's website: PRAISE FOR THE HOUSEWIFE ASSASSIN'S HANDBOOK: "The last book that made me laugh: The Housewife Assassin's Handbook. Brown's unorthodox surprises did make me laugh. I taught it in a class about comic ...

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 286 Pages (4,170 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 9th, 2024

The First Paper Cut: An Anniversary to Die For by Camille Cabrera 3.4 Stars (18 Reviews)    Price verified 7 hours ago

Zoom in. Vivienne Whittemore has the perfect old-money Hollywood lifestyle. She's a blossoming actress in her prime with a husband widely regarded as one of the best screenwriters in the business. Life is good. The recently married starlet can't wait to celebrate her first anniversary happily married to the man of her dreams. Of course, the only problem with dreams is that you eventually wake up. The newlyweds sneak away to a cabin in Northern California to escape the prying tabloids. Before long, a freak snowstorm pummels Yosemite National Park and leaves the honeymoon party indefinitely stranded in the middle of the forest with limited power and dwindling supplies. Careful, the wildlife and unforgiving cold are the least of the perils lurking in the mountains. In order to survive, Vivienne must take on the most challenging role of her life, a dotting wife. Action.

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 231 Pages (3,129 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 9th, 2024

HESSIANS (The Circle City Series Book 2) by Eric Bergreen 4.5 Stars (35 Reviews)    Price verified 8 hours ago

It's the last week of summer vacation, in 1985 for three boys who find themselves on the tipping point of boredom until one suggests that they sneak into a construction site while the workers are away. After being chased out and almost caught by the onsite foreman, the ensuing adrenaline rush leaves Derek in a state of euphoria and sparks an interest in him to capture the feeling again and again. Derek suffers from a terrible case of insomnia where, every so often, his brain refuses to let him sleep for days on end while it progressively leads him to hallucinate strange, dark creatures. But as he learns that the adrenaline rushes are having a re-charging effect on his body he initiates his two best friends, Sean and Jaxon, in a new game they begin to call The Sneak. Then in an unforeseen misunderstanding at a little league game the boys make unwitting enemies with a set of older kids. The kind of kids with long hair and heavy metal t-shirts and bad attitudes who promise to exact ...

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 519 Pages (555 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 9th, 2024

Tetris: A Suspenseful Paranormal Thriller from the author of Rustic Roads and Omega Factor by Lillian Francken 3.2 Stars (13 Reviews)    Price verified 9 hours ago

Tetris - A Paranormal murder mystery from the author of The Twelfth of Never and Blue Moon Rising Tetris is a paranormal story about a computer illiterate woman, Anna Webster, who is trust into the world of industrial espionage when she receives a copy of a game disk, Tetris, and accidentally pulls up a spreadsheet tied to the game.

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 273 Pages (1,739 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 9th, 2024

Lost Souls of Overlook Estate: A Riveting Haunted House Ghost Thriller Boxset by Vincent Valentean 4.4 Stars (93 Reviews)    Price verified 39 minutes ago

The ghosts of Overlook Manor cannot rest in peace. Their history is filled with love, betrayal, disappearance, and murder. They roam the halls of their ancestral home in an endless pursuit of justice. When Jenessa inherits the house from an unknown relative, she is immediately thrust into this family's secret affairs, working to unravel a blood-soaked mystery that could help the souls of the departed find their peace or trap her for all eternity in their ghostly hell. The Haunting of Beckett Mansion A mansion sits on top of a mountain in northern Georgia. The estate is in disrepair, but one couple is determined to restore the estate to its former glory. But when strange accidents begin to become more dangerous, putting their crew's lives at risk, the fixer-upper couple realize they might have bitten off more than they could chew.

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 765 Pages (1,529 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 9th, 2024

Lethal Loss: Snake River Crime Book 1 (Snake River Crime Series) by Caroline Jordan 4.5 Stars (15 Reviews)    Price verified 39 minutes ago

She's looking for long lost family and justice for crimes past. He's looking to serve and protect his home town. Neither of them are looking for murder. London Met Detective Chief Inspector Alex O'Neill imagines her secondment to the small town of Equality, Wyoming will offer a much needed respite from big city crime. She's expecting a quiet, sleepy community. A few drunks, teenage mischief and the occasional domestic disturbance. She's planning on putting her energy into investigating her family's tragic loss. Chief of Police, Jake Anderson, former LAPD Lieutenant, and recently returned Equality native son, is intrigued and looks forward to comparing notes over past investigations with a major crimes officer from across the pond. He hopes she'll bring city rigor and valuable female logic to the Equality police department. Although, he suspects the highly trained Brit might be bored in Nowhere, USA. Both of them are proved wrong when, on Alex's first day, they're confronted with a ...

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 127 Pages (1,903 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 9th, 2024

Forbidden Knots (Shadow Duet Book 1) by A. eM. 4.8 Stars (6 Reviews)    Price verified one hour ago

SHADOW From the moment I saw her across my window, from the moment I saw her smile, I knew she would bring rain to my meadow. I needed this rain, but I got a storm instead. Watching her from behind, adoring her from afar, I was captivated. I wanted rain, and I wanted the storm. I wanted her, and I wanted her to be mine. I needed her, and she needed Shadow. STORM I remember there was light, then there was shadow. I remember there was me, and then there was him. It was me before him, and now it was me with him. After him, it wasn't an option -- he didn't give me one, and I didn't even want it. I wanted to stay in forever with him because I didn't like who I was before him, and I wouldn't enjoy myself after him. I remember there was freedom, then there was a shadow. I remember there was loneliness, and now I will never be alone. He will always be here, behind me, watching me, following me. I will be before him, never free, but never alone again. I will be his storm on a sunny day, ...

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 188 Pages (13,324 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 9th, 2024

Sinner (Santa Muerte Book 1) by Carol James Marshall 3.5 Stars (16 Reviews)    Price verified 5 hours ago

A bruja is born. What does a girl who envies the creep and darkness of a shadow become? From the time she was born, Matea had a connection to Santa Muerte that seemed to linger inside her. Matea's world seemed to bend around her in a way that no one else could comprehend. She trembled with an unexplained intensity, knowing that the cosmic forces and strange intuitions driving her forward were going to be impossible to control. Promised to Santa Muerte at birth Matea's life felt like it was constantly on the edge of something unpredictable and fear filled Matea's body as she considered what type of power, she may ultimately be capable of. Who could keep Matea from Santa Muerte's oppressive forces, and who would keep the world safe from Matea?

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 202 Pages (1,350 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 9th, 2024

The Headless Men by Alexandre Aurelius Jéssica Matanzas 5.0 Stars (2 Reviews)    Price verified 5 hours ago

A lawyer seeks evidence to prove his client innocent, who has been accused of terrorism. He will have to travel to the Sahara Desert and face many dangers. Meanwhile, strange beings from another world attack the villages and mercilessly kill anyone they find. Legends from ancient historians speak of these monsters.

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 138 Pages (2,228 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 9th, 2024

A NICE CLASS OF CORPSE a gripping cozy murder mystery full of twists (Mrs Pargeter Crime Mystery Book 1) by SIMON BRETT 4.2 Stars (5,899 Reviews)    Price verified one minute ago

DISCOVER AN UNPUTDOWNABLE COZY MYSTERY FROM ONE OF THE WORLD'S FAVOURITE CRIME WRITERS. "A new Simon Brett novel is an event for mystery fans!" P.D. James "Murder most enjoyable." Colin Dexter "Few crime writers are so enchantingly gifted." The Sunday Times "Like a little malice in your mysteries? Some cynicism in your cozies? Simon Brett is happy to oblige." New York Times **A CWA DIAMOND DAGGER AWARD WINNER!** _______________________ Meet Mrs Melita Pargeter, a vivacious widow whose mystery-solving talents come in handy when a murderer stalks a hotel for well-to-do retirees. She checks into the Devereux Hotel on England's sunny south coast. Where secrets hide behind every door and the sea-views are to die for... Her arrival, in a fancy car and a flurry of silk, causes much excitement among the elderly residents. By next morning, they have something new to talk about -- the discovery of a crumpled body at the foot of the stairs. The victim is old Mrs Selsby, timid occupant ...

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 207 Pages (3,628 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 9th, 2024

A Body in 3B (A Murder at the Morrisey Mystery Book 1) by Eryn Scott (Kristopherson Press) 4.1 Stars (832 Reviews)    Price verified 29 minutes ago

In the heart of downtown Seattle, a quirky building is home to a cast of eccentric residents, both living and not. When Meg Dawson moves back to the Morrisey after quitting her career as an artist, she thinks she's found a safe haven. But when she discovers a murdered resident, Meg realizes that her sanctuary may not be as secure as she thought. It quickly becomes clear that the police are lacking an important piece of the investigative puzzle. Because of her ability to communicate with ghosts, Meg has information about the man's death no one else knows. Ripley, Meg's ghostly best friend, is confident they can solve the mystery and keep the rest of the residents safe. Meg and her friend must navigate strange happenings and unravel the secrets of their building before it's too late. This new series from Eryn Scott follows Meg and a lovable cast of residents as they navigate strange happenings in their downtown Seattle building. This series is clean, without swearing or gore. ...

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 268 Pages (3,846 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 9th, 2024

Waves of Betrayal: The Longo Files - Will Jennifer be able to piece together what is happening and make it off the ship alive? by Dean Bromley 3.9 Stars (17 Reviews)    Price verified 5 hours ago

What happens when Jennifer wins herself the trip of a lifetime? When investigative journalist Jennifer Longo receives a random text message stating she has won a free cruise, she takes up the offer without a moment's hesitation. Jennifer is excited to see that two friends from her past are also on the ship. However, jealousy is quick to set in when they see Chris, the ship's most attractive and mysterious male guest. As the ship departs, the guests are excited to be travelling to an unknown destination. However, it isn't long before Jennifer realises that drama has the knack of following her everywhere, even abroad. Strange events begin to occur, a guest abruptly disappears, and why has all contact with the mainland suddenly ceased? Meanwhile, controversial scientist, Lucas Salazar is on the verge of a scientific breakthrough that will drastically change the way humans exist for years to come. Will Jennifer be able to piece together what is happening and make it off the ship ...

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 330 Pages (3,314 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 9th, 2024

Hi Jack by Anthony E Thorogood (Burgoyne Publishing) 3.8 Stars (12 Reviews)    Price verified 39 minutes ago

Jack Hamma a corporal in the Australian Army is on a training mission in London when he is hijacked by a beautiful woman. Jack deserts the army and finds himself in a haystack making love life however is never that easy. A supermarket is bombed by terrorists and there is a call to arms. Jack is sent into the supermarket with a squad of rookies looking for survivors but Jack finds more then he bargained for. 'A cracking little book, this is definitely one for the fans of Jack Hamma' 'Looking forward to Jacks next adventure.' 'Thorogood just gets better with these larger than life action adventures' 'This is one of my favourite in the series.' 'Jack's wonderful mum plays a big part... a feisty lady anybody would want with them in battle.'

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 152 Pages (559 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 9th, 2024

Howie in Love: A Hattie Moon Mystery (The Hattie Moon Mystery Series) by Linda A Lavid 4.2 Stars (93 Reviews)    Price verified 39 minutes ago

Hattie Moon, a modern-day Miss Marple, is thrown into a mystery close to home when her son, Howie, gets engaged. While his bride-to-be is charming, Hattie learns the woman is a widow who lives with a mother and sister, who are also widows. Naturally Hattie becomes concerned... as she should. Howie In Love was first published as episodes in Vella.

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 454 Pages (4,459 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 9th, 2024

Confessions of an Accidental Lawyer: A Legal Thriller by Michael Stockham (Whistling Pigs Press LLC) 4.3 Stars (2,854 Reviews)    Price verified 39 minutes ago

AWARD-WINNING NEW LEGAL THRILLER Battling against a Texas prison, a young lawyer fights for a fair trial in a prison-friendly town as witnesses and evidence evaporate. Scarred physically and emotionally by a botched delivery, his wife struggles to realize their dream of a healthy baby and a happy family. Trapped in solitary confinement, an inmate fights for medicine to keep his failing heart pumping. Torn between career and family, with the lives of a prisoner, his wife, and his unborn child on the line, the young lawyer struggles to ensure that his client, his family, and his integrity all survive. MICHAEL STOCKHAM takes us on a page-turning journey in this novel inspired by actual events. He is a litigation attorney, award-winning author, and speaker. BOOK AWARDS • AMERICAN FICTION AWARDS, Finalist, Thriller & Mystery/Suspense, 2022 • INTERNATIONAL IMPACT BOOK AWARDS, Gold, 2022 • LITERARY TITAN, Silver, 2022 • AMERICAN WRITING AWARDS, Finalist, 2022 • FIREBIRD ...

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 360 Pages (1,527 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 9th, 2024

Dreadnought (Elijah Blackstone Book 3) by Michael Kelly 3.9 Stars (7 Reviews)    Price verified 39 minutes ago

Spring, 1903. Elijah Blackstone, private detective, is struggling to find clients and accepts a seemingly simple commission of thief catcher. However, he soon finds himself at the centre of a daring operation to thwart Imperial German Navy spies, intent on stealing the secrets of the new British ironclads. A tense game of cat and mouse ensues across Aberdeenshire, with the future peace and security of Britain at stake. This is the third in a series of Elijah Blackstone mysteries.

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 303 Pages (880 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 9th, 2024

Nothing They Won't Do (An Expat in Europe series Book 1) by Benjamin Campbell (Teutoburg Forest Press) 4.4 Stars (172 Reviews)    Price verified 39 minutes ago

Mason Wright is living the dream as a first-year student at the most famous business school in the world, until a tragic accident in Boston derails his life. Expelled from school, with a cloud over his head, he jumps at a chance opportunity to interview for a job in Paris, hoping for a fresh start away from everyone who knows his past. Alone in a foreign land, Mason is befriended by a German expat named Hans von Eiger, who introduces him to beautiful, aristocratic friends at parties in chateaux across Europe. However, Mason discovers that not everyone in his new friend group is who they appear to be, and now someone wants him dead to keep their secret safe. Framed for a crime he didn't commit, Mason finds himself completely alone again - on the run, trying to out-smart enemies who reach the highest echelons of power. Not knowing who he can trust, he ultimately puts his faith in, and falls in love with, a beautiful, independent, young woman - who he discovers may be hiding a secret of ...

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 330 Pages (1,861 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 9th, 2024

Brother’s Keeper by David Vorhees 5.0 Stars (3 Reviews)    Price verified 5 hours ago

Shea receives a call that completely upends her existence and forces her to return to Sundown, the town she thought she had left behind. Tensions increase as she deals with her brother Donovan's untimely death, and long-buried family dynamics start to show again. Shea's return brings back memories of a town with a troubled past that is racially divided as she makes new connections with her childhood friend Marcus, the town's new police chief, and her elder brother Jay, who is now mayor. The repercussions of the past challenge the ties between family and friends. Angelo, Andy to his friends, a Navy Veteran who retires from his civilian job of 35 years and decides to return the San Francisco Bay area to see the places he never saw while he was stationed there. Andy meets a beautiful woman who runs the bed and breakfast and almost instantly falls for her. As they grow closer Andy grows closer to unveiling a horrifying secret about this woman and her sick son in A Mother's ...

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 357 Pages (1,238 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 9th, 2024

The Spyglass File (The Forensic Genealogist Series Book 5) by Nathan Dylan Goodwin (Amazon Digital Services) 4.7 Stars (1,678 Review)    Price verified 5 hours ago

'If you like a good mystery, and the detective work of genealogy, this is another mystery novel from Nathan which will have you whizzing through the pages with time slipping by unnoticed' Your Family History magazine Morton Farrier was no longer at the top of his game. With his career in forensic genealogy faltering and no new cases to work on, Morton decides to focus on finding his own biological father. But when a mysterious woman abandoned in the midst of the Battle of Britain begs him to uncover her past, Morton can't help but accept the challenge. What Morton discovers is a secret document with links that could expose the wrongdoings of powerful people who want its contents to remain hidden forever. This thrilling fifth book in the Forensic Genealogist series can be enjoyed as a stand-alone story, but if you enjoyed Agatha Christie's Murder on the Orient Express, you'll love uncovering the secrets in The Spyglass File. Join Morton on his quest for the truth! 'The first page ...

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 357 Pages (9,636 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 9th, 2024

Casino Witch Mysteries 1 & 2 (Casino Witch Mysteries Boxset) by Nikki Haverstock 4.5 Stars (598 Reviews)    Price verified 7 hours ago

The first 2 books in the popular Casino Witch paranormal cozy mystery series. Ella has discovered that she's a witch. Luckily with new friends and a cranky cat familiar, Ella will not be alone as she contends with her newly discovered paranormal powers and more than a few dead bodies along the way. Of Murders and Mages: Casino Witch Mysteries 1 Three ways that Ella's life is totally messed up: 1. Her new coworker is as cranky as he is attractive 2. A mischievous cat has decided she needs a familiar 3. She just found out she's a witch who can read the emotional hologram of a magical death (and isn't that a mouthful) And oh yeah, there's five dead bodies, and no one knows how they are connected. Now she's drawn into a madcap investigation at the casino where she's managed to snag a job. She must navigate learning her new mage abilities, a topless burlesque show, a jealous girlfriend, gamblers of all varieties, and magical chocolate cake, all while not setting herself or others on fire ...

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 370 Pages (748 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 8th, 2024

The Fang Gang by Kevin Hendrick 3.1 Stars (7 Reviews)    Price verified 7 hours ago

The place is Texas, and the year is 1880. The season is a colder than average winter, and the main character is a hell bent and stubborn bounty hunter named Edwin Hill. Mister Hill is a cunning and smart hunter, however his wits will come to a challenge once he meets up with an outgoing and intelligent doctor, Dietrich Von Branson. As well as his old time friend and former deputy Florence Potter who are both hunting a different group of suspects, only they're hunting those who aren't alive, but merely undead. Vampires. From Kevin s. Hendrick, the author of poetry epics, such as 'Braindead' and 'The American Poet,' plus the 9/11 Epic Novel 'The Day the World Died,' prepare yourself again for another intriguing read, like none other. Sink your teeth into the thrills, horror, dark-comedy, and spaghetti western style of story telling that is 'The Fang Gang!'

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 387 Pages (601 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 8th, 2024

Half-Wolf (The Alpha's Daughter Book 1) by Nicholas Jordan 3.9 Stars (87 Reviews)    Price verified 7 hours ago

One werewolf wants her as his mate. The other will do anything to protect her. In the blink of an eye, 17-year-old Demi's entire world changes forever when she learns that the father she never even knew is really a werewolf, which makes her half-werewolf. And he's not just any werewolf, but the Alpha of his pack. As if that wasn't hard enough to deal with, she's also being hunted by a pack of werewolves, whose leader is intent on forcing her to become his mate in order to take her exiled father's place as Alpha. Demi's only chance to escape is to put her fate in the hands of a total stranger. A quiet and mysterious werewolf named Tobias, who swears to protect her and bring her to her father. But is he really who he claims to be? Can she trust him? Under the circumstances, does she even have a choice? Will Demi and Tobias reach her father before the pack catches up to them? Will she learn to trust him, and perhaps learn something very important about herself in the process? If ...

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 255 Pages (4,655 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 8th, 2024

Natir Whitebridge: A Grain of Respect by James Starvoice 4.1 Stars (68 Reviews)    Price verified 7 hours ago

Natir's life has been one of abuse and slavery, and it's about to get even harder; she's been sold in a new land to a ruthless man, Cahal, who once bored with his new property she can only expect the darkest fate to become of her and her daughter, like all the slaves he owned before. Things take a turn for the worse when Cahal's half brother, Alfred, who ousted Cahal as Earl of the Toic, starts to show an interest in her. Sensing an opportunity for revenge, Cahal changes his plans for Natir and forces her to become a sacrifice-pawn in an assassination plot to take back his throne. With her daughter's life at stake, Natir can only bow to her master's wishes, but she will soon discover that Alfred's interest in her is nothing like what she had expected, and that the madness which reigns in him is about to unleash a very dangerous side of her which she herself never knew she had.

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 435 Pages (3,934 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 8th, 2024

Snow White and the Hunter (Gabby Grimm Fairy Tale Mystery Book 1) by Sara Barton 4.3 Stars (72 Reviews)    Price verified 8 hours ago

Deputy Gabby Grimm's got her work cut out for her when ruthless terrorists come a-calling! As the war on terror invades her idyllic Vermont village, Gabby refuses to surrender. While working on an antiterrorist software program for Ramparts Manufacturing, Jonathan Klarsfeld is brutally murdered at his lakeside cabin and his family is taken hostage. Enter Sam Hogan, Army counter-terrorism specialist. He shakes, rattles, and rolls his way into Gabby's world with a flash bang! She and her colleagues join forces with Sam and the Vermont State Police to rescue the Klarsfeld family. In the breathless blink of an eye, the wild chase is on and all bets are off on what happens next!

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 248 Pages (1,583 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 8th, 2024

Bone Maker (Will Finch Mystery Thriller Series Book 1) by D. F. Bailey (Catchword Publishing) 4.3 Stars (2,925 Reviews)    Price verified 8 hours ago

A death in the wilderness. A woman mourns alone. A reporter works a single lead. In the heart of the wilderness, a chilling secret waits to be unearthed. Will Finch, the relentless San Francisco crime reporter, is on the hunt, and he's about to uncover a conspiracy that could shake the nation. Haunted by personal tragedy, Finch is determined to resurrect his life and his career. But when he's thrust into the twisted aftermath of a multimillion-dollar bitcoin scam, he'll realize that some stories aren't just headlines - they're a one-way ticket into darkness. In the wilds of Oregon, Finch stumbles upon a cryptic crime scene: a deserted Mercedes-Benz, a wounded bear, and a town ruled by a merciless cop. And at the center of it all, the fiancée of the murder victim - a senator's daughter who senses a sinister secret lurking in the shadows. "Bone Maker" is a pulse-pounding thriller inspired by true events, launching a gripping noir crime trilogy that spans from the foggy coastlines ...

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 241 Pages (655 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 8th, 2024

Predatory Animals by Gabriel Beyers 4.4 Stars (829 Reviews)    Price verified 8 hours ago

Are three stray dogs and a retired Marine enough to save the world? Shadeland, Indiana seemed like the perfect little town for Casper Brown and his family to start afresh after half a lifetime devoted to the service of his country. But oftentimes the most terrifying nightmares spring from the happiest of dreams. Not long after arriving in town, Casper runs afoul of a pair of deadly brothers who have staked out the local "big cat" refuge as the base for their newest criminal venture. But the situation is far more dire than anyone could imagine, for an inexplicable evil now stalks the forests of Shadeland, and the body count is quickly rising. Then there are the strange trio of stray dogs that have captured the hearts of Casper's wife and children. Casper isn't sure which disturbs him more, the dogs' proclivity for killing other animals, or the fact that he can somehow see through their eyes while they kill. Are the dogs somehow involved with the missing persons? Casper doesn't trust ...

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 426 Pages (4,067 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 8th, 2024

Death Turns A Trick (The Rebecca Schwartz Series, Book 1) by Julie Smith 4.0 Stars (3,023 Reviews)    Price verified 2 hours ago

NOW AVAILABLE AS AN AUDIOBOOK! The FIRST book in a cozy series by an Edgar Winner. "Funny and witty, with a clever, outspoken heroine." -Library Journal A ROLLICKING TALE OF MURDER, ROMANCE, AND A BORDELLO... Rebecca Schwartz, nice Jewish lawyer with a few too many fantasies, is happily playing the piano in a whorehouse when she suddenly finds herself assigned to make sure a near-naked state senator escapes a police raid. That dirty job done, a lovely evening turns even more delightful when she's picked up by the cops and spends the next two hours at the Hall of Justice. Could this day get any worse? Of course! Guess who arrives home to find a dead hooker on her living room floor? Handsome Parker Phillips, Rebecca's new beau and the most attractive man she's met in ages, is arrested for the murder. (Worse, she suspects he might actually have done it.) On the plus side, another very attractive man is following the case -- reporter Rob Burns of the San Francisco Chronicle, a ...

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 159 Pages (3,530 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 8th, 2024

Not The Usual Suspect by Mark Ahern 4.2 Stars (7 Reviews)    Price verified 9 hours ago

Alan who suffers from a serious debilitating physical disability has managed to reach his goal of attending university. Here he hopes to meet new and interesting people and leave his dull old life behind. It will also be his first opportunity to lead a somewhat independent life and he relishes the opportunities it gives him. But he knows that there will also be many challenges and obstacles to overcome. The world of Personal Assistants and lectures has to be skilfully managed, all the time taking in the true college experience. There is a point of stability through the chaos, his beloved sister Karen. A mutual confidant and close friend that he can rely on. But as the weeks pass by he feels them drifting apart. Everything seems to be going well for Alan until one day he unexpectedly sees the family's van outside his apartment. His mother has come to tell him that his sister is dead. Worse still he soon finds out that she has been murdered and suffered terribly. The Gardai ...

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 186 Pages (3,798 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 8th, 2024

Hope Hadley 11-Book Cozy Mystery Set (Fantastic Cozy Mystery Bundles) by Meredith Potts 4.2 Stars (247 Reviews)    Price verified 3 hours ago

This set features 11 books from the Hope Hadley series including: * Fishing For A Murderer * Murder of a Yoga Instructor * Drowning In Deceit * A Not So Merry Christmas Murder * Killer Injustice * Murder of a Restaurant Critic * Murder of a Movie Producer * The Killer Holiday Office Party * Murder Hits Close To Home * Hurricanes Can Be Murder * Murder is a Deadly Brew Buy your copy of Hope Hadley Cozy Mystery Set right now! Inner peace becomes difficult for Hope Hadley to find when she shows up for her yoga class one morning and discovers the dead body of her handsome male instructor on the ground in the studio. When Hope discovers that her instructor's good looks had caught the attention of a number of his married female students, the pool of suspects becomes surprisingly large. It's going to take more than some deep meditation for Hope to crack this case.

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 656 Pages (1,695 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 8th, 2024

AT THE BOTTOM OF THE STAIRS: Book One: The Blackfriar Cozy Mysteries by M'LISSA MOORECROFT 3.9 Stars (68 Reviews)    Price verified 9 hours ago

Secrets. Blackmail. Murder. Tatiana knows everybody's dirty laundry. Her victims paid dearly for her silence. Eventually, her neighbors at the Blackfriar Apartment Building were pushed too far. So one of them pushed her down the stairs. Would the mysterious Englishman in #8 find out who did it? If you like cozy mysteries with great characters, a touch of romance and fast paced action, you're going to love The Blackfriar Mysteries. DOWNLOAD it today to get the first in this series of ten mysteries, At The Bottom of the Stairs by M'Lissa Moorecroft and meet the fascinating tenants of The Blackfriar Apartment Building. Can you discover the killer?

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 111 Pages (878 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 8th, 2024

Sniffing Out a Suspect: A Simpleton Ohio Cozy Mystery - Book One (Simpleton Ohio Mysteries 1) by Rob Brenner (Simpleton Press, LLC) 4.4 Stars (126 Reviews)    Price verified 9 hours ago

When a good friend is murdered in her condo, it is up to her friends to solve the crime. Attorney Patch Alan, Margie, and Gladys join forces to solve the mystery. Together they bring justice to the Whispering Winds Condominiums in Simpleton, Ohio. This is a cozy mystery with a dash of humor. It is a "cozy mystery" because the sleuth is an amateur, the murder itself is off-stage, there is no foul language, and there are no sex scenes. However, murder is included along with adult motivations to commit murder (think seven deadly sins). Please consider this before you choose to read my books.

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 246 Pages (1,584 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 8th, 2024

Kingdom of the Stone (Bestsellers: Grand Plan Adventures Book 2) by L. A. Braun Price verified 3 hours ago

A mysterious and beautiful female siren begins reappearing in the oddest places. A shocking kidnapping. A series of bizarre 'accidents' defy the law of averages. Bone-chilling supernatural oddities keep recurring. Enjoy this satirical parody on the Supernatural War. This sequel to "Stone of Fire' is another titillating search for the Philosophers Stone through the eyes of our favorite detective duo! If you love Agatha Christie then the intrigue of this mystery will be right up your alley. If you love C. S. Lewis, then the demon cabal's letter writing schema will truly spark a nerve. This is a thrilling mystery novel in the continuing saga about two comedic sleuths, Adam and Ayn, who are solving the mystery of their life while under the adversarial eye of the supernatural Watchers (corporate demons in the global cabal). Their antagonist, a stunning blonde Femme Fatale, consistently outsmarts them. These two young sleuths travel through Europe in an enthralling spellbinder as they ...

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 279 Pages (1,761 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 8th, 2024

Bio-Justice by Scott Takemoto 4.5 Stars (6 Reviews)    Price verified 9 hours ago

With America's prisons overflowing and violent criminals being dumped back onto the streets, science unveils a dark solution. Enter Bio-Justice -- named by the public for a scientific process in which prisoners serve their time instantly by having the years of their sentences extracted from their lives. 25 year old Danny Fierro, convicted for his part in a cop killing, is transformed and then released, facing the nightmare of starting over with the prime of his life missing. The secrets of Bio-Justice will uncover a corrupt system that promotes a nexus of scientific, political and corporate interests at the expense of a society's humanity. Addictive and genre-bending, Bio-Justice is at once a science fiction-premised horror story, an action thriller with life and death consequences, a sobering critique of corruption at all levels of society and a deeply reflective character study about choices, loss, responsibility and the point of existence itself.

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 322 Pages (3,364 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 8th, 2024

The Queen's Gold: A Christopher Marlowe Spy Thriller (Christopher Marlowe Spy Thrillers Book 1) by Steven Veerapen 4.1 Stars (471 Reviews)    Price verified 10 hours ago

'A gripping tale of treasure and skulduggery with fine period detail - a welcome and intriguing addition to Elizabethan spy fiction.' John Pilkington, author of The Ruffler's Child England, 1585. The Sparrowhawk, one of Drake's lost treasure ships, is found wrecked in Devon. Rumours spread through England of its booty, including a mysterious treasure: El Sol Dorado. Thomas Lewgar, the resentful roommate of aspiring playwright Christopher Marlowe, hears of the rumours. He discovers, too, that the boastful Marlowe is engaged in a web of espionage. Intrigued and repelled by the irreverent Marlowe, Lewgar joins the poet in seeking the lost treasure. If they can find it, they will be richly rewarded by queen and court. But they are not the only ones hunting the prize. A crooked courtier, Henry Howton, has also heard the rumours. In the secret employ of the Spanish, he hopes to find the treasure himself - and he will stop at nothing to get his hands on it. Racing their Spanish-backed ...

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 277 Pages (1,353 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 8th, 2024

The Secret of Death Valley: The Mystery of Racetrack Playa (Florea and Holland Mystery Series Book 4) by Mark Stephen Taylor 4.0 Stars (23 Reviews)    Price verified 5 hours ago

Death Valley is a remote desert area located in eastern California. Situated within the Mojave Desert region, it features the lowest, driest, and hottest locations in all of North America. Badwater, a basin located within the Valley, is the specific point of the lowest elevation, at 282 feet below sea level. This area is only 84 miles east-south-east of Mt. Whitney, the highest point in the contiguous United States, with an elevation of 14,497 feet. One of the most interesting and challenging mysteries of Death Valley is the sliding rocks at 'Racetrack Playa' (a playa is a dry lake bed). These rocks can be found on the floor of the playa with long and distinct trails behind them. Yes, that's right -- and no one knows for sure how these rocks move, and no one has ever reported actually seeing them move -- but they do move great distances, some of them weighing several hundred pounds! Treasure hunter Rod Florea and tracker/cartographer Mitch Holland are about to confront this mystery -- ...

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 150 Pages (5,623 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 8th, 2024

Sinister Magic: An Urban Fantasy Dragon Series (Death Before Dragons Book 1) by Lindsay Buroker 4.5 Stars (8,642 Reviews)    Price verified 5 hours ago

I'm Val Thorvald, and I'm an assassin. When magical bad guys hurt people, I take care of them. Permanently. This doesn't make me popular with the rest of the magical community -- as you can tell from the numerous break-ins and assassination attempts I've endured over the years. But thanks to my half-elven blood, a powerful sword named Chopper, and a telepathic tiger with an attitude, I've always been able to handle my problems with aplomb. Maybe some cursing and swearing, too, but definitely aplomb. That changes when my boss is afflicted with a mysterious disease, a government agent starts investigating me, and a godforsaken dragon shows up in the middle of my latest job. I've taken down vampires, zombies, and ogres, but dragons are way, way more powerful. And it doesn't look like this one is going to like me. Worse than that, he wants to use his magic to compel me to do his bidding, as if I'm some weak-minded minion. That's not going to happen. I'd die before being some ...

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 250 Pages (3,793 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 8th, 2024

Hula Homicide (Aloha Lagoon Mysteries Book 19) by B.A. Trimmer (Gemma Halliday Publishing) 4.7 Stars (148 Reviews)    Price verified 6 hours ago

From author B.A. Trimmer comes a new wedding planner in Aloha Lagoon... but will she get a happily ever after? Kristy Piper finally achieved her lifelong dream of moving to paradise when she took a job in Hawaii as the Aloha Lagoon resort wedding planner on the gorgeous island of Kauai. Sun, surf, sandy beaches, and glowing brides... what could possibly go wrong? Turns out, everything. What starts out as a dream destination wedding, with a happy couple and their wedding party enjoying all that Aloha Lagoon has to offer, turns into a nightmare when one of the groomsmen is found dead just days before the ceremony. What's worse, Kristy's hot new photographer, Jake Hunter, was found next to the victim, along with the murder weapon, a souvenir tiki statue. While Kristy is convinced Jake had nothing to do with the killing, the police are not as sure. Suddenly it's up to Kristy to clear the heartthrob's name and figure out which of the wedding party had it in for the dead guest. Is it ...

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 203 Pages (3,610 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 8th, 2024

Throw the Dice: April May Snow (My psychic ghost-filled life Book 4) by M. Scott Swanson (Creative Chaos) 4.5 Stars (263 Reviews)    Price verified 3 hours ago

Stress causes even psychics to make terrible decisions. At least, that's my excuse. The snooty call from my future employer put a crimp in my plans. I can be frugal, but waiting seven weeks for my first payday is a lot to ask of a girl. I can't help wondering about Granny's preposterous manifestation beliefs. I know they're hogwash. That's too bad. I could use a magical cash bonus to pay my rent. Sonia and Trent suggest we make a road trip to the casinos of Biloxi. Surprisingly I let them talk me into driving them. Is it fate at work to manifest the cash I need or a perilous mistake? It turns out casinos are rife with a secret host of residual emotions. Never good for the sanity of a psychic. I'm petrified by the mind-boggling number of spirits lurking on the hotel floor, hidden from the view of the guests. I'm frantic to win my elusive jackpot. Any more time in the strange spectral environment is risky, and I may be trapped forever... Read Throw the Dice today!

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 139 Pages (2,845 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 8th, 2024

Secrets and Lies by Phyllis P. Colucci 3.4 Stars (3 Reviews)    Price verified 6 hours ago

A "Novella" - Her cousin, the lawyer; her husband, the accountant; the Mafia boss; the family priest; her adoptive parents; Grace and her children... and one huge family secret, and one big marital lie. The ultimate betrayal tears them all apart and threatens their lives - until fate works magic in their world and sets things right.

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 137 Pages (3,282 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 8th, 2024

DON'T PUSH ME DOWN THE STAIRS!: Book Four: The Blackfriar Cozy Mysteries by M'LISSA MOORECROFT 4.2 Stars (18 Reviews)    Price verified 8 hours ago

When Tatiana Zhukov was murdered, most residents of The Blackfriar Apartments breathed a little easier. Many of the tenants had secrets that Tatiana threatened to expose. Well, she was dead now, and they could all relax. Until... until one day a few months later when Marissa Cruz had a note slipped under her door, a note that demanded a lot of money or else... The anonymous author of the extortion demand told Marissa to put a bouquet of white roses in her window when the money was ready. Marissa thought she was the only victim, until she saw the white roses in other windows as well... It seemed that someone had stolen Tatiana's notes the night she was murdered, and now they were planning to be a lot richer at the expense of the residents of The Blackfriar Apartment Building, unless they were stopped, of course. Turned out Bernice Andrews who lived in #9 thought she'd try her hand at a little blackmail... but her threats were based on Tatiana's gossip, not on Tatiana's damning ...

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 154 Pages (1,569 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 8th, 2024

Within The Fog: A Vampire Horror Tale by Charles Welch 4.2 Stars (224 Reviews)    Price verified 10 hours ago

"Featuring a likeable, ordinary family fighting to survive a horrific evil, Charles Welch's WITHIN THE FOG is a gripping debut that reimagines the vampire story to create something that is simultaneously familiar, fresh, and utterly chilling."- Craig DiLouie, author of THE CHILDREN OF RED PEAKThe same ancient evil that killed 115 people at Roanoke, Virginia in the late 1500's has arrived in a small eastern Colorado town. A fog covers the small town and closes in on Tom Benton and his family. The evil that lurks within the fog feeds on humanity but has special plans for those with anger deep inside. Tom Benton's son Bobby has seen the face of evil outside his bedroom window in the darkest hours of the night. The man who appears at his window offers a veil of redemption to those holding onto anger and rage. As the fog wraps around the Benton family home there will only be a narrow chance at survival. Can Tom Benton and his family escape the issues of their past in time to save ...

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 202 Pages (1,678 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 8th, 2024

THE STONE DOG by Robert Mitchell 3.7 Stars (45 Reviews)    Price verified 8 hours ago

WILL THE IRON CHEST BE WORTH THE BLOODSHED?The Count Felix von Luckner, Master of the German raider Seeadler, the last privateer, lowers a sealed iron chest into the waters of a small unnamed bay off Wakaya Island, Fiji, under cover of darkness in the year 1917. A chance remark over fifty years later sends four young Australians to search for that chest and the wealth it is said to contain, booty taken from Allied ships the Count had captured and scuttled during the Great War. But will the iron chest, if they find it, be worth the bloodshed demanded by their search?Another thriller from the prize-winning author of The Crying Stones.

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 372 Pages (648 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 8th, 2024

Whispers of Rebellion: A Dark Organized Crime Romantic Thriller (Blood Vendetta Book 5) by A. Hayat 5.0 Stars (2 Reviews)    Price verified 6 hours ago

Embark on the aftermath of Zayn's investigation of Lazarus Landucci in "Whispers of Rebellion," as he must now pursue Lily and make her his own. Tension and allure intertwine in a captivating narrative, where love and secrets collide. In the riveting tale of "Whispers of Rebellion," Zayn's discovery of Lily's pre-American past sparks a profound emotional connection. Driven by an unwavering determination to shield her, Zayn faces an unexpected obstacle in the form of her current boyfriend, Chris Carter. Now, the question looms: can Zayn awaken dormant desires within Lily, forging a connection that transcends barriers and makes her crave him as ardently as he craves her? Explore a narrative where passion, obstacles, and the pursuit of forbidden desires collide, leaving readers on the edge of their seats, yearning for the intoxicating resolution that awaits. Please note that this book is not standalone, and all books in the Blood Vendetta series must be read in order.

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 346 Pages (642 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 8th, 2024

The Electric Wizard (Elijah Blackstone Book 2) by Michael Kelly 3.9 Stars (7 Reviews)    Price verified 39 minutes ago

Summer, 1902. Elijah Blackstone, private detective, travels to Bradford to visit his friend, Will Sharp. In the coal black streets young children are being stalked. Who is taking them and for what purpose? Has the monster that butchered little John Gill on the streets of Manningham, many years ago, returned? As Elijah helps to hunt down the fiend, he is drawn into the worlds of the theatre, the occult and the fledgling Labour Party. This is the second in a series of Elijah Blackstone mysteries.

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 284 Pages (756 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 8th, 2024

THE TARGET: A Jake Sands Action-Adventure Thriller (A Jake Sands Adventure Book 3) by Roger Weston 4.0 Stars (8 Reviews)    Price verified 8 hours ago

The search has begun. And death has been unleashed... A team of scientists is missing. An explosion has devastated a ship carrying the latest group of academics and scientists, and a mysterious killer lurks among them. For over seven decades a secret has remained hidden on one of the world's most remote islands -- South Georgia -- closer to Antarctica than to civilization. South Georgia is uncivilized, and indeed, savagery has awoken at the remote abandoned whaling station of Grytviken. Stranded at Grytviken, shipwreck expert and maritime historian Jake Sands is caught in the middle. He and a group of research scientists are relentlessly targeted for extinction. They are hunted by an unknown group of commandos -- and an unknown assassin from within. With professors and scientists dying around him, Jake sets out to infiltrate a mysterious secret operation on the island, but little does he know he may actually be racing directly into the hands of a madman. THE TARGET, the third episode ...

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 271 Pages (3,145 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 8th, 2024

The Irish Ripper by Mark Ahern 4.5 Stars (32 Reviews)    Price verified 5 hours ago

A serial killer who quickly gains the moniker, "The Irish Ripper" haunts and terrorizes his victims leaving a trail of despair throughout the land. A Detective Garda with a dark and secret past, who has only recently become a paraplegic finds that he is pulled into the centre of the case from what seemed a routine assignment at first. As the Ripper's thirst for blood and depravity grows unabated, a chance encounter in England during a breakaway gives a glimpse of a promising new lead. But the Detective also finds that he is now catapulted into the view of "The Irish Ripper". Can the Detective and those around him convince his Superiors that he is on to something or will his checkered past undo him in this thrilling tale of twists, intrigue, love, humanity, and redemption? (Warning: Graphic descriptions of violence, sexual violence, and horror from the outset)

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 242 Pages (289 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 8th, 2024

TAINTED HEARTS & DIRTY HELLHOUNDS: Bristol Noir Anthology 1 (Bristol Noir: Anthologies) by Bristol Noir 3.8 Stars (13 Reviews)    Price verified 39 minutes ago

BRISTOL NOIR - ANTHOLOGY 1 A collection of stories from some of the best new and established crime and dark fiction writers from around the world. All with a dose of noir and dirty realism. Featuring: Alpheus Williams, Andrew Davie, Anthony Neil Smith, B.F. Jones, Ben Newell, Blake Johnson, Bobby Mathews, C.W. Blackwell, Curtis Ippolito, David Tromblay, Don Stoll, F.J. Romano, Gabriel Hart, Graham Wynd, Ian Ayris, Jason Butkowski, J.B. Stevens, and John Bowie. [noir] no-ir noun a genre of crime film or fiction characterized by cynicism, fatalism, and moral ambiguity. a film or novel in the noir genre. [dirty realism] dir-ty re-al-ism noun a style of writing, originating in the US in the 1980s, which depicts in great detail the seamier or more mundane aspects of ordinary life It's meticulously researched; the style is an unforgiving dirty realism. -- Times, Sunday Times (2013) - - -

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 162 Pages (2,173 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 8th, 2024

LOCKDOWN LAWYER by Donald W. Desaulniers 4.2 Stars (20 Reviews)    Price verified 39 minutes ago

When the ongoing Portland riots cost gifted attorney Glen Sanderson his job and his apartment, Glen drives back to his home state of New York to start a new life. Love bursts forth with a brilliant computer whiz named Gillian Smith who creates a program to better assess mortgage applications. That creation is stolen by a wealthy but unscrupulous mortgage lender. The thief has no idea of the unparalleled ingenuity of his intended victims. Larceny has no chance against pure genius. ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Donald W. Desaulniers is a retired Canadian lawyer who has penned more than 100 novels. Please check out his Author Page on Amazon for details about each of his books.

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 196 Pages (679 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 8th, 2024

A Novel Mystery: A Sweet Cozy Romance (A Novel Love Book 2) by E.E. Everly 4.6 Stars (13 Reviews)    Price verified one hour ago

Breakups happen. But why am I so crushed when I did the breaking? Molly's mission: find the missing author and the manuscript and don't fall for moody, uptight guys in the process. Tasked by her boss to find a missing author, Molly Balan heads to the Outer Banks, the writer's last known whereabouts. If the manuscript isn't found, Molly will be the one to disappoint loyal readers waiting for the final book in a mystery series about a crime-solving bloodhound. Molly doesn't expect to meet Mateo Cohen, an all-business, no-nonsense senator's son. He clearly needs to loosen up, especially after his father's success in the primary election. Molly takes Mateo's relaxation as a personal challenge while also roping him into helping her find the missing author. Sunsets and romantic walks soon take precedence over finding an author who writes about bloodhounds. What should be a simple mystery turns into a complicated romance. Molly knows that at the end of the week, she and Mateo will go ...

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 237 Pages (1,665 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 8th, 2024

Storm Warning (Honourable Duncan Morant Book 1) by Alan Savage (Lume Books) 4.4 Stars (3,578 Reviews)    Price verified 6 hours ago

A thrilling adventure story set in World War II, and the first book in the Honourable Duncan Morant series. In August 1939, the Honourable Duncan Morant, only son and heir of the second Lord Eversham, is enjoying life as a man-about-town and skippering his racing schooner Kristin. But he is also a sub-lieutenant in the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve, and as the war clouds gather, he is called up. Due to his experience in small boats and of navigating the English Channel, Morant is given command of one of the new torpedo boats. This is a disappointment ? both because he had hoped for a place on a battleship, and because no one in the Navy seems to know exactly what these boats are to be used for. However, as the war takes a disastrous turn, the Channel becomes a battleground and Duncan and his crew, in their plywood hull, find themselves in the thick of hazardous operations... Christopher Nicole (who originally published this book under the pseudonym Alan Savage) is a British author ...

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 263 Pages (2,389 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 8th, 2024

The Other Side of the Mirror: An LGBTQ Thriller (The Jace Lannister Mirror Series Book 1) by Christopher Murphy 4.6 Stars (51 Reviews)    Price verified 7 hours ago

A new voice in the LGBTQ fiction genre... 5 STAR REVIEW: "Shatters expectations... Murphy delivers a pulse-pounding novel full of suspense and sharp wit. A roller-coaster pace barrels dynamic characters across the page with unwavering finesse. It's the sexiest thriller of the year, with a dynamite final act that stays with you long after the last page." - Sam Smith ABOUT THE BOOK: What if your reflection was not your own? For Jace Lannister, it's not always easy being black and gay in the weird world of Portland. It doesn't help that he's the son of the Brooklyn Butcher, the notorious serial killer who claimed nineteen lives in the early '90s before escaping justice. With buried secrets and a new identity, Jace has created a new life for himself far from his blood-stained roots. But all is shattered when a gruesome murder surfaces echoing the past, fueled by his father's dark legacy. Has the Brooklyn Butcher returned? Is history destined to repeat itself in the image of his son? Or ...

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 332 Pages (6,397 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 8th, 2024

Growing Children by Salustiano Berrios 4.4 Stars (12 Reviews)    Price verified 39 minutes ago

Struggling to raise his autistic son, Jim Simple finds himself in a desperate quest to father more "healthy" children. Enter Passenger, a scientist working on the cutting edge of morality. With intersecting interests, Jim and Passenger walk down a road none have traveled before, where the creation of life may result in death, itself. As a single father struggling to come to terms with raising his autistic teenage son, Jim comes to a drunken realization that he's been robbed of the normal experience of fatherhood, and is likely never to get it back. Accepting that his son, Robin, is a lost cause, Jim is newly determined to explore different avenues through which he can secure more children--healthy children--before the time on his clock runs out. But as a man, and as a widower unwilling to have children with a woman other than his deceased wife, the options are few and far between, forcing Jim to take a leap of faith into the arms of a black-market scientist, called Passenger. But not ...

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 185 Pages (343 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 8th, 2024

RESET 80 to 18 EVERYTHING BACK TO THE START 80 years reset to 18 years: The memory sucker Memory Transfer Caribbean SciFi romantic thriller with some ... by Joe Milorent 5.0 Stars (2 Reviews)    Price verified one hour ago

Caribbean SciFi romantic thriller with some eroticism without corpses Professor Jäger, the owner of a private clinic in Zurich who is seriously ill with cancer, succeeds in creating a human dream. He discovers how data from one brain can be transferred to another. Together with his longtime friend Bernd, an engineer who enjoys his retirement in the Caribbean, he develops a "memory sucker" that makes this "memory transfer" possible. The terminal illness urges a self-experiment. Professor Jäger transfers all his knowledge, experiences and memories into the "almost empty" brain of a mentally handicapped young man. He adopts him and bequeaths his millions in property to him. This brings dubious characters on the plan who want to take this inheritance from the 18 years old. Also, this groundbreaking discovery must be kept secret to protect it from from abuse. Frank Jäger, the young man with now all the knowledge of his adoptive father in his head, travels to Sosua in the ...

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 313 Pages (2,355 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 8th, 2024

Plunge (Las Vegas Mystery Book 7) by Rex Kusler 4.0 Stars (187 Reviews)    Price verified 15 minutes ago

Alice James and Jim Snow are back together working on a new case while trying to resolve their personal differences. This investigation is focused on a recently retired jockey who was stabbed and thrown off the roof of a parking garage after an argument with his new wife, two friends, and a former NBA hellion who vehemently objected to the victim's method of play at their blackjack table. Nobody seemed to like the victim, causing the James & James Detective team to wonder why the barmaid of his favorite dive, a former professional bowler, would want to tie the knot with him in Vegas. Once it's discovered the victim planned to write his memoir, supposedly containing an expose of the chicanery going on at a disreputable race track in Bakersfield -- Alice and Snow are driven to get to the bottom of it.

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 190 Pages (3,395 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 8th, 2024

The Don's Gambit: A Dark Organized Crime Romantic Thriller (Blood Vendetta Book 1) by A. Hayat 4.6 Stars (16 Reviews)    Price verified 5 hours ago

Immerse yourself in the gripping world of "The Don's Gambit," the irresistible first installment of the Blood Vendetta series -- an enticing, dark thriller that you can read and enjoy for FREE. In the chilling depths of Lily's childhood, she escaped the clutches of human trafficking, emerging as a resilient force against the shadows of her past. Now, a skilled federal agent, Lily is on a relentless mission for justice, but the ghosts she left behind refuse to be silenced. She crosses paths with Zayn, a mysterious and magnetic figure with a past as tumultuous as Lily's own. Their worlds collide in a tempest of desire, and what ensues is an explosive affair -- steamy, passionate, and laced with an intoxicating blend of obsession and infatuation. As they navigate the treacherous dance of love and danger, Lily and Zayn must confront not only external threats but the demons that haunt their own hearts. From the gritty underworld of crime to the sizzling intensity of their shared ...

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 779 Pages (1,079 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 8th, 2024

Home Sweet Hostage by Jessica Lynn Sorensen (Jessica Goldsney) 5.0 Stars (2 Reviews)    Price verified 29 minutes ago

When Zyler Dixon moves into an estate sale-furnished house to start anew, he never expected his life to take a spine-chilling turn. The first morning in his new home, he wakes up to a woman in his bed -- the same woman the realtor claimed to be dead. Shocked, Zyler confronts her, only to be met with an emotional revelation: the woman insists he is her husband and has been missing for two years. Confused and disoriented, Vanessa is adamant that she did not sell her house and refuses to leave. As they grapple with their conflicting memories, they realize they must work together to unravel the truth. However, they realize that it can be difficult to collaborate with someone whom you perceive as mentally unstable. With everyone pointing fingers at Zyler as the missing person in Pooler, Georgia, he and Vanessa must navigate a complicated maze of deceit to uncover the sinister forces at play. But can they trust each other when the truth is more twisted than they ever imagined? This ...

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 219 Pages (1,624 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 8th, 2024

Mystery at Glennon Hall (A Glennon Normal School Historical Mystery Book 1) by R. A. Wallace 4.1 Stars (655 Reviews)    Price verified 5 hours ago

A Glennon Normal School Historical Mystery Book 1 Early September 1918. The Great War. Although the world is at war, Delia Markham is adjusting to her job as a typewriting teacher at the Glennon Normal School in the fall term of 1918. Her new life revolves around teaching future teachers. It isn't an easy transition from her former assignment as Yeoman (F) in the U. S. Naval Reserve. When the call was made for women to help in the war effort, Delia was one of the first to sign up for a four-year enlistment using a loophole in the language that allowed women to join the service. That loophole relieved men of the clerical duties that kept them from combat. It offered women equal pay and rank for the same work. Thousands rushed forward to fill that gap. To differentiate them from other yeomen, the (f) designation was used. After spending years caring for her parents and ultimately losing them both, joining the service in the spring of 1917 was an exciting opportunity. One she ...

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 172 Pages (2,400 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 8th, 2024

The Quilt Ripper (Miranda Hathaway Adventures Book 1) by Mary Devlin Lynch 4.4 Stars (846 Reviews)    Price verified one hour ago

Miranda Hathaway is the town librarian and a member of Cutler Quilt Guild Number One. She likes to read mysteries, especially Sherlock Holmes. When someone breaks into the house of another guild member, rips apart an heirloom quilted skirt, and leaves the torn pieces behind, everyone in Cutler, Pennsylvania thinks Miranda can solve the mystery! Gabe Downing, a retired FBI agent from Boston, has recently joined the quilt guild as its first and only male member.Coincidence? Miranda doubts it but she finds herself attracted to this new man in town. He asks her to dinner and she's flattered at first, but then her suspicious mind wanders. Does he know more about the break-in than he's saying? Is he trying to find out what information she might have? Well, two can play that game! Can Miranda and Gabe find the "Quilt Ripper" before another vintage piece is destroyed? Gabe may have experience on his side but she has her own secret weapon. The ladies of Quilt Guild Number One are on the case!

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 191 Pages (422 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 7th, 2024

FIVE!!!: Five Complete First In Series Cozy Mysteries by M'LiSSA MOORECROFT 4.3 Stars (43 Reviews)    Price verified 9 hours ago

WOW! Five complete books in one volume, all first-in-series popular cozy mysteries At The Bottom Of The Stairs Clean Up Time At Crystal Shores Mary Cooked A Little Lamb Undercover On The Calypso Welcome To Seascape Cove

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 827 Pages (2,961 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 7th, 2024

Easy Street, Unpaved by Robert P. Wills 4.0 Stars (5 Reviews)    Price verified 6 hours ago

Even though Hugh has been a vampire for over 400 years, the memories of his gruesome transformation in the early years of the Jamestown Colony are still fresh in his mind. He has had his ups and downs - Fortunes won, fortunes lost. One thing he has never had is the chance to ever meet the Vampire that changed him, or any other Vampire for that matter. His is a solitary, bloody existence. Even so, things are looking up- with a new-found fortune in gold Krugerrand to tide him over, Hugh is looking forward to an enjoying evening with some ladies of the night and a meal. With the ladies being the main course. As Hugh knows, Easy Street is always a good place to be, but it's very easy to get detoured off it. It has happened many times to Hugh in the past. Tonight it's going to happen again -in a way Hugh could never have imagined in over 400 years of existence. Hugh wakes up in a world he doesn't recognize :a changed landscape, no electricity, and... Mastodons! There is something ...

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 243 Pages (2,353 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 7th, 2024

Troubles In Tahiti: Book Seven: The Cozy Cruise Mysteries by lizzie Josephson 4.3 Stars (179 Reviews)    Price verified 9 hours ago

What could be more tranquil than a cruise in Tahiti? When the newly created French Polynesian Tourist Board announced The First Annual Gold Cup Cruise Competition several cruise lines jumped at the chance to enter. Cosmos Cruise Lines sent the Calypso, and they knew if they did their best, they might win. After all, they were the only 6 star ship in the contest. But somebody else had his eye on the prize, somebody who would do anything to win.

Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense [x]
Length: 195 Pages (1,093 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 7th, 2024