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Retirement: Congrats You Made It!: Crafting Your Next Chapter by M.J. Power 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 3 hours ago

Retirement: Congrats You Made It! Crafting Your Next Chapter was born out of the wish that I had read something similar before retiring. It contains practical information aimed at overcoming some of the mental hurdles often associated with retirement transitions. By sharing a little of my personal experience, readers may find some comfort and insights to navigate their own retirement journey. It is my hope that you enjoy reading this book as much as I enjoyed writing it. So are you ready to kick your retirement into high gear? Say goodbye to the stereotypical image of retirement as a time for shuffleboard and early-bird specials, and say hello to a life of adventure, passion, and purpose. In "Retirement: Congrats You Made It," we're tearing down the dusty old rocking chair mentality and replacing it with a vibrant, dynamic vision for your golden years. Sure, it's natural to feel a bit apprehensive about stepping into this new phase of life. Fear of the unknown, fear of change - it's ...

Genre: Parenting & Relationships [x]
Length: 281 Pages (1,960 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 13th, 2024

Where To Start - Divorce: How to Successfully Navigate Your Way Through Divorce by Elena M. Greenberg 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 3 hours ago

Are you feeling overwhelmed and unsure about the upcoming divorce process? Do you find yourself questioning which lawyer to trust, what steps to take, and how to safeguard your interests without causing a conflict with your soon-to-be ex-spouse? It's time to arm yourself with knowledge and take back control. "Where to Start - Divorce: How to Successfully Navigate Your Way Through Divorce" is your step-by-step guide to understanding and successfully steering your way through this challenging period. Sometimes, the hardest part of a journey is knowing where to start. This book is here to help you with that first step and every step that follows. It demystifies the legal, financial, and emotional aspects of divorce, providing you with clear, straightforward advice to help you make the best decisions for your future. "Where to Start - Divorce" isn't just a survival manual -- it's your roadmap to navigating your divorce with confidence, dignity, and a sense of control. It breaks down ...

Genre: Parenting & Relationships [x]
Length: 125 Pages (1,615 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 13th, 2024

Be the Parent YOU Always Wanted: unasked for parenting advice for those who love...... (Unasked for parenting advice for those who seek to see ... by Anna Karola 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 3 hours ago

The "times, they are a'changing". This is an old saying but it has never been more appropriate than today, and especially in the way our children are raised. Parents are seeking to raise their children differently than the way they were raised. They want to create greater self-reliance, indpendence and more compassionate human beings. They want their children to live in a world without war and with a minimal amount of personal suffering. They want their children to be able to live, to be truly themselves, without having to spend years in therapy to overcome the affects of their upbringing, by both parents and society. This book is the first in a series designed to help achieve this goal. See you child differently. See them as co-creators of a world based in harmony and love. See them as loving, magical beings who are here to assist all of us to achieve this future world. The future starts now -- what we do now shapes the future we live in. You want a world of Love, of harmony -- ...

Genre: Parenting & Relationships [x]
Length: 41 Pages (2,895 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 13th, 2024

Conscious Parenting: Transforming Your Relationship with Your Child Through Mindful and Compassionate Parenting by Lara Boyle 5.0 Stars (2 Reviews)    Price verified 8 hours ago

Transform Your Parenting Approach Are you looking to build a deeper, more meaningful connection with your child? "Conscious Parenting: Transforming Your Relationship with Your Child Through Mindful and Compassionate Parenting" is the ultimate guide to creating a harmonious and loving family dynamic. Discover The Conscious Parent Approach The Conscious Parent Embrace the principles of the conscious parent and learn how to engage with your child in a way that promotes mutual respect and understanding. This book provides valuable insights into becoming a conscious parent, where you are fully present and attuned to your child's needs. Peaceful Parenting Experience the transformative power of peaceful parenting. This approach fosters a calm and nurturing environment, allowing both you and your child to thrive. Learn techniques to manage stress and maintain a peaceful home, even in the face of challenges. Build Strong Parenting Connections: Parenting Connection Develop a strong ...

Genre: Parenting & Relationships [x]
Length: 38 Pages (826 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 13th, 2024

Understanding Toddler Tantrums: A Neuroscientific Approach to Calming Your Child by Alan Leyderman 5.0 Stars (10 Reviews)    Price verified 3 hours ago

"Understanding Toddler Tantrums," set off on a transforming trip through the uncertain terrain of toddlerhood. Designed with the time-pressed parent in mind, this engaging exploration provides a systematic way to navigate the rough seas of toddler meltdowns, presenting significant details in a clear and concise format. Readers are skillfully and sympathetically led through the complex subtleties of tantrums in this gripping guide. The author wastes no time and explores the underlying complications within the first chapter, presenting practical solutions that profoundly connect with the day-to-day challenges of contemporary parenting. Every idea is carefully examined, providing practical advice aimed at fulfilling the needs of parents looking for real answers in the middle of the confusion. But with so many books on the same subject, why should someone spend their time reading this one? The solution is in its all-encompassing strategy -- it's not just about controlling tantrums, but ...

Genre: Parenting & Relationships [x]
Length: 52 Pages (922 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 13th, 2024

Not Another Christian Parenting Book: Practical Resources for Applying God's Grace to Your Specific Parenting Challenges by Peter Daniel James 4.9 Stars (16 Reviews)    Price verified 4 hours ago

Have you read great parenting books with principles you agree with BUT... you need help applying them to your daily struggles? Introducing a practical new resource for bringing God's grace and wisdom to your specific parenting challenges. In Not Another Christian Parenting Book, father of four Peter Daniel James compiles effective frameworks, questionnaires, and tools to empower you to craft custom solutions for your unique situation. With a simple but powerful weekly couple or group study format, you'll learn how to: • Pinpoint the root motivations behind your child's difficult behaviors • Avoid unhealthy parenting goals and develop grace-based goals instead • Replace lecturing and punishing with connecting and correcting • Move beyond behavior modification to shepherding your child's heart • Implement in-the-moment parenting responses you can stand by This is different from a book of principles. It equips you with a step-by-step blueprint for applying grace and ...

Genre: Parenting & Relationships [x]
Length: 120 Pages (3,295 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 13th, 2024

100+ Creative Quality Family Time Activities: How to build positive parent-child connections, boost self-confidence & minimise tantrums by Rushani Mahendran 5.0 Stars (2 Reviews)    Price verified 8 hours ago

"100+ Creative Ways to Spend Quality Family Time" is your ultimate guide to transforming ordinary moments into extraordinary memories. This book is packed with innovative and diverse activities designed to bring families closer, spark joy, and create lasting bonds, all while fitting seamlessly into your busy lives. Say goodbye to the usual routine and discover a world of possibilities to keep everyone entertained and connected, from toddlers to teens -- and even the grown-ups too! What Makes This Book Unique? • Diverse Range of Activities: From word games and food challenges to sports, arts, and digital fun, this book covers a broad spectrum of interests and preferences. Each activity is thoughtfully crafted to be engaging, accessible, and adaptable to different age groups and settings. • Focused on Quality, Not Quantity: Learn how to make the most of the time you have, with activities that foster genuine interaction, creativity, and shared enjoyment. Whether you have a few ...

Genre: Parenting & Relationships [x]
Length: 260 Pages (2,436 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 13th, 2024

50 Common Rare Diseases by Alfred Brock 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 3 hours ago

Rare Diseases are categorized as diseases that 200,000 or less people suffer from or encounter. Here are 50 Rare Diseases. If we leave out all of the other rare diseases and pretend these 50 all have 200,000 patients associated with them then the total comes to 10 million people. Therefore, it is theoretically possible that these disease impact over 3 percent of the present population of the United States. If we include an average of 5 people who interact with the patient and, therefore are directly impacted by the diseases then we get 60 million people. In that case these common rare diseases could very well impact 20 percent of the population. As the numbers of those suffering from these diseases is not clearly known we cannot accurately state any number. 20 percent, however, as the number of Americans directly impacted by rare diseases is not far-fetched as within this small group presented all of the other rare and borderline diseases that are known easily take up the ...

Genre: Parenting & Relationships [x]
Length: 268 Pages (788 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 13th, 2024

mindset master: My Mindset Yoga Book: A Journey of Yoga, Affirmations, and Handwriting Practice by Melissa Russo 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 3 hours ago

Join Zen, the Mindset Master Monkey, on a journey of positive mindset exploration. You will be guided into yoga poses to relax and strengthen your body, have the opportunity to practice your handwriting skills with affirmations to focus your mind, and proceed on your own quest of Mindset Mastery! Ideal for children 3-8 years old. Almost every other page has handwriting practice with affirmations related to each yoga pose! A free downloadable printable of these handwriting practices pages is available for the Kindle version! In collaboration with Yoga Journeys educational nonprofit, our Mindset Master books are dedicated to supporting healthy habits and routines for families while laying the foundations for lifelong mindset skills. Learn more about Yoga Journeys kids television series, healthy home family resources, and all of our Mindset Master Books including our Bedtime Gratitude Journal at

Genre: Parenting & Relationships [x]
Length: 61 Pages
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 13th, 2024

You Will Rock As a Dad!: The Expert Guide to Your Baby's First Year and Everything New Fathers Need to Know What to Expect The First Year by Alex Grace 5.0 Stars (31 Reviews)    Price verified 4 hours ago

Welcome to the first year of fatherhood, new dad -- a time filled with joy, sleepless nights, and a few moments of asking yourself, "What the heck am I doing?" Fear not, because "You Will Rock As a Dad!: The Expert Guide to Your Baby's First Year and Everything New Fathers Need to Know" is here to steer you through this whirlwind of poop diapers, first smiles, and precious milestones. Are you constantly worried about whether you're doing enough for your little one? Are you worried about being "the new father"? Are you anxious about how to calm a crying baby or how to enjoy the little wins? Are you uneasy about maintaining the spark in your relationship while juggling the demands of new parenthood? If these questions hit home, you're in the right place and have found your tribe. This new dad book isn't just another parenting manual that leaves you scratching your head. It's your go-to guide for the first year of fatherhood, packed with practical advice, genuine support, and ...

Genre: Parenting & Relationships [x]
Length: 121 Pages (600 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 13th, 2024

DIVORCE AND MEN: How to Cope with the Emotions and Issues of Divorce (Help For Men) by William Chapman 4.6 Stars (3 Reviews)    Price verified 8 hours ago

Divorce is one of the most stressful life events encountered. Focussing on the man, this book covers the author's experiences in his divorce and gives practical advice on the pitfalls and how to avoid them.

Genre: Parenting & Relationships [x]
Length: 22 Pages (742 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 13th, 2024

The Generation of Anxiety: Understanding and Overcoming Modern Mental Struggle by Dr. Alexis Mitchell 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 3 hours ago

Do you feel constantly overwhelmed by the demands of modern life? Have you ever wondered why anxiety seems so prevalent today? Exposing the Mysteries Behind Our Current Mental Health Crisis In an era characterized by rapid technological advancements and societal pressures, anxiety has become an ever-present companion for many. "The Generation of Anxiety" explores how genetics, environment, and the digital age interact to build our mental health landscape as it digs deeper into the roots of this ubiquitous problem. Discover how the genetic legacies of our ancestors influence our vulnerability to anxiety and examine the complex interplay between our genetic makeup and our environment. Through compelling personal narratives, such as the story of young Adeline, and rigorous scientific analysis, this book offers a comprehensive understanding of how early experiences and environmental factors contribute to the development of anxiety disorders. What You Will Learn: - Genetic Influences: ...

Genre: Parenting & Relationships [x]
Length: 196 Pages (321 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 13th, 2024

Cancer Reversal Recipes For Seniors: The Ultimate Guide to Reversing Cancer Through Quick and Easy-to-Prepare Recipes by Jimmy C. Sierra Price verified 13 minutes ago

Prepare to embark on a life-changing culinary journey with 'Cancer Reversal Recipes For Seniors: The Ultimate Guide to Reversing Cancer Through Quick and Easy-to-Prepare Recipes.' In this groundbreaking book, you will discover a treasure trove of delicious recipes, meticulously crafted to help seniors reverse the daunting battle against cancer. Unveiling a tantalizing blend of scientific research and exquisite taste, this guide is a catalyst for a healthier, cancer-fighting lifestyle. Drawing from the extensive knowledge of renowned nutritionists, the book presents a comprehensive collection of recipes designed to empower seniors in their fight against cancer. Every page of this recipe compendium is thoughtfully curated and masterfully written, providing detailed instructions supplemented by captivating anecdotes and inspirational stories. With each turn of the page, you will find an inviting array of quick and easy-to-prepare recipes that will turn your kitchen into a healing ...

Genre: Parenting & Relationships [x]
Size: 884 KB
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 12th, 2024

A Woman's Guide to Recovery from Gaslighting: Identifying and Breaking Free from Manipulation and Abuse by Alexandra Phoenix Price verified 9 hours ago

Are you or someone you know grappling with the emotional turmoil of gaslighting? In "A Woman's Guide to Recovery from Gaslighting," we offer a compassionate and empowering roadmap for women who have experienced the devastating effects of emotional manipulation. Gaslighting, a subtle yet pervasive form of abuse, can leave scars that run deep. But there is hope, and this guide is here to illuminate the path towards healing, growth, and renewed empowerment. Within these pages, you'll find: - Identification and Understanding: Learn to recognize the signs of gaslighting in various contexts, from family dynamics to intimate relationships. Understand the profound impact it can have on your life. - Tools for Resilience: Discover practical strategies for coping, building emotional resilience, and practicing self-care. Reclaim your self-esteem and self-worth. - Building a Support System: Forge connections with professionals, support groups, and friends who validate your experiences and ...

Genre: Parenting & Relationships [x]
Length: 25 Pages (608 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 12th, 2024

Get Him Back: Make Him Beg To Be Your Boyfriend Again (How To Get Your Ex Back And Keep Him, Ex Boyfriend Cure, Get Him To Chase You) by Lucina Graham 3.5 Stars (14 Reviews)    Price verified 9 hours ago

Make Him Desperate For Your Attention And Beg To Be Back With You He's gone and you're devastated! All those good times ended, all future plans as a couple gone up in smoke. The man of your dreams has walked out, left you, and never wants to see you again. Or alternatively, he may have delivered the line, "Let's be friends". Even worse, is the guy who says, "Let's take a break", which really means he's taking a break, while you wonder what the heck to do! The Cycle Of Relationships Break-ups, in whatever form they take, are horrible. Previously romantic couples show the absolute worst side of themselves, throwing up old resentments and unmet expectations, all serving to alienate your guy even more. Whether you had sensed him pulling away over a matter of weeks or even months, or the break-up came completely out of the blue, right now you are reeling from shock! For couples that do break up, eighty percent do so, due to communication issues and outside interference. The Break-Up ...

Genre: Parenting & Relationships [x]
Length: 24 Pages (658 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 12th, 2024

BREAKING FREE FROM VERBAL ABUSE : How to Identify , Cope and Overcome the Shackles of a Verbally Abusive Relationship (Relationship Survival Series) by Alexandra Phoenix 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 4 hours ago

In the empowering pages of "Breaking Free from Verbal Abuse: How to Identify, Cope, and Overcome the Shackles of a Verbally Abusive Relationship," you'll discover the keys to liberation from the invisible chains that verbal abuse creates. This book is your guide to a life of strength, self-respect, and profound healing. Are you or someone you know trapped in a relationship marked by hurtful words, manipulation, and emotional turmoil? Verbal abuse can shatter self-esteem, silence voices, and cast shadows of despair. Nevertheless, things don't have to be this way. In this book, you'll explore: - Types of Verbal Abuse: Uncover the various forms of verbal abuse and recognize the signs. - Manipulative Language: Decode the tactics used to control and manipulate, and learn how to reclaim your voice. - The Cycle of Verbal Abuse: Understand the pattern that traps so many, and break free from its grip. - Setting Boundaries: Establish boundaries that safeguard your emotional well-being and ...

Genre: Parenting & Relationships [x]
Length: 64 Pages (783 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 12th, 2024

The Art of Co-Parenting with a Narcissist : End Manipulation, Master Boundaries, and Improve Communication for a Peaceful & Healthy Future for You ... by Finn Harlow 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 3 hours ago

Break free from narcissistic patterns -- your guide to shared parenting success -- where essential strategies, support, and personal strength await. Have you been feeling overwhelmed and exhausted by constant battles and power struggles? Are you tired of feeling constantly on edge and walking on eggshells every time you interact with your co-parent? You're not alone. Many co-parents like you struggle with the stress and anxiety of dealing with a relationship with a narcissistic ex-partner. Perhaps you've tried seeking advice or support in the past, only to be met with skepticism or dismissal. Maybe you've been told that there's nothing you can do to change the situation, leaving you feeling hopeless and defeated. But what if there was a different way? Now imagine waking up every morning with the knowledge that you are capable of navigating triggers and manipulation with grace and confidence. Imagine setting firm but fair boundaries to protect yourself and your child from ...

Genre: Parenting & Relationships [x]
Length: 163 Pages (1,062 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 12th, 2024

Parenting with Heart and Mind: Emotional Intelligence for Parents and Kids by Tamryn Bondsworth 4.8 Stars (31 Reviews)    Price verified 3 hours ago

Your child is unique, bursting with original thoughts, ideas -- and certainly, lots of feelings! You want to give them the world, but sometimes, it can be tough to know exactly what they want at any given time. As much as you may want to, you can't crawl into their mind. So, what can you do? Introducing Parenting With Heart and Mind a guide to help you become an even better parent by strengthening open communication and emotional connection in your home. Your child looks to you for guidance. By expressing yourself authentically, you can get them to open up, too. Not only that -- it will deepen the bond between you and your kiddo! With the right tools and practices, your home will be filled with trust, fun, and expression, teaching your child that it's awesome to be exactly who they are, to become a healthier, authentic adult, then Parenting With Heart and Mind has the research-backed communication and emotional intelligence tools you need. They'll follow your lead in no time, ...

Genre: Parenting & Relationships [x]
Length: 151 Pages (14,021 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 12th, 2024

My broken road: the tangled and twisted musings of an autism mama by Stacie Sherman 5.0 Stars (8 Reviews)    Price verified 3 hours ago

A writer from New Jersey, Stacie was in her early 30s when she found herself divorced and raising her two special-needs kids alone. She turned to writing as therapy. Her story is told through blog posts over the course of several years. The narrative begins with the joyful birth of Stacie's two children and follows their growth and development as typically developing infants, until the author's realization that her son and then her daughter were experiencing diverse symptoms of autism. The author describes the emotional turmoil of witnessing their struggle. Despite the author's pursuit of solutions, she acknowledges the absence of a cure for autism and the multitude of interventions tried with varying degrees of success. Throughout the narrative, the author provides candid insights into the day-to-day realities of caring for children with autism, including self-harm, sleep issues, nervous habits, and challenges with communication. Additionally, the author candidly addresses her own ...

Genre: Parenting & Relationships [x]
Length: 249 Pages (6,584 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 12th, 2024

Filthy Beast: The Diary of an English Teacher in China (Volume 2) by The White Buffalo 5.0 Stars (5 Reviews)    Price verified 9 hours ago

This is a diary written by a teacher in China who is married to a crazy Korean woman. She abuses him every day, but he accepts his lumps like a saint. His is a tale filled with woe and angst. However, it's good for a few laughs. Please purchase the book. He really needs the money.

Genre: Parenting & Relationships [x]
Length: 333 Pages (756 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 12th, 2024

Conscious Parenting Your ADHD Child: Simple and effective strategies to identify triggers, reduce conflict, increase harmony & confidence to raise a ... by stacey yates sellar 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 4 hours ago

This is unlike any other book about parenting ADHD! Click on "Look Inside" and you will immediately see why. In Conscious Parenting Your ADHD Child, I'll be your trusty guide on this wild and wonderful journey of parenting a unique and amazing child with ADHD (which I have re-diagnosed as A. D.ear H.uman D.eveloping). We cover all those challenging behaviors that led you here: tantrums, refusals, sneaking, shouting, aggression, impulsivity, and even screen addiction and deliver real actionable tips you can use RIGHT NOW! This small but mighty book isn't your average parenting tome, oh no. We'll be diving deep into the superpower of conscious parenting -- a revolutionary how-to approach that's all about shifting our perspective, embracing empathy, and nurturing our child's authentic self. With a focus on connection over correction, and growth over perfection, this book delivers the latest research and science but isn't too academic, is light-hearted and easy to read but isn't full of ...

Genre: Parenting & Relationships [x]
Length: 187 Pages (4,517 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 12th, 2024

9 Truths Every Boy Should Know About Masculinity: Find Purpose, Exercise Mindfulness, and Reach Your Truest Potential as a Man by Matt Winters 4.8 Stars (9 Reviews)    Price verified 13 minutes ago

It is more complicated than ever for young men to differentiate between right and wrong. During their most impressionable years, it is vital for young men to have access to positive information about masculinity and what it truly means to be a man. And no, I'm not talking about TikTok accounts that boast about driving Bugattis and treating women as if they're beneath them. But that's the exact problem we face. They are inundated with misinformation and lies online that are packaged up as "masculinity" to help these con men build their brand and attract disillusioned young men. That's why 9 Truths Every Boy Should Know About Masculinity is an absolute must-read! Help the young man in your life understand the difference between "toxic masculinity" and true masculinity, the nuances between confidence and narcissism, and the importance of choosing leadership and respect over gaslighting and aggression. Inside 9 Truths Every Boy Should Know About Masculinity, you'll discover: • ...

Genre: Parenting & Relationships [x]
Length: 112 Pages (1,471 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 12th, 2024

Parenting Teen Boys with ADHD : A Parent Guide to Raising your ADHD Child with Proven Methods for Improving Social Skills, and Managing Behavioral ... by Maritza D Crick 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 4 hours ago

Are you struggling to navigate the unique challenges of raising a teenage boy with ADHD? Do you find yourself feeling frustrated, overwhelmed, and at a loss for how best to support your child? As a parent, you are not alone in facing these difficulties. Author Maritza D. Crick understands the struggles of parenting a teenage boy with ADHD, and in her book, "Parenting Teen Boys with ADHD," she offers practical, insightful guidance to help you better understand and support your child.In this book, Maritza D. Crick speaks from her own experience as a parent of a teenage boy with ADHD. She understands the daily struggles, the behavior challenges, and the constant worry about your child's future. She offers empathy and understanding, assuring you that she has been in the same situation and knows what it is like to feel overwhelmed and uncertain about what to do. Within the pages of "Parenting Teen Boys with ADHD," you will find: - Practical strategies for managing behavior and ...

Genre: Parenting & Relationships [x]
Length: 53 Pages (2,302 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 12th, 2024

The Midwife's Guide to Postpartum: Navigating the motherhood journey through hormones, sleep deprivation, infant feeding and pregnancy recovery by Brenda Parrish 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 8 hours ago

Is the anticipation of meeting your baby getting overshadowed by the fear of the unknown fourth trimester? Are a storm of questions about breastfeeding, sleep patterns, and baby blues crowding your mind? Do you wish for a guide that could walk you through each coming week, reassuring that you're doing exactly what your little one needs? You're not alone, and the answers to all your burning questions are just a page-turn away. Contrary to common beliefs, nurturing a newborn doesn't come naturally to everyone. The early days of motherhood can feel like venturing into a world that seems alien and intimidating. But what if there's a trusted guide, based on years of midwifery experience, to accompany you through every step of your journey? What if you could turn your worries into the joy of motherhood effortlessly and begin your motherhood journey with confidence? Whether you're a first-time mom feeling lost or a seasoned mom welcoming another joy into your life, this book helps you ...

Genre: Parenting & Relationships [x]
Length: 156 Pages (2,183 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 12th, 2024

Father's Day by Donald J. Bingle 4.4 Stars (44 Reviews)    Price verified 8 hours ago

"You never know what day your kids are going to remember most about growing up. You hope that it is a good day, a day when you performed well as a parent. Your greatest fear is that it will be a bad day, a day when you lost your temper or let the dog run out in front of traffic, or a day when something happened that is only talked about in front of high-priced therapists. In my case it was the day my dad bought sod." Thus begins Donald J. Bingle's award-winning short memoir about his father, a heart-warming, surprising, and humorous tale about how a single incident on a single summer day can become one of a child's favorite memories of his parent. This short, simple tale will bring both laughter and tears and create a lasting memory that no mass-produced Father's Day card can ever duplicate. Pre-load it on your dad's Kindle for a perfect Father's Day gift. At about 2,000 words, it is a delightful short read, not a lengthy chore. "Father's Day" won 1st Place in the California Literary ...

Genre: Parenting & Relationships [x]
Length: 12 Pages (754 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 11th, 2024

Truth For Teens, Stuff They Need To Know: Avoid Anxiety and Stress by Dr. Judith Rolfs 2.7 Stars (10 Reviews)    Price verified 8 hours ago

Truth for Teens, Info You Need to make smart decisions and live your best life. Truth for Teens will help teens sort out goals and values and reduce anxiety involved in growing up. Teens can be prepared to deal with challenges in the world. Teens learn how to set priorities and boundaries and become equipped to handle important relationships. Among the thirty hot teen topics are: Keep Your Joy No Matter What's Going Down Around You, Being Different Is Okay, Really Experience God, Why Blaming Parents Doesn't Work, The Secret of Doing Ten, HowTo Use Personal Power, Secret of Being Friends, When It's OK To Be A Rebel, A Plan For Dealing With Hard Times and twenty-one more major life topics. Truth for Teens is divided into two sections. Part I is packed with information teens need to avoid wrong steps and achie. The second part of Truth for Teens contains quotes, mini-stories, and inspirational quotes to get you thinking smart. Truth For Teens, Info You Need To Know is written from the ...

Genre: Parenting & Relationships [x]
Length: 88 Pages
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 11th, 2024

Chloe's Secrets/Los secretos de Chloe by Maria Retana 5.0 Stars (7 Reviews)    Price verified 4 hours ago

Chloe's Secrets/Los secretos de Chloe is a bilingual historical non-fiction picture book, written in English and Spanish. This title is the "pilot" book for what will be a new series titled Isabella & Chloe by Authors María Retana, Miles Last, and illustrator Salva Ferrando. María Retana's source of inspiration for the above title was her collection of dolls. She recounts the tale of slavery in the South during the 1800s from the perspective of a seven-year-old. It was written with great care. Chloe will share her life story with Isabella, who is a child of the same age and currently living in the states. Chloe knows all about family unity and sacrifice. Join her in this journey of sadness and happiness. Mr. Salva Ferrando illustrates this period in American history with sensitivity, which instills joy rather than sorrow. He will show slavery times in a truthful and powerful way. Recommended Ages 9-12

Genre: Parenting & Relationships [x]
Size: 18,660 KB
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 11th, 2024

GET PREGNANT (FAST): Conception & Proven Methods to Beat Infertility and Get Pregnant Quickly (infertility, get pregnant now, conception Book 1) by Karen Davis 3.7 Stars (30 Reviews)    Price verified 9 hours ago

Tired of that Disappointed Feeling Month After Month? Whether you've been trying for 3 months or 3 years, there is nothing worse than that terrible feeling when the test shows negative, after you'd convinced yourself this was your month. This book will teach you proven strategies you can use at home to naturally improve your chances of conception each month. We have even included a problem solving section for the things you may be too afraid to ask your doc. This book is the result of many years research, talking to hundreds of women about what has worked for them and spotting patterns between them. I truly believe that the methods in this book are the key to success, well that and a little bit of belief! Learn how to time ovulation correctly, what vitamins and foods will help you conveive, what to do if your partner has a low sperm count, what to do if you have poor egg quality or a short luteal phase, and much much more! Tags: getting pregnant, getting pregnant fast, get ...

Genre: Parenting & Relationships [x]
Length: 36 Pages (1,638 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 10th, 2024

The 30 Day Plan to Save and Transform Your Marriage (Growing in Love for Life Series Book 9) by Liam Naden 3.6 Stars (38 Reviews)    Price verified 9 hours ago

You CAN save your marriage in 30 Days or Less... IF you have the right plan and are prepared to follow it. In this ground-breaking book, marriage and relationship coach Liam Naden shows the exact steps you need to follow to get you and your spouse together - and happy again! - in less than a month. In addition you will learn: - the 3 things you MUST have to save your marriage. Without these, saving your marriage will be virtually impossible. - why it takes 30 days (and no more than that) to save and transform your marriage - how to heal the hurt and restore the intimacy and trust in your marriage, no matter what has happened in the past (or is happening now) The steps in this plan deal with the REAL reasons why your marriage is not working. You will learn EXACTLY what to do (and WHEN to do it) to rebuild even the most shattered of marriages. Even if your spouse has already left you, DON'T give up on your marriage until you read this book!

Genre: Parenting & Relationships [x]
Length: 31 Pages (1,543 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 10th, 2024


Practical advice and actionable steps that you as a parent can follow to address bullying. Join me as I share my story of a childhood plagued with bullying and what I 'wished' my parents would have done for me during those times. See bullying through the eyes of an eleven-year-old child. Let me guide you through understanding the steps you could follow as a parent, whilst sharing the adverse effects of bullying through the lens of a child. I encourage you to be your child's champion. To advocate for and to empower your child with the support, skills and confidence they need to understand, heal and grow from bullying and adverse experiences. Written by Sensei Shane, 4th degree black belt martial artist, personal trainer, and empowerment coach who is on a mission to address bullying and provide practical support and guidance to parents who are supporting their children through bullying. Invisible Scars - 11-year-old me is the first in a three-part series.

Genre: Parenting & Relationships [x]
Length: 93 Pages (1,116 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 10th, 2024

And She Was Never the Same Again: A Multigenerational Memoir by Natasha Pryde Trujillo PhD (Violet Echoes Press) 4.9 Stars (17 Reviews)    Price verified 8 minutes ago

And She Was Never the Same Again is about you. It is about your family and your friends, everyone you've ever met, and all the strangers you have yet to meet. It takes you on a journey of gains and losses that stretch generations, cultures, identities, and decades of time. It awakens you to the inevitable and makes you look at things most people want to avoid seeing. It explores near-death experiences; medical, individual, and intergenerational trauma; the stigmatized death of a partner; perfectionism; athletics; first loves; and the gaping holes that become permanent fixtures within us when those we love the most die. You will feel, you will learn, you will grown, and you will never be the same again.

Genre: Parenting & Relationships [x]
Length: 296 Pages (859 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 10th, 2024

Mommy Needs A Minute: From Burnout to Empowerment by Alyssa Brade 5.0 Stars (6 Reviews)    Price verified 4 hours ago

Do you feel overwhelmed, overstimulated, and under-supported? You're not alone. If you've felt guilty for having a career or being a stay at home mom... If you constantly put everyone else first, even when you're running on empty... Then Mommy Needs A Minute is for you. Mommy Needs a Minute examines the unique struggles of modern motherhood and offers practical self-care insights. Through heartwarming and often comedic anecdotes, explore practical strategies to support you reclaiming confidence and mental wellbeing. ? Uncover the social pressures subconsciously fueling maternal burnout ? Explore topics like information, body, guilt, career, and identity burnout ? Gain techniques to empower and rediscover yourself Alyssa Brade is a passionate advocate for maternal mental health and is dedicated to sharing authentic solutions tailored to the parenting realities of many mothers. With a masters in English, degrees in anthropology, linguistics, and communication, and years of ...

Genre: Parenting & Relationships [x]
Size: 921 KB
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 10th, 2024

Gabe and the Goddess by Jemmie Nonweiler 4.2 Stars (6 Reviews)    Price verified 3 minutes ago

Love is lots of things. It makes us magic and it makes us brave. Because love is so big, there are lots of stories in it. Here is one story about Gabe. Gabe was a boy.

Genre: Parenting & Relationships [x]
Length: 18 Pages
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 6th, 2024

10 Open Adoption Essentials: What Children Need Their Adoptive Parents and Birthparents to Know About Open Adoption Relationships (30 Minute Guides ... by Russell Elkins (Inky's Nest Publishing) 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 3 hours ago

Each installment of this four part series is designed to be easily ingested, usually readable in about half an hour. 10 Open Adoption Essentials: What Children Need Their Adoptive Parents & Birthparents to Know About Open Adoption Relationships After an infant is adopted, why is it so common for relationships to fall apart between adoptive parents and birthparents? One reason is because that relationship is so unique from any other relationship in this world that it is difficult for those involved to foresee what that could go wrong. It does not have to be this way. You owe it to yourself and others in your adoption triad (child, adoptive parents, birthparents) to learn as much as you can in order to sidestep some of the bumps you may experience along your journey. There are many factors that go into a healthy adoption triad, but it is always good to start out understanding the ten most essential ones! How to Create the Ideal Adoption Profile: How to Get Noticed by Potential ...

Genre: Parenting & Relationships [x]
Size: 699 KB
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 18th, 2024

How Open Should My Adoption Be?: Understanding Open vs. Closed Adoption, Preparing for Possible Difficulties, Pros & Cons of Sharing Pictures & ... by Russell Elkins 3.5 Stars (3 Reviews)    Price verified 2 hours ago

Each installment of this four part series is designed to be easily ingested, usually readable in about half an hour. How Open Should My Adoption Be? Understanding Open vs. Closed Adoption, Preparing for Possible Difficulties, Pros & Cons of Sharing Pictures & Updates, Visiting Birthparents, Social Media, Appropriate Gifts, & More... When planning to adopt an infant, how could you possibly know how open your adoption should be? No two adoptions are alike, so there cannot be a universal correct answer. Even when the same couple is involved in more than one adoption, each situation will require a different answer to that question. And to make a complicated question even more difficult, there are many layers to open adoption that will each require an answer in order to have a healthy adoption triad. How often should you share pictures and updates? What are the pros and cons of connecting with birthparents over social media? What risks are being taken by involving extended family ...

Genre: Parenting & Relationships [x]
Size: 729 KB
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 16th, 2024

Sooner or Later...You Will Get Caught by Kristi Porter (Happi Kamper Press) 3.5 Stars (186 Reviews)    Price verified 2 hours ago

**SHORT STORY**TRUE STORY Kids often do things they know they shouldn't do. And they all think they won't get caught. But this true story proves the adage - "It may not be today, it may not be tomorrow, but sooner or later... you WILL get caught" This fun read begins with a young girl, and her budding career in parental note forgery. Thirty years later, it comes back to haunt her in the most amusing way -proving once and for all that what goes around, comes around! Perfect short read for those "waiting for the kids to get out of school/practice/dance/etc." moments. Includes a bonus excerpt from Stranger Danger - How to Talk to Kids About Strangers.

Genre: Parenting & Relationships [x]
Length: 21 Pages (400 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 15th, 2024
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