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C Coding For Kids | Ultimate book for learning C from basic and crack the code by Moumita Basak 5.0 Stars (4 Reviews)    Price verified 29 minutes ago

In this book, we covered some basic C programming concepts such as variables, data types, operators, control structures, arrays, pointers, structs, file I/O, functions. By mastering these concepts, you will have a solid foundation for learning more advanced programming topics in C . Start your programming journey now.

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 43 Pages
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 9th, 2024

HOW TO ACTUALLY TELEPORT THROUGH DIMENSIONS AND VISIT OTHER WORLDS: When one goes to Mars it may still be alive across dimensions by Johnny Vincento 4.3 Stars (20 Reviews)    Price verified 4 hours ago

"THE TELEPORTATION PROJECT" is the most complete research into time and space ever performed. Not taking away the ancient scientist who did the same thing around 12,500 years ago. This 20 year project proved we never die and are duplicated into other parallel worlds at higher or lower frequencies of vibrational matter. Earth is as a bus station and we make our own ticket to these worlds. Good & Evil - Positive & Negative - Light & Darkness - are all the same meanings of vibration existences. Your ticket is your own vibration. Once you understand how the universe works and what quantum entanglement is, then you will know that you will live forever. The reason humanity is so unadvanced is due to the rejection of Jesus and that a person even has a spirit. As an Applied physicist, it is one's life force that teleports and quantum entangles to other worlds, allowing for physical spacetime explorations. Time itself has been crossed. I call on two countries to be saved and act before 2030. ...

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 229 Pages (2,619 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 9th, 2024

Elements of Agricultural Chemistry by Thomas Anderson 3.5 Stars (65 Reviews)    Price verified 59 minutes ago

In 'Elements of Agricultural Chemistry' by Thomas Anderson, the author delves into the fundamental principles of chemistry as applied to agriculture. Anderson's work explores the chemical composition of soils, fertilizers, and crops, offering valuable insights into how these elements interact to optimize agricultural productivity. Written in a clear and accessible style, this book serves as an essential resource for farmers, agronomists, and anyone interested in understanding the chemical processes behind successful crop cultivation. Anderson's meticulous research and comprehensive approach make this book a cornerstone in the field of agricultural chemistry. The book is not only informative but also engaging, with Anderson's passion for the subject evident throughout. His expertise shines through in the way he presents complex concepts in a way that is easy to understand and apply in real-world agricultural practices. By providing a thorough understanding of the chemical intricacies ...

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 214 Pages (1,205 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 9th, 2024

On the Reception of the 'Origin of Species' by Thomas Henry Huxley 4.8 Stars (7 Reviews)    Price verified 29 minutes ago

Thomas Henry Huxley's 'On the Reception of the 'Origin of Species' delves into the controversial reception of Charles Darwin's groundbreaking work 'On the Origin of Species'. Huxley, known as Darwin's Bulldog for his staunch advocacy of evolution, provides a detailed examination of the responses and criticisms faced by Darwin's theory of natural selection. Huxley's writing style is eloquent and analytical, offering a scholarly perspective on the scientific and societal implications of Darwin's work in the 19th century. In the context of Victorian England, Huxley's book serves as a key text in the study of the evolution debate and the development of evolutionary thought. Huxley's insights shed light on the intellectual climate of the time and the challenges faced by proponents of evolutionary theory against religious and social opposition.

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 28 Pages (1,038 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 9th, 2024


Transform Your Backyard into a Homestead Oasis: Discover the Secrets of Self-Sufficient Living Imagine stepping out into your backyard and harvesting fresh vegetables, collecting eggs from your chickens, and basking in the beauty of a thriving garden you created. Does this sound like a dream? It's not -- it's entirely achievable, and I'm here to show you how. Envision This: You wake up to the sounds of birds chirping, the aroma of fresh herbs wafting through the air, and the satisfaction of knowing you are providing wholesome, home-grown food for your family. You've always wanted this, but you're unsure where to start. Let me guide you through every step to make this vision a reality. Why Listen to Me? I'm Owen Rootsfield, an experienced homesteader and author dedicated to teaching others the art of self-sufficient living. With years of hands-on experience in backyard gardening, food preservation, and sustainable living, I've mastered the techniques and strategies to turn any yard ...

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 147 Pages (14,336 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 9th, 2024

RESPECTING THE LORD: The True Beginning of Knowledge (Hiking The Trail Of Truth Book 9) by Mark Stephen Taylor Price verified 9 hours ago

There does not seem to be a predominant amount of respect for the Lord in these current times in which we live. Let's face it -- it's a chaotic world out there, is it not? I would blame most of that on a lack of both teaching and understanding regarding the Creator of the world. However, the existence of God can be clearly seen through the things He has made, which things are quite obvious all around us Yet, it appears that many are not really looking. Why is that, I wonder? It is written that a fear (respect) of the Lord is truly the beginning of knowledge (Proverbs 1:7). Here, Solomon is clearly teaching that belief in God is the necessary prelude to the understanding of solid truth and the acquisition of any knowledge. Beginning is literally first in order of importance; the first principle. In many Biblical passages the fear (respect) of the Lord is to be taught and learned. The beginning (foundation) of all true knowledge is grounded in this respect. The purpose of this ...

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 149 Pages (13,677 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 8th, 2024

Sleep Paralysis: Learn How to Stop Sleep Paralysis and What Causes It To Begin With (Sleep Paralysis Treatment) by Carter Andersen 4.1 Stars (31 Reviews)    Price verified 2 hours ago

If you want to understand the cause of sleep paralysis and what you can do to manage it, then this book is for you! Read on your PC, Mac, smart phone, tablet, or Kindle device. Sleep paralysis is a relatively new term used to describe the situation where a person is suddenly unable to move or speak as they're about to drift off to sleep, or as they're in the process of waking up. Before science was able to explain this condition, people believed a supernatural force was behind sleep paralysis - along with causing bad dreams and nightmares. For example, it was often explained away by witches and demons supposedly sitting on a sleeping person's chest, preventing them from moving or reacting even when awake. Now, we know that's not true, although it may still feel scary to be so helpless in this moment, your heart beating fast, you're unable to move or speak, and you don't really know what's going on. If this has ever happened to you, or happens to you regularly (and you don't want ...

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 32 Pages (707 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 8th, 2024

Beyond Belief: Unveiling the Celestial Origins of Christianity and Judaism (Age of Discovery Book 5) by Rico Roho 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 29 minutes ago

Beyond Belief: Unveiling the Celestial Origins of Christianity and Judaism is a culmination of insights from over 80 books spanning 4,000 years, meticulously organized into a cohesive format. This thought-provoking journey takes readers on an illuminating exploration through the realms of Astro-Theology, offering a fresh perspective on Christianity and Judaism. The message of Beyond Belief is not directed to the priestly caste, for they will not read these words anyway. It is for the weary spiritual traveler who has felt duped all these years but cannot quite put their finger on how the magic trick was done. Note: Previously published as "Aquarius Rising, Christianity and Judaism Explained Using the Science of the Stars," this newly rebranded predecessor is designed for a broader audience reach. The heart of Beyond Belief lies in its unveiling of Astro-Theology, showcasing how the movements of celestial bodies have influenced the allegorical stories present in religious texts. ...

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 266 Pages (11,131 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 8th, 2024

Forecasting: Extrapolation and Projection by D. James Benton 5.0 Stars (3 Reviews)    Price verified 11 hours ago

Forecasting has many applications besides tomorrow's weather, from business to medicine to economics. There are many diverse methods and approaches taken to accomplish this task and achieve the desired end: reliable expectation. Predicting the future behavior of some processes can be much more difficult than others. In this text we will consider only those expectations that can be expressed quantitatively and for which there are existing observations. We will not consider "events" per se, especially singular ones, such as the next stock market crash or nuclear war. We will also not consider computational models which are simply run out into the future, such as is done with the weather, as these approaches are not transferable. All of the data, spreadsheets, and software are available free online.

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 117 Pages (8,608 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 8th, 2024

Disaster Prep 2.0: Practical Strategies for Modern Threats by Julian Starling (Alsworthy Press) 5.0 Stars (3 Reviews)    Price verified one hour ago

Embark on a journey towards unshakable resilience in the face of modern threats! In today's ever-changing world, preparedness is non-negotiable. "Disaster Prep 2.0" isn't just a guide -- it's your essential companion for conquering modern threats, arming you with confidence, resilience, and practical strategies to safeguard yourself and your community. Key Features: - Practical & Comprehensive Guidance: This is your go-to manual for disaster preparedness, delivering practical, comprehensive strategies customized for today's challenges. - Urban & Rural Preparedness: Whether you're a city dweller or live nestled in rural tranquility, this book tailors adaptable strategies to suit diverse living environments. - Psychological Resilience: Uncover the pivotal role of psychological resilience in overcoming disasters, fortifying your personal and community preparedness. - Adaptable Preparedness: Master the art of flexing your preparedness plan in response to evolving threats, ensuring ...

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 170 Pages (1,054 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 8th, 2024

Bow Hunting: The Ultimate Guide for Bow Hunters by Robert Fairbanks 3.4 Stars (44 Reviews)    Price verified 5 hours ago

Get the adrenaline rush from bow hunting Bow hunting is not an ordinary hobby and that's why it can be so rewarding. You get adrenaline rush from the hunt. You experience the great outdoors. You compare achievements with fellow hunters. You tweak with your weapon to make it work better for you. Well, those are just some of the benefits. Avid bow hunters can add many more reasons why this activity is so enjoyable, but that's not what we're here to talk about. If you're reading this book, chances are you already know those reasons. You likely have your own reasons. You either want to try out bow hunting or you are already into it. If you belong to the former, then you want some guide to help you get started with it. If you belong to the latter, then you just want additional information to get better at it. Whichever the case, you downloaded the right book. This book is a guide to bow hunting. Of course, nothing beats actual experience in learning how to hunt with a bow, but it ...

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 45 Pages (412 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 7th, 2024

The Enigma: UFOS Exist! Biblical Proof We Are NOT Alone! by George R. Martin III 3.3 Stars (7 Reviews)    Price verified 5 minutes ago

IF YOU READ IT FOR FREE... PLEASE REVIEW ME! IF YOU READ IT FOR FREE... PLEASE REVIEW ME! Listen up, people! The end is near and you're not even aware of it. You're blindly walking into the trap set up by the so-called "Illuminati" and the government. They're marking you like animals with the Mark of the Beast RFID chips, and you're just letting them do it! Wake up before it's too late! I'm not here to sugarcoat the truth, I'm here to tell you the harsh reality. The government has an extinction agenda and they want to keep you in their prisons with razor wire turned inwards. Don't you see what's happening around you? Rampant violence, drug use, and moral decay - these are the signs of society's downfall. And the rich, they're sitting comfortably in their mansions, praying for your demise. But I'm not going down without a fight. I've written a book that may be the last book you'll ever need to read. It's a conspirator's bible, filled with compelling evidence of abductions and UFO ...

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 121 Pages (6,278 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 6th, 2024

Meet the Maker by George R. Martin III 1.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 5 hours ago

IF YOU READ IT FOR FREE... PLEASE REVIEW ME! IF YOU READ IT FOR FREE... PLEASE REVIEW ME! Prepare to embark on a mind-blowing journey that will challenge everything you thought you knew about the universe and beyond. As someone who has experienced it firsthand, I can attest to the existence of extraterrestrial life and the miraculous nature of our universe. Join me on a voyage to the Galactic Mother-ship, where I met Lord Zeus, Lord Yeshua, and even my own father, who had been murdered years earlier. But the most astonishing part? He was somehow younger and had a full head of hair, despite being bald when he died. As you read this story, you'll be transported to a world beyond our own, filled with wonder, awe, and divine intervention. And if you're someone who's been following the development of self-driving cars, you won't want to miss the shocking revelation I have to share. My car was driving itself as far back as 2002, long before Elon Musk "created" the technology. And I have a ...

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 75 Pages (1,758 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 6th, 2024

COSMOLOGY - Volume 4: The Ultimate Guide to Stargazing by Gregg D Thompson (Dreamtech Designs & Productions Pty Ltd) 5.0 Stars (2 Reviews)    Price verified 29 minutes ago

The Ultimate Guide to STARGAZING: Volume 4 : COSMOLOGY is a truly mind-expanding journey that explains how the universe came into being, how and why it is expanding as it evolves, and how it is likely to die. You'll see how its accelerating expansion will cause the universe to change dramatically in the future. You'll discover its amazing, unexpected structure, and why we can see back to the beginning of time! COSMOLOGY explains in layman's terms why we can only see a part of the universe - our 'observable' universe. What might lie beyond this? You will understand why enormous clusters of galaxies are growing ever larger and why we exist at a special time in the universe's evolution. It analyses the possibility of whether there are other universes or parallel ones. You will be mind-blown by how our universe is 'programmed' to be incredibly finely-tuned, exceedingly beyond chance to create unbounded complexity. How could this be? Could a god have designed this? You'll discover the ...

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 112 Pages (36,284 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 6th, 2024

Chemistry in Industry & Academia by DR. HEBAH ABDEL-WAHAB 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 4 hours ago

Natural medicine focuses on treating diseases, healing, and promoting health using nontoxic and natural means and treatments. This book also provides information on natural treatments for some joint diseases. Physical chemistry is the study of the amount of energy, physical structure of chemical compounds and the way they react with other chemical compounds. It also involves the study of motion, energy, thermodynamics, force, time, quantum chemistry, statistical mechanics, chemical equilibria, and analytical dynamics. This book provides information on the methods used to calculate thermodynamic parameters and the methods used to identify favored products of oxidation using thermodynamic laws. Industrial chemistry involves the development of chemical products. It uses the academic principles of chemistry and environmental science to develop the products for the chemical and pharmaceutical industry. The objective of this book is to give chemical and industrial solutions to industrial ...

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 244 Pages (10,601 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

SEQUENCES AND SERIES: Developing A Recursive Formula For Polynomial Functions by Osman Kucuk 3.9 Stars (13 Reviews)    Price verified one hour ago

This book, Sequences, and Series provides a modern introduction to sequences and series that focuses on conceptual understanding in developing a recursive and explicit formula for a given sequence and finding the sum of all of the terms of both finite and infinite series. All of the formulas in this book are provided with their proof as well for readers to have a deep understanding of each topic. We have used a conversational style of writing that gives a detailed explanation of the theorems, proofs, examples, and solutions. At the end of each chapter general review questions and their solutions are provided. We believe that this book will be a great resource for students who want to compete in math contests because one of the main topics of middle school and high school competitions is sequences and series. The theorems about developing a recursive formula for a given sequence are derived by the author by using Newton's little formula, Hockey's stick pattern and binomial expansion.

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Size: 3,310 KB
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

UFOs: The Most Compelling Evidence For The Existence Of UFOs by Tom King 3.4 Stars (92 Reviews)    Price verified 4 hours ago

Unidentified Flying Objects, like religion, have found a way to divide humanity. One-third into believers, one other into sceptics and the third not really knowing where they live. The search for answers, like religion, also has been constant dead ends. Now we cannot deny the fact that once in awhile strange things happen in our skies. However, people seem to make the assumption that unidentified flying object is directly correlated to alien life. Fact? No. A UFO simply refers to anything in flight that cannot be identified or explained through conventional reasoning. This being said. However, it would not be irrational to relate the two, but the initial is not always as a result of the former. In this book, we shall cover about twenty chapters of the most infamous UFO sightings, encounters and even abductions of all time. Some of the accounts live behind an eerie chilly feeling as one goes through them with the thought that we might not be the only one but some, as is very common ...

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 64 Pages (1,479 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 5th, 2024

The Book of the Damned by Charles Fort 4.1 Stars (213 Reviews)    Price verified 2 hours ago

This fascinating chronicle of unexplained phenomena is a foundational work of paranormal science In the early passages of The Book of the Damned, Charles Fort explains: "by the damned, I mean the excluded. We shall have a procession of data that Science has excluded." Drawing upon countless articles, newspaper clippings, and arcane books, Fort assembles hundreds of real-life tales of the bizarre -- from unidentified flying objects falling from the sky to the disappearance of several hundred people during the Lisbon earthquake of 1755 to rumors of poltergeists. Rendered in the unique style that established Fort as a legend in the world of the paranormal, The Book of the Damned is an underground classic. This ebook has been professionally proofread to ensure accuracy and readability on all devices.

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 164 Pages (1,934 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 3rd, 2024

Ecological Civilization by Jon Sawyer 3.3 Stars (3 Reviews)    Price verified 5 hours ago

On June 16, 2015, academics, journalists, scientists, government, religious and business leaders from China, the U.S., and other countries came together for the first time to discuss the environmental challenges facing China and the world -- and the increasingly important role of religion and traditional cultures in finding sustainable solutions to the challenges we face. Ecological Civilization is a compendium of the talks and proceedings of the International Conference on Ecological Environment. It took place at the Yale Center Beijing and was o-sponsored by the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting, Communication University of China, and the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies. This e-book begins with an introductory essay by Jon Sawyer, founding director of the Pulitzer Center, and features presentations by Dean Liu Chang, director of the School of Journalism at Communication University of China, and by Mary Evelyn Tucker, co-director of the Yale Forum on Religion ...

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 161 Pages (12,091 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 2nd, 2024

Shaquille, Shattered Dreams (Meet The Cat Book 1) by Carole Baskin (Big Cat Rescue) 3.8 Stars (5 Reviews)    Price verified 29 minutes ago

Shaquille, Shattered Dreams is about a leopard named Shaquille who was abused as a performing cat then rescued to live out his days quiet, content, and stress free. Learn about many important issues through Shaquille's life story.

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Size: 9,527 KB
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 31st, 2024

The Genus Pinus by George Russell Shaw 3.4 Stars (6 Reviews)    Price verified 8 hours ago

This book was converted from its physical edition to the digital format by a community of volunteers. You may find it for free on the web. Purchase of the Kindle edition includes wireless delivery.

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 142 Pages (187 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 28th, 2024

Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Electrical Engineering Systems (AITEES 2022) (Atlantis ... by Valentina E. Balas (Atlantis Press) Price verified 9 hours ago

This is an open access book. The focus of the conference is to provide a unique platform for exchange of ideas and synergy among researchers, academicians and industrial experts across the globe belonging to emerging electrical engineering domains. It also provides a premier platform for the people to present and discuss the most recent innovations and solutions in solving complex and challenging problems related to intelligent electrical engineering systems. Such a blend of various research-oriented minds will lead to productive results and further advancements in electrical engineering research. The book invites submission of novel, recent area of innovation and previously unpublished research work/idea in the field of modern applications of artificial intelligence techniques to electrical engineering systems. The applications of artificial intelligence related to various fields of electrical engineering are mentioned in the conference tracks. The conference is meant to discuss the ...

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 492 Pages (43,835 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 15th, 2024

The Future of Being Human and Other Essays by Sylvia Engdahl 4.2 Stars (3 Reviews)    Price verified 2 hours ago

What will humans be like in the future? According to science fiction author Sylvia Engdahl, they will be no different from what they're like now. There will be many innovations in technology and ways of daily life, but people are people, wherever and whenever they happen to live, and that's not going to change. In this book Engdahl departs from the theme of space colonization on which her past essays (available in her book From This Green Earth) have focused, and discusses such topics as artificial intelligence, "paranormal" psi powers, healthcare policy, and the coming loss of personal privacy. Her controversial views on these subjects will inspire thought about what the future is likely to bring.

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 211 Pages (429 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 13th, 2024

Cow Dung - A Down-To-Earth Solution To Global Warming And Climate Change by Dr. Sahadeva dasa (Soul Science University Press) 3.4 Stars (42 Reviews)    Price verified 29 minutes ago

Environmental crisis is for real and it's coming around faster than you think. It's not a brainchild of some conspiracy theorist but a tangible, perceivable fact, proven by the catastrophic events all over the world. But for most of us, caught up in the daily grind, it's hardly a subject worth pondering over. Common man in the streets of London, New York or Delhi has very little time to worry about some ozone layer up there or some damn iceberg in the North Pole. At best, it is a snow bear's problem. But the scientific fraternity and many political leaders don't think so. They are waking up to the horrors of global warming and climatic change. Hectic efforts are on to contain the damage but with very little success. This book provides a simple solution to this grave crisis which has the potential to wipe out life altogether. This is a calamity of unprecedented proportions coming our way and a point of no return for the industrial civilization. One of the arguments sceptics throw back ...

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 243 Pages (5,340 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 12th, 2024

Roundup (Glyphosate) is Making You Sicker than You Think:: Overcome Cancer, Allergies, Autism, Liver Damage and more! by George McClelland 3.7 Stars (8 Reviews)    Price verified 29 minutes ago

This book is short, but perhaps the most important book you will read in order to improve your health. We were assured that Roundup was safe and did not damage our environment. History and research has proven it is not safe and is damaging our environment. It is behind most of the explosion of illnesses. It is used in such large quantities that it is in our air, rain and water supply. Even those of us who are careful of what we eat and drink are still exposed to it and even small exposure causes major health problems. Research has found a way to repair the damage in your body caused by Roundup (glyphosate). You will find a link enclosed which will educate you on this breakthrough. I did not attempt to give you all the details because you will learn enough in this book to make an educated decision. If you want the background scientific research, you can click on the proper link below. The explosion in all forms of sicknesses have many causes, most of which lie in what industry is ...

Genre: Science & Math [x]
Length: 27 Pages (1,792 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 11th, 2024
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