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Washington Coup: Large Print Edition by Robert Burnside 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 6 hours ago

A study of the Washington Coup of 2021 and a historical perspective of the numerous implications. The author goes deep into political and worldwide oligarchical connections of our current state of the union. This is, or the closest book to, the most exhaustive and impressive writing about the January 6th attempted takeover of the United States Government.

Genre: Politics & Social Sciences [x]
Length: 333 Pages (1,305 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 2nd, 2024

Washington Coup by Robert Burnside 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 8 hours ago

A study of the Washington Coup of 2021 and a historical perspective of the numerous implications. The author goes deep into political and worldwide oligarchical connections of our current state of the union. This is, or the closest book to, the most exhaustive and impressive writing about the January 6th attempted takeover of the United States Government.

Genre: Politics & Social Sciences [x]
Length: 236 Pages (1,256 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 2nd, 2024

Funny God (Return to Grace Book 7) by Michael Adzema 4.2 Stars (10 Reviews)    Price verified 12 hours ago

FUNNY GOD: THE TAO OF FUNNY GOD AND THE MIND'S TRUE LIBERATION is a composition in three movements. It is activism, a prophecy, and a vision -- integrated by the idea of Funny God. "The Tao of Funny God" (Part One) unveils the necessary hero and understanding to face the imminent problems of humanity -- environmental, political, and social... issues of peace and war, planet and life. Lunar and solar theologies and the rise of the Goddess and its meaning are brought into focus. "Breaking News" (Part Two) is prophecy and good news framed as fiction... and some comedy. We see a coming together of heaven and earth unfold in the near future. With the pulling back of the curtain on the No-Form state of existence, brought about by very real near-death and death-death experiences, humanity finds itself on the brink of re-union with the rest of the consciousnesses of the Universe, which is revealed to be a Universe of Experience, shared. "The Mind's True Liberation" (Part Three) is vision ...

Genre: Politics & Social Sciences [x]
Length: 398 Pages (705 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 2nd, 2024

30 Years, 80 Coaches. Fighters, Hools, Sensei and Lessons (Not) Learned: Psychology of Fighting, Self-improvement through Martial Arts and Meditation by Bart Martin 3.8 Stars (10 Reviews)    Price verified 12 hours ago

*The audiobook version is available on other platforms This book is about fighting, learning and studying people It's sports psychology applied. It's about personal growth through sports, based on my training in different striking and grappling disciplines for 30 years. Some say you can learn more life lessons from martial arts than from documentaries and journalists' reports. • Why fight and what can I get from it? How much effort is it worth? • Can I become better and fulfilled through fighting? • How to learn combat efficiently? Which martial arts are currently martial and which have become just an art? • How can my insecurities be related to my need to fight? How being an adrenaline junkie and my ego can harm me and others? • Why are there so many weird guys in the gyms? Where are the true sensei? • What can meditation techniques have to do with all this? It's for people looking in martial arts for something more than the primitive pounding, who feel that ...

Genre: Politics & Social Sciences [x]
Length: 239 Pages (10,599 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 2nd, 2024

The Ultimate Piece of the Universe: Metaphysics through Modern Physics (Theories of ignorance Book 1) by Agustin Galan Machio Price verified 9 hours ago

In this book Agustin Galan explores the philosophy of elementary particles (the ultimate reality) through works of popular science published in recent years. Designed to help readers understand the latest discoveries and theories of modern astrophysics, the book achieves this goal by showing their phylosophycal consecuences. This is one of the most interesting ways to paint a complete picture of our modern world while exploring the concepts used by scientists. Written by a journalist with a deep interest in philosopy, Agustin Galan has produced a crystal clear synthesis of sophisticated theories, accesible to most readers. The Ultimate Piece of the Universe tells the story of the underlying metaphysics of modern physics combining literary and scientific discourse, mixing Borges with Einstein or Walt Whitman with Dawkins. This endless persuit for the ultimate missing piece of the puzzle of the Universe takes us down a road where Stephen Hawking and his colleague's explore highly ...

Genre: Politics & Social Sciences [x]
Length: 521 Pages (776 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 2nd, 2024

Wisdom of the Ages: Timeless Lessons from History's Greatest Minds by Stan Barren 4.2 Stars (28 Reviews)    Price verified 8 minutes ago

Dive into the Timeless Wisdom of History's Luminaries From the meditative alleys of Eastern philosophy to the resilient spirits of modern visionaries, "Wisdom of the Ages" offers a curated exploration into the profound insights and lessons from some of the most esteemed minds in human history. Why Read This Book? • Universal Teachings: Traverse through time, uncovering the ageless truths that resonate even in today's complex world. • Diverse Perspectives: Engage with a plethora of voices, from ancient philosophers like Plato to trailblazing scientists like Marie Curie, and from spiritual leaders such as Buddha to revolutionaries like Nelson Mandela. • Inspiration for Modern Times: Discover the foundational principles that drove these great figures and learn how to apply their wisdom in our daily lives. Highlights Include: • Detailed explorations of key figures in ten thematic chapters, each focusing on a unique domain of human endeavor. • Beautifully crafted ...

Genre: Politics & Social Sciences [x]
Length: 142 Pages (5,024 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 2nd, 2024

TAO: The Full Return To Nature by Cory Endrulat 5.0 Stars (4 Reviews)    Price verified 9 hours ago

TAO, The Full Return To Nature A Handy Small-Sized Guide To The Philosophy Of Taoism Taoism is an Ancient Chinese philosophy about learning how to let go, embrace change, to trust and navigate the world, becoming at peace and harmonizing with nature. Tao means "way" or "path" and is associated with the Tao Te Ching, a text from around 400 BC attributed to Laozi (Lao Tzu/Tsu/Tze), which is the second most translated work in the world after the Christian Bible. You may take your first step on becoming a sage of wisdom, as part of your spiritual life journey. You will learn many of the core concepts within Taoism to bring this treasured Eastern philosophy to the Western world, also learning of unique connections that other texts may not mention. Unique Features: Powerful Symbolism Unique Perspectives From C.S. Lewis Wisdom From J.R.R Tolkien Quotes By Leo Tolstoy Many References To Carl Jung Talk About Atheism Untold Taoist Historical Figures And Documents Connections To Other ...

Genre: Politics & Social Sciences [x]
Length: 173 Pages (2,225 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 2nd, 2024

The Distinction of Peace: A Social Analysis of Peacebuilding (Configurations: Critical Studies Of World Politics) by Catherine Goetze 5.0 Stars (2 Reviews)    Price verified 15 hours ago

"Peacebuilding" serves as a catch-all term to describe efforts by an array of international organizations, nongovernmental organizations, and agencies of foreign states to restore or construct a peaceful society in the wake -- or even in the midst -- of conflict. Despite this variety, practitioners consider themselves members of a global profession. In The Distinction of Peace, Catherine Goetze investigates the genesis of peacebuilding as a professional field of expertise since the 1960s, its increasing influence, and the ways it reflects global power structures. Goetze describes how the peacebuilding field came into being, how it defines who belongs to it and who does not, and what kind of group culture it has generated. Using an innovative methodology, she investigates the motivations of individuals who become peacebuilders, their professional trajectories and networks, and the "good peacebuilder" as an ideal. For many, working in peacebuilding in various ways -- as an aid worker ...

Genre: Politics & Social Sciences [x]
Length: 295 Pages (1,426 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 2nd, 2024

BANKRUPTING THE THIRD WORLD: How the Global Elite Drown Poor Nations in a Sea of Debt (The Underground Knowledge Series Book 6) by James Morcan (Sterling Gate Books) 4.2 Stars (40 Reviews)    Price verified 6 hours ago

Dedicated to the impoverished in forgotten places of the world, this book questions whether the likes of the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the United States Agency for International Development and other big international aid organizations help or hinder the world's poorest people. It also questions whether the aid packages provided are genuine or whether they are scams designed to subjugate Third World countries. BANKRUPTING THE THIRD WORLD: How the Global Elite Drown Poor Nations in a Sea of Debt, by novelists, filmmakers and independent researchers James Morcan & Lance Morcan, exposes the culture of corruption within the aforementioned aid organizations and the arrogance with which they treat their Third World 'clients.' The Morcans reveal there's a nefarious hidden agenda at play whereby the 'generosity' extended by international aid organisations in assisting the development of the Third World and providing relief in the event of natural disasters comes with ...

Genre: Politics & Social Sciences [x]
Length: 102 Pages (2,548 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 2nd, 2024

The Annals of Petronius Jablonski: An Odyssey of Historic Proportions and Priceless Treasure of Philosophy by Petronius Jablonski (Chandelier Press) 3.3 Stars (16 Reviews)    Price verified 13 hours ago

When his classic Pontiac is abducted by a deity who lives in the depths of Lake Michigan, Petronius Jablonski is offered Enlightenment in compensation. To obtain it he must decipher the coded features of an odyssey. He neglects to share these minor details with his longsuffering girlfriend, Sandy, who accompanies him. Home-schooled by an eccentric father, Petronius holds the modern world in contempt, the demise of polytheism and eighteenth century English in general, the plague of democracy and "internets" in particular. Despairing of his ability to understand the journey and rarely paying attention, he engages the Reader's assistance. His propensity for digressions complicates the search for a solution while making a mockery of first person narration. He anticipates absurd questions and adds chapters in response, he accuses the Reader of being smitten with Sandy and makes her less attractive, and he revolutionizes Philosophy by superseding Occam's overrated Razor and Plato's ...

Genre: Politics & Social Sciences [x]
Length: 212 Pages (481 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 1st, 2024

Governable Spaces: Democratic Design for Online Life by Nathan Schneider (University of California Press) 4.4 Stars (3 Reviews)    Price verified 12 hours ago

A free ebook version of this title is available through Luminos, University of California Press's Open Access publishing program. Visit to learn more. When was the last time you participated in an election for an online group chat or sat on a jury for a dispute about a controversial post? Platforms nudge users to tolerate nearly all-powerful admins, moderators, and "benevolent dictators for life." In Governable Spaces, Nathan Schneider argues that the internet has been plagued by a phenomenon he calls "implicit feudalism": a bias, both cultural and technical, for building communities as fiefdoms. The consequences of this arrangement matter far beyond online spaces themselves, as feudal defaults train us to give up on our communities' democratic potential, inclining us to be more tolerant of autocratic tech CEOs and authoritarian tendencies among politicians. But online spaces could be sites of a creative, radical, and democratic renaissance. Using media ...

Genre: Politics & Social Sciences [x]
Length: 208 Pages (5,270 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 1st, 2024

Our Gurney Together: How One Idiot Almost Killed an Entire Nation During a Pandemic by DollhandS t. Rump 3.9 Stars (2 Reviews)    Price verified 12 hours ago

For an entire year America, and the World, were subject to idiotic and uninformed opinions about a global pandemic. A failed TV Host who, with the support of the uneducated, fake Christians and white supremacists, was able to slither his way to the most powerful position in the world, and when faced with an actual crisis, managed to screw things up in a way never before seen in our history. Millions of Americans ended up on gurneys, fighting for their lives. Hundreds of thousands of them died, needlessly, as this orange pile of fecal matter scared his deplorable cult against masks, vaccinations, and social distancing... all while telling them to inject bleach, stick UV lights up their butts and whatever other random thing he probably saw on YouTube while surfing the internet while on the toilet. This book is a funny and sad look into what happens when the dumbest of us are given a stage.

Genre: Politics & Social Sciences [x]
Length: 136 Pages (30,851 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 1st, 2024

Ourstory: Afrikans from Antiquity to the 21st Century by Gaidi Faraj 3.7 Stars (7 Reviews)    Price verified 8 hours ago

Ourstory: Afrikans from Antiquity to the 21st Century is an easy to read introduction to Afrikan history. The book offers a broad sample of places, events, and people in history who have shaped the world we live in today. Geared towards young people and meant to offer a positive alternative to the often negative perceptions of mainstream literature, Ourstory is an informative and inspiring look at the past.

Genre: Politics & Social Sciences [x]
Length: 165 Pages (744 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 1st, 2024

Robots Like Blue by Anthony J. Deeney 4.3 Stars (330 Reviews)    Price verified 9 hours ago

Robot, Robbie's primary function is to serve Lucy Walker, but a growing desire to be truly free is hard to ignore. Will his need for freedom cost him too much? When first asked, "Robot, are you self aware?... Do you think that we are self aware?" Robot thought briefly, then responded, "Does it matter?" Robbie is just one of one hundred new robots. Running revolutionary new software, these robots are truly unique. Brian Webster, Robbie's developer, also installs "The Governor;" overseeing software that adds an additional safety layer, but this denies the robots free will. Hoping to develop the robots further, Brian inadvertently opens a channel where the robots can communicate and share their experiences. One hundred intelligent, enslaved robots, collecting and sharing data on humans... Surely, they must learn to serve humans better? After all, they are programmed to serve. Lucy wants help following a deep loss. Brian wants commercial success. Robbie wants to serve Lucy Walker... or ...

Genre: Politics & Social Sciences [x]
Length: 319 Pages (1,165 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 1st, 2024

The Surbanite's Quick Guide to Surviving the End of the World: Unconventional and controversial ideas to surviving riots, civil war, and nuclear war. by Don Shift 4.3 Stars (18 Reviews)    Price verified 11 hours ago

You may find yourself in the middle of a human disaster you may never have anticipated. Cyberattacks may cripple cell phone networks, nuclear war is suddenly a threat again, and civil unrest is simmering just below the surface. You can't plan to survive what you haven't planned for. Every citizen must begin thinking outside the box and for catastrophes not seen by Western society in generations. This book is perfect for reader curious about Don Shift's work. Excerpts and adaptations from his other non-fiction books serve as an introduction to unconventional and controversial ideas that are not discussed in most mainstream prepper or survival media. Thinking about reading Don's other works but not sure if they are for you? Here's a place to start. Learn more about: • Alternative communications • The nature of critical, violent events • Riot control and defense • Self-defense shootings • Night vision • Signs of an impending nuclear attack • Surviving a nuclear war ...

Genre: Politics & Social Sciences [x]
Length: 113 Pages (297 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 1st, 2024

Building Insanity: The Unstable Foundations of Social Justice Fanaticism by Ryan Rogers 5.0 Stars (4 Reviews)    Price verified 12 hours ago

Most people were taken by surprise when we started hearing new and bizarre ideas pop up, like how all White people are racist, all men are sexist, men can have babies now, gardening is racist, and one-year-olds can be transgender. This book explores the origins of those ideas. You will trace the Marxist ideology through the Critical Theorists in Germany and the Postmodernists in France and see these ideas fuse with identity politics in the American universities. You will understand the origins of cancel culture, intersectionality, Critical Race Theory, radical feminism, and transgender ideology.

Genre: Politics & Social Sciences [x]
Length: 287 Pages (2,798 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 1st, 2024

Elections Made Easy: A Simple Journey Through the United States Election Process by Kristine Burns 4.9 Stars (17 Reviews)    Price verified 15 hours ago

A simplified understanding of the US election process. The history, roles, challenges, types, and process are explained in an easy to understand way. You will learn about the basics of voter registration and how important it is. The process of the actual elections is described in an uncomplicated manner. The future of elections and fair elections are also outlined in this book. The goal of this book is to give you a broad understanding in a simplistic way. It is not a complicated subject, so it is important to make it as simple as possible, with all relative information presented.

Genre: Politics & Social Sciences [x]
Length: 149 Pages (18,196 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: Jun 1st, 2024

I CHING 2015 by Robert Trainor 4.0 Stars (14 Reviews)    Price verified 9 hours ago

PLEASE NOTE: I Ching 2015 has been significantly revised and is now available, for the same price, as I Ching 2022. I strongly recommend this new version, which expands on many of the ideas and interpretations that are offered in I Ching 2015. I CHING 2015 contains a complete translation (minus the Confucian commentaries) of this ancient classic. Also included are detailed instructions on how to consult the I Ching using either yarrow stalks, coins, or dice. (For those who have been using coins, one should be aware that a significant error, which will affect the accuracy of the omens you receive, has crept into the method that many people use to cast an omen.) Additionally, I CHING 2015 contains extensive advice on how to interpret an omen. By using the correct method, you will be surprised at how much clearer omens become. As part of this advice, I have posed a number of questions to the I Ching and have then interpreted the omen I received. Finally, for each hexagram, as well as ...

Genre: Politics & Social Sciences [x]
Length: 177 Pages (2,185 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 31st, 2024

The Third Space: A Nonconformist’s Guide to the Universe by Zander Keig (Thought Leader Press) 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 12 hours ago

The Third Space: A Nonconformist's Guide to the Universe is a dedication to Zander Keig, a pragmatic man who has overcome a lifetime of challenges and adversity. Zander is a pioneer of the third space. He has charted his own course through life's obstacles and is now living it to the fullest and advocating for others. This book highlights his talent for transforming negative experiences into positive learning opportunities, and serves as a lighthouse beacon in the darkness for readers, urging them to do the same. Through dichotomous subjects like diplomacy, forgiveness, trust, intuition, and resilience, when the road is forked, Zander guides the reader through untrodden paths. He explores the importance of accepting information from others, rather than imposing prescriptive ideas, as well as subscribing to independent decision-making, and striking a balance wherever possible. Take the road less traveled and enjoy a thought-provoking exploration of various aspects of Zander's life, ...

Genre: Politics & Social Sciences [x]
Length: 176 Pages (2,686 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 31st, 2024

Through Prison Bars: The Lives and Labours of John Howard and Elizabeth Fry by William H. Render 3.8 Stars (22 Reviews)    Price verified 10 hours ago

A fascinating look -- first published in 1894 -- at two philanthropists known as the "Prisoner's Friends" and the early history of prison reform. Prisons in England were once dark, inhumane places lacking any regulations. The facilities were poorly managed and unsanitary, and prisoners were treated like animals. One man and one woman, the "Prisoner's Friends," sought to change that. Through Prison Bars is an in-depth account of John Howard and Elizabeth Fry and their work in the prison reform movement in Great Britain and Europe that began in the eighteenth century and continued into the nineteenth. Author William H. Render explores their childhoods and family lives, deeply spiritual backgrounds -- Howard was a Calvinist while Fry was a dedicated Quaker -- and early days in prison philanthropy, as well as what motivated them to get involved in the first place: Howard's early days as the high sheriff of Bedfordshire and Fry's visit to the women's prison at Newgate in London. ...

Genre: Politics & Social Sciences [x]
Length: 148 Pages (1,489 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 31st, 2024

The Ultimate Medicare Guidebook: A Comprehensive Practical Guide to Understanding, Navigating and Gaining an Informational Advantage on the Medicare ... by Gabrielle Townsend 5.0 Stars (3 Reviews)    Price verified 12 hours ago

Have You ever felt overwhelmed trying to navigate the complex maze of Medicare? Let's be honest, for many, Medicare is a confusing, multifaceted beast. But what if you had a map to guide you through every twist and turn? "The Ultimate Medicare Guidebook" by David Whitehead is that map -- a comprehensive key to unlock the mysteries of Medicare, providing clarity, direction, and invaluable insights. No longer will you be mired in the muck of healthcare jargon and bureaucracy. This book is the beacon that will light your path, ensuring you gain an unmatched informational advantage. Why This Book is a Must-Read While many sources offer fragmented pieces of information about Medicare, this guide stands apart as the most holistic tool available. Let's highlight why: ? Historical Context: David Whitehead dives deep into the history of Medicare, ensuring you understand its origins and the political contexts that have shaped it. ? Detailed Navigational Aid: Don't just learn about ...

Genre: Politics & Social Sciences [x]
Length: 170 Pages (869 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 31st, 2024

Return To Play: Rebuilding Resilience, Risk and Reconnection by Brandi Heather 5.0 Stars (12 Reviews)    Price verified one minute ago

Can play be the answer to some of our most significant and complex social challenges of the 21st Century? No one cures cancer, solves environmental challenges, or builds inclusion without the ability to play in the unknown and unexplored. Play gives us the inspiration and courage to confront, "what do we do when no one has the answer?" Play invites us to risk connection in the face of the unexpected and unfamiliar. The ability to imagine solutions to some of our most significant challenges lies in gifts that we already have but that we might have let go of too soon. Reconnect to the best parts of yourself that you may have left on the playground. Play might be one of the most outstanding resume skills you are not including. In play, we are extraordinary! It's time to reinstate the power of the do-over. Join me on this journey as I show you that play is worth risking a little of yourself to become more yourself in the process. From the science of play to personal communications with ...

Genre: Politics & Social Sciences [x]
Length: 143 Pages (70,774 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 31st, 2024

Stoicism Mastery: Your Path To Transformation - Unleashing the Power of Ancient Wisdom for Personal Growth and Resilience in Modern Times by John Winstand 3.8 Stars (7 Reviews)    Price verified 11 hours ago

Discover the transformative power of Stoicism with 'Stoicism Mastery,' a pivotal read among stoicism books today. This guide embarks you on a journey through the ancient philosophy that has empowered some of history's greatest minds towards resilience, clarity, and profound fulfillment. Learn to navigate life's uncertainties with unshakable serenity, cultivate inner peace amidst chaos, and forge deeper connections in your relationships. Packed with practical exercises and inspiring anecdotes, 'Stoicism Mastery' equips you with the tools to thrive in the modern world while staying true to the timeless principles of Stoicism. Embrace the power of Stoicism today and chart a path to lasting happiness and success! Inside, Discover: • Foundations of Stoicism: Deep dive into its roots and philosophy for a solid understanding. • Practices and Applications: Master control and acceptance, and the Stoic response to suffering. • Stoicism in Daily Life: Unveil the art of Stoic ...

Genre: Politics & Social Sciences [x]
Length: 137 Pages (1,308 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 31st, 2024

INDIA POWER WORLD TOP 5: ECONOMY GROWTH BEST OF INDIA (APPLAUD INDIA Book 1) by GAUTAM SHARMA 5.0 Stars (21 Reviews)    Price verified 15 hours ago

ENDORSED& RECOMMENDED AMAZING EXPERIENCE EXCELLENT VALUE Great on Kindle eBooks United Nations Correspondent quoted" I learned a lot from this book, was amazed by all milestones for the nation and admired the transformation that has been happening in India, enjoyed every part of the excellent book. Recommended" Reviews: this book is a comprehensive account of the distinguishing characteristics of India as a nation, its strengths and accomplishments; an invaluable resource for anyone-- investors, businesses, travelers, or for teachers ---relevant for course adoption, in fact for anyone interested in India's fast paced growth over a few decades. WITH INDIA'S MOON SOUTH POLE LANDING, HISTORY HAS RECORDED INDIA'S TECHNOLOGY DOMINANCE & INDIA'S ECONOMIC GROWTH. ALSO INDIA IN 2023IS NOW A DIGITIZATION GLOBAL POWER & I.T. TECH TALENT LEADER Book reviewed for : #PMMODI #MODIFORTHIRDTERM #BJPFORTHIRDTERM #INDIAGLOBALPOWER,India power, world top 5 , economy growth , best of India stocks , best ...

Genre: Politics & Social Sciences [x]
Length: 280 Pages (414 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 30th, 2024

CHAT (The Quantum Architects Book 1) by Peter Lihou 4.4 Stars (6 Reviews)    Price verified 7 hours ago

The social media giants of the early decades in the 21st century have died and been replaced by 'CHAT', a new artificial intelligence network built on a powerful quantum computer, affectionately called the 'Engine'. Avoiding the failings of its predecessors, CHAT has become ubiquitous. A key feature is the network's ability to translate any language to the language of the user, in real time; meaning that everyone around the world can speak to each other as if they are all speaking the same language. CHAT's artificial intelligence was developed at a remote campus of Cambridge University in Warwick, England. The academics at Warwick, led by Professor Nick Caine, continue to search for new human, as well as non-human languages, to extend the capabilities of the Engine. The Engine polls the Internet for signals by connecting to a wide range of equipment, from wildlife monitors to space stations. But one mysterious signal initially eludes the powerful translation abilities of the ...

Genre: Politics & Social Sciences [x]
Length: 385 Pages (2,234 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 29th, 2024

Contemplations: A Different Path To The Sacred by Aenga Besceawung 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 2 hours ago

Contemplations is a radical departure from mainstream thought on matters of culture, religion, and philosophy for the simple reason that it offers to one who chooses to see as I have seen, an experiential, open, and earnest path to the Sacred in this time of spiritual deception, blind grasping for purchase on purpose, and chronic longing for a crumb of dignity and for a taste of meaning in life. Set your expectations from the beginning: Contemplations is not an instruction manual to health, wealth, and happiness. It does not moralize at you or wield the whip of shame to force you to conform. It will not give you the means to unlock mysterious or ethereal magic of ancients as all such things are lures for the simple, crutches for the foolish, and deceit for the gullible. Contemplations earnestly offers another path based upon experience and observation. It avails you of the choice to benefit from what you will build upon its teachings within your life rather than to be bound to only ...

Genre: Politics & Social Sciences [x]
Length: 539 Pages (1,305 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 29th, 2024

Self, Society, and Spontaneity by Erik Davis 3.8 Stars (5 Reviews)    Price verified 11 hours ago

Frankfurt School Critical Theory is influential on the left; Austrian School Neoliberalism is influential on the right. Their differing perspectives are analogous to the different notions of the unconscious held by Freud and Jung. Freud thought that the unconscious was our enemy to be brought under control of the conscious; Jung thought that the unconscious was our friend to be respected through a kind of dialogue. Analogously, Karl Marx tended to think that social systems are our enemy, to be overcome through rationality and conscious activity; while Friedrich Hayek tended to think that the spontaneous and unconscious processes of social systems (especially, market and law) are our friends, to be embraced through respect for complexity and liberty. The approach here is an integral one involving the synthesis of opposites by appreciating the truth in both. The result is the ongoing development of two major projects: an interdisciplinary social science via the general praxeology of ...

Genre: Politics & Social Sciences [x]
Length: 150 Pages (2,931 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 29th, 2024

Birth Control A Statement of Christian Doctrine against the Neo-Malthusians by Halliday G. Sutherland 3.4 Stars (6 Reviews)    Price verified 14 hours ago

This book was converted from its physical edition to the digital format by a community of volunteers. You may find it for free on the web. Purchase of the Kindle edition includes wireless delivery.

Genre: Politics & Social Sciences [x]
Length: 118 Pages (324 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 28th, 2024

Theorising Justice: A Primer for Social Scientists by Johanna Ohlsson (Bristol University Press) 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 12 hours ago

Available Open Access digitally under CC-BY-NC-ND licence. Bringing together divergent approaches to justice theorising, this volume connects normative and philosophical theories with the more empirically focused approaches emerging today in the social and political sciences and policy scholarship. The chapters overview a variety of mainstream approaches and radical critiques of justice to illustrate their value in addressing the pressing problems of climate change and economic development. Stressing the value of assessing justice theories in light of the material conditions of our changing world, the book concludes with an in-depth synthesis of how these wide ranging approaches to justice will be useful for students, scholars and practitioners concerned with realising justice.

Genre: Politics & Social Sciences [x]
Length: 308 Pages (2,149 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 22nd, 2024

Water and Politics: Clientelism and Reform in Urban Mexico by Veronica Herrera 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 11 hours ago

Most of the world's population lives in cities in developing countries, where access to basic public services, such as water, electricity, and health clinics, is either inadequate or sorely missing. Water and Politics shows how politicians benefit politically from manipulating public service provision for electoral gain. In many young democracies, politicians exchange water service for votes or political support, rewarding allies or punishing political enemies. Surprisingly, the political problem of water provision has become more pronounced, as water service represents a valuable political currency in resource-scarce environments. Water and Politics finds that middle-class and industrial elites play an important role in generating pressure for public service reforms.

Genre: Politics & Social Sciences [x]
Length: 273 Pages (990 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 19th, 2024

The Italian Diaspora in South Africa: Nostalgia, Identity, and Belonging in the Second and Third Generations (Routledge Studies in Development, ... by Maria Chiara Marchetti-Mercer (Routledge) 4.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 8 hours ago

This book investigates the experiences of second- and third-generation Italians living in South Africa, exploring how nostalgia for Italy influences their sense of identity and belonging. The Italian community in South Africa is a unique diaspora, with a complex history, including roots in Italian colonial activities in Africa, and in World War II. This book looks at how the descendants of these early migrants take pride in being Italian and value the Italian language. They also ascribe much importance to their family roots, and have often created a romanticized image of Italy, mostly based on childhood vacation visits. The longing for an imaginary idealized version of Italy is closely linked to their wider search for a sense of identity and belonging against the backdrop of South African society, currently still grappling with its own multicultural identity. Interdisciplinary by design, this book draws on insights from both cultural studies and psychology in order to shine a light ...

Genre: Politics & Social Sciences [x]
Length: 125 Pages (1,918 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 16th, 2024

Storyology Essays in Folk-Lore, Sea-Lore, and Plant-Lore by Benjamin Taylor 4.4 Stars (3 Reviews)    Price verified 11 hours ago

This book was converted from its physical edition to the digital format by a community of volunteers. You may find it for free on the web. Purchase of the Kindle edition includes wireless delivery.

Genre: Politics & Social Sciences [x]
Length: 224 Pages (249 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 16th, 2024

West African Agriculture and Climate Change by Abdulai Jalloh (International Food Policy Research Institute) 4.7 Stars (4 Reviews)    Price verified 11 hours ago

The first of three books in IFPRI's climate change in Africa series, West African Agriculture and Climate Change: A Comprehensive Analysis examines the food security threats facing 11 of the countries that make up West Africa -- Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana, Guinea, Liberia, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, and Togo -- and explores how climate change will increase the efforts needed to achieve sustainable food security throughout the region. West Africa's population is expected to grow at least through mid-century. The region will also see income growth. Both will put increased pressure on the natural resources needed to produce food, and climate change makes the challenges greater. West Africa is already experiencing rising temperatures, shifting precipitation patterns, and increasing extreme events. Without attention to adaptation, the poor will suffer. Through the use of hundreds of scenario maps, models, figures, and detailed analysis, the editors and ...

Genre: Politics & Social Sciences [x]
Length: 595 Pages (16,581 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 14th, 2024

Yield Gaps and Potential Agricultural Growth in West and Central Africa by Jordan Chamerlin (International Food Policy Research Institute) Price verified 12 hours ago

The authors identify a set of development priorities for agriculture that cut across West Africa at both the country and regional levels to achieve economywide growth goals in the region. To do this we adopt a modeling and analytical framework that involves the integration of spatial analysis to identify yield gaps determining the growth potential of different agricultural activities for areas with similar conditions and an economywide multimarket model to simulate ex ante the economic effects of closing these yield gaps. Results indicate that the greatest agriculture-led growth opportunities in West Africa reside in staple crops (cereals and roots and tubers) and livestock production. Contributing the most to agricultural growth in the Sahel are livestock, rice, coarse grains, and oilseeds (groundnuts); in Coastal countries, staple crops such as cassava, yams, and cereal seems to be relatively more important than other subsectors; and in Central Africa livestock and root crops are ...

Genre: Politics & Social Sciences [x]
Length: 156 Pages (2,634 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 14th, 2024

Atlas of African Agriculture Research & Development: Revealing agriculture's place in Africa by Kate Sebastian (International Food Policy Research Institute) 5.0 Stars (1 Review)    Price verified 8 hours ago

The work of agricultural researchers and development workers in Africa has the potential to significantly improve the lives of the poor. But that potential can only be realized with easy access to high-quality data and information. The Atlas of African Agriculture Research & Development highlights the ubiquitous role of smallholder agriculture in Africa; the many factors shaping the location, nature, and performance of agricultural enterprises; and the strong interdependencies among farming, natural-resource stocks and flows, and the well-being of the poor. Organized around 7 themes, the atlas covers more than 30 topics, each providing mapped geospatial data and supporting text that answers four fundamental questions: What is this map telling us? Why is this important? What about the underlying data? Where can I learn more? The atlas is part of a wide-ranging eAtlas initiative that will showcase, through print and online resources, a variety of spatial data and tools generated and ...

Genre: Politics & Social Sciences [x]
Length: 104 Pages (26,684 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 14th, 2024

Silent Hill: The Terror Engine (Landmark Video Games) by Bernard Perron (University of Michigan Press) 4.3 Stars (130 Reviews)    Price verified 5 hours ago

Silent Hill: The Terror Engine, the second of the two inaugural studies in the Landmark Video Games series from series editors Mark J. P. Wolf and Bernard Perron, is both a close analysis of the first three Silent Hill games and a general look at the whole series. Silent Hill, with its first title released in 1999, is one of the most influential of the horror video game series. Perron situates the games within the survival horror genre, both by looking at the history of the genre and by comparing Silent Hill with such important forerunners as Alone in the Dark and Resident Evil. Taking a transmedia approach and underlining the designer's cinematic and literary influences, he uses the narrative structure; the techniques of imagery, sound, and music employed; the game mechanics; and the fiction, artifact, and gameplay emotions elicited by the games to explore the specific fears survival horror games are designed to provoke and how the experience as a whole has made the Silent Hill ...

Genre: Politics & Social Sciences [x]
Length: 172 Pages (3,029 KB)
Lending: Not Enabled
Added: May 11th, 2024
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